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Red Dragon's Pride

The ragged cliffs struck the sky, breaking it apart in a stormy, grey cloud that was said to herald one's ultimate demise. If it had been a true omen, ravens would have cawed and flapped across it, disturbing the dark glamour with their raggedness, but Xigfeldo was the true omen and portent of death on the face of the cliff, stones crumbling away as he hung there like a giant bat, something borne from nightmares. To the wrong dragon or any other creature, he was worse than a soul's worst nightmare, jaws slavering with thick, drooling ropes of saliva.

He could eat so many up in a single bite and yet the opponent he faced at the outpost, a vantage point that overlooked the far edge of his territory, already bore the scratches and scrapes from battling him. Xigfeldo's flanks rose and fell heavily in breath but the red dragon that had come there to challenge him still circled lazily high above as if he had not a care in the world, scales glittering as if he carried his own personal sunshine around with him. The black and silver dragon could not help but be grudgingly impressed by such splendour, even though his scales shifted between black and silver in that particular lighting, branding him as both kinds of dragons despite only being a single dragon.

It was funny how things could come together like that. But he only had a single scrap of a crimson dragon to defeat and he crawled to the top of the cliff like a serpent, a hydra with that serpentine mobility and deadly intent, hissing and hunkering down, watching the red circle and swing back and forth. At a moment's notice, he was ready to strike, although even the red drake was hardly an intimidating opponent or a threat in the slightest to him. It was all a matter, of course, of just where and when he would strike and take him out for good.

It was just a shame that the red dragon was too young and stupid to know or understand that he was up against a better male, a powerful drake who wasn't about to go down in a hurry. It would never be his time.

"Xigfeldo!" The red dragon bellowed. "You cannot defeat me! I am one with the wind and the sky! There is nothing that your power can do to me!"

If a dragon such as Xigfeldo could have rolled his eyes (it was demeaning in the highest order for a silver or even a black dragon to demonstrate such vulgarity), he would have. Just who did the pompous youngling think he was to invade even the furthest outreaches of his territory? It was his and his scent marked it through and through, something that he maintained on a weekly basis, if not more frequently. He should have known that the territory was his and, well, Xigfeldo was sure that he did. That was just why he'd chosen to invade the land of a silver-black drake.

In the gloom, the storm flickering and flashing with a hint of lightning in the background, the promise of thunder in the air, Xigfeldo let out a long, roiling hiss, wings mantled over his back, the sharp angles making him look more terrifying, larger and more intimidating. Of course, he was intimidating enough as he was but there was always something more that could be done, all to seal himself in his place in the world, eyes flaring with darkly sickening intent.

The red dragon would fall.

It was quicker than the red dragon would ever be proud to admit in his recounting of the story. Xigfeldo leapt to the air and they collided in battle, falling down the face of the cliff, kicking and scrabbling, jaws snapping. The drake in charge was merely playing with him, allowing him to think that he got the upper wing, the top position, snarling and snapping and warding him off. Back and back! He would have his place and he would have his territory, for he could not believe that it had ever been stolen from him in the first place and least of all by such a weakling.

And that was just what the red dragon was to him as they crashed into the pine trees, the red drake scoring a line of red down Xigfeldo's flank, blood steaming, hissing, even though his body typically ran on the colder side. Angered, the chill of his frost breath rose up in the back of his throat, begging to be released, but he did not expend such a luxurious power on the red drake as he called on a little of his magic, wielding it only enough to throw his opponent aside with a mere flick of his wrist.

Branches and trunks splintered like kindling as they crashed down to the forest floor, although Xigfeldo rolled easily to his feet, chest heaving, the narrower point seeming to dare the red to get up again. Of course, he tried, but Xigfeldo merely bore down on him, his clawed foot at the red drake's throat, holding him there, stretched out like an offering but it was an offering that he had taken for himself through sheer force of will.

Squirming and snarling, he put up a pathetic show beneath Xigfeldo, fighting and snapping, even as his struggles grew weaker and weaker. His spines pressed into the forest floor and the silver-black drake leaned down on him, his scales taking on a darker shade under the shadows of those trees. And those pine trees may have existed for many, many years but never before had their aged and wizened boughs seen anything like what was taking place beneath their shivering needles right at that moment.

"Admit defeat, young one," Xigfeldo drawled, relishing in his power. "For this is not a battle that you have won. Do not dare to make it a war."

