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Orc Ch. 04

Orc 4 - Would the real Orc chapter 4 please stand up?

Right. Considering the frankly ridiculous amount of time between chapters there is no possible way this will be worth the wait. That said I hope you still enjoy it! No promises for more frequent submissions, however I will say that I do seriously want to make this a more regular occurrence. I will try to keep my bio updated with the latest news.


Misty had waited until night had fallen and, she hoped, her mother had retired for the night, until she made her way back into her house. She had found a few tattered scraps of her clothing in the woods on her way home, but not all. The girl prayed that one of the local poachers wouldn't find any lost items of hers and link them back to her.

Her house, like most of the rest in her town, was compact and functional.

"Where have you been?" a voice, Misty's mother's. The girl just managed to stop herself from jumping.

"More boys I bet." her mother hissed the word 'boys'.

"Yes and three at once this time, mother!" Misty knew exactly how to rile her.

She slipped into her room before her mother could reply and closed her ears to the banging and cursing as she tried to hurt Misty back. Once the peasant woman had let out her frustrations and returned to her own room, Misty let herself fall into her bed and sighed frustrated, wishing for the day the roof over her head was her own. Kentin took hold of her thoughts and not for the first time she seriously considered beholding herself to him. He was sensitive, learned, honest and surprisingly funny and she could not think of anyone else who she would ever become beholden to. But she was not ready, not by a long way to only ever have just one man in her bed.

She began to feel flushed and wetness. Her hand went to check between her legs, a worry that it may have been blood, not healed yet from the previous rough nights of sex. One stroke of her fingers between her nether-lips, however, and the resulting and the girl knew that it was liquid sex.

As she considered whether or not she wanted to scratch the itch, she passed out from exhaustion. She did not dream much, but when she did she saw Kentin armed and armored as a knight killing the orc brutally.


The following morning, across town, Kentin, the son of the town's priest, thought of Misty, the beautiful and malcontent peasant girl, and let out a long resigned sigh. He loved her. Utterly and painfully and remorselessly. He was well aware of her promiscuous ways and it confused and angered him how he could not really fault her for them. It was just a part of her almost unnatural charisma and who was he to wish her to deny herself? She certainly was not Kentin's betrothed nor had they ever slept together and in all earnestness he admired her strong sense of independence that would brook no chains. He sighed again, he could still dream of having her to himself though.

Picturing Misty in his mind he conjured up her round curves that seemed to melt into one another, her entire body defied the presence of the sharp angles more common in thinner girls. Every inch of her skin than he had ever seen, radiated softness and warmth. Yes, Kentin was completely smitten with Misty. The boy reminisced about the times he had spent with Misty. Mostly they talked.

He was the son of the town's most prestigious and popular preacher and as such was expected to behave exemplarily. For the most part, a part that the vast majority of others would have failed to achieve, he managed to live up to the burden placed unfairly upon him. That was, of course, until he crossed paths with Misty. Kentin had heard of her before, she had an unsavory reputation among his circle of peers and his father had categorically told Kentin that he was to have nothing to with her or her ilk. And as far as the boy was concerned that was that, his father's word was law. That lasted until the first time he met her.

To say it was love at first sight would be an understatement. Unlike Misty he had not grown up in this town, instead only moving there due to his father's calling, and so he had never seen her before even in passing. A friend had convinced him to accompany him to the town's most bawdy tavern for 'research' purposes.

It was an honest relationship with lashings of absurdity.

Presently, Kentin was sitting in Hen's workshop keeping extra watch on the children left there by parents with errands to run. Hen was a dwarf, called such due to his uncharacteristically, for your typical dwarf, motherly tendencies. Kentin had seen the transition on numerous occasions: left alone or with more mature company, the dwarf would revert to stereotype, grumbling and complaining over the smallest things, muttering about the 'good old days' and generally finding new and exciting ways to be stubborn. When in the company of children however; it was if the storm clouds parted and Hen would change from being incredibly surly and hairy to being incredibly sprightly and still hairy.

Hen was the town's Earth-shaper and 'workshop' is a very loose term when it comes to a craft based around magic. In fact, most of the workshop's contents were rocks and boulders of many different types of shape, size, color and consistency all stacked and supported carefully. What tools there were could be collected and stowed easily whenever the space was used as a makeshift crèche.

Being a dwarf, Hen also had a magnificent beard. It was lengthy and grey with its dozen or so braids threaded through small lumpy rune stones that glowed dimly, each in a different pastel color.

At first, Kentin did not notice when Misty entered, engaged as he was stopping children attempting to climb onto to work surfaces and tamper with the secrets upon them.

Ever watchful Hen, however spotted her immediately, "Hello, Misty. You're looking nice and fat today." Hen beamed in mock, but not unkind sincerity.

"Good afternoon, Hen. Might I say your expanse is looking positively effulgent?"

Hen feigned ignoring her and turned to Kentin,

"What did I tell you about teaching Misty new words?"

The boy smiled at the familiar exchange.

She gave Kentin a quick smile, then pulled Hen aside to speak in hushed tones with him.

His heart lurched painfully as the familiarity continued to the part where she acquired contraceptives off the dwarf. Apparently she had been busy. Kentin took a long deep breath and dealt with it.

After what seemed like a longer time than usual, Misty pocketed all that she needed and walked over to the priest's son.

"Hey, how are you?" he asked.

"Been better," she replied getting close and resting her head on his chest.

