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Household Dominance App

After getting screamed at for leaving the toilet seat up your energy is at an all time low, you've just been getting abuse from everyone in the house just for your existence and you can't really take it anymore. You dont know when having to work from home will end but it has been weeks already and there is no end in sight.

Frustrated you start browsing the web on your phone when an ad shows up at the bottom of your screen.

Become the master of your household today with this one nifty app!

Well you didn't even have the willpower left to resist clicking at this point.


  • Welcome User to the Household Dominance App! Or Hodom for short. This app allows you to track the state of your local dominance heirarchy and your state within it as well as your percieved score within the general heirarchy. Earn points by increasing your dominance and spend it on special perks. Dont be a shrimp, be a lobster and assert your dominance today, not too quickly though this app doesn't protect you from getting smacked up. Monitor household member stats and traits, establish new rules, purchase items, modify clothing everything is possible except mind control of course. Here for you to unlock. Get commanding today!
  • After you establish your first rule housemembers will get a Household Guidelines App. Choose your first rule then pick the kind of HoGuide best suited for your household or design a custom one.

* Government Guidelines

* Company Sponsorship

* Blackmail Orders

* Government Backed Feminist Health Experiment

* Cursed Application

  • Earn points by climbing the ladder and buy your first rule today!

The notifications were so confusing they flew straight over your head so you clicked onto the app to see what it did. When you see the app you know your life is about to change.

* Feel free to add new Households and branches. Anything goes. Each Household is its own unique concept and doesn't have to follow the rules of other household branches. No direct mind control please.

* This story is public so anyone can add branches

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