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Penny's Promiscuity Ch. 18: Will Power

"What should I do, Pete?" I asked my husband anxiously over rather poor phone line.

It was eight thirty in the evening and I was sitting in my car in the darkest corner of the sports club car park, still in my gym clothes. I could feel my body cooling and stiffening from the exercise I had just finished but I couldn't wait to go all the way home, shower and change before talking to him.

As it was, I had only just managed to catch Pete at his conference in between dinner and the tedious 'thank you' speeches that always followed. Desperate for his advice and support, I had just garbled everything I could remember about my brief but terrifying conversation with Will, the young, athletic housemate of my first and only one-night-stand, Darren.

Will was the only possible witness to that night of foolish passion; a night which had resulted in the baby that was even then - and against all probability - growing in my middle-aged womb.

The boy had witnessed my 'walk of shame' letting me out of the house early the following morning and could have no illusions as to what I had been doing there. Apart from the obvious look of guilt on my face, my body must have reeked of sex.

I hadn't seen or heard anything from either Will or Darren for well over a month until that evening when he had approached me in the sports club where Pete and I were members and they both worked. As I had just explained to my husband during a short but meaningful conversation, Will had expressed a wish to get to know me better and had invited me to have a drink with him when he finished his shift later that same evening.

Pete thought a long time before replying. When he did reply it wasn't very helpful.

"Jesus Penny, you do make life complicated!" he began.

"That's not what I need to hear right now Pete," I replied, though it was unquestionably true.

"Sorry. It's just that..."

"I know," I interrupted. "And I'm sorry too; really I am. But what should I do?"

Pete thought for a moment.

"He didn't give you any clue at all about what he wants?"

"Nothing. He was very friendly - at least on the surface," I replied.

"He didn't ask for money or anything?"

"No. Nothing."

Pete paused again.

"Well I suppose we should find out what he wants before getting too worried. You might have been reading too much into it. He might simply want to talk to you."

"But about what?" I asked anxiously. "And why? I'd never met him before that morning. There's nothing to talk about apart from that night. It has to be that."

"You could be right," Pete conceded. "But there's no point fighting battles we don't know we have. I think you should meet him and find out what he wants. Then we can make a better decision."

It made sense but at that moment I wished so badly that I didn't have to handle it alone.

"What if he puts me on the spot? What if he wants money?"

"Then we'll talk about it again," Pete said calmly. "He won't expect a cheque there and then. He did ask you to come to the pub first. That's out in the open; you wouldn't be in any physical danger."

"But what if..."

"Penny, when your knickers are on you're one of the most capable people I know," Pete reassured me. "You'll know what the best thing is to do. I trust you absolutely."

"Really? Despite all..."

"Really. I trust you to do what needs to be done."

"And you'll back any decision I make? Whatever it is?" I asked anxiously.

"Absolutely. Anything you decide will be okay with me as long as it buys us time to think."

"But what if..."

"Sorry Penn; the meeting's starting again. I've got to go; I'm speaking next. Let's talk later when we know more. Bye for now."

I tapped the red button on my phone angrily and swore. Pete had thrown the whole responsibility back onto me. Okay, I was the one who had been seduced and had put myself in this position but I had really needed to talk things through before going to meet my potential blackmailer.

Now I was on my own both physically and metaphorically. Maybe all I could do was try and stall; keep things quiet until Pete returned and we could consider Will's demands carefully - whatever they might turn out to be.

I started the engine and drove home, my mind buzzing. Twenty minutes later I was standing in the shower washing the dried sweat from my body. In a calmer frame of mind I realised Pete was right; what harm could possibly come from meeting the young man in the open for a drink? He was hardly going to demand money with menaces in front of an audience, I told myself.

At work I handled difficult colleagues, patients and their families on a weekly if not daily basis; I should be able to handle a twenty-something young man. If he raised the issue of my night with Darren I would simply have to stonewall him until Pete returned.

The problem night not arise at all. Pete and I could get on with our lives; perhaps even including the wife sharing he was getting so impatient about taking part in. As he had said so often, I had got what I wanted out of our lifestyle; it was time he had a taste of his fantasy too.

As that fantasy was to watch me being fucked but other men, our desires were highly compatible - especially now we might have found a real if unexpected route to make it all happen in safety.


After dinner a few nights earlier I had showed Pete the websites of the short list of escort couples I had found as potential fuck-buddies for our revived lifestyle. Two couples were based in Manchester, the other in Leeds. One couple was in their twenties, one in their forties and the last a strange mix of a girl in her late twenties and a man in his early fifties.

Pete appeared torn. On the one hand he was still very uncomfortable about the idea of using 'prostitutes', as he continued to call them. I preferred the 'escort' terminology I had found in my researches; it felt so much more professional and appealing. Increasingly, this did look as if it might well be the best - possibly only way in which we could safely provide my husband with the fulfilment of his deepest fantasy; of watching me being fucked by another man.

In the days since I had revealed my pregnancy to him, this fantasy had taken a much sharper edge and was dominating our hugely revived and now exhaustingly active sex life. Indeed hardly a day had passed in which my unplanned conception had not been gone over and over in extreme detail in bed, a process that had invariably ended with a near-violent penetration and noisy insemination but for me, a continued absence of orgasm.

Apart from this physical manifestation of his increased interest, there was other evidence that my husband might be coming round to the idea, not least of which was the trail of websites in our pc's browsing history that Pete appeared to have visited of his own accord.

As well as the websites of the couples themselves, I could see he had searched for other escorts too, both single men and couples. There were several sites that specialised in homemade cuckold video postings; I followed his history and watched some of the videos Pete had found.

I quickly discovered that although the film quality was universally poor, there was a rawness and passion about real encounters - especially the orgasmic cries of the women involved as they were fucked - which gave them an erotic power that few of the 'proper' porn moves I had watched could come close to matching.

Pete had apparently been watching a lot of these. I have to admit I had watched a good few of them too in the early mornings with my earphones on. I pretended to myself that it was research for my stories but in reality I was imagining it was me on the bed, receiving all that intense male attention with my husband only a few feet away, watching and filming.

The effect on my body was profound; after an early 'accident' with a chair cushion, I now sat on a folded towel whenever I used my laptop for anything but the blandest of purposes. On some of those occasions I had gone upstairs in a high state of arousal and forced my surprised but pleased husband to make love to me before he was properly awake.

Pete always did his best but I seldom reached orgasm even with the head start the videos gave me.

The future of our unusual relationship could perhaps be quite promising - if we could resolve both my unwanted pregnancy and the equally unwanted but more immediately dangerous intrusion of Will into our already over-complicated lives.

Now that I felt truly pregnant physically, the already-unpalatable idea of a deliberate termination had become even more difficult to contemplate. Apart from the profound danger to my husband's career that its discovery would have - the media would revel in it and his international reputation in his specialist field would be destroyed overnight - I had already seen with my own eyes the effect that abortion could have on a mother's body and mind.

For reasons I cannot put down here, one of my closest friends had terminated an unwanted, adulterously-conceived pregnancy half a dozen years before. It had been done in secret but the effects on her both emotionally and psychologically had left her badly and permanently damaged. For a many months she had become an emotional wreck. She and I had spent many tearful hours together trying to help her come to terms with what she truly believed was the murder of an unborn child she and her husband had committed.

Even now, years later, divorced, re-married and having had two more children by her new husband, she was still tormented by what she had done. Knowing how strongly I felt about my own three kids, I could not take the risk of this happening to me.

So with the baby inside me getting larger and Will's threat of exposure growing more and more imminent, I was caught between a rock and a hard place.

I did not under-estimate the difficulties ahead or the lengths I might have to go to resolve them!


Later that evening I parked my car in a dark corner of the club's car park, sat back in the driver's seat and watched the numbers on the dashboard dials count the minutes towards ten o'clock. My hands were clasped unconsciously on my lower belly where the baby lay; a ticking time bomb growing by the hour.

Over the next half hour many vehicles left the club until eventually only a handful of cars remained. I tried to remember if any had been parked outside Will and Darren's shared house but to no avail. Eventually ten minutes past ten o'clock arrived and there was only one car apart from mine. My heart was thumping in my chest as I slowly, reluctantly opened the driver's door and stepped out into the cool of the night.

My body ached as I straightened my back and retrieved my sports bag from the rear seat, brought as an excuse in case anyone saw me returning to the club. I had chosen a short, tight-fitting dark blue summer dress and sandals with medium height wedge heels. Underneath was good quality, small but secure underwear.

I needed something that gave me confidence both physically and emotionally if I was to face the task ahead.

The lights in the club's reception were still switched on but at a low level. It looked surprisingly atmospheric in the darkness. As I approached, the powered doors remained firmly closed instead of swooshing open as they would usually have done so I stood in the cool darkness looking for a bell to push. Finding none, I contemplated knocking but then my attention was drawn by movement coming from inside the club and a tall, familiar figure emerged from the corridor that led through to the bar.

It was Will, dressed in the same figure-hugging green uniform he had been wearing earlier. He walked towards me, fiddled with the locking mechanism then pushed one the double doors aside, holding it open with his hand to let me enter.

