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My Senior Year

This is the story of the strangest and best thing to happen to me during high school, and indeed my entire life. I don't dare to tell anyone about it, lest it all fade from memory, having never happened. This I am penning in hopes of avoiding that.

Bleep, Bleep, Bleep. Thwack. I smacked my alarm clock, snoozing it for the third time that morning. As I rolled over to see what time it was, my mother burst into the room.

"Tyler, it's 9:00! School starts at 9:30, you need to get moving."

I moaned in response and threw back the covers. I stood up, put on my glasses, and stood in front of my full body mirror deciding what to put on. I suppose now is as good a time as any to describe myself. I am 6' even, white with dirty blonde hair, not what you would call athletic but certainly on the slimmer side, and I have blue eyes. As I continued to gave down I grimaced at my barely 6" cock, average, but nothing special.

I showered, threw on a t-shirt and jeans, grabbed a bagel from the cupboard and dashed to my car to head out.

I arrived at school 15 minutes later, parked, and ran to class, sitting down just as the bell rang. I looked around at some of my classmates. There was Kathryn, Chloe, Jill, and Glorie across the aisle from me, and Declan, Jaden, and Mason sitting beside me. The teacher, Ms. Jarels, stood at the front of the room droning on about the Gilded Age or WWI or something. I was too busy staring at Kathryn to notice.


"I'm sorry, what?"

"Can you tell me who it was that fired the shot that began WWI?"

"Uh, Gavrilo Princip."

"Very good. After he shot Franz Ferdinand, Serbia..."

Ok, so I'm a bit of a history buff (well, really just the wars), but what can I say, they're interesting? I went from class to class, went to band practice after school, and was just about to get in my car to go home when something unexpected happened.

What's next?

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