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Home On The Range Ch. 01

**Author's Note: Home On The Range is a continuing story where each chapter builds on previous chapters. If this is your first encounter with Home On The Range, I'd like to suggest you read the previous chapters prior to reading this one. Please enjoy!

** Home On The Range story is one of fiction based on the activities of a real-life. The plot of this story is to follow along as a family interact with the different situations they face in life.

**Before you read this chapter, be advised that it contains very graphic depictions of raw sex between two or more consenting people. IF such depictions upset you or make you lose sleep, PLEASE don't read any further. It's a different-strokes-for-different-folks kind of story.

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For the record: All characters engaging in any sexual activities - are legal aged!


Although this story happened years ago when I was 18, I remember all the details like it happened yesterday. First, let me tell you a little about me. My name is Brittany, but everyone calls me Brit for short, which I don't mind. I am an only child, but I wasn't spoiled, by any means. As I sit on the porch swing after supper, drinking my beer, I think back to all the hard work, I put into this ranch to get where I am today. The kids are down at the pond skinny dipping before it gets dark. You see, I am now the proud owner of a rather large cattle ranch in Texas, that was once owned by my grandpa Frank Campbell. But I don't want to get too far ahead of myself.

Let me tell you about myself, because everyone loves to know what a girl looks like when she's naked. I'll start at the top and work my way down my body. I have shoulder length blonde hair, and some tell me my blue eyes sparkle. I'm not petite by any means but I'm not sporting any fat either, well maybe a little on my hips, but that's part of a woman's figure. I was always active in sports while in school. I was a straight "A" student; however, I was never considered a geek by my classmates. All the hours I've spent working on the ranch toughens a person. As a result of all the hard work, comes the body muscles I've earned.

As I was growing up and started to develop, my boobies only grew to a "B" cup with light pink areolar and nipples. My abdomen didn't really have a girl's six pack, but you could see ridges in my abdomen when I played basketball or some other sport while wearing a crop top and shorts or a bikini.

Mom and dad bought me the normal gifts a lot of other parents bought for their daughters. The gifts weren't expensive, but they were in tune with what the other kids were receiving or wearing at the time. What I'm trying to say is, I didn't stand out in the crowd.

My parents always told me if I wanted money, I had to be willing to work for it. They gave me chores around the house and for that they gave me an allowance. The allowance I received only came to me when I had completed my chores. Don't get me wrong, I didn't have to mow the grass or any of the other strenuous choses outside, but I did have to make sure the dishes were done, (without a dishwasher) clean the whole house, (not all at once) do the dusting, do the laundry, take out the garbage and chores like that.

My mom was very open with me. We discussed everything; nothing was sanctified. As I grew older the topics of our conversations changed and became more of the mature nature. Even though I knew about sex from my health classes in high school, mom made sure I had other lessons and explanations from her as well.

She was a fanatic in personal hygiene, and she was always giving me the right information to help me be clean. When I started my period, I wasn't ready for that. I messed up a few times and stained my panties and since I did the laundry, I noticed my mom's panties weren't stained at all.

One Saturday when dad was out mowing the lawn, I asked my mom some basic questions and immediately she encouraged me to sit down and talk to her. Mom answered all my questions. When I finally got around to telling her I stained my panties, she told me it would be better if I wore a light panty liner a week before my period was due, just in case and for a week after my period, just in case I had an additional drainage. That made complete sense to me and from that day on, I never stained my panties again. I know that part was personal, but I wanted you to know I had great parents who would talk to me and set me on the right road to life.

They taught me to take responsibility for my actions and since both of them had important positions with their respective companies, I spent a lot of time alone with my schoolwork or simply entertaining myself. They trusted me not to invite boys to our house when they weren't home. They also did their best to make important events in my school years but the majority of the time only one of them could attend, unless it was a special event.

When I was growing up, they didn't buy me everything I asked for, but I was rewarded beyond my allowance for my straight "A" grades or helping my team win whatever game we were playing. I loved action sports like track and field, softball, volleyball, field hockey and even though I did my best at basketball, I wasn't the top-notch player on the team.

I developed an assertive personality and if anyone wanted to do something, I was usually the first one to try it, if it was legal. I'd like to think of myself as being very friendly, that is, unless someone did something to piss me off. I am very proud of my body and the way I'd developed so I wasn't really shy. However, I didn't really flaunt my looks like some of my other classmates. A few of the guys, in my class that I dated, told me I was easy on the eyes.

Moving on to the story, I remember the weather was hotter and dryer than normal in Cleveland, and I was a senior in high school only a couple weeks away from the biggest day of my life, high school graduation day.

On one fateful day everything changed when the phone rang, and mom answered it. I heard her say, "Oh hi dad, how are things out there?"

Mom listened and then I saw her start crying and she couldn't speak so I walked over to her and put my arm around her and asked, "What's the matter mom? Why are you crying?"

Mom handed me the phone then buried her face in her hands just before the flood gates opened and mom broke down completely. I looked down and saw mom's shoulders shake because she cried so hard. I put the phone to my ear and asked, "Hello grandpa, why is mom crying, is everything alright?"

Suddenly I heard grandpa's broken voice on the phone saying, "I'm so sorry Britt, I'll call back later."

I yelled into the phone, "NO, wait grandpa, DON'T GO! What's the matter? What's wrong? Is everything alright with you and grandma?"

There was a long pause then I heard grandpa's crying voice choke out, "Britt, your grandma died this morning. The rescue squad is here and because it's obvious that your grandma passed a long time ago, we're waiting for the doctor to come out here and pronounce her dead. When I came home, I found her. She's all I had; I don't know what I'm gonna do now."

My heart sank in my chest and my eyes filled with tears as I said, "Oh Grandpa, I'm so sorry; I wish I was there to comfort you. Are you ok?"

Grandpa choked out, "Yes, I'm ok for now. May I speak to your mom again?"

I held the phone down to mom saying, "Grandpa wants to talk to you. He needs your help mom."

Mom's hands were shaking when she took the phone and said in a shaky, broken voice, "Ok, I'm back dad, I'm sorry I couldn't talk for a few minutes. What can I do for you?"

Mom and her father talked for another ten minutes or so before she hung up. I asked her about grandpa, and she said he had to go because the doctor showed up and was going to look at grandma and pronounce her dead. I walked over to mom and hugged her to me and said, "I'll do whatever you need me to do."

Well, the next few days were a whirlwind. We packed and flew out early the next morning to Texas where we were met at the airport by one of grandpa's friends. He had a small Cessna airplane, which he used to fly us out to grandpa's ranch. Dad sat in the front seat with grandpa's friend and mom and I sat in the back seat. On the way, he told us that flying out to the ranch was much faster than traveling on dusty dirt roads. About twenty minutes after we left the airport, he banked the plane to the left and I looked out my window and saw grandpa's house and barns below. After checking the windsock, the pilot decided which way he was going to land and then put the plane down on the dirt runway near the main barn.

Grandpa was there waving as we taxied to a stop. Dad stepped out of the plane followed by mom who rushed over and hugged grandpa. Dad and I pulled our bags out of the small compartment in the belly of the plane then walked over to mom and grandpa. They were crying on each other's shoulders and watching them made me cry again. Grandpa broke his hug with mom and hugged me then shook hands with dad saying, "Thanks for bringing my daughter out here. I really appreciate it."

Dad asked, "Frank, what can I do to help you?"

Grandpa said, "My neighbors are helping Charlie, my hired man, run the ranch while I'm taking care of business, so I don't have anything to worry about right now. I have to sort out what to do in the house. Maggie always took care of everything in there and I don't know where she kept everything."

Mom spoke up saying, "I can help out dad. Mom always had a habit of keeping things in the same place so whatever you need I'll get it for you."

We settled into our rooms then during the next few hours mom and I helped grandpa do whatever he needed to get done. Late in the afternoon mom and I prepared a delicious dinner while dad and grandpa sat in the living room talking. At dinner time grandpa and mom only picked at the food on their plate while engaged in small conversations. Dad advised both of them to eat because they needed to keep their strength up.

The next few days we attended the wake and funeral for grandma and almost all the family showed up, but they stayed in the local town instead of way out at the ranch. The ladies from town put together all the food for the reception after the funeral and what a spread it was. If one didn't know any better, they would have thought we were attending a family reunion. Mom, dad and I stayed on a couple days after the funeral then we had to get back to the Cleveland. I had to take some tests even though I knew my grades put me in High Honor already and there were no problem with me being a candidate to graduate.

Before we left grandpa's ranch, he asked me if I could come back after graduation and help out for the summer and he would pay me. Before I could say anything, mom blurted out, "Dad, I'm sure Britt would love to come out here and help you. Right, dear?"

I looked at mom for a second before I saw her nod her head then I responded, "Sure grandpa, I will come out and help you. How about you coming to my graduation and then we can fly back together."

Grandpa smiled for the first time in a few days and said, "I'll be there."


Back at home I went to school and my teachers were very understanding. They took the extra time out of their busy schedules to give me the exams I'd missed. A couple of days before graduation grandpa showed up at our house and although he tried to put on a happy face, all of us could tell he missed grandma.

With many of my family members present, especially my grandpa, I proudly walked across the stage and accepted my hard-earned diploma. After the ceremony dad took us all out to lunch at a fancy restaurant in Cleveland. When we got home, I was surprised to see most of the family members show up for a private celebration. The neighbors helped mom by setting up the house after we had left that morning. There was a huge cake in the middle of the table and another table with plenty of gifts and cards on it.

As the celebration got rolling, I stepped to the center of the room and asked for everyone's attention. When it quieted down, I thanked everyone for all they did to help make that day very special for me. I cut the cake and then a neighbor took over cutting it into pieces and passing it out while I walked around the room hugging and kissing everyone for attending.

The next day, I briefly attended a couple of the parties held by my friends. I told everyone I was going to Texas to help my grandpa on the ranch for the summer. I'd made plans with some of my classmates to attend some concerts and maybe go on a short road trip so when I told them I was going to Texas they were very disappointed I was leaving. However, all agreed it was for a good cause.

Two days after graduation grandpa and I were on a plane headed west. When we got to the airport his friend was there to greet us and fly us out to grandpa's ranch. When we arrived, grandpa told me I could have the room I'd stayed in when we were there a couple weeks ago. I left the bedroom door open while I unpacked and put everything away because it was hot and humid and there was a small breeze passing through the room. When I was done, I changed into a light-yellow sundress I had with me.

When I walked downstairs, I looked around for grandpa, but he was nowhere in sight. I went out the back door and called for him then went out on the front porch and found him sleeping in the swing, rocking gently. He looked so peaceful that I backed into the house and went to the kitchen to see what he had in the food department, so I could make dinner.

That night, grandpa and I ate dinner then we settled down on the couch to watch some television. It wasn't long before he yawned and said he was going to bed. I told him I would be up in a little while. He turned to me at the bottom of the stairs, "Don't be up too late, the day starts early around here. I'll wake you up in the morning."

I smiled and said, "I'm used to staying up late and getting up early so don't worry grandpa, I'll be ok."

He turned back and started up the stairs, "But sweetheart working on a ranch and going to school are two different things. I guess you'll find out the hard way just like you ma did."

I heard him chuckle when he finished speaking and I listened to his heavy footsteps climb the stairs. I watched television for another hour then turned it off and made my way up to my room. I had left the window open on the far wall because of the breeze blowing into my room.

However, when I closed my bedroom door, the breeze seemed to stop. It was so hot I decided to leave my door open so the breeze could blow through my window, pass through my room, making it a little cooler. I like the idea of being cooler over hot and sweaty.

I undressed, leaving my black thong panties on. Then I pulled my old t-shirt over my head, the bottom of it fell down just past my ass in the back. I pulled down the light blanket and sheet which was covering my bed and left it laying at the bottom. I crawled up on the bed and that's the last thing I remember until grandpa was shaking my arm calling my name. Through half closed eyes I looked up and said, "What's the matter grandpa?"

Even in the darken room I saw he was looking down at me, but not at my face. He said, "It's time to get up sweetheart, I told you my day starts early around here."

I looked towards the window and it was still dark outside however it was lighter than when I went to bed. I looked back at grandpa who was still staring at me and said, "Ok, I'm awake, I'll get up."

