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Loving Silver Eyes Ch. 05

Hello!! The fifth chapter is finally done!!!

My super-editor HMEdits has helped me a lot!!! I want to thank him and also my readers, you've been the most supportive. Thank you for liking my work!!



* * *

I didn't know what was going on with me. This was my fairy tale and the storm I expected was here. It had wrecked everything... maybe that's why they say that fairy tales don't always have a happy ending.

The cab driver was looking at me wide-eyed from the rear-view mirror.

"Are you OK Miss?" he asked genuinely concerned. "If you want I could take you to a hospital."

I couldn't find my voice to reply. The tears were flowing and I wanted to stop but I couldn't. The look in his face when he tried to attack me spun around in my head. How couldn't he recognize me?

"No, just take me home." I managed to say before a new wave of sobs overcame my ability to speak.

This was it, I couldn't think of anything else. His teeth, his eyes, his hands ready to snap my neck... Those were all I could think of.

I stopped the cab a few blocks away from home. I needed time to think about what happened. I really couldn't face granny right now... I reached into my pocket to pay the driver but I couldn't find my money.

Fuck I thought, my purse must've fallen during my struggle. I would have to go to granny for money and she'd never let me go without hearing the full story... I didn't want that. She didn't need to know.

The driver must've seen my problem.

"It's OK Miss, you don't need to pay. I hope you get home safely."

I gave him a shaky smile and mumbled thanks as I got out. I didn't know where to go... maybe I'll be able to sneak in using the spare key under the flower pot next to the back door. Yes, I'd done that once and granny would be asleep by now.

I took a deep breath and started walking towards home when I ran into someone. My heart stopped beating right there but when the person spoke, I relaxed.

"I'm so sorry," the girl apologized. "Oh my god, May! What happened to you?"

It was Susie, one of our class mates.

"Uh... nothing I had a kind of accident." I mumbled trying to walk towards my house. I could feel the headache creeping into my brain and I knew I wouldn't be able to last longer without medication.

"You're bleeding, let me take you to the hosptal... you need to get those wounds checked."

"NO!" I exclaimed a little too loud. "I'm sorry... no hospitals please... I don't want anyone to know about this... just let me go home, I'll be fine..." maybe I was dazed a little but no way I was going to face all the questions they would throw at me.

"You're in no condition to walk. Come with me, you're badly wounded. Mom's a nurse and she'll help you clean your wounds and I'll take you home later." She was really concerned.

I tried to come up with an excuse again but I had no energy in me. So I nodded and she supported me as we walked towards her home.

I didn't even feel when her mom applied antiseptic to my scrapes or when she bandaged them. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I barely recognized myself. My lower lip was swollen and there were blue marks where the guy had slapped me. My left elbow was almost out of skin and there were scratches on my neck... I didn't know whether they came from my attacker or from my rescuer. But that was nothing in comparison to what I was feeling inside.

He'd been my angel, someone who I'd believed in and he'd kept secrets from me, horrible ones.

I sat there in the bathroom staring at myself but not actually seeing anything. Nothing made sense... I felt like my whole existence was a joke.

"May, you really need to eat something. You're in shock so please eat something." Susie was pleading from beside me. I looked at the bowl of fruit but I had no appetite. I felt like I didn't even have the energy to pick it up."

"May," she called again and I turned to look at her. She was holding a glass of juice to my mouth. My throat suddenly felt dry and I emptied the glass.

"Should we call the police?" I heard someone ask. Maybe it was her sister, I didn't know.

"No, let's ask her first." Susie replied. She turned my face so she could look at me.

"Tell me May, what happened? Who did this?"

"I- I don't know... I don't know them..." I mumbled after a moment of thinking. "I was going to the movies and my car broke down. I was late- I walked but- they- he wanted to kill me... someone told him to..."

"Who tried to kill you? Can you remember his face? We need to call the police, May." Susie repeated again.

