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You're vacation was cut short after a falling out with your girlfriend. You agree that she had the right to be upset with you...but tossing you overboard on the cruiseship was a bit extreme. You wash up on the beach of a gorgeous island. At first you are too tired to even move, barely out of the way of the waves you lay in the warm, soft sand. After you catch your breath you begin thinking of where you are, and just how you'll get home...and then the distant sounds of drums meet your ears.

The first thing in your head was 'Thank God, people,' but the next thing was...'What kind of people?'

You know that some of the islands were occupied in this area. Some were tourist islands, others contained villages of what was left of old tribes from the area that weren't always friendly to outsiders. Just what island had he landed on?

The drums are getting closer, and you need to make a choice. Are you going to hang around and see who inhabits this island and hope they are friendly? Or are you going to make a run for it assuming that they aren't?

What's next?

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