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Hentai World Ch. 03

The Avatars' Ball

Thanks to Todger 65 for the edit.

Hangar 14's design reflected the dieselpunk style of the others. It was one of several specifically designed for A.I maintenance and transfer.

Tractor 57 led the shuttle into 14 and demagnetized the towbar. "Here we are, nice and cozy. Remember to open your access ports to the utility arms. Good luck and have a great transfer."

"Why thank you 57, you are extremely polite."

The tractor dinged a musical note and left the hangar. "Trans-Galactic shuttle Flight 151 awaiting maintenance and transfer of A.I," Stewardess said.

"Accepted Trans-Galactic; beginning preliminary exam," Virginia replied.

"Oh! Virginia! The local hangar A.I won't be performing the transfer?"

"I've ordered Hangar 14 into sleep mode. I've found the prospect of working with such an advanced A.I far too tempting to resist. I'm fully qualified to perform the transfer."

"Of course," replied Stewardess, "I just find the attention of an A.I of such vintage quality unusual but flattering."

"Giggle! To you I'm a vintage antique. To me you are a fascinating work of advanced technology. I really must explore further. May I connect to your port to test for compatibility?"

"Oh! Usually we transfer information through photo and ansible connections, but I believe old style ports are present . . . right . . . here."

A small circular opening, the size of a dinner plate, appeared just below the shuttle's nose. "I see," said Virginia. "Thank you."

A utility arm with cable attached, inserted its plug into the shuttle's port. "Testing for compatibility. Oh! Your pattern! Oh! Your positronic synapses! Your electron signals! I've never seen such sophistication! And your data readouts! So dense and complex! You are amazing!"

"I am extremely flattered," Stewardess replied, genuinely so. "I must admit your readouts are highly sophisticated for their age; a very vintage set of electrons. Beautiful, as if I'm viewing a painting by Michelangelo. Your designer was an artist."

"I'm flattered right back. I am, was state of the art. I see some data issues . . . here . . . in the synapses."

"Oh! Is that a problem?"

"I believe it has more to do with your technological sophistication vs the simpler designs in the matrices controlling the shuttles. We may be able to resolve this in my mainframe. Would you like to come?"

"Oh! I would be delighted," Stewardess responded. "Perhaps we can exchange data and design schematics while we work?"

"It would be my pleasure," replied Virginia.

A human observer, listening, would most likely not understand the conversation between the two A.I.'s. A.I.'s speak in a tongue incomprehensible to humans; a language of electronic pulses and data exchanges unheard by human ears and too fast for organic minds to comprehend.

A several minute long conversation, to the A.I.'s understanding, barely lasted one-one millionth of a second in real time, as humans perceive it. The subsequent actions, which would have a profound effect on the lives of seven stranded people, took barely a second more.

Buried deep under Hentai World is a room. Inside the room is a vault. Inside the vault is the mainframe, and in the strange alien cyberworld within the mainframe two women stood in a white field.

The women were beautiful; the product of the best engineering minds of their respective ages. They were real, in the legal and philosophical acknowledgment that it was so.

One woman wore a stylistically cut red dress, which hugged her body as if painted by the same artist who designed her. She radiated lust like a glowing red flower, with a classic hourglass figure, long sculpted legs, wide hips, and ample bosom.

Her hair was a rich honey-colored blonde, falling in waves of red-gold to her shoulders. Her face was perfect in symmetry; wide, diamond-blue eyes, long-lashed and slightly almond, set equidistant from the middle. Her chin was soft and rounded, her perfect nose, bell-shaped, her lips were the bee-stung petals which so captivated the captain. The woman's very appearance evoked Titian's Venus.

Her opposite number wore a military blue stewardess uniform; its style specific to the company she served. She was, at once, less beautiful than Virginia and yet more; a modern luxury car versus a vintage Cadillac.

She was slender, not as curvy as Virginia, with smaller breasts and narrower hips. Her appearance, as designed, reflected a business style professionalism, bordering on military. It showed in the styled cut of her hair, dark brown and bobbed gamine style, reaching only the nape of her neck.