A waft of fresh male perspiration passed over me as I ducked under his extended arm. It made me shiver with excitement despite my extreme nervousness, as did the obviously well-muscled shape of his shoulders and board-flat stomach. In other circumstances I might have found him very attractive indeed. But these were not 'other circumstances'; I was there to meet a potential blackmailer.

"Hi," Will smiled as if more than a little nervous himself. "I wasn't sure you'd come."

It seemed a strange thing for a would-be extortioner to say.

"You didn't leave me much choice," I replied bitterly.

"Sorry," he frowned. "I thought it would be best to have some privacy."

I could feel him looking at me strangely as if surprised by my response; as if he had been expecting me to be friendlier. Perhaps I should pretend to be friendlier I wondered. Perhaps if I went along with whatever he had in mind it would disarm him.

"It's okay," I forced myself to smile.

"You look really sexy," he said, completely wrong-footing me.

Was that what blackmailers usually told their victims?

"Thanks," I mumbled, pulling my dress as far down over my thighs as it would go.

"Shall we go through to the bar?" he smiled, apparently genuinely.

"Fine," I smiled again, falsely.

Will led me through the wide, half-darkened corridor along past the lightless sports shop and club offices to the large bar area. It felt very strange being there; in the daytime the club was almost invariably packed with people. Now it was eerie and deserted with a low glow throughout the room.

The lights were on low at the bar as we approached it.

"Can I get you a drink?" Will asked.

What should I say? This wasn't how I had expected the encounter to start. This didn't feel like a blackmailer meeting his victim, but then how many blackmailers did I know?

"Are you having one?" I asked.

"I'm having a beer. It's been a long day."

"Dry white wine please," I replied with my go-to choice of alcohol.

Will slipped behind the bar and poured the drinks while I perched on a bar stool, very conscious of my exposed, middle-aged legs. When he had last seen me I had been in my gym clothes; Capri-length tights and a pink running vest. I had been wearing a sports bra too though my boobs were so small it wasn't really necessary. Like most women in the gym, I had been pantyless under my tights.

Now in my short summer dress and with Will's eyes raking over me I felt exposed and vulnerable.

To my surprise, I saw Will slip cash for the drinks into a glass by the till and as he came back around the bar, drinks in hand to take the stool next to mine, once again I could see his well-toned body underneath the dark green uniform.

I smiled inwardly; sports clubs everywhere were populated by would-be trainers, instructors and potential athletes at every level. Even being on the cleaning staff gave the young man the right to consider himself and describe himself as being in the sports industry.

The uniforms were clearly chosen to build on this, designed to show off their wearers' bodies to best effect at all times. I had often felt green-eyed at the way the female staff looked as they went about even the most menial of tasks and had to remind myself that it was poor compensation for the low wages they were all paid.

Low wages - did that mean Will planned to supplement his with a little blackmail?

"Cheers!" he said, raising his glass to mine with a smile.

I responded in kind, feeling anxious and unsettled. There was an awkward silence as we eyed each other up warily. I could feel the young man's eyes raking over my body and closed my overly-bare legs as tightly as I could, regretting my revealing choice of dress.

"Have you had a good day?" he began innocently.

"Not bad," I replied warily. "How about you?"

"Busy," he replied. "I've got exams coming up so I have to work a lot at home as well as here."

"I bet," I replied.

There was a short, awkward silence.

"How was your husband?" Will asked unexpectedly. "Was he okay about you coming out to meet me?"

"He'll be fine," I said unwilling to give anything away.

Then an idea occurred to me that my psychology students would have been proud of. If he could play mind games, why shouldn't I try and even the playing field?

"How about your girlfriend?" I asked as flatly as I could manage. "Doesn't she mind you meeting me here at this time of night?"

It was a stab in the dark but a calculated one. It was inconceivable that a boy as good looking as Will would not have an equally good looking girl in tow. I could tell I was right from the guilty look that immediately came to his face; he had a girlfriend and not a trivial one.


He didn't actually slap his hand to his mouth after saying her name but he might as well have done. The name Keeley was familiar but I couldn't place it. I had hit the target; I just wasn't quite sure what that target was.

"Is she studying too?" I continued the pressure.

He shrugged resentfully.

"Nah. She's a PT down the road already."

I assumed he meant the rival sports club about a mile closer into the city where she must already be employed in the coveted Personal Trainer role he so badly wanted. I pressed a little harder, trying to gain a little more authority in our worryingly one-sided relationship.

"Have you been together long?"

"A while."

His reply was unconvincingly casual, as if trying to close off that line of conversation. I wondered why and tried again.

"Are the two of you...?"

"I'm glad you came," Will cut in sharply, cutting off that avenue completely. "I've wanted to get to know you since... well, since that morning."


After feeling unsettled by my line of questioning, Will was trying to do the same to me. He was going straight for the throat with a direct reference to my one night stand with his housemate Darren. I have to say his tactic worked; I immediately felt vulnerable again.

"So you said," I replied blandly. "I can't think why. We barely exchanged a dozen words."

"I know. I just thought we might have a lot in common. I mean..."

"You mean you guessed what Darren and I had been doing and thought you could take advantage?" I broke in.

It was a risky tactic, in effect confessing to my night of infidelity but I wanted to 'cut through the crap' and perhaps knock him off his stride.

"That's putting it a bit crudely," he protested.

"But I'm right, aren't I Will? You were listening?"

"I couldn't help hearing. You made so much noise all night it kept me awake."

I couldn't deny it; I knew I had been noisy and Darren had fucked me many times. At one stage I had loudly begged the young man to fuck a baby into my belly. It was a wish I had expressed frequently when close to orgasm in the past but this time my lover had unknowingly granted it. My hands fell unconsciously to my belly again.

"You heard it all?" I asked aghast.

"Enough to know what kind of lover you are."

There was a long pause. I looked into his open eyes looking for the cold hardness of a blackmailer that I assumed I would find. To my surprise I saw something more like... appreciation; perhaps even respect.

"Okay Will," I gave in. "There's no point denying it; I cheated on my husband with Darren. You heard it. The question is what are you going to do about it?"

It took all my willpower but I managed to stare at him coldly.

"What do you want, Will? Money?"

The boy looked genuinely shocked at the idea, then badly hurt.

"No! Of course not," he exclaimed. "That's a terrible thing to suggest."

His reaction was immediate, unrehearsed and entirely convincing, wrong-footing me again.

"Then what do you want?" I demanded, more puzzled than angry.

"What did you think I wanted when I asked you to meet me here?" he asked as if astonished.

"I didn't know what to think," I replied. "I was worried about what you said."

"And you thought I was threatening you?"

"Why else would you want to see me?" I asked, dumbfounded.
Will looked at me in surprise.

"Don't you get it? Why would I ask an attractive woman for a drink somewhere private where we wouldn't be disturbed?"

The penny finally dropped. Oh my God!

"Will I..."

"I said I wasn't sure you'd come but I really hoped you would. And you've dressed so sexily too."

Had I? I hadn't intended to. Maybe knowing I was meeting an attractive young man my subconscious had taken over.

"You think I want to..." I asked hesitantly.

"Of course. Why else would you have come here so late?" he asked, his face open like a child's.

"You're not trying to blackmail me?"

Will sat back on his stool, genuinely shocked and offended.

"Christ no! What do you think I am?"

I daren't tell him what I had thought; clearly my assessment of him was no better than his assessment of me.

"I thought" I stammered. "You mean you just want to... to..."

Will smiled and leaned forward. He reached across and placed his strong hand on my skinny thigh.

"I would never want to hurt you, Mrs. Barker. Far from it; I want to have sex with you, that's all."


"I've wanted to do it with you ever since I heard you and Darren that night."

There was no misunderstanding those words; no possible way of misinterpreting them. The shocked realisation stunned me.

"But I'm old enough to be your..." I stammered, dumbfounded.

"My mother? I suppose so. But you aren't my mother Mrs. Barker and there isn't a boy in the world that doesn't have a crush on a MILF at some time in his life."

Fortunately from my researches I knew what a MILF was. In my naiveté it hadn't crossed my mind that anyone might think I was one myself.

"But you have a girlfriend," I protested, to my annoyance sounding more like a mother than ever.

"She's not here right now."

For a moment I wondered whether the girl believed her relationship with Will was as casual as he clearly viewed it. Maybe she did; maybe this was the way things were done these days. But then the voice inside me spoke loudly and clearly, reminding me that I was hardly pure as the driven snow myself.

"And I'm married..." I began.

Will snorted.

"You husband's not here either. Anyway, that didn't stop you sleeping with Darren."

There was no denying that either.

"Has he talked about me?" I asked anxiously.

"He doesn't kiss and tell," Will replied. I felt a little relieved. "Darren's had a lot of older women; he's got a thing about them. But he knows how to keep a secret."

He leaned closer, his hand moving further up my thigh.

"I can keep a secret too."

I just looked at him, stunned.

"He did say you were really good in bed - but then I'd heard that for myself."

To my amazement I felt myself swelling with pride at these words then immediately felt ashamed of myself.

"Is that all he said?"