A war, of course, would have ended right there and then but the red dragon did not have to lose his life to a better dragon. He may have squalled and writhed like a hatchling but he knew too that he was bested, the paw on his throat ensuring that he was not able to breathe fire, the flame that gave his kind their colour and, well, their fiery demeanour too.

"I...I... Unff..."

He could barely get out the words, his windpipe closed off for air, but Xigfeldo could not chance letting him up as he tried to challenge him, groaning and grunting and snarling breathlessly. But he could not struggle forever and he had to give in, whimpering and groaning, eyes losing their light in the realm of the waking.

And yet Xigfeldo would not completely allow him to lose consciousness, lifting his forepaw enough for the red to snatch a breath, their bodies pressed closer together than ever as he used his bulk and mass of scales to ensure he was pinned against all odds and causes.

"Face it, you are defeated. Are you not even going to give me your name, youngling?" Xigfeldo teased, tail pressed up against the crimson drake's cloaca, too easily demonstrating his power. "This is it for you and I am due the name of my fallen...ah...foe."

Some foe he was. The red drake hissed and snapped but Xigfeldo easily lifted his muzzle out of the way, not even needing to rush.

"I will not admit it!" Pride flooded him, daring him to scare the silver-black drake back and away. "I will not concede! Do as you wish -- I am the prize! And this is not a prize you will live to take!"

Ah, his pride led him wrong right to the end and Xigfeldo laughed, rumbling and chortling as the red drake snarled, accidentally writhing his body up against Xigfeldo's. And it was that grinding that gave him an idea -- a wicked idea indeed, something that would show the crimson beast his true place in the world and an apt punishment indeed for striving to take over the territory of another dragon.

"I think I know what my prize shall be... And I shall live while you will too, you pompous scrap of a dragon!"

Xigfeldo inhaled deeply, taking in the red dragon's scent over and over again, although he barely paid attention to his struggles, they were of so little consequence to him. The male blinked dully, confused as to just what Xigfeldo was doing, but that did not stop the larger, more powerful dragon from grinding down against him, the hiss that whispered from his lips of a more sinuously dangerous kind than before. No, this was the kind of hiss that he might give in mating lust, crooning and humping against his partner, lips together, rumbling lightly along the line of them, just covering his teeth.

Yes... Yes, he will do nicely. Very nicely.

"You're a virgin and you said you are a prize, yet you do not get to seal away any prize from me. This is what I choose to take from you, for the fiery heat in your belly and the vigour you have shown me here today!"

And it was then that the red dragon finally understood just what it was that Xigfeldo was insinuating, his struggles resuming, tail thrashing -- but there was no way that he was going to at all be able to throw off the drake who had decided that he was ripe to be taken. And he could not deny that the slit that concealed his cock was thicker around the edges, plumping up in the prelude to releasing his hot length. It was quite normal, of course, for males to become slightly aroused during a fight, hormones and adrenaline raging, but their bodies were designed too to take a prize from a battle. Whether that was a meal or satisfying a hunger of a different kind was by the by when it came to the driving throb of hormones that commanded them but no one could best the power of Xigfeldo when he had set his sights on something that he wanted.

The red dragon was just going to have to deal with it.

"No! I am not...unff..."

He'd been trying to say that he wasn't one to go on the bottom but there was nothing he could do, helpless and weak, overpowered by one who knew that he was due everything that came before him. There was so much that he had to take and so much that the red dragon had to give that he couldn't wait to take it, snarling and letting him feel the cool of his breath washing over his victim. There was such a difference between them and the top and the bottom only highlighted it further, boughs swinging above them and scattering pine needles to the softening carpet of the forest floor as the winds picked up in time with Xigfeldo's lust.

"It'll be too easy to take you..."

Maybe some would have said that he was over confident but that was for Xigfeldo to know and the rest of the world to bear witness to solely through the tale that would be told, rumours spread of a conquest had. He pressed down, teasing his cloaca roughly up against the slit of the other male but the red dragon was only a male while Xigfeldo contained both sexes within his cloaca. That did not make him any less of a dragon but more of one, cock slipping out, hard and full, the thick, heavy glands leading the way. The drake beneath him twisted vigorously but he wasn't the sort to give in without a fight, even though he was, of course, bested and beaten.

Yet he had more than one trick up his figurative sleeve and he didn't have to resort to something as crude as grinding to arouse his victim, to demonstrate his power over him, the light of an idea sparking up in the back of his mind.


"You won't be able to resist the power of a silver dragon," Xigfeldo breathed, eyes dancing wickedly, power thrumming through him. "Or a black either. Let me...humour you."

