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Questions In The Shower Room

18-year-old Leslie couldn't believe it. That strict ass swim coach made her and her best friend Sara swim extra laps for talking. It was bad enough having two practices a day for two hours each. Leslie was about to collapse from exhaustion. by the time she reached the showers, the other girls had long since left. It was just Leslie and Sara.

"I hate Mr. Thompson. That dude needs to lighten up."

"Definitely Sara. Definitely. either he's got a really small dick or that wife of him isn't rocking his boat or something. he's never been so anal about this stuff."

"Yeah, I remember frosh year we probably could of masturbated in the pool instead of doing our laps and he wouldn't have cared."

"He probably would asked if he could help out."

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind getting a piece of that. And I know you're just horny as me. Hey, and while we're on the subject, Leslie, how's it going with Jerry?"

"I gotta give that boy some credit. I thought he would be a drag, but he gets me so horny. He just always says the right thing."

"Come on Leslie, don't spare the details. Spill the beans. You got him in bed right?"

"Sara. I don't know how to say this. I know I always talk like I'm getting a lot of action, but I don't know I just get scared."

"liar! you mean to tell me you still have your cherry?"


"well, we're going to have to do something about that. have you ever been touched like this?" with that, Sara brushed her hand over Leslie's left breast. she began fondling it, then both of them. she moved in closer and began kissing Leslie, while her hands were tweaking Leslie's nipples and fondling her breasts. One of the hands left its mound of flesh, and began to gravitate towards her friends pussy...

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