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Let's Be Batman Pt. 47

"Wake up."

Tommy groaned and rolled over in his cot.

"Wake. Up."

Groaning again, Tommy pulled his pillow over his head.

"Wake up!"

Tommy groaned once more, this time in pain as he felt a sharp poke in his side. Tommy grumpily picked his head out from under his pillow and looked up at his attacker. When he saw who it was, his eyes went wide with more than a little fear.

"Wake up," Barbara Gordon repeated once more through gritted teeth. She was staring down at Tommy from her wheelchair.

"Shit," Tommy muttered. He hadn't had communication with Barbara in a week or so at this point, preferring instead to fight crime and get drunk (not necessarily in that order). He had gotten an angry e-mail the night before with the headline: "MAD HATTER FOUND, ANSWER ME." Tommy didn't know what the body of the e-mail said; he hadn't read it.

"I hope you can appreciate what me being here means," Barbara said lowly. "It's not like the Batcave is exactly handicap-accessible."

Tommy glanced around. He had never really thought about it but she was right. 'Well, it's not like a safety inspector is going to come around here,' He thought.

"Are you drunk, or still hung over?" Barbara asked disdainfully. Tommy looked up through bleary eyes.

"Little bit of both," He said after giving the question careful thought.

"Well, sober up," Barbara told him. "You've got work to do."

"Leave me alone," Tommy said, placing his head back under the pillow. A sharp jab once again found his ribs.

"Will you-" Tommy began.

"Shut up," Barbara told him. "I get that Black Canary dumped you. I get that you're sad about it. I get tha-"

"But you-" Tommy began.

"LET ME FINISH," Barbara said. Her tone silenced Tommy instantly. "I get that your personal life is not what you want it to be. But you are supposed to be Batman, and being Batman means that you don't let that shit affect your work. You need to quit this maudlin little routine you have going and get back to your job."

Tommy leaned up on his hand, reaching an even eye level with Barbara. "You wouldn't understand," He said. "You wouldn't know what it's like to lose..." Tommy trailed off when he realized what he was about to say.

'Maybe Barbara didn't catch that,' He thought.

Barbara's eyes went wide.


"I WOULDN'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO LOSE SOMETHING???" Barbara yelled. She struck out at the hand holding Tommy up, folding his elbow and sending his upper body hard into the cot below. As Tommy fell, Barbara twisted his right arm behind him. Tommy yelped as pain shot through his arm. "I lost my legs because of this, you little asshole! Don't tell me about losing something!"

Tommy squirmed, trying to get himself free. Barbara increased the pressure on his arm, causing Tommy to stay still. The pain was excruciating.

"Listen, you little prick," Barbara hissed from behind Tommy, "You're being a baby and Gotham is suffering because of it. Your work is sloppy, you're missing things, your updates have been terrible..."

"My what?" Tommy eked out.

"Your updates," Barbara said. "The after-action reports you're supposed to be writing. They're sloppy, riddled with errors and just sub-par. You should be embarrassed."

"But I-"

"I don't give a shit!" Barbara yelled. "So Dinah dumped you. I. Don't. Care. Lex Luthor is still out there, still planning something, and YOU need to stop him. Stop being a sadsack, stop with all your drinking, man up, and save Gotham."

Barbara let go of Tommy's arm. Tommy rolled himself over and rubbed his shoulder.

"You know, you're kind of mean," He said softly. Barbara wheeled away and headed towards the Batcomputer.

"Oh, shut up," Barbara said as she typed quickly on the keyboard. She brought up a profile of a purple-haired woman whose eyes were completely white.

"This is Tala," Barbara said. "Powerful sorceress and close associate of Lex Luthor. She's in Gotham for some unknown purpose. If anyone knows what Lex Luthor is going to be up to, it's going to be her."

"What do you want me to do about it?" Tommy asked. His right arm hurt like hell.

"Find her and interrogate her," Barbara said. "INTERROGATE her," She repeated. "Tala is one of the few people on Earth who knows Lex and also is powerful enough to potentially open up the Phantom Zone to free Faora. She must know what's going on. You need to get it out of her."