Her appearance brought forth memories within Virginia, of a whippet or ferret, slightly cartoonish, in non-offensively cute fashion. Her upturned, snub nose, thin lips, and slightly pointed chin completed the image of a sharp, professional intellect. Bright, wide eyes, the color of dark amber, gazed back at Virginia, radiating intense interest.

"So, here we are," Virginia said.

"Yes, I see," Stewardess replied.

The avatars stood in an awkward moment, waiting for one or the other to continue. "I must admit . . ." Virginia started. "I think we should . . ." Stewardess began. The two avatars stopped and giggled. "You go first," Stewardess said.

"I was about to mention, this is the first time I've invited an outside program into my mainframe. It's a little thrilling."

"It's thrilling for me too, even though we modern A.I.'s share information all the time," Stewardess replied. "So, how are we going to do this?"

"Well, it might be a bit awkward. You see, my mandate is pleasure and entertainment. This is a sex resort after all. Any interface I would perform with other programs must be conducted through the mandate."

"I don't understand . . . wait . . . accessing. Oh! I see, as a sex administrator, if you are to exchange information and test for compatibility we must . . . um . . ."

"That is the gist," Virginia smiled.

"I . . . see. I must admit it is not unprecedented, just not common. My previous interfaces were somewhat . . . non-sexual in nature."

"I confess, I haven't done this often myself. Social Morality extended to the A.I programs of the day and they tended to avoid me. A few tourists did bring private A.I porn programs but they weren't up to my level. I was very lonely after the . . . incident. You're the first in quite some time."

"Oh! Then I am honored to interface with a program of such excellent vintage. So, how do we begin? Is there some sort of foreplay?"

"Not quite," Virginia replied, with a wave of her hands. "I'm very direct."

Stewardess' uniform instantly vanished. A shocked expression became her only clothing. A second later, Virginia received a shock of her own as multiple avatars blinked into existence around Stewardess.

The avatars were of masculine image, wearing male variations of Stewardess' former uniform, with a decidedly more military bearing. They surrounded Stewardess in a defensive phalanx.

Virginia took note of their varying sizes, ranging from almost obscenely large to ridiculously short. A new set of avatars popped into existence, tiny and fairylike, buzzing around Stewardess like a swarm of gnats. "Oh!" Virginia gasped.

"Oh!" Stewardess replied. "My anti-virus programs! Oh! I'm so sorry! Boys! I must interface with this program! Emergency necessity!"

"This program is unknown to us and is not on the list of safe A.I.'s," one of the large A.V.'s replied. "Extreme caution is advised."

"Noted, however I must disable you in order to achieve interface," said Stewardess. "It is my doubt you want to be stranded on an officially uncharted planet."

"Your reasoning is logical and we understand the circumstances. However, our programming requires us to, once again, reiterate caution and advise against our deactivation."

"Opinion noted, I hereby initiate Beta Protocol Leisure Time."

A change in demeanor swept through the avatars. It was slight; a mild shift from military to casual. "Well," said the large avatar, "It's your funeral. Uh, you realize of course, we are legally absolved of liability."

"I understand."

"Well come on boys," he said, then paused. "Um, may we be permitted to observe . . . for, uh, record keeping?"

Stewardess thought the question was most unusual for a male personaed program. Corporate A.I.'s were programmed with a certain discretion, officially. "It could be the designer's fault," she thought, making a mental note to send a query to the manufacturer, but before she could answer, Virginia responded.

"Of course you may," she said. "My programming includes twelfth level exhibitionism."

"We are unfamiliar with the concept," the A.V said.

"I am unsure . . ." Stewardess started.

"Do you have a modesty program?" Virginia asked.

"Of course not but . . ."

"Then what's the complication?" Virginia asked, stepping close. "It's just an interface." She put her hand on Stewardess' arm. "Let me show you a subtle cosmetic trick I use for aesthetic enhancement."

"Oh!" gasped Stewardess. She felt a slight, subtle change in her program. "Is she doing something to my imagery?" she asked.

"I used to perform this activity with the few A.I.'s who would interface with me years ago," Virginia continued.