And yet the red dragon was not to be humoured as Xigfeldo concentrated, using his weight to keep his victim in place while he reached for his magic and power. He was the best of both silver and black dragons in one glorious hybrid, his magic shaping a sphere of water from a nearby stream, something that came in useful considering where they landed. He rasped out his breath in a roiling hiss as he lifted his hind end just enough to allow his magic to filter through, that ball of water floating and teasing along the edge of the red drake's slit. Such a light touch could be, at first, ignored but the stimulation of it was most certainly not to be denied as.


The red drake groaned and twisted his head to the side, although he was no longer trying to escape. That was the problem with youngsters in that they thought that they had it all figured out and that they knew everything, so easily distracted by even the smallest of things.

Oh -- and their sex drives too. They were volatile and erratic and so easily manipulated.

That bead of water flowed and fell out of a sphere, becoming viscous as Xigfeldo toyed with it, letting it meld down luxuriously over the tip of his shaft, just about emerging from his slit. The red drake gasped and Xigfeldo chuckled, relishing in both his power and control. The water whirled and spun around the overly sensitive tip of his cock, drawing it out harder and faster, stroking along the length, teasing and deliciously stroking him to complete hardness as if his body was just there to be used and abused. It would have been difficult in the moment to say that the submissive drake was not into what was happening to him with how his cock throbbed up thick and full, layered lightly with ridges that Xigfeldo could not help but think would feel delicious popping in and out of him. But that was not the point and place of a top, a victor taking his prize in the best way possible.

"Mmm... Surrender to me yet?"

But the red dragon was already good and gone, panting and squirming more delightfully as his cock hardened, craving something that only another, more powerful drake could supply to him. Xigfeldo pushed down, grinding his shaft up against the other male's anxiously throbbing length, something tingling in his loins, but it was not an orgasm. No, it was too soon for that and he exhaled in a rush of satisfied breath as he released a stream of hot urine onto the crimson drake's scales, marking him and his slit as his and his alone.


The dragon moaned, rolling his head back, eyes narrowed in the bliss of release. However crude it was, there was nothing quite like having a good piss and there was no better place to relieve himself than over the slit of a weaker, lesser male. His cock did not evade the stream either, hot urine flooding around it, the ridges glistening wetly with the reek of him. Although the red dragon whimpered and twisted, his struggles were too weak to be believed and his cock throbbed up all the harder for being treated as he was, panting and heaving for breath, his flanks trembling beneath scales that did not possess the draconic ability to sweat.

All of his musk, therefore, was contained in his slit and his cock, the scent of him rising in his marking. He would not be marking any new territory of his own that day, however, as Xigfeldo well and truly claimed him as his, stinking of a stronger dragon when he'd been the one who wanted to send the older dragon flying off with his tail tucked between his legs, a whimpering pup usurped by one who deserved his position more.

So close... Xigfeldo shuddered for breath as he finished releasing his urine, the hot splatter impossible to ignore as he panted, eyes wide and strained with raw desire. He growled and leaned down, licking sensually down the red dragon's neck, teasing over his scales, letting him know that, in no uncertain terms, he wouldn't have things any other way. His cock was hard and ready, pulsating with pre-cum beading at the very tip, demonstrating his prowess, and the anal passage of the drake in subservience was right there, ripe and ready to be taken. He knew it too, head spinning as he was pinned, his hind legs even spreading as if he was welcoming Xigfeldo in, pride dissipating as the scent of the silver-black drake flooded the air.

He couldn't be missed, a looming, demanding presence towering over him, the forest swaying, raging, storm rising and rising on the precipice of thunder. And yet that storm was only set to snarl and rumble while Xigfeldo was a storm to be unleashed, let loose to rain down his lustful fury on a lesser male who was, very much, due the treatment that he had indeed wanted to dish out.

It was time, his cock throbbing, sliding up against the other, lustfully wanton.

"Submit to me..."

And then Xigfeldo changed tact, choosing another manner of demeaning to claim the red dragon. Traditionally, the one being bred would be on the bottom but, truly, his feminine sex contained within cloaca ached for something, clenching and squeezing down on an imagined cock when he didn't have to imagine it. There was one right there before him and he angled his hindquarters just so, lifting his tail, as he sank down, taking the full length of that red's cock into his cloaca and cunt in one fell swoop.

The crimson dragon was moaning and twisting before he'd even realised what was happening -- not being penetrated but being the one to penetrate, even if he was still on the bottom. It did not mean that he was in charge but he was forced and controlled, grunting and snapping and snarling, lust rising in a fiery blast. Yet he could not breathe fires till, not even accidentally, Xigfeldo's paw still heavy on his throat, ensuring that no unfortunate accidents came to be, roaring up with due course and ferocity.

