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Making Holly

My name's Jamie and I moved back to my hometown.

I had a lot of bad memories here and most of them stemmed from being bullied in high school and a lot of that came from Holt Thompson.

A loud mouthed jock in school he was the center of the basketball team and really, really arrogant.

I was a geek, a comic kid and dungeons and dragons kid and all that stuff.

I was also labeled as being gay when I wasn't. Just fucking kids being assholes because I couldn't speak to girls back then without stuttering. Hell even college was rough until I met Sarah and Sarah was a trans girl and my first.

So it turned out I wasn't all exactly straight, more like straight inclusive.

Sarah helped me get through my terminal awkwardness and that helped me get a decent job and turn my chemistry degree into my work as a pharmacist and then as luck or unluck would have it I got a job offer home.

I didn't want to move back but it became a perfect storm of my mom dying and me getting everything because I was an only child and dad passed away from a heart attack when I was eight and...getting the job at Kolby's which is the pharmacy that was hiring.

A job that was too good to pass up honestly.

I was just pretty much done coming from paying off mom's funeral with some of her insurance money when I ran into Holt.

Or rather he ran into me at the bank, he looked pissed off and he dinged my car with his door.

"Son of a bitch!"

He glared at me. "Hey asshole it's your fault for parking too close to my car."

"Fuck off Holt, your door hit my car."

"Yeah what are you gonna do about it Jaimey the fairy."

I took a side step and took a picture of him, his car door and him still holding his door handle with it touching my car and the dent. "Simple asshole I'm going to call the cops and get your insurance to pony up."

"Give me the fucking phone!"

Holt lunged from the car and I'm smarter and took some fighting classes in self defense so I punched him in the face mid lunge and he fell back more shocked than hurt.

And then there were folks watching us.

"There's witnesses now Holt, you want to keep going?"

He seemed to deflate. "No...fuck...Look Jamie I can't afford this shit the ex is really fucking me over."

I looked at him as things all seemed to just flow together in this plan, this plan for revenge.

Yeah, I mean I hated the guy, he made my life hell.

Six foot but still a runner, but he looked like he seen better days. Same car as in high school and he was even wearing his varsity jacket. He actually did look rough for Holt.


I faked a sigh. "Look fine, I'm keeping the picture. You give me your number though because I just moved back to town and mom just passed away and I've shit to do."

He gave me an actual sheepish look. "Aaw fuck man I'm sorry I didn't know. Seriously this thing aside if you need a hand."

"Thanks Holt actually I do, you know where the house is?"


"Well show up tomorrow afternoon and you can give me a hand."

"Okay, okay and Jamie...I'm sorry."

"For which thing Holt? You've got a long fucking list of shit you did."

I was surprised at him looking like I stepped on him a little. "Yeah...uhm...yeah...sorry..."

I got in my car and drove off.

I still had some things to do and that was setting up an account at Home Depot because I was going to need things at the house and then it was cleaning things and actually renting a dumpster that you call and they haul away. Then renting a truck from one of the local places because there was stuff to haul.

After all of that and getting it home, it was heading to a buddy of mine sort of...Zack was a dealer and actually the older brother of a guy I used to play D&D with.

He was a little hard to find and I showed up after a trip to the beer store with two cases of beer that her used to drink.

Zack was still the same but doing pretty okay. He lived in a bungalow with an attached garage, had a truck and several nice toys in his yard like a really fast snowmobile and a quad and some dirtbikes.

He technically had a good job with the local garbage haulers so it was a city job but yeah.

Dealing paid well.

A couple ounces of really good weed and some Molly was easy enough he had to call two "friends" for the other two things.

Zack looked at me. "That's an eclectic mix."

"Bother you?"

"Nope, what are you going to use them for?"

"Fucking with Holt."

"Good! Fucker date raped a few girls I knew back in the day and he got away scott free."

"Yeah fucker's claiming hard times."

Zack laughed. "Sure he is, his daddy still has the car dealership, he's still a rich punk."

"I thought he'd be more successful with the scholarships and stuff."

Zack made a face. "Mr. Perfect got to college and flunked out so bad that his playing couldn't even save him. Turns out leaving this shitty town while being king shit of turd hill meant shit where every other asshole was the same damned thing."

