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Innocence Lost: Becoming a Slut

Milly Tremain's life took a strange turn in her senior year of high school, that would permanently alter her for the rest of her life. Milly had just turned 18 and was feeling the need to express her independence, but she didn't have the judgment to know how to handle her newly found freedom.

In recent years, Milly's lovely body had blossomed into womanhood, sporting the same flaring hips and heavy bust that marked her mother's figure. As Milly grew older, she increasingly resembled her buxom mother. As she acquired her mother's curves and a more confident step, she began to move with the same womanly grace as her mother. Shelly Tremain had been a great beauty in her youth, with a stunning figure and long locks of wheat-colored hair that wafted about her face. Even as a middle aged woman, she was still striking, but she wore the dowdy dresses of a housewife and had a Puritanical aversion to showing off her curves.

Milly was told by her grandmother, that her mother had been a very beautiful and popular girl in high school. Her mother had never shown her any pictures from that time period, so Milly was delighted when her grandmother had opened a photo album to show her pictures of her mother in her youth. "Milly, you look so much like your mother at that age," her grandmother told her kindly. Milly thought that she did look remarkably similar to the old photos of her mother in high school. Milly, however, didn't think that she would ever be as beautiful and glamorous as the young woman in the photos. Milly had her mother's curves, but her face was rounder and she was shorter than her mother. Her hair color was a darker shade of blond, edging toward brunette in some places.

Milly's mother was careful to not let her precious daughter hang out with the wrong crowd. Milly chafed at her mother's overprotectiveness at times, yet she generally respected her mother's wishes and had avoided the parties frequented by the faster crowd in her school.

When Milly's best friend, Nelly, called one Saturday afternoon and asked her to come to her house, Milly's mother gave her permission to go because she didn't worry that Nelly would get her into trouble. Nelly was one of the select girls that her watchful mother considered to be socially appropriate. Nelly came from a good family who had lived in their small town for generations.

Her mother was very careful to only allow Milly to associate with the right class of people, since a girl's reputation in small towns was easy to break, but very hard to recover afterwards. It was widely rumored that Milly's mother had slept with several of the town's most eligible men, before marrying Milly's father. For that unpardonable sin, she was never invited to the social gatherings of the most prominent women in the town. The exclusion was subtle, yet it cut Milly's mother deeply and she was determined to make sure that her daughter did not suffer from youthful indiscretions as she had. People in small towns had long memories and a girl who got a reputation could rarely shake it, no matter how decent and upright a woman she might be later in life.

Milly skipped over to Nelly's house which was just around the corner. Nelly had long wavy brunette hair and a slim build, which generally didn't attract much attention, but today she was wearing lots of makeup and had styled her hair differently. Milly thought she looked good in her tight stretch pants which showed off her slim hips and little round bottom, but she was surprised to see the normally retiring girl so attired. After greeting Nelly's mother at the front door, Milly was pulled in Nelly's room.

Milly explained, "Milly, I want to go to a party tonight, but my mom will never let me out of the house unless I go with someone like you, someone she trusts. Do you mind?"

Milly grinned, knowing that her mother would say exactly the same thing to her. She would never let her go to a party, unless she went with a "good" girl like Nelly. Milly and Nelly both had equally protective mothers and the girls were long accustomed to working around the restrictions imposed by their mothers.

Thus, the two girls got their mothers to agree to let them go to the party that Saturday night. Nelly insisted that Milly dress differently for the party. Milly had never been very particular about clothes. In the last year she had started to fill out, which shapely hips and a full bust, but she had never been very fashionable. She didn't do much with her dirty blonde hair, except comb it straight and pin it back so the locks hung long and flowing down her back. She rarely made-up her face, aside from a bit of lipstick, since she was too practical to waste 15 minutes every morning doing her makeup like some of the more popular girls at school. Yet, Nelly insisted she look nice and she used a curling iron to add some wave to Nelly's bangs, so they didn't have to be pinned back, but could hang in front without covering her eyes.

Nelly enthused, "Milly, why don't you try on some of my older sister's clothes. She is busty like you and she left a whole box of outfits that she will never use again when she left for college. They rummaged through the box, and found a green dress that Nelly liked. Milly thought that it was too small for her bigger frame, but Nelly insisted she try it on. As she had predicted, it was designed for a smaller girl, yet it was made of a stretchable fabric so it expanded to fit her wider hips and bust, still it was too tight and rode too high up her thighs for her comfort.

Nelly, however, insisted that it make her look "hot", and examining herself in the mirror, she had to agree that the dress did make her look very different. The tight fabric showed off her figure with high fidelity, allowing everyone to see how her hips and derriere had filled out into womanly curves and the fullness of her budding breasts contrasted nicely with her pert little waist.

After Nelly painted up Milly's face covering it with foundation, eyeliner, blush, and a bright shade of red lipstick, she hardly recognized herself. The girl staring back at her in the mirror was dressed to show off her budding body and she did look "hot" as Nelly had said. Nelly looked "hot" as well, with stretch pants and a tight top which highlighted her svelte figure. Both of the girls looked quite different from the modest image they normally cultivated at school.

Nelly gripped her hand and told her how good she looked. Milly was secretly excited, if a little disconcerted by her new appearance. She was even more disconcerted by how different Nelly was acting. The girl was much more assertive and confident, insisting that Milly do certain things, whereas the old Nelly would have done little more than gently suggest.

There were other odd things about Nelly as well. She was oddly evasive when Milly asked her about the party, only telling her where it would be held, but not who would be coming or even how she was invited.

Finally the two girls, slipped out the back door, called their goodbyes to Nelly's mother without letting her see what they were wearing. Nelly pulled Milly around the corner where they waited until she spotted a blue pickup pulling up to the curb. Nelly waved enthusiastically at the boy behind the wheel, but Milly hung back at the sight of the boy, who she recognized as Tom Delhart. He was one of the wildest boys in the school and seemed like the last person who would be interested in a mousy, little girl like her friend Nelly.

Many of the girls admired Tom Delhart with his flashing blue eyes and rakish black hair which hung in his eyes, but they whispered dark things about the way he treated his girlfriends. He liked to take his girls to raucous parties and feed them drinks until they were tipsy, then pull them into a backroom and screw them in a way so everyone at the party could hear the girl moaning. Even worse, he would sometimes invite a friend to take the same girl after he finished with her. No girl who had dated Tom Delhart ever survived with her reputation intact. His first girlfriend had been so disgraced, that she had moved away, and nobody had heard from her since. His second had gotten pregnant and dropped out of school.

His third girl, Sheila was widely known as the class slut, since she had slept with a whole string of boys before Tom, so there was no reputation to destroy, yet Tom only made her more infamous. It was widely gossiped that Tom and several of his buddies would take Sheila out to the lake for tailgate parties. The boys would drink whiskey out of the pack of Tom's pickup, while Sheila walked into the woods first with Tom, then with each of his friends in turn. Afterwards, the boys would snicker about how they had nailing Sheila on a tattered blanket under the dark stars.

Tom had been sleeping with Sheila for almost a year, before they had a spectacular fight in the middle of English class and refused to talk to each other afterwards. Tom hadn't been seen with any girls for almost a month after that, but Milly had heard rumors that Tom had been spotted with a new girl riding in his blue pickup. Tom always drove his pickup with reckless speed, but he avoided any tickets, because his rich daddy was the sheriff's best friend and all the officers in town knew it. Because he drove so fast, the gossipers only got a quickly glance as he passed them on the road, so nobody knew for sure the identity of Tom's new girlfriend.

Milly grabbed Nelly's wrist as her friend started to move toward the idling pickup. "We can't go to a party with HIM!," Milly hissed in her friend's ear.

Nelly whispered back, "Milly, I didn't want to tell you, but I'm sort of seeing Tom now."

Milly gaped at her friend, too surprised to know how to respond. She couldn't believe that the mousy girl with meek brown eyes who she had known since kindergarten would dare to date such a notorious boy like Tom Delhart.

Nelly begged her. "Please Milly, don't back out on me now. I really want to go to this party."

Milly reluctantly allowed Nelly to drag her toward the waiting pickup truck. Tom sat in the truck, grinning a rakish smile at the girls as they climbed into the cab with him. Tom was perfectly pleasant, although Milly noticed how his eyes raked over her body when he greeted her. He kissed Nelly warmly on the mouth, for longer than was appropriate, then gunned the engine.

Milly could see that Nelly was ecstatic to be sitting close to Tom in the tight cab of the pickup, so she refrained from saying anything on the way to the party, which was at the house of a boy who she barely knew. Milly determined that she would give her friend an earful later on what she thought about her notorious boyfriend, but she wouldn't embarrass her in front of him.

When they got to the party, dance music radiated out of the house full of people. Tom took Nelly's hand and let her up the front steps and through the front door. Milly dutifully tagged along behind the couple. Tom seemed to know everyone in the house. The boys slapped him on the shoulder in the way of juvenile males and handed him drinks, which he pressed into Nelly's and Milly's hands. Milly took a tiny sip of the drink and wrinkled her nose at the hard liquor she detected under the fruit punch.

She stared out wide eyed at the people at the party, who she knew by reputation, but normally didn't talk to. There were several boys who had already graduated from high school and many of the players on the basketball team. The girls were all from the fast and popular crowd, who generally ignored Milly at school.

Tom pulled Nelly with him into a crowd of his friends, but Milly didn't know any of them, so she pulled back and sat in a corner, sipping her drink. It didn't taste that bad, and it soothed the nervous girl to have something to hold in her hand. She sipped it pensively, watching the people moving in and out of the room.

Milly looses her virginity

Milly didn't have much in common with the other girls and she didn't know what to say to them, so she kept to herself. She noticed that Nelly also wasn't included in the circle of popular girls, but she seemed to be entertained by Tom's male friends. Milly didn't like the way that the boys were looking at Nelly, nudging each other and snickering when her back was turned. Milly decided that she could leave Nelly alone with the boys, so she got up out of her chair to go and talk to her.

One of Tom's friends intercepted her on the way. She barely knew him, except for the fact that his name was Sid and he played basketball. Sid was tall, towering over Milly, but he seemed eager to talk to her, which was surprising considering that he had never said a word to her before in school. Milly wasn't good at meeting new people, but she tried to be agreeable and let him drag her into a conversation. The alcohol flowing through her veins loosened her tongue, and she was surprised to find herself conversing easily with Sid, despite their lack of familiarity.

Sid then pulled her into other conversations and introduced Milly to more of the boys. She knew Danny, a heavy-set boy with curly blond hair and Ricco, a graceful boy with dark Italian features, but had never talked to either of them before. Milly was surprised to find herself laughing easily at their jokes and reflected that they all seemed to be eager to get to know her. They kept pressing cups of the fruit punch into her hands, which she dutifully downed. The fruity liquid slid easily down her throat. Although the taste of the liquor had bothered her at first, she hardly noticed it at all now.

When she looked over at Nelly, she was shocked to see her friend locked in a long kiss with Tom. Tom's tongue was moving in her friend's mouth and one of his big hands was sliding possessively over her derrière. Milly was shocked that her friend would let a boy kiss her that way in public and even more shocked that Nelly seemed to be enjoying it. She was giggling and pressing her body eagerly up against Tom, as he kissed her. "God, what must everyone think of her?" Milly wondered. Milly didn't want to interrupt the two of them, but she did want to pull her friend aside and make sure everything was alright. Sid smoothly pulled her back into a conversation with the other boys, distracting her attention from Nelly and Tom.

The next time that Milly glanced at Nelly, she saw the girl was sitting on Tom's lap. Tom's had his arm around her waist and he was whispering in her ear. Nelly seemed to be enjoying herself and Milly felt a twinge of jealousy shoot through her at the sight. She reflected that it must feel nice to be able to sit on a boy's lap and have him pay her so much attention.

Sid kept pulling Milly back into a conversation, and she noticed that the tall boy had a handsome face with dark brown hair and dancing brown eyes, that seemed to light up when he talked to her. Milly had been slightly intimidated at first by the way he had gazed down at her, but now his height seemed more familiar and she didn't mind looking up at him when they talked. She noticed how his eyes would roam over her as he talked to her, seeming to fixate on her cleavage poking out from the top of her tight dress. With his height, Sid had a top-down view of her breasts. Milly was annoyed by his overt ogling, but the feel of his gaze on her shapely body also sent heady feelings gushing through her. It was secretly thrilling to feel a boy looking at her that way and Milly found herself blossoming under his male gaze. She found herself smiled at him and even posing for his benefit. Having a boy pay her so much attention, helped ease the pangs of jealousy she felt when she glanced at Nelly necking with Tom.

Milly noticed with shock that Tom's hand was now fondling Nelly's right breast as he kissed her and Nelly seemed to be wriggling in his lap, encouraging him to touch her that way. Everyone else was pretending to ignore the necking couple, but Milly could see that several of the boys were covertly glancing at the corner where the couple say. Milly worried what people would say about her friend if she let a boy fondle her in public that way. She could already hear the mean and hurtful things that the girls at school would whisper about Nelly. Milly thought that she should do something to try and protect her friend, but she didn't want to make a scene either and she knew that it wouldn't be easy to get Nelly out of Tom's lap.

Nonetheless, there was another emotion running through Milly at the sight of Tom's hands roaming over Nelly's body as they necked. Milly had never experienced anything but chaste kisses on the mouth during a couple of lackluster dates. Nelly obviously enjoyed the feel of Tom's hands on her derriere and breasts from the way she eagerly kissed Tom, and Nelly wondered what more her friend had done with the notorious boy. Even worse, more prurient thoughts floated through her head, wondering what it would feel like to feel a boy's hand on her own buttocks and breasts as he kissed her. Even worse she wondered if the boy who was currently ogling her wanted to do these things to her. She found herself blushing at Sid, embarrassed that she had these thoughts about the handsome boy.

Sid just grinned and handed her another drink, then pulled her over to another knot of his friends. It nearly 20 minutes later that Milly noticed that Tom and Nelly had disappeared. She got worried when they didn't appear again and she determined to go and find her friend. She made an excuse about needing to use the bathroom and slipped away to hunt for her friend. It was only then that she noticed that her gait was unsteady and the world seemed slightly off-kilter. "That fruit punch must have been stronger than I though" she reflected as walked around looking for Nelly.

When she couldn't find Nelly on the first floor, she crept up the stairs to the second floor of big house. Moving down the darkened hallway, she heard the sound of Nelly and Tom's voices behind the door in one of the bedroom. She raised her hand to knock on the door, when she heard the sound of Tom's commanding voice. "Suck it good...yes, just like that."

Milly froze, unsure what to do. The alcohol pumping through her blood made it hard to think and she wondered in a daze if she should interrupt the couple and try to pull Nelly away. Nelly wouldn't appreciate it, and Milly wondered how they would get home, since they didn't have a car. In her indecision, Milly just stood in front of the door, listening. She could hear the sounds of lips sucking and a male groaning appreciatively and her active imagination filled in the details of Nelly on her knees with Tom's engorged penis in her mouth. Milly had never seen an erect male penis, but she had seen the videos which her father kept hidden in a box in the closet. She imagined Nelly sucking on Tom in the same way the porn stars did it in the videos.

Nelly was certainly making the same warm sounds in her mouth as she sucked, just like the porn stars did. Milly wondered if Tom's staff would jerk and produce milky seed. Her fertile mind wondered if Nelly would swallow or if she would let Tom jerk it all over her face as they did in the videos.

With these lascivious questions running through her head, Milly's heart began to pound and her cheeks flushed as a rush of arousal gripped her. When she heard the sound of bed springs creaking and Nelly giggling, she imagined her friend naked on the bed. Nelly's occasional sigh or gasp made it easy for Milly to picture what was happening on that bed, but she was totally unprepared for the sound of a sharp smack of a heavy palm hitting buttocks or Nelly's little yelps that followed.

Milly caught Tom's voice over the din of the party downstairs. "My naughty girl likes it. Doesn't she?"
"God, ...yes!" Nelly groaned. Milly was throughly shocked by what she hear next. "Oh Tom, give me that cock. It feels soooo goooood.

Tom chuckled, "Now you can't get enough of it can you? I knew you would be a good slut." Nelly groaned appreciatively.

Milly couldn't believe her friend would let a boy spank her and call her a "naughty girl" and a "slut", but by Nelly obviously liked it, judging from the warm moans coming from the bedroom. Milly should have stopped listening and walked away, but she was so shocked by what she was hearing that she seemed to be rooted to the spot. Every time Nelly moaned, Milly felt a little jolt shoot down her spine. She wondered what if would feel like to have a boy's staff inside her. Would she moan like Nelly did?

More smacks echoed through the dark hallway followed by sharp gasps and groans. "That's right. My little slut is a naughty girl and needs punished, doesn't she?" "Oh God, yes!" Milly could hear the excitement and need in Nelly's voice. Then, she heard the sound of bodies slapping together at a faster tempo and the groans became more frequent, until Nelly cried out sharply, and then the sounds abruptly stopped.

Milly's heart was racing and tension radiated through of her curvaceous body from the wetness pooling in her neither regions. Arousal coupled with alcohol was making her head spin and she stepped unsteadily down the stairs and rejoined the party.

Sid was waiting for her in the throng of people downstairs. Looking up into the dark eyes of his handsome face, made her heart skip a beat. He handed her another cup of cool punch, and it felt refreshing going down her hot throat. The rush of the alcohol through her system prepared her for the shock of feeling Sid´s lips descending on her own. His lips felt good against her mouth and she forgot about everything else. She forgot to be embarrassed that she was kissing a boy in the middle of a party. She was only aware of the sensation of his lips on her own and the way his palm cupped her jaw, turning her face upward to meet his lips. When she felt his tongue pushing into her mouth, she was so surprised by the slippery feel of it, that she didn't stop him. It was strange to feel a boy's tongue moving against her own tongue, but the longer Sid's tongue flicked in her mouth, the more she liked it. It excited her as did the feel of Sid's big hands holding her as they kissed. When the kiss finally ended, Milly was more than ready for another, but Sid was already dragging her toward the stairs.

Milly's head was whirling as she stumbled up the stairs and into the darkened hallway on the second floor. The thought hit her that maybe she shouldn't be letting a boy drag her off like this, when his lips met hers again. Despite what her brain might be telling her, her mouth was too occupied to voice any objections and the feel of his big body pressing up against hers made it hard to think. Her arms seemed to move of their own accord, curled around his neck to pull his head down to hers. His long arms came around her waist, to pull her hard up against him so she could feel him down the entire length of her voluptuous body.

It felt strange to have her bust mashed up against a boy while kissing him, but Milly could see that it it excited Sid when he felt her generous breasts against his chest. Milly had grown very self-conscious about her large bust as she had filled out in recent years. Her large DD cup bras made her feel ungainly and unbalanced. She could no longer run in gym, without her large chest bouncing up and down in an embarrassing way. Even more embarrassing was the way that boys cast side-long glances at her breasts. She had become acutely conscious of the stares in recent years, aware that the boys were watching. Some part of her hated those stares, but another part liked to feel the boys' gazes sliding over her and liked the male attention. Milly was even more self-conscious about her large bust than normal when wearing that tight green dress. The stretchy fabric put her breasts were on full display in all their girth and Sid had been getting an eyeful all evening.

It wasn't until Milly felt Sid's hand on her right breast, however, that she fully appreciated the appeal of her chest to the boy. His fingers trembled slightly as they explored her generous mound, almost reverently tracing over it, before giving it a gentle squeeze. Every time his hand flexed on her breast like that, it sent a little gasp up her throat. Unlike Nelly, Milly would never let a boy touch her like that in public, but she felt less self-conscious in the darkness of the hallway where nobody was watching them.

The feel of Sid's hands spanning her waist, then smoothing up and down the small of her back and now fondling her breasts was intoxicating and thrilling. She didn't know the boy very well, but the aggressive way he touched her body in the dark while kissing her seemed to assert his right to be her boyfriend. Sid didn't have a bad reputation like Tom, and Milly liked the idea of being the tall boy's girl. He was widely admired at school for his athletic prowess on the basketball court. It never occurred to Milly that a boy would want to touch her like this without wanting to be her boyfriend. Milly felt herself giving into his large hands, letting them rove where ever they liked over her curvy body. They delighted in tracing down her ribs to pass over her narrow waist and onto her flaring hips.

The feel of Milly's hourglass figure under his palms was exquisite, and Sid idly wondered how far he could push the inexperienced girl. He had noticed the girl's busty figure before at school, but she had always seemed too up tight for his tastes before tonight. Seeing her in that tight green dress, however, had awoken his interest, and seeing her come to the party with Tom, convinced him that she was ready to be loosened up the same way that Tom had loosened up Nelly over the last month. Tom had turned the shy girl into a little sexpot. Although the slender Nelly didn't appeal to Sid's tastes in women, Milly had the kind of generous curves that he appreciated and she was tall enough to appeal to Sid.

Even more appealing was the challenge of bedding the innocent girl. He could tell from the uncertain way that she kissed and the way that she stiffened when he fondled her breasts that she was too inexperienced to know how to react. He found himself growing aroused as he planned how to deflower the girl. The way her cheeks flushed and she turned submissively in his arms told him that it would not be hard to convince her. Sid knew from experience that some girls just needed a little prodding before they learned to open their thighs to a guy, and Sid guessed that Milly would do it willingly once she learned how. He figured that Milly like her friend Nelly just had to be shown how much she liked sex and he was eager to show her.

When Sid began to kiss her on the tender juncture between her neck and her shoulder, Milly began to run her hands through his short hair, exploring the nape of his neck and the hair behind his ears. He felt good under her hands and the masculine smell of him excited her. She especially liked the way his lips felt moving over her neck. "Who could have imagined that it would feel so good to be kissed?," she thought, turning her head to the side so he could get better access to the side of her neck. His mouth moved up until it found one of her ears and nibbled on one of her delicate ear lobes. The feel of his lips moving against her ear sent little shivers running down her spine, while the feel of his hands smoothing over her buttocks sent the shivers running up her spine. This dual assault on her senses left her feeling weak in the knees.

"Are girls supposed to let a guy touch her on the derrriere like that?" Milly wondered in dazed confusion. Her small hands stopped exploring his neck and came down against his chest, as if to put a barrier between them. Her breasts were no longer pressed into his chest and she was poised between pushing him away and exploring the feel of his chest under his t-shirt. In Milly's confused face, Sid could see the sensual excitement and her lowered inhibitions from the alcohol warring with her innate caution. He had taken her too fast and now he needed to be careful or she would run away. His hands came up and covered her hands on his chest, letting her step back so their bodies where no longer pressed together, but also holding her so she couldn't escape him. He took her hands in his own, threading his fingers through hers.

"Milly, I..." Sid was at a loss for words now. He wanted to seduce her, but he wasn't nearly as smooth talking as Tom. He had learned how to touch a girl, but he wasn't as sure how to talk her into letting him touch her. "I've been wanting to kiss you all evening." It wasn't a lie, but he had been wanting to do far more than just kiss her. Tom and Nelly were still occupying the spare bedroom, and he couldn't figure out how to get them out of it, so he could use it with Milly. Stalling for time, he pulled her hand up to his mouth and kissed the knuckles of her hand clasped in his own. His hands were so much bigger than her own. They felt strong. Milly recalled how they had felt just the moment before, smoothing over her waist and grabbing her buttocks. The strength of his big hands on her body had scared her, but they had also excited her. Milly had never been touched like that before and now she was curious.

She knew that boys weren't supposed to touch her like that, at least not on the first date, and this wasn't even a date. Sid had just grabbed her and kissed her and put his hands where ever he liked on her body. The strange thing was that Milly had liked it. She had liked it when Sid had grabbed her that way, and that confused her. Good girls weren't supposed to like being treated that way. She should have pushed him away and told him NO, but she hadn't. Listening to Nelly and Tom, She had discovered that her friend liked to do far more with a boy and that made her curious as well. That curiosity held her immobile in the dark hallway, unsure how she should react, but she also wanting to feel his hands on her body again.

Sid's hand released her own and then reached up to cup her cheek almost tenderly for a brief moment. Then he traced his big index finger around her lips before pushing it between her lips and into the warmth of her mouth. He held it there until Milly sucked on it. He felt blood rushing to his groin, thinking about what else he wanted her to suck on, but first she needed to get accustomed to sucking on his appendages.

He then popped that wet finger out of her mouth and traced it down her neck and onto her chest, leaving a wet trail behind to tantalize her skin. His finger traced along the neckline of her dress, going over the slight swell of the tops of her breasts. His lips followed, kissing along the thin line where her dress terminated and her skin began. His unoccupied hands, soon found something to occupy them by cupping her large breasts. Milly's back was against the hallway wall now, preventing her from pulling back from his cupped hands. Through the thin fabric of her dress and the cups of her bra she felt the warmth of his palms and the flexing of his skillful fingers as he kneaded her mounds.

This time she was more prepared for the feel of his hands on her bosom, but she was surprised to find herself thrusting forward her chest into his hands, inviting him to fondle her. She was also surprised to find her tongue reaching for his, the next time he kissed her.

She was reacting instinctively to what her body liked, but he took it as an invitation to go farther, so he eased her back off the wall and reached behind her to find the zipper of her dress. Milly felt the metal zipper being moving down her back but her mouth was locked in a french kiss that left her so breathless that she couldn't speak. By the time she came up for air, Sid's fingers where already flexing on her back to unhook her bra. When the clasp was removed, the fabric holding up her breasts gave way so her chest dropped before him.

Her hands came up in surprise, covering her breasts to hold her dress in place. He kept kissing her, distracting her as his hands worked the straps of her dress off her shoulders. His lips followed his hands, kissing the bare skin on her rounded shoulders.

Milly had wanted to be kissed again, but she wasn't at all sure that she wanted to be undressed, yet the feel of his lips on her ticklish collar bone, was so entrancing that the words telling him to stop died on her lips. Instead her hands left her chest to push up against his chest to give her some distance. He was unmovable, but her dress wasn't. Without anything to hold up the front of her dress, it slipped down, falling until the straps caught on her bent elbows.

Sid's eyes glittered at the sight of her drooping breasts swinging free of the garment. He reached over her hands on his chest to grasp her own chest, loving the feel of the soft mounds drooping into his palms. As his skillful fingers kneaded her breasts, probing the turgid flesh, Milly pushed against him, feeling his big chest under her small hands. When his fingers found the pink tips of her nipples and rolled them skillfully between his thumb and forefingers, Milly's hands clenched reflexively, raking her nails against his chest as she gathered the fabric of his shirt under her flexing fingers. Milly's heart was racing, but she couldn't speak when Sid's skillful mouth came down on her own and sucked the breath from her. He kissed her passionately, until the resistance in her arms began to weaken and she could no longer hold him back. He raised her right breast and directed its pink nipple upward so it could meet his lips when they left off kissing Milly's mouth. The feel of his laving tongue, made the nipple tighten into a bead of desire in his mouth, sending jolts of pleasure radiating out of her breast. Milly's mouth was now free to tell him NO, but instead it was gasping warm sounds as he sucked on first one, then the other breast, turning them into little pyramids of arousal.

Suddenly Milly was no longer afraid of Sid's big hands and his skillful mouth. She now wanted to feel them on her body in a most desperate way, that overrode all fear. Her eyelids fluttered shut and her hands reached for him, threaded through his hair, pulling his head down closer to her chest. When he finally pulled his mouth off her breasts, he found her mouth warm and eager to be kissed again. When he pulled away to take off his shirt, Milly's eyes grew large at the sight of his bare torso, but the desire coursing through her veins now held her in place now. His bare flesh felt wonderful and wanton against her skin the next time he pulled her close. The hair curling on his chest make her tingle all over when it rubbed against her tender nipples.

Then his hands were on her thighs, pulling up the hem of her dress so they could slide under. Her hose made her sleek and shear to the touch, but also let him feel her curves beneath. He raised up her dress until it was bunched around her waist, exposing her shapely hips encased in the almost transparent hose. He could see her white cotton panties underneath and bits of her blond pubic hair creeping out around the edges of the fabric.

He knelt before her, his hands holding the dress up around her waist. Then, he reached for the top of the hose and started tugging the sheer fabric off her rounded hips. Milly felt it pulled over the fullness of her buttocks and down her thighs until it rested in a pool at her feet. She stared dumbly down at Sid on his knees before her as he leaned in close to press his face against the juncture of her thighs. She was growing wet now and the pungent smell of her arousal rose up, making her blush, as did the feel of his nose shoving aside her damp panties so he could lick her wetness. With one hand he held aside her panties so his tongue could get at her sex hidden beneath a crop of dark blond curls, while his other hand hold her hip up against the wall so she couldn't move.

Milly was sure that she didn't want him touching her most intimate places like that until she felt his tongue rasping against the lips of her vagina. It felt far better than when she had touched herself between the thighs alone at night. He knew just were to put that tongue and it sent jolts through her whole body, far more powerful than when he had sucked on her nipples. Milly was embarrassed to find herself leaking so profusely now that she could smell the musk of her own arousal glistening on Sid's lips and chin, but he kept licking, reaching to hold her lips apart so he could expose more of her wet pinkness to his questing tongue. His fingers found a special spot above and rubbed her as he licked and suddenly the whole world reduced down to at one spot between her legs.

Milly could think about nothing but how his fingers and his tongue were sending shivers of delight radiating out from her groin. At that moment, Milly didn't care that she didn't really know this boy, nor did she care that she shouldn't be letting him touch her like this. She didn't care about all her mother's efforts to keep her respectable or her fantasies about love. She just wanted to keep feeling whatever Sid was doing to her.

Sid could feel the change in Milly. He could see the arousal gleaning in her eyes and feel the way that her hands grasped bunches of his hair pulling his head closer to her slick vagina. The virginal girl didn't know what she wanted, but he did and the blood rushed to his groin as he anticipated giving it to her. He was on his feet in a flash, not caring if she was ready for it. He could only think about how much his own staff was throbbing and needed to be inside her. "Put our arms around my neck, and hang on" he whispered. When she curled her arms around him, his hands grasped her by the buttocks, and he lifted her up against the wall hard, and stepped between her open thighs. She gasped in surprise to feel his hips grinding up against her open thighs, then gasped in greater surprise when he lifted her higher, then removed one of his big hands from her buttocks to unsnap his jeans and lower his zipper.

She knew on an intellectual level, that Sid had a penis, but she couldn't see it as he took it out of his trousers underneath her. It was only when she felt it's bullet head butting against the juncture of her thighs that brought it home in a more visceral way. Suddenly she was afraid. She could feel it throbbing against her when his fingers moving to pull her panties aside so it would have access to the most intimate part of her body. Not being able to see it, as well as the fact that she was utterly helpless to prevent being speared by his manhood, only made her more fearful. "No, wait!" she cried, but he wasn't listening. He was only thinking about how much he wanted to feel himself inside her. He lowered her down onto his staff. Despite her attempts to lift up her hips, she couldn't fight gravity and his engorged staff slid up into her.