"Unnff... This will be the best passage you'll ever feel," Xigfeldo taunted him, relishing in truly taking the red's virginity, the gravity of it not passing him by. "Nothing...more will compare to this -- to me."

Maybe that was true and maybe it was not something that the red dragon heard in the moment, panting and grunting, eyes wide and strained, staring. It would have been creepy if Xigfeldo had not been so concerned with rocking and grinding on that cock, using every last trick in the figurative book to enjoy his body, to coax him to an orgasm that was coming whether the red dragon was looking for it or not.

No... His body was no longer his to command or control in the heat of the liaison, the larger dragon slamming down on him, mimicking breeding thrusts, what would come up to the finale of one's muscles simply massaging and rippling, drawing the cum from the male party of the equation. But the red dragon was truly an innocent in the ways of sex and lust and anything Xigfeldo did felt amazing, like the best thing in the world, stars pulsing through his mind, leaping and dancing, flirting with one another in overwhelming, sweetening sensation.

He clenched his jaw, twisting his head back and forth, although the rest of his body was forced limp, Xigfeldo's hind paws pinning his hind legs in place, claws digging in, biting through to sweet, hot, blood. Of course, a little blood was not going to faze him at all and he had enough marks on him from their battle too for those to go unnoticed, head spinning from the myriad of fresh and new sensations all fighting for precedence in his mind.

It was not that he had intended to remain a virgin, only that he was more of a lone dragon, seeking out fresh territories and striving to place himself in the world, establishing himself before taking a mate. There would be plenty out there for him, he was sure, but it was Xigfeldo in the end who introduced him to a world of sexual pleasure, his plunging cunny swallowing him up with every faux-thrust, showing him just what it was to drive into a female when he wasn't even the one in control of the motion!

Yet maybe that too was what he needed as Xigfeldo slowed down the pace, chuckling throatily as he enjoyed the reactions of his victim, although the red drake whose name he still did not know was hardly anything much more of a victim anymore. No, he was a willing participant, lust rising and loins tightening, part of him craving that ultimate release, the seedy musk and scent of Xigfeldo thick in his nostrils. And yet he still sucked in greedy breath after breath, feeding that tightening, desperate for more, drooling and whimpering like a slut with far more experience than he had for what could be his very first orgasm ever. Did wet dreams count for a dragon like him?


It was just a whisper but it was a whisper that Xigfeldo had to pay attention to, the pulse of his cunny subtle enough that he could catch the nuances of his charge's voice, leaning in with a wicked smirk on his muzzle.
"What was that, little dragon?"

A taunt but not one that the red drake could focus on in the moment, mouth opening and closing without any sound coming out. But he had to try! Oh, he so very much had to try...


The gist was clear and Xigfeldo grinned open-mouthed, jaws hanging open as he snarled out his ecstasy, clenching and rippling his passage around that thick shaft. It was not enough, of course, to push him to his limits or anywhere near but it was a good size, a size that made him want to orgasm himself, both parts aching for that ultimate expenditure that would have him humping and moaning, all the right muscles tensing and releasing over and over again.

The red drake was helpless to resist as Xigfeldo's cunny pulsed around him, a smooth massage coaxing him to the edge and holding him there. A thicker scent, an oily lubrication, seeped around his cock, but the red was too far gone in the world of lust to wonder what it was in his experience, wanting to hump, wanting to grind, every last instinct and nerve in his body screaming at him to thrust and 'breed' the wanton 'dragoness' above him who so clearly wanted a clutch of his eggs.

It was all bareback but it was Xigfeldo who would control whether or not the dragon with dual genders received a clutch full of eggs in his belly. He was still very much the one in control as he ground down, making sure that every last sultry inch of that dragon-meat was buried inside him, letting the red drake know well and truly just who was in charge. Xigfeldo smirked, passage pulsing and massaging, drawing his partner closer and closer to the point of no return. As if there had been any doubt!

And the red drake could not hold back for a moment longer, exploding into orgasm as he roared and twisted, nearly throwing Xigfeldo off before the silver-black dragon had a moment in which to slam him back down lustfully with his magic, keeping him in his place and right where he needed him to be. It was not yet time for him to be released and, well, Xigfeldo still had big plans for the dragon who had upended the scheme for his entire day, which had involved a lot less bloodshed, to say the least...

