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God Among Men

There are many things in this world that are unknown to man.

One of those things is the existence of the Angels. A few believe in Angels, but most people don't. The Angels are well-known in art and literature as the servants of God. Winged beings with a somewhat benign human appearance. Very little is known about them and few of them are named. This is a story about these unapproachable celestial beings.

Long ago, there was a War in Heaven. God had recently created Adam and Eve, the progenitors of the human race. Unfortunately for all mankind, the first Man and Woman were lured to their fall by the Serpent. Everyone knows that story. The Serpent in question is no mere reptile but one of the names under which travels Lucifer, Son of the Morning. Lucifer, the Archangel of Light, first among the Angels of the Lord in Heaven. The Creator's favorite. Among all of the Angels, he was the most powerful. He was something to behold, that one.

When he allowed himself to be seen, he appeared to be a man. Over six feet tall, broad-shouldered and athletic, with long black hair and pale blue eyes. His skin was light bronze. He wore a crimson tunic with a sash of gold circling his waist. He was beautiful to behold. A beautiful being, even among the physically perfect Angels of Heaven. He was something else. Lucifer had always been the greatest of all the angels. Always the smartest and the most capable. His strength was greater than that of a thousand angels combined. His intelligence had no equal in the realm of Heaven, save for God Himself. Lucifer was an Archangel. The Archangels were the first Angels to be made by God, long before the Universe and its countless wonders were summoned into being by the Word of the Creator. The other Archangels, from the wise Raphael to the mighty Michael and the benevolent Uriel, all of them were lesser beings when compared to him. Lucifer was the Lord's Second In Command. A rank envied by all angels in Heaven without exception.

It stands to reason that one so powerful would have quite a lot of pride. When God made the Man and Woman, Lucifer was outraged. The angels were gathered by God and ordered to bow before Adam and Eve, the First of the Race of Men. Lucifer looked at the first humans. They were beings of flesh and blood, limited in intelligence and development. How could he bow before the likes of them? He who was only slightly less powerful than Creator Himself. Lucifer spoke to the other angels. He learned that many felt as he did. He gathered them around himself and told them his will. Lucifer thought that God must have lost His mind since He ordered the angels, Immortal as they were, to bow before Mortal creatures. Lucifer would not allow himself to serve a maddened Deity. Thus, the seeds of rebellion were sown. Lucifer and his followers left Heaven. God, who knew all things would not allow his favorite angel's rebellion to go unpunished.

Heaven was torn. Angels were now divided into two camps. Those who served God, calling themselves the Faithful, and those who served Lucifer, the Renegades. The Renegade Angels made War upon Heaven. The heavens were filled with the screams and cries of angels as they fought their brethren. This was the First War the universe had ever seen. It would not be the last. Lucifer and his followers were driven from Heaven. They were cast down into a nightmarish realm which God made just for them : Hell. Lucifer's turn to the Dark Side had forever changed the world.

Lucifer and his Dark Angels explored the landscape of Hell. It was to be their Prison. They made it their Kingdom. The Dark Angels were locked inside Hell for a long time. Some of them traveled to Earth. They found themselves attracted to human females. They had sexual relations with them. From these unions came a new breed of creatures. Half-angelic and half-human. Those that were born of the seed of Dark Angels became monstrous creatures with awesome powers. From these matings came the many, many species and sub-species of Demons. The Demons were driven from the earthly plane and into Hell. In Hell, Demons and Dark Angels were united under one Master, Lucifer, now called Satan. The profoundly evil Adversary of God. There were countless Demons in Hell. They were immensely powerful. Even locked away in their nightmarish dimension, they could still influence the actions of human beings. On Earth, many demons were worshiped by the primitive humans.

The Angels of Heaven kept watch over the Gates of Hell. They would not permit any Dark Angel from leaving the nightmare realm. Demons could slip past Hell's Gates and venture into the earthly plane. Sometimes, they possessed the bodies of human beings. Other times, they claimed the souls of humans. When the Demons fed on the souls of humans, they became more powerful. In Hell, the Demons ranked below the Dark Angels but some demons, who were particularly successful in stealing and feeding on souls gained so much power that they equaled and sometimes even surpassed the Dark Angels. These were the Archdemons. Archdemons were the new rulers of Hell. There were many differences between Dark Angels and Demons. Dark Angels were former Angels of Heaven that sided with Lucifer during the Great War Against Heaven. All Angels, whether Dark or Un-fallen, appeared to be of the male persuasion. Demons were different. Demons came in both sexes. Demons reproduced sexually. Dark Angels could sire children upon human females, but that's it.