Whatever her head might have been telling her at that moment, her body knew what it wanted, and she was very wet to receive him. He slid in easily, until he hit a little resistant wall, and then that gave way with a small tear and he was buried in her sheath up to the hilt. She bucked her hips, unaccustomed to having his hardness in her most intimate depths, but that only worked him deeper into her. It was big and stretching her in uncomfortable ways that made her gasp, then he was removing it which made her cry out in relief, until he started to shove it back into her even harder this time. It was only by the third thrust into her that Milly started to feel something pleasurable shoot inside her. She was still telling him to take it out of her half a dozen thrusts later when she started to moan. Then, she couldn't get it into her fast enough. "Oh god, give it to me, yessss!" Milly had never imaged that it would feel so good, and she wanted to feel his staff moving inside her more than anything else.
Then suddenly Sid got red in the face. Sid had been in a state of constant arousal for the whole evening, so he didn't last long. Milly heard Sid groan and felt him jerking inside her. Suddenly it was all over and he was putting her back down on her feet and zipping back up his pants.

Milly stared numbly at Sid unable to comprehend what had just happened to her. "Milly," he started "That was great. I..." Milly just stared, not reacting when he gave her a peck on the cheek.

Nelly must have heard them having sex, because it was at that point that she poked her head out of the doorway to the bedroom, wearing only Tom's T-shirt. When she saw the look of shock on Milly's face, she exclaimed, "Oh Sid, you should have been gentle with her." Then, she grabbed her friend by the arm. "Sid, I'll help her get dressed. I don't think that she wants to see you right now." Her friend led Milly into a bathroom.

Nelly helped her zip up her dress and began to clean off her smudged makeup. It was only then that the tears came. Slow at first and then they came in a torrent. "Oh Nelly, he stuck it in me... I didn't want it, not like that... I don't even know him... I'm supposed to be in love the first time..."

Nelly hugged her and patted her consolingly on the back. "I'm so sorry, Milly. I never should have brought you to this party."

Now Milly was sobbing brokenly on her friends shoulder. "I should have stopped him, but I never even told him to stop until he was already sticking it inside me. And then I told him to keep doing it."

Nelly nodded knowingly in her friend's face. "You liked it, didn't you?"

Milly cried, "Uh huh, but I shouldn't have."

Nelly shook her head dolefully, "Milly, it was the same way with me the first time. It gets better, I promise."

At that point, Nelly should have taken her friend home, but everything she knew about sex, she had learned from Tom Delhart. Tom had taught her all the wrong ways to like sex, so she didn't know any better. Tom had taken her in the same way the first time, so she assumed that it had to be that way the first time. When she had cried afterwards, he had forced her to have sex again, until she stopped crying. When he touched her like that, she couldn't say NO, and she suspected that her friend was the same way. He had forced Nelly to keep having sex with him that first night until she was begging for it.

Nelly figured that Milly just needed to learn to like it as she had. "Milly, you need to try it again. You'll like it more the second time. I promise."

Milly looked at her friend, aghast. "No way I can do it again."

"Sure, you can, Milly," Nelly soothed. "I'll tell Sid to be gentle with you this time and take it slow, or I can ask one of the other boys."

"No, I don't want any boy to touch me ever again."

Nelly was concerned now. "Oh Milly, you can't mean that. They can make you feel so good. You liked some of it didn't you?"

"Uh huh."

"Did Sid play with your boobs?"

"Uh huh."

"Did you like it?"

"Uh huh."

"Did he lick your pussy?"

Milly winced at the crude way Nelly referred to her body parts, but she nodded reluctantly.

"Did you like it?"

"Uh huh."

"You told me you liked it when he put it inside you."

"Uh huh."

"So what part didn't you like?"

"I don't know. It's just that... I couldn't stop it once he started and I don't even love him."

Nelly wasn't sure about love, since she had never experienced it, but she knew all about not being able to stop a boy once he started touching her. "Oh, Milly, that's normal. That is how I always feel and after you have done it a few times, you will like not being able to stop, I promise."

"But...It's so scary, not having control over yourself."

"She must be a slut like me," Nelly thought, at least that was what Tom called her when she lost all control over her own reactions and he could force her to do anything he wanted in bed. The more Tom called her a "slut", however, the more she liked what he made her do when he called her that word. She could never admit it, but Nelly was starting to like being called a "slut" because it gave her permission to enjoy what ordinary girls shouldn't.

"Well if she is a slut, she might as well learn to like it," Nelly thought. "She just needs to get over her guilt complex for liking it." Nelly determined to help her friend. "Come on Milly, let me help you clean up your makeup. You look a mess." Nelly painted up her face and fixed her hair, so she looked just as sexually desirable as when she had arrived at the party.

Milly has sex again

Nelly grabbed Milly's hand and led her back to the party. Nelly found a knot of Tom's friends, and grabbed Danny out of the crowd and told him to dance with Milly. Danny with his round baby face and blond curls was much less threatening than Sid and Milly reluctantly allowed him to pull her away from some slow dancing, just swaying back and forth with him holding onto her waist. It wasn't that scary and Milly started to relax. Danny had a pleasant personality and he knew how to say nice things to her to get her to smile.

Milly's tight green dress drew Danny's eyes to her hourglass figure and her big bust waggled in face as they danced. The more Danny looked at Milly, the more he liked. Even more, he liked the fact that she had gone upstairs earlier that evening with Sid, and Sid had come back down all grins, which means that she was a loose girl would put out. The fact that she was Nelly's friend only reinforced that belief. Tom had given all his friends a turn with Nelly and Danny figured Milly must be as loose as her friend.

Thus, he was surprised when she stiffened when he tried to kiss her, but he held on and kept kissing her until she stopped trying to pull away from him. "She's just teasing me," he thought and pulled her closer to french kiss her.

Milly was shocked to feel the same sensations wash through her as when Sid had kissed her with his tongue in her mouth. This time, however, she knew how to respond to the kiss, and her tongue moved to flick against his. Milly hadn't wanted Danny to kiss her, so she was surprised when she found herself responding to that kiss. It felt just like when Sid had kissed her, only this time she knew what to expect. Milly had supposed that she would only like kissing one boy, but Danny's mouth convinced her that she liked kissing more than one. She wondered if she would like kissing every boy in the same way.

Just like Danny's mouth, Danny's hands were also taking the same liberties with her body as Sid's had. Like Sid, he kept his lips locked on hers, so she couldn't voice any objections when he ran his hands over her shapely figure. After a while Milly wasn't so sure that she wanted to object. His hands weren't as big and scary as Sid's had been, but they awakened the same feelings within her as Sid's had when they smoothed over her back and traced down her sides so he could feel her hourglass figure moving under his palms. Danny gloried in the contrast between her narrow waist and her flaring hips which rounded so nicely in his grasp.

Milly felt herself giving in to Danny's hands, turning compliantly under his grasp, so he could touch her as he liked. It scared her that she had turned to putty in his arms so easily despite her earlier declaration that she didn't want any boy to ever touch her again. "Maybe Nelly is right. Its normal to not be able to say NO to a boy."

Danny wanted to do much more than just kiss her. "Let's go for a walk, Milly," he suggested.

Milly stiffened, knowing that he wanted to do more than take in some night air. "Danny, let's stay here."

"OK, Milly, no worries. Let's just sit a bit." He soothed her rising fear.

Milly was glad. She didn't trust herself to be alone with another boy after what had just happened with Sid.

Danny led her to a table in the corner where they could sit with their backs to the wall while watching the party. He handed her a cup of spiked punch and they sat for a while. He was back to his pleasant self, making innocuous comments to pass the time, which Milly appreciated. After a while he took her hand and stroked her fingers lightly. It felt nice and was non-threatening, so Milly relaxed.

It was then that she felt Danny's other hand on her thigh. At first it just stroked lightly, but soon it was creeping up under her dress. Danny's round baby face looked so sweet and innocent, but his finger's were anything but innocent in the way that they inched up between her thighs. Milly looked around in a panic, but nobody could see what Danny's hand was doing under the table. If she kept her composure, nobody would guess what was happening under the table. Milly hissed under her breath, "Stop it, Danny."

He grinned and whispered back, "You know that you want it, Milly. I saw you go upstairs with Sid earlier this evening."

Milly froze, unsure how to respond. "God, he must think I'm some kind of slut," she thought in horror.

Danny's hand took advantage of her indecision and crept up further until it was almost at the juncture of her thighs. Milly blushed furiously to feel his fingers inches from her groin. He then leaned over and started to kiss her again. Milly tried to sit perfectly still and not encourage him in any way. She didn't want to make a scene by pushing him away, because then everyone would look their way and notice his hand between her thighs. Instead, she planned to discourage him by proving to him that she wasn't the slut he assumed her to be. She sat rigid, with her lips hard and pursed, as he tried to kiss her.

Then she felt his fingers brushing against the panty hose covering her private parts and she opened her mouth to gasp. Danny's tongue was in her mouth before she knew it. She was mad and tried to bite down on his tongue, but he withdrew teasingly. He had cracked her frigid composure, and made her react.

His index finger was moving in a circular motion, rubbing against her panty hose in a maddening way that made it impossible to ignore. Milly bit her lower lip, trembling at her fear of being caught in this predicament and at the blood rushing into her neither regions.

He kissed her again. As they kissed, she whispered in a furious whisper, "you bastard", but he noticed that her lips were softer now and more yielding. He kept rubbing between her thighs as he kissed her until her hips moved, pressing her groin into his rubbing fingers. He grinned, knowing that he had been right about her. She might pretend to be the innocent, but she was getting turned on.

Finally, Milly could stand it no longer and she risked moving her hand down below the table to grab his wrist and pull his hand out from between her thighs. She was beet red now and hoping that nobody had noticed what she was doing.

Danny let her pull his hand out of her dress, but he grasped her hand and held it under the table with his. Then, he moved her hand over to his own crotch, pressing her palm against the growing bulge in his pants. Through the fabric Milly could feel his erection throbbing under her fingers. Danny held the back of her hand firmly, so she couldn't pull away. Milly was shocked to have her hand on a boy's crotch, but she had never felt a boy's penis before and her fingers traced the outline of his member, curious about it despite her revulsion. She hadn't been able to see Sid's member, when he had thrust it into her.

Danny leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Stroke it, baby" Milly shook her head, but there was something so intimate about a boy whispering "baby" in her ear and her fingers did start stroking it. Maybe it was payback for the way Danny had just stroked her own groin, but she liked the way he trembled slightly when she touched his member under the table.

When Danny released her hand, Milly withdrew it quickly from under the table, but now Danny had desire pooling in his eyes as he kissed her passionately and his hands were running over her back pulling her into his kisses. She tried not to encourage him, but she was getting excited in spite of her intention to hold him at bay.

Nelly had been covertly watching their hands under the table and she decided to help events along. She chose that moment to come around the table and pull Milly out of her chair. I want to show you something, Milly" she dragged her friend along, giving Danny a beckoning gesture to follow. She took Milly's hand and pulled her up the staircase to the second floor. With a dramatic gesture, she swung open the bedroom door and urged Milly inside. "I could see that you two needed a little privacy," she winked. "Now, you two have fun" and she gestured for Danny to follow Milly into the bedroom and she closed the door behind him.

Milly couldn't believe that her friend had just put her into room with a boy who she had been trying to hold off. She turned to walk back out of the bedroom, but Danny had grabbed her around the waist and turned her back to kiss him. He held her firmly, refusing to let her leave and Milly felt her resolve begin to crumble the longer he held her. He wasn't tall and muscular as Sid had been, but his body felt softer and nice pressed against her. His blond curls were kind of adorable, she thought as his hands reached to caress her breasts.

Milly was sure that she didn't want to be touched by another boy after Sid, but Sid had awakened something within her, and once her initial resistance had crumbled, Milly found that she wanted to feel it again, just as Nelly had predicted. Once he got her aroused, Milly was eager to feel Danny's hands on her bare flesh and his mouth on the tender parts of her voluptuous body. She stood compliantly while he undressed her and let him pull her into the bed. The sheets felt exquisite against her bare skin as did his skin when their bodies came into contact. He loved her big breasts and sucked on one of her nipples incessantly, while his hands explored the rest of her.

Milly was now curious enough about the male body to start exploring the contours of Danny as well. He had less body hair than Sid, which made it easier to see all of him. He pulled her hand onto his engorged staff and she marveled at how it pulsed under her fingers when she stroked it. Then, he groaned and pushed it toward her mouth. Milly was sure that it would taste gross, but she gave an experimental lick. It had the musky smell of something confined too long in a warm, damp place, but it felt so alive against her tongue, and that excited her for some reason. When Danny pushed it into her mouth, she closed her lips around it. She marveled at the way she could make him tremble and groan and the power she held over him just by sucking on his staff. He turned rock hard in her mouth.

His arousal seemed to heighten her own. When he reached between her thighs, he found the lips of her vagina to be wet and welcoming to his fingers. He crawled between her thighs and began to lick while his index and thumb rubbed back and forth on each of her lips. Milly bucked her hips up against tongue, urging it deeper into her.

By the time he crawled up onto her to mount her missionary style, she was mindless with desire and couldn't wait to feel him inside her sheath. Danny wasn't as big as Sid had been, so he stretched her less, which made his staff easier to bear when he first thrust inside her. Once he started moving back and forth inside her, she lost all conscious thought for the next couple minutes. Strange and wondrous sensations rippled up within her and she wanted it to never stop.

Danny, however, like Sid had been been in a state of erection for so long, that he didn't last long and his milky seed started to spurt inside her. It was only afterwards as she was touching this viscous liquid in wonder that was was leaking out of her vagina, did she stop to think how dangerous it was to let a boy spurt his seed inside her.

Nelly had been right. The second time had been better than the first, and she lay in a contented daze afterwards, her body floating blissfully in the sheets. Then, Danny got up abruptly and left her, without saying a single word to her. It was only then that she started to cry, realizing that she hadn't meant a thing to him, except as a good lay.

She had let two boys who she barely knew take her in a single night, and neither loved her like a boy was supposed to. Her first time was supposed to be special. Milly curled into a little ball feeling miserable and wondering how she had gotten herself into this situation.

Milly lay in that position, until Nelly stumbled into the room, clearly drunk. "Milly," She came over and hugged her friend. "Did you have fun?" she slurred her speech collapsing on the bed.

Milly didn't know what to say. How could she explain that that Nelly had been right and wrong at the same time. The sex had been more enjoyable the second time, as Nelly had promised her, but now she was racked by even worse guilt than the first time.

Nelly might have been drunk, but she was still perceptive enough to observe, "Oh Milly, you've been crying again. I thought Danny would make you forget about Sid."

"I don't want to think about either of those jerks."

Nelly nodded in agreement. "I know what you mean. All the boys are jerks, but I like how they fuck me! I can't help it."

Milly was appalled, "Nelly, how can you say that?"

Nelly rolled over on the bed, so she was facing her friend. "Milly, I'm sorry that you had to see me with Tom, but you had to find out some day. I've become a slut."

Milly knew that the liquor had loosened up her friend's lips, but Nelly referred to herself as a slut with a bit of sadness, but also a certain defiant pride. "Oh Nelly!," Milly didn't know what to say so she hugged her friend.

"Promise not to tell anyone, Milly."

"Of course not."

"I can tell you because I know you'll understand. You're just like me, you just know it yet... It's not so bad... You'll learn to like it... I promise."

Milly was shocked by Nelly's rambling comments, wondering exactly what Nelly meant. She's so drunk, she's just babbling nonsense she decided. But Milly couldn't dismiss Nelly's comments so easily. They kept running through her head, but when she turned back to ask Nelly to explain, she found that her friend had succumbed to all the liquor she had imbibed, and was passed out on the bed.

Tom takes a turn with Milly

Tom peeked his head into the bed room. "Have you seen Nelly?"

"She's here on the bed, sleeping it off." Tom regarded her friend, almost disdainfully, "Never could hold her liquor very well."

"Tom, you need to take us home. She should sleep it off in her own bed."

Tom dismissed her comment, "In a little bit." Then he grinned and looked at her, "Milly, looks like you had a good time tonight." Milly blushed in embarrassment, horrified that he would bring up her sexual escapades, but unsure how to respond. Tom continued, "Gave you a chance to show your true colors."

"What? What do you mean?" Milly fell blindly into his trap.

"I saw you going upstairs with first Sid and then Danny. I always suspected that you were that kind of girl."

Milly sputtered in shame. "I never wanted... It was a mistake."

Tom leered, "Oh it was no mistake. Girls like you always want it."

"What? How dare you!" Milly's shame had given way to anger at the presumptuous boy. "You don't know anything about me!" Milly sputtered.

"Sure I do", he grinned arrogantly, enjoying himself. "You like to pretend to be innocent, but deep down you are just a little slut."

Before this evening Milly might have laughed away his remarks, but now they hit too close to the bone. She lashed out at Tom, wanting to deny what he was saying. Her open palm moved to slap him in the face, but he had anticipated the move, and caught her by the wrist before her palm connected with his cheek. Enraged that she had failed to hit the arrogant boy, Milly tried to hit him with her other hand, but he caught that one as well by the wrist, holding her arms wide as she struggled to break free and lash out at him.
Then he threw her down on the bed next to the slumbering Nelly. He fell on top of her on the bed, his face above hers. His hands on her wrists felt like vices, holding her arms over her head. She could feel his heavier body everywhere pressing her back into the softness of the bed. Milly bucked and tried to kick him off, furious at the way that he was holding her prone on the bed. Tom chuckled, "Deny it all you want, Milly, but you screwed two guys tonight. Only a slut would do that."

"You asshole, get off me!"

Tom grinned, "Not until you admit that you're a slut."

"I am not, you bastard!"

"You liked it didn't you, screwing Sid up against the wall in the hallway. I could hear you moaning here in the bedroom."

"Shutup, you bastard" Milly was furious now and she bucked her hips to throw him off her and tried to ram her knees into his legs, but he held onto her with grim determination.

"I know you liked it. Just admit it."

"Damn you!"

Using his weight to holding her struggling body down against the bed, their two bodies rubbed together hard. Milly could feel the entire length of his body against hers. His chest mashed her breasts flat, his belly pressed against hers, his hips ground into hers, his legs locked around hers, attempting to prevent them from kicking up at him. Abruptly she stopped struggling, realizing the futility. She lay red-faced, panting from her exertions, absorbing the feel of his body on hers.

"Just admit that you liked it, and I'll let you up" he said in a softer voice.

"Go to hell." Milly hissed back.

"You know you liked it," he said in an even softer voice.

"No I didn't!" Milly whispered back, acutely aware of how good he felt pressed against her.

"Yes, you did," he whispered just above her lips.

"No, I di..."

His lips descended on her mouth. Startled, Milly sputtered into his lips, With her back to the bed and her arms and legs held prone, she couldn't do anything but jerk her head from side to aside to avoid his kisses. He kissed her on her jaw, her cheeks, anywhere he could. Then his kisses moved lower over her neck and onto her collar bone and down to her cleavage which peeked out from her green dress. Feeling his lips moving on the tops of her breasts was incredibly infuriating and arousing. Lying so helpless and vulnerable to him sent hot embers scuttling through her limbs wherever they touched, and now those embers were igniting into banked fires within her shapely body. Milly could see that Tom was also getting excited feeling her soft body under him. Her bust and hips were more generously proportioned than Nelly's. The longer he lay on her, the more he wanted to feel her curves bucking up against him in the age-old rhythm of intercourse.

When his lips finally did capture hers, the kiss was long and hard, leaving both of them breathless. Then his hands were no longer holding down her wrists but interlaced with her own fingers. Milly knew this was so wrong. She was kissing her friend's boyfriend, with her friend passed out right next to her, yet her body didn't care about right and wrong. It was arching up against Tom, encouraging him to touch her. Her thighs were opening to him, so his hips could settle between her legs.

Milly should have been worn out after sex with two different boys, but that sex had awakened her to pleasures she had never known before and her body now had new insatiable needs. In spite of her exhaustion and her grogginess from sex and alcohol, Milly found herself responding to Tom. When he released her hands to fondle her breasts she ran her hands up his chest and through his hair. When he let her sit up, she turned, so he could unzip the back of her dress and unsnap her bra. She was suddenly desperate to feel her bare flesh against his and she wanted to be out of her tight green dress as much as he wanted to see her out of it. Milly could never explain what what came over her, but she became compliant to his desires, wanting whatever he wanted. When he pushed his staff into her mouth, Milly had no other desire but to suck it until it grew hard in her mouth. When he wanted to suck on her nipples, Milly could think of nothing but how much she wanted to feed them into his mouth. When he wanted to taste the pink orifice between her thighs, she held open the lips of her sex for him, so his tongue taste her deeply.

When he finally lined up his staff to thrust it into her soft center, Milly was so enthralled that she couldn't think about anything but wanting him inside her. He hovered between her thighs with his bullet head poised at the opening of her sheath, moving just enough to tease the lips of her sex. "Tell me you liked it" he whispered in a sexy voice.

"What?" she was so eager to feel his thrust, she didn't even know what he was talking about.

"Tell me that you liked it when Sid and Danny screwed you tonight."

"I...just put it in."

"Say it, I liked it."

"Just put it in, please." Milly whimpered.

"No, you have to say 'I liked it'." Tom responded in a firm voice.

"Damn you, just give it to me."

Tom moved side to side to give her a little feel of the bulbous head of his staff, teasing her wet sex.

Milly's hips bucked up to capture more of his staff, but Tom pulled up higher, so she couldn't satisfy her yearning.

"Fine, I liked it, damn it." Milly sputtered out in frustration.

"Good girl," he grinned as he thrust quickly into her, but her moan of pleasure turned into a cry of despair when he didn't thrust again.

Instead, he held himself outside her sheath, "You want it now too, don't you?"

"Tom, please just put it in."

"First you have to say 'I want it now'."

"Tom, don't make me say it."

"No you have to say it."

"Fine, I want it now."

"Atta girl," he gave her another thrust and then withdrew again. Then he went in for the kill, "Do you know what that makes you?"


He leaned over and sucked her earlobe into his mouth and then bit down on the tender skin as he whispered "a slut!"

Then he started thrusting furiously into her, making her cry out in indignation and relief. He felt her fists pounding into his back, then her fingernails scratching, but he kept thrusting until all she could do is moan in acceptance. Once she gave in to him, he slowed up the pace, forcing her to enjoy it, making it linger longer. He had more stamina than Sid and Danny, and he drew it out until she started to shudder with her first orgasm. He heard her saying "Yes, yes, yes!" each time her body was hit by a little tremor that rocked through her.

Then, she lay limp on the bed, every ounce of pleasure wrung from her exhausted body. He gathered her into his arms, spooning her curvy body against him. "I knew you would be a good little slut." He whispered in her ear. She stiffened in denial, but she was floating in a blissful haze from sex and alcohol and was too tired to fight him. He held her that way for a long time until she drifted off to sleep.

Tom couldn't let the two girls sleep for long, knowing that they would get in trouble for staying out too late. At 2 in the morning, he awoke them and drove them home. Nelly snuck into her bedroom without waking her parents, but Milly's mother was waiting up for her when she crept into her house.

Milly's mother grabbed her daughter by the shoulders and shook her, asking her what she had been doing that night. She could smell the alcohol on her breath, but she also detected something else. She had been wild in her youth, so she knew the smell of sex. Her daughter reeked of semen and the pungent smell of her own juices. She remembered stumbling home in her own youth smelling the same way, with the same glazed expression in her face as she now saw on her daughter's face. The realization hit her hard. Her daughter was just like her. She started to cry, knowing how the boys had used her daughter that night and how her daughter had enjoyed it, just as she had enjoyed it in her youth. Mostly she cried, knowing how her daughter would later regret it.

Milly masturbates, thinking about her deflowering

The next morning, Milly woke up with a dull ache in her head from the previous night's alcohol, and and an equal ache between her thighs. She didn't want to think about how she had lost her virginity to three boys in the same night, but the images of what they had done to her kept rolling through her head.

She closed her eyes, trying to block out her memories, but that only made the images stronger. Her breasts were tender and her nipples were raw from the way they had grasped and nibbled on them. Her vagina ached from the repeated pounding from the previous night. She was filled with regret for what had happened, but as she took shower, with the water sluicing over her body, she kept remembering what it had felt like have the boy's hands touching her. She recalled where their lips had kissed her. She recalled how it had felt to have their staffs moving inside her. Of its own accord, her hand reached between her thighs to rub herself as the memories played through her head.

Then, the memory of Tom's word's hit her: "I knew you would be a good little slut." She told herself, "I'm not a slut, not really," but her hand didn't stop moving between her thighs.

That morning, Milly's mom took her to get a morning-after pill. Milly promised to never let it happen again and she probably meant it, but her mother knew better. She scheduled appointments for both her daughter and Nelly to get them both on the pill. She thought to herself, "If my daughter's a slut, at least she won't end up a pregnant slut."

The problem was that Milly now knew what if felt like to have a boy inside her. The experience of loosing her virginity to 3 different boys on the same night had been traumatic, but it had awakened problematic new urges within her. She told herself that she hadn't wanted to have sex with the boys. She told herself that she wanted to be in love with a boy, before she jumped into bed with him, but she couldn't get the memories of that sex out of her head. Despite her best intentions, she found herself fantasizing about what the boys had done to her that night. The way they had touched her, the way they had penetrated her had excited some atavistic part of her that left her wanting to experience it again.

The fact that she had been unable to resist them had been terrifying, but had also strangely aroused her. They had seemed to take control of her, so that she couldn't control her own reactions. When they had penetrated her, her body had been enslaved to their desires. The memory of being under their thrall left her breathless and excited her in disturbing ways. Just thinking about what had happened to her caused her to breathing to quicken and her face to flush. When she lay in bed at night, images of that night flashed through her head. She would reexperience everything that the boys had done to her in her mind's eye. At first the experiences were scary, like reliving a nightmare, but in time, the memories were less scary and more exciting. The tender spot between her thighs would grow wet and her nipples would harden when Milly pictured what had happened to her that night.

One night, as she relived the experience of being penetrated in her mind's eye, she started touching herself. At first it was just a gentle rubbing on the lips of her vagina. Then, she wanted to feel it, just like when the boy's hard staff had been inside her. She needed to feel that same pounding sensation, thrusting inside her. Her fingers started moving in and out of her sheath, desperate to recreate the same sensations as an engorged penis inside her. At first she couldn't achieve it, until she started to picture a boy holding her up against the wall pounding into her. Now it felt better, but still not enough. Then, she pictured herself on her hands and knees, with a boy thrusting into her from behind, grasping her hips as he pushed hard into her from behind. Now her juices were flowing freely and her fingers were sliding in and out of her honeypot fast and furious. Then, Milly pictured a boy holding her down against the bed, her arms held above her head, so she was helpless to resist him as he thrust inside her. Then, the orgasm hit her hard, like a tidal wave washing over her and Milly gave herself over completely to the sensations crescendoing through her curvy body.

Afterwards Milly lay in a daze, wondering why she had touched herself in that way, wondering why she had imagined those things. Mostly she wondered why she had enjoyed it so much. The next night, the memories came again and she found herself doing it all over again. This time, however, the images of herself had changed. Now she was wearing a more revealing outfit and her face was caked in makeup. Her lips were painted bright red and her nails were painted black. She looked sleezy and skanky in her mind's eye, as if inviting the boy to take her. The boy had many faces, morphing from Sid's face, to Billy's face, then to Tom's face. Then, Milly started to imagine many other faces on the boy. All the faces of Tom's other friends flashed through her head as she started to orgasm. As the wonderful sensations rippled through her neither regions, she imagined many different faces above her, their bodies thrusting into her.

Milly couldn't understand why, but these fantasies running through her head made it easier for her to become aroused. Imagining herself dressed as a skank while different boys thrust into her helped her masturbate until she orgasmed. She knew that she shouldn't like imagining these things, but the forbidden nature of these fantasies only served to heighten their thrill. The more she imagined these forbidden things, the harder it became to get to sleep at night without them. Soon she couldn't fall asleep at night without masturbating to imagines of herself being violated in one way or another.

Still, these strange new fantasies scared her and she refused to go to any more parties with Nelly. She feared what the boys at those parties would do to her. She even avoided the glances that the boys threw her way, and tried to ignore the inevitable gossip at school, which was whispered about her after that night.

Nelly convinces Milly to go to another party

One day during school, Nelly pulled Milly into the bathroom and asked her if she looked "hot". Nelly had painted her lips bright red and her nails black and ringed her eyes in blue. Milly wasn't sure if the look was exactly attractive, but it did attract attention. Not wanting to offend her friend, she nodded, to avoid having to voice what she didn't really believe. Nelly then whispered in an excited voice, "Tom loves it when I look this way." Milly could see the anticipation in Nelly's eyes and it sent guilt flooding through her.

For several weeks, she had been trying to work up the nerve to tell Nelly about how she had sex with Tom, while Nelly had passed out on the bed that night at the party. Milly felt horrible that she had betrayed her best friend in that way. She kept telling herself that it wasn't really her fault. Tom had held her down and forced himself on her, but Milly couldn't forget how Tom had made her moan that night. He had called her a "slut" and Milly found herself repeating the accusation in her own head, thinking about how she had sex with 3 different boys in the same night. She felt guilty about what she had done with Tom, but the forbidden trill of the sex with her best friend's boyfriend also left her with erotic memories that she couldn't get out her head. Every time Milly spied Tom in the hallway, strange sensations of guilt and arousal bubbled up within her, and now it was admixed with an even stranger feeling-jealousy. Milly envied the anticipation and excitement she saw in Nelly's face as she enthused about how much Tom would appreciated her skanky makeup job. Milly knew that Nelly was looking forward to sex with Tom, and suddenly Milly wanted to be the girl who Tom would screw. She wanted to be the girl would would dress up for him and would meet him in the parking lot after school.

These thoughts arose before Milly could banish them from her head and they confused her. Tom was the manipulative jerk who had forced her to cheat on her best friend and then humiliated her by forcing her to admit that she liked it. Milly knew that she should pity Nelly for having such an awful boyfriend, but instead she was filled with envy and strange competitive urges. Suddenly Milly wanted to be wearing bright red lipstick and blue eyeliner and painting her nails black. "Tom should be looking at me." she thought bitterly, "I could be hotter than Nelly. I've got a better figure and bigger breasts".

These thoughts only made her guiltier about what she had done with Tom. She wanted to confess to her friend about what had happened. She wanted to warn her friend about how faithless Tom was. She wanted to do many things, but at that moment all she could thinking about was how thrilling it had been when he held her down on the bed and how much she had moaned when he had thrust into her, while whispering "slut" in her ear. She wanted... but no, she knew that she shouldn't want it.

Then Nelly grabbed her hand and said, "Come on, let's skip the next class." Old Miss Hortenser will never notice if we're not there. The old bat is so absent minded." Milly had always let herself be led into mischief. As little girls, Nelly had always been the one with the exciting ideas and Milly had always followed her friend. Now was no different, when she followed her friend out of school. In the back of her head, she told herself that she was 18 and a senor. She was an adult, so why should she be forced to sit in school like a silly child. The two girls snuck into a copse of trees, behind the gymnasium and waited until the bell rang for the next class period.

