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Sex, Love, and Lies in the Asylum

Kimberly was a twenty-one year old girl from a family of four kids. The oldest, Paul fourteen years her elder and Kimberly were very close, so when he was diagnosed with cancer Kimberly was devastated because she did not want to lose the one brother she was close to. Paul was the kind of guy Kimberly could talk to about anything, including boys, drugs, sex and school, and Paul would not judge her at all based on what she told him.

John nine years her elder and Kimberly were close but not as close as her and Paul were. John was not judgmental, but not very open minded about his baby sister having sex, using or experimenting with drugs, he was alright with her talking to him about boys, he did not want to see his baby sister get hurt.

When John learned Paul had cancer he came home from college to be with Kimberly and the rest of his family. John was the one that was studying to become a doctor in the family while the other kids had not made up their minds on what they wanted to be.

Mark twenty-six, five years Kimberly's elder, had decided to enlist in the military which made his mother cry and his father told him that he was proud of him for wanting to serve his country. Mark told his mother that he wanted to give back to the country that had made him proud to be an American citizen, when he put it that way she seemed to understand but still was not very fond of the idea of her youngest son serving in the military.

Mark got the call at the military base in San Diego, California telling him that his brother Paul was sick with cancer and they were not sure how long he had but that it was not good. Mark got an emergency family medical leave to be with his family, and arrived home the day that Paul had taken a turn for the worst.

Kimberly spent all day and night by Paul's side to make sure he was comfortable and had everything he needed that day. When Mark and John arrived at the house, Kimberly was in tears because there was nothing she could do to ease her brother's pain. Mark came into the bedroom, picked Kimberly up and swung her around in a big bear hug, then he put her down and told her that he would take over if she wanted so she could have a break. Kimberly told him that it would be great if she could go for a run and then have a shower.

Mark told her that John was downstairs and wanted to talk to her. Kimberly came down the darkened staircase intent on finding her brother John. She quietly stepped though the main room and she could see the faint light on in the fridge. As she expected she saw John bent forward as he shifted some of the leftovers aside while rummaging for a midnight snack. Suddenly the floor creaked underneath her feet.

John nearly jumped out of his skin, "Damnit Kimberly!"

She laughed and asked what he wanted to talk to her about, he told her that it could wait until she came back from her run as he knew she needed to get out and get some fresh air. She said she should only be gone an hour but that when she got back they could talk after her shower and he agreed to that.

Kimberly started stretching so that she would not injure herself while on her run, and Mark came down for a minute to get some ice water, seeing his sister stretching with her back to the door he snuck up and swatted her ass.

Kimberly nearly jumped out of her skin, "Damnit Mark."

She then went for her run in the park which was about four blocks from the house, and told her brothers that she would be taking her cell phone in case they needed to get a hold of her. They told her to go and have fun, not to worry to much while she was on her run, and that she should take her discman so she could listen to a cd while she was running.

Kimberly took her discman and put in her favorite workout cd, then left on her run telling them she will be back in an hour. She ran to the park, through the park and stopped when she felt her phone vibrate, as she had set it to vibrate so that she did not have to worry about missing a call.

She pulled the earphones off and answered the call, it was her brother Mark saying that Paul was getting worse and asked how far from the house she was. Kimberly told Mark that she would be there in ten minutes, and to let Paul know she was coming home.

Kimberly got home in five minutes and ran straight upstairs to Paul, curled up beside him and he held her in his arms saying he loved her and that because she was known for singing that he wanted her to sing her favorite song for him.

She sang her song that she had written years ago, she told him that it was his song and only his. Paul had also whispered to her that when he was gone she was to take his room, because he knew she would leave things as they were. She sang the song Little Angels, and cried when she looked to see that Paul had died in her arms while she was singing her song.

She could not believe the one brother she could always call on when in trouble was now dead, and did not want to leave his side, but her brother John came and pulled her away from him. John had been in medical school for three years and was doing his practicum at the local hospital and had gotten permission to take a mild sedative with him because he knew his sister might need it.

He told her that if she wanted he could give her something to help her rest for a bit and she was adamant about not taking anything. He understood and told her if she changed her mind that he had something she could take to help her rest, and she looked him straight in the eyes and said, "If you think I am going to take something just so I can rest you are crazy."

He smiled at her and told her that it was okay to take something should she need it, but she was so damned stubborn that he knew he may just have to give it to her any way. Kimberly said that she would be back in an hour or so and when asked where she was going she did not say but put her headphones back on and grabbed her phone.

She knew where she was going and knew they may not approve of her going to see her foster family because as her family had often told her they were undesirable people that she did not need in her life any more. Kimberly had run away from home many times when she was younger and was finally placed in foster care, when the judge asked why she ran away and she told him it was to get away from her abusive step-mother.

Kimberly was then placed in a foster home that was all bikers, but she did not care because at least she was not at a place where she was being verbally, physically and emotionally abused.

Kimberly came to call the bikers her family and knew that no matter what even after she was no longer a ward of the court, that she could return to talk to them about her life, any problems that came up or just to talk in general. Kimberly ran to their house, and when she got there Jason was outside working on his bike.

He spotted Kimberly running in his direction and when she got to the house she ran right past him into the basement. Kimberly had asked her foster father for the gravity boots after her accident, so she could regain the strength in upper and lower back in order to regain the use of her legs. Then got herself set up to use the gravity boots she knew they had kept because they told her they would not get rid of them in case she wanted to use them again.

When she had the boots on, she hauled herself up and hooked them to the bar, hung upside for a bit. Jason came into the basement and scared her when he tapped her leg, she pulled her headphones off her ears, growled at him for scaring her and told him she needed time alone.

He asked her what had her so upset and she told him she would tell him in a bit, but that for now she needed time alone. He respected that and told her not to hang there for too long or she would pass out because she was no longer used to hanging upside down like that.

She laughed and told him he was wrong that she was attending school at night and working on the military base during the day where she was learning to fly jets. Jason looked at her and smiled saying that he was proud of his baby sister, which got her crying again and she then put the headphones back on, cranked up the tunes on her cd and hung upside down again.

Jason went upstairs and looked for his father, Kimberly's foster father to let him know she was there and in a mood, but had asked for time to be alone.

Jason was glad to see his baby sister even though she was his foster sister, he considered her more of a sister than a foster sister and that made Kimberly feel like she finally belonged to a family.

Jason found Raymond, Kimberly's foster father and told him that she had come running up the front steps, straight into the basement and hung upside down in the gravity boots. Raymond was concerned and went to see her, told her to get her ass out of the boots, stand up, look at him and tell him what was upsetting her so. She growled at him and told him she needed to have some time alone, then answered her phone as it had started to vibrate against her hot sweaty body.

It was her brother John making sure she was okay and not in any kind of trouble, she assured him she was fine and would be home in a couple of hours. She hung up and put the headphones back on, only to have Raymond take them off of her, tell her to get out of the boots, stand up and tell him what was upsetting her so. She did as she was told because she respected her foster father, and did not want to upset him any more than he was already, so she sat on the steps leading to the basement and proceeded to cry.

Raymond asked her again, "What has you so upset kitten?"

She answered him by saying, "My brother Paul just died of cancer, and we were so close. It hurts more than I thought it would daddy."

He took her in his arms, and rocked her saying that he was there for her and if she did not want to go home to her family she did not have to. He understood when she told him she had better as she was the only one that could keep the peace in the house now that Paul was gone, and told her that he and the boys were there if she needed them.

She considered Raymond to be more of a father than her own, as her own father had accused her of lying when she tried to tell him her step-mother was beating her, calling her names and saying to others that she wishes that Kimberly had been given up for adoption. Kimberly hugged her foster father and thanked him for being there when she needed him the most.

She rose with such grace and poise, that her foster father told her was proud of the beautiful young lady she had turned out to be and was glad that he had the pleasure of helping her to become such a sweet young lady. She told him she best be going, so that John did not worry about her and come looking for her.

Then she went and found Jason, gave him a hug and thanked him for being there for her as well. Jason told her he would always be there for his baby sister. She stretched and said good bye to everyone then ran home to find John, and Mark fighting over who was going to get Paul's room, she told them she was to have it because those were Paul's last words to her other than he loved her.

She jumped in the shower and ended up sinking down into the tub crying, well Mark was walking by the bathroom and heard her crying, so he knocked on the door and asked if she was okay. Kimberly told him she was fine and that she would not be long in getting out of the shower if he needed it, he told her that he was not in a hurry to use the shower and to take her time.

She told him that she was going to get out, order supper and then lay down for a bit, he asked her if she needed anything to help her relax.

Kimberly told him that she was not sure just yet but that she would let him know if she did and he told her she would tell John that she might be looking for him later. She thanked Mark and he told her to just relax and enjoy her shower, which she told him she intended to do. She got out about ten minutes later, got dressed in her favorite pajamas that Paul had bought for her the Christmas before, went downstairs and ordered pizza for supper.

She had three pieces of pizza, then excused herself from the kitchen and went upstairs to rest for a bit. John came up and asked if she needed something to help her relax and she took him up on his offer, little did she know though that it was not a sleeping pill but was a sedative that had to be given by injection. Well, Kimberly still had not overcome her fear of needles which made it even more difficult to get her to relax, so John called Mark upstairs to help him get her calmed down enough that he could give her the sedative. Mark came and of course Kimberly turned her back on her brother John because he was still talking about the sedative having to be given by injection.

Mark held Kimberly in his arms telling her that he loved her and knew that it was hard for her to lose the one brother that she was close to. Kimberly told him that she loved all her brothers equally, but that she felt closer to Paul because he never judged her when she talked to him about sex, drugs, alcohol or boys.

After about fifteen minutes Kimberly fell asleep, while Mark and John kept watch over her to make sure she would be okay after having been given the sedative.

John told Mark he was going to the kitchen to get a drink, but that if Mark needed him all he had to do was shout down to him from the top of the stairs. Kimberly's dad was away on business, but when he got the call about Paul dying he got on the first flight he could to be with his family.

When he got home, he asked where Kimberly was and was told she was upstairs resting because she had to be given a sedative that is how upset she was. He went upstairs to check on his little girl and when he got there she was awake, talking with Mark about her being in the military. Well, as you can imagine her dad went off on a tangent about her joining the military, to which she told him that she was a grown woman and had the right to make that decision for herself.

He agreed, but said that he was worried if she got called to duty that they may not see her for quite some time and that scared him. Kimberly looked at him with shock, because she had never in all her years growing up in that house had heard her father admit to being afraid of anything and she told him that she was glad to hear how he felt.

She offered to talk to him about what it was that scared him so about her being in the military and her dad told her that once they had the funeral for Paul they would get together to discuss what he was scared about. Kimberly's step mom had died the year before in a car accident so it was just her, her dad and the two boys left to make the funeral arrangements.

John said that he needed to check Kimberly over to make sure that she was not suffering any side effects from the sedative so Mark offered to make the funeral arrangements, and Kimberly told him that Paul's suit was at the cleaners.

Mark asked Kimberly if she would be willing to sing at the funeral, to which she replied by telling him that there were four songs she wanted to sing at the funeral, and that she would arrange the music for them herself. Kimberly had the advantage of learning to play the piano when she was in foster care, so she went and called her foster father to see if they still had the piano she had learned on and he told her that it was in the garage.

She asked him if he would be willing to put it back in the living room so she could come and put some songs to music for her brother Paul's funeral, he told her would be more than happy to do so. She also asked him if he could get someone in to tune it since it might be in need of a major tune up. He told her that he would do that in the next day or two and she thanked him, then told him that she wanted to come and play the piano the next day.

He told her she was always welcome at their home and that he would have Jason and Clinton bring the piano into the house for her so that she could come by later that night if she wanted to see how the piano played. She thanked him and told him that she would be there in an hour or two, that she had to get the songs she wanted to sing at the funeral together, then she would be on her way.

Kimberly found the one song and poems, which is what they started out to be and told her family that she was going to see her foster family to use the piano there, so she could put the poems to music. They asked her if she wanted a ride, she told them that she would be fine running there and that she would get Jason or Clinton to bring her home later that night.

They did not like that idea very much but understood that she needed to do this on her own, then they told her to call them when she arrived at her foster home to let them know she had arrived okay. She agreed to do so and called her foster father to let him know she was on her way, he asked if she wanted Jason, Clinton or himself to come get her, she told him no that she would be running there and would see him shortly.

She stretched for about five minutes then put her headphones on and cranked the cd while she ran to her foster home. She took her cell phone and had it on vibrate once again so that she would not miss any calls that came in while she was running to their home. She arrived about fifteen minutes later at her foster home, where Jason, Clinton and Raymond were waiting for her with a special surprise, but they would not tell her what the surprise was.

They would not let her in the house until they had her close her eyes, but that was not good enough for them. They had to blindfold her before they would take her into the house to see her long lost foster brother George whom she had not seen since she was fifteen years old.

