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Journey into the Unknown

You sit up in bed and wipe the sleep out of your eyes. You can't believe the dream you've just had. You were a mutant with the ability to open portals to other realities. The last world you remember dreaming about was one where technology was vastly more advanced that it was in your own world. You chuckle to yourself as you remember all of the strange devices you'd seen in your dream.

"This dream would definitely make an interesting story." You think to yourself, as you look at the clock on your bedside table. "Maybe I should make a few notes so that I don't forget anything. Then I can get started on the story when I have more time."

You throw back the covers and put your feet on the floor. As your feet hit the floor, you hear a thud and feel something cold and hard touching your foot. You look down to see what it is and your eyes go wide with shock. Lying on the floor is one of the devices from your dream. With shaking fingers, you pick it up and inspect it closely. Engraved on the side of the device are the words: "To My New Friend. Thanks for all your help. I hope this brings you as much pleasure as it brought me."

You can hardly believe your eyes. Out of all the things you'd seen in your dream, this was the one you remembered the best. You knew exactly how to use it and what it could do. But how could it be here? It was just a dream. Wasn't it? As you continue to ponder these thoughts, you're mom calls out to you from downstairs.

"Are you awake yet? It's time for breakfast. Hurry up and get ready or you'll be late for school."

"Yeah, mom. I'm awake. I'll be down in about ten minutes."

Deciding to worry about the dream later, you hide the device in the secret compartment you'd built into your bedside table. Then you pull a pen and some paper out of the drawer. You make several notes about your dream while it's still fresh in your mind. Afterwards, you return the pen and paper to the drawer and walk into the bathroom. You close the door behind you, then pull your clothes off and toss them into the hamper. You run your fingers through your hair as you walk over to the mirror. You take a few moments to look at yourself in the mirror.

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