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Mom and I XXXmastime Ch. 02

I woke up on Christmas Eve morning gradually, feeling Angie's warm body in front of me. Squinting one eye open, the alarm clock on my night stand displayed 6:50.

I lightly ran my fingers along Angie's arm and the side of her breast closest to me, causing her to squirm in her sleep but not waking her. I was getting hard, my cock extending between her legs. I rolled back to let it spring against my stomach and when I rolled behind her again, it pressed between her buttocks. I lay there for a minute or so, debating whether to sheathe myself into her pussy while she still slept or to wake her up first.

I decided against either one, starting to slide my cock along her ass cleavage. I slid my right hand under her arm to clasp her breast. She squirmed some more, but still did not wake. I wondered if I was affecting her dreams. I was getting closer and closer to orgasm, so I grabbed a tissue from the nightstand behind me to catch my jism.

Just as I came into that tissue, I heard a creak of the floor near my doorway. My grandfather, Hank Swanson, was standing in the doorway, a grin on his face, before he took a seat in the chair next to the desk. Clearly, he had seen what there was to be seen, which thankfully wasn't much, since I was behind Angie.

"Merry Christmas Eve, Grandpa," I whispered, trying to avoid waking Angie. I realized that our covers had slipped downward while I had rubbed against her and her upper body was exposed to him. I pulled the sheet up to cover her breasts, too late to really protect her modesty.

"Merry Christmas Eve, Derek," he said, softly but not whispering. "Beautiful girl you have there. This is your Miss Angie, I assume?"

"Yes, Grandpa," I answered. "Who else would it be?"

"At first glance, Angie quite resembles your mother at that age. But I suppose that the more realistic option would be Miss Alissa Gould from your university, no?"

Why would he think I was in bed with Mom? And how did he know about Alissa? 'Don't panic,' I thought.

Trying to stay calm, I said, "No, Alissa and I are far from being a traditional couple. We get together for casual sex on campus, but she's never visited me here."

"Traditional?" he asked, chuckling. "When has your family ever been traditional? The grapevine says your parents are back to being swingers, reinforced by Ms. Jilly Tirman being in their bed this morning. Your brother getting engaged to Jilly's daughter Jessica, who is in his bed down the hall, is connected to that reunion, I expect. And I hear that you and Ms. Angie here have joined your parents at Jilly's swing club, too, so you must be aware of their past."

"Grandpa, are you sure you weren't in the CIA during Vietnam, instead of Infantry? Your intelligence network seems to know everything."

"Not everything, Derek. Maybe not the most important things."

That snapped me to full alertness. I asked, "Can we talk about this downstairs? Let Angie sleep?"

"Certainly. I'll let you get dressed, since I assume you're just as naked under your covers as Miss Angie." He stood up and walked out of my bedroom.

I slid out of bed without disturbing Angie and tossed on a tshirt and some sweat pants and went downstairs. In the kitchen, I started a pot of coffee, then sat at the table across from my grandfather, wondering just how much he knew. I figured grabbing the bull's horns was the best approach.

"Okay, upstairs you were being vague about not knowing important things," I said. "Ask the questions you want to ask."

"Are you and your mother lovers?" he asked.

So, hinting about Mom being in my bed was intentional. But did he know or just suspect, like Jake? I decided he could be trusted, either way.

"Yes, we are. And she's been with Tommy as well. See, wasn't that much easier than hinting at it? What tipped you off?"

Grandpa answered, "I assume your mother told you about her past with me, in addition to swinging with your father."

"She did," I said. "Elf costume and all."

Grandpa continued, "I knew Stan was opposed to Marcy remaining intimate with me after they got engaged. I was also aware of their swinging activity over the years. It did not take a genius IQ to know that the two of them making announcements that they were quitting the swinging scene and then parting ways with Jilly just before Tommy turned 18 was all about Stan trying to block your mother from seducing first Tommy and then you as you came of age. So, when they returned to swinging a month ago, I assumed that meant Marcy was free to pursue you and I doubted she would wait long, with both of you boys home for the holiday. Yet, you and Tommy both getting engaged meant either that your fiancees were not aware or that they are aware and accept it, even participate with you. Given that supposition, your parents' purchase of a larger home for all of you to live in signals that the seven of you are planning to live together over the long run. It was more than enough for me to form a suspicion of incest as a group activity."

"How did you find out about the house so fast? We just did that yesterday afternoon."

He answered, "The real estate agent is one of my best friends. As soon as the Winslows called him about the offer, he recognized your parents' names immediately and called me to figure out how they knew the Winslows and I explained your Aunt Laurie is their niece. I probably heard from him before you got home."

"Are you upset about the incest, Grandpa?" I asked.

"That would be mighty hypocritical of me, wouldn't it? I'm only concerned about all of you getting caught," he answered. "I taught Marcy to think for herself and I have rarely had reason to fault her for the conclusions she reaches. One thing we agree on is that sex should be a means to express love. Even when elements of our society try to restrict it to procreation between married, heterosexual couples. Most people are opposed to incest because of how often it represents abuse, not love. But I know what your mother and I did was not abuse and that she would never abuse you boys."

"There's more to reveal, but I'm not sure I'm the one you should hear it from," I said.

"What, that Jessica is Stan's daughter, Tommy is Sam Tirman's son and that Angie's father Jake is Sam's half-brother?"

"How the hell? We were waiting until today to tell you that."

Grandpa grinned. "Well, you should have told Oscar Tirman to continue keeping his new-found son and grandson a secret, then. He's apparently talked about little else over the last month. Even though it doesn't change my relationship to Tommy, I've had three different people come to me to confirm it and I had to admit that I hadn't been told, myself, and was expecting a big reveal over Christmas, as you planned."

"Why didn't that also get back to Mom and Dad, then?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, but I only heard it from men in the same age group as Oscar and me, so he simply might not have told anyone younger and the gossip only spread within my generation. It didn't reach Bridget's circle of friends and I didn't share it with her, since I expected you would announce Tommy and Jessica's father swap today."

"Merry Christmas Eve, Daddy!" came Mom's voice from the kitchen doorway. "Setting a new record for an early visit? Where's Bridget?"

Grandpa stood to hug Mom. She held him tighter than usual. When they parted, Grandpa answered, "I let her sleep in. Mark will pick her up and bring her over for breakfast. I figured we needed to talk privately first," Grandpa said.

"What about?" Mom asked.

"He's figured out pretty much everything, Mom," I said, getting up to pour three mugs of coffee.

"Holy hell," she muttered.

I added, "He has the broad strokes right. Although he hasn't quite guessed some of the details like how your pact with Dad ended."

"It wasn't Tommy and Jessica's engagement bringing you back into Jilly's orbit?" he asked.

Mom answered, "That's the story we put out at Jilly's club. In fact, we didn't even know they were a couple until afterward. From our viewpoint, Stan signaled the stalemate was over by having sex with Derek's girlfriend Angie two days before Thanksgiving, when Derek was coming home from school," Mom said. "After Derek and I walked in on them in the act, I let Derek know I wanted him. The four of us were in bed together by the end of the night."

"Let me guess," Grandpa said. "Stan then ran straight to Jilly."

"Yeah, the very next afternoon, after clearing it with me," Mom said, shrugging. "While I spent a night alone with Derek and Angie was home with her parents, Stan had sex with both Jilly and Jessica, then brought them to our house for Thanksgiving."

Grandpa's eyes showed his surprise. "Stan had sex with his daughter? Yes, I know about the paternity switch. I never imagined Stan would cross that line. I figured he was simply tolerating your incest in order to have Jilly back in his life. I assume Derek has also been with Jessica, then?"

"Yes, Grandpa," I answered. "The four women here have been with all three men and each other as well. The only person who hasn't broken the incest laws is Angie, because she and Tommy are only cousins. But if you want to count that and sex between Jilly and Jess as incest, we've all committed it."