At first the girls giggled at each other at their daring, then once the thrill of playing hooky wore off, they grew glum, thinking about how they might get in trouble. Then, Milly found herself asking Nelly about Tom. Nelly had no other friends to share with until now, and it all came out in a rush. She told Milly how Tom had tormented her during math class, making jokes about her being the "teacher's pet" because Nelly always answered questions and always got top scores on the tests. He wouldn't stop pestering her.

Then she caught him copying her answers during a quiz and tried to cover her paper so he couldn't see it. He had winked at her and given her a grin that made it impossible for her to concentrate on the math. Nelly loved to solve math problems in her head and normally she was lightening fast in the quizzes, but she was so flustered that she hadn't completed half the math problems on the quiz when the teacher called "time's up".

She was so mad at Tom, that she had charged up to Tom after school and called him an "asshole" to his face as he stood in front of his pickup truck in the school parking lot. He had laughed, then grabbed her and tried to kiss her.

Nelly told Milly how she had pushed him away, and stomped away, but after that, he was all Nelly could think about. Three days later, he grabbed her and pulled her an empty classroom after the last bell, and kissed her again. This time, she didn't push him away. After that, Tom would grab her and kiss her every day for the next week. He kept trying to feel her breasts and grab her butt when they necked. At first it had been a game, with Tom touching Nelly inappropriately and Nelly slapping away his hands. One day it was no longer a game. Tom kept grabbing Nelly's rear and squeezing her breasts while they kissed, until Nelly stopped trying to push away his hands. After that it had been hard to stop Tom from worming his hands under her clothes. He would work his fingers under her bra to pinch her nipples. He would reach under her skirt to rub her panties until she grew wet and started panting.
Nelly had never had a boyfriend before, and her meetings with Tom after school were the most thrilling thing that had ever happened to her. Still, she tried to hide her relationship with Tom, since he had such a horrible reputation. She never let herself be seen with him at school and she refused to tell any of her friends. One day he took her out to a secluded lake in his pickup truck and spread a blanket by the water. The kissing had been innocent at first, but then he started undressing her.

"Milly, I didn't like the sex at first, but Tom kept making me do it over and over that afternoon until I loved it." Nelly started to blush. "Then, Tom started taking me to parties with his friends. He would screw me at the parties, then give me to his friends to screw. I don't know why, but I can't stop once I start having sex. They screw me over and over. Sometimes I do it with two of them at the same time." Nelly paused and then added in a small, tremulous voice, "and I like it."

Nelly grabbed Milly's hand again and whispered, "I can't tell this to anyone else, but I know that you understand. I saw you with Sid and Billy at the party. You know how it feels." Milly's jaw dropped to hear her friend confess to participating in group sex. "They make me do ... well, things that you wouldn't believe, and afterwards, I can't think about anything else. I'm failing math you know." "But Nelly, you are better at math than anyone I know."

"I just can't concentrate in class any more. I no longer care about school, Milly." Milly then hugged her friend, and sobbed back, "Neither can I, not since that night at the party." The two girls held each other for comfort for a while.

Then, Nelly laughed gaily and pulled Milly to her feet. "Come on, Milly, I promised to meet Tom, and he told me that you should come too." Milly knew it as a bad idea, but she let Milly pull her out behind the trees and be led to the road where Tom was waiting in his idling pickup. Tom gave Milly a devilish wink then pulled Nelly into a long kiss with lots of tongue action. The brief moment of sisterly solidarity between the girls disappeared the moment Milly saw her friend with Tom. All the previous feelings of jealousy and guilt returned full force in that moment.

The trip to the party was quiet, with Nelly basking in Tom's presence, and Milly staring sullenly out the window at the passing scenery as the truck drove out of town. Despite her best intentions to ignore the couple, she couldn't help watching Milly cuddling next to Tom out of the corner of her eye. She noted the way Tom wrapped his arm around Milly's slender shoulders and the way Milly curled her svelte body against the handsome boy. For some reason, the sight of Milly receiving his male attention annoyed her, yet she could help noticing that his eyes would occasionally flick in her direction.

She told herself that she couldn't stand the sight of the arrogant boy, yet she also found herself wishing that she were wearing something tighter and more revealing to captivate his gaze. She hated the casual dominance he displayed toward Nelly and despised her friend for seeming to revel in his control over her. Despite their years of friendship, Milly found herself thinking how trampy and cheap Nelly looked with her revealing tanktop, her skin-tight jeans and her overpainted face. Acutely conscious that her casual sweat shirt and old jeans did little to enhance her figure, Milly found herself deeply jealous of the overt sexual appeal of Nelly's outfit. Milly couldn't help the strange thoughts flitting through her head. She reflected that her busty figure would fill out Nelly's revealing tanktop much better. She bet that she could captivate Tom's gaze far better than flat-chested Nelly. She kept thinking about the brazen way Tom's gaze would drop to ogle her heavy breasts and flaring hips when taunting her. She despised him for blatantly objectifying her as a sexual object, yet it annoyed her that Tom was paying more attention to Nelly than her. Intellectually she knew that she should hate the boy, yet on some atavistic level, she wanted him to look at her with the same desire gleaming in his arrogant eyes as when he had greeted Nelly.

Milly couldn't help remember how arousing his strong body has been, pressed her down and holding her immobile on the bed as he taunted her. The memory of his engorged staff sliding into her soft center as she bucked against him still tormented her thoughts. She detested him, yet suddenly she found herself reliving that memory as she pretended to ignore him, by staring stonily out the window. She didn't want to remember how the sight of his naked body had made her heart race, how he had made her whole body tingle, how he had made her moan as he thrust inside her and how wet she had been to receive those thrusts. She especially didn't want remember how he had whispered "slut" in her ear and how she had been helpless to deny it. The more Milly tried to get these thoughts out of her head, the more they occupied her memories. It was almost a relief when they pulled into a long driveway to a ranch style house on the outskirts of town, because it allowed her to focus her thoughts on something else.

The house turned out to Tom's or rather his wealthy and often absent step-father's. Tom ordered Nelly and Milly to serve on the entertainment committee, getting the house ready for the party that night, while he and his friends disappeared into a back room. Nelly compliantly started getting the house ready to receive a raucous crowd of high schoolers that night, while Milly seethed in anger that Tom would order her around, but she felt guilt that Nelly was working, and started helping her. By 8 o'clock, they had the punch mixed, the furniture rearranged and the chips and dip set out on the coffee table.

"It looks like everything is ready", Milly sighed, glad to be done setting up for the party. Nelly nodded in agreement, then shook her head, "Everything except you. We need to get you ready."

"Oh, Nelly, I'm fine." "No, we need to find you something sexy to wear. That sweatshirt won't do." Nelly took her hand and let her upstairs, and into a lavish bedroom, explaining. "Tom's stepdad keeps this house as his hideaway when he wants to meet his mistress. The woman is a total bitch, but she does have some hot outfits." Nelly glanced meaning fully at Milly's generous bust, "She's about your size, we can find something that will fit you."

"Nelly, I wouldn't want to..." Nelly cut her off, "Oh, she'll never know, she's in the Bahamas right now. Come on, it'll be fun to try on some outfits."

Nelly guided through into a bedroom surrounded by mirrors and a large king size bed, covered by a fake tiger fur. It was gaudy and ostentatious, as were all the outfits they found inside the walk-in closet. Judging by her taste in clothes, the woman obviously enjoyed flaunting herself in public. Milly was reluctant to select anything, so Nelly selected for her. "Milly, you will look so hot in these paths," her friend enthused, selecting some dark blue stretch pants, that contained some reflective material that shone under the light. Now, we just need to find you some matching heels and a blouse to show you off. She found a skimpy blouse with blue and silver stripes that sparkled. Nelly was right that the stretch pants did show offer her curvy hips and the sparkling blouse did display her cleavage to fine effect. Nelly did up her hair on top of her head, to keep her bangs out of her eyes. Once she was balanced on a pair of silver heels in front of the room's wrap around mirrors, Milly barely recognized the woman exuding such blatant sexual appeal in the mirror. Milly wasn't sure that she could be that woman and wanted to strip off the clothes, but Nelly insisted that the outfit was perfect and wouldn't let her take it off. Milly let her friend paint up her face in equally bold hues to match her outfit.

Milly was unsure what to think of this bold woman's body and the way it bared her curves in public, but she found herself giggling with Nelly as they struck provocative poses in the mirror and blew imaginary kisses at each other.

When Tom called, Nelly let Milly down the stairs to greet the first of Tom's friends arriving for the party. Their eyes fastened on her exposed flesh, making her acutely self-conscious. She desperately wished to hide behind her old sweatshirt, but she couldn't, so she stationed herself behind the punch bowl and served up cups of the spiked brew, so she could avoid any embarrassing conversations with the boys who were covertly ogling her breasts peaking out under the flashy blouse. The boy's came as much to cop a peek at her as to get more punch.

Milly had learned her lesson this time, and was determined to avoid the treacherous punch that had been her undoing the last time. Serving the punch gave her an excuse to not drink it. She pretended to be preoccupied with the chips and dips, and frequently disappeared into the kitchen to avoid the boy's lusty gazes and attempts to draw her into a conversation. Milly was acutely aware of the way the boy's were looking at her and it frightened her, yet it was also a heady feeling to know boy's eyes were intently following her every move. She felt something tingle deep inside her whenever she felt a boy's gaze slide surreptitiously over her lush figure. She pretended not to notice, yet she felt herself growing hot and her cheeks flushing at the unwanted male attention. Perspiration dampening her face, threatening to make her makeup run. She wanted to wipe the sweat from her brow, but she didn't dare smear her makeup job. Desperate to cool off, she decided to sip the icy punch. The fruity tingle was so refreshing, she took a large gulp.

Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the fact that serving punch and chips was growing boring, but she began to grow more social. When the boys came for the punch, she started responding to their small talk and offering tentative smiles to their greetings.

As usual, it was Nelly who forced her out from behind the punch table. Tom had been feeding Nelly a lot of punch and Milly could see that her friend was getting quite tipsy. Knowing Tom, Milly didn't trust his intentions and was about to go rescue her friend, when Tom started leading Nelly up the stairs, with this sidekicks Sid and Billy in tow. Milly didn't know what she could do to stop those three boys, but she couldn't abandon her friend to the tender mercies of those three, so she resolutely started up the stairs after them. She found Tom at the top of the stairs waiting for her. "Milly, I had hoped you would join us."

"Where's Nelly?" she scowled.

"Why she's with Sid and Billy, but you don't want to disturb them." Tom winked lewdly.

"Tom, I have to make sure that she is OK."

"Will you promise not to disturb them, if I show you that she's OK?"

"Tom, stop being a jerk. Where is she?"

"OK, I'll show you, but promise you want make any noise to give away my peephole."

"Tom, stop playing games. Show me where she is."

"Alright, set down. I'll show you," Tom appeared to give way. He led her into a darkened bedroom and gestured toward toward a window on the far side of the room. "Look through the curtains, they are out on the balcony. But keep quiet, I don't want them to know that we are spying on them."

Milly reluctantly peeked through the curtains to find the scene as Tom had promised. Nelly was wrapped in an enthusiastic kiss with Billy, wrapping one arm around Billy's neck, while her other hand was engaged in rubbing Sid's crotch. Milly glimpsed the erection bulging between the tall basketball player's leg, due to Nelly's ministrations. She recalled the way that same erection had penetrated her several weeks earlier and the memory of that experience held her like a deer in the spotlight. She was unable to take her eyes off the erotic scene unfolding before her eyes.

Nelly rubbed the crotch of first one boy, then the other, clearly an eager participant in the menage a trois. While She french kissed Billy's mouth, while fondling the bulge between his legs, Sid stepped behind her, pressing his own bulge against her pert bottom. Playfully she wiggled her derrière against his hips, clearly teasing him. Sid reached his long arms around Nelly's torso, groping for her breasts.

Milly was too shocked by the sight of her friend acting so wantonly with two boys at the same time to know how to respond and her mouth was suddenly so dry that she couldn't say anything. She knew she should tear her wide eyes away and walk away from the window, but she was held immobile by the scene in the window. By now the boy's had removed Nelly's tanktop and were taking turns fondling and kissing her breasts, while she worked open their jeans to pull on their throbbing staffs.

Milly hadn't really seen Sid's staff when he had thrust it into her that night, so she was shocked by the size of it in Nelly's small hand. Some part of her brain wondered how it had ever fit inside her, while the other part was engaged in trying to comprehend why Nelly was stroking it so eagerly in the first place. Nelly had tried to tell Milly what she had become, but Milly hadn't really comprehended until she saw Nelly with two boys' erections in her hands. Nelly knelt between the two boys, taking first one then the other erection in her mouth, wrapping her painted lips around the throbbing staffs.

Tom held his breath, not wanting to break the spell that had fallen on Milly, holding her fixed at the window. He knew that it would take Milly some time to absorb what she was seeing and he wanted her to see as much as possible, since the sight of her best friend give his friends blow jobs would help him break down her own barriers. Still, he wasn't prepared for the fury in Milly's cracking voice, when she whispered, "that slut, how could she?" Tom noticed the way Milly's hands shook as she gripped the window sill, yet he also noticed that she was still at the window watching, which indicated that she was captivated by the erotic scene, even as she denounced her friend for participating in it. The three were now fully nude on the balcony, blissfully unconcerned that they might be observed by prying eyes. Milly didn't know it at the time, but Tom had arranged for the three to have sex on the balcony, hoping that he could get Milly to watch.

Milly stood slack-jawed before the window unable to tear her eyes away, just as Tom had planned. He knew that wanton desires lurked under Milly's prudishness. He had seen those desires burst forth at the previous party, when she had bedded three different boys in the same night. He only needed to lure those suppressed desires out of Milly's protective shell of conservative respectability, and a little shock would help crack that shell. At first, Tom's plan seemed to be backfiring, as Milly reacted with righteous anger at her friend. Then that anger redirect toward him. "You bastard" she hissed, "She was never like this before she met you. You changed her."

Then, she launched herself at him, her hands extended as claws to scratch out his eyes and her legs kicking at him. They tumbled together on the carpet, her hands seeking to harm him, but he was stronger and all those years on the athletic field gave him the prowess to wrestle her under him and hold her legs and arms immobile. She jerked against him her face a mask of anger, but Tom knew that anger was often a guise to hide other emotions. Milly was acutely conscious of how maddeningly arousing his body felt on top of her and how much see liked the way his dark hair curled around his handsome his face and how inviting his lips looks. Despite her efforts to buck him off her, the longer he held her arms pinned to her sides and his legs trapped hers, the more her softer feminine flesh absorbed the feel of him against her her. She recalled what his body could do to her, how it could make her moan. She didn't want to be reminded right now, but she could help it with him pressed on top of her making her feel, making her remember, ...making her want.

She told herself that she despised everything about him, but tingling desire welling up within her womanly body told her differently. No matter what her head said, other atavistic urges began to take hold. The tightness in the tips of her breasts and the wetness pooling between her thighs could not be denied. She saw the way his hungry eyes had been looking at her all evening and how they now were gazing at her breasts under her skimpy silver and blue blouse. She knew that he hungered to tear it from her curvy body and that thought excited her. She could see it in his eyes how much he wanted to hold her drooping breasts in hands and nibble on her nipples until they turned as hard as pebbles in his mouth. She could see it in the curve of his lips how much he wanted to plunder her mouth until he made her sigh in pleasure. She could feel it in the cant of his hips, how much he wanted to grasp her soft buttocks and pull her against his hips as he plunged his manhood inside her over and over until she moaned helplessly in his arms.

Milly hated him, knowing he had manipulated her into this vulnerable position, yet she hating herself even more for wanting him to violate her in all those ways. When she had stood at the window, she had been angry at Nelly, but mostly she had been angry at herself for the jealousy and desire coursing through her own veins, and that tangled skein of confused jealousy and desire found an outlet when Tom's mouth captured her own. One moment she was cursing him and the next moment she was passionately kissing him.

She wasn't very experienced and wasn't sure how to deal with all the bottled up tension radiating through her nubile body. A considerate lover would have stoked the tension gently giving her only pleasure, but Tom wasn't considerate or gentle. He stripped away her revealing blouse and her skin-tight stretch pants, that showed offer her curves with such fidelity. He mashed her heavy breasts in his hands, nipping her tender nipples, until she gasped in pleasure and pain. He forced her lips down on his throbbing erection, grasping skeins of her hair, so her lips would slide all the way down his shaft until his whole member was engulfed up to his hairy roots inside her mouth. He loved to feel her dirty blond hair brushing over his belly as Milly's red lips slid up and down the length of his throbbing member. He liked making her big green eyes grow wide in alarm as he pushed himself as far as he could go into her throat. His manhood stood out angry and red, when he pulled himself out of her mouth, and then bent her prone over a glass coffee table. Milly sucked in her breath as he pressed down on her shoulders, so her breasts were mashed flat against the cold glass. He held her down doggy style against the unyielding surface, as he worked his manhood into her from behind. He took her hard against the coffee table, slamming his hips forcefully into her soft buttocks, punishing her for resisting him earlier. His hands grasped her rounded hips, occasionally rising to strike the pliable globes of her buttocks with sharp smacks.

Milly whimpered and gasped, growing wetter with each angry thrust. She grasped the hard edges of the glass coffee table, holding on tight as Tom thrust mercilessly into her from behind. One hard hand held the nape of her neck down against cold glass, so she could feel her breasts sliding on the unyielding glass every time his hips rammed into her bottom. The cold surface slid against her tender nipples with every thrust. Milly's bottom stung, her breasts ached, and her cheeks burned in shame, yet she was groaning at each salvage thrust. The organism that followed shuddered through her, wracking her tender body as cruelly as he had used her.
After that first cathartic orgasm, Milly's whole body felt limp as a wet noodle as Tom, pulled her off the coffee table and threw her on her back on the bed. He mounted her missionary style. Tom loved to watch Milly's generous breasts giggle as he thrust into her. His engorged staff slid smoothly into the pink warmth of her sex, up to the very hilt, when his pelvis smacked into her dark blond curls between her thighs. The collision of their flesh caused a ripple of movement up her spine that shifted her mounds just enough to make them wiggle in response to each thrust. Tom was fascinated by the sight of the puckered nipples shifting atop the giggling mounds and he increased the force of his thrusts to make the voluptuous flesh giggle even more. The feel of her soft curves against his body was exquisite. Her bright green eyes would grow big every time he plunged into her soft center and her creamy cheeks would blush. Unlike Nelly, whose bony hips ground into Tom with hard intensity every time he thrust into her, Milly's hips were softer, cushioning his hips each time he speared into her soft center. Her sheath was warm and welcoming now. The deeper he plumbed its depths, the more her juices flowed, encouraging his throbbing staff to fill her completely. Despite the trauma of the first orgasm, Milly felt a second one building in her as Tom worked himself in and out of her soft center. It hit her more gently this time, rippling through her from her toes to her gasping mouth, but she was just as helpless to deny it as before.

Tom finished her off with an extra slap on the buttocks and a chuckle, "I knew you'd like it. Your just as big of a slut as Nelly." He left her lying devastated on the bed. Her body ached in pleasure and pain and her thoughts were just as tortured. Outside on the balcony, she could hear Nelly groaning as well. When she looked out the window, she could see that her friend was riding on top of Sid, as she gave Billy a blow job. Milly burned with shame at the way Tom had made her moan, just as the boys were now making Nelly moan. She didn't know whether to feel better or worse, that she was just like her friend. With that thought niggling through her head, she fell into an exhausted sleep.

Tom's father finds Milly in his bed

Milly awoke hours later to find a grown man crawling into bed with her. She almost screamed out in fright, but it came out as a gasp quickly suppressed by biting her lip. "Didn't mean to surprise you Lilly, the man chuckled, "Just got back early from my business trip, so I decided to spend what's left of the night with you. You know my wife would tear into me for drinking like this. The man had the same arrogant voice as Tom and the same handsome dark hair, but he was older with a bald spot on his head and a paunch for a belly.

Milly realized with a start that this drunk man crawling under the covers with her was Tom's father. She was lying naked in his mistresses bed, so of course he assumed that she was his mistress. At that moment Milly almost ran screaming from the room. She was groggy and scared to death and just wanted to get out of this awful house, where she and her best friend had done such unspeakable acts.

With horror, Milly realized, however, that she couldn't scream or bolt from the room, because it would alert the drunk man that something was amiss. Milly had always had a knack for deception, and she realized with a sinking feeling in the pit of her belly that she would be in big trouble if this man discovered who she really was. He smelled like a beer keg and was so clearly drunk that he hadn't even realized that she wasn't his stuck-up mistress. If he kept the light off, she could probably convince him that he was lying in bed with his Lilly until he passed out from the alcohol. She just had to avoid talking and placate him until he relaxed enough to fall asleep.

Unfortunately, the man was hardly in the mood for sleep. "Baby, I've been thinking about you all night. I just had to see you. Come here and give me a kiss, baby. His hands and mouth reached for her. The beer on his breath stunk and she shivered in horror at the feel of his hairy arms as they wrapped around her pulling her close, yet she had to open his mouth to his and pretend that everything was normal. He gave her a long wet kiss with a bit of tongue action, which almost made Milly gag, but she managed to not turn away and let him kiss her as long as he liked. Milly almost leaped out of the bed, however, when his hands started fondling her breasts. It took all her self control to hold herself rigidly still while the man explored her generous mammaries. "I've been dreaming of your big-titties all week. Baby, come here and let your big boy play with them. It took every once of self control for Milly to hold herself still as the fat man started stuffing her nipples into his mouth and sucking on them. Considering how intimately he was touching her, she was amazed that the man hadn't discovered the deception yet, but she couldn't think of anything to do, but keep playing along as long as possible. She realized with a start that she did look a lot like the Lilly in the photograph on the wall. She had the woman's same generous figure and her dirty blond hair. She could see how she could be mistaken for the woman in the dark.

Tom's father was more gentle than Tom had been, and he knew how to give a woman pleasure. To her horror, Milly felt something pleasurable stir within her. Her sensitive nipples were responding to the man's ministrations. He rolled one inflamed nipple between his thumb and forefinger will laving the other with his tongue. Milly let herself breath heavily, pretending to be turned on, when she discovered that she wasn't pretending any more. She felt an appreciative sigh working its way up her throat, which she desperately swallowed.

Suddenly, Tom's father was kissing his way down her belly, leaving behind a trail of ticklish delights until he crawled between her thighs. "Oh my baby slept nude just for me", he murmured as he dipped his tongue into the thicket of pubic hair between her thighs.

Milly wanted to buck her hips to get away from the tongue, but it was relentless, burrowing deeper until he found her slit of pink flesh. He licked and his clever fingers rubbed in just the right places. He might be fat and smell like a beer keg, yet he knew how to stimulate a woman.

Milly's traitorous body was responding, despite her best efforts. She could feel herself getting wet as he rubbed and licked the lobes of her vagina. It wasn't long before Milly couldn't help herself. She was opening thighs wider. She had never had a man touch her in this way and it was absolutely intoxicating.

Suddenly, she didn't care that he was twice his age and she would be in big trouble if caught in this man's bed. All she could think about was how much she wanted him to keep licking her. Her world became her vagina and it demanded more.

When he crawled on top of her, she was no longer thinking rationally. She was only thinking about the wonderful sensations rebounding between her thighs and tingling up and down her spine. Tom's father wasn't as hard as Tom had been, but his manhood was still potent when he began thrusting it in between her thighs. Suddenly she didn't care about his hairy belly or his bald spot. She only wanted to feel his manhood stuffed into her tight little box, rubbing on that special nerve that made her turn into wet and tremble in pleasure. His staff felt so good inside her as did his lips on her breasts which were sucking on her inflamed nipples. As his manhood plunged into her most intimate parts over and over, she heard him whispering in a husky voice in her ear, "Daddy loves his big-titty whore." Then, he buried his face between her breasts and groaned over and over as he continued working his staff in and out of her.

Milly was shocked to be called a "big titty whore", but it didn't stop her own moans which were coming bubbling up within her. She bit her bottom lip and tried to contain her own shouts of pleasure, knowing that they might not sound like Lilly's. She only partially managed to bottle up her moans, and they came squeaking out of her, but Tom's father didn't seem to notice. Maybe he was too inebriated and tired to notice. He rolled off Milly and was sound asleep within a minute after he gave one final groan and Milly felt his erection spurting its seed inside her.

Milly, however, was so traumatized that she couldn't move. She knew that she should get out of that bed, but all she could think about was how her traitorous body had responded to the man's tongue and penis and how she had moaned so enthusiastically when he had whispered that she was a "big titty whore" her ear. Why had she enjoyed it when Tom had slapped her buttocks and taken her doggy style on the coffee table? What kind of girl let a boy and his father screw her and call her names like slut and whore? What was wrong with her?

Finally, fear of Tom's father waking up and wanting to touch her again gave Milly the willpower to crawl miserably out of the big king-sized bed. She gathered up the clothes that she had borrowed and placed them back in Lilly's walk-in closet. It was a relief to change back into her jeans and sweatshirt, which covered her body and transformed her back into an ordinary teenager with no obvious sexual endowments. Then, she silently crept out of the room and eased shut the door.

She stood in the dark hallway, trying to figure out how to get home. Everyone from the party had vanished hours ago. It was 3am and she had no way of getting home. She thought about waking Tom and asking him to drive her home, but she wasn't sure that she wanted to ever see the boy again. Or maybe she did want to see him again and that was even more frightening. Her body ached after sex with Tom, yet it also ached for it again.

Milly considered the long walk home, and finally decided to go search for Nelly in the big house, but she knew with a shudder of both dread and anticipation that she would probably find her friend sleeping next to Tom. She figured that she and Nelly together could convince Tom to drive them home. She crept through the many rooms in the house, searching for her friend.

In the end, she found Nelly slumbering alone on the couch downstairs, obviously sleeping off a bout of alcohol and sex. Milly didn't want to think about how many boys Nelly had bedded that night. She hoped that it had only been Sid and Billy, but Milly knew that Tom ran with a wider clique of friends, and she suspected that Nelly had been shared with more than a few of them. She was too confused about what had just happened to herself to judge Nelly at this moment. All she knew is that she needed to get home. She shook Nelly for a long while none too gently, before she was able to bring the slumbering girl to a semiconscious state.

"Nelly, we have to go home. It's 3 in the morning and my mother is going to kill me!" Nelly was a mess and clearly didn't want to move, but Milly managed to drag the girl outside where the bracing night air finally brought the girl to her senses.

"Nelly, where's Tom? Can he drive us home?" Nelly, started to shout for Tom, but Milly hushed her friend. "Keep it down. You'll wake Tom's dad?"

"What are you talking about. He's away on a business trip."

"No he's not, he just came home." Milly blushed, thinking about what he had done to her when he came home, but Nelly was too agitated to notice.

"Did he see the party?" Nelly asked anxiously.

"I think it was all over when he arrived and he was drunk, so I doubt he noticed the mess."

Nelly insisted that they go find Tom, but he was nowhere to be found in the house, and his car was gone. Milly wanted to walk home, but Nelly insisted that they clean up the mess so that Tom's father wouldn't find any evidence of the party. At that point, Milly could have cared less whether Tom got in trouble or not, but her friend insisted. For the next hour, the two girls gathered up all the cups and cans, and swept up and mopped away the detritus from the party. At 4:30am, they wearily started trudging home. The hike was over an hour. Nelly was miserable company, since she was nursing a headache from all the alcohol, so Milly was left alone with her thoughts during the walk. She wondered why she had let Nelly talk her into going to this miserable party. She wondered why she had ended up bent over a coffee table being screwed by Tom while Nelly screwed two of Tom's friends.

The next morning, Tom's father woke up groggy from a hangover and memories of amazing sex with his mistress Lilly. She hadn't smelled of old cigarettes like she normally did and had been so compliant and willing. Normally, she was such a demanding woman. She had insisted that he buy this house out of town, so their sexual trysts could take place far from prying eyes. The woman's body had been so nubile and fresh and her vagina so wet for him, but then he realized in the haze of his hangover that it must have been a dream, where he fantasized about the mistress he wanted, rather than the mistress he had. He wanted a blond woman as busty and curvy as Lilly, but younger and more compliant to his sexual demands. With a sigh, he concluded that the woman in his dream had been too perfect to be real. Still, he got an erection just remembering how good the sex had been in that dream.

Milly investigates her mother's secret past

Milly also had arousing dreams from that night. She told herself that she just wanted to forget what Tom and Tom's father had done to her, but as much as she tried to suppress it, memories from that night came to her in her dreams. She woke up in a sweat with wet arousal leaking between her thighs. She could still remember the way it had felt to be pressed against that hard, cold glass, while Tom penetrated her from behind. It had been so shocking, yet so arousing to be taken like that, with Tom punishing her for resisting him. The way he had slapped her buttocks and held her down against the coffee table had been humiliating.

Milly knew that most people didn't have sex that way. It was nothing like the romantic encounters in the movies or the novels. Yet, Milly's traitorous body had wanted it. At least Tom was a handsome boy that caught the eyes of all the girls at school, even if he was arrogant and cruel. Even more disturbing was the fact that Milly had wanted, or at least her body had wanted, the sex with Tom's father. She shuddered remembering the hairy man with a pot belly, but she had moaned so eagerly when he penetrated her. She wasn't supposed to like sex with fat men twice her age, but evidently she had.

Milly began to wonder about the women who had sex outside the bounds of respectable society. She knew what she and Nelly had done with the boys could get them ostracized from polite company in her town. She had heard the rumors about her mother. She knew that many of the women in town didn't like her mother, despite the fact that she had tried so hard to join their clubs. She wondered what her mother had been like at her age and what she had done to be permanently excluded from so many social functions in town.

In the end, her curiosity got the best of her, and Milly started digging through her mother's boxes in the attic. In the photo album sitting in the living room, Milly's mother was a prim and proper girl, but Milly found photos of her mother looking quite different. There were photos of her in the arms of several different boys, in dresses that were too low-cut to be proper. Milly thought the clothing styles in the 1970s were outlandish, yet in everyone of the photos her mother was wearing clothes that were either too revealing or too tight, and her mother certainly had the curves to attract attention. Milly had always thought her mother was so staid and boring, yet she was very different in these pictures.

The strangest photo was of her mother in a string bikini next to another woman on a beach. On the back, was scrawled "Best friends forever!" in a magic marker. The other woman in the photo was busty and blond, just like her mother. She was smiling broadly just like Milly's mother and they both looked inebriated. The photo fascinated Milly, because she had never seen her mother looking so carefree. In fact, she had never seen her mother drunk or in a bikini and she couldn't imagine her drinking on a beach with her best friend.

With a start, Milly realized that the other woman in the photo was the same women that Milly had seen in a photo on the wall in the room where she had been slept with Tom's father. The woman next to her mother in the photo was younger and slimmer than the photo on the wall, but Milly was sure that it was the same woman. Tom's father had called her "Lilly" when he had entered the room. Milly couldn't imagine her mother being best friends with a woman who was a mistress to a married man, but evidently her mother in her youth was nothing like the woman that Milly knew. Milly dug through her mother's papers and found several postcards addressed to her mother from Lilly. The two women had evidently been very close and they still lived in the same town, yet Milly had never seen her mother even talk to this woman who had once been her best friend.