When they got her into the house George picked her up and swung her around, put her back down, hugged her and then kissed her cheek, but she did not know who it was yet. They took the blindfold off and she was so happy to see George that she forgot about the piano until he said that he had tuned it for her.

They went into the living room, where Kimberly sat at the piano and started playing the one song she remembered learning there when she was growing up. Kimberly had learned to play the song "Wind beneath my wings, by Bette Midler" she wanted to play that one at the funeral for Paul, as he had always been the wind beneath her wings.

She knew that he liked that song and would be happy that she had chosen it as one of the songs she wanted to sing at his funeral, she stopped suddenly and excused herself for a few moments. They grew concerned when she did not come back after ten minutes, so Jason said that he thought he knew where she had gone, so he could check and see if she was doing what he thought she was.

Jason went to the basement where he found Kimberly hanging upside down in the gravity boots, and she saw him come down the stairs this time because she turned herself so she was facing the stairs.

She closed her eyes and went back to listening to her cd, but Jason knew she was avoiding talking about what she was feeling, so he took the headphones off her, then took her discman away and told her that she needs to talk about what was on her mind. She told him that she did not know how to go on with her life without her brother Paul.

Jason said, "That is not the only thing that has you upset is it sis?"

Kimberly told him that he was right, but that she did not wish to discuss what else was upsetting her right then and there, but he told her he would not leave until she talked to him. Kimberly told him that she was not in the talking mood but that she knew he was right, that she needed to learn to talk about her feelings and he told her that he knew he was right about that. Jason was what others knew as a dominant male, and Kimberly was just now realizing that there was something different about Jason.
She did not know what to make of him being so insistent on her talking about what was bothering her, and he told her that it was because he was what was known as dominant. Kimberly had no idea what he was talking about so she asked him to explain, and was shocked that it he meant he was a take charge kind of guy, because that is not how she remembered him when she was growing up with him.

He told her that he had been taught in life that things don't come easy and that if you wanted something bad enough you had to grab the bulls by the horns, so to speak. Kimberly agreed that if you want something bad enough you can not let anyone or anything stand in your way, and it was then that she knew if she did not talk to him he would stand over her until she did talk about what was upsetting her so.

She finally broke down and told him that her dad had finally after all these years that he was scared of something, but that she did not wish to discuss what her dad was upset about, but knew that Jason would not let it go so easily. Jason told her to get down out of the gravity boots and when she refused he got mad and told her to do it or she would find out what it meant to have her ass tanned by a dominant male.

She just laughed at him, well by this time her foster brothers and foster father had come to the basement to see what was taking so long for Jason to get Kimberly upstairs. They told her to do as she was told or Jason would not be the only one to tan her ass, but Kimberly was always a stubborn kid and had not changed at all. She told them that she would not get down until she was ready to do so, but Raymond told her to do it or she would not like the consequences that followed, and Kimberly told him to make her get down.

Well, as you can imagine that is the worst thing to say to a dominant male, because her foster father went to his desk and pulled out his whip, which made Kimberly wonder what he was going to do to her with it.

He told her, that he had not used it in a long time but that if she did not do as she was told she would find out what it was like to be whipped. Kimberly told him she was not getting down until she was ready to do so. She did not move so her foster father told the boys to get her down, then to remove her clothes and put her back up there.

Kimberly was starting to get scared because she had never seen this side of her foster father even though she was used to getting the belt from him if she misbehaved. Jason, George and Clinton took her down, she tried to get away but because there were three of them she did not get very far.

They stripped her and put her back up on the bar in the gravity boots, and were told to get the handcuffs, blindfold and put them on her, which they did. Kimberly got scared and was told that she would learn to listen to them even if it took her being whipped into submission. Kimberly had no idea what it meant to be submissive because she was used to giving orders, and not taking them, but she did not know that it was being submissive to take orders and not question them.

Her foster father raised the whip and brought it down on her back with such force that Kimberly was fighting back the tears as best she knew how to, but was unsuccessful at doing so. Raymond told her that she was being bad for not listening, but would soon learn what it was like to be punished for not listening to him and the boys when they told her to do something.

He told Jason to remove the blindfold and asked Kimberly if she was going to listen to them about getting down and listening to them. Kimberly agreed to do so only because she did not want to get whipped again because she was in pain from the first whipping she had gotten in a long time. She was told to get down and kneel in front of Jason because it was he that was trying to get her to talk about what was upsetting her so, she did as she was told because she did not want to upset Jason or the others again.

Kimberly was used to getting the belt when she was younger, as that is how Raymond or one of the other adults in the house would discipline her when she misbehaved. Kimberly knelt in front of Jason and waited for him to say something, anything to her as she could not stand the quiet of the room, and she was relieved when he finally asked her to tell him what was upsetting her.

She said, "With all due respect I do not wish to talk about it right now, but do understand that talking about it will help. I promise that when I am ready to talk I will come to you, and tell you what it is that is bothering me, but for now please let me think things through."

Jason was not happy with that answer and told her that she was not leaving until she told him what was upsetting her, so she said, "Fine then I am not leaving."

Raymond, Clinton, Jason and George took up Kimberly upstairs and let her sit at the piano practicing for her brother Paul's funeral which was to be in three days. She started playing the wind beneath my wings again, this time when she went to leave they asked her where she was going and she told them she was going to her old room if it was still the way she had left it.

Kimberly went to her room, called her family to let them know she was going to stay at her foster home so that she could continue practicing the songs for the funeral. They did not like that idea and tried to get her to come home, but she told them that she needed to do this so that she would not be so nervous when the time came to sing at the funeral.

Kimberly then went out and asked for her discman and told them that she needed to listen to some music to help her relax that she would talk to them in the morning after she had some sleep. They gave her the discman and told her that she best not try to sneak out of the house later that night after everyone had gone to bed because they would know if she was trying.

Kimberly told them that she had no intention of going any where, but that she may go to work out in the basement later and that she would leave a note on the bedroom door if that is what she was doing. They agreed to let her go and work out in the basement if it is something she felt she might need later that night. She gave them hug and kisses good night, told them that she loved them and would see them in the morning.

She even offered to make breakfast if they wanted, they told her that would be great, and so she set to work on deciding what they would have for breakfast the next day. She decided it would be coffee, toast, bacon, eggs, sausages, hash browns, and orange juice for breakfast, then she checked to make sure they had everything she would need.

Seeing that they needed a few things, she asked Jason to take her to the grocery store so she could get the things she would need for breakfast and a few things she would need that night for herself.

Jason took her to the grocery store, where Kimberly bought orange juice, bread, margarine, sausages, bacon, cheese, crackers, eggs, and hash browns for their breakfast. Kimberly also bought some diet pop, chips, chocolate bars, ice cream, milk, and a few other things for herself, for before and after her work out that night. When they got back to the house, Kimberly was cornered by Raymond about her choice of snacks for before and after her work out, but she told him that it was going to be a long night for her.

She told him that she needed something to keep her going before the work out and then after the work out she needed something to reward herself with, but Raymond did not believe her for some reason. Kimberly sat and ate the chips, chocolate bars and had some pop to wash it down, then excused herself, went to the washroom and threw up, which had Raymond, Jason, Clinton and George concerned. They did not know that Kimberly had an eating disorder, nor that she had been hospitalized for it a few times while on the base, but they did know that she was too skinny for her height and age.

They tried to get her to talk before she went to the basement to work out, but she was totally non-cooperative about talking to them. She found the key to the room she used to work out in the usual spot, went in turned on the lights, removed the coverings on the equipment, locked the door and windows, then turned on the music to begin her work out. She worked out on the weights first, then moved to the treadmill, butterfly bag (a small bag for boxers to train on), the heavy bag and finally the gravity boots, which she had moved from outside the room back into it.

She hung upside down for quite some time, then returned to the weights, treadmill, butterfly bag, heavy bag and back to the gravity boots only this time while using the gravity boots she did some sit ups. She enjoyed her work out, went upstairs to shower, put on some pajamas that she had found in the dresser drawer, where she had left them years ago. She hoped that she could still fit into these pajamas because they were another favorite pair of hers that Jason had bought her when she first came to stay with him and the rest of the gang as she so affectionately called them.

She put the pajamas on, was happy to see they fit her still and curled up on her bed crying because she missed Paul so much. Jason heard her crying in the night and came to check on her and found she was not in her room, but curled up on the floor by the door with Dummy the big BullMastiff dog they had. Jason noticed that when Kimberly was upset she would either eat then make herself sick, workout, go for a walk, jog, curl up with the dog or cry herself to sleep. Jason knew better than to try and move Kimberly when she was curled up with the dog, because he had tried it once before and been nipped by him.

Jason decided to get a blanket and cover Kimberly up though, when he returned he found she was in the kitchen in shorts and a t-shirt she had found in the drawer in her bedroom, she was eating ice cream, chips, pop and pizza.

Jason asked her if she was okay, and she told him she felt like having a midnight snack, and that she might go workout for a bit again. Jason told her he was concerned about her, she asked why he was so concerned about her and he told her that he sees how much she eats and works out but does not gain weight. He asked her if she was anorexic or bulimic, and she laughed at him telling him that was ludicrous. She knew he was right to worry because she was not sure what was making her eat then get sick some days and others she would starve herself.

Jason told her he wanted to be there with her when she worked out, and she growled at him, telling him she did not want anyone there when she worked out because it was her time to get things out of her system. He told her it was either that or he would wake Raymond and have him watch her, well Kimberly went off on a tangent saying it was not fair that he did not trust her and that she was not a kid no more.

Jason told her that it was not that he did not trust her, but that he did not want her to get hurt, and that seemed to make her feel a bit better. She still did not like the idea and told him she would be back in a minute, went to the washroom and threw up, washed up, brushed her teeth and told him that she was ready to begin her workout. Jason knew what she had just done but could not prove it so he did not say anything to her about it, but would say something to Raymond in the morning about it.

Jason and Kimberly went to the basement where she began her workout on the treadmill, butterfly bag, heavy bag, gravity boots, stationary bike, then back to the heavy bag, butterfly bag, gravity boots and treadmill. She then started lifting weights and when she got up to go to the heavy bag she passed out, which gave Jason all the proof he needed to confront her later.

He picked her up took her upstairs to her room, laid her on the bed, grabbed a cool cloth, put it on her forehead and went to wake Raymond up. Well, when they got back to her room they saw her sitting up crying, and asked her if she was okay, she told them that she wanted to continue her workout but they would not let her.

Jason and Raymond told her to get her shoes on that they were taking her to the hospital to get checked out to make sure she was alright, but she was adamant that she was fine and wanted to sleep but they told her to do as she was told. She grumbled, growled, kicked and screamed at the idea of having to go to the hospital because she knew they would tell Raymond and Jason that she needed to gain weight or end up in the hospital.

Raymond told Jason to find the handcuffs because he had a feeling they might need them soon, so Jason went off in search of them and returned shortly with them. Jason and Raymond both told her to do as she was told or they would use the handcuffs on her, to which she replied by laughing saying they would have to catch her first. Well, that made Jason and Raymond even more upset than they already were and they told her that was the worst thing she could have done to them.

Kimberly was told to get her shoes on and kneel by the door with her hands behind her back, to which she replied she would do no such thing. That was her biggest mistake, because Raymond was getting more and more upset by the minute each time she did not do as she was told. Kimberly finally agreed to get her shoes on, went to the front door and put them on, opened the door only to be caught by both Jason and Raymond.

They got her on her knees, put her hands behind her, handcuffed her, helped her to her feet and told her she would be sorry she did that later but that for now she was going to get checked out at the hospital.

She kicked and screamed all the way to the truck, the neighbors thought someone was being hurt, but were told what happened and they went back in their homes. When they got to the hospital the nurses told Jason and Raymond that they needed to remove the handcuffs in order for the doctor to check her out. They told the nurse that if they did that then Kimberly might try to run because she was adamant that she was fine, but they knew something was wrong because she had passed out while working out earlier.

The nurse assured them that they could stay outside the room, that they could also post a couple of security guards outside the room if they wished which seemed to make them relax a bit more.

Jason took the handcuffs off Kimberly and she took a swing at him telling him that when she gets out of the hospital she would pay him back for his part in this. He laughed at her as he caught her fist when she took a swing at him, but told her that he and Raymond were only doing this for her own well being.

She growled and when they were not looking, she snuck out of the hospital and back to the house, crawled in through her bedroom window, which was on the main floor of the house and went to bed. She had locked her window and the bedroom door so as not to be disturbed before crawling into bed, then put her headphones on and listened to the cd she had in her discman.

She woke up the next day and went to leave her bedroom, but found she had not only locked the door herself but was also locked in her room for the night. She banged on the door and screamed to be let out, but was told that she was not allowed out until Raymond got home from the store and that he had just left about an hour before she woke up.

Kimberly opened her window, went to climb out but the dog was there barking, she told him to beat it that he was going to give her away and sure enough Jason was at the window telling her to stay put or face the consequences when dad got home.