"Dad, Stan didn't know Jess was his daughter, that first time, or he might have refused her as his almost-step-daughter, even after watching me being with Derek," Mom said. "She stayed quiet about knowing he was her father, to get at least one chance with him and because Tommy was arriving the next day to reveal that he was Sam's son, so she didn't want to spoil that surprise. Stan came to terms with the incest, as the DNA tests came to light on Thanksgiving Day. That's when we learned Jess, Tommy and Angie were a triad in college and had inadvertently found out from Jilly that incest was why Stan and I stopped swinging. They also got DNA tests to confirm they weren't brother and sister by Jilly or I getting pregnant by the other's husband, only to find out both of us did."

"I figured that some kind of agreement to prevent the incest was the cause for closing your relationship after 20 years of it being open," Grandpa said. "Which is why Stan resuming with Jilly and going to her club meant you probably got to be with Derek and Tommy."

Mom nodded and said, "Rather than those three trying to directly pressure Stan to end his blockade and have him dig his heels in, the only thing they did besides remain quiet about their relationship and the paternity discoveries was set to Angie in Derek's path, figuring he'd be attracted to her due to her resemblance to me, like several other girlfriends, then that would get Stan to realize Derek was attracted to me, too. When Angie talked directly to Stan about Derek's attraction for me and her own for him, he caved and had sex with her. That led to my being with Derek and what followed. Now, Stan's not only okay with all of the incest, he's become the main advocate for the seven of us living together."

"In the house you just bought yesterday," he added.

Mom sighed. "Derek's right, you do seem to know everything, Dad. Maybe you have some ideas for hiding it better? If you can guess, so can others."

"Baby, our history is the only reason I believed you would be attracted to your sons in the same way as your brother and me. To anyone else, this simply looks like your old relationship with Jilly has been reignited by the combination of the paternity revelations and Tommy and Jessica's romance, so the two families are drawing even closer than they used to be as a result. If you keep the incest private, nobody would imagine it's happening. Has anyone else guessed?"

Mom replied, "Angie's father doesn't have proof, but his instincts about Angie connected her to me, which connected me to Derek. It probably didn't help that I showed her the ropes at Jilly's club, although we weren't intimate together there. He'll be quiet, though, because Angie just discovered that he's been intimate with his other daughter, Pat."

"My, my. You'd think it's contagious or something."

I said, "His affair with Pat started months ago."

Grandpa said, "I didn't really think one caused the other, Derek. But I am thinking he's maybe sensitized to imagining incest where other people wouldn't."

"I hope that's all it is," Mom said. She paused a few seconds, before asking, "Besides Derek and I, have you told anyone else what you know?"

"No. Not even Bridget, because she still doesn't know about you and me after all these years. Why?"

"Can you not tell everyone else here that you know about us? While I appreciate your acceptance and support, I would rather not spook everyone into thinking that we're at grave risk of more discovery, if we're really not."

"All right, I'll keep it between the three of us," he answered. "I'll let you know if I hear any rumors."

"Speaking of other rumors, Grandpa, the other question I had was how you knew about Alissa Gould?"

He asked, "Do you know a Professor Kinney on your campus?"

"I haven't taken any of his courses, but I know the name. He's with the School of Government. Ex-Congressman."

"Well, before he was a Congressman, he was my lieutenant in Vietnam. When you enrolled at the same university, I asked him to quietly keep an eye on you for me. Your liaisons with Miss Gould are not much of a secret on your campus. Before you get mad at her, the gossip source is apparently her roommate."

I said, "Claire. Figures. It's not like we expected it to stay secret, although we don't date. I just didn't figure the gossip network would stretch this far south."

"What gossip network?" came Dad's voice from the doorway as he and Jilly entered, in robes. "Merry Christmas, Hank!" He crossed over to the coffee pot and poured two more mugs, then started another pot.

Grandpa stood and gave Jilly a big hug, whispering in her ear. Jilly laughed and I wondered what he had said.

"Grandpa has one of the professors on campus keeping an eye on me," I said, when Dad turned back towards the table. "He heard about Alissa through him. He also heard about us buying the house yesterday from another friend."

"Oh, Uncle Jack! I knew I recognized Jack Armstrong's name on the For Sale sign," Mom said. "I just couldn't place it, right away. He was Dad's best man for both of his weddings."

Dad asked, "Where's Bridget, Hank?"

Grandpa answered, "She wasn't as keen on sneaking in here at dawn, so I let her sleep. Mark will pick her up on his way here. They'll be here at 9."

The five of us sat down at the table, sipping at coffee and chit-chatting. Tommy, Jessica and Angie gradually joined us. At 8:15, Mom and Jilly got up to start on breakfast. While they cooked, I ran upstairs and changed into sweater and jeans.


At 9, Nana Bridget, Uncle Mark, Aunt Bonnie and their 13-year-old twins, Hal and Hank, arrived and we all sat down for breakfast. After the meal, Tommy and I brought folding chairs in from the garage to set up in the living room. Jessica and Angie went upstairs and came down in their elf costumes with green lipstick and sparkles on their cheeks. Everyone applauded. Even looking for it, I couldn't see Grandpa react. Then I remembered that Angie had draped her costume over the same desk chair where Grandpa had sat that morning, so he had likely seen it.

After opening the gifts between us and the Swansons, we revealed the paternity discoveries. DNA testing kits for Mark's family and Grandpa and Bridget had been among their gifts this year, as a prelude to our revelations.

I saw Nana Bridget's face blanch while Angie was talking about the connection between her father and Oscar Tirman, then a tear ran down her cheek. "What's wrong, Mrs. Swanson?" Angie asked. "You look like you just saw a ghost." All eyes turned to her.

"Of sorts, dear. What is your father's exact birthdate?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"March 10th, 1969. Why?" Angie answered.

Bridget gasped, then drew a deep breath. "Dear, Oscar assumes that Amelia Hartsen is Jake's mother because she was his girlfriend in June of '68. But, she's not his mother, I am." Taking another deep breath, she said, "I gave birth to a boy on March 10th and gave him up for adoption. Oscar was the more likely of two young men who might have been the father. The other was Amelia's brother, Ken. I wasn't 100% certain that it was Oscar until right now."

I could tell immediately that this was a surprise to Grandpa as much as it was to everyone else.

Angie's eyes were widest of all. "What? How? Why didn't you tell Oscar you were pregnant?"

Bridget took another deep breath. "It's a long story that I'm not used to telling, so bear with me here. I'll try to keep it as clean as I can for the boys' sake, unless you would rather send them out of the room, Bonnie?" She and Bonnie were sitting side by side and Bridget leaned over and whispered in her ear.

Bonnie's eyes widened, but she said, "No, they're both mature enough to hear that."

Bridget began her tale. "I was Amelia's best friend in high school and was dating her twin brother Ken our senior year, while she dated Oscar. She confessed to me that she desperately wanted to have sex with Ken, even though it was incest, and was willing to trick him into it. I agreed to help her, so one night we switched with the guys when we were all in a dark room together. The guys were just drunk enough not to notice and it was really exciting to be with Oscar. Where I royally screwed up was that Amelia's mom was providing her with birth control pills while mine wasn't. This was in the days when doctors could still deny birth control to single women, so her mom went to two doctors and two pharmacies to fill two separate prescriptions under her name and gave one to Amelia. As a result, Ken always used condoms with me, but Oscar didn't need to use them with Amelia and I obviously couldn't ask him to put one on when I had sex with him. Add to that, I miscalculated my ovulation. The Hartsens unexpectedly moved away two weeks later, before I knew I had missed my period. When I told my mom that Oscar was probably the father, rather than Ken, she dropped her own bombshell, that Oscar is my half-brother."

That definitely caught everyone off guard. 'Wow, more incest in the family,' I thought.

Glancing around, that meant that Bonnie was the only adult there who hadn't committed any incest, that I knew of, if I counted Angie being with Tommy as legal incest. Her boys, who were sitting on chairs near the sofa, turned to look at her and I thought I heard her say, "We'll discuss it at home."