In contrast to her mother, the photos that Milly found of her father were the same as the ones in the photo album. He was a nerdy, proper boy who did what he was told. Milly had always wondered what had brought her parents together. Although they grown up in the same small town and had been in the same class at the same school since grade school, there was not a single photo of them together before their marriage.

They had evidently had different friends and been nothing alike, yet they had ended up together. Milly's father was always kind to her mother, but Milly could tell that there wasn't much passion between the two of them. They loved her dearly Milly knew, but they never showed the same affection for each other. In the end, Milly returned all the photos and postcards to the box in the attic, but she wondered about her mother.

The girls clean up their mess

Lilly returned from the Bahamas to find Micky, as she called Tom's father disgruntled about something. He didn't seem to enjoy jumping in the sack with her as much as he had before. He didn't seem to think she was as attractive as before. Lilly knew that she wasn't the same hottie she had been in high school, but she was still the same busty blond who had kept Micky wrapped around her little finger for the last 5 years. She was far better in the sack than most women her age, so why was Micky complaining that sex with her could be better? Lilly could still turn the heads of most men in town, but she was reluctant to loose the man, because her Micky was the richest man in town, and she could get him to give her anything she asked, like the trip she had just taken to the Bahamas courtesy of his credit card.

It was times like this when she wished she and Shelly were still friends. She and Shelly had shared everything, including the boys they had bedded in high school. They had been inseparable and done everything together. They had been the wildest girls in their high school and after they graduated they had rented an apartment in Chicago together. For 2 years, they had a marvelous time together in the big city, going to bars and parties together in the Windy City.

Then, Shelly had suddenly announced she had decided get married and move back to their home town. Lilly hadn't been invited to her wedding and the two had never talked again. Eventually Lilly had moved back to the same dreary town where she had grown up to help her aging mother, but there was no one like Shelly to share her adventures anymore, so she ended up sleeping with rich men who could indulge her expensive tastes. She didn't care for Micky's brat Tom, but there weren't a lot of options in that small town, so it worried her that Micky was loosing interest in her.
Lilly had to pretend to be proper woman taking care of her aging mother, but Tom had bought her a house out of town where she could indulge her tastes. Technically the house was Tom's, but it was really hers. She had decorated it and she kept all her special clothes there. Micky might not have noticed out that Tom was having parties at her house, but Lilly figured it out the moment she got back from the Bahamas. They hadn't done a very good job cleaning up and she had spent enough time hiding the aftermath of parties to know what to look for.

She was willing to forgive Tom his little indiscretion, since she had often done similar things as a teenager, until she found that someone had been wearing one of her favorite blouses. It was a shiny sliver and blue number that showed off her cleavage to her best advantage. It was stained and that stain looked suspiciously like semen. Tom pretended to not know anything about it, but Nelly, his little skank of a girlfriend, was more honest and told her that she had loaned it to a friend for the party. Nelly offered to pay for the blouse, but Lilly liked toying with people, so she insisted that Nelly and her friend make it up to her in a different way. They would come and clean up her house the next Saturday afternoon.

The two nervous teenagers arrived at her doorstep at 3pm the next Saturday. The thin one, Nelly, was dressed like a slut, which Lilly could appreciate, but she didn't appreciate the girl giving her lip. The other girl, however, didn't look anything like the type of girl who would steal her sexiest blouse and get it stained with cum. Unlike Nelly, this other girl was wearing sweat pants and a shapeless sweater, that covered more than it revealed. She had long dirty blond tresses, a cute round face and hazel eyes that would make men look twice even without any makeup. Lilly could see the ripe curves under her bulky clothes and knew the girl would look good wearing her favorite blouse.

The girl was too shy to say anything, but she eyed Lilly curiously and showed none of the defiance of her friend Nelly. Lilly set them to work cleaning, although to be honest, she had already cleaned up any thing that the girls had missed the night of the party. She just wanted to order them around for a while and make them get on their hands and knees and scrub her floor. After she had made them feel sorry for what they had done, she planned to send them home. Nonetheless, Lilly was curious how some boy's cum had gotten spilled on her favorite blouse. She didn't care to hear how Tom was screwing Nelly, but she did want to hear the shy girl's story, so sent Nelly to clean in the bath, while she watch the shy girl clean in the kitchen.

"Since you cleaning my kitchen, I guess I should ask you your name?"

"I'm Milly Tremain, ma'am," Milly answered nervously.

Lilly had never cared for the man who Shelly had married, but Lilly recognized his last name, and she saw the resemblance to Shelly in an instant. The girl's hair was a little darker and her face was rounder, but the girl had definitely inherited her mother's good looks.

A couple year earlier Lilly would have cursed the girl's mother to her face and told her to get out of her house. The way Shelly had ostracized her just like all the other respectable women in town had hurt her deeply. They had been so close before Shelly got married. After that, Shelly had stopped answering her letters and refused to talk to her over the phone, but Lilly had been willing to forgive her, until the day they met at the supermarket and Shelly had pretended to not know her. Lilly had tried to say hello, but the refusal of her former best friend to even acknowledge her presence had infuriated her. She started screaming at the woman in the middle of the meat aisle, calling her a "bitch" and telling the whole world what a slut Shelly Tremain was.

After that scene, there was never any question of Shelly ever talking to her again and Lilly had lost the one person who she had ever really cared about. At that moment, Lilly wanted to make the girl suffer for all her mother had done to her, but she just sat dumbly and watched the girl scrub her kitchen floor. Finally, she could stand it no longer and told the girl to come upstairs with her. She showed the girl into the bedroom and took her to her walk-in closet.

"Strip" she told the girl brusquely. Milly meekly stripped off her sweat pants and sweater. "Take it all off, Milly Tremain." Lilly ordered her sternly. Milly removed her underwear as well, and stood without protection from Lilly's critical gaze. Lilly wanted to humiliate the girl, to get even with her mother for ostracizing her, but the best way to get her revenge was to make Shelly's daughter parade around like a slut that would horrify her mother.

"Put on the clothes that you wore to the party, girl". "Yes, ma'am," Milly put on the shiny blue stretch pants and the silver and blue blouse. Then, she put on Lilly's silver heels, and turned back to Lilly questioningly.

"How did you do your hair?"

"Nelly did my hair and makeup, ma'am."

"Did she pick out the clothes as well?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Well, at least she has good taste." Most women wouldn't consider what Milly was wearing to be tasteful, nor most of the other outfits in her closet. Lilly, however, was delighted how good her clothes looked on Milly. "Tell me how you got my blouse stained."

"Well, ma'am, it happened here in this room. I didn't notice the stain, or I would have cleaned it."

"Who were you with?"

Milly blushed deep red. "A, a ...boy."

"Which boy?"

"Well, it was ...Tom." Milly admitted in a whisper.

Lilly didn't care for Micky's boy, but she was intrigued that Milly had just admitted to sleeping with her friend's boyfriend. "Was this the first time you slept with him?"

"Well, no, but I didn't want to do it that first time either."

Now Lilly was quite intrigued. "How many times have you slept with Tom."


"And you didn't want want to have sex with him, but you did?"

"Well, ma'am, I fought him, but he held me down and started kissing me, until I stopped fighting him and then, well, I kind of liked it." The girl blushed so prettily, that it reminded Lilly of Shelly who used to blush in the same way.

"Why did you like?"

"I can't help it, ma'am. When he puts in inside me, I...well you know."

Lilly did know, but she wasn't about to let the girl off so easily. "Did he put it inside you on the bed?" "Yes, but not at first. He...", Milly's face was beet red now. "He bent me over the coffee table." She whispered, ashamed to say it out loud. Now Lilly, was really intrigued. "Show me."

Milly in that revealing blouse and tight stretch pants got down on her knees and bent her curvy body over the glass coffee table, with her shapely butt facing up toward Lilly. The Milly was blushing beet red now from being in this compromising situation, but Lilly had no intention of letting the naive girl off the hook.

"Where were your hands?" Milly grasped the end of the coffee table with her butt in the air and her torso pressed against the glass. It was a humiliating position for any girl, but especially a girl who claimed that she hadn't wanted sex. Lilly helped the girl up and sat her in a comfy chair to relax her, while she probed her with more questions.

"How did he penetrate you?"

"He...well... he was behind me, holding me down on the table and he put it in me from behind."

"In your vagina?"


"Did you like it?"

"I didn't want it, I..."

"Did you tell him 'No'?"

"Not exactly."

"Did you make any sound?"

"I was, well, I guess I was moaning."

"Did you like it when he put his penis in your vagina?" Lilly wanted to hear the girl admit it.

"I didn't want to like it."

"But you did?"

"I guess so."

"What else did he do".

"He slapped me on my butt."

"Did you tell him to stop."


"Did you like that too?"

"I...I didn't want to like it."

"But you liked it anyway."

"I guess I did".

"Did you organism?"

"Yes," Milly choked out in a whisper.

"How many times."


"Both times on the coffee table?"

"No, the second time on the bed."

"How did you have sex on the bed?"

"The normal way. He put me on my back and..."

Lilly kept asking her questions and Milly kept answering. Once she started, it got easier and easier to admit what had happened to her and Lilly seemed to know exactly what to ask. Over the next half hour, Milly told Lilly everything. She explained how Tom had brought her into the room to spy on Lilly having sex with two other boys. Lilly kept questioning until she admitted to sleeping with those two boys as well at a previous party. Then Lilly had gotten that story out of her. Lilly seemed to be fascinated by everything sexual that had ever happened to her and take a special delight in hearing her say it. Luckily, Lilly didn't think to question Milly about what had happened after sex with Tom, so she didn't have to talk about sex with Tom's father.

Milly couldn't believe the things she admitted to this woman who she didn't even know, but it just came tumbling out of her and the more she talked the more attentive Lilly became. It was a relief admitting what had happened to her and Lilly seemed to understand everything perfectly, unlike most people.

As the beautiful girl talked about her sexual escapades, a devious plan began to formulate in Lilly's head. She had thought to humiliate the daughter of the woman who had humiliated her, but now she foresaw an even better way to humiliate her former best friend. She would turn her daughter into a slut and make her into everything that Shelly supposedly despised.

Milly should have guessed that something was not quite right when she asked Milly if she wanted her clothes back, which Milly was still wearing. Lilly leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "No dear, you keep them as a memento, to remember that night." Milly didn't want to remember the night she had been violated by Tom and his father, especially not a set of clothes that so brazenly displayed her body and was stained by a boy's semen. Still, she could hardly refuse the gift, so she changed back into her sweat pants and shapeless sweater and stowed the revealing outfit in a bag to carry home.

After spilling her darkest secrets, Lilly led Milly back downstairs, and called to Nelly, telling her that she had cleaned enough. She drove the two girls home, dropping Nelly off first in front of her house, then driving Milly to her house. The older woman stopped Milly before she could get out of the car. "Milly, I'd like to talk some more." She gave the girl a winsome smile, "Do you have time next Saturday?"

Milly consented to meet the woman the next Saturday. She had no idea that she had just agreed to become Lilly's plaything, to be transformed into a slut. It happened to her without her ever realizing what was happening to her, although looking back, Milly would see it as a turning point in her life. It was the step which would lead her irrevocably out of the bounds of polite society and make her unfit for any respectable pursuits. Lilly would introduce her to her most lascivious desires, in such a way that Milly would have no idea that Lilly was training her to be a toy for men's pleasure.

Training to be a slut

The next time Milly met Lilly, the older woman abandoned any pretense that she wanted Milly to clean up the mess from the party. In truth, Lilly didn't care that much about being spic-and-span in the first place and the tell-tail signs from the party hadn't bothered her that much anyway.

She drove the nervous girl to the house out of town, surreptitiously watching out of the corner of her eye as Milly worried her bottom lip and shifted uncomfortable in the front seat of the yellow convertible that Mikey had bought Lilly. When the arrived at the secluded house, Lilly unlocked the front door and gestured the anxious girl inside.

Noting how formless and ungainly her sweatpants and sweatshirt were, she thought about making the girl strip in punishment for trying to conceal her shapely body, but she decided to use positive instead of negative reenforcement. She led her up to the bedroom and sat her down in front of a mirrored vanity, then proceeded to brush Milly's hair, telling her in a sweat voice how nice her locks were. Then she started putting foundation on her face, telling how lucky she was to have such a nice complexion and how lovely her eyes were. She proceeded to paint up her face in bold tones with too much foundation, overly red cheeks, glossy red lips and bright blue eyeliner, that made her look garish and cheap. Still, Lilly kept telling her how good she looked and how all the other girls would be jealous of her.

After doing her hair and makeup, Lilly exclaimed how her clothes would never do. "Dear why don't you go into my closet and pick out an outfit. Anything that you like." Lilly knew that the first step to corrupting the girl was getting her to take charge of remaking herself into a slut and a crucial factor was was the clothes she wore. Milly looked surprised at this command, since the reason she had gotten in trouble in the first place was borrowing Lilly's clothes in the first place, but she slipped wordlessly into Lilly's closet without any further demur, making sure to close the door firmly behind her, so she could have some privacy.

She stared in consternation at all of Lilly's outfits. All of them were far too revealing and gaudy for her tastes, yet she had to choose one of them. She first tried on a dark green evening gown, thinking she could at least be elegant, but she was flustered by the plunging V in front and the high slit in the side, almost up to her hip, showing a long expanse of her rounded thigh every time she took a step. She hastily stripped out of the evening gown, and looked around desperately for something less overtly sexual. In the end, she chose a pair of pink stretch pants, that clung tightly to her rounded hips and derriere like a pair of leotards, a shiny red, fake leather belt, and a long sleeved clingy pink and gray top, that showed no skin, yet molded perfectly to her torso, to highlight with high fidelity the shape of her pert waist and generous bust. Milly reflected as she stared at herself in the mirror that she did look good, a sentiment heartily echoed by Lilly when Milly finally emerged from the closet. Lilly spun her around to get a better look at her, then let her back into the closet and selected a pair of three inch red heels for her to wear. Then, she rummaged through a jewelry box to emerge with a red choker necklace which she fastened around Milly's neck. "You looks so sexy, my dear" she beamed at the girl and kissed her on the cheek before turning her to face the full length mirror. With such continuous praise, Milly found herself thinking that she did look sexy, even if she barely recognized the girl in the mirror.

Then, Lilly insisted that Milly select an outfit for her to wear as well. It was far easier to pick something out of the closet this time, since Milly didn't care if Lilly revealed too much skin. Lilly stripped off all her clothes in front of Milly as if it were the most natural thing in the world and got dressed, slowly and sensuously. As she slid the clothes over her curves, Lilly blow kisses and flipped her hair at Milly, as if doing a strip tease in reverse for the girl's benefit. Once dressed, Lilly pranced across the bedroom as if modeling on a runway. "Why don't you try it, Milly. Walk like me."

Milly tried to swing her hips and walk with her head high, just as Lilly had done. It took practice to waggle her hips back and forth in such an exaggerated way when she walked, but Lilly insisted she imitate her. After a while Milly got the hang of walking with a rolling motion of her hips. Then, Lilly turned on the video recorder and insisted that Milly do it for the camera. "Blow me a kiss when you walk toward me." Lilly urged her. "Perfect. That was so sexy."

Then, Lilly insisted that Milly learn how to do her makeup right, by practicing on Lilly's face. Milly didn't care for the way Lilly had caked makeup on her face and for the gaudy colors she chose, but Milly tried to make up Lilly's face in the same way. She wasn't as good at it as Lilly, but Lilly kept telling her that she would get the hang of it, and soon, Lilly's face looked like Milly's. With all the foundation, even the lines on the older woman's face were hidden. They looked like twins, with their faces painted that way, and Lilly put her arm around her and insisted that they pose for the camera together. She set the camera on a tripod and set a timer that would snap pictures as they stood before it. They took pictures together as if they were best friends, smiling with their arms around each other.

Lilly started striking poses that overtly advertised her body, and urged Milly to follow her example. She thrust out her chest and puckered her lips toward the camera. She placed her hands under her breasts, pushing them up for the camera. She placed her back to the camera then swiveled her torso around and winked toward the camera. She crooked her finger as if calling a man to follow her and gave him a pouting look. She caressed her butt while posing. She fondled between her thighs, while scrunching up her face as if she were in the throes of an orgasm. In all this, she encouraged Milly to follow her lead. It seemed like such harmless fun and soon Milly was following along, matching her pose for pose.

Then, Lilly set a video recorder on the tripod and asked Milly to film her. She started talking to the recorder in a pouty voice that teased and enticed, while striking the same erotic poses. She pretended that she was taunting a man. "Do you like my body, baby?" "Do you want me, big boy?" "I like it when to stare at me like that. I makes me so hot. Do you think I'm hot? Hotter than your girlfriend?"

Her voice would alternate between pouty playfulness, husky whispering and demanding aggression, changing suddenly from giggling girl, to sex kitten, and then to dominatrix. Lilly would fondle her generous breasts, while cooing, "Are you staring at my big tits?" Then, she lifted them up for the camera as if proffering them to an imaginary man. "My big juicy tits. Don't you want to touch them, baby?" She voice became a throaty purr. "You have wet dreams about me, don't you. You naughty, little boy." Her voice grew huskier, "You dream about sucking on my titties, rolling my nipples around in your mouth, biting them and making me moan."

Then, she became more playful, "But that isn't the only thing that you dream about, baby, is it?" She winked at the camera. "You can have wet dreams about more than one thing, can't you. You dream of my big round ass, I know that you do." Lilly turned her butt toward the camera and gave it a playful smack, then ran her hands over her profile, to emphasize the bell-shaped curve of her flaring hips and then grasped her rounded buttocks with both hands, squeezing them for the camera. "Do you want to grab my ass? Just dig in and get yourself a handful of my big butt when I wiggle it in your face?"

Milly couldn't believe that this woman was referring to her own body in such crude and degrading terms. She wondered why a woman would want to talk about herself like this, especially to a man, yet she was also enthralled by it. She could hear the excitement in Lilly's voice and the gleam in her eyes as she teased this imaginary man. Lilly was getting turned on talking to the camera and touching herself.

Lilly's arousal was strangely infectious. The longer Lilly talked, the more excited Milly got as well. It wasn't that Milly was attracted to women, but the blatant eroticism of the moment was making it hard for Milly to breath, hard for her to even focus on keeping Lilly in focus in the camcorder's viewfinder.
"I know how hard you are getting just watching me. How much you want to stroke it. You're making me so wet, baby, just thinking about your big cock. The way it throbs, when I unbutton your pants." Milly couldn't believe that Lilly was saying these things, but an image arose unbidden in her own mind, of a boy's penis, hard and throbbing.

Lilly reached between her thighs and started rubbing herself, slowly in a circular motion. "I can see how much your big, hard cock wants it. How much it wants to slide in my juicy snatch. I'm getting so ready for it. My little pink pussy is so wet, so hot and wet for your cock, baby." Now Lilly was wholly wrapped up in the lascivious fantasy she had created, her eyes shut as her fingers worked between her thighs.

Milly could see a wet spot was growing at the crotch of Lilly's dark green dress. Milly's heart was pounding and her face flushed, just witnessing the wantonness of the strange woman. It appalled her that this woman would do this in front of her, but her ability to project herself into this erotic fantasy also awed Milly. Seeing Lilly get so aroused sucked in Milly and she was getting just as wrapped up in the outrageous act as Lilly. Hearing Lilly describe a man's organ sliding into her vagina made Milly imagine the same thing, except that she wasn't seeing a throbbing erection thrusting into Lilly, but rather thrusting into herself. In her mind's eye, she could see it hot and hard, sliding between her own legs, making her wet.

Lilly's husky voice broke through her reverie. "You know just where to put it, to make me moan, don't you, baby?" Lilly grabbed her own breast with one hand, squeezing a nipple hard as her other hand continued to rub furiously at her crotch, through the thin fabric of her green evening dress. "You know how to drive your big titty whore wild, just how this big titty whore likes it."

Milly gasped to hear those words coming from Lilly's mouth, because "big titty whore" were the same words that Tom's father had whispered to her as he rammed his sex into her. What kind of woman wanted to be called a "big titty whore" by her lover? Milly wondered. Lilly must be a total degenerate to enjoy being called that, but then she remembered how she had been moaned as Tom's father whispered those words in her own ear.

Lilly must have sensed Milly's sudden confusion. She could see that the girl was no longer wrapped up in the erotic fantasy, so she blew a final kiss to the recorder and told Milly to stop recording. She could see that something had happened to break the spell for Milly, so she took the camcorder from Milly's shaky hands, complementing her on filming to the end.

"Come on, let's get a cup of tea. I could use something to wet my throat after that." Lilly sat Milly down in the kitchen and made her a cup of warm herbal tea, to calm the girl down. She thought about asking the girl if she had enjoyed it, but she knew that it would take Milly some time to come to terms with what she had just seen, so she occupied her with the mundane questions of what type of tea she liked and how many teaspoons of sugar.

Still, she couldn't resist pushing Milly's boundaries. In a conversational tone of voice, she dryly observed, "I love to turn them on like that. Men love it when I play the slut for them. They can't resist me." At the time, Milly just nodded dumbly, unsure how to respond to an outrageous comment like that, but that comment would burrow in her mind, haunting her thoughts in the future, just as Lilly had intended that it would.

By sharing Lilly's arousal and participating vicariously in her erotic fantasy, Milly couldn't help but be influenced by the way that Lilly had objectivized her body as a vessel for men's pleasure. Her mammary glands that gave nourishment to babies had become "tits" to be sucked and nipples to bite, her shapely derriere had become an "ass" to grab, her vagina that gave birth to new life had become a "juicy snatch" and a "little pink pussy" for men to use. Instead of her body being a sacred temple to be cherished, it became an asset to flaunt and a tool to taunt men. She was nothing more than a "big titty whore", who "loved to turn men on" and "play the slut".

Milly was too flabbergasted to know how to respond. She had never heard a woman talk like this, not about herself in this way. It was shocking and violated everything that she had ever been taught a proper woman was supposed to do, but then Lilly didn't seem to care about being proper, and that was just as shocking in its own right. She had heard nasty things whispered about women like Lilly, but the woman seemed so friendly, so likable and carefree, that it was hard to hate her, as Milly had been taught to do.

When they finished their tea, Lilly asked Milly if she wanted to keep the pictures and video they had made. Milly wasn't sure if she wanted to have such incriminating pictures of herself posing-"posing a slut", the thought came to her unbidden. "Yes, I'll keep them." "Good, keep them as a memento to remember me." She handed the video recorder to Milly and asked her to transfer the photos and the video to her cell phone and then delete them from the camcorder. "I can't keep embarrassing things like that around, can I?" she asked Milly in a mocking voice, suggesting that it didn't embarrass her in the least. Lilly then drove Milly home, thanking her for a good time and asking if they could do something again the next Saturday. With the incriminating evidence safely in her power, Milly felt more confident and agreed to meet Lilly at 3pm the next Saturday.

Lilly could have surreptitiously made an copy of the files before handing the camcorder to Milly, but she didn't need a copy. The purpose wasn't to hold incriminated evidence over Milly, but rather make sure that Milly had a copy that she could watch over and over to absorb the corrupting ideas Lilly wanted to inculcate in her. She had seen how much her little erotic game had captivated Milly and knew that Milly wouldn't be able to resist watching the video again and again in the privacy of her room. Lilly had already pegged the impressionable girl as readily susceptible to the corrupting influence of lascivious pleasure. With the right nudges, Lilly planned to turn her into a little slut who would break her mother's heart. "The revenge will be so sweet," Lilly thought, reflecting on how ironic it would be for Shelley to see her daughter become the very woman she had rejected in Lilly.

As Lilly predicted, eventually Milly had to watch the video again on her smartphone, lying under her covers to muffle the volume. The words stuck in Milly's impressionable head. By the fifth time Milly had watched it, she could almost repeat Lilly's sex-o-logue, word for word. By the tenth time she watched it, the arousal it provoked stimulated her to touch herself just as Lilly had done while recording it. Now, it was Milly who was fondling her breasts and pinching her nipples. Now it was Milly who was smoothing her hands over her hips and grabbing her rear and slapping it. Now it was Milly who was rubbing her vagina and getting wet as she teased men.

Lilly continued to introduce Milly to the forbidden world of erotic pleasures, each Saturday showing her something new and corrupting. She showed her a pornographic movie of a young busty woman with dyed bleach-blond hair learned to enjoy servicing men's sexual desires. The woman looked little older than Milly and bore some similarity to the girl. Lilly watched Milly's jaw working, as she watched the first scene where a man ordered the busty blond to give him a blow job. The blond clearly didn't want to, but the man pushed her mouth down on his erection until she started sucking on his rod. The longer she sucked, the less she resisted. After she got him good and hard, she let him lick and nibble on her vagina until she started begging him to "give me cock" and "fuck me good", which he did in several positions. In the second scene she was reluctant to engage in anal sex, but the same man pushed his organ into her rear, and soon she was moaning about how much she liked it. By the third scene, the busty blond stood compliantly as the man and his friend, fondled her big breasts and sucked on them. They undressed her and put her on her hands and knees with her big breasts hanging seductively, while one man penetrated her in the rear and she gave the other man a blow job. Milly's big hazel eyes watched in wide-eyed wonder as the men thrust into the woman's orifices in front and behind. At the end of the movie, the busty blond was smiling widely with semen spattered over her face and breasts, telling the man how glad she was that he had convinced her. Milly was silent through the entire movie, but Lilly noticed that her gaze never left the screen for all three episodes. She might not know it, but she was receiving a new education that would serve her for the rest of her life. Milly would remember these lessons far better than any she was getting at school.

Lilly also introduced Milly to the taste of various types of alcohol, knowing that once Milly became accustomed to the burning sensations of different types of hard liquor, the more willing she would be to drink them with men. She never gave her much, just enough to appreciate the taste, but never enough that she sent Milly home tipsy and never enough so that Milly might learn her limits.

Mainly, Lilly taught Milly how to dress, walk and talk like a slut, but she did it in such a playful way that it always seemed like a game.

One Saturday, Lilly said in a gay, little voice, "Why don't you tease a boy. I'll film you."

"I'm not sure..."

"Oh, come on. It'll be fun. Just think about a boy that you have always wanted to tease and pretend that I'm that boy, when talking to me."

"But I've never..."

"Sure you have, all girls do, even if they don't want to admit it. Thus, Milly found herself in front of the camcorder with Lilly filming her.

"What do I say?"

"Milly, you are such a beautiful girl, any boy would want you. Just tell him how beautiful you are." Milly cleared her throat nervously, then tried to follow the older woman's lead.

"Aren't I pretty? Do you like looking at me?" Lilly gave Milly a thumbs up and an encouraging grin to continue.

"I...I got dressed up just for you." Her mouth was dry, as she searched for something to say, Then she had an image of how the boys at the party had been eying her.

"I know that you have been spying on me. Pretending not to be looking at me, when you were checking me out."

"Good!" Lilly mouthed enthusiastically from behind the camera.

"Do you like what you see? Do you think I'm sexy?"

Suddenly Milly wanted to tease that boy just as mercilessly as Lilly had done in her video.

"I know that you do, j...jerking off while thinking of me." Milly had learned new vocabulary from Lilly's porno movies, but she still wasn't comfortable saying dirty words like "jerking off".

"Give her time, she'll get the hang of it," Lilly thought darkly.

"I know you like my breasts."

"Tits," Lilly mouthed at her, encouragingly.

"You want to squeeze them, don't you?" Milly helpfully squeezed them for the camcorder to demonstrate how the man would might mash her mammaries.

"You like your girls, big and busty, don't you? Just like me. You like my big round a..ass." Milly was now rubbing her rear for the camcorder and flipped her hair back and looked back over her shoulder to give the camcorder a wink.

"Atta girl", Lilly thought triumphantly, "you'll getting to be such a good little slut." Still Milly's next move surprised even her. Milly started gyrating her hips in time to a beat playing in her head. It was an arousing sight, seeming the girl shaking her butt for the camera while rubbing her palms over her shapely hips and rounded rear. Then she spun back to face the camera and started running her hands up and down her hourglass figure, while throwing pouting glances at some imaginary man and flipping her long locks back over her shoulders. Then Milly stalked up close to the camcorder len's and bent over to give it an eyeful of her cleavage, hanging in a tight tanktop. Then she started mashing her hanging breasts in front of the camcorder, giving the lens a close up view of her generous chest. Then she leaned lower and blew a kiss and signaled for Lilly to stop recording.

"That was perfect, dear." Lilly hugged her. "You teased him good, just like a real slut." Milly wasn't sure that she should be proud of that, but Lilly acted as if it were a great achievement.

Lilly decided the next Saturday that she was ready to take the impressionable girl to the next level. She pulled her into her big walk-in closet, telling her that she needed her opinion about some of her new outfits. Lilly held up a slinky red teddy on a hanger. "Do you like it, dear?"

"It's ... well pretty." Lilly knew that Milly was thinking something else about the skimpy garment, but was too polite to say it. "Would you like to see me in it?" Milly wasn't sure, but Lilly seemed so eager to show her off her new nightwear that Milly nodded. Lilly casually stripped off her clothes, as if it were the most natural act to disrobe in front of the girl and then slipped into the lingerie, which fit her like a glove. Lilly was proud of how good she looked in that erotic garment which revealed far more than it concealed. Then she fluffed her hair and struck a pose in the full length mirror before turning back to Milly and asked her what she thought.

Milly knew what Lilly wanted to hear, "It'" Lilly flipped her blond hair back over her shoulders and gave Milly a sultry smile. "You think so?"

"Oh yes, Lilly." After that first Saturday, Lilly had told her to stop calling her "ma'am" and "Miss Lilly". She had insisted that the girl treat her like an older sister.

"Honey, you should try on one as well." Seeing Milly's hesitation, Lilly enthused, "Come on it will be fun!" Lilly picked out an equally skimpy blue teddy, replete with lace and ribbons. "You will look so cute in this." Milly didn't want to be a spoil sport, so she gamely stripped off her own clothes and stretched out her arm for Lilly to hand her the erotic garment. She was far more self conscious about her nudity that Lilly had been and was eager to get change as fast as possible. Lilly suppressed the urge to tease the girl, but couldn't resist giving the nude girl an appreciative whistle as she handed her the teddy.

Milly struggled to slip into the odd outfit. It had elastic bands, which guaranteed a close fit and it molded nicely to her curves. It fact it molded too tightly in Milly's opinion, but she could hardly deny how good she looked standing in that gossamer thin garment, next to Lilly who was similarly attired. She realized with a start, that her teddy had tiny openings to display the tips of her breasts and another opening at the crotch to show off her pubic region. She stared at the openings, both horrified and fascinated that anyone would think to make such a garment. Lilly reached over and adjusted the top of the teddy, so her nipples poked through the holes.