It was the first time in a long time that Kimberly had heard Jason refer to Raymond as dad, and knew something was upsetting him, so she asked and he promised to tell her but that she had to stay in her room.

She agreed to stay in her room if he would sit on the window ledge and tell her what was upsetting him, so he climbed up and sat in the window talking to her about her sneaking out of the hospital earlier that morning. He told her that it had not only upset him, but had also upset dad (Raymond) and that he had gone to the hardware store to get some supplies to build something for her.

Jason would not tell her what it was that Raymond was going to build for her because he had been told it was to be used as a punishment for Kimberly. She tried to get him to tell her what it was that dad (Raymond) was planning on building for her, but Jason was a bit too sharp that morning and told her, "Oh no you don't sis."

She was mad and tried to take a swing at her but he caught her hand, put her face down on her bed, handcuffed her hands behind her back and refused to let her go until Raymond had come home. They both jumped when they heard the door open because they were not expecting anyone to open the door until Raymond got home, but there he was standing at the door and asked Jason how he got into her room.

Jason told him the dog was barking by her window, so he decided to come check it out and she took a swing at him so he caught her fist, put her face down on the bed and handcuffed her hands behind her for his own protection. Raymond laughed at Jason, saying that he could have handled it by not even coming into the room, Jason told him that Kimberly asked him to come in and talk to her about what was upsetting him so much.

Jason being a good brother did not want her to worry about him, so he told dad that he came in to talk with Kimberly about what he was so upset about. Then Jason told him that she had been trying to figure out what it was that dad was building for her, because he opened his big mouth and said that dad had gone to the store for some supplies to build something for her as a punishment.

Raymond told him to bring Kimberly to the living room where she was to practice her songs for Paul's funeral in the next two days. Kimberly was hungry but would not say anything to them about her being hungry, instead she asked if she could make a cup of coffee first and have a cigarette before playing the piano.

They looked at each other, then told her as long as she did not try to run and promised to keep her hands to herself they would let her have a cup of coffee and a cigarette. She promised to keep her hands to herself, and not to run from them as she was sore from being handcuffed the night before, then again that morning for having taken a swing at Jason.

They took the handcuffs off her, let her make a coffee for herself, have a smoke and took her to the living room where she played Little Angels, Wind Beneath My Wings, Teddy Bear, and The Way You Love Me.

She stopped playing when she felt the tears building up as she played Wind Beneath My Wings, because she knew it was Paul's favorite song and it hurt to remember he was now gone.

She decided she wanted to work out and asked Raymond if it would be okay for her to go down there by herself to work off some built up energy, but Jason told him that she had not eaten yet that day. Kimberly being stubborn said she was not hungry and that when she was she would eat. Raymond told her that Jason had to go with her to the basement or she would not be allowed to work out, and she got upset and told him she was sick and tired of being treated like she was a kid.

Raymond told her she was a kid, his kid and that he loved her as if she was not only one of his own, but also like she was still his foster daughter. She told him that her biological father had been upset the day before because she was talking to her brother John about being in the military and he had walked in on their conversation, then went off on a rampage.

She told him that she was a big girl and that she had a right to do what she felt like, but that she could understand his being worried about her. Just as she was about to get up the phone rang it was her brother John asking if she would be home that night and she told him she was rehearsing the songs.
That she would meet them at the funeral home the next day, to make sure that the piano was in the room, then make sure no one touched it at all. John promised her that he would make sure the piano was in tune, then told her that he loves her and wished she would hurry up and come home.

She promised that after the funeral she would be home, but not for long because she had to get back to the base and train for a mission that was coming up. She promised him that she would write to him and not to be upset that she had to go so soon after their brother died. He then told her that dad wanted to talk to her and she told him that she was in the middle of rehearsing, but that she could spare a few minutes to speak with him.

Her dad asked if she was okay and if there was anything she would need before the funeral, she told him that she would go buy a new outfit for the funeral then thanked him for asking. He told her he did not like the fact that she had not been home since the day Paul died, but that he understood she needed to do what she thought was best for her. Kimberly promised her dad that she would be home the next day after the funeral but only for three days because she had to get back to the base to train for an upcoming mission.

She told him that it was something they needed to talk about when she got home, and he told her he needed to talk to her about her choice of careers. Kimberly told him that she would talk to him the day after the funeral about her military career, he agreed to that and told her that he loves her then let her go.

She went to the basement and started working out only to have Jason sneak up on her, grab her, handcuff her, and sit her down to explain the ramifications of her working out by herself. He told her that he did not want to see her get hurt, she told him that she had been working out on her own since she left home and joined the military. He asked what her commanding officers thought about her working out by herself, she told Jason that they told her the same thing he is telling her right now, but that she did not care and kept on training without a spotter.

He asked her what happened one day that they got a call, she did not know what he was talking about and so he told her that her commanding officer called the house and asked for dad (Raymond). They told them that he was not home and was there a message, they (her commanding Officers) told Jason that she had been hurt while working out and had broken her left arm but that she would be okay.

She made like she had forgotten about that but Jason knew that she remembered it as if it had only happened yesterday because she was looking at the floor and begging him to take the handcuffs off her. He told her he would only if she promised to sit and listen to him, then make a choice as to how she wanted to proceed with her workout. Kimberly promised him that she would behave, sit and listen to what he had to say, then decide how she wanted to proceed with her workout.

Jason told her that he had not told Raymond about the day she broke her arm because he would not let her in the basement to workout alone ever again, and that he knew she would go stir crazy being watched like a little kid. He promised if she would just let him watch her for an hour that he would not ask anything more of her for the rest of the day, so Kimberly promised to let him watch her for an hour that day.

Kimberly was not the type of woman that liked to wear dresses, skirts or anything fancy like that, but knew she needed a new outfit for Paul's funeral the next day. She asked Jason to take her shopping for a new outfit, he told her that he had to make sure Raymond was not using the truck that day so they could go do some running around.

She told him that she would take care of dad if he would let her work out for a half hour by herself, and he told her that he could not do this for her but that he would not be watching her while she worked out. He told her he would be in the basement, but not watching her because she did not like being watched as it made her feel like she was a little kid again.

Kimberly agreed to this and told Jason she would talk to Raymond, tell him that she needed a few things before the funeral tomorrow, and that she had asked Jason to take her but he was not sure if Raymond was using the truck that day. Kimberly worked out for another hour, went upstairs, showered, got dried off, dressed and went in search of her foster father.

She found him out in the backyard working on his bike, asked him if she could talk to him a moment, he told her that he was busy but that he would listen to what she had to say.

She asked him if her and Jason could use the truck to do some running around to get a few things she needed for the funeral, breakfast, snacks for later that night and anything else she thought they might need. He told her that was fine, but to have Jason see him before they left so she went in search of Jason and found him working in the front yard on his bike, told him that dad wanted to see him before they left for the mall.

Jason went to talk to Raymond in the back yard, and when he came back into the house he saw Kimberly sitting on her knees by the door with her hands behind her back as if she knew that he was told to put the handcuffs on her. He told her he was sorry but that dad had told him to do so, Kimberly told him she knew he was just doing as he was told.

He told her that it still did not make him feel good that he had to do this to her because he did not like the way it made him feel, she asked him to let her go and talk to dad. He took her to the backyard and told Raymond that she wanted to talk to him again, he told Jason to leave them a moment while they talked. Kimberly asked him what it would take for him to let her go out without having to put the handcuffs on her.

Raymond told her that she needed to learn to talk about her feelings more, not run when things got tough, and most importantly see the doctor. To find out why she was not gaining weight even though she ate enough to feed an army, she promised to do all this and more if he would just let her go out for the day without the handcuffs, but he did not trust her.

He went to the garage, came out with something behind his back and told her to kneel with her back to him, Kimberly was not sure what was going on but did as she was told by her foster father. He took the handcuffs off, told her not to move but to pull her hair aside, then put a collar on her, attached a leash and smiled as she growled about being treated like an animal.

He told her it was either that or she would have to wear the handcuffs to the mall. She stopped complaining and Raymond called Jason into the backyard where he told him all he had to do was give a quick tug on the leash if Kimberly tried to run.

Jason looked down at her and smiled, then told his dad that it had possibilities, Raymond knew what Jason was talking about. Kimberly had no idea and was not sure she wanted to know what they were talking about, but was glad that she did not have to wear the handcuffs any more because her arms were sore enough from the workouts she had been doing while staying at their place.

On the way to the mall Jason and Kimberly had a very interesting conversation about BDSM and what a dominant male was.

She asked him if he was a Dom, and he told her that he was, then asked her if she liked being told what to do on a regular basis or if it was just because of her military training. She told him that it was because of her military training that she was able to take orders so well, Jason told her that he wanted to teach her about the BDSM lifestyle while he had a chance to spend some quality time with his baby sister.

Kimberly told him it would be nice to know what he and dad had spoken of just before they left for the mall. Jason said that he would show her if she promised to do as she was told while they were at the mall and only if she promised that. Kimberly promised to try and do as she was told while they were at the mall and Jason was happy to hear that she promised to try and behave while at the mall together.

He told her she would not be disappointed in what he taught her if she did as she was told because she would be greatly rewarded for her being good. She promised to stay with him unless he gave her permission to leave his side, he was happy to hear her say this but told her he was not going to remove the leash because she had not yet proven she could be trusted.

Kimberly understood she had to prove herself before Jason or anyone would let her go without the leash, even though she hated this idea, she did not fight it because she knew it would cause Jason to get upset and she may end up wearing the handcuffs once again.

Jason asked her what she wanted to do first, Kimberly told him that she needed a new outfit for the funeral the next day and so they went off in search of an outfit that would best suit the occasion. Kimberly found a nice crimson red short, strapless dress and asked Jason what he thought of the dress, well Kimberly should have known better than to ask him for his advice on that particular dress.

He told her that there was no way in hell his baby sister was going to be caught dead wearing a dress like that to her brother Paul's funeral the next day, she asked him what was wrong with the dress.

He said, "For starters it is too short, the wrong color and is strapless."

Kimberly asked him what was wrong with the dress being strapless, but got chided for arguing with him. She asked him to let her try it on, let him see what he thought of her in the dress, and if he still did not like it she would not argue with him about it but was going to buy it for another occasion.

He agreed to let her try it on, then give her his opinion, but was not happy that she was still going to buy it after hearing what he had to say. She told him that although she valued his opinion, that she was still a grown woman and could do what she pleased, when she pleased, with whom she pleased and where she pleased.

Jason did not like the fact that she was being lippy and told her once they were done at the mall, she was going to be taken home, stripped and punished for being insolent. She tried to reason with him but it was no use, he was set in his ways just like their dad, and so Kimberly took the dress, went into the dressing room, tried it on and came out to show Jason what it looked like on her.

He whistled, some other men in that department that were shopping for wives, girlfriends or someone else they knew whistled and Jason told her to buy the dress, but to get another outfit for the funeral. She agreed to do so, but did not like the idea of buying two outfits in one day. She found a nice cream colored outfit that looked like it belonged in the children's department, but took it and tried it on, came out and showed Jason.

His eyes got bigger and Kimberly asked him what he thought of it, he said she looked stunning in the outfit and that was the one she should wear to the funeral.

Jason asked her what size the dress was and when she told him that it was a size ten, he looked at her, commented that he did not think she was still a size ten.

Kimberly commented that she had been losing weight because she was too fat and did not like the way she looked. Well, if you could have seen the look on Jason's face, you would have thought he had been slapped across the face when Kimberly said this to him.

He commented on her being so sick all the time and Kimberly told him that she was fine, but Jason did not buy that for one moment. In fact he said that after they left the mall he had some where he wanted to take her and she put up a fuss about going somewhere else after they were done at the mall. She wanted to get back to the house to continue her rehearsing for Paul's funeral the next day, Jason reminded her about the collar and leash to which she just growled at him saying it was not fair.

Jason told her that he would meet her outside the dressing rooms, and that she best not try to run or he would pull back on the leash and then after they got to the truck he would put the handcuffs on her. She reminded him about her promise to not run because she wanted to prove to everyone she could be trusted, and then maybe they would trust her enough to let her off the leash.

He smiled once she reminded him of the promise she had made to him, told her to hurry up, that they had to get some groceries as well and then go to the place he wanted to take her to after they were done at the mall. They paid for the things she wanted, went to get groceries, and then Jason told Kimberly that he was going to take her to a place that he had done some volunteer work at.

Kimberly asked him if they had to do that right away or if it could wait until later because she wanted to get the groceries put away before they spoiled. Jason told her that they would not be at this place for very long, but that he was going to keep her on the leash while they were there. She did not like that idea one bit, but did not voice her complaints because she did not want to end up wearing the handcuffs again. They got to where Jason wanted to take her, and she got nervous when she noticed the small rooms with a small window in the doors, and the bars on the windows in the rooms.

She asked Jason, "What is this place?"

