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It's the middle of august, your family all decided to go on a final road trip before the season ends, the destination is a large ravine that was discovered right near your home. everything seemed to be going well except for the fact that your sister kept nagging you about how you didn't look happy enough, she said that since they were taking you with them you should be happy about it, she kept talking on and on and you couldn't help but put your earbuds in.

Her eyes squinted and her teeth clenched, she seemed angry by that move, she waved her hand in front of your face "You should be more thankful we even brought you on this trip! We didn't need you here in the first place!" after letting out some anger she snapped her head away from you and sighed through her nose, after listening to her outburst you zone out for the rest of the ride.

You closed your eyes and started enjoying the rhythm of your song, suddenly the car halted and you lurched forward, your sister turned to you and ripped the earbuds right out of your ears, "we are here!" she says sternly again, popping up the lock on her door, she proceeds to leave in a huff of anger. Ignoring the abrupt outburst you open your door on the right and exit the vehicle, you look over the top of the car and see that near a fence stands your mom and dad their backs towards you as they hold their phones over the cliff you came to see, you look at your phone to pause the music you have playing, when you look up your sister is already standing with your parents, her face already smiling in an innocence way that would never suggest she was even capable of nagging a person, disturbed from your peace you walk over to them.

You are soon standing with your family, overlooking the sheer cliff in front of you, sweat drips down your forehead as the sun starts beating down you, your mother looks at you and your sister "we are supposed to wait here for the tour guide and the other people, it seems we arrived a little early, you two stay here and me and your dad will grab the sun screen, don't want you getting any burns!"

As your parents leave your sisters smile drops "I know you don't want to be here and trust me I don't want to be near you either but since you are here you might as well be useful, come over here and grab me by the waste, don't be a perv about it either, I just want to take a picture of the ravine" you scuttle over behind your sister and grab her waste, your hands sink into the clothing clad skin, she doesn't seem happy about that "hey fucko! your enjoying this to much!" she twists her body around to look you in the eyes. The anger immediately vanishes from her eyes as panic quickly floods her face, the ground under her lets out a loud crack, her body shifts as she loses her footing, gravity pulls her closer and closer to the cliff, luckily for her she has her brother holding her from dropping to her death, not so lucky for you though, you were currently kneeling hunched over, your sister was currently dangling over the cliff and all that was holding her up was your lack luster muscles. She was screaming whilst flailing her arms, making it extremely hard to pull her up, until she reaches her arm up to grab the cliff edge but instead grabs your leg.

Thinking in the heat of the moment that she had something solid to pull herself up, she tugs as hard as she can on your leg, half of that plan worked, she had yanked so hard on your leg that as she came up and you stumble forward losing your footing. air whizzes past your ears, you couldn't see your sister anymore, you couldn't see the surface anymore! you looked forward and noticed the ground was quickly approaching rapidly, as you plummet to your death and your breath hitches you lose s black encases your vision...

As you stir awake the sound of trickling water fills your ears, you open your heavy eyelids to notice something is not quite right, you blink rapidly to fully open your eyes, you look to the sound of the moving water, deciding to head there stand up and look at where you previously were, it seems you were laying in a small pool of water that had parted off of the main water source, you walk sluggishly over to the running water, a small river flows in front of your eyes.

you don't feel like yourself and start to worry anticipating what you will see, you get on your knees and look into the waters reflection.

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