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Eleanor Bigsby stood in a small thicket of woods just outside the small town of Ashton. She desperately pressed the blue button on her Holostyle Watch and glanced down at her naked breasts every few seconds to see if anything was happening. No such luck. She was still completely naked in an unfamiliar world.

Everything was so strange! From her hidden spot among the trees, she could see the people going in and out of the town. Some of them were walking and some of them were sitting inside enormous metal machines with wheels. While these people looked like her, they walked on two legs, they had the same visible anatomical parts such as legs, arms, and a head, they were wearing some sort of fabric that she was unfamiliar with.

Whatever it was that they were wearing, it certainly was hiding their nudity-- something that her Holostyle Watch was failing to do at the moment. She had been warned before she signed up for the project that any number of complications could arise including the possibility that this world lacked the technological advances to enable her to return home.

As the sun set in the distance, she realized that there were certain similarities between this-- Ashton and her own home world. Just like it did in her world, the moon replaced the sun and the chilly air replaced the stagnate warm weather. At this rate, her nudity was going to be a real problem, especially without the body heat feature of her Holostyle Watch.

She had two options and neither of them were appealing. The first one was to sneak into one of the buildings and hope that she remained unnoticed. She would have to exit the building while it was still dark so that she wouldn't be noticed.

The other option was to find a person to approach and ask for help. That would mean revealing her naked body which would be highly embarrassing to say the least but if she was lucky, she might find a helpful person to help her hide her nudity and maybe even give her some food.

The only questions is, which route to take...

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