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Necromancess [QUEST]

"So you wish to know the story of my life and un-life young one? It is a fairly long tale, but I will recount it with the limitless patience of the dead if you will just sit with me..."

"Even now, I am uncertain about my early life, my first memories which I can fully trust are from the catacombs of Lost Troika..."

"I woke in a small padded space, not much larger than my own body, there was no light to see by so I explored my surroundings and myself entirely by touch."

"I found I could remember almost nothing, not my own name, not my parents or siblings, only two things were still known to me; 1: I was a woman; and 2: I was a Necromancess, a practitioner of the magic of life, death, and spirits. I knew that this was my profession, but none of the rituals and sorcery that should have gone with it remained, I was like unto the rawest apprentice all over again..."

"My exploring fingers found the state of my prison to be..."

A1: Voluminously Filled With Silk And Dried Herbs.
A2: Tattered, Torn, And Mouldering, With A Cloying Reak Of Mildew And Decay
A3: Made Of Well Sanded Pine Covered With Cotton Held On With Staples.
A4: Decorated Along It's Sides With What My Probing Fingers Revealed To My Mind's Eye As Death's Head's And Ankhs.

"and my body to have the characteristics of,"

B1: Small 'cute' lips, a little flat-ish 'snub' nose, small square teeth, a short tongue that can roll like a sausage bun, (perfect for eating popsicles!,) perky 'apple' size breasts, about 7 hand lengths tall, and with snarled and knotted hair that lies in dirty hanks all around me down to my waist...
B2: Broad full lips, a wide nose, long wavy hair, tight set teeth, a long flexible tongue, (I can lick the tip of my nose!,) heavy breasts with puffy nipples, I stand about 14 hand widths tall, or so, and my butt is both firm and hefty...
B3: A long pointed nose, big kissable lips, worn and kind of painful teeth, a big thick tongue, (Too much tasting the stirring spoon while cooking...,) breasts so big they flop to either side and a waist to match, standing approximately twelve hand widths tall, and a butt that was obviously earned riding horses far too much...
B4: Saggy-baggy skin, a hawk-like nose, short hair, puckered lips with laugh lines, teeth that have been filed to points, long pointed ears, long straight hair that is coiled about my feet, eyes that slant slightly, a tongue that is long and pointed and set in a mouth a bit deeper than most, and a butt and breasts that are hardly there, while standing 14 hand lengths tall.

"Whereupon I decided I would call myself Sarah Smith."

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