Will looked embarrassed, almost unable to look me in the eye as he replied.

"He said... he said you were a pushover too."

I sighed. I suppose from Darren's point of view that was right. It really hadn't taken much to get me into his bed and I had made no attempt to leave it until the following morning.

"So you wanted to see if he was right? Whether you could get into my knickers too?" I asked.

He nodded, his face lowered like a naughty child's.

"And that really is all you want?"

He nodded again.

"That's all."

The pause that came next was almost as pregnant as I was.

"I... I need to go to the ladies room," I eventually mumbled as I dismounted the stool, desperate to give myself a bit of space to think.

"The lights are on a movement sensor at night," Will said matter-of-factly as I walked a little unsteadily towards the toilets. "They'll come on when you go in."

Once out of his sight for a second or two I contemplated simply running away; jumping into my car and going home. But that would have been no solution; I would have left an angry, frustrated witness to my impregnation behind and the danger to Pete and my future still unresolved.

Instead I half ran down the low-lit corridor to the ladies changing room. It was dark but as promised, the lights did come on as I entered. I slipped into the nearest cubicle, locked the door, sat down on the seat and rummaged in my bag for my mobile phone.

'Are you there?' I tapped the screen anxiously. 'Please answer Pete.'

'I'm here. Are you okay?' came the prompt reply.

'Can you talk?' I asked.

'I'm on top table. Speeches are still on. Wait a moment.'

Thirty second later my phone rang. It was Pete.

"Hi. Can you talk now?" I asked.

"I'm outside the French doors. I've got two minutes max before I'm needed."

"I'll be quick," I promised.

"Have you met him yet?'

"I'm still with him at the club. I've gone to the loo."

"How much does he want?" Pete asked, coming straight to the point.

"He doesn't want money," I replied.

"What the hell does he want then?" Pete demanded instantly and angrily.

"I can't believe it," I said.

"Can't believe what?"

I sat back on the loo, took a deep breath then whispered:

"He wants me Pete."


"He wants to fuck me. Says I'm a MILF and he's wanted me since my night with Darren."

"Jesus Christ! I'll kill the blackmailing bastard..."

The explosion that came down the phone line was prolonged and uncharacteristic of my husband but was all the more shocking for that fact. Pete sounded angrier than I could remember hearing him before. Though the outcome would be the same, clearly in my husband's mind there was a world of difference between him agreeing to me having sex with other men and another man coercing us into another cuckolding.

The male mind is very hard to fathom sometimes.

"I'll break his fucking..." he continued.

"No you won't Pete," I said loudly and clearly, halting him in mid expletive.

"Why the Hell not?"

"Because I can't think of a better way to make all this public than for you to have a set-to with Will, can you?"

"But he's..."

"But nothing. The last thing we want is for this to get out, right?"

"Right," he agreed reluctantly.

"So anything we do has to be quiet and confidential. Right again?"

"I suppose so."

There was a pause. I hadn't told Pete that I did not think his chances of beating up a man half his age who worked out every day were very high. I loved my husband and did not want him to be hurt or humiliated any more - I had done enough of that already.

"Pete?" I prompted him.

"Has he threatened anything if you say no?" he asked more calmly.

I thought for a moment before replying. In truth Will had made no threats at all. Maybe he wasn't a blackmailer; maybe he was just a chancer seeing an opportunity to get his end away with a woman he believed was a good fuck and an easy lay.

"No," I said. "Not yet."

"What do you want to do?"

"I want it all to go away," I said honestly.

"That's not going to happen is it?"

"I suppose not."

"Is a fuck really all he wants?" Pete asked.

"He hasn't mentioned anything else."

"Just one fuck?"

"I don't know. He hasn't said that either."

As I talked, I realised Will really hadn't mentioned anything other than wanting to fuck me. He hadn't said if he meant once, twice or even an ongoing affair like Darren had enjoyed with Julie. Those two had practically moved in together; God alone knew how often they had done the deed.

There was another of Pete's infuriatingly long pauses.

"I can't stay in the loo forever," I prompted irritably.

"Sorry. Someone was close by."

"Well?" I demanded.

"Can you stall him any other way till I get back?"

"I doubt it."

"And he really doesn't want money?"

"'I'm sure he doesn't."

"Sorry Penn. They're introducing me now. I've got to go. I'm speaking next."

Pete's words made my heart sink then I jumped with surprise.

"Mrs. Barker? Penny? Are you okay?"

The sound of Will's voice entering the ladies changing room threw me into a panic.

"Please Pete! What should I do?" I hissed into the phone then called out loud from my locked cubicle:

"I'm okay Will. I won't be a minute!"

"I'll be in the changing room," he replied.

Pete's voice came out of the speaker again.

"Do what you think is best. I trust you."

"What if I have to let him fuck me?" I whispered anxiously. "What about the Geneva Convention?"

I was referring to the new marriage contract Pete and I had agreed at the end of our temporary separation over a month ago when we had agreed to stay together despite my previous repeated cheating.

"Anything's okay as long as we both agree," he sighed.

"It sounds like you expect me to fuck him, Pete."

There was another exasperating pause which I eventually broke.

"Is that right? You're really okay if I have to act the whore?"

My husband's reaction was bitter, unwelcome and out of character. The helplessness of the situation must have been distressing him badly.

"It's what got us into this situation, Penny."

"Please Pete! Now isn't the time to bring that up - however true it might be."

"I'm sorry," he sounded so too. "That was uncalled for. I trust your judgment, Penn. Do what you think is best and I'll back you all the way."

"Thanks Pete. I got us into it so I'll get us out of it."

"They're announcing me now. I've got to go," Pete said hurriedly. "Speak later?"

"Okay. Good luck. I love you!" I whispered.

"Good luck to you too," Pete replied. "I love you too."

"Penny?" Will's voice from outside the cubicle door sounded anxious.

"I'm okay," I said in as close to my normal voice as I could. "I'll be out in a moment."

I rose to my feet, pulling my over-tight summer dress down over my hips, horrified by the amount of bare, middle-aged thigh it left exposed. I pressed the flush button then, taking a deep breath, opened the door and stepped out into goodness knows what.

"I thought something had happened to you!"

Will smiled as I left the toilet and stepped into the brightly lit changing room. He was sitting on a polished wooden bench that I had used many times to tie my laces or to put down my bags. There was a look of genuine concern on his handsome but very young-looking face.

"Something has happened to me," I said angrily. "I've had a nasty shock."

He looked surprised.

"Because of what I said?"

"What do you expect?" I asked seriously but not angrily. "I'm twice your age, married, we hardly know each other and you're trying to make me jump into bed with you."

"I'm not trying to force you," he insisted. "All I'm saying is that I think you and I would get on well together. No-one else need ever know."

He rose to his feet and crossed slowly over to where I was standing in front of the wall of changing-room mirrors. There was a long counter-top and half dozen hair dryers which I had often used to make myself look vaguely human again after a class or session in the gym.

I watched his reflection as he approached; my hands unconsciously on my lower belly where unknown to him, his housemate's baby was even at that moment growing. As if pregnancy alone wasn't a big enough problem, now I had an ear-witness to the conception who no matter what he said, could blow Pete and my lives apart any time he wanted.

If the pregnancy ever became public knowledge, Will's evidence would be far more incriminating than he realised and would have forced us out of town by shame. God alone knew how our children would react to their mother getting pregnant by a boy their own age.

Although he wasn't actually threatening to expose my infidelity, the danger was clear and present. Pete was right: it was imperative that Will remained silent and it appeared only I could ensure this. But how could I be sure? I needed to buy time to think but could only imagine only one way in which Will could be distracted.

Sensing my anxiety, Will started what he must have believed were the preliminaries to the seduction of an easy target. He did it well; I felt his fingers lightly stroking my arm. His hands were soft and surprisingly cool. I watched in the large mirrors as he moved slowly behind me, shivering as his young body brushed against my back.

"This isn't a good idea, Will," I began but the words sounded weak.

I felt the heat of a human body on my back through the thin cotton of my dress. I felt the touch of human hands on my waist and on my hips. I saw strong male hands and arms and a handsome, masculine head reflected in the mirror before me.

Was this really all he wanted? A quick fuck with a woman as old as his mother? Would that really buy us safety? Surely the young man wanted more.

I looked at his eager, youthful face; whatever the difference in our ages, he clearly found me attractive if his lustful expression was anything to go by. And more importantly, there was no denying the fact that despite my fears, I was beginning to find him extremely attractive too.

"We shouldn't be doing this," I whispered, more to convince myself than in the expectation of stopping Will.

I knew I should stop it all there and then but could do nothing but close my eyes. Will was good; surprisingly good for one so young. Unseen, unrushed hands ran up and down my sides, over my bottom then came around my torso and up to my chest where they cupped my boobs through my dress.

"You have a great body, Mrs. Barker."

"Penny," I corrected him automatically then metaphorically kicked myself for collaborating in my own downfall.

"Penny," he repeated the word softly as his hands descended to my waist. My eyes opened again.

"Please Will! This is wrong. I'm married and..."