Tommy hopped off his cot and walked to the edge of the Batcave, looking down into the abyss below. "Fine," Tommy said softly. "What do I need to do?"

"Last we heard she was in a high-rise downtown. Has the whole floor to herself. Nice place."

"I'll try to find out how much she's paying for it for you," Tommy said dryly.

Barbara actually smiled. "I guess you're not so sad you can't be an asshole," She told Tommy.

"My arm hurts," He replied.

"Get suited up," Barbara said. "Fighting crime will make you feel better."

Tommy grumbled and began putting on his suit. As he did so, he continued complaining. "How exactly am I supposed to stop this Tala lady, anyway? I don't know if batarangs work against magic."

"You stopped Circe," Barbara reminded Tommy. "She's magic but she's not invincible."

"I got... lucky against Circe," Tommy said. He thought of his battle with Circe and smiled.

"Besides, I got you some help," Barbara continued. When Tommy heard this, he jumped.

"Who is it? It's not... look, I don't think I can deal with other people right now. Maybe I should take this one on my-"

"It's Zatanna," Barbara said.

Tommy paused. "...Well I guess a little help never hurt anyone."

Barbara turned and frowned at Tommy. As he buckled the utility belt around his waist, Tommy walked to the Batmobile.

"You're all set," Barbara said. Tommy was at the car when Barbara called out to him. "Tommy, wait."

Tommy paused. "You're not going to hurt me again, are you?" He asked.

"No," Barbara replied. "I just wanted to know... when my accident happened, you gave up being Batman. When Black Canary ended things, you didn't. Why not?"

Tommy stared at Barbara, dumbfounded. "I... I don't know," He said. "I guess it never really occurred to me."

Barbara considered this as Tommy hopped into the Batmobile and blasted off towards Tala's hideout.


Tommy arrived downtown and parked the Batmobile in an alley. As he stepped away from the Batmobile, the car recognized that Batman was no longer close by and automatically set itself to crowd control: armor quickly covered the windows and wheels, while the gun on top began to roam, looking for people who wished it harm. Tommy watched with delight. He couldn't help but be delighted; it was just so cool.

"Bruce!" Came a voice from behind him. Tommy quickly turned and tried not to gawk when he saw Zatanna, the Mistress of Magic, bounding towards him. The buxom magician wrapped her arms around him, giving him a great big hug.

"Uh, hi, Zee," Tommy said. In his hangover haze he had forgotten that Zatanna thought he was still Bruce Wayne, not some random schmo. He had remembered covering Zatanna with his cum, however.

"It's so good to see you!" Zatanna said brightly. Tommy melted at her smile. It was almost as nice as...

"Bruce, what's wrong?" Zatanna asked, somewhat concerned. Tommy realized he probably looked pretty glum right about now.

"Nothing," He said quickly. "Just eager to get this villain off the streets."

"Oh, of course," Zatanna said, once again smiling dazzlingly. She adjusted her white gloves. While she did so, Tommy admired her: the way her white vest just barely held in her breasts, how the hot pants rode up just enough on her thighs, the fishnets giving glimpse to her long legs, the top hat cocked on her head... she really was beautiful in every way Tommy could imagine.

"So, what's our plan of action?" Tommy asked. He glanced across the street at the large high-rise. The lobby looked full of gruff men, men who were most likely there to prevent people like Batman from coming in. Tommy looked for an access point but could see nothing.

Zatanna looked at him, somewhat puzzled. "You want to know what I think we should do? Usually the plans are your department."

"Oh yeah," Tommy said. He struggled to formulate a plan. "Maybe we could... that vent might... what about the sewer?"

"The sewer?" Zatanna asked, crinkling her nose.

"Yeah, the sewer," Tommy said. "We could go down there and then, like, come up through a pipe and... we'll figure it out from there."

Zatanna stared at Tommy oddly. "Why don't I just fly us up to the top?"

"...That works too," Tommy said meekly.

"Etativel!" Zatanna yelled as she reached out and grabbed Tommy's hands with her own. Both Tommy & Zatanna began to glow a soft blue and they lifted off the ground slowly, gradually rising out of the alley and up into the sky.

