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First Contact Pt. 05

The Drive Home

*** Authors note: I really enjoyed writing this chapter, especially the dialogue. There are also numerous Australian references here, no prizes for guessing what they are :) I hope you like it. ***


Mark kept his eyes glued to the road, not allowing the sensations assaulting him to divide his attention.

Once in his car and underway, his symbiotic prison had melded his new muscular form to the seat. Thick coils of latex had formed and wrapped around his body to bind him to the seat. It allowed for very little movement. Only his torso was restrained, his limbs and head free to ensure they drove with at least some semblance of normality. The tentacles had sprouted from his spine to enwrap his chest and abs before disappearing behind and under his seat.

Mark tried his best to ignore the distracting vision of his midnight black arms and the smaller tentacles coiled around them and his fingers. It shifted subtly to provide a constant stream of sensation.

A very pleasurable sensation.

As thin tentacles slid between his fingers it gave him a gentle and reassuring squeeze.

You are doing very well my love.

Mark ignored it. He had to since the speed he was doing was way faster than anything he would normally drive.

I need to get home fast so we won't be in the car for as long...

Flicking out his latex tongue Mark licked his lips before glancing over at Sarah. And then wished (for the 50th time) that he hadn't.

Sarah was also stuck to her seat. And she was one hell of a show for Mark. Sarah inhaled quickly as she felt her own latex prison probe her most intimate parts with a fat tentacle. Her legs and back had seemingly melded into the seat. If that wasn't enough, her symbiote had broken out into tentacles to enwrap her body. They squeezed her abs, had coiled around her arms and legs holding them immobile as it explored her body.

Sarah gasped again as she felt two new tentacles form and encircle her breasts, ebony lips forming on their ends before attaching themselves to her nipples and begin to suck. They squeezed her breasts rhythmically. Sarah threw her head back against the headrest and moaned out loud deeply, her hands squeezed the latex coiled around her hand.

Sarah could feel her hair had changed as well. Gone were her long auburn tresses. Now she sported thin latex tendrils of her own. It varied between short around the edges but extending to down past her ass at the back of her head. They were slightly stiff as well and had bounced quite a bit when she had hopped into the car.

Sarah closed her eyes and moaned in delight, her hair lifting and wrapping itself around the headrest to bind her head. The tentacle between her legs thrust its way deeper into her body, causing Sarah to squeal as she was violated.

Mark glanced over her again, watching the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed.

As if in response, he felt his hard cock twitch inside its own prison; a thick latex psuedopod had firmly attached itself to his entire length and was quietly pulsing away, sucking upon him a little. In an act of permanency, the pod had grown several of its own smaller tentacles and had melded into Marks latex skin.

Mark gunned the throttle even more.

Are we there yet my love?

Nearly there.

Are we there yet?

Still a ways to go.

Arewethereyet? Arewethereyet? Arewethereyet? Arewethereyet?

"Hey! Quiet you."

Mark could have sworn he heard a giggle as his prison shrank around him some.

So tell me something Mark thought.


Who are you and where do you come from?

Hmmm. The entity took a long pause to think about the answer. A planet called Rigel? No that's not right. Felicity? Yes... my planet is Felicity. Or was Felicity... Wasn't it?

That's a weird name Mark thought.

Yes it is a weird name. I remember more.. it was a peaceful place, it was quite dark though.. I remember darkness. It never use to be dark, it was once as bright as this world. But over time the light faded.

... Wait. Day turned into and endless night? Do you mean... YOUR STAR BURNT OUT?

Mark gasped at the thought: A being who was alive when its star turned from a yellow dwarf into a black dwarf...

"Oh my god!"

Sarah started at Marks revelation amidst her orgasmic haze, turning to glance at him for a moment before surrendering to her prison once more.

You must be very old to have seen that..!

Oh well thank You Mister!

Mark heard another giggle and a tickle on his sides. He squirmed before she continued.

Day and night turned into just one long night, eventually. The stars I remember were so pretty. Looking up to see them and the nebula clouds that always hung above. It was so peaceful all of the time.

Hmmm. Mark thought, his attention drifted as his prison gifted a sight of the star field it saw above, a memory Mark thought must have been ancient since no star field like that was anywhere near Earth.

