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Private Investigator

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It was a rainy day in London, which was only made worse by the fact you were outside right now. You had just left the site of a mysterious murder. The murder had taken place at one of the large mansions at the edge of the city. The house had been owned by a rich businessman where he lived with his wife. The man had found his wife's body in their room, violently murdered. Well, not quite. The walls were covered with drops of blood, but the body showed no sign of injury. The only clue they had was the absence of three of the kitchen knives.

"What are your thoughts on the case, Margret?" you asked your assistant. Margret was about ten years younger than you were, with a passionate enthusiasm and a wit about her that rivaled your own. It also helped that men were often more willing to talk when she was around. And opposite to your habits, her way didn't require you to pay their hospital bill. "The whole thing felt staged to me." Margret answered. She left a short silence before continuing her train of thought. "I don't think that woman is dead. Maybe a body double or a straight up fake body. She splat some blood on the wall and ran." You nod encouragingly. Her ideas had more than once ended up being the truth up to the most obscure detail. You appreciated having her around more than you had expected roughly five years ago.

You had been in the detective business for over 20 years when one day you found yourself at a loss on an important case. Your brain felt tired and couldn't make the connections it used to. As you sat at a bar in downtown London, a woman had come up to you. "Good evening sir. Are you mr. Jameson, the famous detective?" That you were. She told you she had multiple clues on your current case and that she would love to share them with you over a whiskey. You were shook by how much she knew about you. From your current case down to your favourite beverage, she had you in a tight spot. You accepted her offer and that night you sat in a small apartment, drinking whiskey with a woman ten years younger than you that you had never met. However, her entusiasm and youthful energy filled you with renewed excitement. You had accepted her as your assistant, which you still call her today, but you're closer to being partners by now.

You were shaken out of your musings by a hand on your shoulder. Margret had grabbed it and was now painfully clamping down on it. You stopped dead in your tracks and look at the situation. Two large men were blocking the end of the alley. You didn't have to look behind you to know the other end would have been blocked as well by now. You put up your hands, showing that you're not armed. An even larger man pushes through the gap between the two guards. Surprisingly, he bows. "Mr. Jameson, my boss is looking for your aid. I will have to ask you to silently follow me to our car. Do not try to run or ask for help. We have many eyes on you, some through scopes." You put your hands down and contemplate how to respond. "Lead the way." is all you manage to say.

The walk to the car is short, less than a minute at a normal walking pace, but you manage to catch a glimpse at over a dozen barrels pointed towards you and Margret. You enter the black car, with Margret sitting next to you. Then on both sides of the car one of the large guards enters the car. Blocking you off from the door. The backseat wasn't built to contain for adults, let alone to adults and two gorillas of men. You are squeezed uncomfortably into Margret's side as the gorillas close the car doors. After driving for what feels like hours, the car stops. You realise for the entire duration of the trip, the car hadn't stopped once. No stopping for traffic lights or pedestrian crossings. The doors of the car open and the bodyguards leave the car. You're unsure wether or not to exit the car, but you slowly make your way to the door. You are greeted by the same setup as the one to get to the car. The largest guy at the front, with two guys a little bit ahead of you two and directly behind you the last two guards to trap you in a pentagonal transformation.

You are lead up the stairs you the mansion and enter after a security process which included an eye scanner and a long numerical code. The mansion was beautifully decorated with a multitude of maids and servants going about their business. You just couldn't help but feel a strong tension in the air. None of the servants looked up and many decided to leave the room all together. You are escorted to a nice waiting room, where you are served a drink. You order a whiskey and Margret asks for tea. Both deliberately clear drinks to avoid any unwanted powders to be mixed in. Your drinks are brought in but before you can take a first sip the same large man that had talked to you earlier entered the room. "My boss is ready to receive you. Please follow me." You stand up from the couch and step towards the man when a pained expression comes across his face. "I'm sorry but the woman will have to stay here. Women are not allowed in the office space." You know Margret long enough to know what's coming, so you cut off her angry stream words that was surely coming. "Stay here like the man tells you. I can handle this on my own." You look over your shoulder at Margret, who stands there with an expression of disbelief. You wink at her and leave the room towards the office.

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