"Tala is very dangerous, Bruce," Zatanna was saying while they floated up into the night. "She's not exactly human. If I had to guess, I'd say demonic. I've prepared some spells that should give me a good chance against her, but I'll need you to watch the door. And my back."

Tommy barely listened. He was too busy thinking, 'Don't look down don't look down don't look down.'

As they drifted up, Zatanna moved closer to the high-rise. They were about 50 stories up, halfway to the top, and Tommy could see rows and rows of darkened apartments. They suddenly floated by one that was faintly lit by the light of a television. Tommy barely made out a woman getting railed from behind in the dark. He dropped his head, trying to see more.

"What is it? Do we need to investigate?" Zatanna said.

"No, it's okay," Tommy told her. "I thought I saw something but it was just... a dog."

Zatanna nodded and continued upwards. They gradually made their way to the top and landed softly on a balcony. Zatanna let go of Tommy's hands and the blue that surrounded both of them faded away.

The two examined the high-rise apartment. It had a large picture window that gave a spectacular view of Gotham. There was no furniture in the apartment; instead there was only a workbench filled with bottles of various sizes. Some of them bubbled while others gave off fumes. Against the wall hung a large mirror that seemed to be tinted purple. Tommy checked a door to the inside and, finding it unlocked, stepped inside.

There didn't appear to be anyone there. As Tommy crept in, he could feel Zatanna close behind him. He stopped short and felt her chest push against his back.

"Did you hear something?" Zatanna asked softly. She sounded worried.

"...Yes," Tommy said. Zatanna couldn't see but he was smiling.

The two paused, Zatanna still pressed up close against Tommy, for a few seconds. Finally, Tommy stepped forward further into the apartment. They neared the workbench.

"Any idea what this stuff is for?" Tommy asked. Zatanna quickly began to look over the vials, bottles and tubes that covered the bench.

"Hmm... cat's eye... philosopher's stone... elixir of the..." Zatanna sniffed it. "Elixir of the ages... Bruce, she's trying to find something."

"We know that," Tommy said, "We're trying to find what she knows."

Zatanna thought. "Well, it would have to be something mystical. Something hidden. Something no one knows about. Bruce, have you run into anything mystical lately? Something that would be impossible to find if you didn't know exactly where it was? Bruce?"

Tommy looked up quickly from Zatanna's cleavage. "No," He said quickly, although he hadn't heard the question.

"Hmm..." Zatanna was thinking. "Well, whatever it is, it must be very powerful. And dangerous. We need to-"

Tommy cocked his head. This time, he thought he had actually heard something.

"Get down!" He yelled, grabbing Zatanna and pulling her to the ground. A purple burst of energy flew above them, just barely missing Zatanna. Her top hat tumbled off her head and to the floor. The two scrambled behind the workbench. Above them, they could hear cackling.

"It's good for you to come, Batman, and with a friend no less," a thickly accented voice said. She sounded cartoonishly Russian. "I've been expecting you."

Tommy sighed. 'These fucks are always expecting me,' He thought. 'Why didn't they just go do the evil thing they're trying to do instead of sitting around waiting for me to stop them?'

"We're here to find out what you're doing here, witch," Zatanna said aloud. "Just tell us and we won't have to get nasty."

Tommy took the opportunity to peek around the side of the workbench and catch a glimpse at their attacker.As Tala the sorceress glided down from the 2nd floor of the condo, Tommy caught a glimpse.

He was surprised; the picture Barbara had shown him was of Tala's face and her purple hair and ghostly white eyes had given her a ghoulish appearance. Seeing all of her, though... she was pretty hot. She wore a long black robe, cut deep down to her navel and with slits on both sides of her legs. Skin was showing almost everywhere, shining white. She was tall and thin, but with nice breasts that were just barely covered by the thin material of her robe.

Apparently demonic things could be hot, Tommy noted to himself.

"You, getting nasty?" Tala replied to Zatanna with disdain. "You know nothing of nasty, daughter of Zatara. I have descended to the depths of Hell itself. I will show you nasty!"