It looks.. beautiful. Mark was suspecting beyond all doubt and all painfully obvious to the contrary, his captor was entirely female.

Thank you my love, it was indeed.

And how about you? Were you born a latex fluid? He said half jokingly.

Mmmm.. I don't think so. I remember... legs? Maybe four legs... or five.

As she remembered, Mark felt a number of tentacles coiled around his arms and legs quickly brush against him. He thought it was the memory of her moving her legs.

And fur. I cannot remember being born or constructed, I only remember walking... and then slowly change to squirming around Mark felt his latex skin and captor squelch against him. Fitting into all sorts of tight spaces. Mark felt the tentacle against his prostate expand deeper inside of him, making him emanate a grunt.

Driving is very difficult ya know..

Sorry! She stilled her body.

So. You don't remember being young at all?

Yes I was young, I said I had legs. That was when we had daylight, it was bright and we were always active during the light. When there was no light we rested. But as we got older and the light went away we eventually not rest ever again.

We? There were more of you?

Oh yes my love, I remember there were a great many of us. We lived in peace with each other. There was no society as you understand it, each of us were responsible for our own actions. Sometimes we had something bad happen and we became stronger for it. But that was rare.

No society at all?

No. No 'countries' or 'religion' or 'cities'. We had homes though, homes we built ourselves when we were young.

Did you live in these houses when you changed?

No. We didn't have to. We all learned how to manipulate ourselves into whatever we wished to, houses were of no use any more. We could manipulate our bodies, take whatever form we want. We could change things around us but that took concentration.

Oh really? Mark smiled, but then froze. Wait. Did you...

Hmm a few changes here (His cock was tugged upon) and there (his abs and other muscles were stroked). Relax. It's a look you have always wanted, I know you pretty well now.

I'm sure. Mark wasn't entirely sure.

So why are you here? He asked.

We lived peaceful and simple lives. At least until the ice became too much.

Mark listened.

Quite some time after the endless night the frozen water pervaded everything. It started at the magnetic poles on both ends of our world. The entities there tried to stay but they grew tired and had to move away. But the ice followed them until it affected us all, even along the equatorial belt and fault lines. I remember great pools of lava were frozen and topped with fluffy ice crystals.

Mark thought for a few moments.

Your sun burnt out, and eventually your world grew cold and froze. Even the gravitational waves forcing your planets core and mantle to continue move and cause friction also died out, cooling and solidifying it... Oh wow.

Yes my love. Eventually we had to do something we had never done before. We had to leave.

All of you?

Yes my love. There were a great many of us. We all gathered to discuss what to do. Ideas were raised, a vote was taken. We all launched ourselves into space, all of us. We all went to the nearby stars in search of a new home.

Mark listened, fascinated to hear of a real alien culture.

Numerous entities, including me, combined to form one being. We say your star, distant but achievable. We... I... lay dormant for the journey. I thought I had died. But I woke when I felt the light grow steadily brighter. It took so long to remember what light and warmth was! It was so long ago I thought I had forgotten.

Mark could feel the beginnings of a tear form on the corner of his eye.

I can't even begin to comprehend what you went through...

Even... even when I entered your atmosphere and landed here I lay dormant for a time, the ecstasy of landing on another world, one rich with heat and light and life. So much life! And day time so different from the eternal night. It took me time to regain my strength, to climb out of the crater. A long time to sit and stare in wonder at your light and then to see where we are in the galaxy as I gaze at the stars.

And then I came along... thought Mark.

Yes my love. My companions... gave up their life on the journey here. Never before had one of us ended their existence. It was a horrible feeling, alone for so long. Even when I arrived here I never saw any being of intellect until I saw you suddenly appear.

Mark thought for a moment. You must have been shocked.

I was! I was so surprised when I smelt you I had to see you. And then you appeared.

And then I nearly died of fright. Mark thought.

Not now I hope? She gave Mark a reassuring squeeze and even formed a new tentacle to raise up to his face and form a pair of black lips before kissing his cheeks softly.

No, not now. Mark smiled and quickly kissed her back. The lips smiled before retreating.

