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Para-normal nudist camp

Far from the prying eye's of civilization buried deep into the temperate woods of the American mid-west lies the camp Beaver Falls, it rests beside a small gentle lake that remains liquid through even the dead of winter and the surrounding forestry is lush with life. The facilities themselves are fully modern despite the distance from urban life, with well insulated cabins, fully stocked cafeteria, and dedicated trained medical staff Camp Beaver can provide the greatest experience for even the most used to modern amenities, with the sole exemption of internet and cellphones of course. Beaver Falls even maintains an impressive connection of underground tunnels that allow residents to appreciate nature the natural way even on the coldest days of winter.

Or at least, that's what the brochure would tell you...

The reality is that Beaver falls is plagued with strange sightings, events and occasional (though ruthlessly covered up) "disappearances". The lake possesses an almost perpetual dark blue that remains impenetrable no matter how bright the light you shine through it save for a full moon at it's highest peek which is said to reveal even the deepest darkest recess of that place, though none who have laid eye's upon the never freezing lake's secrets will tell of what they saw and admit the hour that the lake becomes clear for the sole purpose of discouraging others from gazing upon it. Though they do not persist in this long either for they always disappear on the next full moon with no evidence left to tell of where or why they left or perhaps more likely what and for what purpose were they taken.

Those infamous tunnels were not recorded in the camps original design and the construction workers vehemently deny digging them, one of the few things those workers will ever comment about when asked about that strange camp. Few women report finding the access ports reappearing at odd months often accompanied by the sound of deep breathing and the sound of heavy steps beneath them. Fewer women still will report seeing ghostly naked women outside these points, always cautiously approaching these noisy doors, always wearing a face fixed with terror despite the evident arousal between their nether-lips, they always open these doors and descend gesturing for the witness to follow them. The doors close themselves seconds after the ghostly maiden descend from sight and disappear themselves. Women who follow them are never seen from again, although descriptions given of the ghostly girls appearance seem eerily similar to missing cases even after decades have passed.

Deep dark woods are privy to accumulate sordid horror stories, especially when the nearest residents happen to be exceedingly vulnerable, thoroughly naked young adults dragged away from their familiar homes to stay in an alien environment surrounded by strangers. But their is good reason townsfolk don't wander the scant few miles threw the dense woods to behold the sight of dozens of beautiful young naked women and men. None who walk the forest paths at night return unscathed. they all speak of contradicting things that haunt that forest, all with their own strange perversions and desires they wish to inflict on passerby.

Campers and Counselors are not free from the peculiar tendency's of the camp, many pick up strange beliefs or habits of their continued residence, the longer the more numerous the list, some even return to their homes a completely different person to the relief or dismay of relatives and friends alike often forever casting clothes and sometimes the very notion of shame aside. Worst of all perhaps is the enigmatic self-styled "mistress" of camp Beaver Falls. Little is truly known about her, rumors abound of nightly rituals, eternal youth, endless perversions and the strange wide eyed, unflinching, unblinking gaze that seems to bore into a man's very soul. It is said that their are few if any of the camp's para-normal activities she is not privy to and none she would not exploit for her own sadistic amusement. all that can be said definitively is that those who repeat these scandalous tales one to many times encounter the most severe of transformations and that through the countless decades of camp Beaver Falls continuous operation mistress Isabella doesn't appear to have aged a day.

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