"Its no use calling the police!" I exclaimed. "He killed them, he killed them all! He saved me... he killed them all..." I could hear myself say.

"Who killed them? Someone killed your attackers? Who was it May?"

No, I shouldn't tell them... they'd kill him too. What would I do then? I'd die too.

My chest heaved again as I cried.

"I don't know who he was... he came out of nowhere and killed all of them... I -- I tried to look at him... I... please don't tell anyone... Please..." I begged them. "I don't want Granny to find out... please don't call the cops, they're all dead it's no use... please" I could hear myself plead between sobs as Susie nodded and hugged me.

This was a huge joke life was playing on me...

I didn't know when I fell asleep but when I woke up, I was in a strange bed. I sat up and pain shot through my body, every joint, every muscle ached.

"You're up." I turned and saw Susie's mom.

"I'm so sorry for causing you trouble Mrs. Hofer." I apologized. For no reason I'd dumped my load of miseries on this family.

"Never mind dear. You were in need. Susie called your granny and told her you were spending the night here. Tomorrow, you can go back home or go to school if you like."

"Thank you so much," I said with a smile. I suddenly missed my mum which threatened to bring fresh tears to my sore eyes.

"Its OK honey. Here have some milk and take this for your pain. I'll wake you up in the morning."

I nodded and did as she said and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

When I next awoke it was 6 in the morning. I got up and looked around. I got off the bed thanking god I hadn't stained the creamy white sheets.

I put my shoes on and went downstairs. The smell of bacon and toasted bread was in the air.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Hofer!" I said with a smile.

"You're up already! How are you feeling?" Mr. Hofer asked.

"I feel a lot better, thank you. Uh- I wanted to go back home before granny wakes up. I need to get my bags and stuff..."

"Are you sure you're ready to go to school? You look weak." Mrs. Hofer asked.

"I'll be OK. Thank you so much for taking care of me..." I blushed. It was really embarrassing.

"Its really OK honey. Here, have some breakfast." Mrs. Hofer said.

"Uh- I'll eat something at home... really it's OK..." I stammered.

"C'mon May, let's have breakfast. Then we'll get your things and go to school together." Susie added from behind so I agreed.

"Are you sure you don't want to report the attack?" Susie asked again.

"No, whoever it was that saved me, I want to keep him safe. Even if he killed those thugs, he saved me."

"If you say those guys are dead then its OK. It's your wish. Here, take these antibiotics. Take a pill thrice a day after meals, OK? And if you cane bear the pain, take some pain killers." Her mom replied and I nodded.

I got home and sneaked upstairs and washed my hair, careful not to dampen the bandage around my elbows. I put a clean pair of jeans and a woolen sweater. It was raining and very cold. I applied a little make up on my face to cover the marks and popped a pain killer into my mouth. Then, I packed my bags and snuck out again.

I didn't know what to expect at school... was he going to be there? I didn't want to face him, I didn't want to even look at him right now... was I scared? I didn't know but still a small part of me yearned to see him... even after all that had happened.

School was nothing like it used to be... he wasn't there. I looked for him though I was scared but I couldn't find him. Did I want to talk to him even if I did find him? Did I want to see him again?

No. I told myself. You're not seeing him again. He's not the guy you loved.

In all the chaos, I'd forgotten about Amy and it was after school when I saw her in the parking lot. I was walking with Susie to her car and I really needed an excuse to tell granny.

"So you stood up for no reason and didn't even think about calling? How could you do this May? We stood there till the start of the second half!"

"I'm really sorry; my battery was dead so I couldn't call you..."

"No, really! If you don't want to hang out with us anymore then just say it, OK? Now that you've got Ayden and all, I totally get it if you don't need friends anymore-"

His name caused my heart to throb painfully. Did I ever have him? Was he ever mine? What else did he hide from me? I couldn't stop the tears.

"Amy, I- I had no idea..."I tried speaking but the lump in my throat was blocking my voice.