The Balance of Power was maintained in the Universe. God ruled the Universe from the highest Heavens. Lucifer and his Dark Angels ruled the Underworld from the depths of Hell. Lucifer still wanted to conquer Heaven. He still wanted to avenge his defeat at the hands of the Archangel Michael. Only he couldn't do it alone. A long time ago, some Angels from Heaven had relations with human females. These relations resulted in the birth of the Nephilim. Creatures that were part angel and part human. The Nephilim were nothing like the Demons, which were the result of relations between Dark Angels and human females. Nephilim had souls. Demons did not. Nephilim, for all of their angelic heritage and special abilities, were still mortal creatures. Demons were immortal. Just like the Dark Angels that sired them.

There were changes happening in Hell. Demons bred and inter-bred with Dark Angels. Countless new breeds of Demon were born. Their numbers were soon greater than the stars, though not infinite. Hell had an army. The Dark Angels of old, though they were many, were now outnumbered by their demonic offspring. There were changes happening in Heaven too. Many humans souls that led righteous lives on the planet Earth went to Heaven. They were the Elect. Among the Elect, there were human souls worthy of ascending to a state greater and higher than that of blissful souls residing in Heaven. Some human souls could be transformed into lesser angels. A new class of angels was born in Heaven. The Teraphim. The Teraphim were recruited among the very best of the human souls that resided in Heaven.

Lucifer, who in recent times had been aptly named the Devil devised a new plan. The Gates of Hell could not be opened by Demons or Dark Angels. They could not be opened by any evil force. Indeed, only a Heavenly force could open them. Lucifer left Hell, disguised as an ordinary Demon. He went to Earth, and assumed the guise of a man. While in human disguise, he met a woman and had relations with her. The result was something rather unusual. Many Dark Angels had sired half-breed children upon human females. Many Demons had done the same. Yet this was the first time that Lucifer had ever sired offspring upon anyone. Lucifer was the most powerful of all Angels before his Fall and eventual banishment from Heaven. He was the most powerful entity in Hell, a nightmare realm teeming with extremely powerful beings. In the entire Universe, his power was surpassed only by God Himself. The offspring of Lucifer would be a being of unimaginable power.

Lucifer's plan was to use his offspring against his enemies. Heaven had half-breed champions before. Why not Hell? Lucifer had seen what human and semi-human beings could do when allied to the forces of Heaven. He wanted to use a similar weapon to bring down Heaven. Samson, the Biblical superhuman hero who destroyed the Phillistines was half human and half angel. A part conveniently left out by the writers of the holy books. There were many other Biblical characters that were accredited as men and women for their brave deeds but they were in fact Nephilim, the offspring of human females and Angels. Lucifer would have a champion of his own. The Lord of Hell knew exactly what he was doing. His offspring would look like a human being, but he or she would be far more than a mere mortal. The Devil designed his champion to be male. Male offspring would be far easier to control or manipulate than female offspring. The Dark One had countless ages of experiences interacting with both men and women to draw upon.

The 'designed' being that Lucifer sired would have enormous powers. He would be greater than any angel. Far greater than any Demon. Indeed, in matters of raw power, he would be right below Lucifer, who was himself only a little less powerful than God Himself. The Son of the Devil would be like a God Among Men. He would be powerful enough to rip open the Gates of Hell and unleash the Legions of Darkness upon the Universe. Lucifer had let his demonic followers multiply for eons. He had tested them in battle. His Dark Army was without fear. The Angels of Heaven wouldn't know what hit them. Hell's Champion would free them, and they would destroy the planet Earth, claiming billions of souls for Hell and forever shifting the Balance of Power between Heaven and Hell. The Legion of Darkness would storm Heaven's Gate, and at long last, the Devil would have his revenge upon God and all who served Him.

Lucifer had no doubt that he would win. If he wanted, he could tear to shreds the very Angels sent from Heaven to guard Hell's Gates. But that wouldn't get him the power to bring down Heaven. He had to plan things out, and slowly but surely he would bring down his enemies. His Champion was the one who was going to make it all possible. Heaven and Earth would be in the hands of the Devil, and Lucifer would wield Supreme Power over the Cosmos, instead of the hated Creator. And his Champion would sit at his right hand. Lucifer would rearrange reality itself according to his own design, and once more they would have peace.

To be continued...
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