I nod. "We had some of those too with the really smart coasting kids where I went, when second and third years hit and there was real work a bunch folded and there was no one to hold their hands or adjust grades when they didn't score perfect grades."

We shot the shit a while longer and I explained the exchange between Holt and I earlier and Zack got it. Holt in high school was one of the sacred untouchables, no matter him pounding and steadily bullying people like me. Stealing clothes, pantsing you while in your underwear, very painful slaps to the balls from behind that dropped you hard, fucking with your bike or car just for giggles and making up stuff about you.

I left and headed home.

I wasn't starting clean up until tomorrow so it was finding the websites with the hypno fem stuff, it was putting in my own captions for some of it and then there was prepping the other things.

I crashed and then started in the morning going through Mom's stuff and Holt showed up early.

"You're early." I said when he knocked. "Don't you have work?"

He grinned. "I'm working right now, I'm scouting contract leases for a multi-car business deal."

"So basically your dad will pay you for whatever you do."

"Yeah, it's like he gives zero shits where I am really and well I'm not going to work worth a damn for the peanuts he's giving me."

Honestly that pissed me off. He was being kept.

"Well a shit ton to do so I think there's mowers and stuff in the garage so start there and cleaning it out too of like the trash."


I leave it at that and I'll admit he did what I asked as I started going through mom's things. Some where going to be kept and boxed, some for a sale or something and others were getting donated. Not to Goodwill since they're assholes or the Salvation Army but to this place called Headstart that helps people, all kinds of people rebuild their lives.

I'm not all an asshole...If you do good by me things are different.

Holt cleared out the trash and mom had that habit of keeping everything and buying things just in case. Like a case of 10w30 oil when she needed just one so I shelve the unused stuff and we got to Home Depot for that and a few other things. I treat to McDonalds and while getting the drinks Holt gets a first really strong dose of hormones.

After that it's shelving everything and then moving one of the old couches into the garage and a TV my old gaming consoles and mom's fridge. We build a workbench one my dad would have liked to maybe have and then we're done for the day.

It was actually work.

Holt says. "Dude I got to use your bathroom, Mickey D's playing hell with my guts."

I tell him where things are. Hormones when they first hit your system can play hell with things until you adjust.

Enjoy asshole.

I'm rolling a joint when he comes back. "Dude you have weed!"

"I have weed and booze though remind me to move the beers from the freezer before they freeze on us."

I start up the TV and X-box and light up.

I don't care about the neighbors, we don't have anyone that close really good hedges of old lilacs keep them from seeing stuff plus some planted red pines in the backyard the previous owners planted gives my loads of privacy. I mean the closest neighbors house is a good thousand feet down the road.

We get stoned and play videogames and on my first trip to the bathroom mom's prescription bottles that I made up with her pain meds are gone.

Yeah they weren't all pain meds some where so he'd keep taking them but yeah...he stole from me.

I head back to the garage and we take the beers out and I get mugs out like dad's actual beer mugs just because they'll be easier to spike and they never get actually used to drink from.

I order pizza and we play and fuck it I let him hog the game as much as he wants and after the pizza's another joint and another and I let him hog that too.

And when he goes for another bathroom trip it's a little rohypnol into his beer. Just a little, just enough to space him out seriously.

Which thirty minutes later he is and staring at the screen. I flick the TV over to picking up the feed from my computer through the wireless on the X-box and the flashers start and he did this little jolt and said "Woah."

I got up. "I'm going to go check the router."

Holts too messed up to bother getting up.

I leave but head to get a coffee and watch him.

Yeah he's watching it. Totally zoned out.

There sissy porn flashing with site addresses and messages I added in.

... Relax, Keep Watching, Be a Girl, Suck Cock, Be Happy, Be a girl, Be Happy, Lose Weight, Be Happy, Wear Panties, Be Happy, You're a Beta Male, Sucking Cock Makes You Happy, Relax, Be Happy, Keep Watching, Be Happy...

I stay there watching until he passes out and then I go in and check.