Kentin stroked her hair and left the matter alone.


It was not long until the children's restlessness began to reach a crescendo. There was only so much fun you could glean from play-clay and Kentin was finding it increasingly difficult to chase the young ones and keep them from causing damage to the workshop and each other whilst Misty was more intent on curling up against him. Hen soon realized he was needed and set down his engraving tools, retrieving a set of ten small rune-stones, hollowed to fit on each of his fingers and thumbs.

One particularly alert overly enthusiastic child noticed this and practically screamed, "PEBLEMS!"

The youngsters dropped whatever it was they were doing and scrambled over each other to gather around Hen. "Mister Hen, are we going to play with the peblems?"

"I don't know. I don't see any do you?" the dwarf played ignorant.

"But you're wearing the stones!"

"What, these things?" he waggled his fingers in the air, "these are just for scratching itches."

The children laughed, moaned, hooted and complained until finally Hen raised his hands placing the bases of his palms together and began tapping the runes together rhythmically, "Right you young hoodlums, sit down and shut up."

The kids did as they were bid, hushing in apprehension for the show to start. All around the shop small smooth stones started to levitate from where they lay, off the floor and work surfaces. Dozens of pebbles coalesced over the heads of the rapt children, forming a swirling bubble. They quickly formed into four loosely humanoid shapes each around twelve centimeters tall.

"In the old days there were four gods." Hen began,

"They were the gods of the elements; Earth, Wind, Water and Fire. Earth was stoic, Wind was mischievous, Water was restless and Fire was angry. They were the best of friends and the worst of enemies. They loved each other and they hated each other."

The peblems danced around and through each other creating pleasing clattering sounds as they did so. As each individual pebble collided, multicolored sparks shooting off them as they did so, they became imbued with an element; the earth peblem leaving traces of fine sand in its wake, water formed an occasionally dripping mist, each stone that fire consisted of burned a match sized flame and wind bobbed on its own little gusts.

Then they scattered apart, dashing to opposite sides of the workshop. "Yet, they were but four in the world and often went hundreds of years alone. They grew bored and restless, sad and mopish."

"So they gathered together to decide what to do," the peblems continued to act out the story faithfully.

"Water sighed, 'What if we flood the world?' Air cried, 'We could create a city in the sky!' Earth boomed 'Great riches lay underground!' Fire whispered 'Could we create life?'"

The peblems stopped, going absolutely still.

"'Could we?' they asked themselves, 'Should we?'

'The world will be forever changed.'"

The fire imbued peblem took center stage as the other three circled around it. "'Imagine', said Fire, 'countless people swimming in the ocean, digging in the mountains, gliding through the air!' The gods were romanced by the visions Fire offered them."

"And so, first Earth lay down, then Water slid down on top, Wind encircled them both and Fire began to dance all around. Their passion was so great that the Earth shook and lightning tore up the sky!" The peblems mimed the drama faithfully, transfixing the children as the pace of the story picked up.

"And so the four gods split themselves apart becoming the first of the mortal races with the will to multiply and cover the world so that they might never be alone again." the small rock golems scattered into their individual parts mixing and swirling together, discernible only by the elements they still displayed.

They reformed back into much smaller peblems, fell to the floor and skittered madly away. The kids watched the peblems escaping before looking expectantly at Hen, "Well what are you waiting for?" asked the dwarf, "there's a jawbreaker in it for everyone if you can catch them all!"

The children screamed and scrambled up and after the careening miniature golems.

Separating herself from Kentin, Misty decided now was as good a time as any to get a little information, "The elemental gods again, Hen? You're going to get trouble from Kentin's father again."

"Pfeh. Mans all bluster. Besides, might as well teach the young'uns about some real gods," the stout craftsman glanced briefly at Kentin, "No offence boy."

The priest's son dismissed the apology with a short wave.

"So Dwarfs are earth elementals and orcs are water?" she continued.


"And they know magic?" she asked.

Kentin piped in, "They are magic, Misty. Everyone gets taught that."

"Fine, mister," she scowled at him, "Can orcs manipulate magics?"

"Aye," Hen mumbled, "Sweat magic, rain magic, blood magic. If it flows as water they have a magic for it."

"Can they all use it?"

"All are capable, but its part talent part skill. They scale from infant to master just like dwarfs. They're not like humans, they don't steal it." Hen wasn't being scornful; he was just stating a fact.

"Hmm," thoughts raced through her mind. Had her brutish lover used arcane craft on her? Was that the reason she felt so restless and frankly horny?

No, that did not seem right, not entirely anyway, if she was ensorcelled then why had she left the orc high and dry? The memory of her rejecting him brought unwanted feelings of loss and regret to her despite herself. The thought of gallivanting around the wilderness to who knows what end had an exciting appeal to it but, she reminded herself again that it was completely unrealistic and foolish to trust to the intentions of a strange man, and that wasn't even her mother's voice talking. It didn't even matter how unbelievably fuckable he was with his tight green and brown curdled skin flexing when he thrust...


"Why the interest in orcs, girl?" Hen asked faking a casual tone.

"Curious mostly," Misty replied giving a perfectly reasonable response that totally omitted any facts, "some travelers have mentioned that more clans than usual are migrating into this region."

"Aye, that's true, we'll no doubt be seeing dwarf blood-hunters poking their noses into human business soon. Stay clear of those types, do you understand?"