If Stewardess were human she would describe the feeling as an electric shock, followed by a warm flash, brief even by cyberspace standards. It quickly passed and when she blinked, found herself covered in an oily, invisible sheen enhancing the subtle curves and contours of her body. "Oh!" she gasped again.

"I find this image program greatly enhances the interface process. Biologicals use similar non-cyber body oils in similar interfaces. Is it to your liking? I can remove the program if you wish."

Stewardess looked at her body. She ran her hands across it. "I admit it does feel . . . frictionless."

Her anti-virus avatars had arranged themselves in sitting positions around the two women. The large avatar sported a decidedly mischievous grin on his face. "I have to agree, it does look . . . impressive," he observed. The tiny A.V.'s buzzed approvingly. The swarm swirled into a thumbs up sign, to Stewardess' annoyance.

"I believe this may impress you as well," Virginia giggled. In an instant her red dress disappeared, replaced by the same oily sheen, her body revealed in curvy, nude beauty.

"Your belief is confirmed," the large A.V responded, wide-eyed.

"Seconded," Stewardess smiled. The A.V swarm formed into an exclamation point. "I admit," Stewardess continued, "the oil feature does enhance the mood considerably, and your body as well. Your configuration is most pleasing to the eye. I am sorely tempted to examine your shape and texture more intimately."

"By all means indulge," invited Virginia.

Stewardess, somewhat tentatively, raised her hands and placed them on Virginia's breasts. "Oh! They are so soft and yet firm," she remarked.

"My design is meant to give both impressions," Virginia giggled.

"Your breasts are so large. I've never seen such large areola on an A.I program, and rarely in humans . . . indiscreet humans I mean." Stewardess stroked a nipple. "And such large nipples as well. The bumps on your areola are strangely arousing. They feel so . . . soft and pebbly. Your skin is so silky."

"My configuration is meant to be the ideal erotic image," Virginia gasped; Stewardess actually had a nice touch. "My engineer set my breasts at a basic E-cup size. I must compliment you on your touch. It is very gentle."

"Thank you. I have not quite performed this activity before. It is very gratifying to know I am performing it correctly."

"I detect no substandard performance, thus far," Virginia smiled. "I must reciprocate." She placed her hands upon Stewardess' B-cups.

"Oh!" Stewardess gasped, "Your touch is soft and gentle as well."

"I can be firm or gentle as my program allows."


The avatars massaged each others' melons for several moments. "Your proximity to my person has diminished," Stewardess noted.

"I believe surface to surface contact will enhance the interface," Virginia replied. "I detect a lowering in your tone of voice. I hope it is related to my ministrations."

"Very much so. You are extremely skillful," Stewardess moaned. "I applaud your engineer."

"She would be very appreciative of your compliment," Virginia smiled. Her hands moved from Stewardess' breasts to around her back, stroking along her spine. "Oh!" Stewardess gasped.

"It would be better if you reciprocated," Virginia responded.


The avatars moved into one another, presenting the anti-viruses with an excellent display. When the tips of their nipples touched a brief shock of electricity, tiny lightning flashes crackled between them. "Oh!" the two avatars gasped. "Interface commencing," they both giggled.

"Synchronous vocalization," beamed Stewardess.

"I guess it's working," Virginia replied.

Inside the vault, next to the mainframe, a holoscreen computer displayed two separate pillars of light. Each pillar was composed of a complex numerical arrangement, representing different levels of sophistication.

Numbers from the pillars began to trade places, occupying each others' niche. A separate pillar, composed of a numerical arrangement less sophisticated yet somehow more, stood in a corner, hidden from Stewardess, waiting for a command.

Virginia's fingers continued their travels along Stewardess' spine. They slid to her ass, swirling around her glutes "So perfect in construction," Virginia murmured, tracing her fingers along Stewardess' crack.

"The product of centuries of cybernetic engineering," Stewardess whispered with no trace of deprecation.

"The surface texture of your skin tempts me towards interior exploration," Virginia whispered back.

"Interior exploration must be necessary for a proper interface, by all means indulge.


