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Dungeon Master

You awaken in a room filled with darkness. As your eyes flutter open you hear a small giggle. "Finally awake are we?" calls a high pitched but arrogant sounding voice.

"Yeah yeah, I'm sure you've got a bunch of questions but I don't really care to explain it all to you in bits so I'm gonna keep talking. You keep listening and we'll have the Q&A at the end." She says dismissively. You try to pipe up but your voice doesn't come out, as if she's muted you. "There's a lot to go over so I'm just going to give you the synopsis." She continues not giving you a chance to speak up or protest.

"Basically~ I killed you, but its not so bad. Your life looked boring as heck before anyway. So I'm going to reincarnate you into my world and you're gonna wreak some havoc on it. I'm gonna start making dungeons all over the world and pulling people from scientifically advanced worlds like yours so you can use your slightly better than caveman brains to make my world more interesting." she says condescendingly, you can almost hear her hopping up and down from how exited she sounds.

"Okay now I'll take questions. Please keep stupid questions to a minimum, I know you mortals are dumb but I'm currently having this conversation with about fifty other people right now and I can only take so much stupid." she derides you. There is an audible snap of her fingers and your voice returns to you. The moment it does your throat feels dry causing you to cough.

"Who are you?" you ask with a rasp. "Ooh good question, already off to a better start than most of the others." she says before replying to your question. "I am Eris, the goddess of Chaos. Follow up answer before you ask, because all the others are asking it, I chose you because you're creative but you never had a chance to use that creativity in your world. And if the god of your world doesn't care to use it then I will."

You spend a moment thinking about what she says, it sounds outlandish and yet here you are, floating in a void of pure darkness. "What if I want you to return me back home?" you ask earning a sigh from the voice with no origin. "Yeah that's gonna be a tough sell considering I wasn't super accurate when I killed you. Your body's currently underneath a skyscraper or something... Look I don't know how you died exactly, I killed a bunch of people in a bunch of disasters and grabbed souls with high creativity margins, there are you happy?"

You could only gawk at this answer. She caused disasters on multiple worlds just for her game? "What if I refuse to play?" you blurt out before you can stop yourself. "Ooh fiesty one we got here. Alright I'll play ball. Instead of answering you I'll show you what happens to disobedient mortals!" she replies as the world goes white for a moment.

The light is so bright, it burns. Then its gone. You awaken in darkness, dim light pours through a few slivers in from somewhere else. You are covered in dust, eyes sticky and you can hear the sound of sirens and barking dogs. "If anyone is alive, please respond!" You hear called by a masculine voice, immediately realizing she brought you back to life. You go to speak but the pain finally hits you. Your chest feels like it is on fire. Looking down you see a piece of rebar is plunged right through your chest. "Help." you wheeze weakly in a voice that is not your own. The throbbing pain burns brighter and brighter with each millisecond.

"Ma'am are you okay? I heard you. Stay still and try to stay calm alright? Help is---" the man starts but your hearing starts to fade as your eyes feel heavy.

"Welcome back! Did you have fun? You're officially the first person on your planet to die in two different bodies. How do you feel?" she asks sarcastically. You glare at the darkness earning a laugh from the psychopath. "Being serious though I let you off easy. Another guy said some pretty abusive things to me and I made him relive dying in an explosion over and over for an hour. And no, I'm not going to explain to you how that works considering we're only been talking for five minutes, just accept it and move on." she orders.

You don't reply to her last comment and you hear a grateful hum. "Good. Seeing as you seem more cooperative now I'll tell you what I want from you. I want you to run a monster factory called a dungeon for me. You will be granted a new form, at random of course and two focuses for your dungeon which you can choose. Your goal is to protect the dungeon crystal within you dungeon from adventurers. You'll also send your monsters out to pillage anything nearby and drag the spoils back to make your life easier inside the dungeon." she explains capturing your attention.

She pauses for a sizable amount of time and sighs. "Alright I'm gonna be honest here for a moment. When we were making this world I got bored and kinda left all the work to my mom, her name's Gaol by the way. Since she's the goddess of order, and she takes her job super seriously, this world kinda has a lot of rules and its gonna take a bit to explain..."

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