Grandpa stared a few seconds longer then turned on his heel and walked out the door. I laid there for a few seconds and when I moved my hand down my body, I shockingly discovered that my shirt was pulled up just below my titties and the only thing keeping me decent was my skimpy black thong panties. Even more shocking to me was when I also discovered that my legs were spread wide and when I looked down my pubic bone humped up under my panties designating where my pussy started.

I quickly pulled my shirt down and looked towards the door and thankfully grandpa was nowhere in sight. My heart was racing when I realized he had been looking at my scantily clad body and what was more shocking he didn't even look away once he saw me looking up at him. I could feel the heat of my embarrassment rush through my body as I quickly jumped up. I thought to myself, oh my God, what's grandpa going to think of me, now. Will he think I'm a little hussy?

I rushed to my bedroom door and closed it quickly. I turned on my bedroom light then took off my night shirt. I caught a glimpse of my body in the full-length mirror and unlike the many times I'd seen my body before I looked closely at the portion of my body below my tits so I could imagine what grandpa saw. I turned this way and that way trying to imagine the angle he saw me then I remembered I had my legs spread also. When I spread my legs in front of the mirror, I was shocked to see my panties had slipped into my slit on the right side and that meant grandpa saw my bald pussy lip. I started shaving my pussy a while ago even though I didn't really have to. I am what many people call a natural or true blonde. The hair on my pubic mound was light blonde and even with it there, I could still see my slit. But once I shaved all the hair off, like I'd seen the other girls do, I loved being bald and very smooth. I immediately started blushing all over again.

My concentration was broken when I heard grandpa call me, asking me if I was up yet. I walked over to my bedroom door and opened it a crack and called back, "Yes, I getting dressed, I'll be right down."

I heard grandpa say, "Ok, hurry up, snake will be here in a few minutes and we want to eat."

I hurriedly found a pair of shorts and a tank top and I quickly donned my shorts and tank top then opened my bedroom door, turned off the light and headed downstairs. I walked into the kitchen where grandpa was pouring himself a cup of coffee. He asked me if I wanted some and I hesitated before saying, "Yes, I guess I'd better get used to drinking coffee if I'm going to wake up at this hour in the morning."

Grandpa smiled at me and said, "This morning I'll give you a break but from now on when I wake you up, you need to get down here right away and get the coffee started then get breakfast cooking. Here on the ranch, we have chores that need doin' on a schedule, so we don't get behind in our work."

However, since you're a city girl, which there's nothing wrong with that, but you've never cared for farm animals before. I'll stay behind this morning and show you what you'll have to do this summer. After this morning you'll be here by yourself and you're goin' ta be feedin' the animals in the barn and cleaning up after them while snake and I go out and do the field work. We'll be gone all day and we'll check and feed the animals when we come back in at night. Being on the ranch isn't the same as being in the city. This work is gonna to be hard on you at first, but you'll get used to it."

I smiled at grandpa and said, "I can handle it. I'm not a girly girl like some of my friends."

Grandpa turned and looked up and down my body then he said, "It looks like we're gonna have to make a trip into town to get you some proper clothes and boots. I don't want ya working around the animals in them kind of shoes."

I looked down at my sneakers and said, "These are comfortable, what's wrong with them?"

Grandpa huffed and said, "City kids! If an animal steps on your foot, you'll be out of commission and I'll be right back to square one."

I smiled and said, "Yeah, but you'll have me to keep you company, so let's say, you'll only be back to half a square."
Grandpa smiled at me and said, "You're your mother's kid alright. She was always had a quick wit too. But I guess you're right, you do add a certain enticing flavor for these old eyes, in this house."

My head snapped around and I looked at grandpa, but he had his back to me and was just sitting down at the kitchen table with his coffee. I smiled to myself thinking of him only fifteen or twenty minutes ago when he purposely looked at my almost naked body. I grinned then turned back to my chore of making breakfast. Shortly, there was a knock on the kitchen door at the same moment it opened, and an older black man, about six feet tall, walked in. Grandpa said, "Snake, meet my granddaughter Brittney but we call her Britt for short. She's gonna be here for the summer to help us out. She made dinner for me last night so I know she can cook."

Snake reached out his hand in my direction and I walked over and took his hand and shook it. I marveled at the fact my hand disappeared in his. When he released me, I asked him, "Would you like a cup of coffee, snake?"

Snake smiled at me and said "Yes, Ms. Britt, I'd love a cup." He wandered over to the table and sat down across from grandpa and I poured him a cup of coffee then set it down in front of him.

I finished cooking breakfast for the two of them and put everything on the table. Both of them dug in and started eating like a starved person. I brought my coffee over to the table and sat down and grandpa looked at me asking, "Aren't you gonna eat too? It's going to be a long time before lunch. Oh, by the way, you have to fix two lunches for snake and me before we go down to the barn. The lunch pails are over there in the pantry."

I replied, "No grandpa, I can't eat this early in the morning. I'll fix your lunches while you eat."

Grandpa said, "Britt it's going to be a long time before lunch. Mark my words, you're gonna wish you'd eaten before noon gets here. You have a lot of work to do in the barn after we leave for the fields."

To make grandpa happy I made a couple pieces of toast and ate them while I made lunches and put together both lunch pails. I poured each of us another cup of coffee then sat down with grandpa and snake. They talked about the ranch and what they were going to be doing and I listened. I didn't know where the north pasture was or where the strip of woods was that grandpa said he was working close to. But I listened and I knew someday I would get to explore and find out.

We finished our second cup of coffee and I put the dishes in the sink then grandpa said let's go, it's getting late. We walked outside on the front porch and it was just getting light. Dressed in my tank top and shorts I shivered a couple times in the morning air, but the air temperature was warm despite the early morning hour. Although there was a warm breeze, the stillness of the morning without honking horns was music to my ears. In Cleveland, there were always sirens from the police cars or ambulances, but it was never this quiet.

The three of us walked into the barn and, grandpa turned on the lights and showed me where the switches were so I could turn them off later. Grandpa spent extra time that first morning showing me where everything was. He showed me what to feed the animals and how much feed to give each of the animals. He told me what I had to do to clean the individual pens and horse stalls. He showed me where the corn was, to feed the chickens which roamed freely around and in the barn. We walked over to the chicken boxes and I saw the eggs that needed to be collected each morning. There was a lot of stuff to remember so I told grandpa, I'd do the best I can.

The one thing he strongly stressed is the fact that whenever I used a tool, he wanted me to put it back where I found it. He said, "I don't want to spend time searching for a tool that's out of place. I know where everything is, and everything has a place."

I smiled and said, "Just like mom does at home. She has a certain place for everything, and she always puts everything back when she is finished using it."

Grandpa smirked and said, "Well at least your ma learned one lesson from me anyway."

He told me, after they left for the range, it was up to me to finish my chores before I went back up to the house to eat lunch. After lunch you can do up the house chores and take care of the garden.

As he was walking away from me headed towards the shed, he said over his shoulder, "If you finish the barn, house and garden before it's time to cook supper, you can go down to the pond and cool off for a little while. I asked him where the pond was, and he pointed in the general direction before he said, "It's about a ten-minute walk from the house. He said the pond is fed by an underground spring, so the water is cold but very refreshing."

I smiled at grandpa's back and said, "Did I tell you; I love you?"

Grandpa never lost a step as he said, "I know Britt, I know."

Finally, grandpa turned to me and said, "Ok, you're on your own; I don't expect anyone to come by today, so you'll be here by yourself. Please don't get hurt and if you go swimming, be careful not to overdo it."

I ran after him and gave him another hug as I said, "Don't worry; if I run into a problem, I'll come looking for you."

Grandpa got a funny look on his face and said, "Don't go running around the ranch unless you know where you're going. Stay close to home until I get a chance to show you around. You can get lost out there."

I cocked my head to the side and smiled saying, "Why grandpa, where will you be in case, I need you?"

Grandpa said, "Don't worry Britt, you'll be alright around here. No one will bother ya. Be careful around the animals until they get to know you. Just go slow and you'll be alright. It's going to get hot later so drink plenty of water."

Grandpa got up on one of the tractors and snake got on another tractor and soon both of them headed around the barn and I watched as they disappeared. I went back to work and fed the animals then I started cleaning up after them like grandpa told me.

Within an hour I was sweating like a pig and my back, arms and legs started to get sore and hurt like hell. I slowed down working, thinking if I worked slower, I would cool down but as the morning wore on, the temperature rose, and I got hotter. I tried to cool down by wetting my tank top with the hose but a few minutes later, my tank top was warm again.

While I worked, I drank a lot of water from the same hose I used to water the animals and wet my tank top. I might have been a "city girl" all my life but I didn't mind drinking the cold water that came out of the hose. However, it seems like I perspired as much body fluid as I drank. I had been in hot weather before, but this was almost overwhelming. Even in the barn, in the shade, it was hot and when I had to go outside, I suffered greatly, in the sun.

I walked to the barn door and looked outside then walked to the corner of the barn and looked down the road that grandpa and snake had taken, and I didn't see anyone. I'm not terribly bashful and I've always thought I had a decent body with a few extra pounds here and there but overall, I really didn't mind the guys at school checking me out. I've worn skimpy bikinis since I started developing and I know the boys love to look at my titties. Now, I was in a strange place and the last thing I wanted to do was upset grandpa so soon after grandma died.

I looked all around and made sure I was alone before I pulled my tank top up and over my head leaving my small "B" cup titties exposed to the hot air that surrounded me. I walked back into the barn and hung my shirt up so it could dry, then I walked over to the garden hose and let it run till the cold water came through, then splashed some on my body to cool me down.

My chores were calling me, so I picked up my fork and went back to work. Another ten minutes went by and the sweat ran down my belly and soaked the top of my shorts. I tried to work but my wet shorts were worse than wearing a bathing suit, so I set down the fork and walked to the barn doors and looked around.

I didn't see or hear anything that sounded like another human being or anything that made the noise of a human so, I nervously unfastened my shorts and after taking one last look around, I pushed them off my hips and down my legs. I stepped out of them and shook them before I walked over and hung them up near my tank top.

I felt a little weird at first being outside in just my wet panties and my sneakers, but grandpa's words traveled through my head saying, "Ok, you're on your own; I don't expect anyone to come by today, so you'll be here by yourself. Don't worry Britt, you'll be alright around here. No one will bother ya."

I thought about his words and looked down at my panties which covered more than my bikini did so I thought to myself, I should be fine.

I went back to work and soon forgot that I was almost naked. My body ached all over and I was tired by the time I finished everything but cleaning the horse stalls. I love horses and always wanted to have one of my own so even though it was a dirty job, I loved being near the big animals. I moved slowly into each stall and let the horse smell me as I petted and rubbed their head near their ears. Once I felt they were comfortable with me I moved slowly and hooked a lead rope on them and walked them out into the alley and hooked them up to a ring on the wall, while I cleaned the stall.

As I finished each stall, I put the house back in and rubbed his head a little more before I walked out and closed the door to the stall. When I finished cleaning up, I put all the tools I'd used back where I found them. I walked through the barn one last time to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything. When I was satisfied, I did everything in the barn, I walked back toward the front doors of the barn and pulled my tank top and shorts off the peg and picked up the basket of eggs.

Without stopping to look I walked out of the barn carrying my shorts, tank top and basket of eggs. It wasn't until I was halfway to the house that I realized I was walking out in the open with no place to hide, almost naked, in just my panties and my sneakers. Suddenly, I got that weird feeling in my stomach that I was doing something wrong, but I reasoned with myself that I was cooler without my shorts and top.

My brain waged a mental argument that I was cooler and that's all that mattered. My brain won out and I made it to the house without stopping. I'll admit from that halfway point on until I reached the house, my head was like being on a pivot and my eyes looked for any sign of movement as I walked. In the house I looked at the clock and saw that it was way past noon time, but I figured that wasn't bad for the first day.

