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Long Long Ago in the The Mediterranean

Long Long Ago in the The Mediterranean

Time frame; around 1450 BC

Culture; Ancient Minoans

Place; The Mediterranean area specifically the Island of Crete

On the northwest end of the island of Crete can be found the ancient port of Kydonia. It was the third largest town of Crete and named for the mythical son of Minos and the nymph Akakkalida. The town had a thriving craft industry of cypress wood, pottery, oil and wine, enabling Kydonia to have a very profitable sea trade.

The culture is rich in history and famous for it's artistic handicrafts. Males and females are equal in this society. Both sexes contributing in all walks of life, from religious ceremonies to sports, theatre, hunting and commerce.

Airlia is the daughter of a nobleman. She is an only child having lost her mother in childbirth. Her father being older at the time, never married again. The girl has had all that position and wealth can give her. She enjoys dressing in the latest fashions and is well liked by her peers. Airlia has a streak of independence that her father is finding harder to control as time goes on. He dotes on his young daughter, but at 18 he feels it is now time for her to put away her independent ways and settle down. Maybe give him a grandchild or two before the gods call him. He believes he has chosen a man for her that will tame her wildness, but is having a hard time convincing her to wed him. She is headstrong and wants to learn more about what lies beyond the town of Kydonia.

Ours story begins with Airlia going against her father's orders to stay away from the beach area.

Earlier that morning it had come to his attention that a pirate ship had been sighted just off the coast on the eastern side of the island. The local people were alarmed, and with good cause, pirates were generally looking for food supplies and some unlucky youths to capture for the slave markets on the mainland. It was a easy way to augment their coffers.

Airlia knows the dangers but feels she can handle any situation that may come her way. To please her father she promises to stay within the confines of the villa. As soon as her father leaves to conduct some exporting business, Airlia becomes restless. None of her usual actives of painting and gardening can keep her attention. She decides she needs to get out of the villa, maybe go for a walk to see what the latest storm has washed up on the beach. She whispers to herself, “I'll go for just a short time and stay close to the harbour where there are always people about. It will be perfectly safe.”

With a smile she changes into a simple outfit that is popular, a top with short sleeves that showed her bosom, and a long colourful many tiered shirt. Her black shiny hair had been done up in the ringlet with ribbons by her maid earlier that morning. Thinking that was getting near the noon hour she goes to the kitchen area and throws a wine skin, bread and cheese into a sack. On her way out, Airlia makes a detour and grabs a blanket and a basket for any shells she may come across. Looking forward to a bit of freedom she leaves the villa and heads for the harbour area.

One of her favourite pastimes is collecting sea shells and pretty stones. Airlia soon arrives at the harbour and casts around for any shells that are to be on the beach. With a frown she realizes there is not much that isn't broken from men going working beside the ships. She decides to leave the area for something more secluded.

As the noise and activities fade away Airlia sighs, “This is the life, no one to watch and order you around.” She takes off her sandals enjoying the feel of the sand between her toes. Putting down the blanket and food sack she laughs out loud as basket over her arm she begins looking for colourful shells that the storm may have cast ashore.

The storm had washed up many shells, both large and small. Airlia finds her basket is filling up fast and getting a little heavy to carry, “I think it is time to take a break and have some food. I need to sort out the best shells anyways.” Heading back to the place she left the blanket and sack she spreads out her blanket under a shady palm tree sits down and lays out the wine, cheese and bread. Then proceeds to relax while eating and gazing out at the beautiful sea . After finishing she looks up at the angle of the sun and decides there is time for a short nap before heading back home. Laying back so her clothes and hair don't get too messed up, the girl soon dozes off.

The pirate ship had anchored in a secluded cove a short distance from Kydonia. A half dozen men were sent out to scour the area for supplies and possibly an unwary youth. One such man came across Airlia as she was dozing on the blanket. He paused thoughtfully grinning to himself, “Now that figure would get him quite a price on the slave market.” He crept closer, making sure not to wake the young woman.

Suddenly Airlia awoke, somehow sensing a change in her surroundings. It was quiet, no birds calling out to each other. The only sound was of the waves as they washed onto the sandy beach. Bringing one hand up to shield her eyes from the glare of the sun she saw from the corner of her eye a huge man quietly sneaking up on her. “Damn it! Pirates!” she cursed!

In a flash Airlia was up and running down the beach. She lifted her shirt up well above her knees so she wouldn't trip on it. Unfortunately she was running away for the town, but she knew she couldn't get around the man, so she kept on running. Fear coursed through her veins as she heard him coming up fast on her. Being a realist she knew there was no way she was going to out run her pursuer. The girl realized her only option now was to try and talk her way out of this situation.

Breathing heavily she quickly slowed down and turned to face the man while still moving backyards. Putting her hand out she said, “Wait...wait, let's talk about this for a minute!” She looked up at him, “My father is a very wealthy and would pay you handsomely for my return.” She waited for his reaction, (Damn him why dosen't he answer me?) “Ransom, understand? Ransom, my father would pay a big ransom for me.” She kept stepping back hoping he would say something. He began to grin as he continued moving closer to her.

Not liking his rather lecherous smirk she cried, “Don't look at me like that, you barbarian.” As his eyes travelled down her body, Airlia looked down and saw that she was still holding her skirt way above her knees, giving him a view of her legs. She hastily dropped her shirt and tried covering her bosom with her hands. Putting her nose up in the air she shouted, “ How dare you? Stop it I say, your nothing but a low life pirate scum!”

From the corner of her eye, she spotted a piece of driftwood, swiftly crouching down she grabbed it and straightened up. Holding it with both hands in front of her, with legs apart, she was now prepared to give him the fight of her life. He lost his grin. Quirking an eyebrow up at him, she grinned at the huge silent man, “ Well well now... what has happened to your grin? You had better back off, one scream from me and the whole town will be on you before you know it.” Taking a deep breath Airlia prepared to scream at the top of her lungs.

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