The drake beneath him gulped and snorted, unable to get breath or fire in or out of his lungs respectably as he quivered in climax. Xigfeldo made sure he was pinned as he relished in the sensation of hot, thick cum filling his feminine parts, passage milking and squeezing and doing everything that the thrusts of a drake could have done, if he had not been so keen on showing off just how great his control over his own body was. It was just as well that he had both sexual organs contained within his cloaca for it allowed him so much more fun than he may have otherwise have been able to have. And the fact of his body being what it was gave him ideas too -- oh, so many ideas...

Twisting and bucking, the red dragon could not help but completely and utterly fall prey to the wiles of his body, humping and snarling with his eyes rolling back, caught between the need to breathe and the need to thrust, to cum, to breed. It was as base an instinct as any and so overpowering that he almost was not able to enjoy just how his cock throbbed and twitched inside that hot vent, the walls so constantly in motion, wetly massaging, that he could have been forgiven for thinking that he was actually thrusting. He tried -- bless him, he tried -- grunting and groaning, but he could not stop himself from trying to fuck his partner, driving and humping, his tail helplessly slapping the ground as he was taken by a more experienced kind of dragon entirely.

Still, ropes of creamy seed flowed forth, pummelling straight up into that lustful vent, Xigfeldo grinning down at him but not yet taking the pleasure of his own orgasm for him. If he'd been more experienced in himself and sex, the red dragon would have known even then that something more was to come but there was nothing more for it as he moaned, tongue hanging out of his muzzle as pleasure wracked him, sending wave after devastating wave through his body, although his orgasm, ultimately, was short-lived. It was a high that slowed time but one that he had to come down from all too soon, returning to the world of swaying pine trees, a rain of green needles pattering down on him as the wind stripped them from boughs before their time.


Rolling his head from one side to the other, the little amount of motion he was allowed even as his cock remained rock hard, the red dragon hissed. He would have been more convincing in the fact that he wasn't enjoying himself (when hell froze over!) if his cock had not been twitching, his body making the tiniest movements that he could, grinding up deeper still, wanting more and more even as that delightful cunny clenched around him, dominating him, letting him know that there were more pleasures all over again in store if only he shelved his pride to take them.

He could not, would not. He had to stay strong, to hold his head high and uphold the stringent pride of red dragons, all for the sake of knowing that his kind were the best, the strongest. He would not be bested by a black or a silver... Whatever Xigfeldo was!

"No..." He had to be strong, stronger than he'd ever been before in his young-adult life. "You've had your...unff...fill. Free me now. Let this be an end to it."

But Xigfeldo was not a dragon to let his prey escape him quite that easily and he rumbled a growl of a laugh, throat vibrating even as he kept the red drake's shaft firmly trapped inside his vent. He wasn't moving off in a hurry, cementing the sensation of power he held over his victim, making that shaft jump and twitch inside him, another globule of cum shooting forth to join the flood of musk painting his interior, slick around the lips of his cloaca, fleshy and ready for more.

And there would be more.

"Tell me... What is your name?"

The dragon grimaced.

"If I tell you, will you let me go?"

Xigfeldo's tail twitched.


"It's... Avilia. My Avilia."

His cool passage squeezed around Avilia, making sure that shaft was drawn up deep inside him, tight and well-contained. It would need to be such for what he had in mind, calling on his magic once more for a far kinkier cause than he had, so far, put it to use doing.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that it's not over yet."

He lifted one fore-claw elegantly, making a show of it as he pressed down on Avilia's chest, the tip piercing, lightly, between two scales. All the better to funnel his magic as he sucked in a breath, the air cooling to the chill of his body even as he drew on every last resource at his calling, needing more, everything he had in him to perform such a spell.

Avilia blinked, the drake not truly understanding what was going on as cool seeped through him, cutting through his scales to the blood and flesh beneath, muscle firm and hard even after such action. The change began so slowly that he barely realised that something was afoot, cool tingling through him as he leaned a little too eagerly into it, wanting that lightness of being, the cooling that brought some pleasure and softness to his scales. It was delightful to a dragon who knew only a world of fire and brimstone, the flare of smoke always in the back of his throat, yearning to be unleashed in a burst of flame.

But he could not focus entirely on the need to release his breath as his loins pulsated, feeling as if, all of a sudden, he was ejaculating all over again. Frowning, he licked his lips anxiously and rolled his head from one side to the other, trying to work it out against all odds. Was his cock... Was there something wrong with it? Xigfeldo had to be squeezing him again, massaging his overly sensitive shaft so that he climaxed again, his body not yet primed for such a kinky act of multiple orgasms so soon.

