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EXPLICATION: This is a strange story combination that I thought of a while back; it combines the two types of stories I release: Dragon sex, and Breast milk fetishes. I thought it was a bit crazy at first, but it actually worked well for me, and as a result I've put some good effort into making this. Also remember, if anyone wants to send me any pictures or drawings they create showing scenes from my stories, you can send them to me at my email, which should be in my profile description. I would greatly enjoy pictures or drawings of this particular story (and I believe others would too). Enjoy!


Anna awoke with a start, the pain in her chest had become unbearable for her to stay asleep. Then amidst the pain she looked down and found the reason for her suffering. Her breasts had expanded to a great proportion.

"Father!" she screamed loud enough for the entire building to hear, "Father, come quickly, please!"

Anna's father, Michael, rushed into the room and almost screamed at the sight of her daughter's enlarged chest. Her breasts had enlarged to the size of large urns and seemed almost three times the size of a watermelon each... and they were lactating. But not just lactating, Anna's stretched nightgown became completely soaked before it popped off, and milk streams began flying out of Anna's enlarged nipples. But how was this happening, and why?

In the past month Anna's breasts had been feeling progressively uncomfortable, and with each day they had seemed to be growing a little, but never to this size or this quick. The reason behind this event stems behind a dark tragedy about five weeks prior to this. Anna's family was rather wealthy in the area (mainly a wealth of books), and a group of her friends and their siblings were having a dinner party at one of their estates, it was more of a garden party as nearly all of the food was home grown, however Anna's family soon left while she stayed behind. But within an hour, most of the guests lay dead. The culprit was determined to be a strange, reddish-purple root originally thought to be an onion; the cook who placed it in the salads was later revealed to be with the Occult and was executed.

But for some unknown reason, Anna, along with the owner of the estate, did not perish, but simply fell asleep for a day. When she awoke she immediately complained about the pain in her breasts, and when her parents began to notice the increase in their size, they feared the unknown herb had cursed her with some form of Occult black magic. As the days went by they only became more painful, and about a week before this event she started lactating slightly. This was when they truly started to worry; they wanted to find her some sort of remedy, but this was 16th century Albania, and most medicines around were only based on speculation and unproven possibility. Essentially, they did not know what to do.

As Anna lie on her bed whimpering as milk began to shoot out of her gargantuan mammaries with unprecedented force, splattering itself upon all the walls and furniture. Anna's father crawled upon the ground to try to reach her, but only ended up getting soaked and had to turn back. After about ten minutes of this ordeal, her father returned with a group of about ten men and they carried her out of the milk-filled room, into a latticed chamber in the dungeon. As the milk poured from her breasts into the sewer-grates on the floor, Anna's father was debating with some men on what needed to be done. A few of the men were simple servants, but some were friends or scholars, some were philosophers of trade, and one thing they all had in common is that they were now all wet from Anna's lactation explosion. They all gave dark looks at each other as they watched Anna moan in her restless sleep as milk still poured from her nipples.

"I've never seen anything like this," said Michael, "what kind of twisted curse did that Cultist put upon my daughter."

"Come now, we must not turn to all this talk of magic for an explanation," said one of his more philosophical friends, "surely there must be some plausible reason for the events here. What if that herb had-"

"I don't care what caused this mess," Michael interrupted, "all I want is my daughter returned to normal!"

"Well there must be something we could do?" said another man.

"Do you have any ideas?" said Michael shortly, "Because right now my daughter is suffering and I'm afraid her chest is going to explode! None of you are any medical men, so I don't expect you to know how to fix this but..." Michael paused for a moment and then, tearing up, he said, "I.. I just can't lose her. Not like this. She's only 20 years old, I can't lose her now."

The men paused, incensed at Anna's moans of terror an Michael's rousing fear, trying to think of some way to end this madness. But then, the philosopher had an idea.

"What if he could solve it?" he said.

Anna's father was confused at first, but then when the man stared into his eyes, he caught on, "Him? Y-you mean Lacitus?" he said surprised, "What do you mean?"

"You remember the debt you owe him." said the philosopher.

"You- are you implying that- that you want Lacitus to... drain the milk from her breasts?" he said, bewildered.

"What is there to be afraid of?" said the philosopher, "It would settle your debt and fix your daughter's problem. Besides, I'm sure he is capable of-"

"He's not even human," Michael pronounced, "Capable or not, I still don't understand what you are implying."

"What I'm implying is that you know very well that you've betted and bargained your ass off to Lacitus for the past year, and if you don't pay him with something soon it's likely that he'll kill you." said the philosopher, "And besides, you heard what he asked you, he wanted to know if there were any lactating women in town. Don't you see, as ironic as it is it's the perfect situation, so I don't know why you-"

"Because he's a Dragon!" Anna's father screamed, "If I put her in front of him for only a moment, what is keeping him from tearing her apart out of lust!"

"You know him better than that, Michael," said the philosopher, "he's not a monster. And when did you suddenly get so short on him, all the past year you've been defending him every which way and with every busybody who dares to criticise him in front of you?"

"Look, I..." said Michael, but he soon lost his words and had to develop a new strategy, "I know that I've been... damn it, there has to be another way! I won't risk farming my daughter out to a reptile for a night, even if it's Lacitus."

"There is no other option, Michael," said the philosopher, "look now, you can see her breasts are still growing, even from all the milk they've put out. We can't do anything other than offer advice, and frankly that's all we've ever been good for. Face the truth, Michael, if we don't take her to Lacitus soon she'll die."