"Oh, give it a break Amy!" Susie said noticing my reaction. "You have no idea what she went through when she was getting to that stupid movie of yours."

"What do you mean?" Amy asked suddenly lowering her voice.

"Some guys tried to rape her, to kill her yesterday. It was a miracle she's even here!"

"What? How? I mean... does Ayden know about this? Where is he anyways?"

"Amy, please. Let's not talk about this right now. I want to get home and I still need a good reason for granny."

"OK... you guys go ahead, I'll follow you."

Once home, I reluctantly told her everything, excluding then fact about Ayden. What was I to say? How was I to explain what I saw?

"So, does Ayden know about this?"

I shook my head.

"I really don't want to talk about that anymore. I just want to get on with my life."

"But what I don't understand is why didn't you agree to inform the police?"

"Please, Amy I'm done with talking about this. I really want to be alone right now. You go home I'll see you tomorrow."

She sighed, not wanting to leave me alone but I insisted again so she left.

I thought I'd feel better if I was alone but I couldn't have been any wronger. Everything reminded me of him. My jacket smelled like him, my book bag reminded me of the countless times he'd carried it for me, my books reminded me of how he helped me every time I needed it... but it all came to stop at one point, he'd lied. He had secrets, he didn't even bother to tell me...

I leaned my head against the wall as I tried not to think about him. The phone rang, I didn't want to get it but granny was in the shower so I had to.



Was his voice still supposed to affect me in this way? Was the way he took my name still supposed to make my legs feel weak? Was my heart still supposed to feel like it'd been squeezed dry after hearing the pain and helplessness in his voice?

"Why are you calling me? I have nothing to say Ayden and nothing to hear from you."

"You promised... you promised you'd never leave me..."

Was he crying?

"And you promised there'd be no secrets between us. I don't see you keeping your promise."

"Just once, just once listen to what I have to say..."

"All these months, all I have been doing is listening and waiting Ayden. Now I can't do it anymore. Goodbye Ayden, and please don't call me again. It won't help."

I had to hang up. I couldn't bear it. I wanted to hate him and listening to him speak made that impossible. Whatever he hid from me was huge, he never even tried to give me a hint.

His cold skin, his unusually colored eyes and now his fangs... it all led to a single thing. No matter how much I tried to stop, that evening I found myself opening a search engine and typing "Vampires". But that wasn't enough. I needed to know more.

It was the things I already knew. Sunlight, silver, blood cravings...

But I'd seen him walking in the sunlight. He didn't burn or sparkle...

Did I want to know more? But how could I do that without asking him? I couldn't face him again, it would be too much for me.

* * *

"How are you feeling honey?" granny asked from the doorway. The excuse was that I tried playing basketball and fell down. How clumsy, I thought. Susan's mom had assured her that the wound wasn't deep so she agreed on letting me go to school.

"OK, I guess." I winced as I used my healing elbow to sit up. It still hurt.

"Get ready. Breakfast is on the table. You wouldn't want to be late for the test."

The long awaited Chemistry test was finally here and Ayden wouldn't be there to help me with my final revisions. I hadn't talked to him in a week and it was killing me. Where was he? Did they move out? After that day he hadn't called me again and I didn't even dream about him.

"Yes Granny, I'll be down in 10 minutes."

She nodded and walked away. Today I'd have to go to the office and ask about him.

"Excuse me, Miss Yang?" I said softly knocking on the secretary's door at the office.

"Oh, Mayira White. What can I do for you?" she asked smiling warmly at me.

"Uh- I wanted to ask about Ayden Castellan. He hasn't been in class for almost a week now. Is everything OK with him?"

"Oh, everything is fine. Their family had to go to some place in Belgium for some family matters, a close relative passed away I think. So they'll be gone for some time."

"Oh." Well, she knew nothing I needed. "What about his tests? Won't he need the marks?"

"Ah, he'll be allowed to take his tests again after he's here."