Yeah he's out. I take out an MP-3 with the same stuff on there and put the earbuds in his ears and cover him in a blanket set my alarm and crash. About dawn I pull the headphones off and wake him up and he's groggy.

"Holt, dude wake-up you passed out here."

"Nnngh...okay, okay I'm up."

I give him a hormone laced coffee. "Here, I gotta get ready for work and stuff."

He takes it and he leaves. "I'll...I'll see you later Jamie."

"Yeah, later."

He's definitely out of sorts still groggy and he leaves and I close up the house and leave too.

Work's work but after that Holt shows up, looking ragged.

"You look like shit."

"Might be getting sick, had the runs all day. And just, just everything was shitty today."

He looks a bit stoned already from the "painkillers" that he took and borderline emotional and he's got no idea why.

I get him a whiskey on the rocks with a side of hormones. Oh yeah I'm heavy, heavy dosing him. Then we finish the yard work and I go through more things as he pressure washes the house.

Then it's time to chill out and smoke some joints and play videogames and Holt gets another part dose of rohypnol and when he zones out again more video.

He's over everyday that week helping and getting stoned and video hit and I get the house painted and my back deck built.

And the sexy panties I seeded into Mom's things are gone.

And by Friday night he's over looking really dejected.

I look at him and yeah he's been crying and he's lost some weight like a pound of two.

"Jesus you look like hell what happened?"

"I...I don't know I've been going through some stuff Jamie. I had this big fight with my girlfriend and...and she left me."

He actually starts crying.

"You want to talk about it?"

"'ll be okay dude."

Oh no you won't.

Holt's definitely off and we get drunk and stoned and again it's mostly him and I dose him pretty hard tonight and when he's watching he's totally zombied out.

There's more in the videos this time with some bimbo sissy stuff.

... Relax, Keep Watching, Be a Girl, Suck Cock, Be Happy, Be a girl, Be Happy, Lose Weight, Be Happy, Wear Panties, Be Happy, You're a Beta Male, Sucking Cock Makes You Happy, Relax, Be Happy, Keep Watching, Be Happy, Be a Bimbo Girl, Life is Hard, Bimbos get Spoiled, Bimbos are Happy, There's Too Many Thoughts in Your Head, Thinking Makes You Unhappy, Relax, Be Happy, Be a Girl, Be Happy, Suck Cock, Be Happy, Wear Panties, Be Happy, Be a Bimbo, Be Happy, Relax, Be Happy...

It's all going with other flashers and over and over and Holt actually moan whines a little a few times and grinds his crotch into the edge of the couch seat.

And when he passes out he does it hard and I check him again and he's out, he's not just out but he's wearing the panties and he came in them. I put the earbuds in and set my alarm and he's out long past that in the morning so I leave the earbuds going until about lunch when I wake him.

He looks so disoriented as I give him another loaded coffee.

"I...uhm thanks Jamie."

"No problem." He's crotch watching me.

"I keep passing out here dude."

"Hey I don't care Holt, I'm a decent guy, always was a decent guy even when you were being an asshole to me."

He looks ashamed. He looks like he's going to cry.

He fights it back though I can see him desperately trying to man up.

But with a week of hypno and heavy hormone dosing that's getting impossible.

We spend the day cleaning inside and stripping walls and even removing that old wood paneling and other stuff inside to get the place ready for the plumbers and electrical guys to come in and everything for next week.

He's upset all day and heads home early.

I don't see him at all on Sunday or much that week other than coming over to help me put my garden in and he's really shaved neat but no ball cap and he's a little zoned still on the "pain killers" and he's checked me out a few times and the other guys working inside too.

I go for a big garden too and Holt? Holt seems to be quieter and he's taking orders a lot more, swearing less too. I'm putting a garden in because it's cheaper and mom liked them and Dad had a big one when I was little.

The next week's the same with Holt being semi-scarce and acting in little ways a bit more girly. Little body language clues and things and him still checking me out and little lip chewing and sometimes stiffened nipples.

I mention I'm going to get a workout machine and things for the basement. "Uhm Jamie? Save your money, you can have mine since I'm not playing anymore."

"You sure Holt?"

"Yeah, I mean yes, part of the apologies I owe you."

"Okay, cool apology accepted."