Michael paused for a moment, trying to find some way out of this situation, but the philosopher was right, he had known Lacitus for a long time now. Everyone in the town knew about Lacitus' existence on Mount Halstead, but very few people ever encountered him, mostly because they found no reason to. Michael once visited him for a survey imposed by the local Baron, and it was then that he discovered Lacitus' preference for gambling, one which Michael shared. For the past year Michael, Lacitus, and a few of Michael's acquaintances had been gambling in all manners once a week in Lacitus' cave-home. Unfortunately for Michael, Lacitus turned out to be a better gambler than previously thought, and as a result Michael was now heavily indebted to Lacitus. Lacitus had always been a considerate creature, but when Michael went as far as to suggest that they leave their debt behind, Lacitus told Michael to pay him by the end of the year, or else he would eat him. Michael would have thought it to be another one of his jokes, but he knew that as compassionate as Lacitus may seem, he would not hesitate to make him his next dinner if he did not stay true to his word.

This wasn't a good situation for Michael, as very few people of the time had what would be today's equivalent of around $100,000. And once word got out of Michael's debt to the Dragon, nobody wanted to help him, and by this point Michael's life seemed dangerously in question. But he remembered what Lacitus once said, after Michael asked him if there was any alternative to his debt; how he asked him if there were any women in the town that were currently undergoing lactation. As this was before the dinner-party incident, Michael confusedly said no, and had forgotten about it until the philosopher just brought it up, and now here we has, in this tense situation of questionable consideration. Michael wanted to think of the positives of this situation, but there were too many negative questions floating around his head. What if his fangs puncture her breasts? What if he loses his temper and tears them off? What if he brings her back in ashes? Though most of these questions would likely not apply to Lacitus' personality, Michael still thought them, and almost quivered at the thought of losing his daughter in such terrible ways. But in the end, he knew in his heart that there was no other way.

"Fine then," he finally said, "have my messenger relay the question to Lacitus. Let's hope he'll consider."

Michael's messenger was gone for the rest of the night and most of the next day. By the time he returned it had been around twenty hours, and Anna's breasts still hadn't fully stopped lactating. She was able to sit up now, but the immense weight of her giant breasts was sometimes too much to bear on her poor legs. The message the messenger returned had Michael elated: Lacitus accepted, and what's more, he wanted to see her tonight. Michael and his acquaintances bundled Anna into a carriage with difficulty, and at once set out to the mountains, along a road nearly as old as the town itself. Along the way Anna's breasts left a wet trail on the ground as they still lactated without cease, but Anna felt better knowing that she was going to someone who could help her. Well, actually, her father had not told her exactly what Lacitus was, out of fear that she would refuse to go, but he figured it would not be a problem once they got there.

At last they arrived at the cave entrance and Michael helped Anna into the cave. It was fairly dark and musty, but had quite a large amount of space inside; they eventually reached an area with some torches on the wall, and it was what she saw there that made Anna gasp. A large Dragon was standing in the room of the cave: his scales were a forest-green color, he had sharp black claws at the ends of his feet, spines ran from his head to the end of his long tail (which itself was spiked), he had two broad wings coming out of his back carefully folded along his sides, he had a number of horns emanating from the jaw-sides of his face, and he had two large, curved horns protruding from the back of his cranium. He was quite an imposing creature, and he looked as though he was patiently waiting for something. But then his pupils widened at the sight of Michael, and greeted him as one would an old friend.

"Michael! I was starting to wonder if you'd ever arrive. I do hope that you have this-"

But he stopped at the sight of Anna, the sight of her gigantic breasts that were calmly dripping milk onto the cave floor. Lacitus' diamond-shaped pupils expanded to make his eyes look almost completely black at their sight, immediately Anna could notice saliva dripping from his fanged snout. He looked as though he could tear the cave apart with his building excitement, and for over 10 seconds of silence he could not take his large eyes off of Anna.

"This- this is your daughter?" said Lacitus, barely able to contain his excitement.

"Yes, Lacitus, this is Anna." said Michael, "This problem has gone too far, she's now lactating out of her own accord, and her breasts have... grown, exponentially. I was hoping that you could assist in this matter."

"Problem?" said Lacitus, surprised, "Why, this is godsent! You daughter is producing a precious gift, I don't see how you can view-"

"Please refrain from all the poetry for now Lacitus," said Michael, impatiently, "This is a serious matter, and I am looking to you, as a friend, to help me in my time of need. So now could you keep her for a while and... drain the milk her breasts?"

Anna could physically hear Lacitus' large belly grumble at the mere mentioning of these words, and he finally said, "Oh, yes... I certainly accept this proposition, Michael. This should pay your debt tenfold, I dare say I feel as though I'm now indebted to you."

"Thank you, Lacitus. I was worried for her life before this." said Michael. But then he turned to Anna and said, "Now, you will need to stay with him only until your breasts are back to normal. Unless you want to stay longer, I say it should be no more than a night or two."

"B-but, you didn't tell me he was a Dragon!" said Anna, sounding a little panicked, "I mean, what if he-"

"I assure you, Anna, Lacitus is an old and very dear friend of mine," said Michael, "he will not harm you at all. Isn't that right, Lacitus?"

"You have my word, Michael," said Lacitus, still sounding extremely excited, "no harm shall come to her while she is here. And once again, I thank you for providing me with this opportunity."

"I am much obliged, Lacitus." said Michael, " Goodbye, dear, I will see you soon."