He told her that it was a place for people with eating disorders, and Kimberly laughed at him. She told him she did not have an eating disorder, and did not understand why he had brought her there, so Jason told her that he thought she might like an education in anorexia nervosa and bulimia.

She told him that she did not want to know about it because she did not suffer from any form of eating disorder, then asked if they could leave and Jason told her after she met with a counselor. She asked to use the washroom and was glad to see there were no bars on the windows in there, she opened the window only to be met by Jason on the other side.

He asked her where she thought she was going and she said that she was going home because she did not need to be there. Jason told her that he thought she might like to talk to a counselor because of the fact that she gets sick right after eating. Kimberly told him she was fine and just wanted to go home, the counselor told him she could come to the community and speak with Kimberly there if that were easier.

Kimberly thanked the woman, but told her that there is no need to come and speak with her about anything because she did not have an eating disorder to start with and that by pursuing this she would just end up getting angry. Jason knew what happened when Kimberly got upset, he knew it was not a pretty site and thanked the counselor, told her that he would be in touch if he needed her assistance.

Kimberly assured them that they would not be needing her assistance at all, but just the same thanked the woman again and proceeded to leave when Jason gave one hell of a good yank on the leash and sent Kimberly falling on her ass. She growled, asked him what that was for and Jason told her that it was because she was trying to run from him.

She told him that she was not trying to run from him, but rather wanted to go back home and put the things they had bought that day away and show dad her two new outfits.

She got up and waited for Jason to say he was ready to leave, then followed him out, got in the truck and asked him if it would be okay for her to have a cigarette.

Jason told her that would be fine and asked her if he could have one of her cigarettes, so Kimberly lit one for her then one for Jason and was quiet on the way home which had Jason wondering what she was thinking about.

Jason decided to ask Kimberly what she was thinking and when she did not answer, he stopped the truck, turned off the ignition, and turned to her to see if she was alright. He asked her again, this time when she did not answer, he got concerned, reached over and touched her shoulder, she jumped when he touched her because she was off in her own little world for a change.

Jason could see she had been crying, so he asked her what she was crying about, when Kimberly told him she was scared that she would mess up the songs tomorrow he smiled at her and said that he would be there for her. She thanked him for helping her that day and asked if he would just take her home so she could workout a bit and then practice the songs some more. He told her that he would be happy to, but that she had to promise him that she would let him be there when she worked out.

Kimberly as usual grumbled about having to have someone watch her while she was working out, but told him that would be fine as long as he stayed out of her way. He promised to stay out of her way as long as she promised to not throw up after dinner that night. She looked at him and said that she would try her best not to, Jason was happy hearing her say that she would do her best not to throw up.

They got home and Kimberly put her outfits away, changed into a pair of shorts and a tight t-shirt, went to tell Jason she was going to start her workout, but he told her she had to eat first so that she has something in her system. She mumbled under her breath about him testing her in regards to her keeping her promise and Raymond heard what she said, then asked what promise she was mumbling about.

She told him that Jason made her promise to try and not throw up after dinner because he was concerned she was making herself sick on purpose after eating. Raymond agreed with Jason, but did not say anything to Kimberly, but told her that he needed to speak to Jason alone.

He asked her if she would mind sitting in the kitchen by herself, she told him that she would go practice her songs for Paul's funeral the following day and that pleased both Raymond and Jason.

Kimberly went to the living room, pulled out her songs, started practicing and when they did not hear the piano stop everyone came into the living room and watched her sing with feeling. They all told her they knew she could do it, that they were proud of her and would be there to support her tomorrow at Paul's funeral, Kimberly told them that it was the hardest thing she had to do, but she knew it was what Paul wanted.

Jason, Kimberly, George, and Raymond all went to the kitchen for something to eat, Kimberly looked at Jason, but the look she gave him told him she was not going to be able to keep their promise. He walked over to her, held her in his arms and told her that she would be fine, just to relax and let things come naturally.

George did not know what was going on so he asked Raymond, who told him that they suspected Kimberly had an eating disorder and that she had promised Jason she would try not to get sick after eating any more. Kimberly started shaking she was feeling that nauseous, Jason took her back to her room laid her on the bed, told her he would be right back, when he went back Kimberly was going into convulsions which had Jason scared.

He called Kimberly's brother John and told him what was going on, John said he would be right there and not to let her get up if she stopped convulsing because it could be very dangerous. Jason promised to keep her cool, in bed and not let her eat or drink anything until John had looked at her. John got there and Kimberly was crying because she did not know what was going on, but was being told she is not allowed out of bed until John got there.

She pointed to John standing in the doorway which made Jason very happy because he knew John would take care of her. John asked Kimberly how long she had been throwing up after eating and she told him she had no idea what he was talking about.

John told her that he knew something was wrong when she ate the pizza the night Paul died and went to the bathroom only to get sick. She told him that she had not been feeling well that day, so it was nothing out of the ordinary to get sick when not feeling well, but John did not buy that story for one minute.
Kimberly asked Jason if she could be alone with John, then asked him to shut the door and not stand outside listening like he had been known to do. Jason went to the living room, started playing the piano, which distracted Kimberly a moment then she remembered why she had asked to speak to John alone.

She told John that she had been getting sick after eating since she left home and went to the Navy to become a naval pilot. He asked why she was doing this, asked her if she knew the consequences of what she was doing, did she want to die, and a few other questions. Kimberly told him that when she looked in the mirror she saw a fat, little kid that would never be pretty enough to get a man of her own.

John told her that she was pretty, smart and deserved a good man, only that she was going about it the wrong way. John promised to not take her to the hospital if she promised to let him, the rest of the family and her friends help her get over this. Kimberly promised because she did not want to go through what she saw some of the girls going through at the clinic she had visited earlier that day.

John asked what she was talking about and she told him Jason had taken her to a clinic for people with eating disorders, but that she got upset and denied she has a problem. John told her that Jason was just trying to be helpful and is glad he did that because maybe now she would realize that the eating disorders she has are very dangerous, and that she could even die from them if she did not get help immediately.

John told her that it was okay to watch what she ate, exercise, on occasion to splurge and have that piece of chocolate cake or cookie, but that to make herself sick after eating was not normal. She promised to let them help her and told him that if she told dad and the rest of the family she had an eating disorder she would deny it.

She told him it was because dad would be on the phone to the base and tell them which could get her kicked out of the Navy and she did not want to be kicked out. Especially when all she had to do was take her flight test and if she passed she would be given her wings and promoted to first lieutenant, which gave her more privileges.

He told her that he would not tell her biological dad and her other brother Mark, but that if she did not stop this madness that he would be the one she had to worry about telling her commanding officer about her eating disorder. She promised that she would have it under control before she left at the end of the following week and that if she felt like she was going to relapse she would call him, Jason or Raymond to help talk her through the rough patches.

John liked that she wanted to get this under control and promised her that even though she had the convulsions today that it was because she was not used to keeping food down. He told her that as the days go by she will find it gets easier, but that she should not expect it to be a piece of cake, which made her laugh.

He asked her what was so funny and she told him that he had just made a joke, even though he had not done it on purpose, but once he realized what he said they both started laughing non-stop. Jason came to see what was going on, and was happy to see that Kimberly was once again laughing as he liked to see her happy and not upset like she had been these past few weeks.

Kimberly laughed so hard she fell off the bed, but could not stop laughing once on the floor, which had John worried because she had already broken her arm once before from falling onto the floor from her bed a few years earlier. John asked her if she was okay, she just looked up and continued laughing until her sides started aching, at which point John helped her up and looked at her arm and was glad to see she had not broken it this time.

John told Kimberly that he would see her the next day at the funeral, but before he left Kimberly modeled her new outfits for him.

He told her he liked the cream colored one for the funeral and that if she could keep her promise about letting them help her he would take her out for dinner to somewhere that she would be able to wear the red dress, and she smiled at that thought.

She tried her best to keep her promise to John that night and went straight to Jason after eating supper, told him what she felt like, why she thought she felt that way, asked him to help her think of something else so Jason suggested she work on her songs.

Kimberly sat at the piano and practiced her songs for an hour, felt better afterwards, thanked Jason and told him she wanted to go workout a bit. He told her he wanted to be there just in case she needed his help, but that he would stay out of her way because she was trying so hard to keep her end of the deal they had made earlier that day.

Jason and Kimberly went to the basement to workout for what was only supposed to be an hour, but Kimberly told Jason that she wanted to stay down there a bit longer. Jason told her he would call for Raymond to come and spot her a bit while he went to get a drink for them.

Kimberly told him she would not stop working out while she waited for Raymond to come downstairs, Jason told her she did not have to, but that he would not leave until Raymond came downstairs to spot her while he was upstairs getting them each a bottle of water.

She told him she was still trying to work out the demons that made her feel the way she did before she practiced her songs, Jason told her that it would take time for her to get her life back on track but that he knew she could do it. That meant a lot to Kimberly because she looked up to Jason, even though he was her foster brother he was more of a brother than Mark, her own biological brother had been in the past.

She knew Mark meant well, but Jason seemed to understand her better than Mark did, which really had Kimberly stumped at the best of times. Kimberly knew that Mark loved her, but she did not understand how at times he could be so cruel and callous towards her, but thought maybe it was because he did not know how to talk to her about things.

Kimberly decided to get counseling for her past family issues because she thought they may be the cause of her eating problems, so she asked Jason to take her to the clinic he had taken her to earlier that day. Jason told her that he would be happy to take her there after supper, and she was happy to hear that he would take her there later on.

Raymond heard them talking and asked where Jason was going to take her, so Kimberly came clean with him, begged him to not be too upset with her and most of all to not call her commanding officer on the base. Raymond promised to not call anyone and tell them as long as she promised to get help, call them, talk to them on her bad days and keep a diary of her feelings daily.

Kimberly promised to do that and told him that she was going to watch what she ate, work out and on occasion have a piece of chocolate cake or something sweet to reward herself. After supper Jason and Kimberly headed out to the clinic so she could talk to the counselor there and see if she thought Kimberly's childhood could be the cause of her eating disorders.

Kimberly was a bit awkward at first talking with Jane the counselor but soon warmed up to her and told her everything that had happened to her as a child. Jane was shocked to learn that Kimberly did not harbor resentful feelings towards her father for not believing her when she told him about her step-mom being abusive towards her.

Kimberly told her that her brother Paul who had recently died of cancer knew what was happening. Child services did nothing other than warn her step-mom that if they were called again they would be doing an investigation as to how she was getting the bruises they saw on her.

Jane asked if she had thought about suing child services for all the emotional and physical trauma she suffered as a child, but Kimberly told her that she did not want to do that because then it would mean confronting her past ghosts. Jane told Kimberly that if she was strong enough to come see her, that she (Kimberly) could go through with suing child services for her past suffering, and with the help of Jane, her family she could win her battle with both the eating disorders and the court case.

Kimberly asked Jane if she would help her to not only overcome her eating disorders but to also prepare her for the upcoming court battle against child services. Jane told her that she would be honored to help Kimberly not only overcome the eating disorders but also to help her prepare for the court battle against child services including getting her a lawyer to help her sue child services for her past pain and suffering.

Kimberly thanked her, shook her hand and got up to leave, but when she felt light-headed Jane suggested she sit and wait for Jason to come in. Jane went and got Jason, who was waiting out in the hall for Kimberly, explained to him that she was feeling a bit faint, and would he be good enough to help her to the truck.

Jason was very concerned about Kimberly and asked Jane if she had anything to eat or drink while they were talking, and Jane told him that Kimberly had asked for a glass of water but that was it. Jason explained to Kimberly that they knew she was hypoglycemic because her brother John had just run some tests that day on her, and was told to keep an eye on her, make sure she ate and got plenty of rest during the day.

Kimberly had some candy in her purse, but it was out in the truck and Jason told her from now on she was to keep some in her coat pockets in case this happened to her again.

She agreed that it was very silly of her to have forgotten her purse in the truck and promised that from now on she would have plenty of candies in her coat pockets or keep her purse with her wherever she went.

Jason and Kimberly both thanked Jane for her help, but were worried that with Kimberly being in the Navy that Jane may tell her commanding officer. Jane had promised to keep it from them because it was doctor/patient confidentiality and that if she breached her confidence that Kimberly could sue her.

Kimberly thanked her for keeping her confidence, and also for helping her get a lawyer to help her sue child services for her past pain and suffering, then asked Jane to call her once she heard back from the lawyer. Jane promised to call Kimberly once she heard back from the lawyer and understood that Kimberly was only in town for another week.

Jason took Kimberly home, helped her into the house, fixed her a light snack and made sure she stayed at the table for at least forty-five minutes to ensure she had digested the food she had just eaten. He then asked her if she wanted to workout or practice her songs for Paul's funeral, Kimberly told him she wanted to practice and that she did.

Kimberly practiced for what seemed like hours; she was getting used to the idea that the songs she would sing were Paul's favorites and that she was singing them because he had asked her to the night he died. When she was done practicing she told Jason she wanted to work out, but could she please workout by herself.