Panting heavily, Avilia grunted in the back of his throat, something in him trying to understand, to come to terms with something more than what he could ever have expected to find in Xigfeldo's grasp. Something was wrong, something was different, not as much sensation around his cock as before, something


There was something wrong with that sensation. Very wrong. Xigfeldo laughed, throwing his head back as if had suddenly morphed into an evil villain, snarling and snapping, howling his vicious power to the rising storm, mane whipping about in the fierce wind.

Avilia was not with him, not in the same reality, whining and thrashing even as the paw on his throat pressed down harder, locking away any sense of fight in him, demanding that he submit. His cock! What was happening to his cock? Where was it going!

"Now, do you understand? Oh, but you will!"

And he meant it too, for the change was going to happen regardless of whether Avilia honestly understood what was happening or not. But the red dragon's cock grew smaller and smaller with the course of every passing second as, horrified, he squirmed and thrashed, howling and whimpering and begged breathlessly for his gender to be spared, please -- anything but that! It was what he was, a part of him that he did not, could not, give up and yet Xigfeldo seemed to be intent on taking his cock for his own -- but where was it going? What was he going to do with it?

Of course, any change that the silver-black magic-user had in mind to pummel him with was going to be for their, ultimately, mutual pleasure and would not, by any means, be permanent. No, there was more fun to be had but he would steal his size and lock it away, only to be returned to him soon enough...

...After he had had an adequate amount of time to live as a dragoness, that was.

Smaller and smaller, his cock shortened and depleted, making the red drake less of a male than he'd ever been, his pride sunken, made shallow in the luck of it. But there was to be no luck left for the crimson dragon who had boasted his masculinity and power so vehemently before meeting Xigfeldo and it seemed that the silver-black dragon was set to strip far more from him than he had ever intended to see taken in turn.

His cock shrank until there was nothing left inside Xigfeldo in the slightest, melding into his flesh and scales as if it had never existed and the rest of his body slimmed down too, the changes not solely coming to his cock. There was a sense of slenderness to his body as Xigfeldo's magic made him lighter, muzzle narrower and more feminine, lashes longer on his eyes that wanted to be sultry, embody the feminine hues and notes that a dragoness had over a drake.

Avilia's head swung and he growled but there was not much male left in him as his cloaca changed, a passage forming, new folds sinking into a vent, a feminine passage and reproductive parts that could bear a clutch, if that was what Xigfeldo wanted to happen. The dragon's body was his to do with what he wanted and he smirked vivaciously, controlling every last scale on Avilia's body right down to his wings, which elongated for the agility and swiftness of wing that was so very often the forte of the feminine sex. He, of course, had the best of both worlds containing both sets of hormones and sexes for reproduction within his cloaca, despite presenting, mostly, as male.

And so it was done, Xigfeldo's cock grinding up against the smaller dragoness' vent, spreading it open deliciously as if all was new and fresh, sensations simply waiting in the wings to be explored. Avilia's mouth opened and closed, eyes bulging, but there was no longer simply a male there but something more, something that Avilia could never have anticipated being before. His new passage twitched and clenched as if he was contorting, clenching his gut even though this new part of him went much deeper than mere abdominal muscles.

"Now... You will be taken as a true dragoness loses her virginity." Xigfeldo rumbled a throaty chuckle, tossing his head. "I've made sure that you'll be tighter than one's ever been!"

Whether that was true or not, neither of them would ever know as Xigfeldo's cock teased up against that new vent, spreading apart the folds that sealed away the treat of her, a red cherry to be popped. The newly female Avilia moaned and she could no longer be truly counted as a 'he', falling prey to feminine sensuality as the mere feel of that cock teasing up against her made her moan out loud, cheeks heated and that simmering blush creeping sheepishly down the length of her neck too.

"Not so proud now, are we?"

It was not a question that Avilia was intended to answer and Xigfeldo stole her breath away as he plunged inside, trusting her cunny to swallow him up. Of course, there was a difficulty in pushing into a virgin but Avilia took him well, jaws hanging open without any sound coming out. The dragoness keened lowly, head rolling, eyes half-closed, although she didn't know quite whether she was enjoying it all yet or not. The pleasures of her body rose up and up, impossible to ignore, but she didn't know what to do with them, twisting and thrashing, breath coming in short, sharp pants.

"Come here, my dragoness..."