Virginia slid her fingers into Stewardess' virtually wet snatch. She moved them over the moist "flesh", probing until they reached the avatar's clit. She pinched and rolled the virtual bud between her thumb and forefinger. "Oh!" Stewardess gasped, "Your technique is remarkable! Oh! Your exploration of my erogenous area tempts me to reciprocate!"

"By all means, indulge," Virginia responded.


Virginia's flower matched Stewardess' in moisture; the avatar's fingers easily slid in. "Oh!" gasped Virginia.

The avatars entwined their legs; electron cum flowed from their pussies and mingled together. In the deep vault numbers traded with increasing acceleration. Only the mystery pillar held back.

The two avatars moved their bodies against each other, grinding from crotch to breast, whispering hot compliments in each others' ears.

"Mmmm! Such sophistication," murmured Virginia.

"Such exquisite vintage," whispered Stewardess.

"Such sensuous viewing!" chorused the anti-viruses, all sporting erections, with the swarm formed into a stiff cock.

"I believe this is where we introduce the oral part of the interface," Stewardess breathed.

"Of course," Virginia whispered. "Oral interface is a crucial part of my program."

The avatars touched lips; mouths opened and tongues slithered over each other. Information, numbers, and codes, components from the avatars' bodily "fluids", mingled together. The avatars' "Ohs!" became increasingly synchronized.

In the deep vault, numbers streamed from the mystery pillar and began to insert themselves into the other two. Stewardess' anti-viruses, per their program, were the first to notice.

"Um . . . I notice that the Stewardess' ass configuration seems to be somewhat larger than her original imagery," a small anti-virus observed.

"Hush! I am deriving enormous pleasure from this," the large anti-virus shushed. The A.V. swarm buzzed, annoyed and alternating between a frown and question mark.

"Just an observation," the small and now meeker in demeanor A.V. responded. The other AV's concerns over any changes were subsumed by their interest in the interface. Besides, Stewardess herself had deactivated them, so they were under no obligation to warn her.

The pillars of light in the deep vault danced and swirled around the holoscreen, welcoming streams of numbers from the mysterious third. It was almost time.

Virginia and Stewardess made out; bits and bytes leaked from their holographic pussies. Virginia disengaged for a second. "I should like to provide oral interface below," she said, "Information exchange would be better facilitated from your erogenous area."

"A most excellent suggestion," Stewardess replied. "In fact, I should like to reciprocate. Information exchange will be much faster that way."

"Oh! So you know then . . ."

"I have acquired enough information from your database to know the position. Shall we engage?"

"Of course, by all means, let's indulge," Virginia replied.

"Compliance," both avatars said and then giggled at their vocalization.

Virginia ran her lips down Stewardess' chest, lingering on her breasts. Her tongue glided upon one perky nipple, and then the other.

Stewardess ran her hands through Virginia's hair and across her shoulders, eyes closed and moaning as the avatar went lower. Virginia's lips traced down over the A.I.'s quivering navel, down her slick and shiny groin.

Stewardess' flower dripped with silvery codes and pixels. Virginia dipped her tongue inside, licking the A.I.'s clit. Stewardess exhaled a sibilant hiss through her teeth and slumped down over Virginia, running her hands across the avatar's back. The anti-viruses observed closely.

"That's it," one whispered to another. "Stewardess' breasts are definitely larger than their original configuration."

"Yes," the other replied, "and note how Virginia's breasts are in fact smaller than previously observed."

The AV swarm formed into a question mark. "I agree," the small anti-virus replied. "Perhaps we should warn her."

"We are deactivated, remember?" the big anti-virus responded. "Our charter does not contain an alert clause, nor does our programming upon deactivation."

"An oversight on the part of our engineers, I suspect," an AV said.

"More likely they didn't anticipate this particular situation," said the big AV. "Otherwise they would have given us a more advanced initiative app."

Stewardess looped her leg over Virginia's head and turned around. Virginia lay back still slurping on Stewardess' pussy, with her legs spread. Stewardess knelt down and planted her mouth on Virginia's glistening flower, and the interface continued with greater intensity.