Bridget continued, "According to Mom, I was conceived during an affair she was having with Simon Tirman and I was born four months after his wife had Oscar. I was born in 1950, before DNA paternity tests, but my blood type showed that Sean O'Hara could not have been my father, meaning Simon was. Mom informed him and they agreed to keep it a secret unless Oscar and I started to date. Double dating with Ken and Amelia apparently wasn't close enough to warn us. Mom also said my Uncle John, who was close friends with Simon, knew about the affair, so he might know I was Simon's daughter as well. Once I knew that, I couldn't risk naming Oscar as the baby's father. Not only could we be accused of incest by either Simon or Uncle John, admitting the swap would get Amelia and Ken in trouble, too. Abortion was still illegal, so I kept quiet, spent my pregnancy living with my aunt in Richmond and put my child up for adoption."

"Oh, god. So, you're my other grandmother?" Angie asked.

"Yes, dear. Plus, I'm also your great aunt and Tommy's, since Oscar's your grandfather."

To Tommy, she said, "I would prefer you keep calling me Nana Bridget, instead of Aunt Bridget, though, since I still don't want this to be public knowledge."
To Angie, she asked, "Does it bother you, that you're the product of incest, unintentionally?"

Angie gave a small shrug. "I wouldn't exist otherwise, Nana, so I'm sure not going to say it shouldn't have happened. But if you were just a friend in that situation, I would be okay with it, even if you had done it on purpose. I can call you Nana, can't I?" Angie asked.

"Of course, dear," Bridget said. "You could have already called me that, anyway, since you're marrying Derek. You too, Jessica."

"Thanks, Nana," Jessica said.

"Angie, has Oscar been DNA tested against Jake?" Dad asked.

"Yes. The test actually came back saying they shared 59% of their DNA. Oh hell, that's because Bridget is Dad's half-aunt as well as his mother, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Dad said. "Children of totally unrelated parents would share exactly 50% of their DNA with each parent, except for the X/Y chromosome. Any amount over 50 comes from the DNA the parents share, cut in half, plus or minus. Half-siblings average 25%, so half of that would be 12.5, with Hank and Oscar sharing less than that. The good news is that the crime here is long past the statute of limitations, even if the testing companies are reporting percentages significantly over 50% to the authorities as probable incest."

Bridget said, "Back in the '60s, a DNA test between Oscar and Jake would have only reported that they were related, not how closely. Even a separate test of my DNA to Oscar's wouldn't have proven that we were brother and sister, just related. Simon knowing he was my father was the real issue."

Dad said, "Well, if you use the same company to test against Jake, it will also compare you to Oscar. Even if you use a different company or a private test, it will still report a percentage over 50."

Grandpa looked increasingly upset. He finally blurted, "Why didn't you ever tell me about this, Bridget?"

'Someone managed to keep a secret from Grandpa, after all,' I thought.

Bridget replied, "This was an experience that was so painful, I almost didn't survive living it, Hank. I tried my hardest to forget what happened so I could move on and live the best life I could. But, you think I should have dredged those memories up for you after 20 years because husband and wife should tell each other everything? Have you told me every secret? I don't think so and I never expected it. Although I wasn't at risk of being prosecuted for incest any more by the time I met you, I still worried about being condemned for it. It's only now that I can share it, because I want to know my son."

"You wouldn't be condemned by us, Bridget," Mom said. "We love you just as much, if not more."

"Agreed, Nana," said Mark.

"You say that now," Bridget said. "Would you have been as forgiving when I first met your father?"

"Yes," Mom answered. "You made Dad happy and that meant absolutely everything to me."

"The pregnancy is how you wound up having your hysterectomy, isn't it?" Grandpa asked, still sounding gruff. "Not endometriosis?"

Bridget sighed and answered, "Yes, dear. That was a lie I told everyone, except my mother and aunt. The truth is my uterus ruptured during labor. They delivered the baby by emergency c-section but couldn't stop the bleeding after the baby and placenta were out and finally a surgeon removed the uterus to save my life. They left my ovaries in place for the hormones they produce, though. I was crushed by the news that I could have no more children, but the nineteen year old me simply believed it was God's punishment, for my incest and aiding Amelia's. I debated calling off the adoption and raising my son alone, as the only chance I would ever have at motherhood. My guilt stopped me. If I had done that, though, Jake's life would have been different and Angie and her sister wouldn't exist now. So, I guess God had a plan all along, to bring Angie into Derek's life and, through her, give me a second chance to know Jake."

"What about in-vitro fertilization?" Bonnie asked. "If you still had your ovaries, you could have had an egg extracted and used a surrogate."

Bridget answered, "Well, IVF didn't exist in 1969. By the time it did, a decade later, I was married to Jason and he specifically didn't want kids. Then, I met Hank and he had two adult kids already. So, I settled for being Nana to his grandkids. Now, Derek's girlfriend brings me full circle back to my son and two granddaughters of my own. My own Christmas miracle."

We all sat and pondered that for about a minute. As much as I loved Angie, I couldn't bring myself to be glad that Bridget had gone through that pain. She had been an excellent grandmother and would have been an excellent mother, had life given her the second chance or if her conscience had allowed her to keep Jake. I was more determined than ever to make sure that any child I conceived with Jilly knew I was its father.

Breaking the silence, Hal asked, "Angie, you just got done saying you are related to Tommy two ways. Does this make three, now?"

She looked upward as she figured things out, then answered, "Yeah, we're half-second-cousins, in addition to half-first through Oscar and full second on my mother's side. But, that doesn't change the percentage of DNA we share, which is about 9.5%. In fact, it means that we're actually below the expected average now, since we were near the average for the first two links. Plus, my dad is a step-brother to Marcy and and Mark, so you, Hank, Derek and Tommy are my step-cousins. And Tommy will be my brother-in-law, after I marry Derek. So, that's five links between blood and marriage? A bit much to keep track of."

"It doesn't change how I'm related to Tommy, does it?" Hal asked.

Tommy answered, "Nope, just how I'm related to Bridget, Angie and her dad. My mom is still your dad's sister and they aren't biologically related to Bridget. That we know of."

Angie turned back to Bridget. "Nana, are you prepared to reveal part or all of this to my Dad, my sister Pat and to Oscar? I was going to call my Dad later on to find out his Christmas plans since he and my Mom separated, but I'm sure he'd come here if I asked. It would sure top the Christmas gift I bought him."

Jessica said, "Oscar and his wife Hannah are already coming here for Christmas Eve dinner tonight, if you want to stay that long."

Mark said, "We've got preparations for Christmas Day with Bonnie's family that we still need to finish tonight. So, we won't be staying for dinner and wouldn't want to intrude, anyway. Let Hank know that I do look forward to meeting my newly discovered step-brother, though."

"What do you say, Bridget?" Grandpa asked.

"I'm scared," she answered. "What if they're not as accepting as you all have been?"

"My dad and sister are going to be thrilled," Angie said. "I'll kick their asses if they're not."

Jessica said, "Grandpa Oscar's really easy going. Revealing yourself as his sister and that he had sex with you might surprise him, but I think he'll be okay. I'm not as sure how Grandma Hannah will react."

"Oh, hell," Bridget exclaimed. "I forgot to tell you about Hannah."

Angie eyes widened as she remembered something. She said, "Let me guess, Nana. You're Hannah's first cousin?"

"How on Earth did you guess?" Bridget countered. "My uncle John was Hannah's father, John Campbell, Jr. Like I said, he and Mom didn't get along after her affair with Simon. I didn't get an invite to Hannah's wedding to Oscar, but they came to my mother's funeral in 1975, with a little boy that I guess must have been Sam. They made their condolences at the church, then they left before the burial and I haven't seen them since. Meeting Sam through Marcy and Stan, years later, I didn't mention that I was his mother's cousin, because I didn't want to be brought into contact with Oscar again."

Angie said, "My mother's mother, Rose Campbell Simpson, is Hannah's sister, so she's your cousin, too."

"Oh. I haven't seen her since Mom's funeral, either. That still doesn't explain your guess."