Then Michael and the rest of the party left the cave and went to head back to the town. Once they were gone, Anna and Lacitus just stared at each other for what seemed to be a long time. This gave Anna time to notice Lacitus' physicalities; he looked just like she thought a Dragon should: those two large wings coming out of his back, the four paws each with four sharp-clawed fingers, and the long, snouted head with two large, bent horns coming out of the back of his skull. His eyes, orange and very much like a snake's, were constantly staring at her, but she could see that his eyes were not looking into hers, but rather looking further down. He was intently watching her breasts, still dripping milk quickly, making small white puddles on the floor. But watching her breasts made a profound impact on Lacitus: his shining saliva was still dripping from his fanged mouth, his belly still grumbled with an unearthly sound, and she thought she saw some odd movement at the spot between his hind legs, but she wasn't sure. But after staring for almost three minutes, Lacitus finally spoke in his deep, reptilian-sounding voice.

"P- please come and sit over here, i- if you would." he said, with a very nervous undertone.

Nervous! She almost couldn't believe he was, such a large, powerful creature that almost seemed to be quaking in fear at the sight of his greatest desire. But anyway Anna made her way over to the stool-looking rock Lacitus designated with difficulty, practically dragging her extremely heavy breasts over to him; it was clear to her why he did not try to help carry them. Lacitus then moved in front of her, still staring at her breasts, but had moved his long neck down to make his head more to their level. Anna could feel his breath on her, smelling vaguely of blood, wool and some strange metallic or gas smell, almost like burnt saliva mixed with iron. Anna became more tense as his horned head came even closer to her, fearing for what would happen next.

"Could I?" Lacitus said, directing his claws at her breasts.

Not quite sure what he was intending to do, Anna replied, "Yes, please. B- but what exactly are you going to... do to them."

"First I'd like to get a feel of them," said Lacitus, "they're simply beautiful."

Anna did not know whether to give thanks or give a different reply, so she didn't. Immediately Lacitus' black, bony claws began feeling her breasts all around; they felt cold and smooth, but had some sort of... underlying edge to them, and some slight warmth radiating from his paws. Anna could see his pupils dilate as he felt their softness, and she could almost not believe it but, as softly as he was touching them, the slight pressure from his claws caused the milk to flow out more. It began to flow onto his claws, where it slid down and touched where they met his fingers, which made him shiver, as if the milk was cold even though it was as warm as bathwater. His belly made more noises, and Anna knew what he was going to ask for next.

"Could I... taste it now?" Lacitus said with underlying excitement.

"Yes, but..." said Anna, with uncertainty, "how do you plan to... get the milk out?"

"I'm only going to taste it first." he replied.

Then, still shaking, Lacitus moved his head down to them, and opened his jaws, revealing his curved, yellowish fangs, each as sharp as his claws and almost as long. Then out moved his tongue, darker than that of a human's but larger and longer, and at that point he touched it to her nipple. Anna felt a reaction to this, and this time she shuddered, it was a strangely... pleasurable feeling, and it almost seemed like his tongue on her nipple actually aroused her. This made the milk shoot out even harder, and Lacitus' tongue became like a slide as the milk flowed down it to the back of his mouth, until his mouth was sufficiently filled with the sweet cream and he swallowed. As she saw the bulge that was her breast milk go down his long neck into his belly, and Lacitus shivered so severely he almost fell over. Excess milk was still dripping from his snout as Anna heard his belly make more dark noises, and this time she definitely noticed movement between his legs, but could not clearly see anything.

"It's absolutely delicious," he said in awe, almost half gargling with the milk still dripping out, "I think we can move on to the... next step."

"So... how are you going to get it out? What are you going to do with it?" Anna asked.

"I plan to drink it." said Lacitus, as if it was obvious.

"Drink it?" said Anna, quizzically yet excitedly, "do you plan to... suck it out?"

"I don't know if I can." replied Lacitus, "Biologically, I don't think I was made to, but we'll see if that can happen. For now, I'll probably just use my claws to squeeze it out, don't worry it shouldn't hurt them too much, but I'm sure you've already been hurting by the building pressure. Come now, I've already prepared a little harness for you up here."

Lacitus directed her toward a rock outcropping in the cave just large enough for him to reach; from her view she could see that he had somehow hammered a harness into the rock for her to be... suspended on? She was not sure how this "harness" would position her, or where it came from, but her breasts were still hurting with the unreleased pressure, just as Lacitus said, and she figured that if a Dragon was going to get the milk out of them she should probably not be too picky on how it happens.

Lacitus picked her up in his muscular and clawed hands with ease (though he seemed to be struggling with the weight of her breasts) and placed her on the outcropping. Then he forced her breasts through two leather loop-holes that were barely big enough to fit them through, and latched the rest over her. She was positioned at the edge of the outcropping, chained in to make it to where she could not fall out, but with her breasts hanging out over the side. They immediately started to drip out and make puddles on the stone floor, and quickly the floor became a mixture of milk and Dragon saliva. Lacitus brought two of his paws up to the rock face and leaned on it, eyes glaring; and then he placed those giant tits between his claws and moved his head closer. Then he opened his jaws wide again, wide enough for Anna to see his esophagus, and then he started to squeeze.
With all the milk built up in them, Anna's breasts immediately squirt hard into Lacitus' open mouth, and began to fill it fast. Due to his skull structure, he had to close his mouth the more the milk flowed in, eventually making Anna's giant milk streams flowing through a small crack between his lips. Then when his jaws could hold no more, he swallowed the mass in a giant gulp, and Anna watched as the milky lump made it's way down his long neck and rested in his large belly. Lacitus seemed to have been sent to paradise and appeared to be no longer able to open his eyes; Anna herself was relieved at the release of all the pressure, and found it a bit... arousing, herself, seeing such a big, strong... reptile, draining the milk from her tits. From Anna's point of view, it was arousing, because never before had even a human man been interested in her (beyond the dull world of courting), and this experience actually made her... wet underneath for the first time. From Lacitus' point of view Anna's tits were the two keys to heaven; her milk was the most wonderful thing he had tasted in his entire life, and even though he was a carnivore by nature, he had now found a dairy product to be more delicious than any meat he had ever consumed.