I was so hot and sticky I decided to take a shower before I did anything else. I walked up the stairs to the bathroom and I dropped my clothes in the hamper before I slipped out of my panties and dropped them in the hamper as well. After my panties were off, I looked down as I rubbed my hand across my mound and noticed I needed to shave my pussy because I had rough stubble. Even out here in nowhere land, with very little possibility of anyone seeing me, I still wanted to have my pussy nice and smooth.

I walked into my bedroom and picked up my small bathroom case and took it back into the bathroom with me. After opening the bag, I took out my Schick Quattro razor for women. Suddenly I realized I was walking between my bedroom and the bathroom stark naked without even giving it a second thought. I felt my pussy get wet and my feminine fluids actually started leaking out of me, here I was standing in grandpa's bathroom with the door open all the way, completely naked, with nothing in there to cover myself. Again, visions of being caught raced through my head and as they did, the more excited I became.

Finally, I settled down enough, but I had to dry myself a little before I could shave my pussy. I drew some water in the sink and squirted some of my Skintimate Sensitive Skin Moisturizing Shave Gel in my hand. I smeared it all over my pussy before I began the careful task of shaving myself until I was completely smooth.

When I finished, I turned on the shower with cool water before I stepped in. I shampooed my hair then put some conditioner in it while I used my body wash to clean myself. I had this unmistakable urge to play with my clit, but I resisted the urge right up until I had to wash between my legs. When my hand rubbed against my clit, it was all over. I leaned back against the wall of the shower and rubbed my clit until my orgasm surged through my body almost buckling my legs and certainly making them feel like jelly. When my orgasm subsided, I rinsed off again then turned off the water.

I opened the curtain, and quickly realized there was no bath towel in sight, so I reached for the small hand towel on the rack. I did the best I could drying myself. I finished drying my naked body enough so I wouldn't leave water tracks all over the floor before I walked out into the hall and got a larger towel, from the linen closet, so I could dry my hair.

Suddenly I had the urge to go downstairs completely naked and get a drink of water. I quickly dried my hair, brushed it, hung my towel up as I timidly walked out of the bathroom and step by step down the stairs listening for any noise or voice that someone was in the house. I reached the bottom of the stairs and slowly but carefully tiptoed out to the kitchen to the sink. I reached up and took down a glass and when I turned the faucet on it seemed to roar when the water came rushing out of it, at least that's how it seemed to me at the time. I let the water run for a couple of minutes then filled my glass. I looked around before I lifted the glass to my lips and seeing no one I took a long drink then looked around again.

I walked into the living room and turned on a couple of the fans to move the air and try to cool down. Grandpa had told us when we were out here for grandma's funeral, he didn't believe in air conditioning because you'd feel hotter when you went outside so he only had some fans to cool down with. I moved around the kitchen as I made my well-deserved lunch then sat down and devoured it. I made up my mind that grandpa was right when he told me to eat breakfast in the morning, before going to work.

I went up to my bedroom and pulled my bikini out of the drawer and put it on. When I finished, I went downstairs and out the kitchen door so I could work in grandma's huge garden. I'd never really been around a garden before, but I instinctively knew I had to pull the weeds and I read somewhere it wasn't good to water the plants when the sun was shining on them. So, it didn't take me long to move through the garden row by row and make sure everything was growing fine. I picked some of the vegetables that looked big enough or ready to eat. I put everything in one of grandma's wicker baskets and carried the fresh picked vegetables into the house.

I was all hot a sweaty again from working in the garden, so I went up to my bedroom and took off my bikini and went to the bathroom for another cool shower. Once again, I only dried enough so I wouldn't leave water tracks through the house then walked back downstairs. I went to the kitchen and I looking around to see what grandpa had for food. I wasn't being nosey but if I was going to be here for the next three months, I needed to know what was in the pantry and what kind of food grandpa liked based on what was there. I found the freezer full of meat which was divided between chicken, beef and pork. I pulled out a nice sized steak for supper, as grandpa called it. I made macaroni salad and put it in the refrigerator to cool. For being from the "city" my mom and dad weren't fancy eaters, so the salad and steak was a meal that we would eat at home.

I found myself standing at the front door. My hand reached up all by itself and opened the screen door and my feet stepped out on the porch. Oh my God I was completely naked standing on the front porch where I stood a couple weeks ago with my parents and my grandpa and ..... if they could only see me now.

I felt the moisture building in my pussy as I walked across the porch to the double swing hanging near the corner of the wrap around porch. I looked around nervously then spread my hand towel out before I sat down on the swing. My mind was in turmoil, I shouldn't be out here like this. What if someone came right now, they would see me for sure. I looked toward the screen door and guessed it to be at least twenty feet away from me and I didn't have anything other than my hands and small hand towel to cover my entire naked body. I was nervous and excited at the same time. I had never experienced these epic types of feelings before. A series of shivers traveled through my body and my little pink nipples were standing at attention. I thought to myself, what the fuck am I doing out here?

I don't know how long I sat there in the swing, swinging back and forth but while I was there, I relaxed enough to nod off briefly, I think. Somewhere in my subconscious a noise, there was a noise and when I opened my eyes, I heard it. It was the sound of a tractor. My head jerked so I looked towards the barn and I saw grandpa backing his tractor under the shed next to the barn and snake was waiting for grandpa to park so he could back under the shed. I ducked down low and almost crawled to the screen door. Once inside I dashed up the stairs and into my bedroom and quickly pulled on a tank top and a pair of shorts.

I forgot that snake and grandpa had to check the animals and feed them before grandpa came up to the house, so I had rushed to put something on for nothing. I was in the kitchen when grandpa walked in the house and put both lunch pails on the kitchen counter and after saying hello, he told me, "I'm going upstairs and take a shower, and then I'll be back. Snake usually eats with us, so I hope you have enough for him too."

I smiled at grandpa and said, "I made a salad earlier and there's enough for three of us. I took out a steak for supper so there's plenty of that too. Go ahead and take your shower and I'll get the steak on the grill."

Grandpa walked up the stairs and I heaved a big sigh of relief thinking how close I came to being caught completely naked sitting on the front porch swing. I was out on the back porch when grandpa came back downstairs from his shower barefoot and wearing only a pair of shorts. He went to the refrigerator and pulled out a beer and called out to me, "Hey Britt, do you want a beer?"

I stepped over to the screen door and said; "Now grandpa, you know I'm not old enough to drink beer."

Grandpa smiled saying, "Britt, you are out here on my ranch and I know you worked hard today. I don't have any neighbors close by, so if you don't tell anyone, I'm sure not going to tell anyone. Besides, I'm not offering you a case a beer, it's only one bottle. I'm sure you can handle one bottle of beer and not get fallin' down drunk on me."

I opened the screen door and walked in and grandpa looked at my face saying, "I hate to drink alone. Your grandma always had a beer with me in the evening."

While I was grilling the steak, snake walked past me saying, "Good evening Ms. Britt, are you warm enough?"

"Oh snake," I said, "This hot dry air is almost to the level of suffocating me. If it wasn't for cool showers and the hose in the barn, you'd have found me passed out. But I suppose like you and grandpa, I'll get used to it."

Snake laughed and patted me on the back before he opened the door and walked inside. I finished grilling the steak and took it inside and set it down on the table. I heard snake in the living room talking to grandpa about what he'd accomplished and what he wanted to get done the next day.
I set the table and then called both men to supper. We sat down and grandpa said the prayer then he cut the steak into three pieces while I put some salad on my plate then passed it to snake. Grandpa started talking again about the work and asked me questions about what I did in the barn. I guess my answers were alright because he didn't say anything. After supper I cleaned off the table and did the dishes while grandpa and snake went out and sat on the front porch swing. When I was finished, I went out and sat down in a chair and the conversation went back to what needed to be done on the ranch.

Finally, grandpa paused and asked, "Britt, do you have your license to drive yet?"

I smiled saying, "Yes grandpa, I've had it for almost two years now. I was going to get a car after I graduated but I came out here so that's on hold for now."

Grandpa was quiet for a few seconds before he said, "After you finish the chores in the barn tomorrow, take my truck and go into town to Kelsey's store. You need to get yourself some ranch clothes, particularly some boots. Get three pair of bib overalls for yourself. That way you'll have a pair clean, a dirty pair in the wash and the pair you'll be wearing."

I looked at grandpa and asked, "What's the matter with my shorts, you know it's really hot and I sweat a lot today even when I was working in the barn."

Again, grandpa was quiet while he was thinking then he said, "Ok Britt, I know you're a young woman so get four pair of bib overalls so you can cut the legs off two pair and use your grandma's sewing machine to hem them for shorts. You can leave the other two pair long so you can wear them when you need something covering your legs. But get yourself some good boots so you can work around the animals and not get your feet hurt. Sarah will help you find the right pair of boots."

We sat and talked until the sun went down then grandpa said, "Well, it's time for me to get to bed. Are you going to bed early Britt or are you going to stay up late again?"

I want to see what's on television and then I'll go to bed. Besides, I'm sore tonight. I wish you had a bathtub so I could soak in it."

Grandpa said, "I have some liniment that will help the soreness, if you want to use it."

I smiled and said, "Grandpa that's generous of you but my shoulders and back are hurting the most and I don't think I can reach my back. I guess I'll just have to live with it for now."

Snake stood up and said, "Well good night Ms. Britt and you too Frank. I'll see you in the morning."

After snake was out of sight, I asked grandpa, "Where does snake live?"

Grandpa replied, "He has a nice roomy apartment over the shed with a kitchen, living room and two bedrooms."

I asked, "Why does he come up here to eat if he has a kitchen in his apartment?"

Grandpa yawned then said, "Your grandma and I invited him up to supper a few times and we sort of got used to having someone other than ourselves to talk to so we kind of made it an open invitation for him to come up for breakfast and supper. Course grandma made him lunch just like she made mine. Snake is a good hard-working man and I don't know what I'd do without him."

I asked grandpa why he called him snake and not by his name. Grandpa snickered and said, "You don't really need to know that honey."

Curiosity got the better of me and I said, "Oh grandpa, you don't have to treat me like a child, tell me."

Grandpa looked at me and said, "Well snake got his nickname because he's hung. He's almost the size of a huge snake, if you know what I mean."

I sat in my chair and only said, "Oh."

Grandpa snickered at my reply before he asked, "Honey do you want me to rub some liniment on your sore back before I go to bed? It will feel better by the morning if you do."

I thought about it for a few seconds and said, "Grandpa I want you to know I'm not a whiny bitch, but I am sore from working this morning. Ok, let me go up to my room and take off my shirt and lay down on my bed then I'll call you. You can put some on my shoulders and my back."

I was already lying on my bed when grandpa came in and took his time to smear the liniment all over my shoulders and back, then he massaged it in. As he was finishing, he hit a sore spot down on my bottom of my lower back and I said, "Oh that's really sore down there."

Without even thinking grandpa said, "Well here let me put some on you down there."

Without even pausing he inserted his fingers into the elastic waist band of my shorts and just pulled them down in the back and when my ass cheeks were uncovered, he stopped and said, "Oh Brit, I'm sorry I didn't realize you weren't wearing panties."

I tried to control my voice so not to reflect my embarrassment when I said, "That's ok grandpa. You can't put the liniment on my back very well with my shorts in the way. I need the liniment more than modesty right now."

Grandpa put more liniment on his hands and rubbed it into my lower back and even across the top of my ass cheeks. When he finished, he said, "Don't cover that up right away, you need to let the liniment to soak in to get its full benefit."

I looked sideways at grandpa and said, "But I was going to watch some television before I went to bed."

Grandpa thought for a few seconds and then replied, "You can still watch television, I only said don't put anything on until the liniment has had a chance to soak in. I'm going to bed, so you won't need your top when you go down to watch television. No one else is here but the two of us."

I asked grandpa, "Are you sure it's ok because you put the liniment on the top of my ass cheeks too and my shorts are below them so that means I need to take them off too."

Grandpa paused looking at my naked ass cheeks and then said, "Ok honey give me a few minutes to go to the bathroom and then get in my room and then you can take off your shorts too and go watch television. I won't bother you or spy on you."

I looked up and grandpa and said, "Oh grandpa, I'm not worried about you spying on me or seeing me, after all we are family. If you're sure it's ok for me to go down and watch television without any clothes on, then I'll wait till you're in your room."

