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Knights of the Old Republic

"No no no...this isn't how it's done!" The Disciple, Mical, yelled. "When I was at the academy on..."

"Oh will you shut never finished your training" retorted Visas Marr.

"I doubt you ever finished Master Suurik either" interject Mira, "I mean, she took that eye candy Atton with him. Must sting."

"That's not what this is about!" roared Mical "We need to do this the right way. We need to be prepared to train padawans correctly, by the books. As history has dictated!"

"To bad for you then, that she didn't leave you in charge" said Brianna coolly, "In fact, she left me in charge. History is fine but by Jedi tradition, none of us would have qualified as Padawans. We were all too old, or born to Jedi parents...or trained by a it's time to change."

"I couldn't agree more" said a new voice. The others looked around until a new figure appeared after turning off her stealth field generator. Shockingly, none of the Jedi had detected her, and she had seemingly walked past the droid defenses of the academy. The new, brown haired woman wore a tight, form fitting orange Jedi robe. She was a stranger to Visas and Mira, but Mical and Brianne recognized her instantly. "Master Shan" they said together.

"We thought you were dead" said Brianna.

Mical went another way "Where have you been you coward!? The Jedi are decimated, with only this sorry assortment of so called Jedi apprentices left. And only now, do you come out of hiding!"

"Silence you fool. I was hardly hiding. But it was always Meetra's fate to redeem herself, just as Revan had. My own team and I did much to preserve the Republic while she healed herself, and to aid her from afar. Now, we can't have the dark side clouding your judgement...I think you need to a moment to calm down" with little effort, she stunned him using the Force. "Now ladies, let's talk.

"Wait!" said Mira, "Who are you and how did you get past our defenses. This place was supposed to be secure. I tested it myself.

"Precious bounty hunter, I'm the last remaining Jedi Master now that Meetra left, and I've lived here in the Dantooine temple most of my life. I know all of it's secrets. And your droids were mine long before they were yours. Now please...listen. For millennia, the galaxy has been ruled by men. While there have been exceptions, the Thrown of Korriban, as well as the now empty seats of the Jedi Council, have been filled by mostly men. And as a reward for their management, the galaxy is thrown into civil war once every few generations. Enough is enough. We 4 women represent the strongest remaining force wielders I know. Mical is is a useful brute as well, albeit mostly with the lightsaber itself, but he'll have to be trained in other ways. We can't have angry rebels in our new Republic."

"What do you mean?" ask Visas.

"Male Sith, and Jedi, have brought this galaxy to war time and time again. It's time for us to rebuild the Jedi, and the Republic, with women on the top. You should know this better than most. Of the Sith Triumvirate, the men caused the most destruction. A man, destroyed your world and used you as his own personal assassin, among other things I know you'd never admit to. Fear not apprentice, for we will prevent such evil from ever occurring again."

Mira interjected "That's all fine in theory, but how do you think we are going to get the remaining men to abdicate. Admiral Onasi still holds the military. The Hutt Lords still rule the underworld."

Bastila smiled "Don't you worry about Carth...he's already mine. The rest of them what I am here to teach you. That is what I have been doing all of these years. Learning how to control them without giving in to the dark side. It's a fine line, and certainly in the grey area of the Force. But I promise you it works...and it's fun! So...are you in?"

The ladies all smiled and nodded.

"Excellent! Now we will need to expand quickly. Fortunately, I have already prepped existing academies and staffs to aid your bidding. Brianna, you will return to Taris and teach a class Echani warriors who, like you, have the Force potential at the academy there. Mira, you are to use the Korriban academy. It exists in the shadows, where you thrive the most. Find recruits and train them there. Visas, that place is too dark there, you will remain here on Dantooine and train others in the light. I believe that will suite you best, and if we are lucky, it may even bring other Miraluka's out of hiding. I will return to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. I shall dispatch missions to each of you as needed, and visit from time to time for training."

"This should be more fun than bounty hunting ever was!" exclaimed Mira.

Visas pointed at Mical "But what to do with this one?"

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