With her new arousal Anna's tits began blasting milk with the force of a strong faucet, and Lacitus began to swallow before his mouth was filled, sending small lumps of milk down his throat. But what Anna had not realized was that Lacitus' belly, which was so accommodated to being filled with blood, was now being filled with a different liquid. After a while it showed minor signs of duress on the exterior, with his long belly-scales being slowly stretched outward as it filled up with Anna's delicious cream. Anna was now starting to notice this... and it only made her more aroused, and she now felt a desire to feel that stomach, feel it expand with the pressure she was sending into him. Anna almost could not believe what she was feeling: she thought if she ever had met a Dragon the only thing that would be filling its belly would be herself! But now things were different, and this wasn't merely a human woman providing entertainment for a superior creature, no, Anna was actually pleasuring this Dragon. She could see it now, the strange movement between his legs was clearer now, and there was no doubt in her mind about what was trying to come out. It was his penis.

Lacitus himself had not seen his own penis in years. In the past he used to masturbate to the memory of past mates, but as that interest faded he slowly stopped all sexual activity. But everything changed for him one day when he was having himself a meal and tore a cow in half; along with the cow blood, he also saw milk go flying all around his cave. He was intrigued, as he had never seen milk before (female Dragons don't make milk, as no reptiles do), and when he tasted it splattered on his walls he immediately fell in love. He wanted to try more milk, but it was difficult; sometimes when he captured another cow for his dinner he would try to milk it before eating it, but that only resulted in a great bloody mess being made. One time he befriended an anonymous farmer, and asked him to bring him buckets of milk everyday in exchange for keeping the farmer hidden; that system worked out for a while, but when the farmer began asking questions Lacitus had to kill him to keep his desire a secret.

That was the last he had ever had milk directly for almost 30 years, until one day when Lacitus had his first experience with human breast milk. An injured battle-maiden once limped her way into his cave, she was heavily wounded and seemed to have recently given birth. She became unconscious once she reached him, and when Lacitus took off her armor to see her wound that was when he saw them: the battle-maiden's breasts were simply gigantic, almost the size of Anna's now, and she was heavily lactating. As he quickly recognised the substance, and because it was running all over his floor, he began to lap up her milk off the ground and almost passed out himself in ecstasy. After that he began lapping up the milk from her breasts directly, seemingly unaware that she was bleeding out, and continued to do so until he realized that she had died. He felt sad after her death, having eaten her corpse there seemed to be no other source of that delicious milk he had tasted... until the day Michael's messenger sent him word of Anna's "problem"

Lacitus thought of all these things as the tasty milk once more filled his stomach, and he almost couldn't believe how he had gotten here. Just a day ago he was about to lose all hope of tasting milk again, and now his belly was half full with it. He opened his eyes to look at Anna, and was surprised when he saw her face; she had a look of fear, potent desire and satisfaction... and he also noticed she was looking down. He knew exactly what that meant. He took his mouth away from her breasts, which only caused milk to slosh out of his mouth and spray all over his horns, and he looked down between his legs. His penis had come out of his cloaca for the first time in over 100 years, and there it was, in all its long, wide glory, throbbing with desire. Anna was scared, thoughts flashed in her mind that Lacitus would forcibly violate her with that giant organ, but by now she was no longer afraid. In fact, she almost considered it a possibility to be buried in his Dragon-semen; Lacitus, on the other hand, looked ashamed, he felt like he knew this would happen, but that it would make him look "unprofessional"

"I- I'm sorry, Anna, I-" said Lacitus, attempting to apologize for something Anna did not understand.

But before he could finish Anna cut him off, "You... you have feelings for me, don't you? Has this ever happened before?"

Lacitus then recounted to her the entire history he had with milk, which I have previously explained to you earlier in the story.

"That must have been awful," Anna said with sympathy, "if I had known I might have-"

"You would never have known," said Lacitus, interrupting, "we all have secrets, some darker that others. This is mine, it is my great shame, the desire I could never bring to fruition but only by force. I want you to know I am absolutely not forcing you to engage in this... procedure; some say all Dragons have a little self-centeredness inside them, if that is true then I've definitely been showing it."

"Don't think yourself a monster, Lacitus, because you really aren't." said Anna, "You look terrifying on the outside, honestly, but that's just the way you look, you can't change that, no one can. I understand you better now, you feel like the monster inside you is making you want this but you're wrong, because there is no monster inside you, it's just you! Everybody has their own secret desire, and everyone feels embarrassed by it when they want it to be real, it's just a part of our lives. I don't blame you for trying to make it happen, you've been alone in here so long you've just... wanted company."

The faltering courage in Lacitus suddenly exploded, and he felt wonderful, younger than he had in years. She understood him! She had finally shown him the truth and now he was set free, now he could no longer be tormented by fears of his desires. But he wondered, something she said made him wonder about her own feelings, what was she hiding?

"So then what's yours?" said Lacitus, almost surprised himself by the guile he put into those words.

Anna was stunned at first, but then she remembered, she had ironically already asked him to do her desire without realizing it! That was why she had gotten the feelings she had just by having her breasts squeezed, it was because of her own secret desire...

"To have my nipples sucked." replied Anna. It was the truth, she dreamed about it sometimes, and other times she tried to do it to herself but her breasts weren't big enough then. Lacitus let out a hearty laugh, as if he had known it the entire time; now Anna felt hurt, she felt as if he was stomping on her desire like he thought she was doing to him... but she soon found out she was wrong.