"Does that matter?" he whispered in a soft, seductive voice. "We wouldn't really be hurting anyone, would we? Not if they never found out."

I shook my head slowly despite my misgivings and sighed audibly, watching our reflections in the mirror as Will's hands worked their way slowly, smoothly but inexorably over my bony hips and skinny buttocks. My own hands were still pressed protectively against my belly as if defending my growing baby from his touch.

"So why shouldn't we enjoy each other for a while?" he continued, his low voice almost hypnotic.

I stared helplessly into his sparking reflected eyes as his hands rose up my sides and forward to my boobs where they began to knead my tiny globes more firmly. Maybe if I let him get a little way; maybe if I let him think he would succeed in the end I could put him off tonight; long enough to talk to my husband properly about it.

"It still feels wrong," I protested weakly. "Like a kind of blackmail."

My voice was little more than a whisper as Will's lips found the nape of my neck. He began to plant tiny kisses along my shoulders and up to my hairline.

"It isn't blackmail," he insisted softly. "It's two people enjoying each other's bodies. Purely physical."

"Personal Training?" I laughed quietly then gasped as his fingers found and toyed with my nipples, nipping them through the cotton of my dress.

"As personal as it gets," he whispered in my ear as he sucked my right earlobe into his mouth and licked it.

I shivered with pleasure. He did it again with the same result. I could feel myself beginning to lubricate.

"And very private too; no-one needs to know; no-one will get hurt."

Will's logic was twisted but I let it wash over me; he didn't know that my husband already knew about Darren and had not only accepted my infidelity, but had become almost obsessed with it. If I let Will touch me now, there had to be a good chance it would have a similar effect on Pete. After all, hadn't he just agreed that I could? Hadn't my husband practically told me to let this boy fuck me; if he'd said that then a little touching would be okay, wouldn't it? I could always stop short of actual sex, couldn't I?

"And we don't have to do it again?" I asked in yet another sigh as his hands delicately stroked my sensitive skin.

"Not if we don't want to," he replied, his warm breath on the back of my neck. "But I hope we both will."

"You promise," I gasped as his tongue tickled the base of my skull and his fingers massaged my nipples harder. "You'll keep it secret?"

"Cross my heart!"

It couldn't be that bad, could it? And if I had to let someone touch me, I could hardly have chosen a better-looking lover, could I? Pete would understand; might even be pleased. I could stop it any time I wanted, and if it was just this one time, maybe I could bring the whole situation to a close in a single evening.

What was I saying? Was I really contemplating buying this potentially-blackmailing boy off by letting him use my body?

Was I, Dr. Jennifer Barker PhD really going to let myself be used by a boy younger than my sons to prevent my previous infidelity becoming public? Were my morals really that loose? Was I really that gullible?

Some questions do not need answers.

The young man's fingers left my boobs and ran down my sides. His lips were back on my neck as his hands began to massage my buttocks again then slid slowly down the back of both legs. I felt the hem of my too-short dress being taken into his hands. I felt it beginning to rise.

He's going too far too quickly. It's time to slow things down; to stay in charge. But if I didn't go through with it what would happen? Would he go home angry? Disappointed? Frustrated? Vengeful? Surely sending him home satisfied would be better; safer?

Maybe it would be enough to let him touch me; kiss me. Maybe he would be satisfied tonight with a handjob; a blowjob at most. After all, I could call a halt any time I felt it was going too far.

Self-delusion is so easy.

Unaware of my internal agonies, Will was making his move and making it well. I watched helplessly in the mirror as his strong masculine hands slowly raised my dress exposing first my bony hips, then my tiny white panties. For a second my hands, still firmly on my pregnant belly prevented the dress from rising higher but Will's fingers soon released the thin cotton from my grip. My arms fell loosely to my sides as the dress was raised higher and higher, exposing my stretch-marked lower belly and navel as the fabric rose towards my boobs.

He stroked my tummy. I felt tingles of pleasure. Then my dress began to rise further towards my armpits.

I could have stopped it there simply by holding down my elbows. But I didn't; as Will's hands drew my dress to the level of my bra, like an obedient child I simply closed my eyes and raised my arms. The fabric brushed against my skin as the dress was drawn up, over my face then over my head and shoulders before being cast casually aside.

When I lowered my arms and opened my eyes again I was standing facing the mirror dressed only in my bra, panties and heeled sandals. My drop-dead gorgeous seducer in his dark green uniform was standing behind me.

A watershed had been crossed. Something in the back of my brain was sending out warning signals but my body was now in charge. My mind shouted its warnings; my body simply ignored them and a moment later when Will peeled off his dark green polo shirt to reveal the most well-defined, masculine physique I had ever seen, the sight took my breath away.

Things began to move quickly.

Within seconds Will's nimble fingers had dealt expertly with the clasp of my bra; it fell forwards down my unresisting arms. I made to cover up my tiny, sagging boobs but before my bra had reached the floor his hands were on my bare flesh, cupping their drooping globes, running my hardening nipples between his fingers, kneading and squeezing with an expertise that once again I would not have expected in such a young man.

"Be gentle," I whispered, my boobs slightly swollen and over-sensitive from my pregnancy.

"I promise," he murmured, releasing my nipples and cupping my flesh in the warm palms of his hands.
It felt so much better. I sighed loudly as my body responded in the only way it knew; lubricating for all it was worth. I moaned my increasing pleasure into the still air of the changing room, the older woman in the mirror writhing against the young strong male body behind her, feeling her skinny body all over.

"Will..." I began to protest but there was no conviction in my voice.

"Shhhh!" he hissed in my ear.


"Shhhh! It's okay!"

I knew it wasn't okay; it was anything but okay but resistance was completely beyond me now.

Too soon, Will's hands left my boobs and slipped down my body. I watched as his reflected fingers moved over my exposed flesh, softly and tenderly, toying with my tummy and navel before the fingers of his right hand began to insinuate themselves into the back of my panties.

A moment later his left had joined it. The rough warmth of his palms was on my bare bony buttocks, cupping and squeezing them as they had my boobs, his fingers tracing the soft crease at the top of my thighs before sliding around the front to my pubic mound.

I could feel lubrication oozing from my body and instinctively leaned back against the young, strong chest directly behind me. I felt Will's strong, sexual presence against my shoulders, smelling of fresh, masculine sweat as his fingers toyed with my sparse, tightly-curled pubic hair then dived deeper and ran along the edge of my rapidly-engorging outer lips.

The reflection in the mirror looked too much like a son fingering his mother to be comfortable watching. I closed my eyes to drive the image away but it remained burned in my mind until one of Will's long fingers suddenly located my slit, was drawn along its full length and all such worries evaporated.

Oh my God!

The shock of the boy's touch on my most private parts made my knees tremble. For a moment I fell against him. Will's strong arm steadied me but his hand did not leave my vulva; instead and with the determination of youth, the boy began to finger me with an expertise I had only encountered during my affair with Tony.

Will's fingertips danced along, over and around my swelling lips and hardening clitoris, teasing it from under its fleshy hood then running along its sensitive underside.

"Oh my God!"

This time the words were out loud and my legs parted a little as if allowing him easier access of their own accord. Encouraged, Will began to finger me expertly and comprehensively, leaving no crevice within my slit unexplored. From the much-neglected gap above my hood to my almost untouched anus he left found every last sensitive place I possessed.

Juices were simply oozing onto his fingers and hand, my reflected panties dark with moisture and bulging over his knuckles as he worked expertly on my body. A minute later and before I realised what was happening, they had been swept down to my ankles forcefully and in a single stroke, where they tangled around my heeled sandals.

Will lifted my right foot free of the elastic; my legs opened wider of their own accord, exposing my naked, reflected vulva to his sight as well as his touch.

Another watershed had been crossed!

Freed from constraint, Will's fingers went to town on me again, my engorged and now protruding clitoris bearing the brunt of his assault. I began to tremble as a small climax rippled through me, then shook visibly as a second, much stronger orgasmic pulse radiated out from my slit.

"You are amazing!" Will hissed into my ear, holding me tightly with his free arm.

I was incapable of reply; all I could do was yield to the incredible sensations his fingers were bringing to my well-used vulva. As the second wave of climax ebbed away, I felt Will's fingers slipping beneath my clitoris then dipping deep into my oversized vagina.

I gasped. He thrust his finger deep into me. I sighed loudly.


A second finger joined the first, then a third, my legs opening wide automatically to ease his way. As he forced his fingers deeper into my vagina, the palm of his hand was pressed hard against my clitoris bringing more shocks of pleasure from its protruding, sensitive tip to meet the increasing feeling of fullness coming from the deep dark passage beneath.

"Ohhhhh! That's good!"

I moaned aloud as Will worked my body, my arousal climbing quickly.

"You are so fucking wet," he growled into my ear.

The fingers were thrust hard into my vagina, stretching my entrance tightly around his knuckles. It felt wonderful; I felt so full. Then Will began to move his fingers around inside me, his knuckles massaging the inner surface of my vagina just inside the entrance.

"Oh God yes!" I sighed, my knees barely able to support me.

"You like being fingered?" he hissed, forcing his hand deeper into me.