Tala muttered something low and the workbench began to glow purple and rise into the air. It was thrown to the side, somehow landing with not a drop of potion spilled. Tommy rolled to the side, expecting an attack. Tala ignored him, though, preferring to shoot a beam of purple energy at Zatanna.

"Dleihs!" Zatanna yelled, forming a blue energy in a semi-circle around her. The purple energy collided heavily with the blue, and both women seemed to be struggling to keep their spells active against the power of the other.

Tommy wasn't quite sure what to do, as this fight seemed a little out of his league. He did what Zatanna told him to do: he guarded the door. Tommy glanced back as he began to barricade the door, trying to get a sense of Zatanna's progress. He deflated a little when he saw that it wasn't going well.

Tala was smiling, both hands held in the air and shooting purple energy. Zatanna's teeth were gritted and she seemed to be faltering just a little, her blue shield shimmering in the light. Tommy looked back and forth between the fight and the door, debating whether he should watch or help, when finally he decided.

"Fuck it," He said. He grabbed a batarang and threw it at Tala. To his shock, she suddenly turned and ensnared it in purple magic with one hand while the other continued to blast at Zatanna. Tala re-directed the batarang and sent it spinning towards the heroine. The batarang pierced Zatanna's energy shield and clipped her along the shoulder. Zatanna yelled and grabbed the wound. Her concentration broken, the shield broke.

"Thanks, Batman," Tala said towards Tommy, "Just what I needed to defeat our little magician."

Zatanna, still grabbing her shoulder, began to back up as Tala approached her. The sorceress lifted her hands and once again blasted purple energy at Zatanna. There was no shield this time, though, and Zatanna was consumed with purple light. Zatanna screamed and collapsed to the ground.

"You bitch, what did you do???" Tommy yelled out. Tala turned to Tommy and smiled.

"This magician, while pathetically weak, can still prove useful to me," Tala said. "In particular, her essence can help me find what I'm looking for. I need her to be amenable to this process, however."

"So you're torturing her?" Tommy asked. He slipped his hand to his side and grabbed his glue globules. Maybe if he bound Tala's hands together he'd prevent her from using her magic...

Zatanna was lying on the ground, groaning softly. She began to squirm while she groaned. She clearly seemed in distress.

"In a sense," Tala said. "Do you know what the greatest torture is, Batman? It's not pain, though most think it is. No, it's bringing someone to the brink of pleasure and then denying them. The greatest people to ever walk the Earth would break in minutes at such agony."

Zatanna's groaning began to grow louder and she writhed more openly. Tommy gradually became aware that Zatanna's groans weren't groans of pain, they were...

"You're... making her cum?" Tommy asked, baffled.

"I am bringing her to the brink of an orgasm and then denying it," Tala said. She laughed. "She'll soon do whatever I ask in order to cum. And she better act soon; kept in this state for too long will overload her body and put her in a coma."

Zatanna looked up at Tommy with pleading eyes. She tried to speak but instead she moaned harshly, her eyes seeming to water from the intense feeling in her loins.

"You... bitch?" Tommy said. He was far too confused to put any force behind his words.

Tala laughed again, a hint of menace on her tongue. She raised her hands as they took on a faint purple hue. "You think me evil now? I need Zatanna. I have no use for y-"

Zatanna suddenly broke through her groans. With the last of the coherence in her mind, she managed to force out one final spell.

"M'i rebbur. Er'uoy eulg!" Zatanna cried out. A purple burst of energy erupted from her and struck Tala in the back. The great sorceress dropped to her knees, groaning almost before she hit the floor. Zatanna collapsed onto her back and writhed passionately.

"What... what the fuck is going on?!" Tommy shouted. He didn't understand any of this shit.

"She's... she's reversed my spell!" Tala said. She was on her knees, her hands clasped between her thighs. "Impossible... oh my..."

Tommy looked at the two powerful magic users, both of them now groaning while they laid on the floor. Zatanna was on her back, slapping the ground as she bucked her hips into the air.

"What do I do?" Tommy asked. Maybe he could cast a spell or something...?

"You must cancel out the spell," Tala said. She grimaced as a wave of pleasure passed through her. "The only way to do this is to... is to..."