"Really!" Oh he was almost she excited.

"Yeah really, we're cool from here on out Holt."

He hugged me and then let go and blushed. "Sorry, I just...You're like the only person in my life that's done that. My ex's think I'm a piece of garbage and so do a lot of other folks and I...I've been thinking of that and just...Just well they're right. I am garbage, I've been an asshole to a lot of people."

I hug him back pulling him back in. "Holt it's okay, we're good and don't be afraid to change y'know. Change is good. And you don't have to be afraid of a fucking hug you know. You don't have to be crazy hyper masculine all the time."

I let him go and we head off to his place where we move his gym gear to my place.

It's cleaner than I thought and a nice place one befitting a jock king.

But using his bathroom I see Nair and looking in the new towels there's a set of dildos with a suction cup base each and lube as well as an enema kit.

Oh ho, he's getting deeper.

And getting a look in his fridge there's veggies, fruit, all the kinds of weight loss things.

I don't say anything and we go back to my place and unload his now my work out stuff and then I take us out to dinner.

It's someplace nice and I do a few little things, just sort of like holding the door to the place open and I'm just really nice to him.

The next week Holt hits the wall.

It's obviously getting to him, all of this and all of who Holy was is trying to fight back without knowing he's fighting back.

He wants to party and get out of it and I'm more than happy to oblige him.

More good weed and some drinks and of course dosed with hormones again and this time I offer him some Molly/Ecstasy and then his spiked drink to zone him out and videogames. He gets to that point of barely playing and just staring at the screen and I switch it over and he watches.

He never says anything or really remembers because rohypnol kind of messes with the short term memory plus he's drunk and stoned too.

More vids and more hypno flashers, she-male sissy porn and when he passes out the MP-3 player.

Time again... time to sink... time to not think... time to let your mind sync... time to touch yourself slowly... time to worship and obey... time to stroke your mind away... time to relax and be happy... no reason to have any care... it is time to be programmed again... time to let the thoughts go out... time to focus and let your submission out... time to relax and be a girl and suck cock... Time again... time to sink... time to not think... time to let your mind sync... time to touch yourself slowly... time to worship and obey... time to stroke your mind away... time to relax and be happy... no reason to have any care... it is time to be programmed again... time to let the thoughts go out... time to focus and let your submission out... time to relax and be a bimbo a sissy slut and be happy... Time again... time to sink... time to not think... time to let your mind sync... time to touch yourself a bimbo slut sissy... time to worship and obey... time to stroke your mind away... time to relax and stare... no reason to have any a bimbo sissy slut... it is time to be programmed again... time to let the thoughts go out... time to focus and let your submission a bimbo sissy... time to relax and be a girl and be happy... Time to listen to voice... LOVE... let your fantasies grow and take control... let your arousal grow... feel your mind sink... SINK sink... not a time to think... Time again... time to sink... time to not think... time to let your mind sync... time to touch yourself slowly... time to worship and obey... time to stroke your mind away... time to relax and be a sissy... no reason to have any care... it is time to be programmed a a bimbo sissy... time to let the thoughts go out... time to focus and let your submission out... time to relax and be happy and be a bimbo sissy slut... relax and let my voice my LOVE take you there... yes?

Holt's mumbling and repeating it in his sleep over and over as he rides his hand asleep on the couch.

Three times that week he's that off and upset he gets that smashed and I run him through that.

And again Friday night...He's upset and crying when he gets to my place and I look at him.

"Okay that's bad you're super upset what happened?"

He's sniffling and crying and falls on the couch.

"I can't get it up, I haven't been getting it up for weeks now no matter the girl, no matter how hot she is nothing."

"Ouch you go see a doctor?"

", heck no..."

"Okay well...maybe you should."

"It's, it's not that Jamie, it's not...I'm having all these dreams and feelings and urges."


He blushes and looks at me...then he looks down. "I think I'm gay."

"Okay, whatever I'm not going to judge."

"I've had dreams, lots of dreams Jamie and way more than gay stuff Jamie."

"Well okay, you've been a hypermasculine asshole most of your life Holt, maybe deep inside you've been holding this stuff in."

He's nodding and wiping tears.

"Are we friends Jamie?"