"Why the concern?" asked Kentin, "sure my dad complains about dwarfs telling him what he can and can't do, but it's just the way things are."

"And the way things are boy, is that when it comes to orc dealings, blood-hunters are sent out to do more than rap your wrists. The clue's in the name. Mark my words and stay out of their business."

"We will", Kentin promised; missing the annoyed look Misty gave him for speaking for her too.


After a time daylight began to fail; the children left to return to their respective homes, Kentin helped Hen around the shop and Misty tried in vain to ignore her mounting arousal. Ultimately, though it proved too much and she took her friend aside.

"I need to talk to you," Misty breathed into Kentin's ear causing him an involuntary sexually infused shudder.

By this point she was completely flushed, her cheeks red, palms sweaty and crotch wet. Although, consciously, Kentin was ignorant to the girls arousal on an instinctual level he knew. Whether it was the pheromones she was exuding, the way her dilated pupils seemed to swallow him or the slight sheen of sweat on her brow; blood surged to his crotch in response. And when she took his wrist and guided him quickly outside, he was unable to do anything but follow. Behind them Hen's brow creased with worry and thought.

Misty took him silently to a nearby back yard of a house left empty after the conscriptors had reaped the town of able boys. The large vegetable patch there had become the site of a feeding frenzy for bugs, slugs and rodents. Misty lifted a pot by the edge of the patch and retrieved a key.

"Jommie left it here for me; said I could use his place if I needed to."

Kentin only nodded as she led him into the house. The slam of the door echoed through the empty house reminding Misty again of what she had lost. They stood for a moment in the dimming light, contemplating their own personal conflicting feelings, before she took his hand and pulled him into the bedroom. She sat him down on the old wooden bed inside and took a deep, but quiet breath before speaking.

"I need you to do something for me," she said willing herself to meet his eyes and convey her resolution.

Kentin began, "Misty, I-."

"Don't," she stopped him, "You don't have to say anything. I just need you to let this happen."

He looked terrified, and looking down at Kentin's dreadful expectancy, Misty was reminded of the other shy boy she had been with a year back. He had been like a terrified sheep, unmoving and ultimately unsatisfying. The moment she sat down onto his cock he had erupted suddenly within her. He quickly apologized and fled the scene in shame. But the look of disbelieving rapture on his face beforehand as she had stripped for him was now mirrored in Kentin's face.

It was at that moment that Misty worked out her strategy. She untied the knot that held her robe closed and let gravity do its business of exposing her skin and cleavage to the night air and the boy's gaze. The fabric caught on the points of her breasts and stopped short of revealing her nipples. Misty could see the huge cloud of disappointment appear on his face and gave a chuckle that might have been demure if she wasn't half naked. So far so good.

She leaned forward, moving on her knees and leant in to kiss Kentin. Their lips brushed for the shortest moment, she felt his hot shuddering breaths on her face, and then he pulled away roughly and hid his face from her.

"This isn't right."

"Yes it is. People do it all the time." Misty kissed his collar bone as she began to undo the buttons on his shirt.

He fumbled to stop her hands, "You're not just 'people' though. You're special."

Misty smiled but did not meet his eyes, "No I'm not, I'm just another girl. I think it's time you find that out." She pressed her groin against his and softly ground upon him. She could feel the heat of his cock at her sex and sighed.

Kentin's eyes rolled back and he choked out a gasp as his member was stimulated by someone other than himself for the first time.

"See, its good." she kissed at the chest she had managed to expose.

Kentin's will wavered, but the pleasure elicited too much guilt and he pushed her away, "No, I can't."

Misty sighed, "Why not?"

"Because I love you," just saying it out loud lifted a weight from his chest.

"I know and that's O.K.," she smiled intending to be comforting

Misty was not prepared for the look of disappointment and rejection that consumed his expression. He ran out of the barn and into the fading light.

A long moment passed before Misty finally spoke thusly, "Fuck."


It was late, before Misty finally returned home again. She had considered chasing Kentin, but did not think she could face that look in his eyes again, not that night at least. On the kind of plus side her lusty blood had cooled somewhat, Kentin's pain acting as a cold shower and she had felt safe enough to head to the seedier inn in the village and bat her eyelashes into getting free ale from the few remaining patrons she was familiar with. She left earlier than she might normally have done as her lust once again began to rise.

She almost floated home from the alcoholic buzz and whatever the orc had given or done to her and from the heat between her thighs she knew she would probably have to stroke out some of the tension before she could get to sleep. The promise of release spurred her footsteps and she was back at her house and as quickly and quietly as she could manage in her room.

She listened for any sounds of movements from her mother's room, waiting for as long as she could hold out to make sure that she was indeed asleep and not going to burst into Misty's room to ascertain her daughter had not brought anyone home with her, then lecture her regardless. Misty quickly slipped off her robe throwing it in the rough direction of other clothes leaving her clad only in a spattering of goose bumps and the loosest pantalets she had found this morning. Her breaths came short in anticipation of long awaited pleasure, her lusciously curved skin quivered as she stepped over to her bed. Putting one foot on the mattress and not waiting until she was covered and comfortable her hand slipped down her stomach towards her already wet sex, but was caught at the wrist by a strong grip.

"The fuck?!" Misty squeaked as her arm was pulled above her and she was spun around to face the orc.