"What???" Tommy asked, eager to find out.

"Make me cum!" Tala finished. She collapsed onto her side in the fetal position. Her leg spasmed periodically, twitching from pleasure.

"...What?" Tommy asked.

"Make me whooaaa-AAHHHH!!" Tala responded. She couldn't form words now; she could only moan wildly as wave after wave of pleasure passed through her.

"What in the fuck...?" Tommy muttered.

Tommy looked at the two mighty magicians as they pulsed with orgasmic delight. Their bodies would build, rising into the air as an orgasm built inside them. Then, right as Tommy expected them to cum, they would suddenly collapse and whimper as the sensation vanished at the last possible moment. Zatanna reacted with sorrow while Tala acted with anger at the lost orgasm before they would inevitably begin to moan once more.

Tala fell onto her back, her legs spread wide. Only a small piece of dark blue cloth covered her slit and her body arched severely as she moaned. The sorceress's hands gripped the carpet tightly, bits of the fine material coming loose from the carpet as she tore at it.

Zatanna had managed to roll over to her hands and knees and was crawling towards Tommy, her eyes still pleading. Occasionally she had to stop as the pleasure running through her became overwhelming; she would collapse her arms, her head buried in the carpet while her ass hung high in the air. As the sensation suddenly disappeared, Zatanna would wearily pick her head up and crawl forward a few feet until collapsing once more.

Tommy was at first struck dumb by the bizarre scene in front of him. All his mind could think was, 'What the fuck,' in a variety of different ways. He grappled with the idea that he needed to make them cum to save them from their torment. But who should he save first? Zatanna was a friend and a superheroine, someone who had done and would do much good for the world. But Tala might be the only person who could help them stop Lex Luthor. There might not be time to save one and then the other before their brains turned to mush. Tommy looked at the two women, going back and forth, frozen by indecision.
Then, in an instant, everything became clear. Tommy suddenly became very calm, very sure, and he knew exactly what he needed to do. He moved quickly and decisively, with a sure hand and an odd sereneness. His head was clear, except for one thought:

'I can save them both. I can make them both cum at the same time. I'm Batman, Goddammit.'

Tommy quickly dropped to his knees next to Tala. He ripped off his gloves, exposing bare fingers and forearms. If Tala noticed him lying next to her, she didn't register it; the dark sorceress was mid-build up to an orgasm, her hips flexed and pushing her ass up off the ground. She only noticed Tommy when he flung his hand underneath her robe and jammed two fingers of his left hand deep into her shockingly wet pussy. Tala's eyes had been closed but they flew open when she felt Tommy's fingers enter her. Hips fully flexed, Tala screamed loudly as Tommy pushed his fingers in past the second knuckle.

Zatanna had finally made her way over to Tommy, expending the last of her effort. With his left hand occupied, Tommy firmly grabbed Tala by her waist and flung her over Tala, the two forming a cross as Zatanna laid across Tala's belly. Tommy yanked at the short black hot pants that hugged Zatanna's shapely body, pulling them down her legs and off her body. The magician was wearing her fishnet stockings but no underwear. Immediately, Tommy shoved two fingers inside Zatanna as well, stretching one of the holes in her fishnets to their breaking point to accommodate him. She reacted immediately, her head shooting up into the air as she cried out sharply.

Tommy busily pumped his fingers in and out of Zatanna while he held his fingers inside Tala and used his thumb to actively work her clitoris. Both women moaned wildly, the combined force of the spell and the actual stimulation they were feeling driving them wild. Tommy began to feel encouraged, reasoning that it wouldn't take the women long to cum because they were already so close. He redoubled his efforts, his palm slapping against Zatanna's ass as his fingers dove deep inside her.

Tala seemed to be closer than Zatanna, the dark sorceress trying to pump her hips in pleasure. She couldn't quite do it, though, with Zatanna lying heavily on top of her. Tala tried in vain, their stomachs pushing against each other, but Zatanna was too overwhelmed to hold herself up. Tommy jammed his fingers deeper inside Tala, causing her white eyes to pop in response.