He said that was fine, but that if he came down and saw her asleep while using the gravity boots like he had once before he would not allow her to workout by herself any more. She told him that was purely accidental that day, but promised him if she felt sick or thought she needed help that she would call up to him and he could come get her down or see what she needed if it made him feel better.

He smiled and told her that it would make him feel better if he was there to watch her, but understood that she needed some alone time and that he would leave the door open. She told him she was going to take her discman down with her and that if she did not answer it was because she had the volume turned up.

Jason warned her several times before about turning up the volume on her discman because she had not heard the fire alarm once when she was younger, but Kimberly told him that was then and this is now, to which Jason and her foster dad laughed. She told him that if she wanted to hear then she would not be wearing her headphones, but instead that she wished to drown out the ghosts from her past and have a good workout.

He told her that she should be lucky that he was letting her do her workout on her own and that he was not pushing to be down there spotting her while she worked out. She told him that she knows he loves her but that she is a big girl and can take care of herself, then he made the comment about her being sick which got her upset.

She went to her room changed into a pair of shorts, a tight t-shirt, then headed to the basement with her headphones turned up full blast so that she would not have to hear any more hurtful comments. She knew Jason did not mean to hurt her feelings but he had and she did not wish to speak to him or anyone else in the house at that particular moment so she started her workout by stretching.

Then moving to the treadmill, butterfly bag, heavy bag, weights, did some chin-ups, push ups, sit ups and finally went to the gravity boots where she hung upside down for a good hour or more before Jason came and told her she had a visitor. She was not expecting anyone to come see her that night, but it was the lawyer that Jane had called to see if he could help her with her lawsuit against child services for her pain and suffering from when she was a child.

The lawyer introduced himself as Billy, and told her that he was there to help her get things started, but that he had to ask some pretty personal questions. Kimberly told him she did not care what questions he had to ask her, that she would answer them no matter how painful or personal they are.

Billy was glad to hear that, and told her that it would be a long drawn out process but that if she was willing to tough it out she could come out of this with a nice settlement.

She told him that she had to return to the base within the next week, he told her that was fine that he would get the number for the base and that he has her cell number, so that if he needed to he could call her at either number. He asked her what had happened to make her run away from home, she told him that her step-mom was being physically, emotional abusive to her and when she told her dad he did not seem to believe her at all so she ran away.

He asked how she had come to live in this particular foster home, she told him that she had been raped and knocked on their door, told them what happened and was taken to the hospital. When she was asked about her family instead of telling the truth she told them that her biological family had died in a nasty house fire, but that there was one brother that survived and no one could find him to tell him what was happening.

The doctors and social workers asked Raymond if he would be willing to take her in until they could find her a permanent foster home. He asked how he would go about getting her to stay with them permanently and was told that he would have to fill out the proper paper work, go through an investigation and a home inspection. He agreed to do all this so that Kimberly would not have to be bounced from home to home and possibly get sexually, physically, and emotionally and abused again.

He said he could not stand to see someone as young, pretty and smart as Kimberly get abused again, so he filled out all the proper paperwork, did the necessary investigations, including a home inspection and was told he passed. He was told that Kimberly could stay until she was eighteen or until she decided she no longer wanted to live with him and the boys.

Raymond was happy that Kimberly was allowed to live with him and the boys, he even got her enrolled back in school and took her there for the first few days. He explained to the teachers and principal what had happened to Kimberly so that if they noticed her acting up in school they would know why.

Billy asked her if she had ever been in foster care prior to coming to live with Raymond, she told him that she had not but that she was glad Raymond and the boys took her in when they did.

She told him that she was scared that had Raymond not been able to take her in until she was of age to be on her own that she may have ended up on the street doing drugs and prostitution because of what she went through. Billy told her he was glad that she had decided to get help with her past abuse issues because most girls her age did not and they ended up doing drugs, becoming alcoholics, and/or doing prostitution because of their past abuse issues.

Billy asked her if she minded him asking Raymond some questions, Kimberly said that she would see if he was willing to answer them, and would be right back to let him know. Kimberly brought Raymond into the kitchen, introduced him to Billy, then she excused herself so they could talk privately. Kimberly then went into the living room and practiced the songs again for Paul's funeral, while she was playing Billy and Raymond came out to listen to her practice.

Billy asked how long she had been playing the piano, she told him since she was about twelve years old, then looked to Raymond for confirmation and he corrected her saying she was eleven when she started learning how to play the piano. Billy told her he was impressed that she was able to play and not look at the keys, she told him it comes from lots of practice and her typing skills which is what she was drawing on at that moment.

Billy asked her when she took typing, she told him she took it in high school, and that whenever she was caught looking at the keys the teacher would come around and smack her hands for cheating. She learned awful quick not to look at the keyboard when typing, she actually passed her typing class with a final mark of ninety-eight percent and got an award for being so fast at typing.

Raymond and Billy both asked her how fast she thought she could type and she told them she thought she could type at least eighty to eighty-five words a minute, they told her they were very impressed and that they would like to see her type some day. She told them that they could see her type when she started working on her journal that she is to be keeping, which made them both happy because it could not only prove useful to help her overcome her eating disorders, but it could be useful in court as well.

She asked Billy if it would really have to be used in court and he told her that the judge may want to see it, but assured her that it would not leave the court room if the judge did ask to read it. That made Kimberly feel a bit better, but she was still not enthusiastic about someone reading her most private thoughts and feelings.

Billy told her that he would be at the funeral and if anyone asked her was a lawyer from the military base that he was there to lend moral support to her while she sang her songs. Kimberly walked him to his car and thanked him for coming by so late at night, he told her he would see her at the funeral tomorrow, to get some rest and let him do the rest of the work. She told him she was going to try and sleep, but that she may not get much sleep because she was a nervous wreck about singing in front of all the people that would be there.

He told her that all she had to do was picture everyone in their underwear, but that sent her into hysterics and she had to stop laughing because she was crying and her sides hurt that is how hard she was laughing. Billy told her he was happy that she was smiling because she looked so pretty when she did, and that any man would be lucky enough to have her if she could find the right one for her.

She felt her face get hot as she blushed a deep crimson red, Billy asked her what she was blushing for and when she told him that it was because she was not used to getting compliments from anyone any more. He told her that she did not need to blush, because he was merely telling her the truth as he saw it, and she thanked him for being so kind to her.
She told him she was not used to being complimented except for the work she did on the base, even that was far and few between. She told him that her and Jason had an interesting conversation earlier that day, but when they had more time she would tell him about it if he liked.

He told her that he would be very interested to know what they talked about and why she found it to be such an interesting conversation.

He asked if it would be okay to give her a hug, she looked at him confused because she was not used to being asked for a hug let alone getting hugs any more. She told him that would be fine, but that he was not to kiss her, and he agreed to that because he respected her and her foster family. When she went back inside Raymond asked what her and Billy had talked about, she told him that he told her to picture everyone in their underwear if she got nervous while playing her songs at Paul's funeral tomorrow.

She also told him that he also complimented her on her being pretty when she smiled, and told her that any man would be lucky to have her when she found the right one for her. Raymond told her that he agreed with Billy about her being pretty and that any man would no should consider himself lucky to have her when she found the right one for herself.

She felt her cheeks get hot as she blushed a deep crimson red yet again, and when Raymond asked her why she was blushing she told him it was because she was no longer used to getting compliments.

She could not explain what she was feeling, as she was not even sure herself what it was exactly that she was feeling at that particular moment. She chided herself for being so hard on herself, even called herself a stupid bitch for doing the things she was doing and told herself she would be lucky if she found the right man for her the way she was going.

She looked at herself in the mirror that night as she was getting ready for bed, brushing her long blonde hair the way she remembered Raymond brushing it for her when she was a kid, and did not like what she saw at all. She told herself she was lucky to have such a loving, caring and understanding foster father as Raymond, that she should consider herself very lucky indeed.

She was not sure what the feeling was, but found herself sitting in front of the mirror wondering if she was actually a submissive woman. She remembered the conversation that she and Jason had earlier that day, and decided to ask him in the morning what a submissive woman was. She thought it would be best to see from his point of view if she may be a submissive woman because if that was the case she needed to know what a submissive woman does, does not do, how they act and finally what they wear.

She got up before anyone else in the house and worked out for an hour, then had a shower, put on some clean clothes, went and started making breakfast for everyone. Jason was the next one up and he was surprised to see her making breakfast. She decided to ask him right then and there what a submissive woman was and if she may be a submissive woman, which had him, shocked because he was not expecting her to ask him this. He told her that a submissive woman lives to serve the Dom/Domme she was with.

Kimberly still did not understand, so he told her that a submissive woman belongs to a Dom/Domme and does what they say and only what they say, and that if they don't then they are punished in many different ways. She asked him if a submissive wears a collar, leash and clothes, he told her that submissives do wear a collar and leash but only when their Master/Mistress is with them do they wear the leash. She asked him again do they wear clothes, he told her that is something that most Masters/Mistresses will discuss with their submissive once they have collared the submissive.

He asked her if she thought she might be a submissive, she told him that she was not sure but was starting to think she was because she took orders from men and enjoyed doing so.

He told her that does not necessarily mean that she is a submissive woman, but that if she did not do what she was told and got punished for it and enjoyed being punished at times then there is a possibility she could very well be submissive. She told him that she liked wearing the collar but was not sure she liked wearing the leash, and asked him if that meant she was submissive.

He told her the chances of her being submissive were good, but that the only way for her to know for sure was for her to be given an order by a Dominant and see if she follows it or gets punished. She asked him how she would find a Dominant, he told her there were things called munches which are where people of the same mind get together and talk.

He told her there are clubs that allow others to explore their dominant or submissive sides, and that some of these clubs allow hands on fun.

She asked him if he would take her to one of these clubs, he smiled and told her that he would be honored to do so, but that she had to wear the collar and leash while there. She told him that she did not have a problem wearing the collar but was not sure she could get used to wearing a leash as well, then she got startled when she heard Raymond ask when breakfast would be ready. She told him that it was almost ready, turned back to the stove and started cooking the bacon, eggs and sausages.

He asked if the coffee was ready, she told him it would be in about ten minutes, that she had not yet turned it on and to please give her a few more minutes before breakfast was ready. He told her that he was not in a hurry because he was going to workout for a bit, have a shower, get dressed, and would then be ready for a big, hearty breakfast.

Kimberly reminded Jason that their conversation was private and that she did not want anyone else in the house or her biological family knowing what she was asking him. He promised her that he would rather die than to let anyone know his foster sister thought she might be submissive and was asking him what he thought.

She smiled at him, told him that he did not have to die, but that if he did not start helping with breakfast she would seriously hurt him. He told her that was not a smart thing to say to a dominant because it could get her punished under normal circumstances. She reminded him that these were not normal circumstances, but instead it was her looking to see what was wrong with her that she liked taking orders and wearing the collar she had been made to wear the day before.

Kimberly told Jason to go wake George, Clinton and to let dad know that breakfast was ready, but that if they were not there in twenty minutes they would miss out because she had to be at the funeral home in an hour. Jason woke George but Clinton was already awake and had gone to get the morning paper, which had a picture of Paul on the front page. Kimberly started crying again and she thought she could cry no more but seeing Paul's picture on the front of the local paper had really upset her.

Clinton told her he was sorry that he had upset her, she told him that it was not him that had upset her but the fact that her brother was no longer among the living. He told her she would do great singing her songs at the funeral and asked who the guy was that had come to see her last night, remembering what Billy had told her she told Clinton that he was a lawyer from the military base.

Clinton asked what he was doing here so late last night, Kimberly told him that there was a problem on the base and that because she was only two weeks shy of getting her wings to become a second lieutenant that he had to inform her of the problem.

Clinton seemed to be happy with that answer and told Kimberly that he hoped the problem would soon be resolved because she had enough to deal with right now. She assured him that all would be worked out by the time she went back to the base at the end of next week, but that he had to promise no matter what he would not tell anyone about the lawyer showing up at the house so late last night.

Clinton promised her he would not say anything about it to anyone, and George asked what they were talking about when he came into the kitchen so Kimberly told him that it was military business and not to worry about it.

Chapter Two

George went to make sure dad knew breakfast was ready, came and sat at the table to have a good breakfast before they all headed to the funeral home. Kimberly was so nervous that she had nothing but toast and tea for her breakfast, went to get dressed, pulled her hair back into three ponytails joined at the bottom, did her make up and got her shoes on. She was ready to go before the men were and was playing the piano to get herself psyched up for her debut at the funeral home.

She was told a talent scout may be there that morning when she turned her cell on to check messages, because she had a feeling that she had a message from John making sure she was okay.

He had called not only to make sure she was alright, but also to let her know the talent scout would be at the funeral home when he learned that Paul's little sister was to be singing at the funeral.