"Well, if that is what you want... then I suppose that's what you'll get." said Lacitus.

Anna's eyes shot open, almost unable to believe the words he was saying, somewhat thinking she was dreaming, but as he moved his giant head close to her, and she felt his warm breath on her exposed skin, she knew this dream was reality.

"Now, I never thought I would actually say this, but... you're going to have to teach me how to suckle. I'm not a mammal like you, reptiles don't produce milk so that ability isn't hard-wired into my brain like it is to yours." said Lacitus, sounding slightly embarrassed.

Anna seemed confused, how could he suckle her tits? what would he have to do?

"I suppose you could just... inhale with your lips touching my nipple?"

That idea did not make much sense to him, but it was for Anna, the only other living thing he had ever encountered that had understood him, and he was going to try it. He moved his scaly head closer to his chest and then finally put his rigid lips over her nipple. Due to the structure of his mouth, it was not entirely enclosed around her nipple, but he discovered the degree to which it worked when he did as she suggested and lightly inhaled. Immediately the nipple sucked back into Lacitus' mouth about an inch and milk flew wildly from it. But the sight and feel of him sucking Anna's nipple was too much for her under-pleasured mind to handle, and simultaneously she orgasmed fiercely as the milk exploded from her breasts.

It would be hard to explain the immense force that was being generated by Anna's breasts; some today would say they were "firehosing" milk, others comparing it to a vertical waterfall, but at any rate, they were in paradise. Lacitus had never swallowed so fast in his life, with the milk coming out like it was he had to swallow the sweet cream almost before he could taste it. But it was paradise, while Anna finally got to experience the pleasure of having her nipples sucked, lacitus was giving many reptilian moans of pleasure as the warm milk flowed down his long neck and pooled in his belly. His throbbing penis was suffering greatly, demanding relief from the pressure Anna's breasts were giving them, but he only held it in, for he knew he must not release just yet. Anna's mind was fascinated at its sight, never before had she seen the penis of one of her own kind, and now she was seeing one that was surely thirty times larger, and it was throbbing. She was making the throbbing, the pleasure Lacitus experienced was all on her.

Minute after minute went by and Lacitus continued to drink the delicious cream, feeling it glide ever so smoothly across his tongue, past his fangs, down his long throat and into his stretching belly. As he struggled even to sit in the position he was in, he was swaying, and as he was he could hear the blissful sloshing of gallons of Anna's wonderful milk. You might have expected his hunger to decrease as his belly filled, but it was not so, for the more milk that flowed inside him the greater his hunger was. His draconic rage was building, with a hunger so strong he wanted to claw Anna's chest and rip it asunder, forcing all the milk inside to immediately flow within him. But he knew he must suppress these desires, for they were the monster within him, and anna had already showed him that it did not have to present itself. Lacitus wouldn't let anything ruin the fun.

Anna's pleasure was almost to reaching Lacitus' level of pure ecstasy. She had always fantasized about some handsome man putting her head on her supple breasts and sucking her nipples until they were raw. But now the sight she saw when she looked down was almost too unbelievable to accept. There was Lacitus' giant, draconic head - its size larger than the rest of her entire body - and his thin, green-scaled lips enclosed around both her nipples. She had never once imagined that in her lifetime she would have pleasurable sexual contact with an animal. But he did not seem like an animal; he certainly had the appearance of a monster, but inside he seemed... human. His emotions were understandable because they were not that different from her own. She found it quite extraordinary that a large Dragon male and a small human woman could bond within their minds... and outside. But her moral feelings were now far overshadowed by her sexual ones, for there was a great deal of soaking happening in that cave. The ground below Lacitus was being soaked with excess milk that his massive mouth could not hold from the pressure of Anna's breasts, the ground below Anna was becoming soaked with her own feminine juices, and of course Lacitus' belly was getting very soaked with the tasty milk being drawn into it.

But soon Lacitus felt pain, a growing pain in his stomach wall, his belly was overfilling! He almost could not believe it, but his stomach was actually beginning to stretch beyond its confines. He had not filled his belly to such a degree in ages, not since the time there was a terrible battle near his cave and Lacitus did the City a service by eating all the fresh corpses (and some of the enemy wounded). At that time, he was so full he was unable to fly back to his cave, and had to walk (or more waddle) back; he was now starting to feel like this again, the growing inside him, the liquid-filled sack within demanding no more sustenance. But he could not stop. The warmth of Anna's milk, it's creamy texture, the pure sweetness and taste overall; it all combined in his mind to the greatest pleasure he had ever experienced, so great it had caused his member to expose itself again. Despite the dangers against him, he only continued to gulp down more and more lactation.

However, Anna was now starting to notice the change in Lacitus' appearance. Looking past the thrilling sight of Lacitus' jaws feasting on her milk-laden chest, she noticed his belly again. When she first saw him, she noticed his belly was already a little rounded (she guessed it was just part of his anatomy, which is correct) but now... now it was simply massive. You could compare its appearance to the dome of an observatory, only slightly smaller and more elliptical, and definitely not as rigid. Yes, Anna had noticed with surprised eyes that Lacitus' belly, which seemed so firm with the pressure inside, was actually swaying! The hard scales around it were themselves stretching, making the difficult-to-define gaps between them more visible as it pushed its limits. You see, a Dragon's stomach is more flexible than that of other organisms so as to accommodate more meat, but now it seems even the greatest stretches of his belly were being exerted. Lacitus began to worry, what could happen if he burst inside with all the delicious milk he was drinking?

But then Lacitus became a little too curious.