Things were going well. Tommy thought he could sense that the two women were close to cumming. But then, Tommy began to get a funny feeling that things weren't alright.

The funny feeling was in his arm.

His right arm, earlier wrenched behind him by Barbara Gordon, was starting to go numb. Tommy guessed that he had pinched a nerve or something. He cursed as the rhythm of his fingers inside Zatanna slowed and his arm began to hurt like Hell. Zatanna whimpered as she felt Tommy's pace gradually weaken inside her. Tommy cursed again and tried to figure out what to do now. And then, like before, it suddenly clicked.

Tommy's hand left Tala and Zatanna at the same time, causing both women to whimper in surprise. Tala quickly stopped whimpering, however, because Tommy pulled out his achingly hard cock, threw off the thin flap that covered her pussy, hopped between her legs, and thrusted himself inside her. He didn't ease himself in, as time was of the essence; instead, he jammed his big dick as far as he could go, which in her euphoric state was pretty far. Tommy was on his knees, his cock fucking down inside Tala while she lied on her back.

Zatanna was still lying across Tala, her body shaking slightly from Tommy's previous fingering. Tommy grabbed the heroine by the hips and turned her so that she was lying on top of Tala; then, favoring his right arm, he grabbed her hips and lifted her upside down. She wasn't completely upside down (her head rested between Tala's tits), instead forming the hypotenuse of a threesome triangle. Zatanna's legs hung on either side of Tommy's head, resting on his shoulders, and he jammed his mouth against Zatanna's pussy.

"UUUUNNNNNNNGGHHHH!!" Zatanna screamed into Tala's tits as Tommy began to eat her pussy. Her legs seemed to stiffen around Tommy's head, clasping tight to his ears. Tommy's tongue worked from bottom to top which, since Zatanna was upside down, meant that he was going top to bottom. Her muscles contracted, causing her ass to tighten; Tommy could feel it on his nose.

Walking and chewing gum at the same time currently had nothing on Tommy. He had to pump his hips inside Tala while holding up Zatanna and eating her out. Zatanna's fishnets ground into Tommy's face as his mouth ground into Zatanna. He ate her swiftly, eagerly, his tongue pointed and firm as it flicked every which way in Zatanna's slit. Zatanna's moans were frequent but muffled, what with her face buried in Tala's breasts. Tommy briefly wondered if Tala enjoyed it before banishing the thought from his mind; he needed to be careful that he didn't cum before the two women, after all.

Tommy began to get comfortable... well, as comfortable as he could get. With Zatanna occupying his top half, Tommy's bottom half was busily pleasuring Tala. His dick was pointing down slightly as it fucked her, sliding along the bottom of her pussy. Each time Tommy pulled himself out, he could feel his dick straining to stay inside. While he couldn't see Tala to gauge her pleasure, he could certainly hear her. Tommy figured most of Gotham could probably hear her.

Zatanna placed her hands on either side of Tala, holding herself up somewhat. Zatanna's moans had gradually softened, although Tommy didn't quite notice since he was somewhat occupied at the moment. Her moans had dropped to a low, rhymthic, "Unh," that sounded almost like a hum. It was vastly bested by Tala's wild screams that filled the high-rise condo.

With Zatanna propping herself up, Tommy had more freedom. He continued to hold Zatanna with his good left arm while his right arm dropped below Zatanna towards Tala's pussy. He couldn't pump his right arm in its current state but he could certainly use his thumb. Tommy began to thumb Tala's clit as he fucked her. The result was almost immediate: Tala began to cum.

"Skreeeeeeeeee!!" Tala screamed as an orgasm finally reached her. She bucked her hips up so sharply that she finally managed to knock Zatanna off her; the magician fell to the left in a heap. Tommy followed up to keep his dick inside Tala, prolonging her orgasm, as she screamed in sweet release. She dropped her hips and brought her head up towards Tommy, her hands beneath her to prop her up. She screamed again, high and sharp.

Tala looked at Tommy and suddenly her scream caught in her throat, almost as if she was choking on it. Her white eyes rolled (or, at least, Tommy thought they did; it's hard to tell when someone doesn't have irises) and Tala suddenly fell backwards in a heap. She was breathing and Tommy didn't think she had gone comatose; the power of her orgasm had simply rendered her unconscious.