No... No, she wasn't a dragoness. She was a drake. He had to know that, didn't he? Xigfeldo didn't have any intention whatsoever of treating Avilia as a drake, however, turning her over onto all fours, although she could barely support her own weight, forelegs trembling as they straightened, or at least tried to. The most Avilia could do was brace her hind legs, tail lifted shamefully, wanting something that she just could not bear to put words to. His cock pressed up against her once more and she had not realised how much she had missed that shaft inside her, craving it again with a strangled gasp, nothing more than a breeding dragoness before her better, her stud dragon.

And she needed him.

Xigfeldo held nothing back as he gripped her around the hips and slammed in once more, snarling and letting loose a roar that would have scattered crows from the trees if they were not already all up in an uproar from the wind swaying them. His scales scraped up against the bark and trunk of an ancient oak, clustered by pines, and he grunted in the back of his throat, driving in over and over, not a single inch of his cock going to waste. It would have been a shame, after all, if Avilia did not feel the full length and might of his cock, the slamming pound sending a tremor through her with each and every stroke.

It was all she could do to hold herself steady in place, claws digging into the earth, eyes rolling, mind swimming. She was barely with herself in the waking world, hissing and grunting, not entirely sure what sounds she was making. That cock reached places inside her that she had never before known was possible, but that didn't make sense either, since she'd never had a cunny or even considered what it may be like to take a male under her tail in the fashion that males lusting after males so often undertook. It wasn't for her but it felt so right to have his shaft rammed up inside her, not even reaching the innermost barrier, her vent shaping itself wantonly to the shape of him, stretching desperately. The strain was there, of course, but any pain that may or may not have been present was easily overshadowed with the crashing ecstasy, a roar rising up and up, starving for attention, in the pit of her achingly lustful gut.

"M-more... Oh... Ohhh!"

Anything more that she may have said was lost in a rumbling moan of ecstasy, pulsing and vibrating, her throat trembling with need that she simply could not let out, find the words or cries to vocalise. Orgasm rippled and thrummed, coursing and undulating, a wave that bore no water and yet managed to lift her to the heavens above, up and up and up. There was no wind but, still, there was a caress of air, slinking sensually over her trembling wings, Xigfeldo's weight the only thing that kept her rooted to the ground and in place.

The rippling pulse around his cock too was enough to pull him to the edge, make him want to narrow his eyes, slam into Avilia with driving ferocity and intensity, ramping up the ante. The dragoness beneath him didn't know how to ride out her orgasm but she had to bear through it, had to let the pulses ricochet through her, the drama of it all swamping her mind. And yet she was above water and he had his seed to spill too, the sheer eroticism of transforming Avilia from male to female making him need it more than ever.

The power... The control... The demand of it all... His nostrils flared greedily, pupils dilating as rampant desire overcame him. It was his for the taking!

Cold crackled lustfully up in the back of his maw and he chomped it down, not willing to unleash his frozen breath, the colder element within him yearning to rise up. It was not quite suited to the heat of sex and lustful liaisons, even though it was always there, a churning ripple in his guts not unlike the need to cum, to seed a wanton female full of his cream. And she was there, still moaning and shuddering through orgasm, barely aware of the world around her as she rocked and ground back, hips rising and falling, all to the sway and sensuality that his body could offer her.

Tighter and tighter... His muscles drew taut, one by one, and he heaved a gasp, eyes wide and strained, trembling on the precipice. This would be the sweetest orgasm in a long while... An orgasm of conquest.

Avilia jerked and groaned as the first hot jet of cum flowed into her, seeming to shoot up inside her, although that was merely her lust-addled mind attributing other sensations to the act, striving to make sense of what a male mind struggled with. She was female and she was male, gender not matching her sex of the moment, heaving and grunting and groaning like a dragoness in season, wanting more even if she could not tell Xigfeldo that that was what she needed from him. Still, he was kind enough to graciously offer her the gift of his cum, seed flooding her in thick, hot spurts, the dragon snarling and leaning down heavily over her, claws biting into her hindquarters, along the line of her back. There was no fear, of course, that she would break free after so much had already occurred but he still wanted to make sure, if only for the sake of his breeding pleasure.

Avilia was his.

And everyone would know it. Allowing Avilia to feel both sexes of dragon, male and female, was a treat that the dragoness would have done well to adore and thank him for but he could not blame her for being so speechless. After all, he knew how good he was. Smirking breathlessly, the drake relished in the thrum and throb of his own power, wings triumphantly flared as he claimed his prize, blood dried on his scales from their battle. All was his and his for the taking, having taken what was rightfully possessed by the victor.