This was not expected. To think an orc would have the audacity to enter a human village. He would have to be extremely stupid, or extremely angry. Shit, Misty had left an orc, a vicious dangerous predator known for their savage sexual appetite with blue balls. Great move, Misty. If he was mad enough to enter civilization there would be no telling what he would be capable of. Her only hope was to scream and fight and hope there would be enough left of her for a healer to put back together afterwards.
She dared herself to look the beast in the eyes, communicating that she would not make this easy, that she was not afraid. But, in his eyes she did not see death or rage; instead it was like looking into a piercing mirror that cut through her enforced defiance. Misty saw what she herself had been feeling over the last twenty-four hours; loss, need, denial and desire.

With her unrestricted hand she reached down to pull off her pants, only managing to get them over her hips, "Fuck me," she hissed, futilely trying to get them down further.

Language might have been an ambiguous barrier, but the orc understood and with his further reach and Misty's assistance managed to get the pantalets around her ankles hastily. Misty clung to the orc's shoulders and neck and spread her knees apart as far as she could. The orc did not need any further invitation and since he had no, and possibly never even brought, any clothes all he had to do was lift, angle and drop.

Misty sighed out a mewling breathy moan as the orc's member travelled into her molten depths. A different sigh of relief made its way through her mind, thank goodness she had had the horn so badly all day, if not the orc's girth could do her harm if unprepared. In fact it had done so previously despite foreplay and had taken restorative medicine after the act to fix the damage her unaccustomed body had suffered. The smoldering heat of his intimate flesh within hers however, reminded her it was totally worth it.

Balancing and grasping her by the small of her back, the orc drew Misty down upon his cock rattling a sound of satisfaction as he did so, the moist heat a balm to his need at least temporarily. The girl stretched up to kiss him, but he jerked his hips upwards feeding more of his non-human length into her, making her gasp and spasm. After recovering from the jolt, Misty gave the orc an accusatory glare before trying again, parting her lips and inviting the kiss this time. He met her glare with the dark pools of his eyes that were at once alien and unreadable, but also more soulful than they had any right to be.

Caught unaware by the swirling inky blackness she felt a surge of emotion she could not identify and an unbidden, "I'm sorry," was let slip, "I shouldn't have just-"

The orc thrust and Misty cried out, open mouthed unsure which pair of lips were spread wider, her labia spread broad, crinkled around the thick base of his dark cock. Not giving her any chance to recover he began to bounce her with short stabs, his glans nudging repeatedly against her innermost fathoms.

Unable to do anything but cling on as the orc took her, but angry over the interruption she managed an incensed, "Well fuck you then."


Shit, her mother.

"Misty, what is going on in there? If you've brought a boy home I swear to all the gods you'll be freezing and starving before the week is through. And I'll make sure no-one takes you in, you'll be slut shamed all over the province!" The thundering voice approached from the hallway, old floor boards creaking against footfalls.

The peasant girl took an unruly breath and thought fast before calling back, "I had a fight with Kentin, mother. I'm upset and I don't want to talk about it. Leave me alone."

Misty desperately brought the orc's attention to her face, "Shhh," she hissed at him.

The beast man gave a low chuckle before slowly raising Misty up his still metal hard erection.

"Let me get rid of her, it should only take-" the orc brought her back down roughly, bringing her from empty to full in a split second and clamping his tongue and teeth around an ear, "Oouuuuuughh, fuck, uuuunnnnnhhh."

"Misty?!" her mother burst through the door to the image of her daughter impaled and squirming upon the naked horror of an orc. She did not have time to scream.

Moving faster than either woman could grasp, the savage lifted and dropped Misty, stunned, onto her bed and rounded on her mother. Hunching his shoulders bestially and raising a hand to strike, the orc snarled, baring his sharp teeth. The mother stared, slack jawed in terror. The orc feinted towards her; Misty's mother fainted towards him.

The orc caught her limp form and gently lowered her to the floor onto her back.

"What the fuck did you do to her?" Misty breathed, unsure whether to be terrified or relieved.

He ignored her, instead stalked over to a corner of her room and dug out a small sack he had hidden behind a rickety cabinet, fishing from it a fistful of leaves.

"What is that?" she shakily pulled her legs underneath her into a kneeling position.

The orc ground the foliage using his palm as a mortar and deposited the results into Misty's mother's lolled open mouth. "For sleep," he rumbled at Misty who was trying to decide whether or not she should be panicking or not.

"Now you're speaking kingish again, you bastard?"

"For sleep," he repeated started lifting the unconscious older woman, "help."

Truth be told, the orc did not need any help carrying Misty's mother, however if he had just dragged her off he would expect the human girl to cause a ruckus. By enlisting Misty's aid with returning her mother to her room, he created complicity. He needed her to trust him, just a little, enough for what he intended to do with her tonight.

Together they carried the unconscious parent back to her own room where the orc dumped her ungraciously onto the bed. Still holding her mother, Misty fumbled to make the crash landing be as less jarring as possible. The resulting kerfuffle left the older woman splayed over the bed and her daughter hunched over her awkwardly, leaving her bottom and puffy cleft on show. The orc wasted no time in taking advantage of her exposed position, which he had advertently created and crouched down to push her knees apart and take a long hot lick along her swollen labia.

Misty's sigh turned into a sputter as her eyes refocused and her vision painted a picture of her mother's tongue lolling out of her mouth.

"Ack!" She slapped the brutes hand away as he tried to curl them around her hips. "No," she stood herself up as straight as she could manage and pointed to the door, "My room. Go."