"Well, you being their cousin fits the last mystery from the DNA tests that were run to find my Dad's parents. Mom and Dad matched as second cousins, meaning they share a pair of great grandparents. She couldn't figure out which ones, though. Did any of the Campbell relatives know you were pregnant?"

Bridget answered, "Other than my mother? Nobody. Since I couldn't let Simon or John know I was carrying Oscar's baby, I went to Richmond to stay with my dad's sister Sarah and didn't come back until I had recovered from the surgery and lost the baby weight. The fact of the hysterectomy meant I didn't have to explain that its scar started as a c-section incision."

Angie said, "Well, when we identified Oscar as Dad's father, his test didn't match to my mom at all, meaning that Dad's mother had to be the unidentified cousin. Except, we couldn't place Amelia into our family tree. Which makes sense if she doesn't actually belong there. You being Rose's cousin will help Dad accept that you're his mom, especially if you don't want to get tested."

"If I could object to the test without revealing the incest, I would, but what other reason could I give? I knew I'd have to reveal the incest when Angie first started talking about Oscar being Jake's father, because I would have to explain putting Jake up for adoption. I just don't want it to be public knowledge."

Tommy said, "We'll have to take Oscar's DNA test private, then. That extra 9% signals that Oscar is related to Jake's mother, either as half-brother or nephew, if you're aware of why it should only be 50."

Bridget drew in a breath and said, "I can't get this close to my son and stop now. So, let's do it. Full reveal."

After another period of quiet, Tommy asked, "Angie, this is link number four between us, third cousins this time?"

"Yeah," sighed Angie. "Can you believe it? I'm just going to call you my cousin from now on. Explaining four different biological degrees is too much frigging work."

Dad said, "We're still waiting for our tests to come back. Marcy, Jilly and me, I mean. I wonder what they'll show."

Jessica said, "Any surprises would have to be small, Dad. Because I don't match to Tommy at all, you and Mom can't match to Marcy or Sam. Any connection of Marcy to Sam or you to Mom would have to be fairly small or it would have affected the half-brother matches to Derek and we can already eliminate Marcy sharing any of Sam's ancestors that Angie shares, or Angie would match to Derek."


As soon as Mark's family departed after lunch, Bridget walked over to Mom and asked, "Could I speak to you in private, Marcy?" Mom took her into the master bedroom and closed the door.

I looked toward Grandpa and he answered the unasked question with, "I have no idea what that's about."

I helped Angie, Jessica and Tommy clean up the wrapping paper scraps and take our gifts upstairs, while Grandpa, Dad and Jilly went into the kitchen to start some preparations for Christmas Eve dinner, which was going to be a selection of hearty soups, stews and bread.

Jessica wound up carrying some of my gifts up to my room. As soon as she set them down, she started to take off the elf costume.

"Why are you doing that in here instead of Tommy's room?" I asked. "My grandparents are still here."

Jessica said, "Angie and I were planning on quickies with you and Tommy after lunch, so my change of clothes is already in here. I want you even more now. I imagined us in Bridget and Oscar's situation, of not knowing we were siblings before we had sex, and it made me pretty hot, although the outcome for her made me sad, too. I'm glad we have the support of our family where she didn't. We'll have to stay quiet, so the hard fuck I really want from you is out of the question, but a quick 69 should keep us quiet enough. If they do hear us, they just need to think that it's Angie in here while I'm with Tommy."

I wasn't about to argue with her. By the time I crossed to my door, locked it and turned around, Jessica was down to her birthday suit, still with the sparkles and green lipstick on her face. She held her arms out and I walked into them and kissed her hard. My hands roamed over every part of her body except between her legs.

Her hands started pulling at my clothes and I was soon naked. We climbed onto my bed and she lay on top of me and lowered her pussy down onto my face. She was soaked, already, as my tongue entered between her juicy labia. I rimmed her opening, down to her perineum, then made my way around her pussy again.

She finished stroking my cock to full hardness with her hand, while suckling my balls. Her mouth worked along my shaft from the side, before slurping the head into her mouth and turning to take me deeper. Her tongue swirled all around as her lips locked around the shaft.

My hands were squeezing her butt cheeks as I pulled her firmly against my mouth and I thrust my tongue deeply inside her. After two minutes of drawing my tongue out and pushing it in again, I replaced my tongue with two fingers and avoided her g-spot at first, while my tongue inched closer and closer to her clit.

"Quickie, remember?" Jessica hissed, taking her mouth away from my cock for a moment, before driving back onto it, taking me into her throat. She was so intense in face-fucking me that I knew I wasn't going to last much longer. Hoping to get her to orgasm before me, I sucked her clit and pressed her g-spot at the same time. It only took another 30 seconds to trigger her orgasm. With my cock in her throat, she couldn't scream, but that didn't stop her from arching her whole body over me, before she began to shake and had to get me out of her throat to breathe. She kept up the intensity of her blowjob.

My own orgasm followed soon after hers, while I had her clit between my lips and couldn't warn her. After my first spurt against the back of her mouth, she backed off further so she could squeal around me, intensifying my sensation. I kept licking her clit and rubbing across the rough patch inside her. She was still bucking over me as my cock squeezed out its last drops. As her body calmed, I let go of her clit and licked up her tangy juices from her labia, that were almost dripping from her. She finally pulled herself away from me, to collapse onto her back beside me, breathing quickly.

After a minute, she turned around and lay on my shoulder, saying, "I needed that. Thanks, brother, and Merry Christmas."

"Any time," I said. "Any time we can be safe, any way."

We were cooling off, when we heard my mom shout, "Kids, can you come downstairs?"

Jessica said, "Don't forget to wash your face and rinse your mouth. Sparkles, green lipstick and pussy juice would be a pretty big hint to what we've been doing."

My cock had a coating of the green lipstick, so I grabbed a tissue to wipe most of it off, before getting redressed. I would have to delay showering until later. I almost ran into Tommy, coming out of the bathroom. "You've still got some glitter on your neck," I pointed out.

"Oops," he said and turned around. We took turns at the sink and the girls came in and did the same, all of us swishing water in our mouths. The women were in sweaters and skirts that I recognized as being Angie's, reminding me that Jessica hadn't moved in and didn't have her clothes in Tommy's bedroom yet. The house purchase would delay her move further.

As we got to the top of the stairs, Jessica flipped the back of her skirt up, making it clear that she hadn't put panties on. My attempt to swat her ass missed. As we reached the bottom of the stairs, our parents and my grandparents were sitting on the living room furniture. "What's up, Mom?" I asked.

"The sky," she said, repeating one of her favorite mocking responses to that question. "Luckily, it's not falling."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tommy asked, as we took seats on the folding chairs around the room.

"What it means is that Grandpa and Nana have both figured our incest out, separately. Dad challenged Derek about it this morning and Bridget challenged me on it just now. We admitted everything. Including Jake being involved with Pat, just in case that comes out tonight, as it might."

"So, are we a group of nine, now?" Tommy asked.

Grandpa said, "Your parents extended the invitation, but no, Bridget and I won't be joining in your orgies or swapping or moving in with you. I'm a pretty confirmed monogamist, Tommy. I've only ever made love with three women in my life and been faithful to each one. I'm satisfied, being with Bridget. I don't need Marcy to return to my bed now nor add three more lovers, with two of them being just a third of my age."

Bridget said, "The combination of my mom's infidelity and the swap with Amelia is what led to my incest with Oscar and having to give up my son. I swore to God I would never be unfaithful again if he would give my son a good life, which it seems he has. For 48 years and two marriages, I've kept that oath. I don't think all of you are wrong for doing what you do, it's just not for me, either. Besides, I think you will be needing baby sitters to keep your kids in the dark, soon enough. That will require someone else's house for them to visit. Let us support you, rather than join you."


Oscar and Hannah were the first to arrive for dinner. When Hannah spotted Bridget, she did a double-take and asked, "Bridget Campbell Cassidy, is that you?"

Bridget smiled. "It's Swanson now, but yes, cousin, it's me. How are you? Hello, Oscar."