Then, she insisted that Milly sit down in front of the vanity mirror so Lilly could make up her face. Milly hadn't liked at first how Lilly did her face, but Lilly had insisted every Saturday that Milly let her do her makeup, and Milly had grown accustomed to having her face transformed into the garish hues of a painted hussy. Milly could hardly tell Lilly that it make her look cheap and trashy, since Lilly did up her own face in the same style.

After doing their makeup, Lilly insisted that they take a picture together in their erotica. Standing next to the busty blond woman, Milly reflected that she looked so similar to Lilly with her painted face and long blond hair and it reminded her of the picture she had seen of her mother and Lilly in bikinis on the beach. Lilly put her arm around Milly in exactly the same way she had posed with Milly's mother, years ago.

Lilly smiled looking at the photo, thinking how the girl's mother wouldn't recognized her half-nude daughter painted up like a whore next to her nemesis. Lilly fondled her heavy breasts for the camcorder and she said in a pouty voice "Do you like my big boobies, boys?" She then stepped behind Milly and reached her hands around her drooping breasts to push them up for the camcorder. "How about these puppies? Aren't they big and juicy? She wiggled her hands to make Milly's breasts bounce for the camera. Then she grasped Milly's nipples poking through the holes in the teddy, rolling the tender tips between her thumbs and forefingers. "Her name is Sweet Tits and she came just to tease you with her big boobies, didn't you Sweat Tits?

What could Milly say? She thought that it was just a silly erotic game, so she decided to play along to make Lilly happy. "That's right, boys" Milly give the camcorder a simpering smile.

Lilly smiled, knowing that she had the girl under her control now. The first step was to convince the Milly that Lilly was allowed to play with her body and the second was to give her an erotic second personality that gave her permission to play with her body. With a name like "Sweet Tits", Milly could hardly object when she was treated as the wanton plaything that her name implied.

"You know why she's called Sweet Tits, boys?" Milly felt strange when Lilly fondled her breasts like this, but she didn't move as Milly pulled hard on her nipples, pulling them up and out for the camcorder. "Because she has nice, big nipples for you to suck on, don't you Sweat Tits?" The way Lilly pulled on her nipples made Milly's chest ache, but she managed to nod her agreement and mutter 'uh huh" for the camera. Now Lilly had released her nipples and held up the reddened tips for the camera, but she wasn't done with Sweet Tits. She came around Milly and picked up each breast, to feed the rosy tip into her mouth. Her tongue laved Milly's nipples, soothing away the ache, to replace it with a different kind of ache. "So nice and ripe to be sucked, aren't you Sweet Tits?"

"Uh huh" Milly managed again, not at all sure if she liked this game anymore.

Lilly stepped back and then returned holding two metal clips with a ribbon tied between them. "Sweet Tits has a special treat for you, boys." Lilly attached the cold metal clips to Milly's nipples. They pinched tight and hurt her tender flesh, but she just stood, not complaining. Her heart was racing and wetness was starting too pool in her nether regions from this harsh treatment.

As Lilly suspected, some atavistic part of Milly liked what the woman was doing to her, just as she had liked being bent over that coffee table and having her buttocks slapped by Tom. Lilly toyed with Milly's breasts, pulling on the ribbon, to make her nipples stretch out so painfully that Milly gasped. Lilly turned back to the camera. "Sweet Tits isn't an old worn out whore like me. She's a nice, sweet slut, so you boys treat her nice and she just might just let you play with her big titties." Lilly continued to pull on that ribbon and wiggle Milly's breasts for a moment longer, before shutting off the recorder and then releasing her tender nipples from the clamps.

She hugged Milly and told her how "hot" she had been for the camera. Milly's didn't know what to say, but the wetness glistening in the opening at her crotch, made it impossible for her to deny that she hadn't gotten turned on by being Sweet Tits for the camera.

"Come on, let's watch the video" Lilly urged. She connected the camcorder to her wide-screen TV, and then set it to play the clip they had just recorded. Milly hardly recognized the girl on the TV in the tight blue teddy with her nipples hanging out like ripe cherries. The girl on the television screen had her long dark blond tresses and her rounded face, but her face was a mask of caked makeup and her scantily clad body looked nothing like the shy girl Milly knew. She called herself "Sweet Tits" not Milly and did things on camera that Milly would never do. The girl on the screen reminded Milly of the young woman she had seen in the pornographic movie. The young blond woman had stood compliantly while a man had played with her big breasts the same way Lilly had just done.
Watching herself get called a "nice, sweet slut" on film, was the most confusing part. She had wanted to deny it when Lilly said it, but the way Lilly said it made it sound like a complement, and it was certainly better than being an "old worn-out whore", which is what Lilly called herself. She didn't want to be any kind of "slut", but somehow it was OK for Sweet Tits to be called a "slut". It was strangely erotic, in fact.

They sat on the bed together watching the clip over and over at least a half dozen times, before Lilly shut it off and turned on some romantic mood music. "I have a special surprise for you, Milly. Do you want it now?"

Milly was still a little shaky from what she had just done on camera, but she was also aroused enough to be intrigued rather than frightened. "Oh yes, please."

Lilly opened a drawer and pulled out a metal rod. "Here, honey let me show you how to use it. Lilly took it from her startled hands and activated a rocker switch near the end, that set the device to start vibrating. Lilly then started rubbing it over her own body. She kissed it and sucked on it briefly, before running it up and down her entire torso, pausing for a while to let the buzzing device linger on her own nipples, before she playfully started to guide it about her inner thighs and over her crotch. Lilly lay back on the bed and closed her eyes, wholly absorbed in the sensations of the vibrator. Finally, she pulled aside the crotch of her teddy and started slipping the metal device into herself. Milly could see the woman's juices leaking out all over the bed and was utterly fascinated and repulsed by what she was witnessing. Lilly kept running the little metal rod in and out of herself for a while, until her eyes flipped open and she looked at Milly. "Milly could you be a dear and do this for me. It's so much better when someone else does it.

Milly gulped an gingerly took the little metal rod from Lilly's sweaty hand. It's vibrating action felt strange when she turned it one. The pungent smell of Lilly's juices hung in the room between them, as Milly slid the device back into Lilly's weeping vagina. Lilly gave her instructions. "Just a little more to the right. A little deeper. Oh God, yes, just rub it there for a while. After a while, Lilly's body began to jerk and tremble as she groaned repeatedly.

Afterwards, she hugged Milly and told her what a good job she had done. Then she asked Milly if she wanted to try it. "Lie back on the bed and close your eyes and just concentrate on the feel of it on your body, the older woman instructed her.

The feeling of the buzzing rod being passed over her body was strangely arousing. Milly felt tension pooling inside her in anticipation as Lilly passed it over various parts of her body. Lilly let the anticipation build, before she pulled aside the crotch of Milly's teddy and slid the foreign device into her pink center. Lilly knew exactly where to rub it and soon Milly could think of anything but how good it felt. Her pungent arousal was leaking all over her thighs and wetting the bed, but Milly could only concentrate on that little metal rod inside her, making everything tingle and ache. Then, Lilly reattached the cold metal clamps on her nipples again. This time Milly's body was so aroused, she hardly even noticed the painful sting of the clamps. Lilly pulled on the clamps with one hand as she rubbed Milly's inflamed clitoris with the vibrator. The ache from the clamps only seemed to heighten that other kind of aching in her center that wanted to be filled.

Milly didn't want it to ever stop, when the older women whispered in her ear. "You like it, don't you?" "Yes.." Milly managed a little shakily. "You want it, don't you?" "Oh god, yes..."

"Atta girl Sweet Tits. Now close your eyes dear and let me hear you moan. Milly let out a little sigh, which quickly grew warmer. "Go on, Sweat Tits," Lilly cooed in her ear. "Moan for me." Milly made some warm noises in her throat for Lilly. Once she started, it grew easier and easier. "Thats right Sweet Tits, let it out. Lilly started thrusting the vibrator in and out of Milly, like a boy's penis. Soon Milly was moaning every time Lilly shoved the vibrator into her.

"Good girl. Take it in deep in your little pink pussy. Now be a good little slut and orgasm for me.

Milly didn't know how to make herself orgasm on command, but she didn't have to because it hit her like a freight train. For the next minute, she couldn't do anything but lie on the bed with her eyes closed and her mouth moaning until suddenly it was all over. Milly came down slowly from the high, panting for breath as the room spun before her eyes. Lilly stroked her hair gently and whispered in her ear. "Such a good little slut".

As Milly regained her senses, she was suddenly embarrassed by what she had just done with this older woman. She sat up on the bed. "Don't call me that! I'm no slut."

"But that is what you are, my dear. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Some girls will grow up to be good doctors. Some will be good lawyers, and some will be good sluts."

"I am not a slut!" Milly started to tear up, sitting half naked on a king sized bed with a strange woman holding a vibrator wet from Milly's arousal. The air was redolent with the pungent smell of her body's juices.

"Now don't cry, Milly. It's OK." Lilly took the clamps off Milly's nipples, then took the girl by the hand and led her to the bathroom in front of a full length mirror. Lilly took out a brush from a drawer and started brushing the girl's long tresses, which helped soothe Milly's ragged nerves. Then she wiped away some of her make up that had gotten smeared and reapplied it. Then she turned Milly back to the mirror. "Look at yourself, honey"

Milly did look different in that erotic blue teddy, which showed off her flaring hips, her pert waist and her shapely bust with a deep V down the center where her cleavage peaked out under a wreath of blue ribbons. The teddy had slits where her big nipples poked out, swollen from the metal clamps. At her crotch, there was another opening displaying her dark blond pubic hair, still glistening from her leaking arousal. Her face was caked in foundation and her cheeks blushed red. Her lips were painted bright red and the bright blue eyeliner made her big hazel eyes stand out.

Lilly kissed her on the cheek and whispered, "You're beautiful, Milly, just look at yourself."

Milly wasn't sure that she wanted to see herself like this, but she did have to admit that she was beautiful in a wanton way that shocked her.

Lilly said, "I have a gift for you." She handed Milly a long slender box. "I've been saving this to give to someone special." Inside Milly found a vibrator, just like the one that Lilly had used on her. Milly didn't want to accept it, but she could hardly refuse. Lilly hugged her and whispered in her ear. "Think how beautiful you look right now when you use it."

Sweet Tits learns to use the vibrator

Lilly drove Milly home. When the girl started to get out of the car, Lilly leaned over kissed the startled Milly again on the cheek and whispered in a husky voice, "Enjoy your gift."

Milly hid the vibrator under her sweater and exited the car as fast as possible. As soon as she got into her room, she tucked the vibrator in her secret place where she kept her diary and other things that she didn't want her mother to find.

She was determined to never touch the filthy little device, but lying in her bed that night, her curiosity got the best of her. She crept out of bed and retrieved it from her hiding place, then jumped back into bed. It was a simple little device with a rocker switch to turn it on and increase the frequency of the vibration. She told herself that she just wanted to figure out how it worked, but once she had turned it on, she recalled how good it had felt inside her and she decided to experiment with it. She rubbed it tentatively over the lips of her vagina, playing with the speed of the vibrations.

Once she started, she wanted to feel more of it. It felt so much better than her fingers and she felt something loosen within her, as she grew wet with anticipation. She needed to feel it inside her now, to feel it just as Lilly had made her feel. Then the image of herself in that erotic blue teddy arose in her mind with her inflamed nipples and vagina peeking out and her lips painted red. She started sliding it in and out of her, going in deeper. Milly couldn't stop, didn't want to stop now. She started shoving it inside her, just like a boy's penis.

Suddenly, Milly thought of the way Tom had put it inside her, and she needed to feel it the same way, hard and fast. She started to moan, just like Tom had made her moan. At that moment, Milly didn't care that good girls weren't supposed to have sex that way. They weren't supposed to like being held down and forced. They weren't called "sluts" and taken from behind on coffee tables. At that moment, she forgot everything but the throbbing nerve in her very center that needed to be stroked. She closed her eyes and thrust it in and out of herself furiously until the orgasm hit her in a rush.

After that first night, Milly didn't dare touch the vibrator again. It scared her what happened when she thrust it inside herself. Yet, she didn't have the courage to refuse Lilly's demand to meet her again the next Saturday. She purposely dressed herself in the least revealing clothes possible, as if to deny everything Lilly had said about her. Lilly met her at the door of her mother's house, noting the slovenly clothes and the girl's sullen defiance. Lilly smiled, knowing that Milly wouldn't have gone through such lengths if her words hadn't hit close to the mark.

Lilly didn't press Milly, knowing that it would just be a matter of time before her natural urges took over. Instead, she showed her photos of her travels. For every photo of Lilly in a string bikini on the beach or inebriated at a party, there was a story, and Lilly had few female friends in their small town with whom she could share those stories. Lilly told Milly stories of alcohol, rock concerts, outrageous parties, getting stranded in strange cities, and even working for a while as stripper, but mostly she told Milly stories about sex and the different men she had bedded. They weren't the bedtime stories of children, but Milly absorbed them with child-like curiosity. She had no idea that Lilly was telling her these debauched stories for her own edification, to teach her how a slut might live. Lilly's tales of her own loose and lascivious adventures were designed to introduce Milly to another lifestyle, but mostly Lilly found it gratifying to have such an eager audience. Lilly found herself telling Milly far more about herself than she ever intended. The truth was that Lilly was lonely and she looked forward to Milly's weekly visits.

The photos and videos that they made together were carefully stored on Milly's cellphone. Milly had hidden them in a protected directory which required a password to open. For some reason Milly didn't delete those photos of herself and Lilly in skimpy and revealing outfits or the videos they made of each other teasing and taunting men with their bodies. They sat in that secret place, nibbling at Milly's mind. She would think about them while daydreaming in class. At unbidden moments, she would think about how good that vibrator had felt rammed up vagina. Whenever Milly heard another girl called a "slut", memories would come back to her of how Lilly had whispered "good little slut" in her ear as she orgasmed.

When she was alone at night under her covers, Milly would pull out her cellphone and look at the photos and videos she had made with Lilly. Over and over she watched the video of herself in that blue teddy with her nipples and vagina on display. She heard herself being called "Sweet Tits" and watched as Lilly wiggled her breasts for the camera and put clamps on her nipples. The more she watched that video, the more it preyed on her thoughts and the harder it became to concentrate on other things.

One night after watching the video clip, she pulled the vibrator out of its hiding place and started rubbing the buzzing device over her big breasts while whispering "Sweet Tits." Milly wasn't supposed to play with herself, but "Sweet Tits" was given license to do what she wanted. Soon Sweet Tits was jamming the vibrator inside her vagina, making her juices flow and her nubile body tremble. Sweet Tits rubbed her clitoris in just the right way with that vibrator, to make her entire world reduce to a single throbbing nerve. When she got to that state, nothing else mattered except making her vagina feel good, but she couldn't ram that vibrator in herself hard and fast if she thought of it as her "vagina". She thought of what Lilly had said when taunting the imaginary man in the video. "My little pink pussy is so wet, so hot and wet for your hard cock." She couldn't bring herself to orgasm if she was ordinary Milly. She needed to visualize herself as "Sweet Tits" and think about her vagina as a "little pink pussy" and imagine a "hard cock" plundering it. Then, she could shove the vibrator into herself with furious speed and be swept away in the orgasm that followed.

The next night, Milly tried it again, and it became easier this time to visualize herself as "Sweet Tits" and ram the vibrator into her "little pink pussy" until she dissolved into an orgasm. The more times Milly used the vibrator to play with her body under her covers, the easier it became to slip into the role of her wanton alter ego, "Sweet Tits", and the faster Milly achieved orgasm.

The next Saturday, Lilly insisted that Milly paint up her and Lilly's faces. "Pick out something nice and slutty for me to wear." she urged the girl. This had become part of their game. Lilly didn't insist that Milly play the slut, only that she dress Lilly as a slut. Lilly only insisted that Milly wear the same makeup, to get used to seeing herself painted in the same hues as the older woman. By now Milly had become quite adept at remaking her face as a loose woman would. Lilly knew that it would just be a matter of time before the girl learned to remake the rest of herself to match her face.

Milly selected a black trench coat for Lilly to wear over an elaborate 4 piece lingerie set, with separate panties, garter, bra and a covering wrap that covered her torso, but gave teasing glimpses of her voluptuous body underneath. Lilly handed Milly the camcorder and pranced around with the trenchcoat, flashing a bare leg or opening the coat to give her a peak inside, while Milly filmed. Then Lilly took off the trenchcoat and sat on her bed and started talking in a low, sultry voice to the camera. "Boys, your big titty whore is back." Lilly observed that Milly flinched but continued to hold the camcorder steady. Mickey loved to call her his "big titty whore," and it made the sex more intense when he did, so Lilly used it now to get herself aroused. Something about that phase, however, bothered Milly, so Lilly decided to keep using it, until she got over hearing it. "And she has a special surprise for you." Lilly winked at the camera, and at Milly was controlling it. Lilly pulled out the same metal vibrator and began running it over parts of her body, keeping up a running commentary about how "It makes this big titty whore so hot." Then, she toyed with her "big juicy boobies" and her "nice, round ass" for the camera, then sucked on the vibrator, while talking about how she imagined sucking on a "hard cock". "Your big titty whore is getting so wet, she needs that hard cock somewhere else." Lilly pulled aside her panties and canted up her hips, to give the camera a good look at her vagina. "My little pink pussy needs it so bad." Lilly's voice became playful, almost taunting. "Can you help me out? I know you have a big throbbing dick, just dying to help me out." Lilly began rubbing the buzzing metal rod over the lips of her vagina, continuing to torment the imaginary boys. "You want to slide your hot meat into this big titty whore, don't you? You want to make her scream. I know what you want." Lilly began shoving the vibrator deeper into herself. When she withdrew it, it was wet with her own arousal. Lilly then lifted the vibrator in her mouth and licked it, commenting how good it tasted, then shoved it back between her thighs again. After taunting and teasing with the vibrator for several minutes, Lilly lay back on the bed and started shoving it in and out of herself rapidly, while moaning enthusiastically until she simulated an orgasm. Afterwards, Lilly crawled onto her hands and knees and wiggled, so her bare breasts would swing back and forth before the camera. "You liked watching your big titty whore get fucked, didn't you?" She then blew a kiss and signaled for Milly to hand her the camcorder.

Suddenly Milly found the camera pointed at her, but she was just dressed in ordinary jeans and a sweat shirt, nothing like the half-nude woman. "But most girls aren't big titty whores like me. Most are like my friend, Sweet Tits." Lilly grinned at Milly in anticipation, "Say hi, Sweet Tits."

Milly was unsure how to react, but she pretended to grin enthusiastically and wave back at the camera. "Hi!"

"Sweet Tits pretends to just an ordinary girl, but she is hiding something, aren't you Sweet Tits?"

Milly had no idea what she was hiding, but she had to play along, "Yes, I am."

"Under those ordinary clothes, Sweet Tits is hiding a killer body. Maybe if we are nice to her, Sweet Tits will show us what she is hiding."

Milly had been playing erotic games long enough with Lilly to react as she should when placed on the spot. She batted her painted eyelashes and flipped her long hair over her shoulders, before giving the camera a pouting face, "Will you ask me nicely".

"Good," Lilly thought, "She is getting to be a real tease."

"Pretty please, with a hot red cherry on top!" Lilly responded in a similarly playful voice.

"OK, since you asked nicely..." Milly began seductively sliding her sweatshirt up her torso to reveal a smooth expanse of white belly underneath. She playfully gave the cameras peaks of her peaches and cream skin, before finally lifting her arms and pulling the sweatshirt off her body and casting it aside. Milly was wearing a plain white bra, with heavy underwires to support her heavy breasts. It was purely utilitarian, but she turned to one side to give the camera a profile view of her generous chest and ran her hands over her chest and onto her belly, to emphasize the size of her bust.

Lilly was delighted that Milly was learning to show off her best asset, rather than hide it. Lilly knew from intimate experience that a loose woman could go far with a great bust.

Milly turned back to face the camera and lifted her haltered breasts toward the camera. "Do you like my big boobies?" She asked. Then, she squeezed the sides of the bra cups to push her mounds together and give the camera a long look at her deep cleavage. "They barely fit in this bra. Would you like me to take off this bra? It's so restrictive."

Milly was learning to use her busty endowments for optimal effect to attract attention. "Maybe just a peek." Milly reached inside the left cup and pulled out a pink nipple for the camera, before hiding it again. "What? You want to see more?" Milly pulled out the right nipple for a second before shoving it back under the bra, before smiling teasingly at the camera.

Lilly decided to add some running commentary to push the girl along. "Now you know why they call her Sweet Tits. She has such a nice set of big, juicy boobies. You pretend to hide them, but secretly you like boys to look at your big boobies, don't you Sweet Tits?"
Lilly needed to get Milly to admit that she was a tease. It was an essential step to breaking down her other barriers.

"I sure do." Milly responded, trying to maintain her playful guise, as she removed her bra. Milly let her mammaries hang for maximum effect for the camera for a moment, before she started fondling them for the camera.

"Sweet Tits loves to have a boy play with her big juicy boobies. She loves when he mashes them between his hands." Milly took the cue and started mashing her breasts together so the nipples touched, then mashing them flat against her chest.

"Another thing Sweet Tits likes is when a boy pinches her tender nipples, don't you Sweet Tits?"

Milly followed along and pinched her nipples for the camera. "I sure do."

Lilly zoomed in for a close up shot. "Sweet Tits, wiggle your big boobies for the boys" Milly shook her unhaltered breasts back and forth in front of the camera, so they would bounce from side to side.

In this manner, Lilly led Milly until all her clothes were stripped off her body, except a pair of white panties. With each new article of clothing she took off, she made "Sweet Tits" play with a new part of her body and got her to admit how much she liked it when boys did these things to her. She made her admit that she liked it when boys looked at her derriere and made her squeeze and slap it for the camera and refer to it as "my big round ass." Lilly pushed Milly's boundaries at every step. "You just love to wiggle your big round ass in the boys' faces, don't you Sweet Tits?"

Personally Milly thought that this was repulsive, but she could hardly back out now. "I sure do," she mumbled. She had played along for too long to stop now, so she turned around and wiggled her bottom in front of the camera.

"Now bend over Sweet Tits, so the boys can get a good look". Milly compliantly touched her toes with Lilly focusing the camera up close on the girl's shapely bottom. "She isn't just Sweet Tits, she is also Sweet Cheeks." Milly wondered why she was holding this undignified position for Lilly

"Do you know how to spell RUN, Sweet Cheeks?"

"Uh huh."

"Spell it out for the boys."

"R - U - N" Milly's face burned in embarrassment.

Lilly gave Milly a way out of the compromising position. "You just love to tease the boys like that, don't you, Sweet Cheeks?"

Milly had to smile and pretend that she had enjoyed the raunchy little joke.

Then Lilly directed the girl to sit on the bed and open her leg. "Why don't you rub your panties Sweet Cheeks, like you do every night before falling asleep."

Milly wondered how Lilly knew, but she did as directed. To her surprise, Milly found that her panties were soaked with her own arousal. Being directed to do these embarrassing things on camera was turning her on.

Lilly directed the camera at the growing wet spot on her panties. "You get so wet teasing the boys, don't you Sweet Tits?"

Milly could hardly deny it, since the wetness of her own panties was so obvious. "Uh huh."

"Why don't you give the boys a little peek?" Milly pulled aside the little damp strip of cloth between her thighs so the camera could see her dark blond pubic hair.

"Doesn't Sweet Tits have the nicest little bush, boys? You know how much Sweet Tits likes to rub it for you."

Milly started rubbing the lips of her vagina for the camera. Her adept fingers knew just where to rub to make herself feel good, but Lilly kept distracting her, not letting her concentrate fully on the sensations growing between her thighs.

"Sweet Tits you are such a tease. Why don't you take off our panties so the boys can get a better look." Milly should have taken them off slow and sensual, but once she had started touching herself like this, it was hard to play the tease. Once she was totally nude, Milly resumed rubbing her sticky fingers between her thighs.

"Are you good and wet, Sweet Tits"

"Uh huh"

"How do you taste?" Milly had never imagined tasting her own arousal, but Lilly directed her to suck on her finger after ramming it inside herself. "Tell the boys how sweet your cherry is."

"I hot and delicious," Milly managed, wondering how Lilly had talked her into doing this.

"Show the boys your little pink pussy, Sweet Tits."

Milly held the lips to her vagina open, so Lilly could focus on the patch of pinkness between her curly pubic hair.

"You like teasing the boys with your little pink pussy, don't you?"

"Uh huh."

Lilly could see the excitement and embarrassment waring in Milly's face. Part of her loved it when she was forced to do these forbidden things. Lilly knew that she couldn't give Milly time to reflect on what she was doing. She handed Milly the vibrator that she had just used on herself.

"Why don't you tease the boys with this."

Once the little metal rod was inside her, Milly couldn't focus too much attention on Lilly or the camera. She closed her eyes and gave herself to the buzzing device, just like she did at home. She knew just where to use it to rub the right nerve, that had grown so taunt with tension from all the teasing.

Lilly was delighted that Milly was so eager to orgasm, but she had to get the girl while she was in the throes of her sexual high and couldn't think straight.

"That's right, play with your tight little pussy, Sweet Tits." Then Lilly gave her the kicker. "Be a good little slut and put that vibrator deep inside your juicy pussy." At this point, Milly could hardly stop herself as she was already ramming the buzzing rod deep insider herself. "Imagine a big hard dick sliding in and out, working that tight twat." Lilly had her now; she could hardly stop once she was on the verge of an orgasm. "Just the way a good little slut likes it, deep and hard."

"Uhm, uhm, uhm," Milly groaned every time she shoved the vibrator inside herself, hardly acknowledging what Lilly was saying, but Lilly knew that the words would penetrate as much on a subconscious as a conscious level. The impressionable girl was helpless to deny anything when she was in this state.

"Feel that hard cock inside you, stretching your tight pussy. It's turning you into a total slut, a slut that serves that cock."

Milly was too intent on reaming herself to acknowledge Lilly's words. "Auwww goddd" she moaned as she drove the shiny vibrator into the wet sheath between her thighs. Each time Milly withdrew the rod before plunging it back into herself, it emerged coated with the girl's pungent juices.

"Go on, Sweet Tits." Lilly ordered, "Show me what a slut you are. Make yourself orgasm." As if on command, the orgasm finally hit Milly, washing over her as if caught in a tidal wave. When she finally came up for air, panting for breath, so looked at Lilly with dazed eyes, conscious once again that she was on camera.

At that moment, Milly just wanted to hide from the scrutiny. She was tired of playing Sweet Tits, and didn't want anyone seeing her after she had just been called a "slut" while ramming a dildo in her vagina and orgasming on camera.

"Blow the boys a kiss, Sweet Tits. You gave 'em quite a show." Lilly grinned.

"Anything to get this over," Milly thought and blew a kiss to the camera.

Lilly directed her, "Now wiggle your big boobies and say 'Sweet Tits signing off'."

Milly bounced her breasts in her cupped palms, then wiggled them back and forth while muttering "Sweet Tits signing off".

"That was fantastic, Milly. You were so hot." The older woman enthused after turning off the camera. "That was your best video yet, didn't you think so?"

"I guess so."

"Trust me, it was great." Lilly handed Milly her clothes. Once Milly had dressed, and was no longer nude under the lens of the camera, she felt better. It soothed her ragged nerves to be able to cover up. "Just go home and watch it, you'll see."

After that, Lilly coaxed Milly into making a new video every Saturday. At first she only called Milly a "good little slut" when she was about to orgasm and Milly was too wrapped up in her own erotic urges to object. Eventually Milly began to associate being a "good little slut" with giving into her sexual desires, and started getting aroused whenever Lilly told her to be a "good little slut". Sometimes Lilly would direct her in the videos, telling her what to do, but increasingly, she would just film and Milly would transform into "Sweet Tits" on her own.

The barrier that took the longest to break down was Milly's reluctance to jam the vibrator into her anus. Eventually Lilly got her to wear a gag and cuffed her to the bed, so she couldn't object during one of the video sessions. She rubbed the vibrator on Milly's clitoris until the girl was desperate to get off, then immediately rubbed in the crack of her buttocks. Milly would tense up every time she felt the foreign object touch the puckered orifice in her butt. It felt so wrong to feel the vibrator sliding into her bottom, and the muscles in her buttocks would clench, trying to expel the foreign object. Lilly worked the vibrator deftly, withdrawing it whenever Milly tensed up too much, and then returning the vibrator to Milly's vagina until the girl began to relax and unclenched her buttocks.

Then, Lilly started licking Milly's clitoris until the girl could think of nothing but getting off, while Lilly worked the vibrator back inside Milly's bottom. Each lick of Milly's weeping vagina was accompanied by a little jab of the vibrator in her anus. By this point, Milly body was going into sensory overload, between that skillful tongue in her vagina and the vibrating object in her bottom. The pleasure radiating out of her clitoris overcame all fear of having that hard probe up her rear. As Milly dissolved into an organism, she could no longer tell one orifice from another in her overheated body.

After that first experience of anal sex, Lilly refused to touch Milly, unless the girl also let her probe her bottom. She would kiss Milly's breasts, while rubbing also rubbing Milly's bottom. She would pull on Milly's panties, so the elastic fabric would both frig the girl's vagina and wedge in the crack between rounded buttocks. Milly thought playing with her backside in this way was "nasty", but she started to enjoy the way it felt when Lilly touched her anus. A little shock ran through her nubile body, that gradually transmogrified into shivers of delight.

Lilly showed Milly how to play with her butt, by making the girl watch the older woman violate her own rear. Lilly directed Milly to film her as the older woman wiggled her bottom for the camera and asked in a teasing voice, "Hi stud. Can I be your backdoor babe? Do you want to shove your big cock inside my tight ass?" Milly thought it was disgusting the way that Lilly would force a vibrator into her bottom, then pull it out and lick it for the camera, but Milly also found it strangely erotic the way Lilly licked the noisome object that had been deep inside her anus. Lilly then began taunting a second imaginary man, inviting him to violate her as well. "Are you getting hard, watching me get fucked? Do you want a piece of me as well, big boy?" Lilly began rubbing her vagina provocatively for this second man. "I know what you want, you dirty boy. You want to stick your big cock in my pussy while your friend fucks me up the ass. Bring your hard cock over here and show me how deep you can drive it into my juicy pussy." Then, Lilly used her left hand to thrust the vibrator into her bottom, while her right hand forced two fingers into her pink slit between her thighs, penetrating both of her orifices at the same time, while she moaned for the camera.

Milly got hot and her vagina grew wet while filming the double penetration, as Lilly pretended to get off from having two men violate her at the same time. Lilly told the two imaginary men, "That's right boys, give my juicy pussy and my big ass a good fucking. Make me scream like a whore." Milly shifted uncomfortably at the thought of two men using Lilly in this way. Milly didn't like the idea of Lilly being hurt, but the idea of two penis simultaneously jabbing into Lilly also excited her. Milly tried to picture how two men could penetrate Lilly at the same time.

That night, in the privacy of her bed, Milly tentatively began exploring her own bottom with the vibrator that Lilly had given her. The first time she pushed the long, cold object into her bottom, it came out with a brown streak from her last bowel movement. Milly rushed off to the bathroom and started washing the vibrator, thinking how it had been contaminated. She didn't want to ever put something that had been dirtied by her own excrement inside her beautiful vagina, and vowed to never use it again on herself.