He languished there, taking his time, thick rivulets of cum drooling from her vent, strained side around the base. He doubted that she'd had the presence of mind to realise just how her vent sucked around his ridges but appreciated the sensation nonetheless, allowing her fading orgasm to milk every last drop of cum from him, heady with virility. And it was his scent too that every spurt and drop carried along with it, ensuring that her cloaca would reek of him for days, if not weeks to come. Xigfeldo thrust a little deeper just to feel her tremble against him. She was perfect. So perfect.


Grunting, Xigfeldo worked out the kinks in his neck with a shake of his head, putting his snout close to Avilia's, the dragoness beneath him moaning softly, drops of his seed still leaking into her passage, combined with his scent, marking her as his for any other dragon who cared to bear witness to their tryst. He spared a moment to allow out more and more still of his oily perfume, staining her with his scent from the inside as he pressed his cloaca up to hers, letting all know that she was taken and called for, a dragoness marked as his, the thick perfume of his aroma seeping into her, staining her scales. Xigfeldo inhaled deeply, his own eyes growing hazy all over again with lust. Marking a lusty dragoness had never felt so good.
"My lair is in the cliffs beyond the lake," he murmured, tongue running out and around the base of one of the red dragon's horns. "Come visit me sometime."

And then he was gone, cock dragged from his victim having put Avilia back well and truly in her place, the drake turned dragoness slumping into unconsciousness as sexual exhaustion took her. But she would always remember the dragon who bred her, even as she returned to a male, the transformation gradual, his stink and reek lingering with her for long after his cock had left her velveteen passage.

Only time would tell, however, whether she would dare to visit his lair or not...


Some weeks later, Xigfeldo stretched out lazily before his lair, the hard-packed earth the perfect sunbathing spot to warm his scales on a hot afternoon, any wounds that had been sustained during that fight gone in their entirety. Maybe he'd later take a dip in the lake but the swaying swathe of pine trees brought back pleasant memories, an eye watching them for movement. The herd of deer were apt, after all, to stray close when they grew bold and there were a few stags coming of age there too that were growing more and more interested in the pleasures that a dragon's body could provide them. Well, a dragon that contained a female sex in his cloaca too, that was.

He caught the wing-beats by ear before he saw him and his smirk widened, head lifting, although he did not do him the honour of rising to meet him. Avilia wasn't worth that, a youngling who was still growing into himself, an adult in every right but still learning the ways of a world that needed to come down to his level sometimes. He, however, would have to take at least some of the first steps for himself, landing in a flurry of red scales and leathery flaps of wings, folding them in against his body too quickly as if he was rushing through the motions.

Avilia cleared his throat in a puff of smoke that did nothing to help the matter, swinging his head back and forth, a little nervous twitch that was too much on show to be comfortable in any way. More silver than black in the sunshine, Xigfeldo raised his head slowly, licking his lips as if he had, once again, been presented with a fine treat of a feast laid out before him. And all he had to do was take what was deserved to him, snatching it up and savouring every last drop that was his to yearn.

"Nice to see you again, little dragon," he rumbled mockingly, raising the heavy brow of scales that served as a draconian eyebrow. "And what has brought you to my lair today?"

Scowling as his cheeks heated up beneath the scales, Avilia dragged his feet in the dust, scoring lines through with his claws.

"Nothing," he muttered, although that was most obviously a lie. "You said I could find you here."

If anything, his voice grew quieter, legs bowing as he hunched down to the ground like a hatchling before his first flight, scared to take the leap. But this was one leap that he would benefit from vastly too if only he dared to lunge for it, snarling and snapping, the force of fury that he could be -- yet still only on the bottom.

"I..." Xigfeldo strained to hear him. "I'd feel it again."

Xigfeldo's smirk could not have grown any wider, lips rumbling as a chuckle bubbled up from deep within his gut, the tip of his tail curling back and forth, smug in his sense of self-accomplishment. And they said that red dragons were the most prideful of the dragons...

"I'd be glad to be of service, my handsome...and beauty, that is, to be. I knew you'd return."

As a male again, Xigfeldo implied that that did not need to be such forever, snarling lightly as his lips pulled back from his teeth, showing off their dagger-like length, shiny with saliva. But he did not need to intimidate the red dragon who had already submitted to him, a beast in his own right that knew what he wanted, whimpering and lowering his muzzle to the one that had opened his eyes to sexual lusts on both sides, although being a female too...

Well, let him just say that that had its allure too.
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