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Futa Island

Sleep slowly departs from your mind as you begin to stir. The sound of the ocean rolls in your ears pleasantly as you linger in the last moments of sleep before needing to rise. That peace is cut short by the squawk of a seagull just above your head. Startled by the unexpected sound, you jump from your prone position and a blinding light finds your eyes. Slowly blinking to regain your vision, you can finally see what's before you. You are sitting on a beach, warm and vacant, with the ocean lapping back at the shore during high tide. Birds roost nearby along with the gull that had so rudely awoken you.

"How did I get here?" you wonder aloud as you search your memories for anything relevant. Like a bolt of lightning, it hits you fast and out of nowhere. The memory of your plane is called forth. It's hazy and scattered but you can clearly remember the roll of thunder and the crack of lightning as you looked around the cabin of the plane nervously. You remember the way your friend's face looked in that moment as it was twisted in terror about the experience. The last thing you remember is another crack of thunder and then a blinding flash of white light before your memory fails you. It isn't too hard to piece together what had happened from there.

Slowly you examine your body for any signs of damage. Your clothes are soaked through, from outerwear to inner and your skin is wrinkled and over hydrated from all of the time you must have spent in the water. Apart from that, blessedly, you seem okay. No injures outside of some soreness, and a bit of a headache but all in all healthy. Checking your pockets for anything useful, you find your raspberry chap-stick survived but is totally swamped with salt water. Yuck. Your phone is much the same way and now sports a wicked crack across its screen but it is in one piece. Of course it's dead and probably too waterlogged to function anyway, but it is something. Unfortunately your bag is nowhere to be seen and with it your keys and other personal effects.

"Great," you huff in frustration. "Well, now what?" you ponder. With no phone and no idea where you are, there isn't overly much to do but pick a spot and head out. The only question is where. Farther inland seems to be a forest looking area with lots of tropical looking trees and greens, while to your left, there is open beach as far as the eye can see. Looking to your right, there's a cliff wall of stone a couple hundred feet away with what looks to be a cave naturally carved into the rock face. Backwards lies the vast sea that you're not overly anxious to revisit, so that way is out. The beach probably has the highest chance of finding someone to help you, either local or survivor. The forest also seems good for that but the vegetation looks thick and it would take quite some time to make good headway into it. The cave promises shelter but with a handful of hours until night, that doesn't pose an immediate threat. That way probably also has a low chance of finding other people though, for better or worse.

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