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Karen's Secret

Please click on the "Start Game" button on the sidebar while reading this story. Every choice in the story will count towards the way the relationship between you and Karen is affected. Some choices will also determine whether or not certain content will be available/visible in the story. Not initializing the game might lead to some inconsistencies in the story. This is the first time that I have written an interactive story (and it's been a very long time since I've written a story at all), so I'd be grateful for any comments or criticisms about improving it.

The story is about 70,000 words in its entirety so I'm going to upload it in small chunks. I plan to update this section when everything is fully uploaded.

Update 17/12/20: Uploaded about 30-35% of the story. Ending 1 is available.

_Update 17/12/21: Uploaded about 60% of the story. Endings 1 and 2 are available._

Update 17/12/22: Uploaded till the end of Part VIII, about 75% total. No new endings. On an additional note, the editor does not always italicize correctly (see sentence above for an example). If you catch any words with unexpected underscores, please leave a comment letting me know. This is bugging me to no end.

Update 17/12/24: All chapters and endings uploaded. Thanks for all the likes! Wish you all happy holidays.

All characters in the game are to be considered old enough to be legal adults. There are a total of seven endings to the story (five of which have two variations each depending upon the choices you make).

The following male names are used by important characters in the story: Chris/Christopher, Jacob/Jakob, Jonas, Robert, Sean. Please do not use these names for your character to avoid confusion.

Passages that are in bold indicate that the events described took place in the past.

A downloadable version of the story is available here (MEGA Link).

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