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Fast Food

Julia walked into the McDonalds where she worked, wearing a white shirt, khakis, and tennis shoes. She was late, and her boss, the manager, was not happy.

"You need to show up on time, AND IN UNIFORM!" he scolded her. Then he stormed out in a huff.

Julia stuck her tongue out at the door he had left through. "One of these days, I'll get you back." Julia turned to her locker and opened it. Inside was her blue polo shirt with the McChickenPopsBell logo on it, and her matching blue visor.

Then Julia got an idea. "I know how to get him back. Show up in uniform? I can do that easy." Julia grabed the bottom of her shirt and lifted it off over her head. She then proceeded to take her bra off, her pants, her shoes, her socks, and her panties. Standing there naked she took her blue polo shirt uniform out and put it on. "And can't forget." She put her blue visor on too. She then reached into her locker and pulled out her 6" black heels from last week when she thought she might have to change for a date right after work. She put her heels on and then stuffed all the rest of her clothes into the locker. "Ready." she announced to the empty room.

A minute later, Julia was standing behind the cash register, as it was an early shift there weren't any customers at the moment. Just then the manager came by to check on her. Julia grew excited inside to witness his reaction.

"What! Why are you naked!? Get dressed before someone sees!" He told her.

"You told me to wear the uniform, am I not wearing it?"

"You wear it, with pants!"

"The window says shirt and shoes required, not pants. Therefore I am clothed appropriately, or do you think you can take away my right to dress the way I please?"

"I...I...I will figure out our rules and be back."

Julia couldn't help laughing to herself as he left to the back room. "I should've done this years ago."

Just then a customer came in through the door. Julia turned, suddenly worried how the customer would react to her being naked below the waist except for heels.

"Welcome to McChickenPopsBell can I take your order?" She asked the customer. It was a tall man who was immediately wide eyed to see Julia's nakedness behind the counter. Julia tried to keep her cool.

"Woah!" he couldn't help himself. "I really CAN have it my way here."

"Haha. Thanks." Julia laughed nervously, unsure what will come of this encounter. Just then, another customer walked through the door...

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