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New Super Heroine

Janet sat in her computer science class. Head resting on her hand, she sighed ruefully. She was so sick of school. Just six months into college and she was already burning out. She had no desire for it. She wanted excitement, adventure! But this was just work and tedium. She looked down at her notebook. Instead of writing down whatever the teacher was talking about Janet had sketched herself. In the picture she wore a skin tight spandex outfit, with a cape and small mask.

Janet had always dreamed of being a super heroine. Her father, The Mighty Warrior, had been the greatest. An alien (who looked exactly like a human, go figure), he'd crashed on earth as an infant, in what appeared to be an escape pod. Raised by well meaning mid westerner's, he'd grown up with a firm moral code. Then, when his powers manifested, at age 19, he'd decided to use them for good. Wearing a colorful costume crafted from fabric in his vessel, he became the Mighty Warrior. He fought villians, prevented disasters, and made the world a better place. Eventually he led The Majestic Knights, a team of Super Heroes who fought the powers of darkness.

That was, until ten years ago. The Mighty Warrior had disappeared on a mission in space. The Majestic Knights disbanded, most now retired. There were still heroes, but none compared to the Mighty Warrior.

Janet dreamed of living up to her father's legend. Unfortunately, so far she had no powers. Her 19th birthday was last month, and still nothing. Janet feared she would never gain powers, that she'd be stuck in this mediocre life forever.

Suddenly, Janet felt strange. She moaned. What was happening? Her classmates looked at her as she rose shakily from her desk.

“Mrs. Ross? Is everything alright?” The teacher asked, confused. Janet lulled. She felt a strange energy surging through her body. What was happening? While everyone watched, an amazing transformation took place.

Janet was always small. She was 5'6”, stick thin and dainty. She had dark black hair and a pale complexion. She was mousy, shy and quiet. Suddenly she was standing, making a scene in class. What was happening?

Then, things got stranger. Janet felt her clothes grow tighter. She looked down. Her white button up blouse was suddenly much tighter. Her skirt confining her legs. Her shoes felt tight. Was she... growing? She was! The class watched as she grew taller and taller. Her skirt rode up her tighs. Her shirt stretched, buttons straining. No one was more shocked then Janet.

Then, her shirt could take no more. POP POP POP! The buttons on her blouse shot off in all directions. Her shirt fell open, revealing a black, thick bra. Her skirt split down the side, flapping loosely. And still she grew. She was nearing six feet tall now! Her shoes split apart, bare feet ripping through them. Her waist outgrew her skirt and it fell to the ground, revealing pink, floral print panties. These were covered with rips from her growth.

Her bra straps snapped off her shoulder. Before her shocked, terrified eyes her bra-clasp snapped, revealing two small, perky mounds.

Finally, her growth stopped. She was now nearly six feet tall, towering over the sitting students. The teacher stood, speechless. Janet panted heavily, just as confused as everyone else!

Though now exceptionally tall for a girl, Janet looked exactly the same proportionately. Same girly figure, same cute face. She looked down at herself in amazement. Then she heard snickering. She looked up. Her classmates were staring. Some were smiling, some just looking shocked. Some boys had the look of lust in their eyes. Then she looked down again. Her senses returned to her when she realized that she was practically naked! Her shirt was tattered over her arms, shredded apart. Her panties were ripped and shredded, her legs bare. Her classmates were seeing her body!

“EEP!” She yelped, eyes bugging out. Her cheeks flushed. She threw her arms over her breasts. People began pulling out phones. They were taking pictures, she realized! Mortified, she ran towards the door. She reached for the knob to open it. To her amazement the metal knob crumbled like paper in her hand and the door ripped off it's hinges, coming loose and falling to the ground. Janet stared in confusion. Then, remembering her pantie clad butt was pointed at her class, took off running down the halls of the college.

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