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Naruto: The Akatsuki Twelve

{Amegakure, Land of Rain}

Byrau was betrayed by his Comrades and was nearly killed, but not before he managed to wrest the Sewing Needle, Kabutowari, Kiba, and Splatter Swords from them. As he raced for the Land of Rain he got over th3 border only to be fonfronted by his old Teammates, his Ex-Fiancée amongst them. ''You've followed me into foreign territory? You must want them back badly! No matter though, I am still more than your match, and besides Mangetsu I'm the only one to master all seven Blades, do you really think you can kill me so easily!?'' Demands Byrau Tauntingly. ''It doesn't matter what we think, you will die!'' Says Jinpachi. ''Just tell me one thing before we fight, who ordered my death? You owe me that much at least!'' Says Byrau. ''It was the Fourth Mizūkage who ordered your death, now You Die!'' Shouts Aymeyuri as she attacks before her Strike is interrupted by What appeared to be Paper Shuriken?!

''Who dares to Interfere!?'' Demands Kushimaru. ''We do! You have invaded the Sovereign Territory of the Hidden Rain Village and by extension the Akatsuki, Surrender peacefully and we may show you Mercy!'' Says the Orange Hair. ''Ha Mercy?! What's that!?'' Says Jinin as he attacks only for Byrau to kill him in response. ''Spare their Target, but kill the Rest of them.'' Says the Same guy as his companions join him and the Blue-Haired Woman in attacking. Byrau chooses to focus on Aymeyuri and leave the rest to the So-Called Akatsuki.

He quickly engages in Fierce and Brutal Hand-to-Hand Combat with his Former Lover before switching from Taijutsu copied from the Raikage to Advanced Ninjutsu. ''Water-Style: One Thousand Feeding Shark's! Lightning-Style: Lightning Dragon Jutsu!'' Says Byrau as he uses Water and Lightning-Style in quick Succession while Aymeyuri tries to Counter with her own Jutsu, but failed due to the fact she needed her swords to use it properly. She ends up Electrocuting herself into unconsciousness. ''It didn't have to be this way my love.'' Says Byrau as he cradles his former beloved's unconscious form before Saving himself a lot of trouble by killing her quickly and humanely.

That's when he is knocked unconscious......

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