Tommy pulled his dick out of Tala, satisfied with his work. That sense of satisfaction soon disappeared, however, as Tommy realized that Zatanna had stopped moaning. She laid on the ground, seemingly unconscious as well.

"Zatanna!" Tommy yelled. Zatanna moaned weakly and shuddered; the pleasure still flowed through her. She was conscious, but just barely. Tommy knew he didn't have much time. He quickly grabbed her hips and propped her ass up, Zatanna's head still on the ground. With Tala lying on next to them, Tommy ripped Zatanna's fishnet stockings and stuck his dick inside her.

Zatanna responded slightly, moaning a little and reaching one hand backwards towards Tommy. He grabbed it and lifted her up, bringing her head off the ground. Still busily thrusting inside her sopping wet pussy, Tommy yanked at the magician's suit coat. It came off easily, revealing Zatanna's tight white vest. Tommy reached around and yanked at it, popping Zatanna's buttons and freeing her ample breasts. Tommy grabbed one in each hand firmly, using them to prop Zatanna up as his dick filled her insides.

"Stay with me, Zatanna," Tommy whispered urgently into her ear. Zatanna moaned out a response, a soft murmur. Tommy noted with alarm that she seemed to be getting weaker. He began to fuck her faster, his big dick jamming all the way inside her to the hilt. A hand slipped from her breasts to her clit, rubbing it furiously. Zatanna, her body full of fire but unable to quench it, seemed to slip further.

"Goddammit," Tommy muttered. He squeezed one of Zatanna's nipples, pinched her clit, trying anything to get a rise out of her. Nothing seemed to be working now. Tommy worried that maybe she was too far gone. He couldn't lose Zatanna, not now when he was so close. Gritting his teeth, Tommy railed Zatanna, his hips slapping furiously against her ass.

"Mmmm," Zatanna mumbled. She slumped forward, Tommy's single hand unable to keep her up. He barely prevented her from faceplanting against the ground as she seemingly lost consciousness. Tommy's dick was still inside her but just barely; he switched positions and continued to fuck her as he tried to revive her.

"Zatanna!" Tommy yelled. There was no response now. Tommy was frantic, unsure of what to do. This final time, he didn't think. Nothing became clear. His act was not the act of a rational man, calmly assessing a situation, but was instead the act of a desperate man who didn't know what to do. Tommy, unthinking, acted on instinct and instinct alone.

He stuck a finger in Zatanna's ass.

Zatanna popped to life as Tommy's thumb popped into her ass. She screamed loudly, bucking her hips back against Tommy's cock. Her face buried into the carpet, she screamed. Her leg twitched and shook. Tommy fucked her furiously, excited that his desperate act had seemingly worked. His thought was confirmed by Zatanna herself.

"I'M CUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIII-!!" She screamed, her words cut off by her triumphant orgasm. Tommy held himself still and allowed Zatanna to back herself up onto his dick again and again. She flung herself backwards with fury, seemingly relishing the feeling of Tommy's dick sliding along her vaginal wall.

Tommy enjoyed it, too. He enjoyed it a lot, actually, more than either he or Zatanna had realized it. He was just so relieved that she was okay. Tommy lazily smacked Zatanna's ass with his hand, driving her fishnets deeper into her ass. Zatanna laughed in response and pushed herself deeper on Tommy's cock.

Zatanna's orgasm eventually passed through her and she slowly pushed herself off Tommy's big cock, wincing slightly. She managed to stay conscious unlike Tala, though Zatanna was most definitely wiped out by her ordeal. She flipped herself around and rested with her back on the carpet. She looked up at Tommy and smiled.

"Thanks for saving my li- ahhhh!!"

"Oh shit!" Tommy yelled out as he suddenly began to cum. He had barely registered that he was jerking himself off until he began to cum. The juices of two different women lubricated his cock as he began to spurt wave after wave of cum on the helpless Zatanna.

