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Higher Sex Ed

Sarah woke up late. Again. She glanced at her phone and realized that she would have to hurry. Her naked body rolled out of bed. She went to her dresser and slipped on a shirt and blazer, both were in accordance with the university dress-code. The drawer at the bottom of her dresser contained the university-code trousers. Pin-striped and cut to the university board’s precise specifications. She pulled them on. At the end of the pantlegs they fanned out in the typical business suit style. Sarah hated that. Further up the pants narrowed, so they ended by fitting tightly around her thick thighs. Sarah did not mine the way this really showed off the female curves. However, at the crotch, the fabric wasn’t just thin and tight - it was cut out altogether. This was of course necessary so everyone could see the faculty member’s XAF status. It went without saying that it was considered highly suspect to cover up the one physical aspect of your body that would reveal this. So naturally her dick swung freely and bare between her legs, unobstructed to anyone wishing to estimate her XAF level. She looked down at her flaccid, long cock. At 14 inches, most people would guess she was a XAF-level 5, or XAF5 for short, but Sarah knew she was only a four, yet she certainly didn’t mind the flattering misinterpretations, at all.

All ready to go Sarah ran to her car.

Sarah pushed open the door to the lecture hall and entered. “Sorry I’m late” she lamented as she neared the desk. In front of her, she saw what she had expected - every year it was the same. Seriously, Sarah was among the top CRISPR tech experts in the world, and by far the most well-respected researcher on the faculty. As the best, had to lead what was considered the most sacred and honorable class of the year, well of socie-she, namely; Higher Sex Ed. The 47 girls in the auditorium were, as Sarah could have easily predicted, talking loudly, pointing to and touching each other’s openly displayed cocks in an array of teenage horniness.

Sarah sighed, she had forgotten how hard this task actually was - but the beautiful young girls also reminded her of the perks of this particular university. Sarah’s cock gave a slight tingling and bounced gently upwards. No no, not yet.

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