"I tell you how it is don't I? I forgave you all the bullshit right?"

He wipes some more tears away. "I've had dreams about you Jamie, dreams about us."


"I think I like you, I think I'm crushing on you...I...I...I want you Jamie, I want you tonight please? Please can I...can I suck your cock?"
I look at her. "You want to suck my cock?"

She's nodding. "Yes, please, please, I can't stop dreaming about you."

"I'm not into dick Holt."

"No! No, no, no it'll be just me, just me please Jamie I...I...I want to be your girl."

"My girl?"

"Your girl, like really, really bad...I...Please."

I take a drink. "Well Holly if you're going to be my girl then you better show me."

They blink a few times then drop to their knees so fast and then unbuckles my pants and fishes my hard cock out.

"Oh...oh yes, oh fuck Jamie it's bigger than I thought, bigger than mine!"


"Oh for sure I'm like just about five inches and this, this is gorgeous!"

Oh the bimbo is really coming out. "I'm a little over seven inches."

"I can't wait."

She can't either as she starts to suck my cock. And she's smiling beaming around it and making all these blissed out noises, happy purrs even as she sucks and sucks and I don't last long. She shakes as she's greedily swallowing my load I know she just came in her panties.

"Did you just cum?"

She blushes pulling off but nuzzling my cock. "Yes, oh god yes Jamie, of course I came, that was beautiful, I loved it, you taste so good! God, I'm so fucking blissed out baby, your dick's so amazing, I'm so happy!"

Oh she's falling into being a bimbo so deeply.

And I'm hard again from her continual attention. "Well maybe we should keep going? You want to keep sucking me or..."

She gazes up at me and Holt's not there, her eyes are shining and excited. "Fuck me, fuck me Jamie make me your bitch, make me you little sissy."

"Oh really...sissy?"

She moans pressing her face to my cock. "Please, please...I need it, I really need a real cock inside of me Jamie."

She's even pitching her voice as light and high as she can.

"Okay, get undressed and turn around."

"Bareback Jamie, I'm clean, I'm clean inside for you. I've wanted this for like forever and I'm clean for you."

"You have lube?"

She strips and she's hairless already, even has her toenails painted and she's in the sexy panties she stole that I planted. She takes a tube of lube with shaking hands from her jeans and lubes my cock up and I take it and finger her asshole slipping fingers in and finding her gurl-spot and Holly moans and moans and rides my fingers until I feel her have a sissygasm.

"Oh...Oh!...I...sissy!...I sissied...I sissied!"

I pull out my fingers and sink my cock in their ass.

Holly cries out this high pitched squeal and inhaling gasp as she spurts some cum involuntarily.

"Yes! Oh fuck yes Jamie! I love this! I love that cock! Fuck me baby, fuck me!"

I start fucking her and she's vocal, happy, smiling, making all these slutty noises, just beaming and riding my cock and pushing back until I make her sissygasm again and she's crying out over and over.

"Sissy! I'm sissying! Fuck me Jamie! Fill me! Flood me! Breed me! Oh fuck, so good, so fucking good, real cock's amazing! I'm so...I'm so fucking happy!"

I give her another sissygasm before I flood her insides and she screams, she screams as high pitched as she can and she's panting and I pull out and roll her over and she sits up and swallows me fast before I can say anything and milks out the last bit of com out of me and cleans me off.

Then she's staring at me. "Thank you, oh fucking thank you Jamie I don't deserve you being this cool about this. God I'm so fucking crushing on you right now."

I pull her to her feet and smile. "Arms around my neck and hop into my arms Holly."

She does and I carry her up to my bedroom and she's playing with my hair and staring me in my eyes as I do that.

Holt's not there, there's just this starry eyed sort of glassing eyed person there.

"You're stronger than I thought Jamie."

"I've been working out and you're lighter."

"I'm losing weight, I want to be pretty Jamie, I want to be pretty so bad...this...Holt...I'm not him, I can't be him not with everything now, or like maybe always?"

"Like I said, maybe it was all buried deep."

"It must have been, I mean I thought I loved girls but now...I love this, love cock, I think about it all the time and all these other things that I never thought about before."

