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Ghost Girlfriend

(Hey there! In honor of Halloween coming up soon (and also because I love supernatural shenanigans anyway), I present to you a new story! It has themes of "death" and may be a little dark at times. However, if you came into a story called "Ghost Girlfriend," you probably already know what to expect. This chapter is pretty much a downer and has nothing even remotely titillating in it yet. But relax, we're just getting started. Enjoy!)

You stand over the gravestone of your girlfriend... You sigh and mentally correct yourself. Former girlfriend. She's been dead and gone for a few weeks now. Or was it a few months ago? You can't remember. Time hasn't exactly registered in your head much ever since... it happened.

Your friends and family members have been there for you. Some of them are helpful, some of them less so. They know you're grieving, so they give you space most of the time. However, one or two of your friends are really worried about you. You have been grieving for a while now, you know that much.

Ever since your girlfriend passed, you've felt loss. However, as time has gone on, you're starting to feel... lonely. You want companionship again, and not just the platonic kind. You're craving another romantic relationship. However, these thoughts just drive you to feel guilty for wanting another relationship so soon after your girlfriend's passing.

She was such a handful when she was alive. So... insatiable. She loved life and lived it to the fullest. She always seemed to be happy and always tried to make sure the people around her were happy, too. With you, doubly so. She made sure you never wanted for anything, especially in the bedroom. She was always experimental and tried to follow your whims.

You smile at the memory of her, then frown again and heave a sigh. It's going to be really hard finding anyone who was quite like her.

As you turn to leave the cemetery, a chill runs up your spin. You feel as if eyes are on you. You stop and look around. There's a couple of other people here but none of them seem to be watching you. Nevertheless, you can't shake the feeling that you're not completely alone.

Rubbing your arms, you hastily start walking towards your car.

(Now, dear reader, let's fill in some blanks! You might notice that this entire intro is very vague on certain aspects. That was intentional. The only thing set in stone is this: Your name is Robin. I picked that name specifically because it's androgynous. Your girlfriend can be whoever you want, whatever kind of person you want, whatever name you want.

The first Chapter (after this Introduction, of course) should be named like so:

You're a male college student.

You're a female librarian.

You're a single mom with a party girl streak.

You're a bisexual male with an office job.

Etc, etc, you get the point. You can be as specific as you want with your description in the chapter name. Just try not to make it super long. In the chapter, mention a few interests, a few key people in "your" life, and boom. How you introduce the ghost girlfriend is up to you. However, it'll also be up to you to figure out what kind of a girl she really is.)

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