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Grim's Dungeon: Level 1

Welcome Adventurer!

What lies before is a classic dungeon crawl using a very simplified rules system. This one will be short as I just want to find out how much effort this sort of thing takes. If it works out well I may do a Level 2.

You will need a six sided die (otherwise called a d6) or access to d6 roller such as this one.

You may also want a pencil in piece of paper to keep track of what rooms you have completed or to map. Fear not, this is not a complex dungeon.

You will notice a list of Story Variables at the side. Leave these blank for now. We will get to these in the next chapter.

Because I am useless when it comes to trying to figure out Chyoa's conditions and variables and whatnot I will be doing this old school and relying on you to keep track of things for yourself and do your own dice rolls. (Don't cheat now! That's half the fun.)

The rules are simple.

  • You will go through the story like a classic Choose Your Own Adventure. At the end of each chapter there will be one or more choices. If there are no special instructions at the end of a chapter the choice of what option to take is yours to make freely.
  • At the end of many chapters there will be special instructions, such as a prompt for you to make a check against one of your abilities. Follow the instructions and choose the appropriate option.
  • There are three main stats. Mind, Body, & Charm. During the adventure I will ask you to make rolls based on these ability scores. To make an ability check you will roll a d6, your stat modifier will be already listed beside the cue for the dice roll. Add or subtract what it tells you from your dice roll.
  • Special Abilities will come up sporadically and are dealt with on a case by case basis. Same with items you find.

This is something of an experiment for me. I hope it works out and isn't too confusing to understand.

I wrote this dungeon very very quickly. Rereading and editing definitely suffered along the way. I would appreciate if you could let me know if there are any glaring errors, typos, or bad links and I will try to polish them up ASAP.

Please LIKE the chapters you enjoy. Let me know if this is something you are interested in seeing more of. Honestly, while this was fun, this was FAR more work and far more time consuming than I initially thought it would be. I am not likely to do it again if there isn't much interest in it. If you really liked it consider tossing me a few bucks over on my Patreon.

Okay, on to character creation and then the dungeon crawl. Have fun!

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