The orc gave her one of his long lingering looks that usually spelled trouble, Misty had enough time to think 'Shit', before he grabbed her round the waist and kissed her. She barely managed a quick intake of breath before his mouth found and claimed hers. He forced his tongue past her lips before she could even think of resisting and compelled her to taste him, a warm and spicy headiness mixed slightly with her own cream, and she could not help but suck lightly at the hot flexible muscle. She fleetingly wondered what his cock would taste like before his hands found her ass and thought was temporarily lost as he aggressively pulled and squeezed the soft flesh, sending jumps and starts of pleasure through her.

Then, as suddenly as it had begun, it was over. She barely registered the brute striding out and she must have fallen backwards as she found herself sat on her mother's bed. What was more was that her hand was between her legs slowly rubbing at her clit. She continued diddling her sensitive nub allowing the warmth to rise and her breath to catch before she regained enough wits and willpower to stop.

This was not good. An orc was in her home. She had heard that in some townships allowing an orc into your house was punishable by public hanging and she knew well enough that many would call for exactly that. 'If they found out'. Misty held to that thought. The orc was obviously a skilled woodsman and a capable hunter. He would not have been seen entering if he had not wanted to be and he could similarly leave without drawing attention. All she needed to do was give him what he wanted and try to be quiet about it.

However, although she briefly considered it, she was not a girl who just let a man have his way without getting anything back. That was not who she was. Besides she was developing some kind of understanding with the orc, it was an understanding based on mutual lust, but she at least felt they had reached a certain standard of communication and a shaky respect.

She quickly retrieved her father's dirk from the place her mother had poorly hidden it under her bed. The respect for cold steel was probably healthier than the shaky type. Misty quickly checked her mother for harm, and finding none, tucked her into bed securely. Whatever the orc had given her was working; her wheezing snores were proof of that. Misty wondered how long they would last, long enough for her to be fucked senseless, she imagined and she knew that exactly that would be happening. Her breath came out quivery and Misty became aware of the fact that she was frightened. She had to go back to her room and deal with an orc, which in and of itself was taboo and illegal, and the orc was the most lascivious person she had ever met.

However, that was not what frightened her. The law was always something she had skirted and although the consequences for getting caught were much greater it did not concern her overly. Nor did the fact that the orc was more than capable of overpowering and forcing her wherever and however he chose, but he would not. Misty could have been killed or kidnapped many times over by now, but she was not. She was not afraid of the orc, she was afraid of herself.

Misty was proud of the fact that all of her previous lovers had been friends or otherwise a traveler or wanderer she had shared a brief bond with. She only fucked people she actually liked. Over the years this had led to a coterie of boys who understood that Misty was not the type of girl who wanted exclusivity. She rarely slept with the same lad twice in a row and she did not play favorites. Of course some could or would not understand and this had led to jealousy and vows of undying love. Whenever this happened and they ignored Misty's protestations the fellow would be taken aside by those who understood the rules and have them explained; sometimes less gently than others.

Misty had loved those years; the sex had been, on average, great. And besides Kentin, who was fortunately perpetually sexually unavailable, she had avoided any individual emotional attachments. Those years had passed, however, and her group of boys had had adulthood and swords thrust upon them and been sent to fight in the Border wars. She doubted many if any would return home alive and the waste of it made her furious and the likely loss of their lives and the definite loss of her lifestyle filled her with despair. Kentin and Hen were good friends, but she did not think Kentin could change and the township needed the dwarf more than Misty could feel comfortable asking for herself.

Then over a couple of days this orc barrels into her life. In the past when she was horny she would take her pick like shopping in the market, almost on a whim. Now she was hungry for only one specific piece of meat, her earlier fumble with Kentin non-withstanding, and the idea that only a single man could scratch the itch was terrifying to her. Misty had taught herself never to need any one person, especially for sex. Now the orc in the next room over was waiting for her and she wanted nothing more than to go to him, unequivocally him, and make him cum into or over her and leave him a ragged panting mess. And she still did not even know his name. Fuck.

She would just have to control the situation and herself, "Right," the girl said to herself, "I can do this."

Misty took the steps back to her room slowly, trying to be quiet on instinct and awkwardly aware of her nudity and arousal inspired flush. She grasped the hilt of the short sword tightly, not kidding herself that it would serve as any kind of protection; she even doubted a pair of fully armed guards would be much use either if she had had any to hand. No, the dirk was a statement of intent and not, Misty hoped, a threat that the beast man might react badly to.

He had left the door ajar and was sitting on her bed fiddling with his bag of cantrips. Misty hoped the sleep leaves were the worst of what he had brought and that he had some of the healing ointment for the aches she expected to wake with tomorrow morning. Slightly hunched and a look of mild boredom on his face, he looked almost normal, an everyday sight. As soon as he noticed her however, the bag was put aside and he was standing tall and proud moving with hunting cat grace. His lithe and supple muscles rested tightly underneath his dark and dappled skin, and his large, even when soft, penis that swung weightily with the sudden motion.

Misty's mouth actually watered and she suppressed a tremble, instead leaning casually as she could manage against the door frame, "Well, here we are again."

Eyeing her nakedness hungrily, the orc took a long stride towards her, yet Misty raised the blade she had secreted behind her back and said, "Ah ah. We'll be doing this my way."

The orc grunted in exasperation and she could have sworn he rolled his eyes despite the difficulty she had discerning his pupils. He crossed his arms and tilted his head to one side in an approximation of 'Well?'