If he's ever here, I corrected her in my head and my heart stopped at that thought. I cursed myself.

"Thank you very much Miss Yang." I said with a nervous smile. Should I call him? Would I be able to help myself if I hear his voice?

I took my phone and dialed the number. It went straight away to voice mail. My heart fell. They'd actually moved away, leaving me here alone. He wouldn't come back, not after I knew his secret. I'd never see him again. I'd messed up.

I couldn't stop the tears... my life was a dark pit of misery and I felt like I was missing a piece of my soul.

* * *

"Who were those guys? What did they want from you?" for the umpteenth time, he asked me.

I was in a room, it was dark but I wasn't scared. His scent was everywhere and it was comforting me. He sat on a chair some 10 feet away from me but I could hear him very clearly. And for the umpteenth time, I refused to answer.

It'd been this way for the past 3 weeks or so. I knew I'd never see him during the day time but he'd finally come in my dreams and I was glad. He never came too close to me, but still he was there, his presence was there. He always sat far enough to torture me but close enough to keep me safe, not like anything was coming after me in my dreams but still, I felt safe. He'd ask the same question frequently, almost everyday.

"Please May, I need to know." He pressed with a tone of urgency.

"Why? Why do you need to know? They're dead and its over. Get out of my dreams..." I said sulkily but not wanting him actually gone.

For three weeks, I hadn't talked to him... and the anger and fear was starting to die out in me. I just wanted to see him for real...

He hissed in frustration and I gasped. His fangs were clear, but my gasp wasn't of fear. I gasped because I wasn't afraid at all. I wanted him, I loved him no matter what he was...

In a flash, he was in front of me, finally breaking through the unseen barrier he'd created between us but still, not once he touched me. I craved for his touch, his cold electrifying touch that used to send me crazy.

"I love you, that's why I need to know. I want to protect you, that's why I need to know." He almost growled but it turned me on even more.

I pushed my chin upwards, trying to dare him to kiss me. His cool breath of my face was too much for me to bear but I didn't say a word.

He glanced at my lips as I kept looking into his eyes. He moved closer, just a millimeter away from me when he started fading away. That never happened... He never faded away from my dreams, ever and now I was scared.

"Ayden, don't go... Ayden I love you!" I said, trying to catch his hand but it was like trying to catch air.

"Ayden, what's happening? Don't leave me alone..." I sobbed as more and more darkness enveloped me.

I gasped again as I opened my eyes. This was too much. I had been lying to myself all these days, but I needed him. I was incomplete without him and it hurt...

I cried, cursing myself for letting him go. I cried hoping I'd never existed. I cried, willing death only if I could take away the pain I'd caused him.

Granny wasn't home, a friend of hers was sick so she'd gone to stay with her for a couple of days and I felt all the more lonely. My phone beeped on my table. It was an unknown number and I was in no condition to answer it but I had this urge to talk to whoever it was.

"May..." his voice felt like heaven on my ears.

"Ayden! I'm so sorry. I need you, I'm lost without you... I can't live alone Ayden... you have to come back. I don't care what you hid from me, I don't care about anything... Just come back to me... I miss you, I miss you like crazy and I love you like one too... Ayden please..." I sobbed into the phone.

"Sshhh... May. Don't cry. I'm not gone. I'm here. I promised you I'd always be there for you. I'd never leave you May, no matter how much you hated me. Don't worry, I'm coming to you. Keep your window open, I'll be there as soon as I can."

The line went dead and I sat there on the floor trying to process what he'd said and then stood up with a start. He was coming to me... I'd see him again.

I rushed to the window and flung it open. It was a rainy night but I didn't care about the cold wind. He was coming and I would wait for him right here.

I saw a movement below my window and saw a familiar shadow.

"Step back." He whispered loudly and I went back to stand near my bed but when I turned around, he was there standing beside the closed window.

I couldn't help myself when I saw him, his beautiful face, and his mesmerizing eyes all full of emotions. I didn't wait for him to speak and flung myself into his arms as I sobbed. I really didn't care.