"Are you sure about this?"

"I am. Like I don't get it and I don't want to either because right now I'm just so happy."

"Is it that special?"

She nods.

I carry her into my bedroom and fuck her face to face and play with her hard and puffy nipples and suckle on them making her cry as well as cry out as they're so sensitized and feeling like there's buds starting there.

I fuck her with her legs around my waist and make her cum again and sissy again.

Then we cuddle. "You're a beautiful piece of ass Holly, I think I'm going to have to get some Viagra.

She giggles and snuggles up to me before crashing.

I wake to her worshiping my morning wood and she's kissing it, licking it, sucking gently on my balls before she sucks my cock. She rides the sheets getting off from sucking my cock and keeps going until I'm hard all over again.

"Please fuck me Jamie, please, please, please. I want you inside me again, please."

She's literally begging for it.

I fuck her again and she happy cries through it and gets louder until I make her sissygasm again.

"You're really into it aren't you?" I say.

"Yes...Jamie, it's perfect, like really perfect and I've never been this happy."

"So what's the plan now?"

"Hormones like I think, I want to be a girl Jamie, I need to be a girl Jamie. Please...please help me. I know it's like hard getting the stuff with your work but, I need this, I want to be pretty and sexy and fuckable. I want to make you hard for me when you see me."


"You...I...I think I'm falling in love with you...I want to be your sissy girl, I want to belong to you."



"Yes, really, you're such a good girl, such a sweet piece of ass and amazing cocksucker I want to see where you'll go from here?"

She kisses me and cuddles.

"Holly? What about your family?"

"They'll freak, dad's a homophobe and I'll lose my place and get fired but I'm going to do this, I'm going to be a girl no matter what?"

"Okay then, move in with me."


"Really, we're out of the way, there's lots of room, the house is long paid for, I've a good job so all that's left is you moving in and becoming my sissy girl."

She went all girly excited.

We fucked all weekend with Holly falling even deeper into being Holly with each load of cum I fired into her and she went home on Monday.

She was miserable coming over that night having been Holt all day.

She sucked my cock lovingly and we made supper she went really light with things and I looked at her as she seemed lost in thought.

"You okay?"

"Yeah just hating this, I want to be pretty."

"Takes time Holly but how about I cheer you up."

"You want to fuck me again! Please!?"

I laugh. "Well yes but how about after we go shopping?"

"Shopping!? Yay!"

I kiss her and turn her around and fuck her until she cums then has another sissygasm and I fill with my seed. She's clean in side, she's always clean inside.

We get ready and we head out and the first place we stop is this xxx sex shop and we go inside and she's shy and nervous scared to not be Holt even this much in public and I buy things as she looks around.

We we get to the car I look at her. "Pants down, ass up."

"You're going to fuck me again Jamie? Here?"

I wasn't planning on it but. "Say please."

"Please...please Jamie, please baby fill my sissy bum with your beautiful cock, please?"

"Good girl."

She's beaming as I say that and she coos as I sink my cock into her eager ass and I bring her another sissygasm and fill her again with my seed. Then just because I take out one of the dildoes and sink it up her ass making her groan and her eyes flutter.

"That's it baby, I'm going to make you sissy more and more and fuck all that Holt bullshit right out of you."

She's vocal and I send her over the sissy edge twice more before my arm is tired and I open another package and slip a butt plug into her making her squirt a little shot that she couldn't control.

"Buttplug, buttplug, buttplug I have a butt plug!"

Wow...she wiggled her ass and happy danced.

"I've something else for you?"

"Ooooh what?"

"A cage."

She kisses me over and over. "For my dick right! So I can have a little clitty instead! Oh yes, yes please, I want to kill Holt's dick. Please, please, please I want a little clitty."

We clean her off and get it in place carefully and I got her a pink one and then put her key on my keyring.

Then we drive into Toronto to go shopping and she suck my cock on the way groaning really loudly. "Cage...mmmnnn...hurts...but good...good so good...I'm so happy, so fucking happy Jamie, you're the best."

It's kind of a long drive and Toronto traffic is garbage as usual but I take her shopping and I looked up a few places where I could get shoes for her and sexy boots but the other stuff I take her into the places like Victoria's secret and La Senza and we make no bones about it being for Holly and Holly's just becoming Holly.

