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Film Runner

This is it your chance to crack into film production, albeit in a minor role as a runner who gets people tea or coffee and does all this shit stuff, but you knew it would lead to a brighter future. You excelled in school and college to get an excellent grade in film production, you applied for loads of jobs but alas nothing, this certainly was the business to work your way up in.

This isn't helped that you don't really socialise with people, you find it hard to talk to people and to make friends, you was like it in school and still are now at the age of 22.

Anywho you had worked on various films sets before with hollywood stars, produces and directors and in all they were not that pleasant, they would throw stuff at you command you as though you were their bitch and you had thought of quitting a few times.

And now its time to work on a new film.

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