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Life Simulator

[IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU START GAME IT'S ON THE RIGHT!!! It next to the About tab called Score.]

You died. You don’t know how you died, how you got here, or who you are. You just know that you are dead.

Floating in a black void. Nothingness...

You like it... You kind of just don’t want to think anymore. Forever floating in this blank space.

Relaxed in a blank space of nothingness. You stay there for who knows how long.

You get interrupted by a light. Hearing loud noise outside, someone shouting. You ignore thinking it just your imagination.

Relaxed in a blank spa-

There it goes again the noise. You hear it more clearly this time.

“Honey you almost there! Just push!”

You really don’t know what is going on. You just want to be in the comfort of this blank space.

But somewhere deep inside your gut. You want to come toward the light. Toward the noise.

Maybe it’s time... but the comfortable grasp of the void...

What's next?

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