Lilly must have known what Milly was thinking, because the next time they met, the older woman gave Milly a smaller and thinner vibrator. Lilly winked at Milly as if to indicate that she knew what the girl was secretly doing. "I got this for you when you need to play with your big, round ass, baby."

Milly resisted using the contaminated vibrator at first, but eventually her own libido began loosing her resolve. Finally she washed the vibrator in bleach water and scrubbed it throughly, until she was satisfied that it was decontaminated. Then she started washing her anus. In order to get herself clean, she started frigging herself with the washcloth when she bathed, enjoying how the cloth felt has it rubbed into the cracks of her vagina and buttocks. It felt so naughty to slide the wet cloth along her bottom, then it into the pucked hole in her bottom. It couldn't get very deep, so Milly finally starting pushing a soapy index finger in to clean her anus. As she twisted her finger inside herself, strange sensations erupted inside her nubile body.

Milly was sure that touching herself like this was wrong, but she recalled what Lilly had done to her with the vibrator and she wanted to feel it again. That night in bed, she grabbed the little vibrator that Lilly had bought her and started sliding it inside her bottom, while her other hand rubbed her crotch. The feel of the alien object sliding inside her bottom wasn't exactly pleasurable like having a vibrator inside her vagina, but the forbidden act of probing her rear was strangely arousing. Perhaps knowing that she shouldn't be doing this made her want to feel it even deeper in her sphincter.

Milly pushed the little vibrator even deeper into her rear, then grabbed her other vibrator and jammed it into her vagina. The two buzzing devices invading her loins filled her completely, stretching her nether regions in ways that sent little shivers of excitement shooting through her. The vibrator in her rear was hard and painful inside her, but when she shifted and turned it to find a more comfortable position, the feel of the alien rod in her rear set her nubile body on fire and made her heart race. The feel of the two devices vibrating inside her tender loins set every nerve on edge and made it hard to breath, much less think rationally. Milly grasped the vibrator protruding from her vagina and began working it in and out of herself, until the pain receded to be replaced by erratic little jolts of pleasure that overwhelmed the discomfort in her bottom. The longer the two vibrators worked inside Milly, the more her malleable body adjusted to the butt vibrator and grew to like the painful way it stretched her tender anus. Tentatively Milly grasped the smaller vibrator protruding from her rear and started moving it back and forth experimentally in time with the thrusting action of the bigger vibrator in her vagina. Milly gasped in surprise at the strange mixture of pleasure and pain which rushed up from between her buttocks, but she didn't stop violating her sphincter.

She started jabbing faster the two vibrators in and out of herself two orifices. The jolts of pain morphed into pleasure the faster her two hands moved to piston the vibrators in and out of her two tender orifices. Milly closed her eyes to concentrate on the action of the two rods plumbing her depths. In and out, in and out, in and out. Milly moved the rods in increasing desperation, as her whole world collapsed into the sensations erupting from two sensitive points in her loins. At that moment, Milly didn't care whether it was wrong to use her anus in this way or not. It might be dirty to touch the part of herself that expelled excrement, but Milly could only think about how badly she needed to orgasm at that moment. Nothing else mattered, except that her aroused body wanted those two rods to fill her and stretch her, until she could feel nothing but the buzzing rods thrusting into her. At that moment, Milly heard Lilly's voice, "That's right boys, give my juicy pussy and my big ass a good fucking. Make me scream like a whore." Milly found herself moaning just like Lilly had done for the camera.

In her mind's eye, Milly pictured herself as Sweet Tits, with her face painted provocatively and her body inviting men to touch it. Milly imagined herself dressed, or rather undressed, as Sweet Tits, with men's hands fondling her heavy breasts hanging out of her bra and their groins pressed up against her crotch and derriere, as they flipped up her short miniskirt and pulled aside her sopping pink panties to gain access to the wanton girl's orifices. Milly could picture Sweet Tits clearly in her mind's eye, but the men around her were mere body parts, reduced to hands and groins. Milly could see a hard penis pushing into the puckered hole in her rear, while another slid into the wet sheath of her pink vagina. Milly could see them so clearly, veiny and red as they pushed into her, and she imagined how they would feel inside her. The two vibrators buzzing inside her made them feel so real, until Milly started to moan just like Lilly had done. The orgasm that rolled through Milly at that moment was earth shattering, taking the nubile girl for a roller coaster ride of sensations that left her gasping and drenched in sweat. It was the most intense sensation that Milly had ever induced upon herself and she only knew that she wanted to feel it again.

Something must have shifted in Milly self-image after that double penetration. It was a subtle shift, but it made a tremendous difference in the girl's psychic state. She still feared the way her erotic urges took control of her, but it no longer felt alien to give into them, because she no longer saw herself as an innocent schoolgirl who had made a few mistakes with boys at a party. Instead, she began to see herself as Sweet Tits, the "good little slut" who made erotic videos with Lilly and let boys use her beautiful body for pleasure.

It was easier to be consumed by a pounding orgasm and give into lascivious pleasures when she saw herself as Sweet Tits, because the alter ego Lilly had created for her was allowed to pinch her nipples, rub her clitoris and jam vibrators into her orifices. Unlike ordinary Milly who had to hide her budding curves and pretend to be embarrassed by male attention, Sweet Tits was allowed to flaunt her body and bask in male attention.

Milly began to see her body not as a integral vessel to be cherished and protected, but rather as an object designed to please primal sexual desires, so it deserved to be ogled, fondled, squeezed and penetrated. In the video Lilly made Milly watch, the young porn star with bleach blond hair who looked like Milly wasn't being gently caressed. Rather, the men mashed the girl's big breasts, playing with them like putty. They pinched her rosy nipples and pulled them so her breasts were painfully stretched, then they chewed on them with their teeth, until the girl's tender nipples reddened from the abuse. Similarly, the men grabbed the girl's rear, grasping and slapping the soft flesh until it turned rosy, as the men plunged their rods into the girl. At first Milly had been appalled by the callous and cruel way the men treated the girl's body, just as she was shocked by the way that Lilly slapped her own rear and pinched her own breasts when making a video, but as Milly started experimenting with the sexual toys Lilly gave her, she found herself doing similar things to her own body. She found herself treating her own body as an object to be flaunted, glorying in the erotic appeal of her curves and her nubile beauty, but also abusing it by squeezing, pinching and slapping her voluptuous body to get herself aroused and simulate the roughness of sex.
This new way of viewing her body as an object to be used for sexual pleasure changed Milly in both superficial and more profound ways. Lilly began to notice the differences in the girl. Milly no longer showed up to their meetings wearing oversized sweaters and baggy pants that hid her body. Instead, Milly sported the clothes which Lilly gave her to emphasize her hourglass figure and generous bust. She often wore stretchy tanktops or peek-a-boo blouses that afforded tantalizing views of her cleavage. When Lilly complimented Milly on how "hot" she looked, Milly confessed that she hid these clothes from her mother, only changing into them after leaving the house. Lilly smiled, knowing that she was breaking down the girl's bond with her mother and strengthening her own hold over the girl.

Milly was learning to lead a double life, pretending to be good girl for her mother, while transforming into Sweet Tits at Lilly's house outside of town. Lilly noted with pleasure that the transformation was becoming an automatic response to stepping inside the house. Milly would start rolling her hips and thrust out her chest as she walked, like a promiscuous woman flaunting herself. As she talked, Milly would smooth her hands over her rounded hips and flip her hair over her shoulder like Lilly did when wanting to attract men's gazes. She started talking and acting like Lilly, adopting her crude, lusty language. When she dressed up in Lilly's skimpy cloths and painted her face like a cheap tramp, the words coming from her red lips changed. Her breasts became her "tits," her derriere became her "ass", and her vagina became her "pussy". Milly still flinched whenever Lilly referred to herself as a "big titty whore", but she now beamed whenever Lilly praised her for being a "good little slut". Milly never referred to herself as a "slut", but she had stopped hesitating whenever Lilly called on Sweet Tits to play the role of the slutty tease in their videos. Lilly could see that the pretty girl was starting to like what she was asked to do as Sweet Tits.

Lilly remembered how scary it had been when she had discovered that she liked what good girls weren't supposed to like. She had learned to embrace these urges, calling herself a "slut" and a "whore" to free herself to engage in sexual behavior which violated the social taboos of her little town. She still still wanted to humiliate Shelly, but she had come to like Milly, as a little sister who shared her deviant desires and adventuresome spirit. Lilly was manipulating the naive girl to get revenge on her former best friend, but in her own mind, she was also doing Milly a favor, by helping her discover her secret inner urges and embrace them. Lilly though that most women lived in sexual frustration, because society would not allow them to embrace their inner slut, who reveled in the act of transgressing the social and sexual taboos. According to Lilly's warped way of thinking, the corruption of Milly and her transformation into a slut was helping to free the girl from oppressive social norms and the restrictions of her mother's conservatism.

Being a slut at the Delhart Xmas Party

Tom also noticed the change in Milly when he saw her at school. She was no longer wearing the dumpy clothes she used to wear, and was sporting more makeup. She looked hotter than Tom remembered her ever looking at school. She rolled her hips when she walked and seemed to be encouraging the boys to glance her way, which was very different from the shy girl Tom recalled.

Nelly had started noticing her boyfriend's interest in her best friend. Nelly didn't like the way that Tom now eyed Milly. Nelly told herself not to worry, since Milly had developed a marked antipathy toward Tom. Nelly had never known Milly to hold grudges or denigrate others, but since the last party, Milly had started referring to Tom as "that jerk". When Tom would approach them, Milly would whisper to Nelly, "Here comes your jerk of a boyfriend," then stalk off with her head held high and her hips swaying. Tom would invariably tell Nelly what a "bitch" her friend was, as he eyed Milly's shapely figure as she pranced away. Nelly had intimated to Milly what Tom forced her to do in bed, so Nelly assumed that her friend's grudge toward Tom was based on the degrading way he had treated Nelly. She never guessed that Milly stalked away from Tom because she was scared to face the boy.

Whenever he approached a welter of confusing emotions flashed through her. Milly told herself that she despised him, but she was acutely conscious of how his eyes raked over her body. Milly found herself wishing that she were wearing something more attractive and she had styled her hair better whenever he looked her way. A shiver of excitement admixed with revulsion would arc down her spine, as she recalled how his sex had felt plumbing her depths. She recalled how he had whispered "slut" while biting on her earlobe and thrusting his staff inside her and how she had moaned "yes, yes, yes," helpless to deny either his characterization of her or her need to orgasm. It was easier to flee Tom's presence, than face the erotic onslaught of those memories which tormented her thoughts and made it so hard to pay attention in school.

Milly's refusal to talk to Tom, however, only heightened Tom's interest in Milly. Her curvy body haunted his thoughts and he was determined to bed the stuck up girl again, but he never got the chance to get her alone, since she had been purposely avoided him. He never guessed that his father's mistress was also plotting to help him.

Lilly had carefully monitored Milly's progress, noting how corrupted the impressionable girl's moral compass had become after weeks of violating her body with vibrators and playing Sweet Tits for the camera. Each jab of the vibrators had poked a hole in Milly's reluctance to embrace the sybaritic pleasures of the flesh. Each time Lilly tricked Milly into making another video as Sweet Tits another mental barrier had fallen, stripping away the reservations that her mother and conservative society had inculcated within her against wantonness and loose behavior. Lilly, however, knew that Milly would never fully embrace her wanton urges, as long as she avoided sexual encounters with the opposite sex. In the eyes of society, bedding multiple men is what transformed a girl into a slut, and Milly had to commit an act that would indelibly mark her as a slut, so it would be impossible for her to deny it.

Lilly planned to take Milly to a sex club in Chicago to convince her how much of a slut she had become, but Tom and his friends intervened to make that trip to Chicago unnecessary. Every year Mike Delhart held a big Christmas party attended by over a 150 guests. As the richest man in town, Mike Delhart owned 3 different businesses and had many contacts, including Milly's father who was a salesman. Milly's father always cultivated potential customers and insisted that the whole family attend the Delhart Xmas bash when invited. Milly's mother was normally tickled pink to be invited to any social gathering, since she was excluded from most, but she was oddly reluctant to go to any event hosted by Mike Delhart. Milly's father insisted, saying, "Shelly, we have to go. I sold Mike Delhart 10,000 dollars of equipment this last year. He's my best customer." Milly was also reluctant, since seeing the father and son who had both had sex with her would bring back such disturbing memories, but she could think of a good excuse to avoid the engagement and she could hardly tell her parents the truth.

Milly wanted to look older and more sophisticated at the party, hoping that enhanced age would make her less vulnerable to Tom, so she borrowed a dark blue evening gown from the back of her mother's closet and put her hair up to look more sophisticated. Her mother's gown did make her look older, but it also highlighted her curves and generous bust. Before meeting Lilly, Milly had been uncomfortable showing off her budding body, but she had now worn so many promiscuous outfits while make the videos with Lilly, that she hardly noticed that her elegant evening gown showed a bit of cleavage. Shelly complimented her daughter on how nice she looked as they exited the house. "Milly, dear, you look lovely in that dress. I wish I still had the figure to wear that dress."

Her father also commented on her attire. "Seeing you in that dress, reminds me of your mother when we got married."

Milly thought her father's comment was strange, but at the Xmas party, several of her parents' acquaintances also commented on how much Milly resembled her mother in her youth. Milly noticed that several of the men her mother's age did a double take when looking her way. It was creepy the way these older men were checking her out. Milly could feel their gazes surreptitiously directed her way. She grew hot and shifted uncomfortably as their eyes slid over her cleavage and her curves peaking out under the evening gown. She pretended to ignore it, but she was acutely conscious of the way some of the men looked away in embarrassment when she caught them staring. Milly realized with a start that a number of the men were mentally undressing her, imagining her shapely body under the evening gown. The thought of so many men fantasizing about her body sent strange sensations jittering up and down her spine. At first Milly hunched her shoulders, trying to turn away and hide from the gazes, which was impossible in the packed room, but after a while, Milly grew bolder and threw back her shoulders and thrust out her chest, almost preening for the men surreptitiously checking her out. Under the gaze of the men, she felt the same sensations rush through her as when Lilly filmed her playing Sweet Tits. It excited her to have so many men looking at her that way, knowing that they liked her body, but it shocked her to be the object of attention of men twice her age.

When Lilly arrived at the party, Milly noticed that the scandalous woman was wearing a far more revealing dress than Milly, and she seemed to bask under the men's gazes, which were drawn like flies to forbidden fruit. Milly noticed how some of the guests turned pointedly away from Lilly, as she entered the room, but many of the men glanced at the generous buxom of the blond woman, before pretended to ignore her. Rich men like Mike Delhart were allowed to have mistresses, but they were supposed to be discrete and keep them hidden from public functions like Xmas parties. By appearing at this party, Lilly was openly violating the norms of polite society, and Milly watched in horrified fascination as some of the guests refused to greet the woman and pointedly excluded her from some conversations at the party.

Milly was particularly surprised by the reaction of her mother, who stiffened noticeably when Lilly entered the room and refused to even look in Lilly's direction. Knowing that Lilly had once been her mother's best friend, Milly was appalled to see how her mother ostracized and pretended to ignore Lilly. Milly also had to refrain from greeting Lilly and pretended to ignore her, since she could never explain to her mother how she knew the notorious woman. At that moment, Milly understood on a visceral level the risk that women like Lilly ran when flouting sexual conventions.

It was at that moment that Nelly arrived with her parents at the party, giving Milly an excuse to escape from the party with her friend. Milly and Nelly grabbed some hors d'oeuvres to munch on and then went outside of the enormous house to talk. It wasn't long before Tom came swaggering up in search of his girlfriend.

"Hey babe, where you been?" He demanded, grabbing Nelly and bending her back for a long kiss with lots of tongue action. Milly started to look away to give the couple some privacy, but found her gaze drawn by the assertive way the handsome boy thrust his lips against Nelly's mouth and the way her friend seemed to melt under the kiss. Nelly turned to putty around Tom, letting the arrogant boy do as he pleased with her.

Milly couldn't help but see how Tom squeezed Nelly's right nipple and cupped her left buttock as they kissed and how Nelly gasped in response to his groping. Milly knew that he did it for her benefit to remind her how easily he had also mastered her. Despite her revulsion, Milly found herself staring, as envious thoughts invaded her confused head. She despised the boy, but at that moment, she wanted to be the one he was french kissing and groping, rather than Nelly. She wanted to be the girl feeling his possessive lips and hands on her body.

Tom casually released Nelly and then arrogantly smiled at Milly, knowing that she had been watching as he had intended. "Hiya Milly, what's up?"

"Not much." Milly muttered, confused by her own troubled thoughts at that moment.

"Here, have a drink." Tom handed Milly a hip flask.

Milly nonchalantly took a gulp of the flask, unprepared for the strength of the whiskey that burned down her throat. She sputtered as the potent drink warmed her all the way down to the pit of her belly. "Oh no," Milly thought, "I need to hide the smell of that whiskey from my parents, who will kill me if they detect it on my breath." After a few strangled coughs, Milly politely made her excuses to leave the couple and go seek a different drink that would cover up the whiskey. She was eager to get away, since the way Tom looked at her through slitted eyes set her nerves on end and provoked reactions in her body, far more intense than the men's gazes had done earlier in the evening.

Hurrying away, Milly went in search of a punch bowl, only to run into Tom's friend, Sid, standing next to the table of drinks. Milly couldn't help noticing the athletic body of the tall boy. His dark features lit up in a smile when he saw the busty girl. Milly could help but notice his full lips and even, white teeth, and how they had felt pressed against her lips, her neck, her collarbone, her breasts, her crotch... Milly blushed beet red, thinking about where Sid had placed his lips the night of the first party.

He didn't know what to say, but he managed to greet her. "Hi Milly."

"uhhh, hi Sid". Her soft voice was entrancing.

They both seemed at loss for words.

He was blushed, seemingly tongue tied. "Would you like something to drink?," he finally offered.

"uhm, sure."

Sid handed Milly a cup. To hide her nervousness, she took it and gulped the fruity punch down without thinking. Without comment, he took the cup back and refilled it in the punch bowl and handed it back to her.

Their fingers brushed as Milly took the cup from his hands. Milly recalled how aroused she had been when he had touched her with his big, strong hands and how her arousal had overcome her fright when those strong hands had hoisted her up against the wall of the darkened hallway. It had been her first time and she had been so unprepared for the size of his penis when he pushed it into her and popped her cherry. He had done it so quickly, never realizing what he had done to her. Milly had never expected to loose her virginity up against a wall, nor the addictive sensations that had erupted within her soft center when penetrated by Sid's engorged staff.

The memory of loosing her virginity to this tall boy made her blush even more. She started to turn away to hide her embarrassment from Sid, but the rapid movement sloshed the liquid in the cup and it spilled on the front of her dress. In horror, Milly looked down to find the front of her dress dripping. Sid offered her several paper napkins to wipe up the alcoholic punch, which she futilely tried, but the dark blue fabric was already absorbing the liquid and nothing could hide the wet spots across her chest. "Mom is going to kill me for staining her dress!" Milly cried in despair.

"Maybe you can wash it out." Sid offered hopefully. "I'll show you the washroom."

Sid impulsively grabbed Milly's hand and pulled the pretty girl away from the drinks table. He used his tall, muscular body to push through the crowd, and then led Milly through a dark corridor in the interior of the large house to a backroom with a big industrial sink and a washing machine and dryer. Milly's hand felt small and soft pressed against his big palm as he led into the washroom. He reluctantly released her hand, liking how it felt against his skin.

Milly grabbed a wash cloth and wet it in the sink. Then, tried to scrub the punch splashed on the front of her dress, but that only succeeded in getting the front of her torso wet, making the dress stick to her body. Milly commented, "I need to take this dress off and wash out the alcohol, but that will probably ruin it."

She looked up to find Sid staring at the wet fabric and her big breasts poking out under that fabric. Milly could see desire pooling in his dark eyes as he looked at her, and she was very self conscious and very aware of how fast her heart was racing.

"Take it off then." Sid's voice cracked, but grew stronger as he ordered. "Take off your dress and wash it."

Milly could see excitement rising in his face and the tension gripping his big body. She could feel his arousal like a palpable presence, electrifying the space between them. Milly stopped breathing, caught by the wave of hot desire radiating out from Sid toward her. That desire held her, entrapping her with its intensity.

Milly had been angry at Sid for the way he had taken her virginity so callously that night at the party and the fact that he just been interested in sex and hadn't even pretended to care about her. She had told Nelly that she never wanted to see him again after that night, but at that moment Milly could only think about the way his eyes were latched onto her wet chest and the fact that he desired her.

"Take off your dress." Sid repeated in a firmer voice, somehow sensing that Milly needed to hear a clear command.

Six months ago Milly would have never dreamed of disrobing in front of a boy, but all those hours of playing Sweet Tits had stripped away her inhibitions and trained her to do anything asked of her without question. Milly had done one wanton act after another for Lilly, until she stopped questioning rightness of those acts, but only whether they satisfied some sexual urge within her.

At that moment Sid's gaze was sending jitters down her spine and tingling desire coursing through her veins. That desire was augmented by the two stiff drinks she had just downed, making everything feel rosy inside her. Milly had learned to give herself over completely to the desires that gripped her body, mindlessly following their dictates to achieve erotic pleasure.

Wordlessly Milly turned her back on Sid and faced the sink. She reached back behind her back and unhooked the right strap of her dress. First the right strap, then the left strap came off her shoulder, exposing the rounded slope of her shoulders. Then she shimmied the tight dress down her torso. Her lush curves emerged from the dress, bit by bit. Sid never touched her, just watching as her sexy backside emerged from the confining dress. His hungry eyes ate up the entrancing lines of her hourglass figure. Her narrow waist contrasted so delightfully with her flaring hips and the soft roundness of her buttocks. He reveled in the sight of her pale skin and the tuft of dirty blond pubic hair that he glimpsed curling under her crotch. The fullness of her buttocks narrowed into the backs of her thighs and the slenderness of her calves below. When Milly stepped out of the dress, wearing only a set of matching black panties and a low cut strapless bra, she glanced back over her shoulder at Sid, warmed by the heat of his gaze that had intently followed her every move.

She stepped to the sink, putting the dress under the faucet and turning on the water. Dripping liquid laundry detergent on the stains, she started scrubbing the delicate fabric of the evening gown. Sid felt the bulge in his pants growing at the sight of Milly in skimpy black underwear, bent over the sink scrubbing her evening gown. It was strangely erotic the way her rounded shoulders moved and her bottom jiggled as she scrubbed. Sid had to feel her skin then. He stepped behind Milly, his big palms sliding around her ribs as he pressed the length of his body up against her backside. Milly shivered as his big hands traced down her sides, relishing the way those strong fingers felt running over the little hillocks of her hips and into the valley of her waist and up under her arms, until his fingertips brushed the sides of her breasts. Milly leaned back into Sid then, enjoying the feel of his clothed body pressing back into her. She felt his unsteady breath on the back of her neck and his erection pressing into her soft rear.
Milly sighed softly as Sid's hands came around the cups of her bra, massaging her heavy breasts through the fabric as his lips trailed kisses over her shoulders and down the back of her slender neck, which was exposed because Milly worn her hair up. Milly thrust her breasts forth over the sink and into Sid's big hands which shaped Milly's mammaries into mounds of delight.

Meanwhile he nibbled on the backs of her earlobes and whispered huskily into her ear. "You're so hot." Milly's breath caught in her throat as Sid worked his long fingers under the cups of her bra to reach for her sensitive nipples. Sid rolled her nipples between his thumbs and index fingers, turning them into hardening beads.

The tingling in her breasts changed when Sid mashed her generous mounds flat against her chest and then pinched the inflamed nipples hard, sending a jolt through Milly which made her gasp and helped stoke the fire igniting in Milly's loins. After torturing her breasts in this manner for a while, Sid used one hand to grasp Milly's hip to hold her still, while he slid the other hand down under the elastic band of her black panties and onto the mound of pubic hair at the juncture of her thighs. His deft fingers threaded through the curly hair to find the folders of her moist sex. He rubbed the lips of her vagina in a circular motion, adding fuel to the banked fire growing in Milly. As he toyed with her voluptuous body, Milly felt herself turning to putty. Her knees started to buckle, unable to support her weight and she grabbed the edge of the sink for support.

It was getting hard for Milly to focus on anything but the feel of Sid's strong hands on her body. One hand had settled on her clit, rubbing her in just the right way to drive any rational though from her overstimulated nervous system, while the other hand on her hip, was pulling her soft derriere back and forth, to grind against his growing erection.

Milly hadn't planned on having sex with Sid. Even when she had taken off her dress for him, she had simply been aroused by having so many men looking at her that evening and she simply wanted to feel more of the excitement rising within her from showing off her body. Maybe it was the effect of the sudden rush of alcohol to her system for which she had little tolerance. Maybe it was her lowered inhibitions and the practice of giving into her erotic urges which Lilly had inculcated in her. For some reason, Milly simply hadn't thought through the consequences of taking off her dress and where it would lead, it had simply felt good to follow Sid's command to take off her dress and teasing Sid with a view of her underwear had seemed fun.

On some subconscious level, Milly had avoided thinking about the consequences of disrobing because she wanted to get laid again by Sid, but simply couldn't acknowledge to herself that she craved that kind of sex. Milly knew that Sid cared nothing for her. He only wanted to use her body, just like he had done the last time, and would discard her afterwards like a cheap slut. It was easier to follow orders and give herself over to her urges, than admit to herself that she was a slut who enjoyed sex, even with boys who had no regard for her feelings.

At some point, the fire stoked in her loins flared up and switch flipped in Milly turning her from a passive to an active participant in her own ravagement. Suddenly, Milly desperately needed to feel Sid's staff pounding inside her. Her hips started wiggling on their own accord, grinding her soft buttocks against Sid's erection, turning him rock hard.

Sid had pulled Milly's breasts out of the cups of her bra and reached inside her panties, making the garments superfluous, yet still a hindrance limiting Sid's access to her body, so Milly yanked her sheer black panties off of her hips and kicked them to the floor. She wanted to turn around had take off Sid's clothes as well, but Sid's hands locked down over the backs her hands, holding them down on the edge of the sink, so she couldn't turn around.

Milly looked down to see Sid's pants and underwear in a heap at his feet when she felt his penis throbbing up against the folds her weeping vagina. He nudged the tip of the bullet head inside the folds of her sex, getting her slit ready to swallow the rest of him. Milly's sheath sensed what was coming, sending a flood of juices that coated her sex and dripped down her thighs to ease his entry. Sid speared his whole rod inside of Milly up to the hairy roots with one powerful thrust. Milly's soft center had sheathed his whole sword, her slick walls ready to receive him, even if the rest of Milly hadn't been ready. Once Sid was inside her, there was no stopping him. He pistoned rapidly in and out of her driving his hips hard into her soft derierre making her whole body jiggle with each thrust.

At first Milly simply absorbed the thrusts, feeling only the indignity of being taken hard from behind over an industrial sink. It was only after a dozen thrusts that the pounding in her vagina started to feel pleasurable, then a wall of sensation hit her like a freight train and suddenly Milly couldn't get Sid's tool inside her fast or hard enough. "Awww, it's so gooodddd," she wailed, bucking back against him and rearing her butt back to meet his oncoming thrusts. Milly groaned each time their bodies, slapped together. Sid's hands which had been holding Milly's own hands down on the edge of the sink released her and he grabbed her flaring hips and pulled Milly another step back from the sink and pushed her back down, so she was no longer standing upright against the sink, but bent over at the waist with her arms extended in front of her to grasp the edge of the sink. In that position, Sid grasped both Milly's hips and started spearing her from behind again, but now he had a better leverage and a better angle for each thrust, which was even harder and faster than before. Each time he pulled Milly's heart shaped derriere against his hips for another thrust, her hanging breasts jiggled provocatively and Milly let out another strangled groan. "Oh gawdddd, yeeesss!" she cried as he buried himself deep in her pink, soft center, with his balls slapped up against her soft rear each time he entered her. The walls of her tight vagina gripped his staff, squeezing his rod and building up the pressure until Sid felt that tingling sensation in his balls that presaged his spurting seed. It can gushing up out of him in jerks that coated the walls of Milly's sheath as Sid clasped and slapped Milly's soft buttocks.

It was all over in less than two minutes. One moment, Milly had ecstatic sensations pounding into her loins and her eyes were fluttering shut and her whole world had been reduced down to just satisfying that single inflamed nerve between her thighs. The next moment it is all over and she is standing over an industrial sink, panting with semen and her juices leaking out of her and running down her thighs. Milly was so exhausted that she would have collapsed if Sid hadn't wrapped his long arms around her to keep her upright.

It took a few minutes for her dazed mind to clear and the room to stop spinning, before her mind began to process what had just happened. She had just had sex in the most unromantic way possible, bent naked over an industrial sink and taken from behind by a boy who didn't care a fig about her, and some atavistic part of her had loved every moment of it.

Even worse, she realized that she had been moaning and groaning so loudly that anyone nearby in the house could have heard them. Milly looked around desperately for the fastest route to get away from the washroom and hide before anyone came to investigate who was having such obstreperous sex. It was at that moment that Milly realized that her dress was sopping wet in the sink and she had nothing to wear but her skimpy black underwear she had kicked to the floor minutes ago so Sid could ravage her. As Sid hitched up his underwear and pants, and buckled his pants, Milly wobbled on unsteady legs as she stooped to gingerly retrieve her underwear.

It was at that moment that Mike Delhart arrived, investigating the sounds of sex that had been echoing out of the washroom, just moments beforehand. He stared in amazement at one of his son's friends buckling his belt and a lovely buxom girl. She wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing aside from her high heel shoes and a panicked expression on her face. She smelling of sex with a stream of semen and her own juices running down her thigh. Her eyes were dazed and her breasts and buttocks pink from the boy's rough handling and slapping, while her nipples hung like ripe cherries, reddened from being pinched and nibbled.

Mike Delhart thought it was the most erotic sight he had seen. He had never gotten over the wild, busty girl he had bedded over two decades ago before she had turned respectable and married that boring Tremain. He had never gotten over her. Sex with her had been the most incredible experience of his life and he had spent the last decades searching for another woman who could make him feel like that girl had. He even put up with his current mistress, just because she looked a lot like that girl and had once been good friends with her.

"Shelly? Shelly, what are you doing down here?" Mike sputtered. The girl stared at him in horror, then suddenly bolted out of the washroom, with his son's friend following close behind.

Mike shook his head, realizing his mistake. Shelly Tremain was now a woman in her early 40s, not the girl he recalled from his youthful escapades. Now that he thought about it, the color of her hair was darker than Shelly's and the face hadn't been Shelly's either, but it had born a remarkable resemblance to Shelly and he felt certain that he had seen her face before. With a start, he realized that he had seen that girl before. He had seen her in the most intimate of ways. She had been in his bed a number of months ago when he had come home drunk. Sex with her had been simply marvelous, so marvelous that she had haunted his dreams for weeks afterwards. He had been convinced at the time he must have been recalling sex with his mistress Lilly, but seeing the girl in the flesh convinced him that he had been mistaken and that he had slept with that girl. He determined that he must find out who she was.