"I'm sorry... I love you... I can't go on without you... I don't care about anything else... you saved me and instead of being thankful, I left you with your miseries... I am a horrible person you know that..." I couldn't stop my babbling. He was there, with me I could touch him, I could smell him again and finally, it wasn't a dream.

Suddenly, his chest moved away from me and was replaced by his face. In an instant, his lips were on mine. A heated kiss full of emotions that had been pent up for more that a month, all the hunger and all the happiness of seeing him there came pouring down into the kiss.

"Do it... make me yours forever..." I said between gasps.

He lifted me up and carried me to the bed. Moments later, I was lying naked, his hands all over me. I laid there gasping and savoring his every touch. My skin seemed to have its own mind as it quivered with his touch.

His hands and lips were everywhere... stroking me, kissing me, it felt like he was trying to pour all of his love on me right there.

I gasped as his fingers ran over my sensitively hard buds, lingering just enough to make me crave for more. He was making me crazy and it intensified when his mouth replaced his fingers. He sucked on my nipples, nipping at them with his sharp teeth and his hands moved towards my core. I was trembling with anticipation... how long had I waited for this day?

I took another loud gasp of air as his hand fount the nub between my legs and his fingers went to work at once. I groaned, I gasped and I moaned all while he made me feel the delicious pleasure I was awaiting.
"Don't stop..." I pleaded lowering my lashes in embarrassment. I could feel my face heating with the request I just made. I wanted him, I didn't want to be selfish and leave him in agony.

"Are you sure I'm the one you want to do this with? I mean I'm not even a hum-."

I pressed my finger against his lips. "Never say that. You're the first and the last person I'd ever want. I don't care, I love you and I want you along with all the secrets of your existence."

The look in his eyes was agonizingly precious. He dipped his head and captured me in another breathtaking kiss. Then he stood up and undressed. The view was as breathtaking as the kiss. There was not a single ounce of unwanted fat or muscle in his body. He was lean, muscled and I knew he'd be swift in a fight. His well toned long legs looked as beautiful as the rest of him... a perfect Hellenistic sculpture, carved out of a single marble which was colored faultlessly.

I ran my hand along his hard chest down his taut abs to his jutting manhood. I grasped it and he groaned. It felt good, to hear him groan with pleasure. I moved my hand up and down the length. It was cold, just like the rest of his skin but again I didn't care. I stood up and kissed him again, urging him to take me.

Slowly, he laid me down on the bed without breaking the kiss. The way his chest rubbed against my breasts was making my breath hike up.

"Are you ready?" he asked in a whisper heavy with desire. I nodded. I'd always be ready for him.

He aligned himself and the tip of his cock touched my burning pussy. The feeling was unbelievable, I was burning up and he was as cold as ice. I moaned again as he pushed himself in, slowly entering me. I let out a long groan as he went deeper and a small scream came out of me as a ripping pain shot through.

"You'll be OK..." he whispered into my ears. I believed in him. As long as he was with me, I'd be OK.

He started moving in me with slow deliberate thrusts. His fingers caressed my skin as he kissed me again and again. His hands held me lightly, like he was afraid he'd hurt me but still promising never to let me go.

I moaned incoherently as he increased his pace. I was melting into him, into his body. His icy erection was taking me further into the world of bliss, and then the sweet sensation started building itself up. I held on to his arms as he continued with unfaltering rhythm until the rising pleasure broke me apart. I was screaming as colorful spots danced around my vision and a little later, he gasped. I could feel him spasm inside me, filling me up. I felt complete, his arms around me, his lips on mine, lying there on the aftermath of our first love-making.

My eyelids fluttered to look at him... his silver eyes, as beautiful as ever were molten with affection. I looked into them, trying to drown in the love but I didn't know he was staring at me so intently not only because of his love for me but also because my own eyes had started to glow a deep jade.
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