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Hi I can control Time

Hi I am Ed. This is the story of me getting the power to control time and my great life after that.

Well before I got the power to control time I was just an average looking kid maybe a bit below average. I was an introvert nothing too serious just no friends, low self esteem, when ever I get a chance locking my self in my room and masturbating to porn and of course I had zero sexual experience. A totally frustrated High School senior.

I can still remember the day clearly. It was a Friday January 16th 2015. After school I came home locked myself in my room browsing porn, my parents were going out for the weekend. Dad had asked me to clean up the backyard around 7 pm I I went to do that suddenly a bright light flashed. Before I can do anything or think anything I was lying on the ground a burnt hole in my shirt. There was no pain or any mark on my body but I was quite freaked out. My heart pumping like crazy. Not knowing what to do or what happened I went inside the house tried to open the fridge to drink water. While drinking I placed my had on the surface of the fridge the surface started glowing. I freaked out. Seriously that day was very bad for my heart. After I calmed down a bit i tried it again the surface started to glow again. This time i remind as calm as I can possibly be letters started forming on the surface almost like a tv screen. It was a message from "aliens".

The message was a bit long and I am a bit too lazy to write it down. I will just tell the important points.

  1. They where 7th dimensional aliens beings.
  2. Found out about us from radio signals sent by NASA into the space.
  3. They have been trying to reach us but because there are 7th dimensional and we are four dimensional they couldn't come here.
  4. The Light That struck me apparently is a five dimensional device in which contains all their research about interdimensional travel and a possible way to reach them.
  5. As a show goodwill they also made the device a infinite power source in our universe.

6.(This is the important part) The device is also made capable of manipulating all our dimensions. so as to help us understand and implement their research.

  1. The device has a interface so that the information can be easy access and manipulated.
  2. They want us to use these to come to them.

Well I didn't sleep that night. Placing my hand on different thing and seeing if it glows. All I found ot was as long as it was a reflective surface it would glow and the message would appear. I was definitely not going to share this with the government. After all the alien movies. I was actually afraid if the government was going to come after me.

It morning and being awake the whole night was getting to me. It was then I first manipulated time. I was thinking about the message and how that the device was capable of controlling time. I thought it would be cool if I could stop time. I was already very sleepy so I went to bed after setting the alarm for 1pm. Before I started sleeping I just raised my arm and shouted time stop. I didn't feel any thing odd and I fell asleep.

I woke up thinking I must have woken up before the alarm but when Saw the alarm the clock hands were not moving. I took the clock all the while praying it should be time stop that I had stopped time. I shook the clock but nothing. Well shaking a clock means nothing in a time stopped universe.

I threw the clock up. And yes the clock didn't come down. Well yes. I had stopped time. I didn't know what to do, how did I stop time or how to restart it. And for the hell of it I said restart time loudly. And bam the clock fell on my head.

But it was one my most happy movement in my life. I was so exited I started throwing thing in the air and stopping time and restarting it.

I wanted to test it outside. I was never that exited to get out of the house that much in my life.

I ran to the bath, well I smelled a little. Showered put on some clothes and out of the house.

What's next?

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