It was true; from my earliest experiences I had always enjoyed being fingered. If nothing else it made me feel like a teenager again and Will was doing it so very well.

He thrust his hand hard into me again. It was good but not good enough for my oversized passage.

"Nngghh!" I grunted. "Harder!"


"Harder! Harder please!" I heard myself croaking as the slut within me began to re-emerge.

"I don't want to hurt you," my young lover protested.

"I don't care! Just do it! I growled.

The response was instant; Will's gym-trained forearm flexed, driving his knuckles into my vagina so hard I thought he would lift me bodily from the ground.


It felt wonderful.

I felt his fingers moving rapidly within me, their tips grinding against the back of my pubic bone, hitting my g-spot full on. I felt a fourth finger work its way alongside the other three, stretching my vagina painfully tighter; tighter than it had been for longer than I could remember.

The extreme fullness took my breath away and the pleasure rocketed instantly. I squealed loudly with a mix of pleasure and pain, feeling my inner lips wire-tight around his knuckles. For a moment I thought he might actually tear me open.

But my vagina was even looser than I imagined.

The fingers of Will's left hand worked harder and faster against my hidden jewel as his right crushed my undersized boobs. The climax that hit me was instant and overwhelming. No man's hand had ever penetrated and stretched me that comprehensively before. Unable to distinguish ecstasy from agony my body shook and trembled as fluids gushed from my gaping vagina onto his invading hand.

"Oh God! Oh God!"

I gasped as another wave of uncontrollable sensation washed through me, my legs barely able to support my weight. But Will held me firmly as his hands did their merciless work between my legs and on my boobs, bringing wave after wave of pleasure as I trembled in his arms.

"Please! Enough! Enough!" I eventually croaked.

Sensing my approaching delirium, Will backed off from his fingering, bringing me down gradually until the world began to stabilise and the trembling in my body reduced. His fingers were slowly withdrawn from my vagina leaving me gaping and with a terrible empty feeling in my loins.

"Are you okay Penny?" he asked. All I could do was look into his reflected eyes and nod.

"Did I hurt you?" he asked anxiously. I shook my head, still incapable of speech.

Will smiled broadly then, still at my back, held me in his arms and kissed my naked neck and shoulders as my dreamy eyes tried to focus on the mirror once again.

"Get down on your knees," he whispered in my ear.

It was a command not a request but it didn't occur to me to argue. I obeyed instantly; even in my dazed state I knew what must surely follow next. Maybe something in my mind told me I might be able to buy him off with a fingering and a blow job; at least until I could talk to my husband about it. But as I sank slowly towards the changing room floor until my knees touched its rough carpet, this wasn't uppermost in my mind.

Will steadied my still-trembling body, my face towards his groin. I knelt obediently in my heeled sandals, face to face with the bulging crotch of Will's dark green trousers.

I looked up at him and was met with a broad smile; one of pleasure and surprise rather than triumph. Reassured, I slowly unfastened the belt around his waist and fumbled with the clasp of his trousers. It opened with a pop, the zipper below sliding part way down of its own accord.

"You're an expert," Will said, amused.

I smiled up at his young, handsome face, our eyes meeting and fixing on each other for a moment. Will's pupils were huge and twinkling as I lowered the zipper the rest of the way down and eased his trousers and shorts slowly over his firm, tight buttocks.

Will's large, fully erect cock sprang suddenly forward from its captivity and hit me across the right cheek. I sprang back in surprise, hearing a laugh from above my head. I looked up at him again and grinned.

"Oops!" I said, returning my attention to the large phallus that had just struck me.

As you will have learned from previous chapters, although I fully - perhaps excessively appreciate the effect the male organ can have on the female body, I have always considered it to be an ugly appendage which is much better felt and touched than seen.

My attitude has not changed in this regard but I have to say Will's erect cock came as close as a penis ever can to being beautiful. Long, sleek and with a slight upward curve, it stood rigid, proud and perfectly balanced, well above the horizontal, its large, smooth, rounded head with its tiny lips presented at exactly the right height.

It was long but not as long at my husband's slender member, thick but not as thick as Tony's monstrous tool and bigger in every aspect than Darren's. For a few moments it swung back and forth in front of my face as if taunting me, bursting forth from his shaved groin, the surprising absence of pubic hair making it appear even larger.

I raised my hand to touch it. It twitched. I took it in my fingers; its shaft felt warm and hard under the loose covering of smooth skin. I squeezed it in my fist; it felt very thick and strong. I leaned tentatively forward and ran my tongue over its smooth end, tasting the few drops of unexpectedly sweet pre-cum that were already emerging.

"You are a bad girl, Mrs. Barker," the young man whispered from above.

I smiled up at him then planted a tiny kiss on the end of his cock. It twitched. I planted another, then a third, my hand gripping the shaft a little more firmly.

"Oh yes! Suck me!"

Suddenly my mouth was full of Will's wonderful cock, my lips tightly closed around the base of his rounded helmet, my tongue lapping at its underside. It was so long since I had sucked a man's cock - I had never sucked one from the degrading position of my knees before so it took more than a few moments to realise what was happening and to remember what to do.


From the sounds coming from above me, I was doing something right. Will's legs trembled ever-so-slightly. I took him deeper into my mouth, my fist sliding down his shaft to its base as my mouth descended. The tip of his cock brushed against the back of my throat, making me gag. I pulled back a little.

"Are you okay?" Will asked anxiously.

I smiled up at him again, our eyes meeting then resumed me work, my head and hand rising and falling in tandem as I fucked the boy with my mouth. As my head descended I ran my tongue along the rough underside of his shaft; as my head rose I scraped my teeth along its upper and lower surfaces until it was far enough out for my tongue to resume its work on and around its hugely swollen head.

"Oh my God!"

Will moaned as I delivered the most attentive blowjob of my entire life. From the corner of my eye I could see my head reflected in the mirror bobbing up and down as if I was performing in one of the wife-sharing videos my husband had been watching.

There, on her knees, her boobs bared, her panties gone and with lubrication literally dribbling down her inner thighs, Dr. Penelope Barker PhD had become nothing more than a cocksucking slut.

Dr. Peter Barker's wife Penny had become a slut just like them and was loving every second of it.

A moment later I felt Will's hands either side of my head, working his fingers into my hair and holding me steady as his hips began to move back and forth, fucking my face. His thrusts grew deeper and faster; my hands fell to his hips to prevent him going so deep it choked me.

But I needn't have worried; Will had clearly done this before and was judging his thrusts almost to perfection, stopping himself just before his smooth end cut off my breath. Abandoning his shaft, my hands gripped his strong thighs as he pumped himself in and out of my mouth, his excitement clearly building rapidly if the moaning noises coming from above my head were anything to judge by.

Will's thrusts grew stronger and deeper and his grip on my hair grew firmer as his pace increased. His moaning grew louder too; I was beginning to fear he would cum in my mouth.

Readers will know that throughout my life I have believed that the only way for sex ever to end is with a full, copious vaginal insemination. As a result I could have counted on the fingers of one hand the number of times a man had ejaculated in my mouth.

My first thought was revulsion; that I did not want to feel the sticky goo on my tongue. My second thought was that this young man might choke, even drown me with his semen. I began to panic, holding his hips away and preparing myself to push him away at the first sign of ejaculation.

But I needn't have worried; Will clearly had other plans too. To my considerable relief he pulled his still hard cock slowly from my mouth just in time. A long string of saliva mixed with precum stretched from my swollen lower lip to the tiny pair on his very tip. Without breaking it I raised my eyes to meet his again.

"You're amazing, Penny," he laughed. "Darren was right about you."

He was right, I thought; I was an easy lay. To my shame, I hoped I would be as good a fuck as he had called me too, because that was surely going to be the outcome of the evening. My body would settle for nothing less.

I wondered briefly what I my husband would think if he saw me, his wife of over twenty years there on my knees in the changing room with the cock of a man young enough to be my son trailing juices from my lips. I wondered how his would feel as the mother of his children helplessly and willingly surrendered her body to a boy younger than her youngest son.

I hadn't planned to do it; I hadn't wanted to do it but now it had started by body was betraying me and I knew I would not - could not leave that room faithful to my husband.

"Let me help you up," Will panted, his fingers running through my hair and around the back of my neck. "It's time..."

I didn't need to know what he thought it was time for; my body was already screaming the answer.

My head spinning, I offered my hands to the drop-dead gorgeous young man whose gleaming, saliva covered cock stood rampant only inches from my face. There was no way this boy would be content with the inexpert blowjob I had just delivered.

Nothing but full hard sex would satisfy his desires and prevent my exposure as the slut I unquestionably was.

My own highly aroused, middle-aged body was telling me clearly that it would not be satisfied easily either.

I looked into his young face, my tummy rumbling with excited anticipation then my eyes fixed on the glistening thick shaft standing boldly between his strong thighs. I stood naked in my heels before my young lover wondering what would happen next.

As I waited for him to make his move I knew that, whatever Will wanted, Dr Penny Barker PhD needed to be fucked, fucked hard and fucked now!

