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Fun at the Office

For a while now you've had a thing for the girl in the office next door. Her name is Elaine, 22 years old petite, bespectacled with long dark hair. She comes across as very shy, she's not had a boyfriend all the time you have worked in the building. You often dream about taking her over her desk.

Well dream no more my friend! It's the weekend, no one is here but the two of you. Time to turn dreams into reality.

Elaine is a little surprised when you walk in. She shares the office with two other girls during the week and she looks very small sitting alone in here.

"Oh, hi Scott! I didn't know anyone else was working today" she's already blushing

"I like the peace and quiet Elaine. What about you? Working hard?"

"You know me Scott, always busy" she laughs nervously

Reflected in the window behind her you can see a half finished game of minesweeper open on her computer and not much else. You lean on her desk, you can see her eyes dart towards your groin. Her blush deepens.

What's next?

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