"Hi, Bridget," Oscar said, seeming more nervous than surprised to see her.

"I'm doing fine," Hannah answered. "How do you know the Rosettis?"

"I married Marcy's father Hank in 1994, after Jason died. I assume you know everyone else who is here now."

"So, that's why we couldn't find you," Hannah muttered.

"Why did you need to find me?" Bridget asked.

Turning to Oscar, she asked, "Do you want to tell her?"

Oscar looked even more frightened, but said, "We ought to sit down." They took seats on the couch in the living room, while the rest of us found spots nearby. Oscar continued, "When my father Simon died in 2004, I was the executor of his estate and that got me the combination to his safe. Inside, I found the journals he kept over the years. Reading through them, I found out that he had cheated on my mom repeatedly..."

Bridget nodded and asked, "Including with my mother, right? He recorded the fact that I am his daughter, your half sister?"

"You knew, already? When? Why didn't you say anything?"

Bridget gathered her strength, then said, "Brace yourselves, my revelation is even bigger. I didn't say anything because my mom didn't tell me you were my brother until after I was already pregnant. With Jake."

"Jake is Amelia's son," Oscar insisted. Hannah looked stunned.

"No, Oscar, he's not. Do you remember the last double date we had before the Hartsens moved away? The four of us had sex in their basement with all the lights out?"

"Yes," Oscar said.

"Well, Amelia wanted to have sex with Ken. I went along with it and swapped places with her. Only, she was on birth control pills while I wasn't, so you didn't use a condom, thinking it was her. I mistimed my fertile window and your swimmers did their job. When I told Mom I was pregnant and you were probably the father, she confessed to her affair with Simon and the fact that my blood type didn't match Sean O'Hara's, meaning I had to be Simon's daughter. She also thought Hannah's dad, my uncle John, might have known, too, since he knew about the affair and shunned Mom for it."

Oscar responded, "Yeah, Dad mentioned you were his daughter in his journal and named you in his will. That's why we were looking for you after he died, to let you know you were an heir. The estate established a trust to hold what Dad left you. It's grown to $90,000, the last I checked."
Bridget continued, "I wasn't expecting that. Anyway, if I had named you as my baby's father, your dad would immediately know it was incest and Amelia and Ken could have wound up in trouble for the swap, too. Mom said Uncle John knew about the affair, but wasn't sure whether he knew I was Simon's daughter. Since I didn't want anyone charged with incest, I went to stay with my aunt in Richmond to keep the pregnancy a secret, too. I delivered a son on March 10th of 1969 and gave him up for adoption. I just found out from Angie today that her father has been identified as your son and his birthday matches. So, unless Amelia's birth control failed and Ken's condom failed and she gave birth to a son on the exact same date, I'm Jake's mother. Angie also says that Jake's DNA indicates he is his Debra's second cousin and that he matches to you at 59%. The first indicates that Jake's mother is a cousin to one of Debra's parents, the extra 9% indicates that you share enough DNA to be a half-brother, nephew or uncle to his mother. I fit both of those and Amelia doesn't."

As Oscar sat there absorbing that, Hannah said, "Bridget, I think I would have done the same thing, in that position. It just took me 30 years to know I was already in it."

"What do you mean?"

Hannah responded, "Your mother wasn't the only affair Simon wrote about. He cheated with my mother, at a time that made it possible that I was his daughter, too. In the journal, he actually hoped I was, because it would mean he'd gotten one over on my father. He clearly got a perverse thrill in going after the wives of his friends and getting away with it. Here's my dad, blaming your mother for seducing Simon and Simon is boasting that Dad had no idea that my mom was cheating on him, too. Even as Oscar and I were getting married, Simon was still speculating that we were committing incest and not saying a word to us. You can imagine reading that threw us for a loop. We had already been married for 30 years by then."

"So, are you? Simon's daughter, I mean?" Bridget asked. "Are you my half-sister?"

Tommy leaned over to Angie and whispered, "Would that be five links or six?" She shushed him.

Hannah said, "We honestly don't know. Before we found a doctor we could trust to test us and keep it configential, we came to terms with the possible incest and decided it simply no longer mattered to us, so we never got the DNA test done. I was in menopause by then, so I wasn't worried about additional children. The three we had were healthy, although Sam had died in the line of duty. So, we told our daughters Angela and Melanie so they could be aware of potential health issues and they agreed to keep it a secret."

Angie said, "I'm pretty sure you're not Oscar's sister, Hannah. Angela did get tested after Tommy matched some of your sister's kids, but before Oscar was tested. She matched to Tommy as an aunt and to my mom as a full cousin, as we expected for one of Sam's siblings. Where that's important is that by being my mom's full cousin, the test indicates that Rose is your full sister, not your half-sister, so you and Rose must have the same father. When Oscar's test came back saying that he didn't match my mother, that also indicates that Oscar and Rose can't have the same father. So, you can't have the same father as Oscar. Besides, Angela matches Oscar at exactly 50%, which also indicates that you can't be related to Oscar in any way or that match would be over 50."

Hannah said, "I think I followed that. Thanks for resolving it, but like I said, we stopped caring years ago."

Oscar shook his head, "I had kind of grown used to thinking we were kinky, for being brother and sister."

Hannah squeezed his arm and said, "We can always roleplay, big brother."

I leaned towards Angie and whispered, "Wanna be my sister?"

She suppressed a laugh and shushed me. It wasn't a no.

Oscar asked, "Does Jake have any other brothers and sisters? Besides my kids, that is?"

Bridget frowned. "From me? No. My uterus ruptured giving birth to him and I needed an emergency hysterectomy. Jason preferred not having children and then I married Hank and became Nana to his grandkids. I've known Tommy his whole life as my step-grandson, not knowing we're biologically related a couple ways, until today."

Oscar said, "I honestly don't know which is harder to wrap my mind around. That you're Jake's mother or that you're my sister. Is that why you didn't stay close to the Campbell side of the family?"

Bridget answered, "Oscar, you were a reminder of what I had lost and I was still worried about the secret coming out. I blamed myself for my losses, not you, but it still hurt to remember. So I kept my distance from you and when you married Hannah, I kept my distance from her and the other Campbell relatives. My mom's funeral was the last time I saw most of them and definitely the last time I saw you and Hannah, until today. My first husband didn't question it, not being family oriented himself. Then, marrying Hank gave me a new family that didn't know that part of my past. I didn't even tell Sam I was related, when I met him through Marcy."

"I wish you could have told me," Oscar said.

Bridget shook her head. "You think I didn't want to? What would we have done differently, though? Try to get married, when your dad and maybe my uncle knew we were siblings, even though our birth certificates said otherwise? Run away and marry in another state and have you skip college? Plus, you were Amelia's boyfriend, not mine. We certainly weren't in love. You think I haven't played out every 'what if?' scenario you can think of? Based on the situation and the era, I did what I thought was best for all of us and I've tried hard to make peace with it by believing that our son had a good life. Then, by a miraculous circumstance, Derek winds up engaged to my own granddaughter, who relates this morning that you're her recently discovered grandfather and that Amelia was your son's mother, when his birthday matched my son's? I think today is when all this was meant to finally come out, don't you?"

"So, now we just need to tell Jake," Oscar said, just as the doorbell rang. "Let me help smooth the way."

Dad got up and answered the door and I moved to set up some more folding chairs. Jake, Pat and a brown-haired woman I assumed was Wendy entered.

While Pat and Wendy were both brunettes, that's where any resemblance ended. Pat was Angie's 5'5" height, bigger at the bust but narrower at the hips. Wendy was six inches taller and model thin, with tattoos visible at the sleeves of her dress and no bra underneath, as her nipples and the piercings in them were apparent through the fabric after coming in from colder air.

As soon as he spotted the looks on everyone's faces watching them, Jake said, "Okay, what is going on? This isn't looking very festive."

Angie said, "Sit down, Dad. There have been some, ummm, developments, today."