Will took my hands in his and helped me unsteadily to my feet. For a moment we stood face to face, his strong naked chest warm against my tiny boobs, his six-pack stomach and rock-hard erection pressed against my skinny, stretch-marked belly.

Our lips met, tentatively and almost romantically at first as if the previous crude, passionate events had not taken place. Will tasted of mint with just a hint of tobacco as his tongue forced its way between my lips, then between my teeth before plunging deep into my mouth. As my arms rose up and around his neck, his hands found my panty-covered buttocks and our mouths melted into each other I couldn't prevent the mother in me from being shocked that a boy so fitness oriented could be a smoker too.

But then I felt the touch of his hands on my bare buttocks once again and all such thoughts became instantly impossible. Will's strong hands kneaded my bony cheeks firmly and forcefully, pressing my lower belly hard against his near-vertical erection.

It was long and hard and straight and... irresistible.

Any remaining hesitation I might have had flew instantly away; I wanted that erection inside me; I needed that erection inside my body. I began to return his kisses with renewed vigour, thrusting my tongue as deep into his mouth as his was in mine, the two writhing over and around each other as our lips and teeth ground and clashed and our bodies swayed.

I dimly became aware that I was being manoeuvred towards the mirrors and the counter top beneath but did nothing to resist. I resisted even less when Will turned me until I was facing the mirror.

"Bend over," he whispered into my ear.

I obeyed like the lost woman I was, turning and placing both hands on the counter top, my bare bottom thrust towards my lover, my face merely a dozen inches or so from the large mirror above; a mirror in which I must have fixed my make-up and dried my hair dozens of times over the years.

The thought of such a strange thing happening in so ordinary a place was thrilling. The feeling of it all being watched by my own reflection was unsettling but very arousing.

But there was little time for such thoughts; in a second I could feel the heat of Will's fit, young body against my bent over buttocks and the hair on his legs tickling the back of my thighs. In the mirror I could see the powerful, well defined muscles of his chest and shoulders, his rounded biceps, his strong forearms as he positioned himself close to my exposed, weeping vulva.

If ever my body was ready for penetration it was ready then. All thoughts of my husband, our age difference, the risk of blackmail or any other consequences were banished from my mind. All I wanted was that young man's cock inside my body. I wanted to feel its masculine strength deep within my most feminine passage but most of all I wanted his seed within my womb.

Not even the knowledge that another man's baby was already growing there entered my mind. I had become wanton, feral, desperate.

I felt Will's hands on my buttocks and the head of his cock against my puffy, engorged vulva. I felt him press

forward once, twice but his smooth end kept sliding either up or down my slit, unable to find its goal.

Taking my weight on my right arm, I reached back with my left. My fingers closed on Will's smooth, hard shaft.

"Yes," he growled. "Put it in for me Mrs. Barker. Show me how much you want it."

I did want it and he knew it. I slid Will's smooth head along my slit until it parted my inner lips then wiggled it up and down until its tip was positioned just inside the entrance to my deep, welcoming tunnel.

There was the briefest of pauses in which the world seemed to stop turning. Then the expression on Will's reflected face changed, his body flexed and his hips were driven forward.

Even in the heights of lust, some mundane things just stick in the mind.

I can remember clearly that, according to the reflection of the changing room clock, the smooth head of Will's long, thick cock entered my middle-aged body at ten forty-three in the evening. Already literally dripping lubrication, it took only three slow but forceful thrusts before it had had travelled the full length of my unresisting passage and its head was pressing hard against my baby-sealed cervix, the thick hairless base of his shaft stretching my entrance a little; his strong hips grinding hard against the underside of my thighs.
I watched almost in slow motion as he slowly but inexorably sank into me from behind. The expression on my face changed from anticipation through shock, pleasure and delight to surprise and disbelief; every nuance reflected in the mirror only inches away as my body was penetrated deeper and deeper.

"Oh my God!"

I gasped with contentment as the young man's cock filled my over-sized vagina, reaching deep into my belly. My vagina was far too loose for his shaft to stretch me but still I felt so, so full and so, so good.

"You really wanted that," he whispered as if in amazement. "You're dripping wet!"

I couldn't reply. All I could do was lean heavily on the counter top, steadying my body as my legs trembled. Will's cock was impaling me, filling me, making my body part of his as we stood still, both of adjusting to what had just happened.

But the stillness didn't last long. With his hands on my hips, Will drew back until just his tip was inside me then thrust himself forwards. His cock slammed home with a slap, his hips hitting my buttocks hard, his shaft grating against my entrance.

It felt wonderful; I gasped. He did it again; I yelped. He did it again and again; I began to moan into the stillness of the room, my reflected eyes wide and staring, my mouth gaping as I was fucked hard and mercilessly.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

Will quickly established a rhythm, thrusting slow enough to keep himself from cumming but too fast for me to recover after each penetration. Every thrust left me more excited than the last, more aroused than the last and the thrusts were growing faster all the time.

And all the time Dr. Penny Barker was taking another step down the road of infidelity, barely inches from my face, my reflection was watching it happen, powerless to resist.

Although not the best fucking I had ever had, it was certainly one of the memorable. Even now I have to admit that Will did a first class job on me. What he might have lacked in experience he more than made up for in vigour as he simply pounded what Tony used to call my Pretty Pink Pussy from behind. The sloppy sounds coming from my weeping vulva and the slap of his upper thighs against my bony buttocks as he bottomed out inside me echoed around the changing room.

They were quickly followed by the sound of a middle-aged woman reaching her first vaginal climax of the evening. I was crying out loud, eyes wide, my open-mouthed reflection screaming back at me; both of us at the mercy of the muscular young men behind us.

Will's body slammed into mine relentlessly, his hands digging hard into my hips, pulling me back onto his shaft as he thrust powerfully forwards. As a second wave of pleasure rippled outwards from my groin into my belly and down my thighs making me moan louder.

I wanted to look my lover in the eye as he fucked me. I wanted to see the expression on his face; was it triumph? Satisfaction? Surprise? Delight?

But I try as I might, couldn't raise my eyes to his. Instead my cheek was flat on the countertop, my hands gripping its edge desperately to keep myself from falling as my whole body, inside and out, was battered by the boy's cock.

Shlapp! Shlapp! Shlapp!

The sounds of fornication grew wetter and louder as my juices wept onto his shaft. I felt his thrusting slow and his hands move over my buttocks. I felt his fingers between my cheeks. I felt something pressing against my bottom, against my sphincter, moving in little circles as the shaft moved in and out of the deep passage beneath it. I felt pressure, harder, harder...

Then one of Will's fingers passed through my anus and into my rectum. It can only have been one finger or perhaps his thumb. It can only have been one or two knuckles deep but it felt huge, as if I had been impaled.


What the Hell was he doing? It felt amazing! I felt full; stuffed in both places, stretched as if I would burst. My body reacted instinctively, trying to force the intruder out but Will held his finger as firmly in place in my rectum as his cock was buried in my vagina.

I felt afraid; was he going to try and have anal sex? Pete and I had tried several times without success; no pleasure only pain. Another bolt of fear went through my mind; I could see it in the eyes of my reflection.

The invading finger began to move within me, turning from left to right then being forced in and out, slowly fucking my anus as the cock below it fucked my cunt.

The wave of climax that hit me took my breath away. My knees began to buckle; if Will hadn't caught me around the waist with his other arm and held me I might well have fallen. But he did hold me, with his cock in my cunt, his finger in my rectum and his arm around my pregnant belly, Will held me until I could balance again then returned to the job in hand - fucking me hard.

My eyes met those of my reflection as another orgasmic wave hit me, my face contorting in climax just as I had seen the faces of my male lovers contort when they began to ejaculate inside me. I wailed aloud; my reflection wailed silently in front of me. My eyes opened wide; so did hers. My mouth opened even wider, my tongue thrust into my cheek; the Penny before me did the same.

Then the finger in my rectum was withdrawn. For a second I felt empty and wished for its return. For a split second I wanted him to replace it with his cock; to try and achieve the anal penetration my husband and I had still not managed.

Whether this was his intention I will never know because, as I came for a third time and my vagina clamped down on his shaft as tightly as it was able, Will's own climax began to start and the increased speed and force of Will's thrusting drove all such thoughts from my mind.


"Oh God!" Will's voice joined mine in the stillness of the room.


"Oh yes! Oh yes!"


"Going to cum! Going to cum!"

From the loss of rhythm and the near-violence of his thrusting I could tell Will was on the point of orgasm himself. In a few seconds time this amazing young boy was going to fill my middle-aged body with semen.

Muddled thoughts passed through my mind.

I wasn't on the pill - I was already pregnant, it didn't matter!

We weren't using a condom - it was already too late to worry about that. Anything disease he had I now had too!

I wanted desperately to look him in the eye as he ejaculated; to see the expression on that gorgeous young man's face as he spurted his sperm-filled fluid into the body of a woman old enough to be his mother. Given my humiliating position, bent over taking his cock from behind this would be impossible. For a moment I felt disappointed but then I remembered the mirror. If I raised my head a little... just like this... maybe I could see into his deep, gorgeous eyes.