Grandpa smiled and said, "I have to take a leak then I'll go in my room and won't bother you again tonight honey."

Once I saw grandpa headed back to his room I stood up and looked in the mirror and saw my shorts were hooked under my ass cheeks and he must have had a perfect view of my pussy from behind. Either way I pushed my shorts down and stepped out of them. I bent over to pick them up and put them on my bed. Then I walked over to my bedroom door and looked down the hall towards grandpa's room and saw his door was open. I realized he had done the same thing I did last night by leaving my door open so the breeze from the open window could blow through and cool the bedroom.

I stepped out of my room and walked down the hall then down the stairs to the living room. I picked up the remote and turned on the television but kept it muted so I could hear if anyone moved around. My pussy tingled knowing I was completely naked in my grandfather's living room and he was upstairs awake in his bedroom. I surfed through the channels while standing up because I didn't want the liniment to get all over the couch. When I finally found something, I wanted to watch I sat down on the ottoman. It wasn't comfortable but at least the liniment had a chance to soak in.

I only stayed in the living room about a half hour then turned off the television and walked back up to my room. I paused at the top of the stairs and looked down the hall and when I didn't see anyone, I walked into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet and peed. When I flushed the toilet the sound of it seemed louder than ever, then I walked into my bedroom. I pulled on my night shirt and crawled into bed. Sleep overtook me almost the same time my head hit the pillow.

The next morning grandpa was again shaking my shoulder trying to wake me up. I opened my eyes only a crack and looked up to see grandpa looking at me and he wasn't looking at my face either. Suddenly I realized the hall light was on and it was illuminating my room more than it was yesterday morning. I let him shake me a few more seconds before I moaned which gave him time to look at my face before I opened my eyes. He calmly said, "Good morning Britt, it's time to get up."

I replied, "I'll be up in a minute, grandpa."

He turned and left my room without another word. I lifted my head and what a shock I got when I saw my night shirt up to my waist and I was laying on my back. I was shaking with excitement when I realized that grandpa had been standing beside my bed, staring at my bald pussy and he didn't touch me or cover me with the sheet that was at my knees. I got up out of bed and this time I walked across the hall into the bathroom and peed then back to my room. I pulled off my night shirt and was searching for a pair of shorts when grandpa walked past my bedroom and said, "See you downstairs in a few minutes Britt."

I didn't turn around and just said, "Ok grandpa."

I selected my shorts and stepped into them and started pulling them up my legs before I realized how wet I was, so I stopped and opened up my dresser drawer and took out a panty liner and put it in the crotch of my shorts before I pulled them up. At least the panty liner would soak up my juices and not leave a wet spot on my shorts.

When I walked into the kitchen grandpa had a steaming cup of hot coffee waiting for me. I thanked him for pouring it then I went to work fixing breakfast for three of us. Grandpa didn't say anything about seeing my naked pussy, but he did tell me when I went to Kelsey's store, he had a list of things he wanted me to pick up for him. He told me to charge everything to his account including my bib overalls and boots. Snake knocked on the kitchen door as he opened it and walked in. I stopped and poured him a cup of coffee as we exchanged morning pleasantries.

He sat down at the table in the same seat he was in yesterday and he started talking about the ranch to grandpa. When I walked over to the table and set the platter down with the food on it, I asked, "Do either of you talk about anything else?"

Grandpa looked at me and said, "We talk now because for the rest of the day snake goes one way and I go another. This way we know what each other is going to be doing so we don't waste time checking out the same project."

I said to grandpa, "If you want me to go to Kelsey's store today, it would be great if you wrote some directions for me, so I won't get lost. Grandpa and snake both laughed and said, "You won't get lost."

I countered by saying, "I hope both of you know I'm not from here, so I need directions."

Grandpa said, "Britt, look on the back of the list I gave you and you'll find what you're asking for."

I smiled and asked, "Why didn't you say that before?"

Grandpa smiled at me and went back to talking about the ranch. After breakfast I put all the dishes in the sink and all three of us walked out of the house and headed towards the barn. Once again, I shivered in the damp morning air but realized soon as the sun came up, I'd be suffering in the heat. Grandpa and snake started putting the things they would need to work with on their individual tractors while I started the morning routine of feeding the animals. Things moved along smoothly and soon grandpa and snake pulled out of the shed and left to go do whatever it was they were going to do.

The sun came up and it didn't take long before it started to get very hot. I walked out of the barn and looked around; when I didn't see anyone, I didn't even hesitate to take off both my tank top and my shorts. I walked over and hung them on the peg near the door so they wouldn't get all sweaty. The only difference this morning was, I wasn't wearing any panties so now I was completely naked and if anyone came, I had nothing to cover me. I felt strange about working naked but at least I was going to be cooler today than I was yesterday.

I went about cleaning out the pens and I was done before I knew it. The last item on my list of to-do things was, I collected the eggs. I cleaned up after myself and put all the tools I used, back in their proper place. I walked through the barn one last time to make sure everything was done and then without even stopping I picked up the basket of eggs, pulled my shorts and tank top off the peg and walked up to the house completely naked like I had been doing that for a long time.

When I got to the house I went to the kitchen and hung my shirt and shorts on the back of a chair then washed my hands. While I was standing at the sink, I washed the breakfast dishes. With the fans on high, doors open and the wind blowing I felt cooler when the air circulated around my body.

I went up to the bathroom and took a quick shower then dried myself. I brushed my hair and left it wet. While I was finishing up, I suddenly got a wild idea. Grandpa's ranch was at least twenty minutes, maybe more, from the nearest place and I began to wonder how far I could go without getting dressed. Then I thought of all the possible things that could happen and each one I mentally crossed off the list when I used the excuse that my shorts and top would be right in the seat beside me.

When I was finally ready to go to Kelsey's store, I walked downstairs wearing only my sneakers and a smile carrying my towel so I could sit on it, in the truck. I picked up my shorts and top off the back of the kitchen chair, picked up grandpa's keys, his list of supplies then I walked out on the front porch. I was nervous as hell, my mind played tricks on me. Every sound seems to boom in my ears as it if was right next to me. Could I do it? Could I actually get in grandpa's truck and drive off the ranch being totally naked? I would be taking a huge chance that someone could see me. I could be raped or worst and no one would know right away.

But there is was again, grandpa's words rang through my brain loud and clear, "Ok, you're on your own; I don't expect anyone to come by today, so you'll be here by yourself. Don't worry Brit, you'll be alright around here. No one will bother ya."

For a brief moment I doubted my sanity. Why was I naked? Why was I even entertaining the idea of driving grandpa's truck naked? Am I that perverted to the point I want someone to see me naked? After all, I had let grandpa see me in panties yesterday and without panties this morning, what was wrong with me? Then I remembered why I was naked in the first place. It's hot here; sweltering hot and the small breeze blowing past my naked body had a cooling effect. So, I continued walking across the yard towards grandpa's truck.

I spread my towel out on the seat of the truck; after all I didn't want to sit where everyone else sat in their dirty clothes. I climbed up into the cab of grandpa's big 2008 GMC Sierra 3500HD SLT crew cab pickup truck and looked around. Suddenly, I felt like a midget and very exposed when I looked out the side window and saw how high I was sitting off the ground.

The only benefit I saw was grandpa's side windows were tinted dark to keep the bright sun light off the interior. The windshield had tint across the top of it but was otherwise clear glass. I didn't worry about being seen through the front window because only my head and the top of my shoulders were visible above the dash.

I reached down and turned the key and the big diesel engine roared to life. I reached up and adjusted the rear-view mirror, adjusted the side mirrors and thank goodness grandpa had electric everything including the seats so all I had to do was push a button and my seat moved closer so I could reach the pedals. I found how to turn on the air conditioning and then I turned the blower up on full blast to cool down the inside of the truck.

I decided I needed something playing on the radio so I turned it on and found that grandpa had Sirius XM Radio which meant I could select the type of music I wanted to listen to. I found the music I was looking for then I pushed down on the brake testing it before I pulled the shifting lever down until the transmission was in D for drive. I was nervous at the prospect of driving such a big truck but there was nothing in the way I could hit and besides, I knew where the brake was. I took one last look in my mirrors then took my foot off the brake and pressed down on the accelerator and the truck moved forward slowly.

I drove slowly down the road testing the brakes twice so I could get used to the truck. The first few miles seemed to take so long but I looked down and was only doing forty miles an hour. The road was dirt and full of small potholes, so my small titties bounced and vibrated each time I hit a group of them. Not only that, my tiny nipples stood out hard like bullets from my "B" cup titties from the cold air pouring out of the vents.

I was caught up in my music and it wasn't until I saw the buildings off in a distance that I realized I was only a couple of miles outside of town. I didn't want to pull off the road and take the chance of getting stuck so I looked around and saw no one around me so I pulled as far to the side as I could and stopped. Begrudgingly I reached for my top and shorts and pulled my top on first then struggled to get my shorts over my feet and up my legs to cover my beautiful bald pussy and my delectable looking bubble butt. I took the extra few seconds to arrange my clothing so it wouldn't look like I got dressed in the truck the put the truck back in gear and pulled all the way back on the road.

Finally, I turned onto a hard surface road which took me into the little nowhere town that looked like something out of an old wild west show. Being a city girl, I snickered to myself thinking, the stores likely close and they probably roll up the sidewalks at supper time when everyone goes home. I didn't have any problems finding Kelsey's store since it was the biggest building in this small town.

I pulled the truck up in front of the store and before I got out, I looked around to see what else was in sight. There were a few more shops but nothing to really brag about. I shut off the truck and when I opened the door, I was hit with a blast of hot air that almost took my breath away. Suddenly I understood what grandpa meant by not using air conditioning in the house. I hurried up and got out and almost ran to Kelsey's door. I opened it and stepped in and much to my relief the air conditioning was on and doing an excellent job of keeping the store cool.

The thing that struck me first was the mixture of the strange mingled odors in the store. I couldn't identify all of them, but the smell of leather seemed to dominate all the others. I hesitated by the front door looking around and a tall, kind of chubby lady in a sun dress walked over to me and said, "Don't be bashful dear, come on in and look around. You're new around these parts. Where you from?"

I looked at her smiling face and said, "I'm from Cleveland, Ohio."

Her smile grew wide as she said, "Oh, you must be Frank's granddaughter. He told me you were coming out to help him on the ranch this summer."

I smiled saying, "Yes ma'am that's me. My name is Brittany, but most people call me Britt for short."

"Well Britt, I'm very glad to meet you. My name is Sarah Kelsey and if you ever need anything, you just come and see me." Sarah said in a motherly tone of voice.

Sarah continued by saying, "I have a daughter about the same age as you but she's not here right now. She went off to visit my brother and her cousins for a couple of weeks. When she comes back, I'll send her out to the ranch to meet you, that is, if you haven't come back in by then."

"So, what can I do for you today young lady?" Sarah asked.
I handed her grandpa's list and she looked it over before she called out, "Henry, ya wanna come up here and get this list and put the stuff in Frank's truck out front."

Turning back to me Sarah asked, "Anything else you need sweetie?"

I smiled and said, "Grandpa wants me to get four pair of bib overalls and a pair of work boots because he don't want me to get stepped on."

Sarah smiled and said, "Follow me; we'll go find what you need."

Over the next half hour, I tried on boots and bib overalls until Sarah was satisfied, I had the right fit with both items. Before walking back to the front Sarah said, "You'll need some different socks than the ones you're wearing, to wear in your boots. Let me fix ya up."

Sarah went over to the socks stacked neatly on the shelf and selected a few pair then turned to me and asked, "Do ya need any underwear? I see ya ain't wearing a bra and I have some sports bras over there, if you want some."

I cupped my small titties with my hands and said, "They're pretty small so I think I'm good for now in the bra department. However, I could use some panties. When I tried on the overalls, I noticed the crotch is rough and rides up a little too far for comfort, if you know what I mean."

Sarah smiled and said, "Honey, I know exactly what you mean."

Sarah asked me what size panties I buy and after I told her, she walked over where the panties were neatly placed on the shelf and picked up a few pair of cotton briefs in various colors before asking, "Is four pair enough for now?"