She patted the flat of the blade against her shoulder and ordered, "Kiss."

The brute laughed once and softly, a rumble that almost made Misty smile. She resisted though, instead raising her chin haughtily and tapping her shoulder again.

Raising his hands in what Misty almost certainly knew was mock surrender; he approached in equally mock caution. He bowed his head low enough to give a brief peck of her shoulder blade. Misty had expected a move like this, however and caught the back of his head with the little purchase she could find with his short prickly hair and whispered conspiratorially in his ear, "You know 'Kiss' then?" Unwilling to wedge the short sword there she instead used a couple of fingers to briefly stroke the side of her throat, "Kiss."

This time the orc did not need encouragement to linger and planted a collection of warm moist spots that blossomed into hot tingles all over her neck. "Mmm, that's good. Here was me thinking Kentin might be able to bring me off, but that just seems silly now," she shakily sat the small sword against her breasts, "Kiss."

"Kentin?" the orc pronounced the name haltingly but understandably.

"Not important. Kiss." Misty demanded huskily, irritated that his lips were not on her skin.

Instead he interlinked his arms and lifted her, carrying her the few short steps to her bed; dropping her on her back there. "Kentin?" he said again.

"No." Misty stated forcibly, a little worried that the dangerous beast had latched onto the name. She needed to change the subject back to her body. She hunched her shoulders forward, framing and lifting her breasts and gave him the sulkiest pout she could manage, "Kiss?"

She could see the conflict in his eyes as he frowned down at her. His gaze flickered between her batting eyelids in challenge and the soft cherry capped mounds causing his eyes to grow hungry. Her nipples were puffed up and darkened with blood unashamedly begging for attention. For a moment the two of them held their breaths as the silent battle was fought. Then the inevitable happened and his lips began surveying her generous bosom. Men are easy.

His tongue brushed a messy tapestry on her plush skin before the beast forcefully sucked at her breasts, stretching and pulling them. The girl sighed her approval at the orc's loss of restraint and whimpered when he bit her sensitive nubs. She scratched at his shoulders and spine as she arched her back for him and she felt the hot excitement of his erection pressed against her leg. His greedy supping of her tits sent delightful jolts through her body that once again coalesced in her womanhood. Misty needed to cum.

She tried pushed him downwards towards her sex,

"Kiss my cunt," she hissed, however, the beast resisted and brought his mouth back up to her neck.

She brought the dirk up carefully in an endeavor to point it to her sex, "Don't tease me. I want you there. Kiss." The orc continued his feigned ignorance and instead took her wrists, the sword with them, and slowly but firmly put them over her head, spreading her taut.

Misty exhaled in exasperation and attempted to push him down again, yet he held her arms fast. He stopped her next complaint with a quick peck on the lips before he went back to her chest, lavishing it with attention she wanted focused elsewhere. She felt his hands working around her wrists and tried to twist to see what he was doing, becoming nervous. Then he distracted her.

The orc rubbed a palm firmly over her vulva, spreading her nether lips and leaving her thighs and pubic hair sodden with her arousal. She ground her hips against his hand scandalously, instantly heedless of his other hand that worked at her wrists. It was not her first mistake of the evening, but it was probably her worst. She reveled in the feel of his skin against her most tender place: it was leathery without being callous, rough without being overly abrasive. He worked a circle around her mons pubis, avoiding but directly teasing her clit. Before the frustration grew too much, his fingers found the axis of her pleasure and Misty gasped as she was wracked with a paroxysm of sexual gratification.

The girl was possessed by an urge to grab his cock. Sure, she wanted to control the sex and take her pleasure first, but she wanted to share her rapture. Mutual pleasuring was a big deal to Misty, it made the love making more intense and her partner deserved it even if he was being an ass. His other hand was now cupping a breast so she should be able to-

Fuck. Her wrists were bound and tied to the bed and the sword was no longer in her grasp. On second thought she hoped his dick fell off.

She strained against the binds, "Take this fucking thing off," she grated at the orc.

Misty was not necessarily against restraint games, just not with strange orcs whose names she did not know and whose sanity may be in question. She looked to each side, checking the ties. The beast had fashioned them from her own linen and the knots, though she was not an expert, felt and looked proficient. She should be able to tear herself free, but it would take time. The orc loomed above her and she did not know whether or not she had that time. No, this was too much.


If he understood, he feigned ignorance, testing the pliancy of her large breasts and spilling them back and forth. Misty attempted to twist away; the orc took the opening to grab her by the small of her back and lift her teats to his mouth. The girl growled in frustration, twisting further so that she was almost on her belly. The beast rumbled threateningly and pulled the girl back towards him; however instead of the soft feminine flesh he was expecting he received a hard feminine head butt to the chin.

He did not reel much, indeed she suspected that she had hurt herself more than the orc, however he did stop.

Quenching her fear, she said without quiver, "I told you to stop."

Time slowed as a hundred different grisly outcomes flashed through the girl's mind. What would he do?

The smallest upturn of the lips crossed his lips and he quickly turned his head away to hide what she could only assume was a smile.

"What the-", Misty was not sure if the smile hidden from her was hiding embarrassment or malicious intent.

The orc backed off, but remained on the bed. They were both silent and still for a long moment before he spoke, "Misty, not hurt."

"Not hurt." the orc repeated his reassurance.

