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Good Old Fashioned

Fabricio walked into the shop, bent over. Instantly dropping trow, he was ready for a good railing. But who would rail Fabricio Donitellicino, also known as Little Bee?

"I'll do it!" Called Good 'ol Tumberlyne in his thick, northern accent. His bristling muscles sinuously expanding as he put down the anvil he had been using to work out his cock. He twirled his thick brown mustache erotically, and then wiped the sweat from his bald, yet still distinctly attractive, brow.

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Cried dashing young Martin McSex. Twenty two years old, lithe of frame, and just bursting to fill a tight ass hole with his delicate, yet skilled penis. He swished his blonde curls back and forth with lustful abandon.

"Um... excuse me, Mr Donitellicino, but I would also q-quite like a try." Piped up Timid little Billy Bastien - just turned 18 and fresh out of school, this petite teenager ignominiously produced his adorable penis.

"Oh no!" Cried Fabricio, "Three equally attractive, though unique in their own erotic way, men are interested in deflowering my Little Bee, but I have to be at my Aunt Milicent's by 4 for tea! That's only enough time to get brutally fucked by one of them!" The palpable fear and disapprobation spread throughout Fabricio's body. "Who ever should I choose?"

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