I smiled and replied, "I guess so, I'm not used to wearing those kinds of panties but with the overalls, I think they would be best."

Sarah came over next to me and almost whispered, "Do you need any feminine products before you go back to the ranch? You know Frank don't come to town on a whim. He waits until he has a list of stuff before he comes in. If ya need something, better take them now because you don't want to get caught short out on the ranch."

I looked at Sarah and said, "You know, I never thought about that because where I live, we can walk to the nearest store and buy anything we want. Yes, I'll need some tampons, panty liners and do you have disposable douches here?"

I followed Sarah and she showed me what she had in stock and although I couldn't find the brands I normally use, I selected a few of each item, just in case I didn't get back to town. When I was finished, I told Sarah to put everything on grandpa's account and she turned to me with a funny look on her face saying, "Frank doesn't have an account here. He always pays for everything when he gets it."

Suddenly I was worried about what I was going to do. I knew grandpa had a lot of stuff on his list and I didn't want to make a wasted trip into town. My worry must have registered on my face because Sarah started laughing and said, "I was just funning ya girl. Frank has an account here."

I was instantly relieved and said to Sarah, "Don't do that to me. This is a big adjustment for me as it is. I'm used to having thousands of people around me and a wide variety of stores nearby and now I'm in the middle of nowhere and no one to talk to. You scared me half to death when you said grandpa didn't have an account here."

Sarah hugged me to her and said, "I'm sorry Britt, I didn't mean to scare ya."

I smiled and asked, "Are there any other young people in this town other than your daughter?"

Sarah smiled and said, "Yes, there's quite few but all of them are out on their family's ranch. They work hard and go to bed early. There ain't much night life around here if that's what you're asking. A few times a year we get together and have a party and a dance but that's about all. People in these parts, live pretty much by themselves and their immediate families."

I smiled at Sarah and said, "Then I certainly happy to learn that you have a daughter my age and she'll be back in a couple of weeks. I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere with two old men."

Sarah replied, "Britt, your grandpa and snake are really good men. Both of them work hard, out there and they put in long days. Your grandma helped to keep the ranch running by feeding the animals and cleaning the barn while the men went out and worked on the range. When they came home at night your grandma always had a hot meal almost ready to serve them. Your grandma was a real pioneer type woman who could fix things on her own if she had to. I'm missing her real bad. She was a strong leader amongst us women in these parts. I'll help you in whatever way you need me to; all ya have to do is ask."

I smiled at Sarah and said, "Thanks so much Sarah. This is the first time I've been away from my mom and I'm managing pretty well, but you never know when I might need someone close by, I can talk to. You know, woman to woman. I've got to get going and get back to the ranch. Do I need to sign anything for the supplies and clothes?"

Sarah smiled and said, "I've got everything listed and around here we still do business with a handshake. When your grandpa gets around, he'll send me a check. Besides, he doesn't need to see a list of all the personal items, a young girl buys." Sarah said the last part with a wink.

I picked up the bags and the box with the boots in it when Sarah yelled, "Henry! Could you please carry this stuff out to Frank's truck?"

Henry came running and took everything from me and disappeared out the front door. Sarah hugged me and said, "Take care of your men out there girl, they're pretty good stock."

I smiled and said, "This is all new to me so I hope I can live up to my grandma's standards."

Sarah smile saying, "I have no doubt Britt. You'll do just fine."

I walked outside and the heat smacked me in the face again, so I rushed over to the truck and pulled the door open. I stepped up on the running board before I sat on the seat and turned the engine on to get the air conditioner working before, I closed the door. Once I felt the cool air coming out of the vents, I closed the door and got ready for my trip back to the ranch. With the music blasting I drove through the town slowly to see what stores there were before I turned around and headed back towards the ranch. When I was a few miles out of town and the buildings had almost disappeared on the horizon, I looked both directions for cars or trucks and seeing none I pulled to the side of the road and stopped.

It was like I was almost on autopilot as my hands reached down and lifted my tank top up and over my head and discarding it on the seat beside me. Without any hesitation I stuck my thumbs in the waistband of my shorts and pushed downward as I lifted my butt off the seat. I pushed my shorts past my knees, and they fell on the floor. I moved my feet out of them and bent over to pick them up and placed them next to my top on the seat. I looked down at my naked body then wondered why I'm naked; it's cool in the truck?

I didn't care, I re-fastened my seat belt, reached up and put the truck in gear and started down the road. I bounced in my seat to the music playing on the radio and the trip back to the ranch seemed shorter. As I approached the ranch, I immediately started scanning the buildings for any sign of life other than the animals. Seeing none, I continued to drive closer. However, the closer I got the more my pussy started to tingle. In the back of my mind I knew grandpa or snake could come walking out of the barn or house at any moments and I could be caught trying to put on my clothes. My juices started flowing and I was glad that I had the towel on the seat. One final look around and not seeing anyone else, I drove up to the house and shut off the truck.

Dreading the fact that I was going to be blasted with heat the second I opened the door; I was thankful that I was naked, and the heat wouldn't affect me quite as much. I counted to three, for no particular reason, then opened the door and got out. I was right about the heat, but it was here, I was here and there wasn't anything I do to change things.

I picked up some bags and started the long task of bringing some of the stuff into the house and when I finished, I drove the truck down by the barn and unloaded the rest of the stuff Henry put in the back of the truck. When I finished, I parked the truck back where grandpa had it parked this morning then reached for my shorts and tank only to find them not on the seat. Suddenly, I remembered taking them into the house and I giggled thinking I've become quite the exhibitionist. I pulled my towel off the seat, threw it over my shoulder then walked slowly up to the house not paying attention to anything around me.

Although I was still completely naked, I immediately went to work preparing something for supper. When I finished what I could do until grandpa and snake came back, I went out and sat on the porch swing and enjoyed the breeze that was blowing. I found out there was always a breeze blowing in Texas, it was hot air, but it was a breeze.

A short while later I heard it, the unmistakable sound of tractors off in a distance was and the noise was growing louder by each passing second. However, I continued to sit on the porch swing completely naked with nothing to cover my body even if I wanted to. I looked towards the shed and sure enough I saw grandpa's tractor in the lead with snake following him. I wasn't nervous, I wasn't excited, well my pussy was getting moist, so I sat on the swing and watched grandpa and snake back their tractors under the shed. I watched them get off and walk out in front of the tractors and both of them looked at the house before they turned and walked into the barn to feed the animals.

Only then, I stood up fully visible to them if they'd looked back towards the house, and today, I walked slowly into the house. At first, I wasn't going to put on anything but then I decided to wear something, so I went up my room and found one of my longer tee-shirts and pulled it down over my head. I looked at myself in the mirror and at the last minute I decided to put on a pair of my thong panties. I opened my drawer and selected my white lace panties and stepped into them. One last look in the mirror before I left my room, I was satisfied I was covered enough, I went down to the kitchen to finish supper.

I had my back to the living room when grandpa came in the door and walked into the kitchen to put the lunch pails on the counter before he said, "Britt, I'm going up to take a shower before supper."

I didn't turn I just said, "Ok grandpa, supper will be ready in about a half hour."

He said, "Ok Britt, see you in a few."

I thought to myself, wow, grandpa didn't say anything about the way I was dressed. Oh well maybe he being a gentleman or maybe he doesn't care."

About twenty minutes later, after grandpa came in, Snake knocked on the kitchen door and immediately walked in and said, "Evening Ms. Britt. Something smells good."

I smiled and said, "Supper will be ready in a little while snake, please have a seat."

He walked over and sat down in his normal chair and suddenly I caught a whiff of his cologne or aftershave and said, "Someone smells good"

Snake smiled and said, "Like your grandpa, I always shower when I get home from the working in the range. I can't stand the smell of myself, so I don't want to torture anyone else."

I looked at snake and said, "I know what you mean. I'm not used to this kind of heat and I've been sweating my ass off even if I'm not doing anything. I've poured more water down my throat in the past few days than I have in the past month."

Snake, in a serious voice said, "It's important to stay hydrated in this weather Ms. Britt. You can get real sick if you don't."

Grandpa walked into the kitchen wearing only his shorts as snake was finishing talking and he walked to the refrigerator and pulled out three beers and handed one to snake then handed one to me before saying, "Snake is right Britt, if you don't drink enough water in this heat, you could get heat exhaustion or worse heat stroke. Heat stroke would most likely kill ya, if you don't get cooled down in the hurry, and I don't want that to happen. If you ever stopped sweating and are still very hot, get up here and suck down some water while sitting in front of the fans."

I turned and smiled at grandpa before saying, "You don't have to worry, I'm drinking plenty of water and I hope both of you don't mind but this tee-shirt it's cooler than my shorts and tank top, that's why I wearing it."

Grandpa quickly replied, "Britt, do what you have to do to keep cool. I heard the long-range forecast and they said there's no break in this weather, coming in the near future, anyway. I know this Texas weather isn't like that Cleveland weather you're used to, but all three of us are suffering in the same heat."

I was working at the stove when I said, "Grandpa, there's a difference for at least one of us suffering in the same heat. You and snake can legally take off your shirt and not worry about being arrested. Just in case you didn't notice, I'm a girl and if I took off my shirt, I will be in trouble."

I finished making supper and served it before taking my place at the table. Grandpa said the prayer and we started to eat. This time grandpa included me in the conversation when he asked me about the animals and if I needed anything in the barn. When we finished supper, I cleaned off the table and put the dishes in the sink. While I washed the dishes and put them away, grandpa and snake went out on the front porch to rest.

When I finished washing, drying and putting everything away I started towards the front door when the phone rang. I stopped and went back to pick it up and it was mom. I told grandpa who it was, and he told me to talk to her cause that's why she most likely called.

Mom started off with general questions about how I was doing and if I thought I could handle three months out here on the ranch. I told her I was learning a lot and grandpa bought me some coveralls and boots for working in the barn. Mom asked me how I was doing in the heat and I told her I was surviving so far. I told her I had to keep my bedroom door open at night so the breeze would blow through and keep me cooler.

She asked me about feeding the guys and I told her what I had made for supper, not dinner, each night so far. She laughed and said, "Yes, Britt, out there on the ranch you eat supper."

I told her about meeting Sarah Kelsey and mom told me she was a very good lady and if I needed to talk to someone, she would be the one to go to. Mom added, "Britt, I used to be out there on that ranch too, so I know what you are going through. Did grandpa tell you to do what you have to, to stay cool? You know there's a spring fed pond not far from the house. I used to go skinny dipping out there. It's so refreshing and Britt, I forgot to tell you, to stay cool in the hot weather I used to only wear panties to help stay cool."

"YOU DID? What about snake, did he see you in just your panties?"

"Yes, Britt and in the evening when snake went back to his apartment, mom, dad and I used to sit out on the porch naked to help stay cool. I'm not sure if your grandpa has told you that but I'm sure he will at some point. Britt, you can trust my father, he's a hard-working, honest man. That's why I called tonight, I wanted to let you know it's ok if you want to take off your clothes and be naked with grandpa."

"Grandpa is wearing shorts each night after he takes his shower. All he said to me was do what I had to do to stay cool."

"That's his way of saying if you're hot take off your clothes." Mom added.

I told mom about grandpa putting liniment on my back and that he had to pull my shorts down to the bottom of my ass cheeks because I was sore after working in the barn. I confided in mom that grandpa most likely saw my pussy when he was doing that, but he didn't touch me or anything.

Mom re-assured me that even if I sat on my grandfather's lap completely naked, I was safe. I told mom I was glad to hear that because it was strange for me to be with two men on a secluded ranch. Then I asked, "Mom do you know why grandpa calls snake, snake instead of by his real name?"

Mom giggled for a few seconds before she said, "They call him snake because he has a very big cock."

"How do you know that mom?"

"Britt, I told you, I used to live there."

"Have you seen snake's cock then?"

"Yes, my dear, many times. There were times when all of us used to go over to the pond and go skinny dipping."

"OH ..... I was only wondering. I guess we are still getting used to each other because they have been real gentlemen with me out here. Nothing in inappropriate has happened. You know mom, I'm still a virgin, should I be taking birth control pills?"

