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The creature awoke from a dreamless sleep. It could feel the warmth of the sun and the soft grass beneath it. Which was a puzzle, as it had been in a comfortable bed the night before. It listened for a moment, carefully. It sounded like it was outdoors, due to the many sounds of nature. Birdsong, a crack of a branch, the noise of a brook nearby. Again, odd, as it was pretty sure the bed last night had been in a house, in the city.

It stretched and flexed slightly, testing joints and limbs. Nothing seemed to hurt. In fact it felt better than it ever had before. With no small amount of caution, it opened its eyes.

The sun-filled glade looked like something out of a children's story book. A meadow of long grass with butterflies flitting about, all sides surrounded by a deep forest. It blinked, then blinked again. The meadow didn't fade.

The creature got to its feet, trying to wipe away the blurriness from just waking up and getting used to the bright sunlight. Its throat was parched for some reason. The brook it had heard before sounded close. It stumbled toward the sound and found it near the tree line. It looked clear and clean, and smelled delicious. The creature bent over to take a drink, when it leapt back at the sight of its own reflection.

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