They're actually okay with that, apparently it's a good deal of their business since it's not too uncommon and guys or trans women drop a healthy amount on lingerie.

One of the girls at La Senza actually helps get Holly corseted and gives her a card for a girl at Sephora who helps her with her make-up and I buy that too.

Then some regular clothes and she's buzzing stoned on being so femmy in even just embroidered jeans and a top.

I buy more than that it's just what she changed into.

We keep her things at my place but we don't move her right in.

We take it day by day and I get her her blockers and hormones and even get her on Progesterone so her tits will grow in nicely on Tuesday to cheer her up from her trying to be Holt.

She wear the cocklette cage except while showering and the buttplug too.

But being Holt is getting harder and harder and Holly is back to being Holly as soon as she's off work and I'm home too.

We're getting a ritual her sitting on the big dildo while sucking me off she goes through the cage keeping her from having a real hard on and all she can do to get off is sucking cock, riding her dildoes or me fucking her.

She has to sissygasm before I'll fuck her, then I'll use the dildo on her and fuck her until she cums again then it the buttplug. Then we cook supper, hand out and watch TV or videogames and then we go to bed.

Where we do all of that again.

She's kind of an airhead too which is fine, Holt was a for reals dumb jock and Holly's not much better equipped mentally either but she is trying to not be him. She's seriously working out her ass after reading about these exercises women do for toning and she's pretty serious about her diet and mostly with her denying herself protein so she starts losing muscle mass faster.

And she's religious with her meds/hormones.

And in lingerie all the time at home.

And sucking my cock with lipstick.

And being smooth, hairless and clean inside for me.

I do start getting Viagra to take and on our weekend we get stoned her always more than me and we take Molly and we fuck almost all weekend.

It's the Thursday the next week when her dad loses it.

Holly's tits are seven weeks into her hormones and they're showing not a lot but enough he noticed.

He freaked and she outed herself and he did exactly what she said he would and fired her, then kicked her out of the apartment.

That weekend we moved her stuff in and getting her things she wore a pink tee shirt and a push up bra, put on press on nails and painted them and showed off everything she had because he was there.

With the cops to make sure she left.

When he saw that he freaked out and when he saw me he freaked out.

"You fucking faggot! Growing tits! The nails, the...the fucking shorts where's your dick!"

"In a chastity cage asshole and thankfully fucking shrinking!" She yelled back.

"And who the fuck is this!?"

"That's Jamie my boyfriend!"

"You little faggot cocksucker!" He roared.

"A proud one too! I love it, it makes me happy, he makes me happy!"

He swung on her and the cops got involved and he got arrested and hauled away for assault.

We finished moving her out and we cleaned the place top to bottom and took pictures so he can't say we didn't leave the place spotless and in good condition.

She was angry and hurt and upset and we sat in the moving truck for a bit until I had to say something.

"I used to hate you y'know."

She's looking down and says softly. "I know."

"I don't hate you now Holly."

"I know."

"I have something to tell you, something that I think you might hate me for."

She looks over at me then down again. "You set up the stuff while we got high and were playing, you wanted me to zone out and be this."

"How'd you know?"

She looks at me. "I know I'm not a brain like you Jamie but I'm not stunned...the drugs didn't completely zone me out the first time and then...well it made it easier."


"This, this is me Jamie, Holly's always been here somewhere and I do think I was such a complete asshole because she was locked up inside and I never knew what to do. My dad...well he made me too, his perfect little jock asshole and...and this just let me have an excuse."

"But the sex, all the other stuff...?"

"Oh the videos worked, all of it worked but after I was done getting mad at this the first night Jamie something broke, something just let go and let me just go with whatever you wanted."

"You're not mad?

"No and I do love you, I love your dick and us and the things we do. I love you and I want to be your sweet, devoted, sissy all my life Jamie. I wasn't lying, you make me happy."

"So where do we go from here."

Holly kissed me softly and unzipped my jeans and took my cock out. "Home, take me home baby and make me yours and happy the rest of my life."

I started the engine as she started down on me and we headed for home.
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