The phone was silent for what seemed like a long time before my mom said, "Grandpa will need you. I'm not going to tell you what to do but if you are in that line of thinking, I'd rather you go into town and get the birth control shot so you won't have to remember to take a pill every day on schedule."

"Mom, did you have sex with grandpa, your father? Is that why you took so long to answer my question? You don't have to worry about me saying anything to anyone, but I'd really would like to know. This will be one of our personal secrets."

Another long pause on the phone before I heard mom's long and loud exhale. Finally, she said, "Britt, I don't know if I want to tell you such personal information because I want you to decide what's best for you, and not have me in it as a factor."

"That's ok mom, you already answered my question without telling me your personal business. You don't have to worry; I am safe here and I will only do what's right for me. By the way, do you have the name and number for the doctor in town, I don't want to ask grandpa."

A few seconds later my mom told me her name was Dr. Esther Lipstein and she gave me her number. Mom told me she was also a mid-wife and had birthed a lot of babies around our area. I thanked mom and told her I would make the appointment to go and get the birth control shot.

"Britt, I will call Dr. Lipstein tomorrow and tell her you will be calling. I'll pay for your examination and shot."

"Mom, you don't have to do that, I have money in the bank."

"Don't worry about it Britt, it's a gift from me to you. By the way Britt, you and I promised a long time ago not to keep secrets from each other so yes, I gave my father, your grandpa my most cherished gift, my virginity. He was very gentle with me and I'm so glad that I gave him the one thing I could never take back, along with my love of course. You will understand being the only woman in the area, you might have to take care of things you never thought you would normally do. I did and I'm not a bit sorry."

I told my mom I loved her very much and asked her to call around this time at night because it's after supper and no one was doing anything except relaxing. Mom simply replied, "I know Britt that's why I'm calling you now. I love you too Britt and take care of business out there."

I went back to the refrigerator and pulled out three more beers and headed for the front door. I walked out on the front porch with the beers in my hand and passed one to grandpa and then one to snake. I noticed that both men were sitting in chairs that had been moved in front of the swing and facing the swing. I smiled and moved between them and parked my butt on the swing, all by myself.

Both grandpa and snake thanked me for bringing them another beer and all of us sat back and talked. During our conversation I learned a lot more about the ranch and what grandpa and snake did all day. I found out that grandpa owned many head of cattle out on the range away from the barn and that the beef prices were headed up a little. Grandpa told us he was going to keep track of the prices and if it got high enough, we would have to round some of them up and bring them in, so he could sell them. He never mentioned how many beef cattle he had but from the way he talked, there were plenty of them. He did say, "Britt, we need to teach you to ride a horse, cause when we bring some in to sell, it will take all three of us to get them in the pens. You won't be able to do that on foot."
While I listened, I got excited to learn that they were going to teach me to ride one of those beautiful horses, I'd been taking care of. The news made me move around on the swing and when I saw both snake's and grandpa's eyes looking down, I looked down quickly and noticed my tee-shirt had slid up and most of my white lace panties were showing. I didn't move or pull my shirt down because I was sure my actions would only draw more attention to my legs.

We talked a little while longer and it was getting dark when snake said, "Well, it's time for me to go to bed." He started to stand up and I reached out my hand and took his beer bottle and set it down on the swing beside me. My actions of reaching out made my shirt raise some more and now even I could see the pink bow on the waist band. Again, I didn't pull my shirt down because there was really nothing to see other than my panties.

After snake walked off the porch and out of sight, grandpa asked me, "How's your back sweetheart? Do you want me to put some more liniment on you tonight?"

My brain went to work immediately thinking he wanted to see more of me tonight and only using the excuse of rubbing liniment on me to accomplish it. I cocked my head to one side then the other saying, "You know grandpa, I don't want to impose on you."

Almost too eager grandpa replied, "It's no problem Britt. I don't want you to get too sore to work or pull a muscle because I'd have to stay back and do the barn chores and let the range work get behind. So, I'd rather take good care of you now than let anything happen to you. Besides, you're my granddaughter and I love you."

I smiled at grandpa and said, "Well, now that you put it like that, I think I'll take you up on that offer. I'm not used to doing the manual labor part and even my legs are sore tonight."

In a genuinely concerned voice grandpa said, "Go ahead up to your room and take that shirt off and I'll shut off the lights and be right up with the liniment."

I walked upstairs nervously trying to decide what I wanted to do and how much of me I wanted to let grandpa see. I was going to do as I did last night or if I could go through taking my shirt off in front of grandpa and letting him see my small titties. When I reached the top stair, I paused and looked over my shoulder downstairs and saw the kitchen light go out. I walked into the bathroom to pee, leaving the door open. I finished peeing, wiped my pussy as I was reaching down to pull my panties up, I looked towards the door and saw grandpa standing there. He didn't move only stared at me as I stood up and pulled up my panties. I stopped to wash my hands before I turned to leave the bathroom. I said, "Had to stop and pee. It must have been the beer."

Grandpa smiled at me and said, "Yes, that's possible. I've got the liniment, are you ready?"

I smiled at grandpa and said, "Come on, let's get started."

I walked into my bedroom and reached down and started lifting my tee-shirt up. I didn't even hesitate when it was above my titties, I just pulled it over my head and dropped it on the bed. Then I turned to face grandpa and I saw his eyes widen as he openly stared at my exposed tiny titties. I waited until grandpa looked up at my face before saying, "The front and back of my legs are sore, do you want to rub some liniment into the front of my thighs as well as the back?"

Grandpa visibly choked and his eyes were still wide as he looked up and down my near naked body before he said, "Whatever you want me to do Britt, I can do it. You sure are a beautiful girl, Britt. You're a perfect picture of your ma when she was your age."

I didn't say anything as I crawled up on my bed and lay down on my back and opened my legs a little to give grandpa room to massage some liniment into them. Grandpa put some liniment on his hands then rubbed them together before he reached across me and did my left leg first. When he got up to my upper thigh, I opened my legs a little more and grandpa paused momentarily as he looked at my panty covered pussy. My thong didn't hide much, but it covered the most private part.

When grandpa was done with my thighs he said, "Not sure how you want to do this since we are doing both sides, but you should let the liniment soak in before you put anything over it or lay on it. I smiled to myself for thinking fast or maybe it was just that unburied exhibitionist streak I discovered in the past couple of days when I suggested, "I can stand up and you can put the liniment on my shoulders and back. Then I can stand up in that chair over there, so you can get the back of my thighs without bending over. That way the liniment in the front will have a chance to soak in before it comes in contact with anything. I can lay on my stomach to go to sleep tonight."

When I chanced a look at grandpa, he stood there puzzled then realized what I was suggesting. I looked down at his shorts and I couldn't believe the size of the lump I saw lurking behind the material. Finally, grandpa said, "Ok Britt, if that's what you want to do, I'll get your shoulders and back first then you can get up in the chair."

I stood up and turned around, so I was facing away from grandpa. He was very gentle as he massaged the liniment into my shoulders and the top part of my back. I started to feels very relaxed almost immediately even though grandpa's hands were rough and calloused. A small moan escaped my lips as he continued to work on my back. My relaxation was interrupted when grandpa said, "Britt, you'll have to get up in the chair now, for me to finish your back and your legs, like I did last night."

Without hesitation I said, "Ok grandpa, I really appreciate you doing this for me."

I needed grandpa's help to get up in the chair and secure my footing, which he did with the hand that wasn't covered with liniment. Grandpa coughed and said, "Ummmm Britt, you're not in the same state of dress you were in last night. Are you sure you want me to do your lower back and your legs tonight?"

Again, I was fast to respond by saying, "We're family grandpa. If it doesn't bother you, then it won't bother me." I paused for effect then finished saying, "Go ahead grandpa, take my panties off so you and finish putting liniment on me."

There was a long moment of silence then I felt the shaking fingers of grandpa's hands slipping under the waistband of my skimpy thong panties. I held my breath in anticipation of grandpa removing the last article of clothing which covered my virgin pussy. Slowly, ever so slowly grandpa pulled on the waistband down over my butt cheeks which had been visible to him since he started on my back. It wasn't until I felt the tiny strip pull away from my puckered asshole that I realized any second now; my pussy would be exposed to my grandpa's view. He pulled the waistband down to the top of my thighs and I felt the sticky gusset of my panties clinging to my slick pussy lips only nanoseconds before it popped loose. When I felt it pull away, I knew for the first time since I was a little baby, someone beside me was viewing my virgin pussy.

Ironically it wasn't even one of the boys at school who worked so hard to get into my panties by buying me things and treating me extra special in hopes of being the first one to put his dick in me, it was instead, my own grandpa, God bless his heart.

Grandpa continued to draw my panties down my thighs, and I lifted each foot to allow him to slip them past and continue his task of removing his granddaughter's panties. I turned my head and looked at grandpa before saying, "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to put you through all this."

Grandpa looked at me with tears in his eyes saying, "I haven't done this in years, and I thank you for the chance to help you. I'm not really bothered by your nakedness in as much as I wouldn't object to seeing you this way more often, but because you are very beautiful, my body is responding, and for that, I am very sorry, because you are family."

Grandpa looked at my little breasts a few moments before he said, "Ya know Britt what you said about not being able to take off your shirt to stay cool. If that helps you stay cool, then go ahead and don't wear a shirt. We won't mind and you won't get arrested here on my ranch for going without a shirt on."

Grandpa picked up the liniment and put some on his hands and rubbed some into my ass cheeks. I heard grandpa gasp a little when I parted my feet a little bit more when I felt his hands on my thigh rubbing liniment into it. When grandpa was finished, I slipped off the chair with grandpa's help and stood facing him completely naked. In a hushed voice, "Grandpa, I have nothing left to hide from you. You've seen my completely naked body, so I don't want to pretend any more. I have something to tell you.

After you and snake left yesterday morning, I was sweating so much I took off my shorts and shirt then worked in just my panties. Today I didn't wear any panties so when I took off my top and shorts this morning, I worked in the barn completely naked. This is how I looked this morning when I worked, I hope you aren't mad at me, but I don't want to hide anything from you anymore. This hot weather is too much for me so I am doing whatever it takes to stay cool or at least as cool as I can. You said a few minutes ago that you wouldn't mind seeing me like this but what would you say if snake saw me like this?"

Grandpa looked at me then he looked up and down me before he said, "Britt, when it's hot like this your grandma and me didn't wear a lot of clothes either. The only reason I've put on shorts when I came down from my shower is because I didn't want to embarrass you. Your grandma and I did whatever we could to stay as cool."

I looked at grandpa and asked, "So are you telling me the only reason you are wearing shorts right now is to save me embarrassment?"

"Yes dear, that's the only reason." Grandpa replied.

I walked over to grandpa and reached out and unfastened the button on his shorts then unzipped them and pulled them down off grandpa's hips. I wasn't surprised to see grandpa wasn't wearing any boxers or briefs and his cock popped up the minute his shorts fell past it. I looked up into grandpa's face and said, "From now on, let's be honest with each other if I'm going to live here with you. Since I'm going to be completely honest with you from this point on, I drove to town today completely naked and I didn't get dressed in the truck until I saw the buildings off in a distance. And when I left town, I took my top and shorts off and drove home naked."

Grandpa hugged me and I felt his cock press against my belly, but nothing happened. We hugged for a few minute and then we kissed each other good night. Grandpa turned and started to walk away and at the door he stopped, "Britt, please don't be embarrassed by seeing my manhood like this. I have no control over it, and this happens every time I see a beautiful woman."

"Well then, grandpa, I'll take that as a compliment. But I have to ask you, are you sure you won't mind if snake sees me like this. If I turn you on, it will happen to him as well. I really don't want him to think I am a whore looking to get fucked."

"Don't worry Britt, no one around here will ever do anything to you, that you don't want them to."

The next morning grandpa was shaking my shoulder saying, "Britt, it's time to get up and make breakfast."

When I opened my eyes, I was laying on my back with my legs were spread. Once again grandpa was looking at my body and not my face. "I smiled and said, "Good morning grandpa, do you know it's much cooler sleeping completely naked?"

Grandpa smiled back at me and said, "I know Britt, your grandma and I used to sleep that way all the time until she passed on. We never wore clothes in the hot weather."