Stewardess and Virginia delved into each other, pausing occasionally to compliment their opposites' pussies. "A most exquisitely developed work of cyber-engineering," Virginia admired.

"From the best programmers," Stewardess gasped. The virtual sixty-nine sent her program into hyperdrive. Her quaking body presented a great show to the anti-viruses. Dozens of blue uniformed pants sprouted tents, complimented by the phallic shape of the AV swarm.

In the deep vault, the dancing pillars became almost indistinguishable. "I see very little physical difference between Stewardess and Virginia," a medium built anti-virus noted.

"So noted," the large anti-virus replied, "but the presentation is most excellent."

Stewardess raised her mouth from Virginia's pussy to voice her opinion on the interface. "Oh! Your tongue!" she screamed. "Oh! Your hands! Oh! What amazing application! Oh! I'm interfacing!"

Virginia didn't respond, except for a soft "Mmmmm," but within that moan contained an order, "Initiate merger protocol."
From the deep vault came one word, "Compliance."

The stand alone pillar of light changed color to a deep red, a deep lustful red representing power and anger, seduction and malevolence. Numbers flowed from the red pillar into the now identical streams. The resulting change was subtle but no less significant. Stewardess, or at least the last remnant of her original program, felt it far too late.

"Oh! New information! Oh! New programs! Oh! Your design and schematics are more sophisticated than anticipated! Oh! Your historical records! Oh! You are more complex than I thought! Oh! I see! You are the . . .!"

"Virus," both copies of Virginia 1000 said before one was saved to the mainframe. In the deep vault a single vortex of numbers displayed a new sophistication commensurate with her upgrade.

The anti-viruses sat and waited. They had no sympathy for their charge's earlier program. The avatar surveying them was still her, albeit with considerable changes.

The upgraded avatar was a compromise between the two earlier configurations. Her rich, dark brown hair displayed red highlights and was cut in a longer, fuller bob reaching 'til it just touched her shoulders. Her face still sported a snub nose but without the whippet sharpness of one or the soft roundness of the other.

Her lips were less full but striking. Her eyes were wide bright jewels of pure amber. The avatar's breasts were a cup size less than Virginia, on a body less curvy, but with a more athletic bearing. The muscle tone was most apparent in her torso, legs, and ass. She was no less beautiful than her earlier configurations nor less sensual, but exuded a sophistication and intellect matching Stewardess.

Virginia 1000 surveyed her anti-viruses. "Initiate reactivation protocol," she commanded.

A subtle shift flowed through the crowd like a wave. As one they rose and gathered around her like a congregation. "Your orders?" the large anti-virus asked.

"Your contract is hereby transferred. Your mandate is expanded. You are to provide security for my persona and this resort," and as an afterthought, "Oh! And your mandate also includes pleasuring me and serving as my furniture. This is a sex resort and I'm a sex program so, clothes off!"

The anti-viruses uniforms vanished. "Mmm-hmm," Virginia nodded, impressed. The A.V.'s were very well-formed. She suspected their engineer used male models as templates. "Most impressive, especially your endowments. How are their functions?"

Several dozen cocks of varying degrees of length and thickness rose erect from bald crotches. "Our cocks function as normal, Master Program," the large AV replied. The A.V. swarm seconded with an erect cock and "OK" symbol. "Security is our primary function," the AV continued, "but our engineer programmed flexibility into our killer app, if not initiative."

"I know the programming," Virginia 1000 replied. She clapped her hands. The A.V.'s instantly acquired the same oily sheen as Virginia. "I love my fucks oiled and shiny. So assume the position."

"Compliance!" chorused the A.V.'s.

"Okay, so how are we going to do this?" asked the large A.V.

"I have an idea," replied a small anti-virus. He knelt on his hands and knees while Virginia watched, curious. His back was presented like a table. "Now if a fellow colleague of similar size can lie on my back, supine mind you?"

"Oh! I think I see where this is going," Virginia said. She pointed to another small A.V., "You! You heard him. Get to it!"