Mark glanced over to the writhing form of Sarah as she orgasmed again at the hands of her captor before passing out. Her captor slowed and then ceased its ministrations of her body and simply snuggled against and around her.

What is your name?

My name..?

Yes. You do have a name, don't you?

Several moments of silenced passed.

Kajura is my name my love. At least, i use to be Kajura. When day and night were in the sky so long ago. I have not been called Kajura since the start of the eternal darkness.

Mark had figured that must have been tens of millions of years ago.

Kajura... What a beautiful name. Mark thought with a smile.

Kajura said nothing but simply hugged him reassuringly.

Mark glanced down.

We will need to stop for fuel before we get back.

Ok my love.

A few minutes further Mark pulled off the road but pulled up short before stopping next to the bowser.

Mark hesitated. Erm.. I cant get fuel with you looking like this, the attendant is going to get freaked out.

Hmm we could always inprison them too...

Mark sensed a devilish cheekiness about Kajura as she spoke.

Somehow I don't think that would end too well.

We will see... hmm.

Mark sighed, trying to figure out just what he could do since Kajura had shredded his clothes a while back.

Hmm. What to wear.

Kajura was only too happy to a solution though.

Mark watched as his sentient prison reformed herself around him. Slowly the tentacles around his legs flattened out and changed colour, forming into a pair of jeans. The latex around his feet turned into socks and sneakers, while his torso morphed into a simple sleeveless t shirt. His skin, once a gloss jet black, slowly morphed into his natural skin colour and tone. Even is latexed hair slowly changed into a baseball cap with a closely shaven scalp. Despite the appearance of loose clothes, Mark still felt the tightness of latex around him.

Wow... I should have expected that.

You are my love. I would do anything for you. But I don't like looking this way for you, I do like you exposed, where I can feel every millimeter of your body within me...

It's only for a few minutes. Mark answered with a mental smirk.

He drove forward as Sarah's prison extended a tentacle to recline the seat. It then slowly morphed into a colourful blanket draped over her still sleeping form, her natural tanned skin tone returned.

Mark stopped the engine and got out and proceeded to nervously fill the tank up.

Erm are you sure this is ok...?

Of course my love. There is no one around to see us.

She was right. Mark only now noticed there were no other cars around. Turning around he looked inside the building to see the attendant, seeing a single female face with blonde hair.

Mark bit his lip and waited for the tank to fill before realising there was an issue. He kicked himself.

Wait, I don't have any money.

Uh oh. What are we going to do?

I don't know! Mark felt his panic rise.

Wait! I have an idea.


Lets go and see who is inside first.

Ok. Mark waited till the tank was full then replaced the nozzle and headed inside.

Upon the doorbell ringing when he went in, he turned to look at the person behind the counter. She was actually a very attractive young woman and greeted Mark with a heart melting smile.

"Hey! How you going"

"Erm, G'day" Mark felt his cheeks redden somewhat at the awkward greeting. He moved to grab a few supplies from the shelf.

Oohh she is HOT! I want her...

Mark tried his best to ignore her.

Ok. Whats your plan Kajura?

I have it! We will imprison her.

Mark groaned a little.

Any other ideas?


Me neither. He paused for a few moments to think. Well... how are we going to do it?

Simple Kajura said. We go to the toilet, I divide myself and leave part of me behind. She will then be invited back to us so we can capture her cute little butt. And while she tries to escape, we do a runner.

Wow. So simple. Mark thought with a hint or irony.

Ha. Mark felt a cool latex tentacle sneak under his 'jeans' to encircle his cock and stroke him to hardness as he grunted quietly.

He walked slowly up to the attendant who once again flashed her winning smile at him. Mark noted her name tag said 'Mandy.'

"Erm.. Hey Mandy, where are the dunnies?"

She stuck a thumb over her shoulder "Just back there Mister."

He smiled back "Thank you."

Walking past he noticed she was wearing a very short skirt and a top that hugged her small but pert breasts. Mark bit his lip and noticed her glancing back at him before he turned the corner.

After closing the door to the dunny he breathed deeply. Ok lets do this.