I pushed upwards with my arms and raised my head until my unfocussed eyes could home in on the face of my new lover. He was close; I braced myself for the final brutal thrusts I felt sure would soon follow.

I did not have long to wait; as his arousal reached its peak, Will thrust his cock into my vagina hard enough to drive me bodily over the counter top despite my hands holding onto its edge. My head crashed into the mirror once, twice before I could push back enough to raise my gaze again.

But no sooner had my eyes fixed on Will's handsome face, it ceased to be handsome. His eyes opened wide then became a snarling frown as the first spasms of orgasm overtook him. Despite its generous size, my vagina was still tight enough for me to feel the head of his cock swelling one last time before the short sharp stabs of the boy's climax began.

"Fuuuuck!" he moaned as his cock began to throb and pulse within me.


My moans matched his as one final wave of orgasm grasped me by the throat and chest.

Will's tension broke visibly as his ejaculation began and his body released its load into mine. I watched in the mirror as grotesque grimaces crossed his face and his body crashed violently and erratically into mine, his fingers digging painfully into my skinny hips, his hairless base grinding against my swollen outer lips.

His body twisted and contorted as his head pummelled my cervix, my mind imagining all that semen spurting from its tiny lips and washing over the pink ring that protected my growing baby.

But nothing this intense could last forever; eventually the waves of ecstatic agony slowed to be replaced with an expression approaching relief as Will's cock thrusting slowed and ended leaving only a throbbing, pumping cock depositing its last few ropes in my welcoming body.

Will's grip on my hips loosened, the pulsing slowed to a halt too and for what seemed an age we stared at each other in the mirror.

Eventually a broad smile crossed his young face. He laughed out loud.

"Jesus Christ! That was good."

His cock was still within my body and showed no sign of softening. I couldn't move; all I could do was stand there, bent over, my face still on the counter top.

"Are you okay Penny?" he asked a little anxiously, his hands now stroking my battered buttocks and lower back. "Did I hurt you?"

I wanted to tell him he had just delivered a series of incredible orgasms. That he had just fucked me in a crude, teenage position I hadn't been fucked in since University; that I was still reeling from the orgasms his young, fit body had delivered; that he had just reminded me why I had become a Hotwife in the first place.

But even in my post-climactic delirium I knew I couldn't tell him these things. That would be exposing my soul too much to a young man who could still be a danger to my marriage, my family and my career.

"I'm okay," I said quietly. "You'd better leave me now."

"What? Oh of, course."

Will eased his still hard cock from my body. As it left my over-sized vagina the familiar and saddening feeling of post-penetration emptiness washed over me and I felt the tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Will asked solicitously, helping me to stand upright, my back and legs aching from the uncomfortable posture in which our fucking had taken place.

"I'm okay," I smiled. "I'm just old and stiff."

He guided me to a low bench; one on which I must had put my sports bag dozens of times. I sat down on its hard surface, wincing as the cold wood touched my over-sensitised vulva.

As I settled on the slippery surface, the sound of a telephone ringing came over the sports club's speaker system. Will reacted anxiously.

"What's that?" I asked, puzzled.

"It must be my Manager," he replied with a frown. "If he's seen the lights still on and the alarm hasn't been set he'll be wondering what's going on. I'd better take the call. Just a moment."

The boy hurriedly pulled on his trousers and disappeared into the low glow of the security lights.

I sat there wearing nothing more than my heeled sandals, my mind spinning, contemplating what had just happened and wondering what on earth would happen now. If we had been in bed I would have wanted to curl up in his arms; to relieve the inevitable post penetration insecurities by the physical closeness of the man who had just inseminated me.

But after a fucking this raw such a romantic end was impossible. Far from receiving the reassuring affection of my lover, barely minutes after his still-erect cock had left my body I was naked and alone. It couldn't be helped I understood that but I learned a lesson about myself and my needs which I had not realised in my thirty-plus years of active sex life.

The changing room was beginning to cool and so was I. It was time to move.

I began to retrieve my discarded clothes item by item then started slowly to dress. My whole body was trembling with orgasmic after-shocks as I fastened my bra around my chest; my arousal had been so complete that my nipples were still quite firm.

I scooped my panties from the floor where they had fallen then went into the toilet to wipe my leaking vulva clean before pulling them back on. As I sat on the seat, feeling our combined juices oozing from me as I emptied my bladder, I looked at the rumpled garment in disgust. They were unwearable; the elastic was broken, they were soaking wet and smelled strongly of my juices. I rolled them into a ball to stuff into my sports bag.

My bladder relived, I wiped myself as clean as I could before re-emerging from the cubicle, returning to my seat and bag then pulling my ridiculously short summer dress back over my head and smoothing it down over my hips and upper thighs. As the garment passed over my hips I could see the bruises from Will's tight grip beginning to form, finger by finger. I would have literally a handful of marks to show my husband on his return.

My dress inadequately covering my skinny thighs, I looked in the mirror once again in trepidation. The face that greeted me was not a pretty sight; smudged make-up, flushed pink skin and wild tousled hair.

I looked like what I was; a middle aged woman who had just been fucked with her head upside down.

I was doing my best to repair the worst of the damage when my own phone rang in my bag. Thinking it was probably Pete trying to find out what had happened I crossed to where the bag lay, pulled out the handset and looked at the screen.

'Izzy Mobile.'

Oh God! That was all I needed! If my daughter was calling this late at night then it could only mean she had news about her latest relationship or worse, was having problems with either her current or ex-boyfriend.

With the semen of a boy her age dribbling down my inner thigh, I simply couldn't handle that now so with callousness no mother should admit to, I rejected the call and let it go to voicemail. If it was important, she would leave a message and I would listen later.

I was putting the phone in my sports bag just as Will returned with two bottles of sports drink in his hands. He popped the lid of one open and gave it to me. I drank deeply and gratefully as he did the same himself.

"Got to re-hydrate after exercise," he grinned cheekily. I laughed despite my increasing embarrassment.

"So you trainers always say. You were gone a long time."

"It was my Boss," he confirmed. "He wanted to know why the alarm hadn't been set. It sends a message to his phone each time it's armed. I didn't know that. I said I was still cleaning and was running late."

"Quick thinking," I smiled.

"Then I had to run round turning off all the lights and getting the alarm ready to set. I'm sorry but we need to go soon or he'll get suspicious."

I looked at the boy who had just delivered such an amazing fucking and now wanted us to leave the scene of the crime in a hurry. Despite his tallness, his extraordinary body and his well defined muscles he seemed much younger and less confident now. His uncertainty brought out the mothering instinct me and despite my predicament, endeared him to me even more.

"Was it good for you?" Will eventually asked.

I was surprised at the apparent lack of confidence in his voice.

"Couldn't you tell?" I replied, embarrassed.

"Well I thought I could but..."

"You thought I might be faking it?"

He shrugged; the desire for praise was almost tangible.

"I wasn't faking, Will. It was good - very good in fact. You're a talented boy."

It was no more than the truth. At these words, Will's already impressive physique seemed to become even more powerful. The boy almost swelled with pride which reinforced in my mind the huge difference in our ages and the enormity of what we had just done.

For a minute or two we sat in silence with our drinks, two sweaty, sex-soiled bodies side by side on the bench.

"So what happens now?" I finally asked.

For a moment Will appeared nonplussed then he took my hand in his.

"Can I see you again?"

I thought for a moment.

Part of my mind told me that this was insane; that I shouldn't see him again ever. Another part of my mind told me that a refusal might be unwise; that this young man could ruin the rest of Pee and my lives if he wasn't handled very carefully.

My body on the other hand knew exactly what it wanted and that was more of the same. My middle-aged vagina wanted to feel the young man's cock inside it over and over again.

But above all this, my conscience told me that whatever I did, I needed my husband's understanding and agreement first. There was no point in fucking Will to save my career and family just to have my precarious marriage fall apart through a breach of the fragile trust Pete and I were still establishing.

"I need to think about it," I stalled.

"That's not a 'no' then?" Will asked eagerly.

"It's not a 'yes' either," I smiled indulgently. "This has been a bit of a shock Will. I need a bit of time to think things through."

"O...kay," he replied uncertainly. "I understand. Shall I call you?"

"Give it a few days," I said firmly. "And I'll call you."

"That sounds like a put-off," he frowned, the disappointment of his face so childishly comical I could have laughed out loud.

"You'll have to trust me," I said in a voice that sounded a bit too motherly after what we had just done. "I will call, I promise."


Will let me out of the club by the rear fire escape so my face wouldn't appear on any of the security cameras. We kissed our goodbyes as if we were friends; not even close friends. No-one who saw us would have guessed that only minutes ago we had been lovers.

I sat in my car in the darkness, the feeling of relief beginning to flow through my body. I was trembling with the intensity of the whole evening's activities and a few minor orgasmic aftershocks but I was content.

Pete had been right; when it had come down to brass tacks, I had known what to do. Letting Will fuck me had been the obvious choice and I had made that choice. True, I had added another name to the increasing number of men whose sperm had flowed into and been absorbed by my body but it seemed to have worked, if only for now.