The worry building up inside him, Lacitus lifted one of his hands off the ground and pressed it to his expanded belly, trying to feel how much he had accumulated inside him. But then he felt it and... it was so round, so large and warm and slippery from the milk that had fallen on it. He ran his clawed hand across his abdomen and it moved in a great arch from the slope of it. Mesmerized, he took his mouth off of Anna's breasts, causing warm milk to spray hard on his neck and back, and looked at his belly. At its sight his penis immediately filled with blood and became erect again; he was stunned at how big it had gotten, how much milk he had drunk from Anna's breasts (and how much they held). And then he noticed his belly was no longer rigid; he shook his hand and observed a great jiggle as the milk within him slammed into the walls of his stomach. It felt great, he almost laughed like a child from the greatness he felt, how much milky girth he had accumulated, he wanted to feel it again.

And then he squeezed it.

The great amount of pressure built up in him from all the milk was altered at his grip, and a great swath of milk in his jiggly belly suddenly found itself with no place to go... except out. Lacitus felt the terrible lurchings as milk filled back into his throat and approached his mouth, he tried to suppress it, to get it to go back in, but there was no longer any room. Then with a mighty belch a torrent of milk expelled from his mouth and splashed onto Anna, her body immediately becoming soaked with it's wetness and warmth. The milk had already neutralized most of the acid present in Lacitus' stomach (luckily, or Anna would likely now be dissolved into nearly nothing) but she still felt a slight burn on her skin, mixed with the retained heat of her milk. Both of them were shocked.

"Oh god, I- I'm so sorry!" said Lacitus quickly, seeing her shaking in what seemed to be pain, "This was all a terrible mistake, here I'll just-"

"No!" screamed Anna, a mad look of desire in her eyes.

Immediately she grabbed his head and pulled it toward her. Lacitus' head was far too large and heavy for her to pull on her own, but when he felt her pulling he moved his head in that direction. They were eye level, Lacitus' orange eyes meeting Anna's much smaller eyes, but her eyes had that crazed look of desire, the look of profound wanting and anger, but not anger at him.

"I want you to..." Anna started, "I want you to finish."

"Finish? A-after I-" said Lacitus, but he was interrupted by more of Anna pulling his head closer.

"Y-you're going to do what I say now, alright?" said Anna sultrily, to Lacitus' surprise, "I'm going to need you to trust me on this, can you trust me Lacitus?"

Lacitus didn't know how to reply, this had all happened so suddenly. After vomiting her own milk back onto her he expected her to be scared and angry, and want to immediately be taken back to her father. But instead she wanted him to finish his actions, and, strangest of all, she wanted to be in control. But why? What was she trying to accomplish? Why should he let her boss him around? He was a Dragon, at any moment he could just eat her for displeasing him, why not just do it now? But Lacitus stopped at this thought, that's the monster talking, he told himself, that is the force you don't want to bring out. He agreed with himself that he needed to trust her, as she had already been trusted to him by Michael, he was the one who was supposed to protect her.

"Well... yes, I trust you." replied Lacitus, "But what... what are you trying to accomplish with this?"

"I've been letting you do whatever you want to me for the past few hours, now it's my turn." said Anna, "And besides, you want something from me, and I want something from you. This can help both of us get what we want."

Lacitus still seemed confused, but he did agree with what she was saying.

"Well, alright." he said, "So what do I need to do?"

Anna pulled his massive head into her equally massive breasts and simply whispered, "Drink." Excitedly, his lips once again found her large nipples and pulled them into his mouth. The milk began flowing back in as if nothing had changed, except that Lacitus now had more room in his belly for seconds. After blissfully drinking for a few minutes, Anna pulled Lacitus' head off of her, giggling as she watched excess milk dribble from his mouth onto his chest.

"You've been too quiet," she said, again sultrily, "and you haven't been telling me how you feel. So tell me, how does it taste?"

"It's delicious," replied Lacitus, "I've never tasted anything better."

"No, I want description." said Anna, "Describe to me how it tastes, what it feels like."

Well..." said Lacitus, trying to think of some... exciting words to use, "It is very creamy, and sweeter than pure sugar. It feels very warm and sticky flowing down my throat. As it pools in my belly it makes me feel very warm inside."
Lacitus now realized why she was having him say all this: the feedback was making her wet. She was getting horny by listening to him talk about her milk!

"That's right... now drink again, slower this time." she said, almost otherworldly, like she was stuck in some other paradise. Lacitus did as she asked and began to drink slower, allowing for more milk to accumulate in his mouth before he swallowed, which resulted in him swallowing larger amounts of milk. His belly was starting to fill up again, but he found it far too sexy to stop even for a second.

"Ohhh, yeah... keep sucking, it feels so..." said Anna, who was now appearing to drift off to sleep. But then Lacitus had an idea of his own.

He stopped drinking and detached from her chest, letting the milk fall into the growing puddle on the ground. She immediately wondered what was going on, why had he stopped pleasuring her? But then things became even more frightening: Lacitus grabbed Anna off of the harness and laid her on the dry part of the rocky ground. He stood over her, menacing, as if he was about to strike her with brute force. Anna was terrified, what was going on? Was he angry that she was commanding to him? But he was not about to destroy her, he was about to take it to the next level. He lowered his great head down to her chest and started caressing her still-massive breasts, the light pressure he put on them again immediately caused milk to start spraying all over his head. He enjoyed it, as if he was showering with milk, but then it got really exciting. He opened his jaws again and bit his lips down on her nipples like before, only this time he let the weight of his head press down into her breasts. Milk immediately exploded out of them and he started drinking fast, Anna felt pleasure and pain at the same time, but it was hard to breathe with the combined weight of a Dragon's head and two giant tits on her chest. Lacitus drank and drank, blissfully slurping away as his face buried into her bosom, but once again the milk was coming out too fast for him to swallow it all, and it began to leak out of his mouth in torrents. But whereas before there was the rocky ground to form a puddle of the excess milk, this time Lacitus had Anna underneath him, and so Anna felt her own warm milk flow all over her and start to form a puddle around her.