Kimberly arrived at the funeral home before her biological family had, sat at the piano and started playing the song by Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock "Picture." Everyone that came in heard her playing it and singing it very well, they commented to her after she was done singing it, telling her that she had a good voice and should be recording her songs that she had written.

She was so embarrassed because she had not thought her voice was that good, but when they told her that she had nothing to be embarrassed about she started to relax a bit more. Billy showed up with Jane, helping Kimberly to relax a bit more, and she went to them, thanked them for being there, then told them she hopes they enjoy the music. They told her that they were proud of her for being strong enough to do this, and that they knew she would make Paul proud of her for doing this.

They even told her that she would make anyone that showed up proud of her for overcoming her fear of performing in front of so many people. She did not realize that there would be over two hundred people at the funeral until she sat and started playing the theme songs from a few of her favorite shows to warm up.

Once everyone had arrived she was asked to say a few words on behalf of the family because it is what Paul had wanted her to do before she started playing her songs. She got up and thanked everyone for showing up, told them that she did not realize so many people knew and loved Paul the way she had and that she hoped that they would enjoy the songs she chose to sing that day including Paul's favorite song.

Kimberly sat at the piano and started playing Wind beneath My Wings, Little Angels, and Little Sister Don't You. Paul had sung Little Sister to Kimberly when he learned she had joined the military. When she was done playing her songs everyone stood up and applauded her, saying she was great, that she should consider singing professionally.

She thanked them, told them that once her training in the military was done she may ask for a three-month leave to start recording her songs and to go on the road for a bit playing at bars, and clubs that would have her. The talent scout approached Kimberly after the funeral, introducing himself as Bart, and told her that he wanted to sign her to a six month contract, that is when she told him that he would have to talk to her commanding officer at the base.

Bart told her that he would call and speak with her commanding officer about her taking some personal time to record her songs, as well as to go on the road for a few months. Kimberly told him that she had to finish training for a very important mission, that could not get away until she had completed this mission and Bart told her he understood that she could not abandon her mission.

Bart told her he would see if she could take leave from the military after her mission was done, Kimberly thanked him and told him that she was looking forward to recording her songs. Kimberly started to feel a bit shaky, so she excused herself and went looking for her brother John to let him know she was feeling and to ask him to make sure that she did not make herself sick after she had eaten.

When she found him and told him how she was feeling, he told her that she had better eat, that he would make sure she did not make herself sick after she had eaten and that he wanted to check her blood sugar before she ate. He went out to his car, returned with his bag and checked her blood sugar.

Then he told her she needed to be eating smaller meals through out the day so that she can keep her blood sugar at a good level because she may be hypoglycemic, then he explained to her what that was. She thanked him for being there when she needed him the most, he told her that he would always be there for her and that there was no need to thank him because that is what family is for.

He told her that although he had not been there when she needed him as a kid, that he wanted to make up for it now, she told him that he had nothing to make up for. He told her that he felt bad that even though he knew what was going on when she was younger, and did nothing to help her, therefore, he felt that he had to make it up to her.

She just smiled at him, told him that she was not going to argue because it would upset him if she did, and then asked him where everyone was. He told her that they had all gone to the wake for Paul at the reception hall, and that they would soon be going, but that he wanted to make sure she would be okay before they left.

She assured him that she would be okay once she had eaten something and relaxed for a bit, she told him that she thought the reason she was shaky is not only because she had not eaten but also because she had been nervous about singing. He told her, she did not show she was nervous while singing, but in fact had done such a great job that Bart was willing to speak to her commanding officer on the base about her taking leave for a bit.

She told John that she was nervous about recording and singing her songs for the whole world to hear, but knew that with the support of her family she would be fine. He told her that if he could be there when she was recording and singing her songs he would be, but that he had to finish his practicum and graduate.

He told her he was on the dean's honor role, and had been for the past six months, she smiled at him then told him that she was very proud of him. He told her that he was very proud of her as well for overcoming her fears and performing in public once again as she had when she was younger, and was in the choir at church. She told him that she had overcome it due to her military training, the love and support of both her biological family as well as her foster family.

He told her that she would also overcome her eating disorder with the love and support of both families, that all she had to do was ask for help as she had done that day. She told him that she did not want to die, and had learned from her research on the Internet that she could die if she kept on doing what she was. She then told him that she felt she was too damned young to die because there were things she had not yet done, that she wanted to do.

He asked her what she had not done yet, that she wanted to do and she told him, she had not been to Disneyland, Hawaii, Germany, that she had not been to Italy in a very long time and wanted to visit family there. That she wanted to go to Ireland, Scotland and France, she wanted to go to the UK to visit family there also and had not written any more songs, but that she wanted to do so because she loved to write.

When they arrived at the reception hall, Kimberly was greeted by friends and family wishing her well, letting her know that if she needed them all she had to do was call them and they would be there for her. She thanked them, let them know that once she was able to get time away from the base she would come home and sing in the local bar, and hoped that they would be there to see her sing.

They all told her that she would have made Paul proud if he were there to see his baby sister sing, and be approached by a talent scout. That she was willing to lay down her own life to protect and serve her country to keep it safe from terrorists.

She told them that she was serving her country for that reason and the fact that she was and still is proud to be an American citizen, but that she knew her family and friends would worry when she was called to active duty. While she was at the reception, she got a call on her cell, excused herself, went to a private room and took the call.

The call was from her commanding officer at the base saying that they needed her back as soon as she could get there, and that she needed to be in full uniform and ready to leave right away. She told him that she would be there as soon as she let her family know what was happening, and that she would be in full uniform and ready to go by the time she got there.

She asked for two more hours and her commanding officer told her she had one more hour and then had better be arriving at the base as soon after that as she was able to. She told him she would be there within the next four hours and ready to go when she got there, she also asked if there was anything she needed to bring with her when she got to the base.

He told her all she needed was her uniform on, her dog tags, and her weapons that she had been trained to use. She was trained to use a high powered rifle, her knife, and her sword, but was not sure she would need her sword. She went back to her family and friends then told them that she was sorry but could only stay for another hour and then had to get back to the base.

She told them she was called to duty and was not sure when she would be back, but did promise to write them as she could. They all wished her well and made her promise to try and safe, then each one of them gave her a hug before her brother John took her home to change, and from there they went to the airport where a plane was waiting to take her to the base.

She gave John a hug and a kiss on his cheek telling him she loves him and will miss him, he told her to be careful and to write as soon as she could. She promised him that she would do her best to stay safe, and write as soon as she could, but was not sure when she would be able to do so.

She also told him that when she could she would call him to see how everyone was doing, and make sure that dad did not worry too much about her. John laughed, gave her one more hug and kiss before putting her on the plane that was there to take her to the base. Once she arrived on the base she was told she would be going to Iraq to give their soldiers air support, and that it would be a dangerous mission.

She told her commanding officer she did not care that it would be dangerous as long as she could be promised that she would be able to call her families to let them know how she is doing once in a while during her being stationed there. She was told that she would be taking orders from her fellow officer whose nick name was Snake eyes, and was asked if she had a problem doing so.

She told her commanding officer that Snake eyes also known, as Billy was a good friend and that if she did not agree with an order he gave her she would tell him. Upon arriving on the SS Seahawk, the carrier where all pilots take off from and arrive for their meals, personal calls and mail, Kimberly checked in with the Colonel and told him she was supposed to speak with Snake eyes (Billy) and get her orders.

He told her that she could find Snake eyes in the dining room, and that she was to put her things in her quarters first, and had the gunnery sargeant show her to her quarters. She put her bags in her room, followed the gunnery sargeant to the dining room and found Snake eyes, told him who she was and he smiled at her saying that he knew who she was.
He gave her, her first order and she looked at him and told him to beat it or get beat that she does not kneel for any man. It was then that she realized she was not on a mission to help her fellow soldiers but to receive her training as a submissive. He told her once again to kneel before Him and she again told Him to beat it or get beat, it was then that He pushed her to her knees and told her that she was going to be punished for her disobedience.

She told him that she did not understand, she then told Him that she thought she was there to help give air support to her fellow soldiers. He told her she was there to get her training as a slave, and to offer air support to her fellow soldiers, but that she would be receiving her training as a slave in the evenings and during the day she would be giving air support unless otherwise ordered.

Kimberly told him that she thought that was unfair, that she had no idea she was to be trained as a slave to which Snake Eyes replied "Talking back are we now?"

Kimberly replied by saying "Sir, No Sir, I just thought that I was here to lend air support to my fellow officers, and nothing more Sir."

Billy (Snake eyes) told her "you will do what I say when I say it and not ask questions unless it is to clarify an order.


Kimberly jumped slightly at his sharp words and replied "Sir, yes Sir, I understand Sir."

He looked at her and smiled, saying that was a much better attitude, Kimberly did not dare to look at him for fear of upsetting him.

However, she did say "Sir, thank You Sir."

To which he replied for now on she was to call him Master at night and during the day she was to call him Sir. Kimberly being a brave, mouthy, sarcastic girl decided she could not hold back the laughter any more and started laughing hysterically. Her Master asked her what she found so funny, and she told him that she thought it was funny because she had come aboard the SS Seahawk expecting to be giving air support and nothing more.

Now she had gained a Master and was happy that it was One she trusted more than anything in the world was. He kept his fists on his hips and looked down at her again, telling her that it was no laughing matter because she was there to lend her fellow officers air support while they were in Iraq. She told him she was sorry and that she would accept whatever punishment he deemed fit for her indiscretions, and that she would try not to let it happen again.

He grabbed her and pulled her to her feet, brought her closer to him and kissed her deeply with love and passion, a passion she had never felt before. He broke the kiss gently and gave her a swat on the ass, telling her to get herself to bed because she had to be up early to lend air support to her fellow officers.

Keeping her eyes lowered, she raises her head just a bit and whispers "Thank You Master."

He kisses her long and deep again, but this time with more passion than the last, she looks at him and smiles after he gently breaks the kiss.

He asks her if she is happy that he is her Master, and she whispers, "Yes Master Snake Eyes, I am very happy and pleased that You chose me as Your slave."

He smiles and once again gives her a swat, telling her to get to bed so she would be alert and ready to go in the morning. When he went to wake her in the morning he was surprised to see she was not in her quarters, so he asked another soldier if he had seen Kimberly. When the soldier told him that Kimberly was talking to the Colonel, Snake Eyes was concerned because he knew Kimberly was nervous about being onboard and giving air support.

When he went to the Colonel's office, he knocked on the door and was told to enter. Snake Eyes asked to speak to Kimberly, and the Colonel dismissed them both, letting Kimberly know he would work on a place for her to do her workouts. Kimberly followed her Master out of the Colonel's office, keeping her head held high, eyes lowered, knowing she might be in trouble with her Master for not waiting in her quarters.

She followed Snake Eyes to his quarters where she was told to kneel before him she immediately did as she was told for fear of being punished severely if she did not. She knelt before him, head held high and proud, eyes lowered, knees parted, back straight, shoulders back, ass touching the floor, hands on thighs palms up showing her submission to him.

He told her that he was disappointed that she had not waited for him in her quarters, and asked why she had gone to see the Colonel. She told him, that it was because she was used to working out first thing in the morning and that there was no where for her to workout. She wanted to know if the Colonel might be able to help her find somewhere to workout and stay in shape, she then apologized for not doing as she was told.

He told her that she should be sorry for disobeying him, although she did not think it was a direct order to stay in her quarters she should have done so any way. She kept her eyes lowered, with barely a whisper she tells him that will not happen again, and that she will accept the punishment that he feels fits this particular discretion.

He told her to take her things off and fold them, then place them neatly on the floor by her feet. She did so quickly, yet with the grace and dignity of a good slave, knowing that if she did not obey his very words that her punishment could be prolonged.

He then told her to kneel before him with her back to him; she did so quickly, yet gracefully, as a good slave should. He told her to put her hands behind her, once she had done so he cuffed her hands behind her, leaned down and kissed her neck softly sending shivers down her spine.

He asked her if she had ever be given the belt, she told him that her foster father was the last one to have given her a swat with his belt. He asked her when the last time she had been given a swat with her dad's belt, and she told him that the last time she saw her dad that he had not used his belt but had used a whip.

He smiled and nipped her neck, slowly moving down to her shoulders sending more shivers down her back, which made him wonder if she was cold or nervous. Billy asked her if she was cold or nervous, and she replied by telling him that she was nervous, even after he had told her that he would do nothing to hurt her.

He releases her hands and tell her to move her hair aside and lower her head, she does so quickly and he places a collar around her neck and attaches a leash to the collar. He grabs her leash, leads her over to a post in the corner of his quarters, she bites her lower lip, while he wraps her leash around the post and fastens it back to her collar so her nose is against the post.

He pulls out a set of cold steel handcuffs, while he does so she bites her tongue, and then he cuffs her hands above her head around the post. She thinks to herself, I wonder what I have done now to get in trouble, as he takes His foot and roughly pushes her feet back so she is bent at the waist.