The girl shook her head, "I want to trust you, but you're a big fucking scary magical water monster."

He shifted slightly, but otherwise said or did nothing in reply.

Another moment stretched by and she felt the cool air settling on her nudity. "Why do you want me so badly? You're mad to have come here."
The orc frowned, his eye ridges becoming twixt, "Not hurt?"

"You're a bastard, you know that?" she laughed lightly, "A fucking bastard."

She could not help but roam her eyes over his body as he sat there on his knees, on her bed. On her fucking bed! His penis was still firm, pointing towards her as if stretching towards her with a will of its own. His smooth chest, crowned with dark nipples, rose and fell in the rhythm of his deep breathing. Misty really wanted to leave some marks on him. Looking at his large strong hands and the restrained might in his limbs, she had the feeling it was likely to turn out the other way round. Nonetheless, she knew she had to have him; he was certainly trying not to hurt her. Barring any other surprises...

"Will not hurt, Misty." The orc managed with some obvious effort.

"Well, go on then," she dared the beast.

It took him a moment, but he got it, a wolfish grin tugging his lips.

She had been sweet talked by a monosyllabic monster. Well done, Misty.

Right, no more messing around, Misty had a tremendous urge to grind her body against her lover. She wanted to bite and suck and feel friction over every inch of her body. She tipped her head towards the binds that still held her,

"Take them off."

A flash of fervor glinted in his eyes and he reached up to finally comply. Misty reached up herself and bit the dark nipple opportunely presented to her. The orc flinched and rumbled deeply in his throat. He fumbled the knots as Misty replaced teeth with tongue to get a long awaited taste of the spicy musk of his sweat.

The beast grumbled as the tie confounded him in his distracted state. The girl encouraged the orc with another, harder, bite and she half recognized the resultant curse he spat out. The orc lost his patience and loudly tore the linen from its post.

They entwined as fast as was humanly and orcishly possible. Hard chest against soft breasts, hands squeezing shoulders and buttocks, thighs rubbing crotches.

The girl manically grabbed at his cock, clutching it as if it was the branch holding her over the abyss. His manhood was almost as slippery as wet soap, coated in their combined cum as it was. She clutched at his glans, letting the angry head slide messily between her fingers. She almost yowled when she felt his hand similarly busy with her sensitive pussy, parting her nether lips and delving his fingers inside. As she masturbated his heated girth with abandon he thrust and curled his fingers within her juicing vagina, roughly massaging her. Misty felt his other hand at her arse-hole and sucked in her breath sharply as a finger slipped in easily. The orc's mouth found a teat as his hands busied themselves with her pleasure and Misty's head rolled back as she was played like an instrument; plucked and sucked and blown.

She felt herself quickly approaching her peak, but did not want to take the plunge without her partner. Thankfully for them both, Misty had not relinquished her grip on the orc's dark cock and employed a technique to refocus his attention. The girl placed a thumb and two fingers over the head of his still lubricated solid member and pinched it hard, allowing the fingers to slide off.

The orc jolted at the uncomfortable pleasure and barely swallowed a yelp the second time. The third time, he took her hands away and growled powerfully in her face.

"Shut up and fuck me," she whispered back, parting her legs in challenge.

The water beast was more than up for the challenge, he was positively vertical. As he loomed above Misty, she felt the growingly familiar heart-skip of fear tinged lust and she briefly wondered whether or not she was becoming addicted to it and him. Her orc barely had to reposition in order to find his target and spear his willing prey. They both groaned passionately as their bodies joined once more. Her sex rejoiced at its penetration and she throatily spoke, "Don't hold back. Just fuck me."

She need not have worried as long build up and the tight embrace of her love mouth quickly drove him beyond reason and into bestial fervor. The orc's savage incursion within her was as terrifying as it was elating and she felt her long awaited orgasm building to its zenith.

"Oh fuck, yes!"

The pulse in her clit was pounding; this was going to be a big one.


She felt his seed splashing her insides and his jagged breath on her breasts and... nothing. She was so close, her cunt creaming for more.

"NO," she raised her hips, trying to get the last little bit of friction required for her release from torment, however the beast was already softening and the dopey grin on his face was not helping her mood either.

"No, you are not finished," she wriggled upwards whilst also pushing him down, her quim fluttered as his meat slipped out and she took a shuddering breath as she shoved his head into her musky heat and demanded, "Kiss."

He grinned up at her from between her legs so she slapped him hard round the back of his bristly head. The orc muttered something and she was about to tell him exactly and in explicit detail how much of a bastard he was when his tongue found her hungry slit. Misty's head snapped back onto a thankfully present pillow and she clutched at his brown and green head, unable to find enough hair, she settled for the thick skin of his neck. He lapped deliciously away at her, flattening his tongue against her dark pink swollen inner labia and flicking against the hood of her clit. The girl twitched this way and that, her bliss building once more towards an explosive destiny. She thought she perceived his finger in her ass again, though that did not seem right as she was sure he had a hand on each of her thighs.

Unimportant, mashing vulva into face much more pressing matter, yes. The orc began to suckle her bud and she convulsed against him, her moans coming more freely and vociferous. As the pleasure coursed through her, she became aware that she probably should be cumming in her lover's face right now, it was the done thing. But she was not. Every time she felt the summit approaching, instead she found just more hill. Maybe she just needed more cock. That usually solved most of her problems.

