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Life as an Intersexed Furry

The sun barely began to poke up from between the Mitzger Building and the Laylaeux towers, the two largest skyscrapers in the city which you apartment building was directly west from. The faint, royal purple sky began to bleed over into orange as that dastardly sun officially drew your weekend to a close. That damn sun was always ruining your sleep schedule, Especially lately, when you were in the nasty habit of staying out late and neglecting to close the window blinds that would probably solve the little problem of the sun pretty quickly. You ether were too tired to do so when you got home or you let the sight of the city lull you to sleep.

You'd wanted to live in the city since you were younger. You'd been to Laylaeux only once when you were in high school, visiting for university. You ended up not getting in, but as soon as you were out on your own (with a healthy bit of support from your parents) you decided to make a life for yourself in the big city. Your parents were worried, but decided that you were your own person. It also made sense for the specific quirk about your body. Laylaeux had one of the best hospitals in the hemisphere and the most amount of specialists that you would need access to. You finally yield to that bastard, the sun, and sit up to take your vitamin supplements and your daily medication. You stand and walk over to the standing mirror next to your wardrobe to take a quick look at yourself to make sure you didn't do anything particularly stupid last night that you didn't remember.

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