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New Life

A Hunter, a person that makes a living by hunting monsters and doing request for civilians. Most people become hunters so they can gain wealth, fame, a better living, or other reasons. Some even become hunters to sneak out of crimes they've done. Some hunters are even criminals or ex-criminals; this exception causes some places to disagree with the ways of the Hunter's Guild. Though the Hunter's Guild is nearly all over the world, it is actually illegal in the places that disagree with their ways. This is partially due to not taking blame for hunters of the organization.

One such hunter is currently on a trip to a location few would dare venturing into. A place of wonder, treasure, mystery and death.

Onomura island, a place where foolhardy hunters meet their end, or so the legends say. An island hidden within the misty waters of the world. The varied ecosystem of the island is home to a multitude of creatures, from simple bugs, to the large monsters that inhabit them. The Hunter's Guild has divided the island into 5 biomes: the Lakes, the Forest, the Plains, the Marsh, and the Peaks; and within each biome's ecosystem one being reigns supreme. In the Lakes, the Lagiacrus rules; in the Forest, the Nargacuga reigns unchallenged; the Plains are protected by the Diablos; the Marsh are home to the Rathalos; and the Peaks house the mighty Zinogre.

The hunter makes landfall in the middle of the night, looking around provides no clue to his location on the island, and the quiet of the night doesn't help much either. As he sets up a makeshift camp, one question nags on his mind...

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