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Nestled among the forested Giant's Back Mountains resides the small town of Amberlin. A hamlet known for their Mead and annual Spring-Tidings Festival. People from all around gather around the town to taste of the wild fruits and the select Ale made from the sap of the old oak tree in the town's center.

The festival was still days away, but the town is already buzzing with activities. Locals rush to get the games set up and drinking tents erected while travelers flock to the inns and taverns, telling tales of past festivals. Among these travelers sits a short woman with white hair and pale skin, adorned in red clothe. As she entered the inn, three faces immediately caught her attention. A poor looking man in rags sat by the door, drinking from abandoned drinks, keeping his head low as to not be noticed. The second, a rather rich, if not portly, noble sitting in the corner. Sipping on a silver goblet and eyeing the woman in Red lustfully. The last was the tall elvish barkeep, bustling back and forth between patrons and barking orders at a young woman who was running drinks for him. She approached the bar and called for the innkeeper's attention.

"I need one room please" She said simply, sliding a gold coin across the counter.

The innkeeper looks down at the woman and chuckles "All booked up miss, gonna have to see about rentin' one of them tents just outside town"

Annoyed, the woman in red took back her coin and looked around the small in and considered her situation.

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