Milly streaked in utter horror down the dark corridor, stumbling in her high heels. She covered her face with her hands and praying that she wouldn't be recognized, while streaked past party goers who stared at the busty girl running nude in their midst. Sid followed her yelling, "Upstairs to Tom's room. Go upstairs." It finally registered what Sid was telling her and Milly bounded up the stairs two at a time and dashed for Tom's room.

When Milly burst into Tom's room, she found Tom double teaming with Billy to screw Nelly in every hole. They had the poor girl on her hands and knees on the bed, with Billy behind her driving his staff up her bottom and Tom's staff pushing into her open mouth for a blow job, while one of Nelly's hands fondled his hairy sacks.

Tom was also arrested by the sight of the busty nude girl, just as his father had been. He loved seeming the supercilious girl who had spurned him so many times with a panicked expression on her face and smelling of sex. Seeing Milly nude and desperate was a very erotic sight, which turned him on far more than his current romp.

Nelly was in a state little better than her friend. She had just been penetrated multiple times in multiple orifices and could barely think straight after so much sex and alcohol. Her hair was mused and her makeup a smeared mess.

As Milly stood in the doorway, staring in horror at the two boys having sex with her best friend, Sid grabbed her from behind, holding her so she couldn't escape. Seeing her run naked through the house filled with party-goers had been very arousing and Sid was already getting hard in anticipation of more sex with the busty girl. He pulled her into the center of the bedroom and spun her around to face him. He kissed her long and slow on the lips, sensing that she needed the sensual reassurance that came with kissing. Milly stood stiffly, too wound up from running naked through the crowd downstairs to even register what was now happening to her. She kept thinking about how many people must have heard her having sex and how many people must have recognized her naked form in the party. She wondered whether her reputation was throughly ruined by what she had just done, just like her mothers had been. Just as shocking, she wondered why Mr. Delhart had called her by her mother's name, as if he knew her mother and the look of lust that had crossed his face while looking at her. She was sure at that moment that he had recognized her and remembered having sex with her. Then to see her best friend being screwed by two boys at once was more than she could handle. She was in a state of shock and didn't know how to respond to anything that had just happened to her.

Sid had never been very good with words, so he did the thing he did best. He used his muscular body to communicate. He was very aroused and wanted sex again with Milly. He kissed her soundly, pushing his tongue into her unresponsive lips as he ran his hands over her hourglass figure. Milly stood woodenly, letting him touch her naked body wherever he pleased, yet failing to respond in any way. Sid had never been the brightest boy, but he was persistent and he knew what he wanted, so he continued to fondle Milly's heavy breasts, squeezing her nipples, while kissing her mouth over and over.

Milly distantly felt her body being fondled and kissed, but was so wrapped up other recent events, that she felt comatose to what was being done to her. Sid whose erection was now stiff and throbbing again, was utterly frustrated by Milly's lack of response.

Tom who had been paying more attention to Milly than his girlfriend who was giving him a blowjob was intrigued by the problem and pulled his penis from Nelly's mouth. He signaled to Sid to come and take is place. Sid who was sexually frustrated at that moment with Milly was more than happy to take Tom's place and get a blow job from Nelly.

Tom dragged a thick comforter from the top of his bed and draped it around Milly's shoulders and led her to a dark corner of his room away from the others. He wrapped the comforter tight around Milly and held her, sensing that she needed some time to recover.

"I'm ruined." That thought came back to Milly over and over in the welter of discordant thoughts bombarding her. So many people had seen her running nude through the crowd. It was only a matter of time before everyone at school would hear about her streaking naked and how she had sex with Sid at the Xmas party.

Milly didn't want to be like her mother, spending her whole life seeking acceptance from a society that ostracized her for mistakes she had made in her youth. Lilly was even more ostracized by polite society in her town, but Milly reflected how much freer Lilly seemed than her mother. Milly thought about how Lilly called herself a "slut" and a "big titty whore" and how liberating those labels now seemed compared to her mother's carefully proscribed lifestyle. "If I'm ruined, I might as well enjoy being ruined," Milly thought to herself.

Milly wasn't coming to these conclusions unaided. She was acutely conscious of Tom's naked body next to hers, holding that comforter around her. In the background she could hear Billy and Sid having sex with Nelly. Her body reeked of recent sex and the whole room was redolent with the pungent odor of vaginal juices and sperm. All these stimuli were highly arousing and made it hard to think clearly about anything in Tom's bedroom but sex. When Tom reached under the comforter and started fondling her left breast, Milly felt her body responding to his touch. Tom sensed the change in her and he started kissing her on the mouth. His lips felt so good and Milly felt herself melting into the kisses, yielding against his deft mouth and darting tongue.

Her brain was telling her how much she despised Tom Delhart, but her body was sending her a different message. Her heart started to race when he kissed her and her breathing grew ragged. Not thinking about anything for a while suddenly seemed like a good idea, a very good idea. Milly wanted to forget about her problems and loose herself in the sensations of sex for a while. She told herself that it would just be a little while. She could figure out what to do later she told herself, after a bit of sex. All those hours of using the vibrators to play with her body had conditioned Milly to give into her body's urges and forget herself in sex.

Milly knew that Tom was manipulative and untrustworthy. He treated Nelly horribly and Milly knew that he would treat her no better, but at that moment Milly just wanted Tom to use her body for sex. Milly didn't realize it at the time, but she crossed a critical threshold when she opened her thighs for Tom. She gave him and every other subsequent male permission to use her body for sex, with no strings attached. They didn't have to love her as a person or treat her right, they only had to make her body feel good, to satiate its urges for the time being.

Tom spread the comforter out on shag carpet, then pressed Milly back to lie on top of the comforter. As he crawled on top of her, Milly was still worried about everything that had just happened to her, but he soon made her forget, just as Milly had hoped. What she didn't count on was how Tom relished pushing the psychological and physical boundaries of his sexual partners.

Tom expertly brought Milly to the peak of pleasure, rubbing her clit as he pushed his erection into her. Just when the sensations erupting in her vagina threatened to overwhelm her and disolve into an orgasm, he started rubbing her anus. Milly would have panicked at that point, if Lilly had trained her to enjoy touching the puckered hole between her buttocks. Tom pushed his index finger up her rear as his big penis reamed her vagina. Milly's body was prepared for the double penetration, after all those hours playing with two vibrators at once. Tom slid first one finger, then two fingers at the same time in and out of her sphincter in time with his thrusting penis. "Umh, umh, oh gawwwd, yeessss!" Milly moaned as both her tight orifices were stuffed, igniting a welter of sensations deep in her crotch and bottom, that overwhelmed her. His engorged penis slid easily in and out of her pink vagina, which was dripping its wet juices, but her backside had no such natural lubrication to ease the passage of his fingers, so he pulled them out of Milly's butt and pushed them into her mouth before she knew what he was doing.

"umh, that's so, umh, nasty, umh" Milly tried to object as she groaned every time he pushed his big penis inside her, but his two slickened fingers were already back up her butt before she could think to try and stop him.

"You like it nasty, don't you babe," Tom whispered in her ear as he twisted his two fingers around in her butt.

Milly was helpless to do anything but keep moaning, despite the fowl taste of her butt in her mouth.

Then, Tom rolled onto his back pulling Milly above him and he continued thrusting in and out of her. Milly had her eyes closed, to concentrate on the full sensation of those thrusts, so she didn't see Tom gesture to Tom and Billy to leave Nelly alone and help him ravage Milly's holes. At that point, Nelly was throughly exhausted after sex with multiple partners and needed a rest anyway. She watched with glazed eyes as her best friend was initiated in triple penetration. She had had no warning either, the first time Tom had forced her to have sex with multiple partners at the same time, but she now loved it and knew that Milly would learn to enjoy it as well. Her enjoyment of multiple penetration was one of the reasons why Tom kept her as his girlfriend, since he could share her with his friends.
Milly, however, was totally unprepared when she opened her eyes to find Sid kneeling on the comforter, with his big staff waggling in her face. "Suck it," he ordered in his simple direct way and Milly heard Tom chuck beneath her. Then, she felt Tom's fingers slip out of her rear and something bigger pushing on her anus. Milly looked back over her shoulder to find Billy kneeling behind her butt, with his engorged staff in his hand directing it into the puckered hole between the cheeks of her buttucks. His cherubic features were screwed into an expression of intense concentration as he attempted to enter her backdoor.

"Now wait a minute!" Milly cried out, attempting to sit up and put a stop to this foolishness. Tom's arms came around her torso holding her prone on top of him so she couldn't rise. Sid's big hands came down on her shoulders and Billy's smaller ones on her hips, holding her still, so she couldn't move.

"Let me up!" Milly cried out, suddenly afraid.

"Trust me, babe, you are going to love this." Tom attempted to sooth her.

"No, I don't want to do this." Milly insisted her voice rising.

Tom loosened his hold on her a bit, but refused to let her get up. He continued in a serious voice, "Nelly does this with us all the time, and she enjoys it."

"Well, I'm not Nelly. Now let me up."

"Milly, Nelly was afraid to do this at first too. Once you try it, you will see that there is nothing to be afraid of."

It was frightening to be surrounded by three big boys, all stronger than her with throbbing erections ready to be inserted at the same time in her soft body.

"We can take it slow and ease, and I promise that we will stop the moment you tell us to stop."

Milly could feel the sexual tension radiating off the boys, and all of it was directed at her. Just like earlier in the evening when all the men had been looking at her in that evening gown, it felt good to be the center of male desire. It stroked some part of her ego to have these three boys wanting her so intensely, wanting to have sex with her like this.

Lilly had shown her how to take a vibrator up both her vagina and anus at the same time. Milly knew her body could handle being violated in all her orifices. In fact it was already growing wet at the prospect of feeling all those throbbing staffs inside it. "You promise to stop if I say 'stop'?" she demanded.

All the boys assured her that they would stop if she wanted them to stop.

Tom was rubbing her clit again. As her libido started rising in response to the stimulation, Milly could feel her resistance slipping away.

"Girls like you always enjoy this," Tom smirked as he slipped his staff back inside her. Milly was too preoccupied by the feel of him inside her to respond, but as Billy started nudging his own erection against the opening in her rear, Milly pondered what Tom meant by "girls like you".

As Billy slowly worked his staff inside her backdoor entrance, Lilly realized that Tom could only mean loose girls, wanton girls, girls who were sluts. Only sluts would enjoy feeling such a big, uncomfortable object inside their butt, Milly concluded, after Billy got it all the way inside her. Billy's penis was larger than the little anal vibrator Milly used on herself. Milly shifted uncomfortably, whimpering from the pain in her butt. "Only sluts deserved to be punished in this way," Milly thought to herself as Billy started to move experimentally inside her.

Milly's fingers dug into the comforter, gripping it so tightly that her knuckles turned white as a wave of pain washed over her. Milly whimpered, then cried out, "Owww, awww gaaawwd, owww!"

"Pull it out, pull it out, I can't take it" Milly begged, but Billy didn't pull it out. Instead, he stopped moving while Tom worked her clit and started pushed in and out of her vagina at the same time. Pleasure flooded through her over stimulated loins to balance the pain radiating out of her butt. At the same time, Billy massaged Milly's buttocks, urging her to relax. Milly was gasping so much, she was sure she was hyperventilating, but gradually the muscles in her butt loosened and she grew accustomed to the way Billy was stretching her sensitive anus. The pain never fully left but it became manageable, and as Billy started rocking back and forth, it started to transmogrify into a perverse kind of pleasure. It still hurt when he thrust into her, but her body was starting to like that hurt, even welcome it.

"Only sluts could like sex this way," Milly thought to herself and groaned, from both the pleasure and the pain of being violated this way. The more Tom and Billy moved their penises inside her, the more the pleasure overrode the pain. Tom and Billy had figured out a rhythm and Milly started to pick up the timing, wiggling her own hips back and forth to meet their thrusting staffs. Milly could feel their engorged penises rubbing together inside her, through the flesh separating her vagina from her anus.

"uhmm, so gooddd, yessss," Milly moaned loudly now. Milly had discovered that she was very vocal during sex. The sound of her voice seemed to amplify the erotic sensations washing through her.

Tom and Billy started moving faster now, and Milly would have groaned her approval, if Sid hadn't chosen that moment to stuff his own engorged staff in her mouth. Milly gurgled around it, then started sucking it and laving the bottom of it with her tongue. Sid had had better blow jobs in his life, but the way Milly moaned and groaned at the same time that she tried to suck him was incredibly arousing.

Sid's bulk in her mouth made it hard to breath. The lack of air getting to her brain, made it hard to think, but seemed to further heighten the pleasure jolting through Milly's sensuous flesh. She was being touched, prodded and penetrated everywhere, and the experience sent her into sensory overload, so she could no longer tell one part of her body from another. Her whole body became one big orgasm that washed over her and left her senseless. Still one thought did swim around in the lassitude of her mind, "Only sluts can orgasm this way."

When Tom, Billy and Sid finally pulled out of her, she could feel their sticky semen inside her, but she had no memory of when they had ejaculated. She only knew that she lay limp as a wet noodle on the comforter with the world spinning dizzily around her. Tom lifted her off him and hoisted her unceremoniously up in his arms and deposited next to Nelly on the bed. Then the boys filed out, in search of other entertainment. The orgasm had left her feeling totally wrung out and she was content to lie exhausted like Nelly on the bed.

Nelly cuddled next to her friend and questioned with worry in her voice, "Milly, should I have tried to stop them?"

"It's OK, Nelly." Milly replied in a tired voice, "You know I'm a slut, just like you." She hugged her friend to reassure her. What was left unstated because it was implicitly understood was that girls like Milly and Nelly who are sluts deserved to be ravaged by men who didn't care a fig for them or their feelings, so they had no cause to object when boys abandoned them after a good lay.

Most people at the party had not heard Milly having sex with Sid, and most were too old to know her as she ran naked through the crowd, but Lilly had observed both, noting how her plans for the girl were falling into place. Now all she needed she told herself was for her mother to be apprised of the lascivious activities of her daughter. Lilly, however, couldn't figure out where Milly had run off, until she heard the girl being screwed again upstairs in Tom's room. "I'll have to teach her how to muffle herself," Lilly thought, pleased to hear Milly's groans and the boys' grunts emanating from Tom's room. "She's turning into a slut faster than I ever anticipated," Lilly was inordinately pleased with her training of Milly.

Lilly wasn't the only searching the house for Milly. Shelly Tremain, was also searching for her daughter, since she wanted to go home, but Milly seemed to have vanished into thin air. She had walked all around Mike Delhart's big house, and still hadn't found her daughter. She hated going to Mike Delhart's annual Xmas party, since it meant she would have to see the man with whom she had once had a torrid affair, before she had reformed and gotten married. Memories of that affair made her uncomfortable to talk to Mike now-a-days. She had done such outrageous things with Mike, and Mike was prone to get a lusty look on his face whenever she ran into him. Thankfully, his annual Xmas party was so big, that it was easy to avoid saying much more than hello and goodbye to the man. Ordinarily, Shelly would have avoided saying anything more to the man, but Milly was missing and her fear for Milly gave her courage.

"Mike," Shelly called out when she ran into him in a crowded room. "Have you seen my daughter Milly?"

Mike could hardly believe that Shelly Tremain was talking to him. She hadn't said more than a curt hello and goodbye ever since their affair had ended over 2 decades ago, but he always made a special effort to order equipment through her husband, just so he would have an excuse to invite the family to social functions he hosted. Shelly was no longer the exquisite blond beauty he recalled from his youth, but the woman had aged well and seeing her still filled him with lust and bittersweet regret that he would never have her again. Maybe she knew that he still wanted her, which is why she normally tried to avoid talking to him.

"Hi Shelly," Mike responded in a warm voice, "I've never met your daughter. What's she look like?"

"She's..., oh never mind. I'll just keep looking for her." Shelly turned on her heel and marched away.

Just watching the way she walked away from him, captivated Mike's attention. He stared in regret, admiring her retreating backside, even in a matronly dress that did her figure little justice. One of the men overhearing the conversation, snickered and commented to a companion. "I've never met her either, but I've certainly see her, a good deal of her. Shelly Tremain was the girl who streaked naked through here half an hour ago. Mike turned, hearing the comment, "Are you sure it was Shelly Tremain's daughter that you saw streaking?"

The man shrugged. "I don't know the girl, but Harry's son who goes to school with her, says it was Milly Tremain who came charging nude through here. Whoever she was, she put on quite a show."

Mike didn't doubt that the girl he had seen nude in the washroom had been Shelly's daughter. She had Shelly's facial features and her nude body had looked just like Shelly's when she had been young. Now Mike knew why he hadn't been able to get that night when he had come home drunk out of his head. He had bedded the daughter of the woman who he had fantasized about for decades. He was getting an erection just thinking about the prospect of getting into her pants again.

The next person Shelly asked about the whereabouts of her daughter was Mrs. Johnson, a grand old dame of local society. The woman turned haughtily toward Shelly and commented acidly, "I don't know where your daughter is, Shelly Tremain, but I would have thought better of you than to raise a tart who runs around nude in a place like this."

"What? What are you talking about, Mrs Johnson?" Shelly sputtered, her face growing red.

Mrs Johnson started to turn away as if not deigning to speak of such distasteful topics, but she could see that Shelly looked genuinely confused, so she decided to inform her. "Not more than 30 minutes ago, I saw your daughter run through this very room, with not a stitch on her, followed by a young man I didn't recognize. She was covering her face with her hands, but I recognized her sure enough." Then, Mrs Johnson, pivoted on her heel and turned her back on Shelly. The other ladies in the room also turned away from her. Shelly caught one saying in a staged whisper, "Hardly surprising that the girl would do such a thing, considering who raised her."

At that moment, Shelly felt her whole world crumbling beneath her feet. Her face burned bright red with embarrassment. She could think of nothing to do but flee the room. She could see people looking at her as she passed. She wondered if they were talking about her and her daughter. She had worked so hard to gain a modicum of respect in this town, but it was all slipping away from her. She looked for her husband. She found with a group of his friends, a drink in hand and clearly enjoying himself. Shelly grabbed his arm and pulled him aside. "We've got to get Milly and get out of here, right now. Where's our daughter?"

"I've no idea, but honey, what's gotten you so riled up. What's this all about."

Shelly hissed through clenched teeth, "Just find Milly, and you can ask her yourself. We need to leave the moment we find Milly, so help me find her!" His wife's eyes were flashing and she was red and trembling. He hadn't seen her so disturbed in years, so he quickly broke off the conversation and started helping look for Milly.

One of Tom's friends saw them looking and ran to warn Tom that he had better get Milly out of his room. With his typical nonchalance, Tom sent Billy to take care of the problem. Billy rustled the two girls out of Tom's bed. Billy saw that he couldn't send them out, reeking of sex, with their hair mussed and their makeup smeared, so he directed them toward the bathroom to get cleaned up. Milly was shaky and feeling dazed after the evening's sexual escapades. She stood frozen in front of the bathroom mirror, looking at herself disheveled state. Nelly stood beside her, equally nude and disheveled, and commented wryly, "We look so good, freshly fucked!" The two girls started to clean themselves up with a wet wash cloth.

Billy called out through the bathroom doorway. "Hurry up, Milly. Your parents are looking for you."

Milly wanted to take a shower and wash away the funky odor of male sperm and her vagina and anus. She wanted to erase all evidence of what she had just done with the boys, but she didn't have time. With trembling hands, she washed her face clean of makeup and passed a wet washcloth over her loins and buttocks, which were tender and soar after the pounding they had received. Milly realized in despair that she couldn't step outside Tom's bedroom, since she didn't have any clothes to wear. Nelly hunted through Tom's drawers and found a pair of matching sweat pants and shirt and tossed them to her.

"This will have to do for now. Tom doesn't have anything that will fit you." Milly threw on Tom's clothes, which engulfed her smaller frame, and the two girls hustled out of Tom's room, making for the washroom to retrieve Milly's wet dress.

Milly becomes Mike's new mistress

Milly and Nelly had just managed to get to the washroom, when Mike Delhart caught the two girls. Mike wanted to talk to Milly, but he had to get her alone.

"Hi Nelly," he greeted his son's girlfriend. He had never seen much in the slender twig of a girl his son dated. As far as he was concerned, her only redeeming quality was the fact that she was wanton enough to keep his son interested. Mike took a perverse pride in the sexual proclivities of his son, thinking that his boy was a chip off the old block in that regard.

Right now, however, Mike needed to separate the two girls. "You're Shelly's daughter, aren't you?"

"un huh" Milly nodded.

"Your mother asked me to take you to her, if I ran into you. She's been looking for you." Mike turned to Nelly. "Nelly, I have been looking for Tom. Would you mind going and asking whether he would be willing to help me with the drinks. Cindy has to go home early tonight, and we need some help serving.

"Sure, Mr. Delhart. No problem." Nelly left to find Tom.

As Nelly departed, Mike led Milly out of the washroom and down the hallway and into a lavishly furnished den. Milly followed him into the den only to realize that she was in the room alone with Tom's father, who was looking at her with a stern expression on his face. "Lilly Tremain, we need to talk. Would you please take a seat." He gestured toward a black leather couch."

Milly looked at him blankly, but moved hesitantly to the couch and sat down gingerly. Mike closed the door to the den and deftly locked it, then turned back to the girl sitting nervously on the edge of the couch. She looked so young, with her face freshly scrubbed of makeup and her mussed hair hastily pulled back in a pony tail. She looked ridiculous, wearing his son's sweat suit and high heels, while clutching a wet evening gown in her hands.

"Let's spread that dress out, so it doesn't wrinkle when it dries." He took the wet gown from her hands and draped it over the back of a wooden chair. Then, he turned back to her and sat down next to her with a serious expression on his face.

He felt him self growing aroused just looking at her, so young and nervous. He wanted to get her out of that sweat suit, which hid her lush figure, but first he had to intimidate her and make her pliable to his advances. "Milly Tremain, what were you doing in my bed that night 4 months ago?," he asked in a stern, accusatory voice.

Milly's eyes grew wide and her voice tremulous, "Mr. Delhart, I never..."

He cut her off, "Don't lie to me, young lady. You pretended to be my lover and you deceived me."

Milly's face was beet red from shame and embarrassment. "I ..., I..." she stuttered, then was seemingly at a loss for words. She could hardly tell him that she had just been laid by his son in that bed and had been so overcome by the sex and the alcohol that she had fallen asleep on his bed by accident. She could hardly tell him that she hadn't meant to trick him, but it had seemed safer to play along, when he assumed she was Lilly. She hadn't meant to sleep with him, but it had been the only way to avoid getting caught, and the way he had touched her had made it impossible for her to resist.

"What were you doing in my bed?" Mike asked in a softer voice.

Milly wrung her hands in her lap and was so embarrassed that she couldn't even look him in the eye.

"Lilly, what were you doing naked in the washroom tonight?" He persisted in questioning her.

"God, what must he think of me?" Milly thought to herself in horror.

"You know that you gave many of my guests quite a shock, running naked through my house tonight?"

Milly pondered in exasperation, "What can I say? That I had just had sex with Sid and didn't want to get caught, so I streaked naked through the party?" In her shame Milly thought, "He must assume that I'm some kind of ...slut."

"Mr. Delhart, I'm so sorry." Milly paused, then continued lamely, "I didn't mean to..."

"You didn't mean to trick me in my bed?"

Milly's face was burning with shame and humiliation now.

"You left these in the washroom." Mike pulled the sheer, black underwear she had left on the washroom from his jacket pocket.

"Take off my son's clothes, and put on your own clothes", Mike gestured to the dress draped over the chair.

Milly hesitated, ashamed of what she had done, but also scared of getting in trouble for what she had done.

"Do it now, right here." Mike ordered.

With trembling fingers, Milly lifted the sweatshirt up and pulled it above her head and off her body. As she set the garment on the couch beside her, she could feel Mike's eyes on her naked flesh. He reached out and offered her the sheer black bra. In her shame, Milly hadn't been able to look Mike in the face the whole time he had been questioning her, but now she looked in his face as she took the bra from him. Milly saw unadulterated lust shining in his face.

"Put it on." Mike directed her.

With shaking hands, Milly placed her breasts in the cups of the bra and struggled to hook the bra in the back. The way Mike was looking at her naked torso and generous bust, sent shivers running down her spine and made her breath catch in her throat. Milly felt her nipples growing tight and perky, as arousal washed through her like bitters in the pit of her belly. The sensation was unwelcome, but Milly's sensitive flesh was so worked up from the evening's escapades, that she couldn't help it.
Mike gestured toward the sweat pants as well, indicating that she should take them off as well.

Milly stood up on shaky legs and reached for the elastic band of the sweat pants. She had nothing on underneath them to cover her pubic region as she worked the waistband down over her wide hips and stooped to pull them down past her knees, so she could step out of them and throw them aside on the couch with the sweatshirt.

Milly could feel Mike's gaze fastened on her crotch as she removed the sweat pants. Her loins ached from the previous sex in the washroom and in Tom's room, but that dull ache reminded her how good it had felt when Mike had rubbed the folds of her vagina and made her orgasm when she had been in his bed. Milly felt her loins heating up from the memory of that night.

Milly reached out to Mike for her sheer black panties, but he just sat and stared at her sex, as if he were ogling a stripper. Milly thought to herself, "He feels free to blatantly ogle my body this way, because he thinks I'm a slut who doesn't mind showing men my body." Considering how she had run naked through a whole crowd of party-goers, Milly could hardly object when he demanded she undress in front of him.

All the shame and humiliation she had felt when Mike asked her what she had been doing in his bed that night only served to heighten the butterflies arising in the pit of her belly when he gazed at her exposed loins. Milly found herself posing for Mike Delhart, turning her nubile body to present a more appealing profile. It wasn't a conscious movement, but rather the instinctive movement of a girl responding to the arousal coursing through her veins from too much sex that evening. Milly found it strangely erotic to be dressed in nothing but her bra while a man twice her age ogled her.

Still sitting on the couch, Mike slowly raised his hand, offered her the black panties. Standing in front of the couch, she had to step closer to him to and give him a closer view of her chest as she bent to take the skimpy garment from him. She was secretly glad that she was wearing her favorite black strapless bra that showed off her cleavage so well, rather than one of her normal white bras with heavy underwires. Her fingertips lightly brushing his palm as she daintily picked up the garment of black satin. Neither of them seemed capable of breath as she slowly stepped into the panties and drew it up her rounded thighs and onto her curved hips, hiding the patch of dirty blond pubic hair at her crotch from his hungry eyes.

Milly turned toward her wet dress, draped over the back of a wooden chair, but Mike detained her, saying "Better wait until it's drier before putting it back on."

Milly turned back toward him, uncertainty and something else shining in her eyes. Her knees felt weak and shaky as she stepped back to the black leather couch and sat back down next to him. She felt herself growing wet between the thighs, as he leaned over and kissed her on the lips. Milly opened her lips to that kiss, never quite sure why she was letting this man twice her age even touch her.

His hand came up to gently cup her cheek and turn her lips toward him to fully meet his own lips. Milly closed her eyes, feeling herself sink into the deepening kiss. She could feel her will to resist his demands dribbling away the longer he kissed her. Mike shifted closer on the couch, so he could put his arms around her and prevent her from escaping.

His deft tongue swished into her soft mouth, keeping her lips opened to him, so his desire could pour into her. She let it fill her, becoming a vessel for his desires. He didn't desire the ordinary Milly. He desired the wanton girl who had been in his bed pretending to be his mistress and the nude girl who he had encountered freshly laid in the washroom. He desired the girl who had run naked through his house, scandalizing his guests. In short, he desired her as a slut, and Milly found herself responding to him as the slut she was rapidly coming to see herself as being. As a slut she no longer needed to question the appropriateness of sleeping with a man over twice her age, right after she had been laid by his son and his friends.

Mike's hands reached around Milly's back to unhook the same black bra she had just put on. Her heavy breasts overflowed his hands as he lifted them out of the cups of her bra. Milly pushed her chest into his hands, urging him to fondle the turgid flesh of her breasts and pinch her tender nipples, reddened from all the abuse they had received that evening. The ministrations of his fingers on her breasts were followed by nips of his lips and laves of his tongue which had left off kissing her lips.

"Your big titties are so sexy," he told her in a low voice made husky by desire. Once Milly would have been turned off by a man using such crude language to refer to her breasts, but Lilly had trained Milly to become her wanton alter ego, Sweet Tits, when crude terms were used to denigrate and objectify her body.

The training kicked in on cue. "Oh, yesss!" Milly responded in a small, sexy voice. "Play with my big, juicy titties. Mr. Delhart. Suck on my nipples."

Mike couldn't believe his luck. He had expected Shelly's daughter to resist him at first and push him away like most women did until he managed to convince them, but she was proving to be just as wanton as her mother had been all those years ago. He had always loved Shelly's buxom figure, so it was incredibly erotic to have her busty daughter to tell him to play with her big breasts.

His lips and then his teeth latched on Milly's nipples which were now taunt pebbles, which he rolled around in his mouth. Meanwhile his fingers traced down over her ticklish belly button and then slipped under the elastic band of her panties. His fingers threaded through her curly pubic hair, pulling lightly on tufts of it, before tracing over the glistening lips of her vagina.

"Baby, open your legs for me," Mike urged her in that same low voice.

The way he said "baby" loosened some cord deep within her. Milly never liked being reminded how young she was, but Mike said it in a way that made her youth a turn on. She spread her legs apart, so Mike's hand could get better access to her crotch.

He stopped sucking on her right nipple and sat up straight to whisper in her ear. "Your pussy feels so hot, baby." Milly's vagina felt stretched and worn from the previous bouts of sex that evening, but that made the folders of her sex even more raw and hypersensitive to his touch now.

Milly moaned softly as he deftly diddled her clitoris. "Rub my little pussy just like that, Mr Delhart. You are making me so hot and wet."

Mike was fully clothed, compared to Milly who only wore a skimpy pair of panties, which had been invaded by Mike's hands. Her state of dishabille created a imbalance of power between them, as she was the one stripped and vulnerable.

Milly hadn't touched Mike yet. In fact, she wasn't really sure that she wanted to touch the overweight man. She recalled how big his hairy belly had seemed the last time they had sex, but the longer he touched her, the more attractive he seemed to become. She now found her own hands sliding through his hair and over his shoulders, encouraging his assault on her body, while she left him fully clothed and in control.

Mike bent his head again to suck on her nipples and graze them with his teeth. The dual assault with his mouth on her tender breasts and his fingers in her vagina drew lines of tension in her curvy body, that made her sigh softly.

