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No Bras Allowed

Alana felt like crap. She was walking home from work, where her boss had insulted her about her tiny boobs. Now, Alana was very attractive. She had an incredible ass, beautiful green eyes and long, wavy, blonde hair, but her tiny breasts were always teased by other girls.

Alana kicked a rock along the ground, and instantly a puff of smoke enshrouded her. Confused, she found herself in a dark room. A figure stood before her.
'What is your deepest wish?' the figure asked.
'I wish I had bigger boobs,' Alana replied.
'I can do that for you, on one condition.'
'What's that?'
'You may never wear a bra, or any related undergarment.'
Having had such small boobs all her life, Alana didn't realise the importance of a bra.
In a flash, she was in her room. She considered the words of the mystic being. Her boobs, however, remained the same size. She suddenly felt very tired, and decided to go to sleep. She lay down on her bed and fell asleep instantly.

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