The amazing fucking had bought us time - and had provided a great deal of unexpected pleasure into the bargain.

With a smile on my make-up-streaked face, I started the engine and began the short drive home, the young man's fluids seeping from my bare vulva, through my tight cotton dress and onto the car's leather seat all the way.


"You fucked him there? There in the club?"

Pete's voice on the phone sounded shocked, surprised and more than a little drunk. It was around midnight and he had finally decided to call and see how I was. I was not impressed but was consoling myself with a badly-advised second glass of Sauvignon Blanc.

He had called as the bath was running; after all my exertions in the club that evening I needed more than just a shower to soak away both the aches from my muscles and the sticky evidence of my most recent fornication.

"Yes Pete. To be more accurate I let him fuck me but the result was the same."

"How long ago?"

"About an hour. Maybe less."

"Jesus! Have you showered yet?"

"I'm running the bath now. Are you drunk Pete?"

"No... well, perhaps a little."

"Are you upset that I did it? You told me to do whatever I needed to do to keep us safe, remember? That's what I did. It's too late for second thoughts now."

"I'm not having second thoughts. But now there's two of them who know about... about you."

I couldn't help noticing that my husband was far more concerned about making sure our secret lifestyle remained just that than he was that his wife of over twenty years had just been fucked by yet another unfamiliar man.

Clearly he ranked confidentiality over fidelity; something I should have understood given the lifestyle we both still seemed to want.

"I'm not stupid, Pete," I replied. "I had to buy us time. I had to give him at least something to keep him quiet until you and I had talked it through."
That last part wasn't strictly true. Once things had started; once Will's cock was in my mouth and my body was responding so powerfully, there was no way I would have let the evening end without feeling his cock inside me, letting him fuck me hard and if at all possible feeling him cum inside me.

But there was nothing to be gained from telling Pete this and I was pleased to see that my minor deception seemed to mollify his concerns considerably.

"I'm sorry. I know I can trust you," he eventually conceded once I had finished.

"Don't worry. It can't be easy for you to hear about your wife being unfaithful."

That was a complete and deliberate lie too; I knew full well how much my husband had enjoyed and had insisted on hearing every last detail about my infidelity with Darren. I hoped he would feel the same about my latest fucking by Will. I believed he would.

"Was it good? Did you enjoy it?" he asked after another of his annoying pauses.

"You really want to know?"

"Hold on a minute," he said.

There was a fumbling on the line and the creaking of bedsprings before Pete's voice returned.

"Sorry. I'm back now," he eventually said. "Now, was it good?"

"It was very good."

"What did he do?"

So I told him. Slowly and in intimate detail I told my husband about every step of my journey from angry frightened wife to unfaithful, inseminated slut. I dwelled especially on the way my youngest and most recent lover had seduced me; how he had overcome my initial reluctance; how he had kissed me, stripped me and fingered me so comprehensively.

"Jesus Penny that is so fucking hot!"

Pete's voice over the phone sounded even drunker but he was definitely getting aroused.

So I carried on; telling my husband vividly and with genuine emotion how Will had forced me to my knees; how I had touched, kissed and fondled his erect cock before taking it deep into my mouth and delivering the best blowjob I was capable of. I told him how the amazing sensations had made my body weep with lubrication as it prepared itself for the penetration that would inevitably follow.

"Did he cum? Did he cum in your mouth?" Pete demanded excitedly.

Behind his voice I could hear strange, rhythmic noises in the background.

"No. He pulled out just in time. Are you masturbating Pete?" I asked, my voice scolding.

"Go on," He urged, ignoring my question.

So I did. In clear, unambiguous words I told my husband of over twenty years how a boy young enough to be our son had positioned me in front of the mirror, bent me over until my face was on the counter then, both of us still standing, me in my heels, he had fucked the living daylights out of me from behind.

"Christ!" Pete grunted, the rhythmic noises louder and faster.

I told my husband how the young man's cock had felt as it entered my loose, middle-aged vagina; how it had slipped easily into my well-lubricated passage; how it had reached deep into my body until its head had battered the sealed cervix behind which Darren's baby was growing. I described how his young, strong body had driven that thick, rigid pole hard and fast into my flesh. Finally I told him how it had felt to reach my climax quickly and freely, my juices running down both our legs.

"Penny! Oh Jesus Penny!"

I brought my story to a climax by describing how Will had reached his own climax; how he had slammed hard into my buttocks; how his head had swollen inside me as the end came; how his peak had been reached and his tension broken; how he had pumped his youthful semen into my eager, orgasming body.

And all of this had been watched and matched by my own reflection only inches away from my face.

"Oh God I wish I could have seen it," My husband said breathlessly over the phone line. "Where are your panties?"

"Still in my sports bag."

"Save them for me!"


"Please Penny!"

"Well, okay."

The soft noise in the background was getting louder and faster still.

"Are you. Still leaking. His cum?" my husband's voice was getting breathier still.

"Pete this is getting really crude."

"Are you still leaking his cum Penny?"

I opened my legs, ran my fingers over my inflamed vulva and brought them to my face. There was a thin film of sticky goo all over their tips and on my knuckles. My hand smelled disgustingly of semen and fish.

"Yes Pete. I'm still leaking. It's all over my inner thighs."

"Wipe it on your knickers for me."

"Jesus Pete!"

"Please Penny! I'm so clooooose!"

"Okay. They stink of sex, Pete. They stink of Will's cum and my juices and..."

"Oh my Goddd... Aaahhhhh!"

There was a loud sigh of relief over the phone which went on for several seconds and was followed by complete silence from my husband.

"Have you just cum Pete? Have you been masturbating as I told you all this?" I asked accusingly.

"That was amazing," was all the reply I received - that and some heavy breathing.

"So it seems," I replied.

A feeling of relief washed over me too. If Pete could actually masturbate to orgasm as I told him the story over the phone, surely he would be okay about it in real life when we were together again the following evening.

"You do realise that I've only bought him off temporarily, Pete," I said seriously.

"I understand," my husband replied, recovering his breath quickly.

"We're not safe yet. We still need to find a permanent solution."

"I get that too, but you don't think he's going to kiss and tell straight away?"

"I can't be certain but I don't think so," I confessed. "Basically he's just a nice lad with a naughty streak."

"Who likes MILFs?"

"Who likes MILFs," I agreed.

"And you're sure sex is all he wants? He didn't mention money at all?"

"He got really upset when I even suggested it."

Pete went silent for a minute before asking.

"Did he put any time pressure on you?"

"None," I replied. "I know he's got a girlfriend so presumably he's getting his end away there too."

"Penny! I've never heard you use that phrase before," Pete scolded.

This was perverse; my husband was happy for me to be fucked half senseless by a boy less than half my age but was shocked by my using a single coarse phrase.

"Sorry," I apologised in a voice that made it clear I was not at all sorry. "I'm still a bit delicate after being fucked so hard and cumming so many times."

Pete chose not to react to my deliberate jibe. It was his way of apologising.

"Would you do it again> If you had to stall for more time?" Pete asked.

Christ yes; in a heartbeat! I thought but did not say aloud. Instead I cautiously ventured:

"Only if you were okay about it. I don't want to start another affair."

I heard my husband snort down the phone.

"Neither of us wants that, right? But if it's necessary...?"

"Then I'll do what I need to do to keep us safe," I assured him. "Now, it's well after midnight, Pete. I need to go to sleep. I'm exhausted."

"I'm not surprised."

"And I have to get up at six thirty."

"I'm back on duty at eight thirty," he told me, his breathing still coming in soft pants. "Break-out groups."

I yawned both with tiredness and at the prospect of such a dull morning.

"Maybe sleeping on it will help. When will you be home tomorrow night?" I asked.

"About seven-thirty I think," he replied.

"I'll have dinner ready for eight. We can talk about the problem then."

"Okay Penn. And the bed ready for nine?" he asked cheekily.

"If we can wait that long," I said as sexily as I could. "And if you're up for it by then."

"I'll be up for it, don't worry," he laughed.

"You'd better be. My standards are getting higher all the time."

"You are such a slut, Penny Barker!" he growled. "And I love you for it. Goodnight!"

"I love you too," I replied as I pressed the red button on the handset.


I lay in the bath for a while, feeling the warm water soaking the sticky residues from my body, easing the aches and strains in my middle-aged muscles and wondering what my daughter wanted to talk about so late in the evening. She hadn't left a voice message but it was bound to be something to do with boys - it always was.

Had she been dumped by her new boyfriend Simon? She hadn't sounded upset enough for it to be that.

Had her old boyfriend Steve get back in touch? That seemed unlikely too

Whatever it was, I would call her back in the morning and find out. Right then I was so tired.

When I realised I had dozed off in the bath twice I hauled myself out, dried myself down then fell into bed, naked. There was little time to think about my evening before I fell into a deep sleep but I do remember Pete's words going over and over in my mind.

As I fell into the arms of Morpheus, my hands on my belly where Darren's baby was growing larger by the minute, I remember wondering how many husbands of serious, professional women in their fifties called their wives a slut before wishing them good night.

And I wondered how many such women deserved that name as much as I did.
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