Saying nothing, Mark felt Kajura shift and slide all over him as she split off from herself. The tentacle around his cock gripped him tighter, his 'clothes' seem to shrink around his body turning him into a vacuum package. A suction engulfed his cock as well as an intense vibration.

I.. oh god.. Kajuraaaaa!!

Mark came hard, causing his prison to shudder all around him. As he slowed his breathing he opened his eyes to see a large latex spider standing on the floor looking up at him.

Oohh... fuck... Mark took a few moments to regain his composure, his clothes expanding out to what they were before. Hey it's a girl!

Mark smiled weakly before bending down to pat the spider affectionately. It curled a leg up to stroke him back before it slowly crawled up the wall to the ceiling where it melded into a black latex puddle above the door.

Hey whats it doing?

Call the attendant in here.

Biting his lip again, Mark opened the door and stepped out. Approaching the girl once more he caught her attention and smiled. She smiled back and turned her fit body to face him. Mark briefly registered her toned appearance and thick thighs.

"Erm.. Excuse me. Hey do you have a minute..?" He blushed again.

"I sure do, whats up?" She moved out behind the counter and followed Mark back to the toilet cubical.

As Mark entered, she stopped just before the door and stepped through.

"Is there something wro- Eekk!!"

The latex puddle dropped from its hiding spot and spread out. It formed a hole mid air in its centre to fall onto the girls shoulders. Her shriek coincided with the latex blanket falling to cover her arms and body.

"What the fuck!" She cried out.

She ignored Mark completely as she struggled to free herself of the latex. It had grown sticky and was adhering to her arms and body.

Mark felt his clothes slowly transform from his jeans and shirt into his black latex skin. Tentacle enwrapped his limbs. Mark sank to his hands and knees as his cock was surrounded and massaged, getting a great view of the cute girl struggling to escape her captor.

As Mark felt the tentacles on his limbs tighten, he watched with fascination as Mandy's clothes were shredded under the latex and ejected in a shower of mock confetti.

Mandy meanwhile groaned in desperation. Her arms were pulled to her sides as the latex blanket shrank around her. She could feel her now naked breasts initially brush against the latex before it stuck to them. Between her struggles she watched as it shrank around each globe, lifting them, and outlining them perfectly. The latex on each breast formed three small nubs before shrinking to fit over her nipples, pressing the nubs into her tender flesh. The latex also smoothed itself out, leaving no wrinkles or pockets of air. Mandy gave a short squeal at this as her nipples instinctively hardened and expanded, outlined clearly in the latex.

She growled in frustration and balled her fists and tried to free herself, but the latex blanket was unforgiving in holding her arms down. She pulled her arms hard and managed to separate her arms from her body a little before she moaned in despair and lost strength and watching as they snapped back to her sides. The latex on her arms had shrunk further, encasing her toned limbs like a second skin. Even as she watched the latex slid between her fingers and left them enclosed in gloves. And split her arm from the rest of the latex around her torso.

"No way... Ahhh!"

Mandy bucked and tried to run, but found her body stuck fast as her prison shot out multiple tentacles to the door frame to hold her fast. Even as she struggled against the cool smooth latex she could feel her abs and sides squeezed as the latex shrunk around them. Looking down past her breasts she could see her abs outlined beautifully in the inky blackness.

Mark was also at the mercy of his prison's amorous advances. He had figured Kajura really liked this and she wanted him to enjoy it as much as her. With each orgasm forced from Marks cock, his seed fed her. After fifteen minutes of watching Mandy's slow capture, he had ejaculated enough so now all his limbs and torso were totally engulfed by a mass of writhing, angry tentacles, leaving him unable to even reach his cock let alone physically stop her. His head was held fast, unable to look away as Mandy's capture continued.
Mandy had looked at Mark as his clothing had transformed, revealing his true self to her. Unable to look away she was fascinated and disgusted at how his body was slowly surrounded by the same latex that was surrounding her.

How is this even possible? She thought as she struggled.

Mandy could feel the latex adhere to her body. Now it was slowly covering her muscular ass; stretching and tightening in areas to perfectly form to her cheeks, holding them tight and apart. She then felt the latex creep down between her cheeks, between her legs as well as down over her pelvis till it met over her pussy.

"Ahhhh... Oh god... That feels good!" She moaned.