Lacitus was mostly lying down at this point, but when his belly began to expand again he was pushed upward, being cushioned by the warm liquid inside him. Anna considered drinking the warm milk surrounding her, but she was uncertain of exactly how clean a Dragon's mouth was. But she thought to herself, why shouldn't you? Lacitus clearly loved it, and it was something being produced by your own body, it couldn't be dangerous. But she did not want to drink it off of the floor, and as her giant breasts were currently in Lacitus' face, she felt that if she wanted her own milk, she would just have to wait. But Lacitus just kept gulping down more of the sticky white nectar making him feel warm throughout, it was as if his fire had turned to liquid and settled in his stomach. But once again Lacitus started to feel the pain of his belly overfilling, and the milk inside him raised him off the ground a considerable degree almost making him look like he was severely pregnant, also being raised by how long his penis was becoming again. But there was a bright side, both Lacitus and Anna now noticed, her breasts were smaller! Lacitus had drunk so much that they were almost emptied by now. However, they were still around watermelon-size, and contained even sweeter milk. Lacitus had never tasted hind milk before, it was different than the rest of the milk that had flooded into his stomach; it was thicker and a bit stickier going down, and retained even more of Anna's body heat. But Anna's body heat was nothing compared to Lacitus', Anna was mixing her sweat into the milky puddle around her as Lacitus warmed her like an oven just by being next to her.

But Lacitus was struggling, his giant mouth now clamped on to shrinking breast flesh, soon he would be able to fit them in his mouth with ease. But the matter of decreasing size in her breasts was becoming a matter of increasing size in his stomach, and just when her breasts became small enough to actually be fit into a bra again Lacitus' stomach could take no more. He detached from Anna's shrunk chest and tiredly flopped onto the ground with a sloshy thud, heavily breathing with difficulty due to his massively stretched belly. Anna felt relieved as she sat up and marveled at how large Lacitus had become, well, he was already large because he was a Dragon, but his stomach looked as though it took up half the room!

"You're not going to explode, are you?" asked Anna humorously.

"I... I certainly, hope not." breathed Lacitus, clearly out of energy.

"I... I want to thank you for doing this for me." said Anna. "It was really kind."

"No... no problem, at all." said Lacitus, "It was the... one of the best experiences I've had in my life."

Anna looked down and put her hands on her breasts, they were still a bit larger than they used to be, but at least they were close. But then... she couldn't believe it, they started dripping again! It was slow, but Anna's breasts still had milk in them.

"Oh god," said Anna, "They're not empty yet!"

"I- I'm sorry Anna but, if I drank any more I'd burst open." said Lacitus wearily.

"But, what am I supposed to do!?" said Anna franticly.

"Well if you really want it all gone, you'll just have to... drink the rest yourself." said Lacitus.

Anna paused at this. Did she really want to drink her own milk? If she ever did, this might be her only chance.

"But is... is it safe? I mean, will I like it?" asked Anna.

"Anna, your breast milk is the most delicious thing I've ever tasted in all the centuries that I've lived." proclaimed Lacitus, "And don't worry, I don't have diseases or anything, you should only be afraid of my saliva if it's near an open flame."

And then Anna looked down at her breasts again, still dripping milk; she thought that If a Dragon could love it, it surely had to be good for her too. So then she picked up her now F-cup-sized breasts and put the nipples in her mouth, then she sucked. Immediately a flow of the most wonderful drink she'd ever tasted filled her mouth, she was stunned at just how sweet, creamy and thick her own milk could be. But then she went into a frenzy: as Lacitus amusedly looked on Anna squeezed her breasts to get all of the milk out that she could, viciously swallowing rapidly and filling her own belly with the delicious drink. She drank and drank as she practically orgasmed with the feel of being filled with her own milk, gulping it like she was about to die of thirst and hunger. But as she drank her own sweet nectar, she thought she heard some strange, deep groaning, then she looked to Lacitus and almost could not believe his eyes, Lacitus' penis had come out and his claws were around it, he was actually masturating while watching Anna drink her own milk! She gleefully kept on drinking, seeking to make Lacitus finish just by the sound of her gulping swallow after swallow of human dairy, and he was getting close by his facial expression and pupil width. Anna continued to drink as Lacitus used the excess milk on the floor to lubricate his draconic member, getting closer and closer to the bursting point.

Anna was in complete ecstasy as she drank the cream from her chest and deposited it in her stretching belly, while Lacitus gleefully stroked his hardening member ever faster, both coming closer and closer to the grand finale. But Anna was finding it harder to drink as her surplus dwindles, and her breasts were now hardly a D size, and so Anna decided that this was time for the end... but not without a little fun. After making sure Lacitus was looking, Anna sucked the last of her milk into her mouth, making it bulge out, and then she opened her mouth and let a waterfall of delicious cream flood all over her face and cascade into the milky pool surrounding her. This was too much for Lacitus, and Anna could see that he was about to release, his eyes were rolling back in his head, he began a vicious snarl that only got louder and louder... and then it happened. With an almighty roar his semen burst free in one giant explosion, firing out of his penis like a cannon and instantly covering more than half of his cave with it. Anna became showered with the Dragon sperm and became almost completely immersed in it as it mixed with the milk pool, it was boiling hot and whiter than her milk, and also had this extremely strong scent that nearly gave her a headache. Anna herself was utterly stunned by the hot liquid she was now covered in, and looking around at the semen splattered over his walls she noticed a burnt spot over him: Lacitus had orgasmed so fiercely he had blown fire on his cave roof. As she recovered from the shock of the explosion, she looked over to Lacitus and... he was sleeping! His powerful and over-drawn ejaculation had actually rendered him unconscious! Anna wanted to laugh but would only end up getting a mouthful of his semen, and so then she too fell asleep.