He then takes His foot and spreads her feet wide apart, as he does so, she feels her body tremble slightly wondering what she has done to get herself in trouble. She hears the sound of His belt being unbuckled; she then hears the distinctive sound of a belt being slipped quickly through the belt loops of a pair of denim jeans.

She sees the belt tossed to the floor beneath her, as she hears the sound of a zipper being pulled down she continues to bite her tongue.

She hears a pair of jeans being slipped down a strong pair of thighs, then she hears the sound of footsteps coming toward her from behind, and as she hears the footsteps she bites her lower lip. She feels something rubbing against her slit from behind as his hands grab her hips roughly, she bites her lip again and with a hard thrust and He enters her from behind.

He starts to pump hard and fast, with each thrust, He pulls her hips back hard, she can feel her arms getting sore as she bites her upper lip. His thrusts get harder...faster, and as they do so a low growl escapes his throat as he fucks her from behind, he knows she is holding back a soft moan.

He feels her muscles contract around His manhood, he continues to thrust hard and fast, as she continues to hold back her moans, he tells her "Do NOT cum, havoc, until I tell you to."

She whimpers as she whispers to him, "yes Master." He pumps harder and faster, pulling her hips back with each inward thrust, as he does so she bites her lower lip holding back the moans wanting to cum.

He smacks her ass hard and quickly as he feels her longing, yet he will not stop. She can feel herself longing, waiting, hoping He will soon give her permission to cum, as if he can feel her thoughts he closes His eyes as His own release is imminent. He growls with pleasure at his little sub as she will not cum until he gives her permission, he continues to fuck her hard and fast.

She continues to hold back the moans and hopes, waits for Him to give her permission to cum, he cums hot and deep inside her. He continues to pump harder, faster and finally he tells her "NOW, havoc! You may cum!!" She lets out a soft moan as she cums, feeling her body tremble at her own orgasm, while he continues to fuck her slowing as He releases inside of her. She continues to feel her body tremble with her own orgasm letting out a soft growl, he smacks her ass, again and again.

She continues to feel her body tremble with orgasm as she says "thank You Master Snake Eyes."

He asks her, "You loved that, didn't you?." Her final reply was, "yes Master Snake Eyes."

He releases her hands, unfastens her leash and allows her to stand upright, she stands upright keeping her eyes lowered as she once again whispers, "thank You Master Snake Eyes."

Billy pulls her to him and kisses her deep and with such passion she feels her knees getting weak, sensing that she is feeling this way he slowly breaks the kiss. He looks at her and gives her a swat on the ass making her jump slightly at the stinging from it, and whispers in her ear that next time she disobeys one of his orders she will be severely punished.

He tells her she has to write in a journal at least once a week, even if all she writes is I have nothing to say. She tells him she is not good at writing in a journal and had been told that she needs to do so because of her past eating disorders, he reminds her that if she does not she will be severely punished for disobeying an order that he has given her.

She tells him that she will do her best, to which he replies that her best is all he is asking from her and that as long as she writes something in it she will not be punished. She told him she had a question and he told her to go ahead and ask, she asked him if she would be punished for anything that she writes in her journal.

He told her that her journal was a place to write her inner most feelings, fears and thoughts, therefore she would not be punished. She smiled at him while keeping her eyes lowered and thanked him for allowing her to cum and asked permission to return to her duties. He told her she was to shower, get dressed and report to him in the dining room for her orders.

She quickly jumped in the shower for five minutes, got dried off and dressed, went to the dining room and found her master waiting for her along with a half dozen other men. They were told what their orders were and that because Kimberly who was to be called havoc during any and all missions was a second lieutenant that they would be taking their orders from her, and that she was going to be getting her orders from himself.

A few of the guys bitched about having to take orders from a woman, but were quickly reprimanded and told if they had a problem with it that they were to take it up with the Colonel who was in a bad enough mood as it was. They were told the Colonel was in a bad mood due to having found out they were to be stationed there another six months, with only a select few to be sent home to attend to family matters.

They were told it would be based on rank and a few of the guys again bitched because they knew that meant that they would not be able to go and tend to their family matters. They were told once those who had gone to tend to family matters had returned those that had not gone home would be sent home for a short period of time to tend to their family business.

They were then dismissed and told to get ready to deploy and to remember while up in the air they were to maintain radio silence unless told otherwise, except in emergency situations. They looked to each other then went to give Kimberly a friendly swat on the ass and when Billy saw the first guy do it. They were all warned to keep their hands off her because she was his slave girl and not to be messed with in any way, shape or form.

They all chuckled and nodded to him, letting him know they will not let anyone or anything hurt her, and he told them to see that nothing happens to her while on this mission or it would be their butts on the line. Kimberly told him that she was nervous about going on this mission and why she was nervous, he told her to play it safe and nothing would happen to her.

She promised to play it safe but could not shake the feeling that something was going to happen to her or one of her fellow pilots. When it was time to take off, she looked at her master and whispered to him that she loves him and will til the end of time, still unable to shake that feeling that something was going to happen.

She was the first jet in line to take off, once in the air her fellow pilots followed her in formation and were told to maintain radio silence unless it was an emergency or she told them otherwise.

They were in the air less than ten minutes before Kimberly got what was known as an unfriendly aircraft on her tail and could not shake him, she radioed for Sports Man and Tank to help her get rid of the boggy. She dodged left, right, pulled up hard and tried to lose the enemy in the hills but was unable to, she felt her right engine give out and realized she had been hit.

She radioed "mayday, mayday I've been hit," and tried to find a place to land but was unsuccessful at doing so, it was then that she knew it was either eject or die. She chose to eject and hope for the best, when she pulled the ejection lever the canopy refused to open so she had to manually push it open and pull the lever again.

Once she had gotten clear of the jet, she tried to steer her parachute to a field where there was enough cover to keep her hidden from the enemy. Sports Man and Tank knew where she radioed from and tried to see if they could spot any sign of the plane but some bushes had hidden it, so they could not see anything.

They radioed the carrier and told the Colonel and Billy what had happened and were ordered not to stop looking for her, they were told to try and find a place to land but to make sure and cover their jets so that the enemy would not find them.

Kimberly walked for what felt like miles when she saw a village, but was not sure she wanted to go check it out because of the feeling she still could not shake. She thought she heard someone and hid in the bushes, only to be grabbed from behind and was pushed to her knees, blindfolded and her hands bound behind her.

She knew then and there that she was going to be taken prisoner of war, tortured and if she were lucky they would not kill her. She was taken to a camp where she was put in a cage with other Americans, the blindfold removed, her hands were released from the rope that had bound them. She tried to see where she was and who if anyone else was there with her, but she was unable to do so.

She was tired, scared and cold so she curled up and tried to go to sleep but her sleep was fitful, restless because she was scared and cold. When morning came she was told to get up and pulled out of the cage, taken to a building where she was told to remove her clothes and put on what looked like a rag. She did as she was told because she did not want to anger whoever was speaking to her, once she had the dirty dress that looked like a rag on she was taken to another building where she was taken to a post and tied to it.

She was asked what she was doing there, she only gave her name, rank and serial number and was told she would talk or be tortured in public for all to see what happens when an American soldier does not do answer questions. She continued to give her name, rank and serial number despite being whipped, having cold water dumped over her head, and being shocked with some form of electrical device.

She was beginning to see why it was important that she not know the full aspects of the mission she and her fellow pilots were on. She was led back to the cage with her hands and feet bound, pushed in and the other soldiers were told to leave her alone that they were not done with her just yet and that they would be back for her shortly.

The other American soldiers asked her if she was okay and what they had done to her, when she told them she was told that she was doing the right thing even though she may not have thought so. When her captors came for her she was pulled roughly to her feet and taken to some posts in the center of the village for all to see her be tortured until she gave them what they wanted to know.

Her hands were tied to the posts and her legs were spread and tied to the posts, then she was whipped mercilessly, cold water was dumped over her and yet she still would not give anything but her name, rank and serial number. All of a sudden there was a loud voice telling the men that were whipping her and dumping cold water on her to stop and take her down from the posts where she was bound.

It turned out to be their leader, he wanted to take Kimberly to his home and use her for his personal slave, but she did not know this until she was taken there and given a warm bath, fresh clothes and a hot home cooked meal.

Once she learned why she was there she said that she would rather be whipped and tortured in front of the village than to be his personal slave, but he would not hear of it saying she was to beautiful to be treated in such a manner. She was told she would do as she was told or not only be beaten by him, but also by his right hand man and when she saw his right hand man.

She thought what her master would want her to do, so she decided to go along with what this man wanted until she could find a way to leave without being killed. She was ordered to her knees and told she would please him and his right hand man that very night, she kept her eyes lowered as she had been told by her master and did as she was told.

She knelt before him, head held high and proud, eyes lowered, knees parted, back straight, shoulders back, ass touching the cold floor, hands on her thighs palms up for him to inspect her. He walked around her several times before stopping in front of her, leaning down and touching her breasts, then slowly moved his hands down to her cunny, she kept perfectly still and did not make a sound.

She was told to disrobe and place her clothes on the chair beside her, she did so in a timely fashion kneeling once more in front of him so that he could get a better look at her. She was scared and did her best not to show how she was feeling for fear of making him angry, he looked down at her smiling, then he told her to lay back while remaining on her knees.

She was glad that she was still in training and was as flexible as she was she leaned back and put her hands back on her thighs palms up keeping her knees parted. She was told to call this person Muhammed, and that she would do as he told her knowing that if she did not that he would beat her with his belt, then tied to the bed and gagged for the remainder of the day.

She did not say anything at first then she looked at him saying yes Sir, he smiled down at her. He kneeled over her sliding his cock into her mouth telling her that she would suck his cock until he told her to stop and then he was going to fuck her ass until she could not take it any more.
She sucked his cock til he told her to stop, he grabbed her and told her to get on all fours so he could fuck her ass hard and fast making her beg for more. She did as she was told but would not cum, cry or beg him to be harsher with her. She did not want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry, or beg and she knew that to cum would surely have made her master very angry if he had not given her permission to do so.

She was told to suck Muhammed's right hand mans cock while Muhammed was fucking her ass, and she refused because her mouth was still sore from sucking Muhammed's cock. Muhammed then grabbed her by the hair and led to the bed where she was tied spread eagle, gagged and blindfolded being told her cunny would soon be sore from being beaten with Muhammed's belt.

Muhammed told her that his right hand mans name was Yahmmin and that she was to answer him by saying "yes Yahmmin Sir" or be beaten and tortured til she did as she was told. She was unable to answer due to the gag and respectfully nodded her head acknowledging the fact that she had heard Muhammed. When Kimberly heard Yahmmin speak for the first time she knew who he really was and felt a bit better knowing that she hopefully had a friend to help her escape from her captors.

Muhammed took his belt and beat Kimberly's tender cunny, and occasionally the belt would hit her breasts catching the nipples, and it had even landed a few times across her stomach. She knew that if she did not cry out soon it may anger Muhammed, but she was a stubborn soldier not to mention a stubborn slave and did not want to show her pain nor her fears to anyone.

Muhammed stopped when he saw her cunny become a bright red, and walked to Kimberly, leaned down, asked her if she was going to do as she was told or needed to be punished. He removed the gag and waited for her answer, she told him that she would do as she was told and asked if she could have a drink of water.

Yahmmin got Kimberly a glass of nice cold water and helped her sit up so she could drink it, and told her that he wanted to fuck her mouth, she told him that she needed to use the washroom first.

He released her from the bed, took her to the washroom, took the blindfold off and when she saw that Yahmmin was actually Hulkster she was relieved. He told her that when the time was right he would help her to escape but that for now she was to do as she was told or face the most severe of punishments he had seen Muhammed give out. Kimberly as scared as she was decided to go ahead and ask what that particular punishment was.

When Yahmmin a.k.a. Hulkster told her that it was to be hung spread eagle and her hands tied to the same posts she was tied to before upside down she got more nervous than she already was. She agreed to do what she was told in order to avoid that particular punishment even though she was the kind of soldier who did sit-ups while hanging upside down.

Muhammed was happy to hear she would do as she was told, then told her she was to please him while he was eating his dinner. He then told her that if she pleased him she would be given something to eat but that if she did not she would be punished severely for not pleasing him. She looked at him and all she could do was say yes Sir, and he told her to get on her knees and suck his cock while he ate his dinner.

Kimberly not wanting to suffer any more pain did as she was told but after a while her jaw started to get sore. Muhammed still was not done his dinner, so she stopped and asked to use the washroom, he told her to hurry up and get back to pleasing him. Kimberly was not given a chance to get any sleep that night because Muhammed wanted her to suck his cock so he could fuck her until she was unable to walk.

He wanted to make sure she would not try to escape from him because she was pretty and could fetch a fair price should he decide he wanted to sell her. He told Yahmmin that he did not want to sell her just yet until she had shown how well she could serve Yahmmin. Kimberly over heard them talking and remembered that Yahmmin a.k.a. Hulkster would help her escape when the time was right, she went back to Muhammed and he told her that she was to please Yahmmin right then and there even if her jaw was sore.