One moment Milly was sitting upright, the next moment Mike was pressing her back to lie on the cool black leather of the couch. He crawled over her, trapping her heated body between the cool leather and his clothed body. The buttons on his shirt and his belt buckle dug into her fair skin as he lay on top of her, between her opened thighs. The bulge at his crotch pressed into her crotch as he kissed her, letting her hips feel his weight for a moment, before he raised his hips up and unbuckled his belt and worked down his trousers and underwear just enough to draw out his erection. He pulled aside the sliver of fabric covering the juncture of her thighs and guided his throbbing erection into her soft center.

"You make my dick so hard, baby," he whispered as he penetrated her. Then, he reached up to cup both of her breasts, which were spread flat on her chest. He jiggling the soft flesh of her mammary glands, fascinated how her pink areolae and perky nipples floated atop the generous mounds as his hips rocked back and forth driving his erect staff deeper and deeper into her. "You are perfect...," he whispered, admiringly as the walls of her wet sheath massaged his tool. "...just like your mother."

"What?" Milly stiffened in shock.

Mike chuckled, "Shelly was just like you before she married your daddy."

"Like me in what way?" Milly's voice rose dangerously.

Mike pulled out of her, then thrust himself back into her, making her moan despite herself. "She was so hot and sexy in bed, just like you, baby."

The idea that she was having sex with a man who had also laid her mother was revolting. Milly went rigid with rage. "Get off me," she hissed.

Mike ignored her, thrusting back into her. "Stop it, you bastard," Milly cried out as she tried to throw him off her, but he was too heavy a man. His weight pinned her down on the couch. Milly tried to kick him off her, and twist out from under him, but Mike had her arms pinned to her sides, so she couldn't raise herself up on her elbows or get any leverage to throw him off her.

"Now Milly, settle down." he tried to soothe her.

"GET OFF ME RIGHT NOW!" She ground out between clenched teeth.

Mike's staff was still buried inside her and he refused to move. "Milly, what's gotten you all riled up?" he pretended to not understand her anger. Of course, he knew what upset her. He had brought up her mother to test her, to see whether she would be the mistress who would take her mother's place and fulfill his fantasy of being able to bed Shelly. He should have eased her into the idea over time and gotten her used to being his mistress, before he sprung it on her. But she had acting like such a slut, letting him do whatever he desired, that he had gotten excited and pushed his luck. He should have known better. He had tried to get Lilly to play the role of her former best friend in bed, and she kicked him out and refused to talk to him for nearly a week. It seemed that her daughter was also unwilling to play her mother in his bed.

Mike had to repair the damage. "Milly, your mother was a real classy lady and I was proud to date her, but that was a long time ago." What Mike had done with Shelly could hardly be called "dating," and she certainly hadn't acted like a "lady" at the time, but Mike had learned that talking in euphemisms often calmed people who objected to his sexual proclivities.

He continued in a reasonable voice. "Please don't hold it against me that I have slept with other women. I don't hold it against you that you have slept around."

Milly was poised to fight him, to scream obscenities at him, but she wasn't prepared to argue with Mike's logic. Her body was too aroused for her to discuss this in a reasonable tone of voice, nothing about her current predicament was reasonable and she was at a loss how to respond, but Mike's words did still her and make her stop fighting him, which had been Mike's intent. He didn't want her to stop and reflect on what she was doing having sex with the father of the boy who had just screwed her with his friends. He just wanted her to lie still long enough for him to reawaken her sexual urges.

Milly lay panting heavily trying to think about what Mike had just said, but all she could think about at that moment was how good Mike's pelvis felt pressing against her hips and how much she liked how his penis filled her sheath. He rocked his hips slightly, just enough to rub up against her clitoris and move his staff inside her to hit the right nerve. The longer Milly tried to ponder what Mike had just said to her, the more she just wanted to feel his staff thrusting inside her, turning her insides to jelly and making her moan.

At this point, Milly had transgressed so many boundaries, it was hard for her to establish any boundaries, much less evaluate what moral standards should govern her own behavior. It was so hard to think clearly with a man's penis tormenting her. Her over-stimulated vagina had no such doubts; it knew what felt good and that clear standard increasingly governed Milly's actions. Milly groaned and gave herself over to the demands of her loins. "Shut up and fuck me!" She ground out in frustration.

Mike didn't give her a second to reconsider. He pulled out and then thrust quickly back into her, driving away any further consideration, until she had satisfied the tension roiling in her loins. "ummh, ummh, ummh" she moaned as Mike plundered her soar vagina.

Mike, however, wasn't content to simply screw the luscious girl. He wanted to bind her to him, so she would become his new mistress. Milly was so much fresher and younger than Lilly, and she was proving to be enough of a slut that Mike bet he could turn her into a "big titty baby doll", just like he had turned Lilly into his "big titty whore". Mike waited until Lilly was on the cusp of an orgasm, when she would be distracted and the most vulnerable to manipulation.

"You like my dick don't you, baby?" He queried her between thrusts.

"Oh yeessss, give it to me." Milly groaned.

"You'll need tomorrow too, won't you?" He queried further.

"Oh yeesss, give it to me." Milly repeated.

"You need a sugar daddy to keep you happy, don't you?"

"Oh yeesss, give it to me." Milly repeated again, now entering that critical point where she would say and do anything to achieve orgasm.

Mike knew that she wasn't really thinking anymore, but she would recall whatever was said later and it would stick in her head. "You want your sugar daddy's hot cum, don't you?"

"Oh yeesss, give it to me." Milly repeated mindlessly.

"You want to be my little baby doll, don't you?"

"uh huh."

"You belong to your sugar daddy, don't you?

"oh gawddd, yesss!" Milly cried out as she orgasmed.

"My big titty baby doll likes to cum, doesn't she." He cooed in her ear as Milly gave herself over completely to the orgasm which wracked her sore body, utterly draining her, so she had no energy to respond. "Sugar daddy will take care of you. You will be my big titty baby doll from now on."

Mike held her tenderly as she came down from her high, his arms around her on the couch, stroking her hair, as her breathing grew less ragged and erratic and her racing heartbeat slowed. It felt so good to be held this way and Milly was floating in the hazy bliss following sex, still unaware that she had just promised to become the mistress to a man twice her age. Mike was already making plans in his head for how he would train Milly to be his "big titty baby doll" and how she would replace his current "big titty whore." Lilly was getting to be too demanding and expensive, and Milly's resemblance to her mother turned him on far more than Lilly.

"We've got to get you out of here. Your parents are looking for you, baby doll." Tom helped her up and handed her bra to put back on. Then handed her the evening gown which was damp, but no longer sopping wet. After she struggled into it and zipped it up in the back, Mike kissed her, saying "I've got a surprise for my baby doll. Can I pick you up after school?"

Milly nodded.

"Good," he opened the door to the den, ushering her out into the hallway. As she sashayed past him, he smacked her butt, "See you tomorrow, baby doll." The sting of that slap made her gasp sharply and reenforced the words "baby doll" in her head, just as he had intended. Milly had no idea what Mike had meant when he told her, "You will be my big titty baby doll from now on," but that slap on her buttocks asserted his proprietary claim to her nubile body.

Milly's mother found her almost immediately, wandering the halls. "Where have you been?" her mother cried when she caught sight of Milly. She suspected her daughter had been up to more than simply streaking naked, but she wanted to get her away from the party, so she hurried Milly and her father out of the Delhart house. Riding in the car on the way home, Milly looked at her mother in a new light. She had never really thought about her mother having sex appeal, but it was clear that her mother must have driven the men wild in her youth if Mr. Delhart was still thinking about her mother after all these years. Her mother must have been a real beauty when younger, and she still sported generous curves. Despite the fact that she had put on a number of pounds and her waist had thickened, she still carried herself well for a woman in her mid-40s. In fact, many of the men at the party had been looking at her mother, in the same way they had been looking at Milly when she had been wearing that dark blue evening gown. Milly wondered why she had never noticed before how men looked at her mother. Milly reflected that becoming a slut allowed her to see men's desires more clearly now.

Mike Delhart was never one to waste time implementing his plans. That very night after the party, he dismissed his "big titty whore", telling Lilly that their relationship was over. She could keep the convertible and every other gift he had ever given her, but she needed to get all her belongings out of the house outside of town. He needed that house for his trysts with another mistress.

Lilly stared at him in utter shock as he coldly informed her that he had another mistress and no longer needed her services. Lilly had done everything he had ever demanded of her in the sexual department, letting him and his business partners take her in any position thing they liked. She couldn't imagine who else in their little town could satisfy Mike's deviant desires. Lilly had always assumed that she could control Mike Delhart. She had played along when he started training her to be his "big titty whore" as he liked to call her. Many of the techniques Lilly had used in training Milly, she had learned when Mike had done them to her. It had turned Lilly on to get wrapped up in the role of a whore who was payed for sexual services, but she had always assumed that the man who was paying her was under her little thumb.

Lilly had never been a jealous woman, and never objected to Mike sleeping around, but suddenly she was consumed by murderous envy. "Who could be Mike's new mistress?" she asked herself. "Who else could satisfy him?" He worshiped Shelly Tremain and his memories their affair, but she was unobtainable. Lilly was certain that there was nobody else who could satisfy him like she did and nobody else could remind him of Shelly like she did.

Then, with a start Lilly recalled how Milly had arrived at the party in that blue evening gown, looking so similar to her mother when she had been that age. Lilly had been pleased to see how the men had been eying Milly and Milly had preened for their attention. She had been delighted by the way Milly had obstreperous sex in a backroom with one of Tom's friends, and then ran naked through the house with that boy chasing her. Milly had disappeared into Tom's room for another round of sex, which had been loud enough for Lilly to hear it.

With a sinking sensation in her stomach, Lilly realized that she had turned Milly into the same wanton slut that her mother had once been. She had created the girl that Mike Delhart had always desired-a slut who looked and acted almost exactly like Shelly in her wild youth. All her months of training Lilly to be a slut who would break her mother's heart had backfired on her. She had trained a slut to steal her sugar daddy and make herself expendable.
Mike wasn't the only Delhart, planning to jettison his previous girl for Milly. His son Tom had also decided after the party that he would rather have Milly be his girlfriend, rather than Nelly. Milly would let his friends gang bang her just like Nelly did, but Milly's lush body turned him on more than Nelly's bony one. It felt like heaven to slide into Milly's lush body, and bump up against her soft curves when he buried his sword up to the hilt inside her. The next day at school, he pulled Nelly aside during the lunch hour and told her that he was tired of her and going to move on.

Nelly had always been so compliant to his will, that it utterly shocked him when she turned red in the face and declared, "Tom, you asshole" as she decked him in the face, cracking his lip open. "You can go to hell for all I care," she declared as she marched away in high dudgeon.

Once she was alone, however, she broke into tears. Nelly was utterly devastated. She had transformed into a slut for Tom Delhart and abandoned every part of her old life for him. She had once had a bright future with the best grades in her class and had been on her way to college. Now she was failing most of her classes and would never get a scholarship. Her parent's didn't have the money to pay her way, so the best she could hope for was evening classes in the local community college. When she had been Tom's girl, nothing had seemed to matter but being his slut. Now she had nothing to live for and no prospects.

Crying, Nelly ran to her best friend for comfort. Milly hugged her and asked what was wrong. "Tom dumped me," Nelly sobbed.

"Oh my god, I can't believe it. Why would he do that?" Milly asked.

"I don't know. I thought he loved me. I did everything for him, anything to make him happy. I screwed his friends for him. I even let him screw you last night." Tearfully Nelly grabbed Milly's hand. "I'm so sorry Milly. I should have never let him do what he did to you. I should have stopped him last night. I wanted him to love me so badly that I sacrificed my best friend to him."

Milly took Nelly's hand. "Oh Nelly, it wasn't your fault. I have a confession to make." Milly then told Nelly everything: How Tom had grabbed her and forced her to have sex while Nelly was passed out on the bed at the first party. How Tom had sex with her while Nelly was having sex with Sid and Billy during the second party. It all came spilling out of her in one cathartic stream, as she confessed how she had betrayed her best friend by screwing her boyfriend, behind her back.

Suddenly it dawned on Milly why Tom had dumped Nelly. "Oh my god, Nelly." Milly buried her face in her hands in shame. "Tom asked me this morning to go to that house out of town, you know the house for his dad's mistress. I thought he and his friends just wanted to bang us again, like last night." Milly turned with a tormented face toward Nelly, "You know how it is. It's so hard to say 'no' to Tom, and I..., well, I liked doing it last night with 3 boys at once." Milly turned beet red. 'Well you know how it is..." Milly continued lamely, "Anyway, Tom must be thinking that I'm going to be his new girlfriend."

"Are you?" Nelly snapped in an angry voice.

"You know I think Tom is a total jerk, I would never..." Then Milly stopped lamely. She had already had sex with him 3 times and had just agreed to sleep with him for a 4th time. Now that Nelly was out of the picture, for all practical purposes she was now his girlfriend. "I won't meet him his afternoon, Nelly, I promise I won't go."

What Milly didn't tell her best friend was that she wasn't planning on meeting Tom Delhart, because she had just remembered that she had a date with his father that afternoon. It had been so confusing what had happened last night with Mr. Delhart. She had been barely conscious after so much sex, but the phrase "baby doll" was stuck in her head. It had come to her when she had been preparing for school in the morning. It was the last week of school before Xmas vacation and frigidly cold outside, yet Milly had found herself looking for an outfit that would make her look like a "baby doll", rather than protect her from the cold. Milly was getting exciting just thinking about what Mr. Delhart wanted to do with her this afternoon after school.

Milly was so wrapped up in Nelly's trauma and her own trauma of trying to figure out her relationship to the manipulative Delhart men, that she didn't pay much attention to the scandalous gossip about her circulating the school. People was acting differently around her in class. The boys were snickering about her behind her back and the girls were whispering and looking askance whenever she passed.

Milly knew they were passing the scuttlebutt about her escapades at the Delhart Xmas party the night before. After making so much noise having sex with Sid and streaking naked through the party, she had been crippled by fear at what might be said about her at school. Today, she was strangely indifferent to the way that the boys were leering at her and the girls were turning their backs on her.

The subsequent events of the evening had changed her perspective. Once she had been exposed and there was no hope of avoiding scandal, Milly had given up all hope of maintaining any facade of respectability. Becoming a slut was easier when everyone knew she was a slut, because there was no way to hide it, so she might as well embrace her new identity as a slut. After having sex 3 times with 4 different partners last night, Milly was forced to give up any pretense on her part that she was anything but a slut.

It was strangely liberating to stop hiding her sexual proclivities. She was now allowed to dress as provocatively as she liked and preen when boys ogled her body, as she had discovered by dressing up as a baby doll this morning. Before she would have hidden the outfit in a bag and only put it on after leaving school, but now she wore it all day at school, so she didn't have to change before meeting Mr. Delhart in the parking lot after school.

It dawned on Milly that she liked to be treated as a slut. When Mr. Delhart saw her dressed in the baby doll outfit, he commented, "My baby doll is looking fine" as he ran his eyes over her entire body. He then showed his approval by grabbing her and pulling her into a hard kiss with lots of tongue action. Milly felt his hands on the back of her short miniskirt, flipping it up to grasp her buttocks as he kissed her. Being a slut was much more exciting than being ordinary Milly, and she was starting to think that being Mr. Delhart's baby doll would be even more exciting.

As he drove Milly to the house outside of town, he started working on her, psychologically preparing her for her new role as his mistress. Lilly had been too independent to be a good mistress, and he was determined to not make the same mistake with his next mistress. He needed to get Milly accustomed to following his orders and make her so dependent psychologically that she couldn't leave him. The first step was to get her to service him sexually whenever he demanded it.

"Sugar daddy likes to play the driving game. Does my baby doll want to play?" Mike asked. Soon he wouldn't ask her if she wanted to play his games, but he didn't have any control over her yet, so he had to make her a willing coparticipant in her training. Mike knew that the lessons would have more lasting impact if Milly thought she was a voluntary player in a light hearted game, so she wouldn't know that she was being trained to be his slutty mistress.

Milly thought it was a little bizarre when Mr. Delhart kept referring to himself as "Sugar Daddy" and her as "Daby Doll", but she enjoyed role-playing, so she started using the same names as well. "Sure Sugar Daddy, let's play."

"OK, here are the rules Baby Doll. Every time we come to a new type of traffic signal like a stop sign or a green light or make a new movement like a right turn or backing up, we have to invent something to do. Then we do that same action every time we see that traffic signal or do that movement. We will alternate. I'll invent something for you to do and you will invent something for me to do for the next type of signal. For example, here we are coming up on a stop sign, so I'll make up the first action: Baby Doll should kiss Sugar Daddy whenever we come to a stop sign."

When the car rolled to a stop, Mike ordered her, "OK, do it now..."

Milly was ready and already had her lips on his before he finished speaking. The kiss was longer than necessary, so they took longer at the stop than was necessary for safe driving, but Mike wasn't complaining. He was already starting to enjoy having a new mistress.

"OK, we are now coming up on a left turn. You decide what your Sugar Daddy should do at left turns."

"Fondle my left titty, Sugar Daddy!" Milly called out.

Mike grinned, delighted that she had selected one of his favorite parts of her body. "Move closer to me Baby Doll."

When he could feel pressed Milly against him, he reached across with his left arm and a grasped her protruding mammary mound to squeeze it as his right hand expertly rotated the steering wheel to turn the car.

Milly giggled, delighted by the game. She was soon inventing outrageous things for her Sugar Daddy to do to her while driving.

By the time they had arrived at the house out of town, they had invented a whole set of rules to touch each other inappropriately. Mike had pinched Milly's nipples, stuck his finger in her vagina, and rubbed her anus and Milly had bit his earlobes, kissed his foot, fondled his balls, and sucked on his penis. Sometimes it was impossible for Sugar Daddy to do what Baby Doll demanded, since he was driving, but he made a great show of trying, which set her giggling. Sometimes they had to try to do two or three actions at the same time, as when he turned on his right turn blinkers, then came to a green light where he turned right. Trying to do three different actions at the same time, left them grasping futilely at each other's body and laughing at their inept fumbling.

Catching Milly and Mike in the act

Not knowing that Mike had just kicked her mentor out of the house in order to make room for her, Milly assumed that Lilly was still using the house. The contents of the house hadn't changed, because Lilly hadn't had a chance to remove any of her belongings. At any case Milly was paying much more attention to Mike, who had been so turned on by their little game in the car, that he decided to forgo more training and take his new mistress straight to bed, so she could soothe his growing erection.

Lilly had been so distraught by being dumped by Mike and replaced by Milly, that she called in sick to avoid going to work. For most of the morning she had moped disconsolately, alternating between bouts of self pity and rage at Mike for so callously dumping her and Milly for betraying her. She had to stop Mike from taking Milly as his new mistress, but the only way she could do that was to turn to the very woman who she had tried to humiliate for help. She would have to eat crow and ask the woman who had ostracized her for forgiveness. It was a bitter pill to swallow and pride made her delay from doing it at first, but finally Lilly called Shelly.

Shelly almost hung up the phone when she heard Lilly's voice on the other end, but her own daughter's dash naked through the party last night had badly shaken her resolve to have nothing to do with those who violated the social norms. She could hardly ostracize her own daughter, despite her outrageous behavior.

Last night when Shelly had found Milly wandering the halls of the Delhart's house, Shelly had suspected that her darling child had just been laid. Her daughter's dazed expression and shaky movements indicated that the girl had just undergone some traumatic or cathartic experience, which sex could be, as Shelly recalled from her own wild youth. Her scrubbed face and her mussed hair pulled back in a ponytail, were obvious signs that her daughter was trying to cover up the evidence of a recent sexual escapade, but her daughter had put almost no effort into fabricating a story to explain why her evening gown was wet and her face scrubbed clean of makeup. She seemed too distracted to even try lying convincingly to her mother.

Shelly wanted to question her daughter alone, but when she knocked softly on Milly's door last night to talk to her, Milly didn't respond. When she eased the door open to peek inside, she was surprised to find Milly sprawled in a deep sleep on top of her bed in her underwear. She hadn't bothered to put on pajamas, brush her teeth or brush her hair, she had evidently taken off the evening gown, which was draped over the back of a chair, and had collapsed on the bed. Shelly was sure that her daughter hadn't been drunk, so this was very strange behavior, but Shelly decided that the questioning could wait for another day. She spread a comforter over her slumbering daughter and crept out of her daughter's room.

Shelly couldn't get to sleep that night. She tossed and turned in the bed, next to her slumbering husband. She had resigned herself long ago to being in a marriage that left her unsatisfied and craving more, but she had always been resolute in her faith that it was better than the alternative. All the lewd glances from the men that evening kept running through her head. At the party, she had run into at least a half dozen men who had once known her intimately, and many more who knew her reputation from her youth. For years, men had been giving her lusty glances, but she had learned to ignore them after she got married and the glances had diminished over the years, but the sight of her lovely daughter, who looked so similar to Shelly in her youth, had reawakened memories and many of the men had been looked at both her and her daughter. It disturbed her to see how much Milly seemed to enjoy being the focus of their sidelong glances. Her agitated frame of mind made it harder for her to pretend indifference to their glances.

As she lay in bed, memories of those lusty glances ran though her head, bringing back memories of her sexual escapades during her youth, which she normally kept buried. Memories of wild sex with Mike Delhart and some of the other men she had encountered at the party flashed through her head, making her heart race and her breath catch in her throat.

As her husband slept at her side, Shelly broke her marriage vows, not in a physically sense, but mentally. She began to imagine having sex with one of the men who had been eying her that evening, then with another one. Once she started, it became impossible to stop. In her youth, Shelly had participated in orgies a number of times, and now she pictured herself in an orgy with all those men who had looked at her during the Xmas party. In her head, they were lining up to penetrate her, one after another. She imagined each man crawling on top of her prone body and pressing his hips into hers. As she reached between her thighs to rub her moist sex, Shelly pictured their engorged erections thrusting into her, making her moan and groan. At that moment, Shelly didn't want to be a faithful wife to her husband. Instead, she wanted to service all those men, one after another. She wanted to orgasm time and time again, until she lay senseless.

Only after she had masturbated herself to an orgasm was Shelly able to clear her head and break out of the fantasy. Afterwards, she lay on the bed next to her husband, remorseful and wracked by guilt at her mental infidelity. At that moment, she resented her husband, who was blissfully snoring at her side, for not waking up and helping her deal with her arousal.

The next day when Lilly called, Shelly's resolution to isolate herself from her former life had weakened, so she didn't hang up immediately and once Lilly started to talk about her precious daughter, she couldn't hang.

"Shelly, I don't know how to tell you this, but I fear that Mike Delhart has some bad designs for your daughter."

"What do you mean?" Shelly asked, her heart stopping.

"I mean that Mike plans to bed your daughter." Milly replied grimly.

Of all the men Shelly had ever slept with, the one who had disturbed her the most had been Mike Delhart. He had excited her in ways that no other man had been capable, but he had also toyed with her mind and her soul more than any other man. He was the last man Shelly wanted touching her daughter.

"Has Milly come home from school?"

"No, she often doesn't come home until 5 or 6 o'clock when she has extracurricular activities..."

"You might want to stop the 'extracurricular activity', Mike is planning for Milly." Lilly replied dryly.

Lilly told Shelly about Mike's house out of town and how she suspected that Mike would take Milly there. Shelly was so worried about her daughter that she refrained from making any cutting remarks about how Lilly would have acquired all this information.

She had heard that Lilly was Mike's mistress, and she suspected that Lilly wasn't telling her this from the goodness of her own heart, but rather out of jealousy. Shelly's hands shook in anger, but she held her tongue, telling herself that she needed Lilly's help.

Shelly had no idea where her daughter was, so she agreed to go with Lilly and look for Milly at the house Mike kept outside of town for his sexual escapades. Lilly drove by in her convertible to pick Shelly up and take her to the secret house. As Shelly got into the car, she was shocked by the appearance of her former friend. Lilly had always put a premium on appearing attractive in a tawdry sense, but today she wore a simple pair of jeans and an old sweater. Her face was devoid of makeup and her hair didn't even look combed, much less styled. Shelly wanted to hate Lilly, but when she saw her former friend's red eyes, the drawn expression on her face and her obvious distress, her heart went out to her.

They drove in silence to the house, neither daring to say anything to the other for fear of reigniting the bad blood between them. As they drove up, they spotted Mike's car parked outside of the house. Instead of parking behind Mike's car in the driveway, they parked down the road, behind a tree to avoid being detected and crept up to the house. Peering through the windows, they could see nobody inside. Lilly produced a key, drawing a raised eyebrow from Shelly and opened the back door that led into the kitchen. They crept inside and through the kitchen and into the dining room, when they heard voices coming from upstairs. When Shelly heard her daughter's voice, she bounded up the stairs, with Lilly following behind. As she approached a bedroom, she heard Mike's voice: "That's right, Baby Doll, suck it just like that."

Shelly burst into the room, wrath written across her face. Inside she found her daughter wearing nothing but a pair of pink panties. She was crouched between the spread legs of the fat man twice her age, with her hand massaging his testicles and her lips wrapped around his erection.

This should have been Lilly's moment of triumph. She had transformed Milly into a slut and arranged for her nemesis to see how much of her slut had become by bursting in at the very moment when her daughter was giving fellatio to a man who was old enough to be her father. Instead, she only felt the humiliation of being replaced by a younger and more beautiful girl and shame at her part in corrupting the girl in the first place.

"Milly Tremain, get away from him." Shelly cried, her voice shaking with rage as she crossed the room and grabbed the arm of her daughter and hauled her to her feet. Milly allowed herself to be dragged a couple paces away from Mike, but then yanked her arm free, glaring at her mother defiantly.
Then, Shelly turned on Mike, "How could you? Have you no shame?"

Mike gestured toward his erection jutting out proudly, still wet from Milly's mouth. "No more shame than you did, when you used to suck my cock, just like your daughter was doing before you burst in on us."

"You bastard..." Shelly hissed.

"You were quite the cocksucker, Shelly. Glad to see you taught your daughter all your tricks." Shelly would have lashed out and decked Mike Delhart at that moment if Lilly hadn't grabbed her arm and hauled her back.

"Shelly, cool it. He's just trying to provoke you." Lilly told her.

Mike regarded his former mistress. "I thought I told you to pack your things and get out, Lilly. What are you still doing here?"

"Just cleaning up the mess I left." Lilly told him pointedly, not caring if he understood her meaning, as she handed Milly her clothes which had been carelessly flung on the floor. "Milly, put on your clothes."

Shelly wondered why Lilly was talking to her daughter in a familiar tone of voice and why her daughter was moving to obey. As Milly yanked on her miniskirt angrily, she asked her mother in a rising voice. "What are you doing HERE?"

"Milly, I'm trying to save you from this snake." Shelly gestured toward Mike.

"Mom, you have no right to tell me what to do and who I do it with." Milly cried.

"Young lady, you had better listen..." Shelly started in a huff, but Lilly cut her off, knowing that appealing to parental authority was likely to make Milly listen even less. "Milly, I brought your mother here. We both agree that Mike will bring you nothing but trouble."

"As I recall, both of you seemed to like the kind of trouble I brought," Mike observed wryly as he zipped up his pants. Seeing Shelly again, even in a high dudgeon, was thrilling. He couldn't help wishing that he could get Shelly alone.

At that moment, Tom Delhart charged through the front door of the house, looking for Milly. She hadn't been waiting for him after school, so he figured that she might have borrowed her parent's car and driven to the house on her own. Hearing voices upstairs, he called out, "Hey Milly, are you here?" he marched up the stairs, and then drew back in surprise to to see Milly surrounded by his father, his father's mistress and Milly's mother.

Milly's mother turned, her eyes shooting daggers at the boy, "Stay away from my daughter!"

Tom bristled at the contempt in Shelly's voice. People rarely talked to Tom that way, but Tom was too distracted to respond. Instead, he was staring at Milly who was putting on her blouse and his father who was buckling his belt. From the way Milly's mother was screaming and the way that his father and Milly were dressing, he guessed what had happened. He turned angry eyes on his father. "Dad, Milly's mine. You stay away from her."

Milly stood in the middle of a circle of angry people, who all wanted to control her. One moment ago, she had been in the middle of a blow job, her body getting aroused at the prospect of more sex, when her mother burst in like an enraged banshee and started screaming. Now she was in the middle of an argument over who controlled her, and nobody had asked her what she wanted. Did she want to be her mother's innocent child, Lilly's slut trainee, Tom's girlfriend or Mike's mistress? Nobody had ever asked her what she wanted. At that moment something in Milly snapped and she declared "None of you own me, so stop telling me what to do!" Milly then stomped out the bedroom, slamming the door as she went.

In her own way, that statement was Milly's declaration of independence. She would no longer let others decide her fate. She would never again be an innocent child. She might be a slut, but she wasn't going to be as gullible and manipulable as Lilly had trained her to be. Nor was she going to become the toy for Tom or Mike Delhart. She would decide how she would use and abuse her own body in the future.

Looking back on the incident, years later Milly would see that each of these people had taught her something valuable about herself. She learned from observing her mother that denying her sexual urges and adhering to societal norms about sex could only lead to a life of frustration and deep repression that would make her deeply unhappy. She learned from Lilly how to use her body and how to enjoy giving in to her sexual urges. She learned from Tom and his friends how much she liked having sex, often with multiple partners. She learned from Lilly and Mike, how much she enjoyed role-playing. Mostly, however, she learned the consequences of letting others control her and that she was particularly vulnerable to being manipulated when she was in the throes of sexual arousal. It would take her years to learn when it was safe to give into the demands of her libido and when she had to control her libido, so that others couldn't manipulate her.

The incident not only changed Milly's life, it was also a turning point for everyone involved. For both Tom and Mike Delhart, the incident left them bereft of women. They learned that trying to manipulate and control women could backfire when those women left them. Mike continued to look for mistresses who resembled Shelly, but he never found another nearly was creative as Lilly to hold his interest for long.

Tom continued to burn through girlfriends, discarding them nearly as fast as he found new ones. His profligate lifestyle also burned through his father's money, until he was broke. As he grew older, he also grew fatter like his daddy. With no money and a beer belly, he could no longer attract girls like before, so he was forced to treat his girlfriends better to prevent them from leaving.

Milly's mother and Lilly reconciled and renewed their friendship. The lifestyles of the two women, which had diverged in the past, began to converge. Once Lilly separated from Mike, she couldn't find another man who would buy her whatever she wanted in their small town and Lilly needed to be close to her elderly mother, so she couldn't move away. Lilly no longer had as much money to spend on luxuries, so she had to accept a simpler lifestyle with less sexual promiscuity. Meanwhile, Shelly under the influence of her friend Lilly began to explore her repressed sexuality. The two women began to go together to parties and bars in search of men, but they watched each other's backs during their sexual escapades to protect themselves.

Nelly also grew closer to Milly. Once she was free of Tom, Nelly was able to concentrate more on her studies and her grades improved. After graduation from high school, they shared an apartment together while attending university. Since they were both sluts, they frequently shared men and engaged in group sex. Since they had both learned how susceptible they were to being dominated by men, they made a pact to always vet each other's partners, to make sure that none were as manipulative as Tom and Mike Delhart. They learned how to enjoy an occasional night of wanton sex, without becoming the permanent playthings of men.
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