When she awoke she was still covered in semen, though it had cooled and partially dried by then. Lacitus awoke immediately after and rinsed her off in one of his cave-springs, not saying a word the whole time but definitely radiating satisfaction. Anna's breasts were still at their previously-small size, but to her they almost seemed to have grown a little overnight, but she couldn't be sure. After her washing she got dressed and then they just sat and conversed for a while.

"So what now?" asked Anna after their conversations.

"Well," said Lacitus, thinking briefly, "I suppose now that the matter has been taken care of, I guess I can just take you back to your father now."

"Will I ever see you again?" said Anna almost stereotypically.

"Well I can certainly stop by, what do you think Michael built that huge porch outside his manor for?" replied Lacitus quaintly.

Anna was a bit reluctant at first to climb onto Lacitus' spined and scaly neck, but by now she had come to trust him enough, and climbed on bening his horns. The experience of flying was exhilarating, you may think of it as a simple thing now but in the 16th century there was nothing more spectacular. As they dove through the clouds and whisked by plains Anna couldn't help but wonder why she hadn't visited him before. They arrived at Michael's estate to find him astonished that they were there.

"Consider me surprised, Lacitus. I can't believe that you're already done!" said Michael exasperated.

"Well," said Lacitus, smiling at Anna, "I have my ways. Let's just say I was much too full to move for a considerable time."

"I'd rather not know the details Lacitus, but rest assured I am definitely grateful. However, we now have a more pressing matter at hand." said Michael, pulling out of his bag a reddish root-looking plant, Anna frighteningly recognized it as the same kind that started this whole ordeal, "We found another specimen of the plant, we were hoping you could identify it."

Michael handed the plant to Lacitus, who immediately began to inspect it. After a few seconds his face looked grim, he clearly knew something that they didn't. "It's a rare herb, the Romans called it Ichesmis Estogenus, but those who know about it now prefer to call it Red Venom. It attacks specific membranes around the chest area of most mammals, causing their hearts to erode away and kill them quickly. However, it also happens to be quite enriched with estrogen, making the toxins more apt to seeking out human breast flesh, but only if such flesh is ample. I have heard stories of women with large busts ingesting this and surviving, but later having their breasts dramatically increased in size and begin lactating. If this "Cultist" performed any sort of Occultic ritual on one of these it would have likely increased its potency... but that would mean..."

"What?" asked Michael, "It would mean what?"

"It means that Anna is not finished lactating." said Lacitus with a mixture of sorrow and happiness, "Ordinarily her breasts would never have grown to even close the size that they did, or produced as much milk. My stomach can hold a hundred or so humans and be dramatically stretched, but with all the milk I drank last night I had it stretched to its limit... and even then some of it was regurgitated. Her breasts might continue to grow and lactate for a few more weeks, or even months."

"Months!?" yelped Michael, "B-but, I need my daughter back to normal! I entrusted you to fix her problem, Lacitus! What am I supposed to do now?"

"Well, I'm afraid you'll just have to keep draining them until it permanently wears off." said Lacitus.

Michael seemed extremely vexed over the issue, almost like he was about to go into a rage on Lacitus. But then... he had an idea. "Have you considered my offer at all?"

"Offer? What offer?" asked Lacitus.

"For you to stay here." replied Michael.

Lacitus now understood, but seemed indecisive by his expression, "Michael, I know this a serious matter but I've already explained it to you. What would your people think if they suddenly had a Dragon living amongst them?"

"Lacitus, they all know you prefer not to cause trouble," said Michael, "they'd welcome you with open arms! And if they don't they'd eventually learn to, you may not realize it but you tend to be very easy to get along with. I'm beggin you, Lacitus, I don't have any other options, you don't want to live with the fact that you weren't able to save Anna, do you?"

Faced with that reality, Lacitus thought heavily on the matter. Where would he live? Would Michael have them re-size the estate to fit him? Or would he have to live in some walled courtyard like a captured pet? Why should he even care about Anna's life anyway? He'd already gotten the milk he was promised, so why shouldn't he just go back home? But once again Lacitus realized, it was the monster talking, the darker aspects within were trying to shift his viewpoint, but he couldn't give them audience. This was no longer about his life, it was about hers, and so, although somewhat reluctantly, he agreed.

For many years onward Lacitus lived at the estate, even long after Anna's problem had been solved and she had grown up and had children of her own, who became the next owners. It was only after the aged building was bombed during the first World War that the equally-old Lacitus finally left and returned to his old cave... but not before dining on a few of the Austrian soldiers first in recompense. But in all those years, Lacitus never forgot the pleasure he had with Anna, how he could lay with her in the night at Michael's, happily suckling on her again-massive breasts, causing her to orgasm more fiercely as she matured; her will specifically stated that she wanted her body to be eaten by Lacitus so that she could become a part of him forever, which was obviously carried out. To this day, the people of the village, which is now a bit larger, still praise him for the kindness he showed to them over his lifetime, and even though he is very old, he still lives in his cave, and every year the people of the town bring him buckets of milk in eternal forgiveness for saving Anna. He awaits the day every year... and he is still hungry.
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