She shakily and reluctantly pulled his face away from her tingling mound and shoved him onto his back. The orc licked at his own sodden face and looked up at her with those big black eyes. Misty wondered what was going on behind them even as she positioned herself to bestraddle him. She bore herself down upon his manhood and cried out as she filled herself with his length. After a brief pause to regain her breath, Misty established a haphazard pace with which to ride him. Through consummate force of will she plumbed herself on his thick cock, feeling the tension within her grow and grow. Her pussy lubricated copiously around him, delighted with the orc's hard, hot flesh. It was glorious, but she really needed to cum, why had she not cum?

"What did you do to me?" she gasped between stilted breaths, still fucking herself desperately with his heft.

The beast of course responded by starting to thrust back against her. Her eyes rolled back and she barely kept herself upright by planting her hands on his chest, the tension still coiling within her. Something was terribly wrong she realized, much too late.

"What did you do?" she hissed, knowing she was losing control of the situation and herself. A tear of dismay formed in her eye.

"Not hurt," he promised even as he tormented her with his cock.

Misty tried to use her remaining strength to pull herself away, yet the orc merely batted away her trembling arms and pulled her against him. Her breasts rubbing against his sweat covered chest brought more dominance to the terrible pleasure he inflicted upon her. His shaft continued sliding excruciatingly within her innermost core.

The last coherent sound she made that night was, "kill you."

She felt him pumping his cum into her again, her cry of joy turning to anguish as release evaded her still. He rolled her shuddering body off of him, but continued to work her vulva with his fingers, allowing her no respite.

The pressure built and built as he stoked the fire that had become her sex. She could not speak, she could not move and breathing had become a half remembered task, coming in stilted gasps. Her pussy wept freely, its juice mingling with the sweat and tears of her sexual torment. And still the pressure built.

Time began to blur as her nerves crackled and her senses frazzled. Misty was aware that he mounted her at least two more times. Firstly flipping over her jellified body and fucking her so deeply his oversized manhood bumped her insides into her diaphragm, making her hiccup.

The second time he took her in missionary, whispering words in her ear that she would not have understood even if they had been spoken in her native tongue. He languidly screwed her for what felt like eternities before once again emptying his thick cum into her core. After he pulled out, she barely noticed that he had reached between her ass cheeks and removed whatever it was he had placed there. That was until he brushed her clit with his thumb in the most fleeting of touches and she exploded.

Her excruciatingly delayed orgasm hit her with the force of a lightning bolt and she might as well have been hit by one. Every nerve in her body lit up like an inferno, every pore goose-pimpled and her sex clenched so hard it could have crushed rocks. All her muscles flexed simultaneously; her legs kicked, hands clenched, toes curled and back arched. She felt the orc's weight upon her, pinning her down so that she could do herself no harm, like for instance snapping her own spine as she convulsed in ecstasy. Misty desperately clung to her sanity as the pleasure consumed her washing away everything else.

Must. Take. Revenge. She tried to spit at the orc's face, centimeters away as it was, but only succeeded in drooling, making her moans of rapture turn into gurgles. Come on, Misty, hold it together, and do not pass out. She forced her eyes open through her scrunched up face and tried to focus on the orc even though each thunderous heartbeat sent her vision swimming. If she could just ride this out... The beast lowered his mouth to a teat. Fuck.


Fresh waves of unbearable euphoria drilled into her and black spots danced before her eyes. She arched again mewling incoherently; this must be what going insane feels like. Losing control of body and mind she barely managed a gulp of air, keeping her awake that little bit longer. She desperately scrambled for an anchor, anything to steady her psyche. People and places flashed through her mind, each image shattered by a gush of orgasmic oblivion. Her mother cursing her. Hen chiding her. Kentin consoling her. She came again and again, wanting to die and never wanting it to end.

It did, however, end. And as she twitched and gulped air like a fish drowning in air, she noticed blearily that the orc had risen off her and had his back turned, busy with a pouch. Her jittering hand somehow found the hilt of her father's dirk and she grasped it with a mad fury. She shakily stood even as the aftershocks jerked her around like she had a puppeteer flicking her strings. She made an animal noise and lunged.

The last thing she remembered was the astonished look on the orc's face.


Such fight! The orc had carried Misty back to her bed, leaving her unconscious and setting aside a cup of water for her when she awoke. He collected his things and donned his hunting tunic, smiling and shaking his head in disbelief the whole time. He left via the window to test the strength of his legs after the extended love-making session. Love making? Had it been that? He had never been this attracted or frustrated by a human female before. And she had fought so beautifully...

He hit the ground and stumbled, using an arm to steady himself. Whatever it was, it was too dangerous, he was going to get himself and likely also the girl killed. It would be for the best if he left and returned home as unappealing as that prospect was to him. He felt guilt at using the 'patience root' on Misty; it would be unlikely that she would forgive him. For the best, he repeated to himself. If she hated him, she would leave him alone. He probably should have not followed her home, however he had been unable to resist having her again, especially after the way she had left him.

He took a step and the leg held; good. The sun had yet to dawn; he still had time to get-

A noise. Fatigue forgotten he sprung towards the sound. If someone had seen him he would have to deal with them so they could not raise the alarm. He turned a corner and ran straight into a slight human man, little more than a boy. The human froze, paralyzed by fear.

The orc drew himself to his full height and snarled, hoping to scare him unconscious. Then he smelt it. Misty was all over the boy. Jealous fury filled the beast.