"Nothing ominous about that," he said. As he and Wendy sat on the love seat, he said, "Someone want to fill me in?" As his eyes scanned the room, they landed on Bridget and lingered. He said, "I don't think we've met, but you look very familiar. I'm Jake McDougall, Angie's dad. This is Wendy Sanders, my girlfriend, and Pat, my other daughter."

Nervously, Bridget said, "Hi, I'm Bridget Swanson, Marcy's step-mother. This is her father, Hank. It's nice to meet you, Jake."

Oscar said, "It's interesting that you used the word familiar, son. Because it has been revealed today that Bridget is literally our family. She's my half-sister... and your mother."

That was supposed to be smooth?

Pat gasped but Jake only blinked, several times over, before he could ask, "Not Amelia?"

Oscar said, "No, not Amelia." He proceeded to retell the story of Ken and Bridget double dating with Oscar and Amelia and how the swap had led to Jake's conception. Bridget managed to fill in a few details of her own, although she was nervous and Jake wasn't displaying much emotion to reassure her, one way or the other. They both related pieces of Simon's infidelities and how Oscar and Bridget didn't know they were siblings at the time they had sex. The idea that Oscar and Hannah thought they might also be half-siblings came out as well, along with the DNA tests showing why they weren't. By the time the story was told, Pat and Wendy had tears on their cheeks, but Jake simply looked overwhelmed.

Jake said, "So, let me see if I understand it all, Dad. Bridget is Hannah and Rose's cousin, your half-sister because Simon is her father and both my mother and my half-aunt at the same time and you're also my half-uncle? Those are the reasons why our DNA tests matched over 50% and why I match as Debra's second cousin? Out of fear that she and Amelia would both be accused of incest by your father, she gave me up for adoption without telling you?"

Bridget answered, instead, "That's basically it. Are you mad at me, Jake?"

Sighing, he said, "I've got so many emotions swirling right now, I really can't identify them all. I'm sure anger or resentment is in there somewhere, more at Simon's role in all this than at either of you, but I think it's so buried under amazement at the coincidences involved, joy at finding each other, sorrow at you not being able to have other children. But, most of all the word incest keeps running through my thoughts. How much of a role it played in all this and continues to."

"Continues to?" Oscar asked. "It was one time between Bridget and me. Hannah being my sister has been disproved."

Jake said, "Yes, but you accepted it as possible. So, I think you can accept the news that Pat and I are lovers, too."

"Daddy! What the hell?" Pat yelled.

Jake waved her off and added, "And I have reason to believe that pretty much everyone who woke up in this house this morning is involved in incest of their own."

So much for Jake keeping quiet. Shit.

Oscar looked around the room, before saying, "I don't hear anybody denying it. Is this true, Jilly, Stan, Marcy?"

"Yes," said Jilly, as meek as I had ever heard her. "We've all been lovers since Thanksgiving."

We related most of our story. Grandpa Hank admitted to his past with Mom as well. I took note of the fact that he didn't distance himself and Bridget from current or future involvement and wondered why he didn't.

Oscar and Hannah took it all in, then responded, "As we said, we came to terms with the idea of incest as being moral a dozen years ago, when we thought we might be brother and sister. We will keep your secrets, all of you. What I want to know, Jake, is why you thought it was okay to out them like that, if they were trying to keep it secret and had kept your incest secret."

The fact that we had told Bridget and Grandpa about Jake had not been revealed and no longer needed to be admitted, in my opinion.

Jake replied, "I looked around the room and couldn't see anyone who wasn't either involved in incest now or in the past or likely aware and tolerant of it. Angie caught Pat and I on Friday, so I assumed she had already told Derek's family. So, I took a calculated risk in outing myself to you and airing my suspicions about them. As you said, any one of them could have denied it, but they didn't. I think we're better able to rely on each other, if everything is out in the open."

Angie was trembling next to me, not in fear but rage. "Dad, that's such a load of fucking shit. You started making threats against Derek's family on Friday, when I caught you with Pat and Wendy. This was just you making good on those threats by revealing us to people who didn't know about our incest and didn't need to know. Even if odds were good that they would be accepting, there was no guarantee. Instead of getting everyone on the same page, you chose to blow up the frigging book. How do any of us trust you, now?"

Jake said, "There was no book, honey. Were we trusting each other before this? Really? If I blew anything up, it was the pretense that we didn't already know about each other's incest. Now, with everything exposed, we can start building that trust, for real. I promise, I won't tell another soul. Certainly not your mother."

"What does Debra know?" Hannah asked.

Jake said, "She knows I've been having sex with Wendy, who is my former foster sister, since before we married and I never stopped. She suspects that there's a second woman involved, but has leapt to the conclusion that it's Angie, instead of Pat. After what happened with Rachel, she's about as anti-incest as you can imagine."

Angie asked. "What did happen with Aunt Rachel? I've only gotten hints about her and Bonnie."

Jake answered, "Your mom was a sophomore in college when she came home for a weekend and caught Rachel having sex with their brother Scott. They were both freshmen at a local college and still living at home. Despite being begged to stay quiet, she told their parents everything that night. Grandpa Daniel was threatening to force Scott to enlist in the Army to get him away from Rachel and Scott committed suicide the next day, instead. Rachel blamed Debra. Then, Rachel turned out to be pregnant with Bonnie, who is Scott's child. One of Daniel's sisters took Rachel in and she and Debra haven't talked since. Except, the family rumor mill has indicated that Rachel and Bonnie might now be lovers as well. It's only managed to make Debra more vehement against the evils of incest and bisexuality."

"Is incest just everywhere or does it only run in certain families?" Angie asked.

Mom said, "I don't know that it's either. The group that's here is certainly not a big enough sample of the population to extrapolate. Could it be genes that govern who attracts us, even when it's a family member and can that be passed to the next generation? If so, who did I inherit that from? There was no sign of incest in my family before me. None in Stan's or Jilly's. The attraction that really caused Jake to be conceived was Amelia's attraction for Ken, not attraction between Bridget and Oscar, so thinking that Jake inherited an attraction for Pat from them doesn't quite make sense. And Jake had nothing to do with Debra's brother and sister getting together before he had met Debra."

"Socialization?" Angie asked.

Mom answered, "Again, who would I have learned incest from? Or Jake? Bridget was the only one who knew his past involved incest and they had no contact until today."

Jake said, "My adoptive parents didn't want me to get involved with Wendy and that's not even incest."

Mom said, "You might argue that the existence of reliable birth control lowers the genetic risk of incest, so couples who would have resisted their urges generations ago can give in to them instead, but DNA tests getting accurate enough to detect incest just by comparing one parent to their child, without testing the other parent, could have an opposite discouraging effect. I certainly don't think society as a whole is going to suddenly say it's okay, just because we feel it is."

Dad asked, "Can we table this conversation until after dinner? The soups are staying warm in crock pots, but we don't want them to overcook."

With 14 for dinner, we divided between kitchen and dining room tables. Bridget, Grandpa, Oscar, Hannah, Jake and Wendy took the smaller table in the kitchen so they could get better acquainted, while Pat joined the rest of us at the dining room table. I served myself some New England clam chowder and a big slice of French bread and wound up sitting between Angie and Pat on one side of the table. Mom took the end next to Pat, while Tommy, Jessica and Jilly were on the other side, with Dad at the other end, next to Angie.

Pat said, "I envy you all, a little bit. Being a triad and two couples, you can hide your incest a lot better. I'm going to pause with Dad and Wendy for a while, until Mom stops accusing Dad of being with Angie. I still don't know what makes her think Dad's with you and not me, but it would be better to be safe and not have her walk in on us like you did on Friday."

Angie said, "Mom believes it's me because she thinks you're straight. She found out I'm bisexual and that makes me a more likely suspect to be Wendy and Dad's lover than you, even with you living in the same building as Wendy. It's irrational, but Mom being stubborn about evidence-free ideas she gets in her head is nothing new. The more you tell her she's wrong, the more she digs in. Did Dad and Wendy going to Jilly's swing club have any effect on her suspicions?"

