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Heroines Journey

Long ago, in the times of the ancients, a war was fought for control of the world of man. Known as Manna-Heim it laid in the heart of all the known realms. Control of it meant control over all other realms.

Many vied for control. From the Snow Giants from the eastern world of Nifelheim, who planned to freeze it solid. To the Succubi that dance in the flames of the western world of Muspelheim, who desired to set it ablaze. This threatened the lives of all those that lived there. Knowing her world would die if it fell into the hands of one such force, a young daughter of a farmer prayed to the only ones that could save her world.

The Gods of Asgard! In a desperate plea the girl offered her own life in exchange for her world's salvation. The gods heard her plea and sent down stone tablets to Manna-Heim. These tablets would grant the powers and skills of ancient warriors to those who were worthy of them. And the girl who sought their protection was given a very special power.

A brand new power. The power of the Valkyrie! She became a warrior like no other! Wielding both powerful magic and incredible might she rode into battle. Sporting special, not to mention sensual, armor forged by the mighty god of the forge Hefistus himself! With her mighty blade she cut down the very giants and demons she once ran from.

Soon this mighty warrior recruited others, creating a small but powerful platoon of elite Valkyrie warriors! None could stand against them! After countless battles Odin, the mother of all the gods, led the final battle against all the other realms for control of Manna-Heim. With her Valkyries leading the charge Odin laid claim to Manna-Heim. Becoming the queen goddess of all nine realms.

As thanks to those who lived in Manna-Heim, Odin not only allowed them to keep the stone tablets, but also took her Valkyries up to the heavens with her. Allowing them to live among the gods in the halls of Valhalla! They would feast and spar with each other in lavished comfort alongside Odin's own daughters. Of course there would still be skirmishes as dark forces plot ways to overthrow the gods and take both Manna-Heim and Valhalla for themselves. And one such force has begun making its move, spreading death and destruction across the land.

Cernobog of the renounced leads an army of steel golems. Impervious and unwavering in their mission they have destroyed town after town. Spreading across the land like a virus. Many adventurers have tried and failed to stand against them. It is time for the Valkyrie to once again ride into battle!

Master-V: Hope you guys are ready for fun with the beautiful Heroines of Manna-Heim! This will be my first attempt at making a more game style story so bare with me. And remember to GIVE FEEDBACK! Seriously the likes and comments keep me motivated and get me in the mood to write chapters. Often more than one.

If I can get this story going well enough I'll be starting a patreon with rewards ready and waiting. Also don't forget to ask for what you want to see. I'm always open to write new things......within reason.

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