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John's College Graduation

(this is in development- far from complete. will be updated as i have time. This is fiction, though some is based on/inspired by personal experiences and real people)

My name is John. Life is good. I just turned 24 last week. I am a good looking kid - 5'9", fit (I go running five days a week), 140 lbs, dark scruffy hair, and piercing steely blue eyes that I got from my mother, who is beautiful in her own right. I also have a gorgeous girlfriend, Lisa a 22 year old red-headed beauty who makes heads turn wherever she goes.

I have worked your ass off in school for years now, and if things go as planned, you will be graduating with with a business degree - with honors. I am confident that I aced all of my final exams and I already have an interview with a prestigious firm lined up. I am looking forward to not have to wait tables anymore for a living and be able to get a job with a steady income.

Life is going better than I could have possibly planned. Now, all that hard work is about to pay off! Already I have started to pack up my dorm room - I can't wait to get out of the "cell block" I affectionately call the dorm. My room mate moved most of his stuff out yesterday and the extra space and privacy is quite nice. As I log into my school itinerary from my laptop, I see that the results from my finals are starting to come in:
first class - looks like an 'A' - nice!
second class - another 'A' - excellent!
my third class, the one i was most worried about ... pulled it off! I pulled that grade up to an 'B' from a 'C'.
now the forth class - this one I was not worried about at all.... wait. Is says I earned a 'C' ??? how could this be?

What's next?

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