"If she's heard about it, she hasn't said anything to me. I don't think she's seen Barb Cohen, yet. Barb's Christmas bunco party happened before Dad went to the club, so they might not see each other until January's game. I'm going over to spend Christmas morning with her so she won't be alone, so I'll let you know what she says."

Jilly said, "If you want to keep your Mom from becoming suspicious, you ought to date a bit. Give her a boyfriend to see from time to time, even if the relationships are short. And who knows, you might just find a guy who is willing to be in a foursome with Jake and Wendy."

Pat said, "I wish even dating were that easy. My travel schedule makes dating pretty hard to arrange. A lot of guys act like it's a long-distance relationship if I'm not in town every night."

Jessica said, "The right guy will make the effort. Tommy did."

"Maybe if you've already established the relationship before it turns into long-distance. But, I've actually had guys turn me down for a first date because I wasn't available on the night they wanted to go out or get frustrated because I couldn't schedule a second date for a couple weeks. As if my travel is more inconvenient for them than it is for me. Combined with having to wonder how they might react if they find out about my relationship with Dad and I have to wonder if it isn't easier to pretend to be asexual as my cover."

Jilly said, "That depends on whether you're someone who displays a 'freshly fucked glow' after sex. People will respect your privacy, mostly, if you aren't revealing who your boyfriends are, but claiming to have none isn't as easy to pull off. Unless you're getting sex every day, of course."


When I had finished my bowl of chowder, I headed into the kitchen to get some beef stew. I was brought up short by what I saw. All three women in the kitchen were sitting in the laps of the three men, making out with them. Except, Oscar had Bridget in his lap, Hannah was with Jake and Wendy was with Grandpa Hank.

They ignored me as I went to the sink to rinse my bowl, ladled out some beef stew, grabbed some more bread and went back to the dining room. Angie had moved into my seat and was in the middle of kissing Pat, so I took the open seat between her and Dad.

I asked, "Dad, did you put aphrodisiacs into the soups or something? The kitchen is a total make-out session right now. But, all three couples swapped partners." I listed the pairs.

"Now, isn't that interesting?" Dad replied. "After Hank and Bridget made those declarations about staying monogamous this morning. Could it just be us they weren't interested in joining?"

I said, "Grandpa did say he had an issue with Angie and Jessica being only a third of his age. Maybe Hannah and Wendy are a better match, age-wise?"

Pat asked, "Am I going to be odd girl out, now? I know Dad and I have to cool it for a while, but is there going to be a place left for me, after Mom stops being suspicious? With either them or with you guys?" She squeezed Angie's hand as she said that.

Angie said, "I would take you up to my bed right now, if it weren't for Mom's suspicions. Hopefully soon. We would definitely have to come up with an explanation before you could move in, if that's even what you want."

"Do you think that's possible?"
Angie shrugged. "As you said, the older triad and the two younger couples are partly camouflage, but mostly who we would be with if we couldn't remain a group. You certainly can't form a public triad with Derek and me. Being publicly linked with Tommy and Jess is almost as much trouble, since he's our cousin. It's the reason why we kept the three of us a secret for so long, before I dated Derek. In fact, your DNA match to Tommy is a couple percentage points closer than mine, although still in the first cousin range."

Pat said, "Yeah, but it would at least be legal to be with Tommy. And I do have a six-week assignment coming up in Chicago after New Years. Is it okay with you, Jessica, if I keep your fiance company while we're both there? It could establish a basis for the three of us to be a trio. If that's what we're agreed upon."

Jessica asked, "We're jumping about a dozen steps ahead, don't you think, Pat? I've had sex in your bed, but only when you weren't home. Maybe we should try sex together, before making any major decisions? Spend some time together and see if we even have chemistry? Maybe tonight, either at your place, or my mom's house? Since I think this house might just wind up a bit crowded tonight."

Mom said, "Don't jump to conclusions about what the kitchen group has in mind. It could just be kissing, with no intent to go further, especially since that would mean incest for Bridget with either Oscar or Jake. I do want some more soup, so I'll check on them."

Once Mom was out of hearing range, Dad turned to Jilly and asked, "Just how badly does she want to get back in bed with Hank, do you think?"

Jilly said, "It ranks up there with wanting to be with Derek and Tommy, for sure. She loved him before you and might just love him most of all, Stan. You blocked her when you got engaged, but now it's Bridget's permission she needs, since I don't think Hank has ever learned how to tell Marcy no. His turning down being in our group wouldn't apply to being with her, if she gets Bridget's permission. I almost expected Bridget to give it to him, this morning."

Hearing that made me feel jealous of my grandfather, where I didn't feel that way towards Dad or Tommy. Why was that? I realized that I was a generational mirror to Grandpa, younger than Mom instead of older, but just as incestuous, where Dad would always be her legitimate mate. I couldn't compete against Dad on that basis, so I didn't feel the urge. But would I have to compete against Grandpa for Mom's attention, now? If she loved Grandpa more than Dad, did that mean she loved me less?

At the same time, I realized that the relationships I had with Mom and Angie were an echo of where Mom had been 25 years before with Grandpa and Dad. I loved both of them, but knew that marriage and children with Mom were impossible. Where it differed is that Angie not only wasn't making me choose between them, she had pushed Mom towards me by fucking Dad and then set up our initial foursome by expressing an attraction for Mom. What would I do, if Angie ever asked me to choose between them? Was that even the thing to fear most, if Mom turned back towards Grandpa and away from me? I had imagined all kinds of reasons why Mom and I might need to stop being intimate. Grandpa hadn't been one of them, until then.

Then there were Jessica and Jilly, providing me extra opportunities for love and sex. Maybe Pat now, too. Could it all hold together, if Mom was being pulled in a different direction? And what if Jake or Pat wanted Angie to join them? Could I lose both of them?

"Earth to Derek? Come in, Derek," teased Angie, noticing my pensiveness. "Where did you go just now?"

I admitted, "Oh, over-analyzing our relationships, playing insecure what-if games with the future."

She whispered, "Worrying about Marcy preferring Hank, I expect."

"Partly," I said. "It's not like there are any relationship guides for this incestuous-polyamorous mishmash we're in."

"Maybe you should write one. Change the names, the places, fictionalize some of the details and publish under a pseudonym."

I asked, "Who would believe that all of this happened?"

"Publish it as erotica fantasy fulfillment, then," she said. "At least some people will read it. Maybe help someone else see the ethics in what we're doing."

Mom came back into the dining room, shaking her head back and forth in a sign of disbelief and saying, "You were so pranked, Derek. Those six butt-nuggets staged the kissing for the benefit of whoever came into the kitchen next, to trick us into thinking they were going to form a separate swapping group. And we fell for it, didn't we?"

"It sure looked like they were having a good time, to me," I said. "If that was faking, it was great acting..."

Mom chuckled, "It might have started as acting, but I wouldn't be surprised if something grew from it, mainly depending on Bridget. When they confessed, she wasn't blushing at all about having kissed Oscar."

To Jessica and Tommy, Pat said, "Even if that was just a joke, I still need to take a break from Dad and Wendy, if you two want to keep our little chemistry test date for tonight."

"Fine with me," Tommy said.

"Yeah," Jessica followed. "We have gifts to exchange, first, then we can head out."

Angie asked, "Maybe you could stay here for your date, instead, if Dad, Wendy and the grandparents are going home? Even if I'm going to hold off on having sex with Pat for a while, we've always slept under the same roof on Christmas Eve and started Christmas morning together. If we can't do it at Mom and Dad's house, here is a good second option."


Grandpa pointed at me and said, "Gotcha!" when he came back into the living room after dinner.

Stepping close to him, I looked him in the eyes and whispered, "Are you going to deny enjoying kissing Wendy?"

He had no answer for me.

Tommy, Angie, Jessica and Jilly exchanged their gifts with Oscar, Hannah, Jake, Pat and Wendy, then our guests left for their homes, except for Pat, who sat with Tommy and Jessica on the couch, talking and getting to know each other better.