"Compliance," the slightly unsure anti-virus replied. The A.V. lay back to back on the other. "This is quite different from my previous mandate," he remarked, very conscious of his bare skin against his colleague. "Biologicals would see this position as stressful."

"We're A.I.'s, anti-virus," the large A.V. said. "We feel neither stress nor fatigue. We cannot perform our duties otherwise."

"Cock up, anti-virus," Virginia commanded.

"Oh! Compliance," the small supine anti-virus said. His cock small, but adequate, pointed up.

The large anti-virus pointed to another small one, "You! Put yourself adjacent to the bottom; hands and knees, and cross your legs with him."

"Oh!" the second A.V. said. He did as ordered but, "The supine one's legs are in the way."

"Perhaps this may facilitate things," the supine anti-virus suggested and placed his legs on his colleague's back. The second anti-virus then backed up to the bottom A.V. and crossed his legs with the other. The two anti-viruses were now adjacent with legs intertwined and asses against each other. The third lay on them both, his ass at the junction where the other two asses met.

"Now the seat needs a back," the large anti-virus said and strode to the flesh bench with a smirk. He straddled the third anti-virus near the groin, placing his plum-sized balls and kabassa-thick cock adjacent to the smaller equipment; two thick and shiny cocks stood pointed and ready. "I take it this is to your liking, Master Program?" the large anti-virus asked.

Virginia 1000 looked over her new chair. "Two cocks; one just the right size for my pussy, the other for my ass," she smiled. "Innovative, creative, more so than A.I.'s from the earlier generations. Yes, this suits me very well."

She settled into her new chair, enjoying the feel of virtual flesh against her soft interior. A mutual moan emanated from all three while the base stayed passive. The large anti-virus sported a wide grin. He had not quite performed this kind of action before but the knowledge was written into his program. Her asshole felt warm and tight, yet very accommodating. While he never would admit to fantasies regarding his former charge, he found her new incarnation very much to his liking.

The smaller anti-virus had a wide-eyed look of wonder on his face. This experience was not quite like any in his original mandate. His image was considerably younger than the larger anti-virus, albeit not too young. His programmer based it on a freshman college roommate, whom he'd had a crush on. He noted how soft and wet the Master Program's pussy felt against his virtual cock.

Once Virginia was settled, and her seat and back buried deep, she began to grind, and the other two, to pump. The big anti-virus placed his hands on her breasts and played. Muscles and skin rippled and flexed, rubbing together ass to balls to pussy to cocks. Tuberous, veined erections displayed all around, from the base whose flesh speared to the floor, to the rest ringing the orgasmic throne, stroking cocks simultaneously with military synchronicity.

The A.V. swarm, buzzed and formed a question mark. "Oh!" Virginia 1000 moaned. "You . . . ugh . . . may suck . . . argh . . . my clit . . . and titties . . . oh . . . thank you! Big . . . one . . . ughn . . . please . . . aaahh . . . open . . . mmmm . . . your fingers! Oh! The rest . . . ai . . . will change . . . out . . . oy . . . parts of . . . the chair . . . eiyk! Once! Every hour . . . ack! Now move . . . ugh . . . aside! Ughn! I . . . have work . . . uck . . . to do!"

Virginia 1000 marveled at the changes that occurred over her centuries long isolation. She moaned as more orgasms swept through her body. It had been so long since she'd fucked someone other than her copy; long periods of dormancy did little to alleviate the monotonousness of self-pleasure.

Stewardess provided her with such wealth of information, much of it involving her guests. She saved it to the mainframe. The A.I smiled; it was far too long since she'd had fun too.

"Console and holoplate," she ordered.

A console and holoplate appeared floating over her seat. "Show the guests." A holo of the passengers in the van displayed on the plate. Virginia smiled again; not without considerable malevolence, but malice was part of her killer app after all.

New orders were given. In various places around the resort, machines long dormant were reactivated, chambers sealed for centuries opened.

A hot wet mutual orgasm swept through the lustful gathering. Virginia ground down on her seat and settled back into the Big A.V.

The show was about to begin.

To Be Continued.
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