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Rest Stop From Hell

I am not a fan of road trips, I much prefer flying but my faithful companion Rex, doesn’t like flying. We tried that once and when I saw him after the flight, he almost shed almost all his fur off. So in that instant, I decided no more flying, just the two of us on the open road.

Where we are going? Well, Rex and I are taking a trip to see my parents for the weekend. We always traded, they would see me one year and then I would visit them, etc. I noticed Rex was looking a little uneasy, probably had to use the bathroom, we hadn’t stopped in a while and I had to use the ladies restroom too.

I pulled into a rest stop and see only an 18 wheeler up ahead but no one else around. I parked and let Rez use the bathroom before putting him in the car and went to use the restroom myself. I was only a few minutes and when I walked out I didn’t see Rex in the car. I was so nervous that he gotten out and could wander into traffic.

I franticly looked around and I saw him with a man. I walked up to them and thanked the man who had my Rex. “I don’t know how he got out but thank you again.”

“No problem Miss.”

“Well, we have to get going.” But the man wouldn't hand over Rex.

“Where are you headed?” He asked.

I ignored the question and tried to take my dog back from him but he turned away as I reached for him.

“How bad do you want to see this dog again?”

I looked at him unamused, “This isn't funny, give me my dog.”

“Do you want to see this dog in pain?”

Rex was licking this guy ,which was rare not to have a reaction when they sense your fear and boy was I ever fearful right now.

I took out my wallet, “How much do you want?”

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