Angie and I helped Mom, Dad and Jilly clean up the kitchen and dining room.

"What a day," I said. "Almost twice as many people know about us, now."

Mom said, "Jake and my Dad already had their suspicions. It wouldn't surprise me if Jake shared those with Pat and Wendy. Today is just when those burst open, mostly due to Bridget's realization that Jake is her son."

Angie said, "My dad could have handled it better."

I asked, "What exactly is the etiquette for bringing up that suspicion? This morning, Grandpa was hinting around it until I challenged him to directly ask what he wanted to ask. After the revelations your Dad had just experienced, I think he handled the emotional impact fairly well, but his head had to be spinning. I can understand him blurting it out, even if I would rather he hadn't."

Dad said, "That's the difference. Hank was having a one-on-one conversation with you this morning and would probably have been more direct with your mom, but still just with her. Jake exposed himself and us to the whole group as a knee-jerk emotional response, even if he seemed calm on the outside. He didn't earn my respect, doing it that way. He clearly caught Pat by surprise."


When we were done cleaning up, Tommy, Jessica and Pat were gone from the living room. We assumed that they'd headed upstairs already. As Angie and I reached the top of the stairs, we could hear faint sounds of sex coming from Tommy's room.

Entering our bedroom, I asked, "Do you think they're moving too fast?"

Angie answered, "No faster than Tommy, Jess and I did when we first got together. I didn't know Jess well and Tommy not at all. We went from that frat party straight to Pat's apartment and were naked almost before the door was closed. So, this doesn't surprise me. Now, what can I do to get you to stop worrying? You seem to have been on edge all day."

"Well, my day started with getting caught in the middle of an orgasm by Grandpa. If I had decided to push inside you instead, he might have walked in on us fucking. That surprise turned into him hinting about Mom or Alissa being in my bed instead of you, which led to revealing my incest with Mom when I challenged him to ask directly. As if that wasn't enough, Bridget figures us out by lunch time and then what your Dad did. I haven't been able to escape a feeling of pending doom, all day."

"Well, we survived all three rounds of revelations," she said, wrapping her arms around me and laying her head on my shoulder. "Let's not keep worrying about it, okay? Focus on Christmas and being with those we love. I've actually been imagining your grandpa watching us fuck, all day, since you mentioned what happened."

"He definitely got a clear view of your breasts, when the covers slipped down."

"Mmmmmm. That makes me hot, not embarassed. What would make me hotter would be to fuck the way we could have this morning, if you hadn't chosen to hot dog me instead. Then I can imagine him at the doorway."

I stepped back and pulled her sweater off of her body. I wasn't surprised to find her braless and leaned over and took a nipple between my lips. Her hand went to the zipper of her skirt and it hit the floor, demonstrating the same lack of panties as Jessica. She then opened the belt on my jeans and swept those and my boxer briefs down to my feet, as I kicked off my sneakers and stepped on the toes of one sock after the other to get them off. Last, I swept my sweater over my head, just as Angie dropped to her knees and took my cock into her mouth.

After several bobs of her mouth brought me to full hardness, she backed off and said, "I can still see traces of that green lipstick."

"I didn't have time for a shower," I explained.

"Not a problem, so long as there's no damned glitter there," she said. She got up and climbed onto the bed, taking the same position on the bed as in the morning. I climbed in behind her and we spooned for a minute, as I reached around her to fondle her breasts.

I rubbed my cock through her buns again, but this time pushed my cock down to enter her pussy, finding the fingers of her left hand already there to guide me in and rub her clit after I was inside.

I rocked back and forth, pushing my hips toward hers. Her hand strayed from her clit to grasp my nuts and stroke the underside of my shaft. I waited five minutes before I leaned towards her ear and, seeing her eyes were closed in pretend sleep, whispered, "He's watching, baby."

She clenched inside, in response and her fingers whipped across her labia, telling me she was really close to cumming. I thrust harder, trying to match her. She beat me there, though, starting to shake in my arms. I pinched a nipple and she yelped, "Fuck!" Further ripples inside her finally pushed me over the edge and I shot into her over and over.

We snuggled together for several more minutes before she rolled away from me, saying, "Gotta pee. I'll be right back."

My eyes were closed when she returned to the bed, except the voice that breathed, "Hi, Derek," was Pat's, not Angie's. I opened my eyes and a naked Pat was lying in front of me, the tips of her bountiful breasts pressed into my chest, a leg wrapped over mine. I could feel the warmth of her pussy on my balls. From what I could see, her breasts were the same size as Mom's, areolae similarly wide with thick nipples, but maybe a shade darker.

"Was this your idea or Angie's?" I asked.

"Angie's really into sharing and says this family is, too. I can switch back, if you're really not interested in me. Or we can just sleep."

I answered by kissing her, soon followed by grasping one of her heavy breasts. Her left hand caressed my face, then began making its way down my neck and shoulder to my arm and eventually my hip, where it hesitated for about 20 seconds before reaching between us to grasp my hard cock. It was a bit sticky from the sex with Angie.

Pat said, "I need to taste Angie, even if it's second hand," before she slid down my body and started licking the mix of Angie's juices and my sperm that still coated my shaft.

She turned and presented her pussy to my mouth, the brown hair above it shaped in a triangle. She had apparently washed when she was in the bathroom, as I didn't taste Tommy's sperm on her prominent crimson labia, although there were traces deeper inside her. I had been exposed to Tommy and Dad's cum enough that the taste no longer bothered me much.

I tried to devour every drop of her tangy juices that I could reach with my tongue, nibbling her long labia with my lips. Despite Angie telling me to stop worrying, I couldn't seem to avoid wondering what the future might hold for Pat becoming a member of our loving family. Had she hit it off with Tommy and Jessica, or was her presence in my bed due to things not going well with them? Recognizing my pessimism was getting a bit out of control, I tried to suppress my questions and focus entirely on being present with Pat. Instead of feeling doom, I wanted to recognize how fortunate I really was.

Pat was sucking my cock deep into her mouth, not trying to deep throat it. Her tongue was doing amazing things, though, making it hard to think anything beyond licking her so we might orgasm at the same time.

Before we got there, she pushed me onto my back, saying, "We can come into each other's mouths some other time. I want to ride you, little brother."

"Roleplay?" I asked.

She answered, "You'll be my brother-in-law soon enough. Ignoring the in-law part just makes it hotter." She was climbing onto my hips as she said that, dropping onto my cock at the word "hotter".

I could only think that the adjective was accurate, as the warmth of her pussy folds surrounded me and we began to fuck each other with fervor. I thrust my hips upward and squeezed her breasts and plump nipples as her muscular legs flexed and her hips rolled at the bottom of each stroke. She accompanied that with internal squeezes on each push of her legs, that were nearly milking me.

"Fuck, Pat, you're amazing!" I cried out, as my arousal soared higher.

"Gimme your come, brother. I want all you have left." She upped our pace, as I shifted my hands onto her hips to leverage my thrusts into her. We slapped together, as I watched her boobs jump on her chest. She had one hand in front of her, rubbing her clit. The other braced herself on my chest.

"I'm there, sis!" I said, playing along with the fantasy. "Oh, fuck!"

"Fucccckkk me!" she screamed, just before she began to clench my cock shaft inside her, even harder than before.

I thrust three more times before my cock jerked and began shooting semen into her.

Pat collapsed onto my chest, her body shuddering, as I drove harder into her, while pushing downward on her hips to meet me.

When both of our orgasms ebbed, she whispered, "So sweet, Derek."

"Thank you, Pat. I hope that becomes a frequent thing, whatever happens regarding your family or mine. Even if it's just seeing you at Jilly's club from time to time."

Pat pulled off of my cock and rolled over as I reached down to pull the covers up, spooned behind her and was asleep in a minute.


Sometime in the night, Angie climbed into the bed behind me and snuggled into my back, with Pat still spooned in front of me.

Which made Debra McDougall screaming "What the hell is this?" from my doorway all the more trouble.

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