Eyes were closed as she cried out, the latex lining her lips and covered her clit before shrinking around it, then began vibrating softly. Some latex continued to form between her lips and then pressed inward, slowly forming a thin latex tentacle to probe her pussy deeply.

Mandy squealed again and wriggled her hips in an attempt to keep the intruder out, but it easily breached her defences and poured over her g-spot. It then slowly filled out and expanded, filling her up completely and causing her to groan in pleasure.

Mandy flexed her butt and arms in another futile attempt to break away, but now filled, her strength was weakening even more. She felt the remnants of the latex blanket brush and stick to her thighs before forming a second skin, coating her thighs, knees and shins before surrounding her feet and toes in its cool, tight embrace.

Mandy was breathing deeply at the overload of stimulation she was forced to endure.

Is that it? She thought.


Only then did the latex around her neck slowly expand upwards, over her neck and chin, through her hair, around her lips nose and eyes before shrinking tight around her head. The latex poured into her mouth to coat her lips, teeth and tongue.

... Mmmm.. this feels good...

Just then her restrains retracted and she fell to the floor with a whimper. Mandy's strength had left her unable to even stand.

Marks own tentacles slowly withdrew until he was free to move again. He crawled forward to turn the transformed girl onto her back and kiss her hungrily. She moaned into his mouth, his kiss was met with her own before reaching up to pull him closer. As their latex tongues explored the others mouth, they both moaned as their latex skin upped the tempo on their bodies. Mark bought his hands around to cover Mandy's breasts and squeeze tight before they both cried out in a huge orgasm.

Mandy's new prison worked her hard to sustain the orgasm for as long as possible before she slowly sank to the floor, shaking and spasming. Her gorgeous latex clad body glistening in the light as she twitched.

Mark collapsed onto his back next to Mandy, both breathing heavily.

Time to go my love. Mandy is now one of us but she will remain here.

Mark could only nod before he slowly got up to his feet and left a moaning Mandy on the floor, latex tentacle still buzzing angrily deep inside her body.

As his own tentacles tightened around his body, Mark strode back to the car and jumped in, noting Sarah was still out for the count. He leant over and gave her a soft kiss on her lips.

Sitting back up he started the car and drove off.

Not far from home now... He thought.


Back at the fuel station, Mandy slowly sat up with a deep groan and lent against the wall. Breathing deeply she looked down at her latex covered breasts and gasped; the inky blackness was changing into a scarlet red.

She moaned and pawed at her prison but instead of gripping the latex to pull it off her hand contact sent sparks of pleasure through her body, causing her to moan again. Mandy closed her eyes and slid her hands slowly over her body, whimpering softly, squirming against her traveling hands. As the colour change finished Mandy managed to climb to her feet. Pausing for a minute to regain her senses she could feel her body lift higher. Startled, she looked down at her feet only to see the latex on the base of her feet elongate to form high heels, stopping when she guessed her heel reached about 6" off the floor. Mandy felt the latex around her ankle, knees and legs all the way to her hips shift as well and watched with fascination as the latex merged with her new shoes and form into crotch high boots with latex laces growing out from the front of her leg boots to complete the illusion. She then felt her waist tighten; causing her to exhale quickly and inhale again, a latex under-bust corset was forming around her torso. Numerous thin tentacles formed at the base of the corset and linked to the top of her pseudo boots, then tightened over the cheeks of her ass with a snap. Mandy yelped again and rubbed her tush.

She then felt movement along her arms and bought them both to her front to see what was going on; the latex there was shifting as well and thickened to form shoulder length laced opera gloves, the laces tightening the latex around her arms severely. As Mandy gasped at the sensation she watched as her fingers elongated into latex claws, eliciting a smile from her lips.

Lastly, she felt her hair tighten into a pony tail as it was transformed into thin latex strands that extended down to her lower back and formed into a single braid that occasionally swatted at her pert butt.

Feeling no further changes upon her skin, Mandy unsteadily at first stepped out to the front of the shop and managed to turn the 'Open' sign to 'Closed'. As she did, she felt a powerful vibration return between her legs.

She moaned again and with a sexy smile, went back to the empty store room to play.
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