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Megan goes to England

I'm sitting at my desk waiting for inspiration to hit. It seems as of late life has become more and more complex. I admit, most of it is my fault.

You see, last summer my husband caught me taking pictures of woman at a park. She had bent over to get something in her bag for her kids and I could she her thong. I wanted to capture it for me. He however, saw the whole thing.

It was a watershed moment for our marriage and not in a good way. I admit that I was being naughty as fuck. We had had a fight earlier that week about sex, or the lack there of. I made fun of him for it. Probably wasn't nice of me.

The fight that ensued was all about hate and anger. And because I was holding a lot back since we got married I was in no mood to listen to his little shitty reasons for being upset. I wasn't going to let him whine and cry and bluster. He however threatened to take the kids away from me and he was blackmailing me with the pictures.

One thing I am good at is letting things go. One thing I am bad at is being cornered. I let loose on him 12 years of hate and anger spewed forth in twenty minutes of no stop "truth". Ranging from he is a pussy when it comes to defending me to I love pussy and it what I think about when he was on top of me thinking he was pleasing me. The fucker even cried.

So, a marriage counselor later, I tell my husband what I have wanted this whole time. No more cock, especially his, and that I am going to date women from here on out. I did mention that the counselor was hot, cause she was. That was my extra little fuck you.

So, between then and our next counselor (yes, because of that comment) I started being way less of a total bitch. He had told all of our friends about what happened. Let's face it, his friends. So, by the time I cooled down, I had alienated myself completely.

Over the coming year, My husband and I worked on things. I gave him the green light to date other women, even saying I would help him or tell the poor thing that he wasn't in fact lying. I also let him know that we would not be having any more sex...ever.

Okay, I know..."what the fuck is this shit?" You are saying to yourself. "Why am I still reading?" Cause...I have a point.

I found this site at the tail end of this journey and started to get my frustrations out by writing. In doing so I stumbled across a good friendship/writing partnership. Believe it or not, it's a guy that didn't think I was a total bitch. (Well, not completely. He told me a couple things I did wrong I hadn't even thought about.)

Where was I...ah yes. I am sitting at my computer, lights off, wearing my "no one will ever see these" panties on. When I get an email from my pal. In short, he says."Come to England for a visit, we will have a good time." In reality, I have kids, a job, a sensitive husband, and yadda yadda yadda. However, for this story,"Sure," I say, " I have lots of vacation stored up and my husband makes a lot of money. Sign me up"

This is what happens.

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