"I guess I'm a natural at this part of ranch life because I don't mind you seeing me like this at all. I forgot to thank you for putting the liniment on me last night."

"That's ok Britt, I enjoyed myself."

"Speaking of enjoying yourself, is it too personal to ask you if you took care of yourself after you went into your room last night."

"Britt if you had asked me that question a couple of days ago, I would have told you yes, but after last night, I don't think there's anything off limits for you to discuss with me. After all, you are family. Now get up and get that beautiful ass moving, we have work to do."

I stood up and followed grandpa to the bathroom. He stopped at the sink so he could shave, and I walked past him and sat down on the toilet to pee. After I wiped my pussy, I washed my hands in the spray of the shower. When I finished drying my hands, I walked into my bedroom and selected a tank top and my purple lace thong panties. I stepped into the panties and pulled them up my legs and used my hands to make sure they were properly fitted. (you girls will know what I mean)

I sat down on the chair and pulled on a pair of socks that Sarah selected for me. When I slipped my feet into the boots, they seemed to add twenty pounds to my weight. Sarah had called them safety boots and said the toe was re-enforced but not the old-fashioned steel toed boots of old. She told me they would protect my feet in case a horse stepped on me.

When I was dressed, well as much as I was going to, I went downstairs, and grandpa was just finishing the coffee. He poured two cups and took his to the table. With my tank top being shorter than a t-shirt, he had a clear view of my ass cheeks from behind and about three quarters of the front panel of my panties. The part he most wanted to see was visible to him and he congratulated me on my choice of clothes.

Once again, snake knocked one time as he opened the door and stepped inside. He stopped immediately and looked at my exposed ass cheeks and with an octave higher than his normal voice, he said, "Good morning Ms. Britt. You sure are acclimating to this hot weather just fine."

As I handed him his cup of coffee I said, "Since you and grandpa were interested in looking up my shirt last night at my white panties, I thought I'd save you to problem of peeking and let you see them this morning. I hope you don't mind the way I'm dressed because I really can't stand the heat out here in Texas."

"Ms. Britt, if I might add, you looked lovely sitting in the swing last night, I almost wanted to stay longer but I had to go to bed. Thank you for allowing us to see your panties last night and this morning. You make this old black man, feel young again, if you know what I mean."

I finished up making breakfast while grandpa and snake talked. When I put the food on the table, grandpa said the prayer and then the sounds of clinking forks and knives began. The conversation began between mouthfuls and chewing. I was included in the conversation whenever they moved off the range and back to the barn and the animals.

When we finished and I had their lunch pails filled grandpa led the way out of the front door onto the porch. Even with a morning chill in the air, it was still warm. It's not something that easy to explain. The three of us walked off the porch and we silently walked towards the barn. When we were almost at the barn snake asked, "You gonna teach her how to shoot?"

Grandpa never lost step, nor did he turn his head when he responded, "I suppose I should seeing she's gonna be here by herself, especially since she's gonna be working almost naked."

Snake added, "Want me to set up the target?"

Grandpa replied, "Yep, might as well."

Snake veered off to the right while grandpa and I walked straight to the barn. When we got there grandpa opened a cabinet and pulled out a rifle with a scope on it. He then turned to me and started explaining about the rifle. He told me it was a .243 Remington BDL which he kept loaded all the time in case a varmint came near the barn. He explained that if I ever felt threatened, I could use it to deter someone from causing me harm. He showed me how to hold it up to my shoulder and look through the scope. He told me that the center where the cross hairs came together was the point, I should put on my target to hit it. He said the rifle was sighted in for him so it may be off for me. He told me we would be going to town someday so he could select a rifle for me. In the meantime, I could practice with his rifle.

Grandpa gave me all the safety tips about never point the rifle at anything I didn't intend to shoot. Always keep the safety on until I was ready to shoot. Never but never put my finger on the trigger until I had sighted in on my target. The point he really empathized was always keep the rifle pointed up in the air and away from any other people around me.

By the time we walked outside the barn, it was light enough and snake had set up a target about fifty yards away. Snake had brought a table like stand away from the barn so I could rest my arm on it while aiming the rifle. Grandpa told me to bring the rifle up to my shoulder like he showed me and rest my elbows on the stand. He told me, only after I had the target in the scope, should I click off the safety. He went on to remind me to keep my trigger finger on the trigger guard until I was ready to shoot. Then in a calmer voice he told me to squeeze the trigger gently and not jerk it. Grandpa helped me steady it and when I pulled the trigger the rifle made a very loud noise and snake yelled, "She hit in front of the target."

Grandpa helped me again and told me to put the center of the cross hairs in the center of the target and squeeze the trigger gently. I did as he said and after the rifle barked snake called out, "She hit the bottom of the target."

"The next time you do it on your own and see what happens." Grandpa said to me.

I did as he instructed me, then I squeezed the trigger and after the loud roar, snake yelled, "That one was an inch above the last one."

Grandpa turned to me and said, "Ok, you've got the general idea all you need is practice so once you get your work done, you can practice some more. There is plenty of ammo in the cabinet. Also, there are a couple of pistols in the cabinet too. You can shoot them later when I get back, so I can help you. Remember don't point a gun at anything you don't intend to kill."

"Do you have any questions for me Britt?" Grandpa asked.

I smiled and said, "No, I'm fine, go ahead and get to work and hopefully you can come back in early."

I watched as grandpa and snake drove away on their tractors then I turned back into the barn to feed the animals. I felt invigorated as I worked because I didn't have clinging sweaty clothes on me and when I got to warm, I walked over and used the hose to splash water on my naked body and the small breeze cooled me, as the water evaporated. Not having to check every time I heard a noise, allowed me to get my work done early and after I cleaned up and put everything away, I went up to the garden. I pulled some weeds and picked some of the vegetables that were ready then took them into the kitchen.

I started on the house chores by washing the breakfast dishes, dried them and put them away. Cleaning the house was easy because it was only grandpa and me and neither of us made a mess. I did the laundry; Grandpa didn't have a dryer, so I hung the clothes out on the clothesline behind the house. When I finished, I took a quick cool water shower. After my shower I went downstairs without even worrying about getting dressed or taking something down with me in case someone came to the house.

I ate a quick lunch and then headed off to the barn to practice with the rifle. Since I had been naked outside before I never gave it a second thought to wear anything to the barn. My little "B" cup breasts bounced, and I felt my ass cheeks jiggle with each step I took. I took the rifle out of the cabinet and some extra bullets with me over to the same stand I used this morning. For the next half hour, I practiced shooting at the target snake had set up. My shoulder was getting sore, so I put the rifle away and put the brass in the box like grandpa showed me, before I walked back to the house.
I looked at the clock and decided to make supper. I prepared supper and put it in the oven and turned it on, on low heat, so it would be ready when the guys got back. When I finished, I put some ice in a glass and filled my glass with water. I walked towards the front door and out onto the front porch to sit and relax in the swing, no longer worried about my nakedness.

Soon I watched as snake and grandpa returned, backed their tractors under the shed and walked into the barn. I sat in the swing and sipped my water until I saw grandpa and snake come out of the barn and grandpa head towards the house. When he stepped up on the porch, I stood up and said, "Supper will be ready in about a half hour, why don't you go get your shower while I go get a t-shirt of something to wear tonight."

Grandpa looked at my naked body and said, "You don't have to get dressed sweetheart, unless you want to."

"Grandpa, I don't mind you seeing me like this, but I not quite ready to let snake see my naked body. Remember we are family."

He held the door open for me and I walked up the stairs ahead of him so he could have a good view of my ass. He went into the bathroom, left the door wide open and dropped his clothes in the hamper. I noticed once again his manhood was at full erection so I said, "Grandpa if you need me to help you with that, I can ..... I'm still a virgin but I know what a hand job is."

Grandpa looked at me standing in the bathroom doorway as he started the water in the shower. He stepped into the shower and we continued our conversation while he showered. He said, "Honey, you don't have to do anything, I can take care of it by myself."

"But wouldn't it be more fun if you had a naked female do it for you?"

"Why yes it would, but as you said, you're still a virgin and I don't want to have you do something like that just in case something else might happen."

"Grandpa, I know about sex from my health class, and from what mom has taught me. I'm inexperienced and have never done it for real, but I have played with myself and it feels great. I'm positive you've jerked off a time or two in your life. All I'm offering to do is the same thing you do, but being my first, I won't be as good as you. I'm sure with some experience I'll get better.

I could see grandpa's shadow through the shower curtain as he fidgeted until I reached in and wrapped my small hand around his manhood and started stroking up and down. Grandpa finally gave in and told me to let him finish his shower first.

I stepped back and waited with his towel in my hand. When he shut the water off, I stepped forward and used his towel and dried most of his body before he took the towel away and finished the job. Grandpa stepped out of the shower and reached into the medicine cabinet and took out some Vaseline. He smeared some under his foreskin and around the base of his cock head before he pulled his foreskin up and over the end of his cock. He told me that would keep him wet like if he was fucking a pussy.

I started stroking him again but this time I could feel the difference. My hand slid past the gland at the base of his cock head much more smoothly than when I first tried to jerk him off. I tried standing beside him but soon I kneeled in front of him because that was a better position. It didn't take him long before he was pumping his hips right along with the rhythm I set with my hands. Soon he said, "Brit, I'm going to cum, you'd better watch out."

This was the part I knew about but never experienced so I really didn't know what to expect until the first blast of cum hit me square on my nose and lips. The second blast came so soon after it hit me inside my mouth because I had opened it to say something. Without saying anything I closed my lips and swallowed my grandpa's semen and let the rest of it hit my face.

Grandpa wobbled a little bit before he leaned back against the bathroom wall to catch his breath. I stood up and looked in the mirror and saw all the white sperm on my face. Since I swallowed the first bit and it didn't taste bad, I used my finger to scrape the rest of it off my face into my mouth. I saw grandpa standing behind me watching every move I made, with a huge smile on his face.

I stayed at the sink and used a washcloth to clean my face while grandpa used another washcloth to wash his cock. When I finished, I walked into my bedroom and selected a sexy pair of my panties and a tank top similar to the one I wore this morning. Only this time, you could see the little pink bow on the waist band of these panties. The tank top wasn't as long as the one this morning. The other difference was the panties I had chosen had a sheer back panel covering most of my ass.

I was downstairs checking on dinner when grandpa came down wearing a pair of his boxers instead of his shorts. He went to the refrigerator and was taking out two beers when snake knocked and walked in. He greeted me the same as he always did and when I turned to pass the greetings back, I saw him looking at my ass.

I laughed and said, "I know it was extra hot today and I'm glad to see both of you are comfortable. The only problem I see is, neither of you are wearing a shirt."

Grandpa and snake smiled as they lifted their beer towards their lips and took a drink. I tipped my bottle towards them and then I took a healthy drink. I set my beer down and checked on supper in the oven. I took a few minutes and set the table for three. I went back to the oven and brought the dish over and set it in the middle of the table along with the big fresh vegetable tossed salad I'd made.

I collected my beer off the counter and sat down at the table where grandpa said his normal prayer before we dished in and helped ourselves. This time during the meal they really included me in the conversation. I explained what I did after they left and after I got my chores done, I practiced with the rifle. I told them I found if I aimed high, I could hit inside the target. I let them know they could look at it tomorrow morning when we go out. I told them I didn't hit the center of the target, but I was close.

Grandpa told me he had to go into town soon to order some stuff for his project out on the range and if I wanted to go after I finished the barn chores, I would ride along with him. He told me he'd get a rifle for me with a scope on it so I could sight my rifle in, for my eye.

"Oh, by the way, Britt, if you aren't embarrassed, you don't have to wear a shirt around us either. But I'll leave that up to your discretion. Both snake and I are old enough to know what women look like naked, so you won't shock or embarrass either of us."

"All right grandpa, I'll think about it. Back in Cleveland I'd most likely get arrested for wearing what I've got on now, much less taking off my shirt. But like you said, the weather in Cleveland is much different than out here in Texas."

Snake smiled at me saying, "Ms. Britt, it don't matter to me what you decide to do, I ain't gonna tell no one. I'm just as hot as your grandpa is and both of us don't have a shirt on."