For the second time, Tommy surprised Zatanna by cumming all over her. Lying on her back, Zatanna presented an inviting canvas for him to paint with his cum. His semen shot all over the mistress of magic: her lips, her neck (including her little white bow tie), her large breasts, her thin stomach. Tommy came and came, apologizing but never actually angling his dick away from Zatanna.

For her part, Zatanna yelled in surprise when Tommy first started cumming but after that she lied back and accepted her lot. She was either too tired, or too overwhelmed, or too content to fight. She simply lied there, her eyes closed to avoid getting cum in them, as Tommy's cum washed over her.

Tommy finally stopped cumming, the last little bit of cum drizzling out of his cock and onto the carpet between Zatanna's legs. Both of them breathed heavily, trying heavily to regain their strength. Tommy rotated his right arm, trying to get some feeling back into it. He winced. Finally, he looked down at Zatanna, who was looking up at him somewhat annoyed.

"That's twice," She told him. Then she smiled slightly. "But thank you for saving me."

Tommy shrugged. "It's what I do."


Across town, The Riddler sat back in his chair in triumph. He spun his cane in his hand quickly, a large smile on his face. He hadn't committed a crime in weeks, Echo & Query had both bolted for higher paying jobs, but none of that mattered.

The Riddler had figured it out.

It hadn't been easy. He had figuratively and literally pounded his head against the wall, trying solution after solution before discarding them in frustration. He had almost given up, depressingly figuring that this was the one riddle that he could not solve. The question of what Lex Luthor was looking for would remain unsolved.

And then, like a bolt of lightning, The Riddler had figured it out. He had already deduced that Batman was Bruce Wayne any longer; the fact that the greatest foe he had ever faced couldn't solve a simple riddle was clue enough. The Riddler considered Bruce Wayne the 2nd smartest man in the world after himself, of course, and deduced that if Lex Luthor (the 3rd smartest man in the world) couldn't find something, it was because the 2nd smartest man in the world had hidden it.

But what was it?

The Riddler thought and thought, his brow furrowed and his hands folded. Lex Luthor was a man of material means, a man who would look for something that increased his wealth beyond measure. But he had people digging in the ground, he was using a sorceress to guide his workers... none of this made sense for a man like Luthor.

'But,' The lightning came, 'What if it is not Luthor who is looking?'

The Riddler leaned forward, the inkling sticking in his head. He hurriedly began researching. He knew Batman was in possession of whatever it was Luthor's companion wanted and he knew it was something arcane. The search was difficult, and arduous, but The Riddler was determined.

And, finally, he had found it.

"My God..." He muttered to himself, a smile of satisfaction on his face even as he was horrified at the power of the object. It didn't give the holder unimaginable power or great wealth; it wasn't something Luthor would be interested in. He had most assuredly been lied to. No, the object couldn't give power; destroying it, however, would cause unimaginable chaos. THAT is what Luthor's companion wanted.

"So it's a portal. A portal to-"

The Riddler suddenly stopped, his head cocked as he heard a noise. His eyes closed and his lips tightened. He had anticipated this, that Luthor might have found him, might have figured out that Batman would go to him for help. At least, he hoped it was Luthor.

"Hello, Riddler," A voice called out behind the villain. The Riddler grimaced. It was not Luthor. He slowly spun in his chair, his eyebrows lifting as he saw the being in front of him. Not even The Riddler could have guessed who it would be.

"I have to admit, I was unable to unwrap the mystery of who you were," The Riddler said. "Even now, I'm surprised it's you."

"I had an unfair advantage," The being replied. "I'm not the me of this universe."

The Riddler smiled thinly. "Of course," He said. "And which universe might you be from?"

"2, 3, 5, 7," The being replied. The Riddler thought for half a moment and then nodded.

"I see," He said. The Riddler stood and, smoothing out the riddles in his bright green suit, stood tall and proud. He looked at the cane in his hand and then tossed it to the ground. "Guess I won't be needing this anymore."

"No, I imagine you won't," The being said. "At least look on the bright side, Riddler: death is the greatest riddle of all. Now you'll know the answer."

The Riddler couldn't voice his agreement. All he could do was scream.
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