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Jacob's World

College was going great for Jacob as he was finishing up his last week before summer break. Being his first year Jacob was not sure what he wanted to do with his life most of his classes were general with a couple of business class.

With only two finals this day and both being in the morning he was looking forward to a nice relaxing afternoon to himself. Walking around campus he ran into friends who were getting to leave themselves. Some of them got together for lunch to talk about their year on campus and what they were planning to do for the summer. Jacob had not thought about what he wanted to do during summer break. With all the studying the last few weeks, he just had no time to think about it.

An hour had passed and everyone said their good byes, Jacob start to walk back to his dorm room. Walking on of the fields near campus enjoying the warm sun on his back, Jacob noticed something in the grass.

As he had gotten closer to the object Jacob saw it was a flash drive. Jacob did not see anyone else in the field as he looked around so he picked it up to see if there was any markings on it.

Find no markings on it Jacob pocketed the flash drive thinking that once in his room he can see what is on it and maybe find out who the owner is. Not wasting anymore time Jacob continued on his way back to his room. Getting to the building the housed the dorm rooms was peaceful with only a few people stopping him for a bit of small chat.

Jacob made his way up the stairs to his floor and as he was walking to his room he saw some doors open. one of those rooms was his friend Dennis.

What's next?

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