We finished supper and while grandpa and snake retired to the front porch, I stayed behind and cleared off the table and washed the dishes. I was done in no time, so I grabbed three beers out of the refrigerator and headed for the porch. As I stepped out on the porch I stopped and stepped back inside. I set the three beers down and pulled my tank top over my head and off. I laid it on the living room chair, picked up the beers and walked out on the porch as normal as if I'd been mostly naked for my men for a long time.

I walked over between the two chairs and handed each man a cold one. I took my seat on the swing and let them gaze at my little "B" cup titties. I looked straight at grandpa and snake while I said, "I don't have very big breasts but I'm damn proud if what I have. I hope you guys don't mind my small titties."

Grandpa was the first to speak up, "Britt, don't you ever worry about your body. You have personality, wit and your beautiful body compliments both."

"Ms. Britt, from what this old black man can see of you, you could be the belle of the ball. Don't you ever worry about a thing. You are a complete package."

I sat there for a few minutes before I asked, "Grandpa what did snake mean I could be the belle of the ball?"

"Oh honey, snake gave you an old timers compliment. Me and snake aren't young people, so we have different sayings from what the young people say. What he meant was, you're the most beautiful and popular girl or woman at a dance or party."

Without even thinking, I set my beer down on the table and moved over and hugged snake tightly for more than a few seconds. I know I pressed my bare breasts into his chest, and I kissed his cheek before I said, "Thank you snake. Thank you very much."

I stepped over to grandpa and hugged him tight just as I had done to snake. I kissed his cheek and said to him, "Grandpa, thank you for giving me this chance to learn what life is all about. I have learned so much from you in the past few days, that I'd probably never learn back in Cleveland. I really love you grandpa."

I sat back down on the swing and this time I rolled up on my hip and planted my left foot on the bench, so my legs were spread towards my men. It was still light enough for them to see my "V" clearly. We talked, they looked, and I didn't care. I was almost ready to slip my panties off when snake said, "It's that time again. I'll see the two of you in the morning."

Snake stood up shook grandpa's hand first and then mine before he turned and walked off the porch toward to go home. We watched him disappear into the night. I looked at grandpa as I said, "Are you sure it's ok for me to go without a shirt when we are all together?"

I told you last night you don't even have to wear panties for all I care. I love seeing your beautiful young body as long as you aren't feeling like I'm taking advantage or using you in any way."

I reached down and slipped off my panties and the way I was sitting on swing, my legs were spread so grandpa had a perfect view of my open pussy. I watched grandpa slide his boxers off and his hard cock stand up and full attention. As he looked at my body, he slowly stroked his cock. I stayed seated the way I was and watched, mesmerized by seeing a man jerk off.

Grandpa and I stayed on the porch until he managed to have an orgasm. He used his boxers to clean up the mess before we got up and held hands as we walked across the porch into the house. I went out to the kitchen and put the empty beer bottles away and shut the lights off while grandpa headed upstairs to wash up a little before going to bed.

By the time he finished, I was laying on my bed, completely naked enjoying the little bit of the cooler breeze blowing through my bedroom. Grandpa came into my room and said good night to me, but he also paused and stared at my body before he turned and went to his room.

This is the way things were for the next few days. Anytime that grandpa and I were in our house by ourselves, both of us were naked as jay birds. Although I had jerked him off that one time, he never put his hands on my body other than to hug me and rub my back.

I continued to work around the barn each day after grandpa and snake left for the range land. As soon as they left each morning, I stripped off my shirt and if I was wearing panties, they came off too. Then came the day when I was working in the barn and I felt that familiar feeling, so I had to hustle up to the house and get a tampon. I usually flow very heavy for the first two days, so I picked out a few extra so I could put them down in the gun cabinet, in the barn.

I hadn't remembered to call Dr. Lipstein since mom and I talked, I took time to call her office before I went back to the barn. I talked to her nurse and she told me that mom had already called. She asked me some medical related questions and she advised me to make my appointment for after my period was finished. We set a date and I thanked her.

I had a tampon inside me, so I didn't have to wear panties, so I remained naked while I worked. As I worked around the animals, I noticed some were a little rowdier than they normally were. I also noticed the stallions were sniffing the air when I went in to move them out so I could clean their stalls. They also threw their heads up and down when I was near them. However, I was able to finish my chores in a timely manner. I picked up the basket of eggs and walked up to the house.

I went out and took care of the garden before I came back in and did the chores in the house. I was all sweaty, so I went up and took a cool shower. When I finished my shower, I only dried my hair a little bit before I brushed it. I walked back downstairs and felt great as the breeze evaporated the rest of the moisture off my skin.

I went out to the kitchen and found some nice pork chops in the freezer, so I decided to have a big dish of scalloped potatoes with a fresh vegetable tossed salad for supper. I cut up the potatoes and onions and layered them in my pan with the pork chops layered in as well. By the time I had the dish ready to cook, I looked at the clock and saw I had plenty of time before I had to turn on the oven. I covered my dish and set it in the refrigerator. I noticed the beer was getting low in there, so I restocked it with warm beer from the pantry.

I walked down to the barn and fired the rifle maybe twenty times and I have to say I was getting very good at shooting even though I was aiming at the top of the target and hitting the orange in the center. I didn't get the red bullseye, but I got close to it. One thing grandpa told me was I needed to group my shots and I saw that a couple of times my bullet took out a piece of a previous shot.

I put the rifle away and went back up to the house, washed my hands and put my dish of scalloped potatoes in the oven. I cut all the vegetables up for the salad, covered the bowl and put that in the refrigerator.

I looked at the clock again and then took a cold beer out of the refrigerator and went out and sat on the swing. I felt so free living like this, I wondered how I'd ever re-acclimate myself to living in the city again. I thought when I first heard my mother tell grandpa I would come out and help him over the summer that I'd be doomed to a life of boredom. But my life was anything other than being bored. I had my chores, I learned to love being naked all day in the heat, even though I knew I would rather have the Cleveland weather.

I reflected on my life in Cleveland and the more I thought about it, the more I realized that other than the weather, Cleveland didn't have as much as I had here in Texas. I had the friends I went to school with but there wasn't any prominent boy in my life back there. Here I had two real men to take care of and they seemed to appreciate me more than any boy could. I enjoyed letting snake see me mostly naked, but I hadn't worked up the nerve yet to let him see my young pussy. Grandpa was different, he was family.

I sipped my beer until the bottle was empty and then just relaxed until I heard the familiar sounds of the tractors returning. I turned and watched my men come around the barn and park in the shed. They walked into the barn and like previous days, I sat on the swing, completely naked until grandpa stepped up on the porch. He always had a huge smile on his face when he gazed at my naked body and now, I loved to let him look at me for as long as he wanted to.

He said, "I've got to go shower."

I followed him into the house, and he let me lead the way up the stairs. He walked into the bathroom and without hesitation stripped down to nothing in a few seconds. I noticed his cock was at attention, so I asked him if he wanted me to help him again. He looked at me before he said, "Honey, you are certainly a special girl but let me take a shower first."

While he was adjusting the water for his shower, I sat down on the toilet with my legs spread and peed. He looked at me before he realized I had my legs spread and then he looked at the flow of pee coming out of me.

"Ummm," he started to say something then stopped and stared at me some more. "I see you have a tampon in, do you have enough of those to go you to the end?"

I looked down and saw my string hanging and smiled before I answered, "While I was at Kelsey's store Sarah asked me if I needed feminine products before she told me that you only came to town when you had a list of stuff to get so it might be a while before I get back there. She suggested I have some extra on hand just in case. So yeah, I have enough for this time. I'll re-stock when we go back into town. Since I haven't been wearing panties, I'm all set on panty liners too. I guess with you and grandma out here by yourselves, you know all about this stuff, don't ya?"

"Being a rancher all my life, sex is something that's very normal. All the animals have sex, grandma and I had sex and during that time of the month I had to make sure your grandma had a supply of those feminine products. Sarah will take good care of you; she and grandma were best friends so you can talk to her about anything."

"I want to warn you, be extra careful around the horses when you have your period. Those stallions can get rowdy when they smell ya. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I realized today they were acting different, and I was going to ask you about that, but you beat me to it. So, to them, I'm like a mare coming in heat, is that it?"

"Yes, that would be correct. That's why you can't turn your back to them right now. I should have warned you, but the subject never came up."

"I saw their cocks today, OMG they are huge."

Grandpa finished his shower and I picked up his towel and handed it to him. I watched his cock swing as he dried his hair and then his face. I couldn't resist, I got down on my knees in from of him and started stroking his cock. It felt so hard and without thinking I leaned forward and kissed the head of his cock. Grandpa moaned when I did that, so I kissed it again.

I know about blow jobs but like everything else, I've never done anything sexual other than rub my own clit. I opened my mouth wide and took the head of him cock into my mouth and swirled my tongue around the gland at the base of the head. Grandpa moaned and reached down and held my head and started to fuck my mouth. I put my hands on his hips and let him own my face.

He made all kinds of noises while he pumped in and out of my mouth. I kept swirling my tongue around his cock head until I felt it start to swell in my mouth. A moment later grandpa blew the first shot of cum into the back of my mouth and all I could think of was to swallow and do it fast because the next shot followed. He held my head in his hands and didn't stop pumping for more than a minute. During that time, he made all kinds of noises that let me know he appreciated me letting him use my mouth.

When it was over, I stood up and we kissed passionately not like a granddaughter and grandfather but like lovers. Our tongues dueled between our mouths while for the first-time grandpa moved his hands all over my body and I stood there and let him. I even parted my feet so he could have access to my pussy. Period or not, grandpa fingered my clit until I enjoyed a long overdue orgasm.

He stepped out of the shower and I stepped into it and adjusted the water to cool and then used the removable shower head to spray my body and not get my hair wet. He stayed and watched me then handed me a towel when I finished. I said, "I'm only going to wear panties from now on in the evening."

I went into my bedroom and picked out a pair of my black panties and put them on. Grandpa stopped by my door and waited for me. Together we walked downstairs and into the kitchen where snake was waiting for us. He smiled at us but didn't say a word. Grandpa sat down at the table and I took three beers out of the refrigerator and passed one to each of my men.
I checked on the scalloped potatoes and found they were done. I shut off the oven and took them out and set the dish on top of the stove and removed the lid. I set the table and then took the salad out of the refrigerator along with the salad dressings and put all of that on the table. I pulled a large spoon out of the silverware drawer and put it in the dish. I set the scalloped potatoes on the table and then took my place. Grandpa said the prayer like he always does and then we dug in.

Since my guys were in their boxers and me in my panties, nothing was said about me sitting topless at the supper table. We talked about the ranch, and grandpa questioned me about the garden. Snake made a comment about looking at the target and told grandpa, I was getting better. Grandpa congratulated me and told me we would go to town soon and get the food supplies and order the stuff he needed. He reminded me, while we were in town, he'd get me a rifle of my own.

I asked grandpa if he could delay his trip into town telling him I made an appointment with Dr. Lipstein and we could make it all in one trip. Grandpa looked at me and asked me if I was sick and I assured him I was only going to see her for female reasons. Grandpa relaxed and told me we should be fine until that date.

In the middle of eating supper, both snake and grandpa took a second to congratulate me on making a fine dish of scalloped potatoes. Snake made a further comment to tell me they were juicy the way he liked them and not dried out.

I blushed a little and said, "Mom taught me how to cook. She always said, in case anything happened to her she would know I could at least cook a meal for myself and not go hungry."

When the meal was finished my guys went out on the front porch and I cleaned up the supper dishes before grabbing three beers and walking out on the porch. I stopped by each chair and gave each of my men a cold beer. That became our nightly habit for the three of us.


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Page 28 - chapter 1

He told me we would be going to town so I could select my own rifle.


Brittany (Britt): Me C: 1 - P: 1 - Cleveland, Ohio - "B" cup titties - complete

description of Brit on

Frank Campbell: Grandpa

Charlie (snake): Grandpa's hired man

Sarah Kelsey: Owns Kelsey's store

Henry: Works for Sarah Kelsey

Dr. Esther Lipstein C: 1 - P: 24 - Doctor in town and mid-wife
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