She knelt before Yahmmin, head held high and proud, shoulders back, back straight, eyes lowered, knees parted, ass touching the cold floor, hands on the thighs palms up. She was ready to please him knowing that if he wanted to he could fuck her cunny or her ass and there was nothing she could do because it was he that would help her escape when the time was right.

He told her to suck his cock til it was hard, she took his cock into her mouth, sucked, licked and sucked it more til it was hard, Yahmmin then pulled it out and made her lay back so he could fuck her cunny hard and fast. With each thrust Yahmmin made Kimberly cried out in pain yet she enjoyed it and Yahmmin knew she was enjoying it and told her not to cum until she was told.

He did not allow her to cum the first three times he fucked her cunny, but the fourth time he allowed her to cum, and felt her body shake with her orgasms. She had held back for so long that they were built up and when she was able to release she let out a growl here and there making Yahmmin smack her ass hard. When Yahmmin was done fucking her she was taken and given a warm bath, some clean clothes once again and a hot meal before being tied to the bed for the night.

She was told that they would fuck her mouth, cunny and ass as they wanted throughout the night and that she would let them because she would be beaten in public for disobeying them should she not do as she was told. Her sleep or rather what little sleep she did get was not peaceful due to them waking her at ungodly hours to fuck her mouth, cunny and ass and making her cry out in pain yet pleasure.

Kimberly could not understand why she was enjoying the way they were treating her and in the morning when she was taken to have a bath she was left alone to wash herself and get dressed. When she got out of the tub she stood in front of the mirror and chided herself calling herself a bitch, slut and whore for enjoying what they were doing to her because she knew in her heart of hearts that what they were doing was wrong.

She did not know why she liked what they were doing, nor did she know if she wanted to because she was scared to admit to anyone that she actually enjoyed it.

She took a look around to see if anyone was in the house, seeing only Yahmmin with his back turned to her she ran out the back door and into the bushes where again she was grabbed from behind only this time it was Sports Man and Tank. Not knowing it was Sports Man and Tank, Kimberly put up a fight but because she had been beaten so severely and had not yet eaten she did not have enough strength to continue fighting.

She passed out and Sports Man threw her over his shoulder, took her back to their camp to get something to eat and some medical treatment before the chopper came to pick her up taking her back to the naval carrier. They asked her how she managed to get away and when she told them that Yahmmin a.k.a. Hulkster was the only one there and he had his back to her so she took the opportunity to run.

When she was asked where she got the bruises and welts she refused to answer because she knew that the Colonel and Billy would be asking her the same questions upon her return to the USS Seahawk. Sports Man and Tank were worried about her though because she could barely walk let alone the fact she had not eaten much and what she had eaten she threw up.

They asked her if she was okay, but when she did not answer but curled up and went to sleep they knew something was wrong because she usually did not sleep during the day. When the chopper came Sports Man and Tank had a hard time waking Kimberly, so they decided they would carry her to the chopper and put her in then they climbed in to sit with her while she was being taken back to the USS Seahawk.

When she woke up in the chopper she was scared, confused and did not know what was going on, so Sports Man explained that she was being taken back to the USS Seahawk to debrief the Colonel and Billy. Once they arrived back aboard the USS Seahawk, medical staff that was there to escort her to the medical office greeted Kimberly, when she arrived in the medical office the doctor and Billy were there waiting for her.

The doctor told Billy that he wanted to examine Kimberly alone, but she would not have that she was screaming about being left alone with him and demanded that Billy stay.

To help ease whatever had her scared Billy agreed to stay while the doctor examined her, and when the doctor did an internal exam to make sure she did not have any damage done from being beaten and tortured he looked at Billy and nodded his head. Kimberly did not understand what was happening, she started crying, and demanded to know what was going on and when she was told she may be pregnant she did not know how that could be because she had not had sex with anyone.

She told them that she had not had sex with anyone and therefore did not understand how it is that she could be with child. Billy smiled at her and reminded her that they had sex the day she left on the mission she and her fellow officers were on. She blushed a deep crimson red, and chided herself for forgetting something that was so wonderful and apologized to Billy for forgetting.

He looked at her and told her it was okay because she had been through a lot he did not expect her to remember much of anything right away. He told her that the Colonel wanted to see her and the doctor told him that it would have to wait because Kimberly was severely dehydrated, and needed rest or she would be no good to anyone.

Kimberly was adamant about seeing the Colonel and when the doctor went to touch her she started freaking out, Billy had to grab her and hold her while the doctor gave her something to calm down. Kimberly was told that she was on strict bed rest for the next three days and would receive a series of tests to see if she was with child and if she had picked up any diseases while being held captive.

They then put her to bed and let her get some rest, but Kimberly did not rest easily despite being given a sedative because she kept seeing what had happened to her and it deeply disturbed her to the point she woke up screaming. Billy had placed a guard outside her quarters to ensure she did not try to go anywhere, but the guard was out cold when Billy came to check on her.

When Billy found her she was in the mess hall doing push ups, sit ups, chin ups and was shadow boxing. When she turned to go get a glass of water Billy was there and scared her half to death, saying she should be in bed resting like the doc said.

Kimberly being stubborn told him she was unable to rest and needed to do something to keep from going crazy. Billy told her that if she were with child she should be resting so that nothing happened to the unborn child she may be carrying, but Kimberly told him that unless she knew for sure that she was with child she did not see any reason to rest.

Billy told her to go and have a shower, get dressed and meet him at the Colonels office, she lowered her eyes and barely whispers to him "yes Master Snake Eyes."

He looks at her, grabs her, pulls him to her and kisses her deeply, then as he breaks the kiss he looks to her saying "I am proud of you My havoc for not giving under pressure," then told her to go and have her shower.

She went to her quarters, grabbed a clean uniform, had a nice hot shower, got dried off and dressed, tossed her dirty uniform on the floor in her quarters then went to meet Billy in the Colonels office.

She arrived at the Colonels office, knocked on the door and when she was told to enter she said "Second lieutenant Kimberly Johnson reporting as ordered Sir."

The Colonel looked at her, smiled and said, "At ease soldier."

When she seemed to be at ease the Colonel asked if she was up to answering some questions, she told the Colonel she would do her best to answer them but that she may be a bit fuzzy on details. He told her that was fine, that as long as she answered as best she could he would be satisfied, and that if need be when they could they would get her to mainland to tend to family matters and possibly see the shrink they have on duty there.

The first question they asked was what happened, when she told them that she had to manually push the canopy open and then pull the eject lever again, then she tried to land in the bushes and it was there that she was grabbed. She was forced to her knees, blindfolded, hands bound behind her and taken to some village, thrown in a cage with other American soldiers where the blindfold was removed and her hands freed from the rope that had bound them.

She was grabbed in the morning, told to strip and put on what looked like a dirty rag to her, her hands bound again and pulled up by a rope til she was hanging by her wrists. She was whipped, had cold water dumped on her and an electrical device of some sort was used on her to shock her. She told the Colonel all she gave was her name, rank and serial number despite the amount of pain she was in.

She was then taken down and tied to posts spread eagle to be whipped and tortured in front of the village and her fellow prisoners to show what happens when an American soldier does not answer their questions. She then said their leader Muhammed told them to stop and take her down, they did so only for her to be taken to his house where she was bathed, given some clean clothes and a hot meal.

She said after that everything became a blur and that she was sorry for not being of more help, but the Colonel said she had done fine and was dismissed to go see the doctor. Billy told her to stay in her quarters when she had seen the doctor so that they could talk because he was worried about her, she promised she would see the doctor but that she did not wish to stay in her quarters.

Billy called in the young naval officer that had been told to guard her room, told him to lock the door once she was inside and to not open the door for anyone until he got there. Billy then called Kimberly back in and told her she was to go see the doctor, use the head (washroom) and go straight to her quarters where he would meet her later.

She was also told to let the guard know if she needed to use the head, that he would escort her there and back to her quarters. She looked at him, nodded her head and left to go see the doctor mumbling under her breath about feeling like she was once again a prisoner of war.

She saw the doctor and was told she was with child, that she needed to be eating smaller meals more frequently, and get lots of rest or she would lose the child. She asked if there was a way to find out how far along she was but was told they would have to wait until she was on the mainland where she could get an ultrasound done.

She told him that she wanted to tell Billy that she was with child and that she would let him know what she was going to do once she knew how far along she was.

Kimberly then went and used the head (washroom), to her quarters and laid on her bed crying because she did not know who the father would be. She was not ready to raise a child just yet because she was still a kid herself or at least that is what she kept being told by her foster brothers. When the young officer heard her crying he asked if she was okay, she told him she was fine but was not feeling well and would he take her to the head.

He opened the door and escorted her to the head, and back to her quarters, once she was back in her quarters he locked the door again leaving Kimberly to cry and try to think about what to do. Billy arrived at her quarters about a half hour later to find her still crying and asked what was wrong, when she told him, he looked at her and told her all would be okay as long as she did as the doctor had told her.

She told him she would do what she was told until they knew who the father was, how far along she was and had made a decision as to what she was going to do. She then went topside to make a call from the deck, called her family and told them she would be home as soon as they could get a chopper to take her to the nearest base, catch a plane and would call them when she arrived back in the states.

John asked her if she was okay, she told him that she would tell everyone what was going on when she arrived home to tend to some personal matters including spending time with the family. She was then told that they needed her, she bid her brother a quick good-bye and went to see what the Colonel and Billy wanted.

She was surprised when she was told she was going home the next day and that she had 3 weeks to get everything in order and then would be shipped back to the USS Seahawk. She was then ordered to her quarters to get her things together and then go to the mess hall to get something to eat. She was told after she was done there that she was to go straight to her quarters to get some rest, and that they would wake her when the chopper was there to take her to the mainland.

She went back to her quarters, packed her things, went to the mess hall, ate and went straight to bed because she was emotionally exhausted. She went straight to sleep, but her sleep was a restless one because she kept seeing Muhammed, Yahmmin and the others that had beat her and tortured her, then hearing the doctor say she was pregnant did not help matters any.

When Billy was told she was crying, he ran down the stairs, to her quarters, unlocked the door. When he saw her curled up in a ball in the corner he went to her but could not get close enough to hold her because she kept swinging her fists when he would try to get close to her.

He told her who he was and she got up, ran to him and threw her arms around him crying, he took her to the bed, sat on the edge with her and asked what was troubling her. She told him that every time she closed her eyes she could see what had happened to her and then hearing the doctor tell her she was pregnant were what was troubling her. He told her that he would be there for her no matter what she decided to do about the baby and that he loves her.

He promised to sit with her til she fell asleep, and she looked up at him, smiled then closed her eyes to try and get some sleep before going home in the morning. When Kimberly had fallen asleep Billy pulled up a chair and stayed with her for the night, just in case she woke up crying again and needed someone to comfort her.

In the morning Kimberly got up, showered, got dressed and tried to eat something before the chopper picked her to take her to the mainland to catch a plane home. She spent the better part of an hour talking to Billy before the chopper arrived to take her to the mainland. She told him that she was scared to tell her family she was pregnant and has a hard choice to make because she was sure they might not understand what happened to her.

When she got on the chopper, she started crying because she was scared to tell her family what had happened for fear they may request that she stay back on the mainland, and she did not want to stay on the mainland. Upon arriving on the mainland she was met by an MP, and told her father had been rushed to hospital, and that once the chopper was fueled up they would take her there.

She told the MP to take her to the C/O on the base, she met with him and told him what had happened, then asked if she could take a jet to the nearest airport and then get an escort from there. She was told she could take a jet but to remember she had to request emergency landing at the airport and if it was not given to press for it.

Then if need be to land any way and explain to them the reason for defying their orders not to land. She promised to let him know how her dad was so he could radio the SS Seahawk and tell Billy what was happening, in case she was not back in time for regular duties. He promised her that he would tell Billy everything when she had updated him on her fathers condition, as well as her own condition.
She was surprised that he knew she was pregnant, and did not know what to say other than "Thank You Sir."

To which He replied "There is no need to thank me, as I understand family emergencies all too well."

She smiled at him, requested permission to take off and he granted it to her. Once she checked the jet over, she fired it up and requested permission from the tower to take off, once it was granted she took off and hit mach two in order to get to the nearest airport to her home before her father passed away.

Once she arrived close to the airport she radioed them and told them that she need emergency clearance to land, was told that she was to land on runway two where a car was waiting to take her to see her father. She turned off the engines, but before doing so she checked the fuel level because she knew that going mach two could burn up a lot of fuel.

She then checked the equipment to make sure it was all reading properly, asked the tower to see if someone could fuel the jet while she was gone, but that no one was to climb in and do any adjustments to it. She also asked if there was a way to make sure that it was safe because she had heard there were problems on occasion with leaving a military jet on civilian runways.

Upon arriving at the hospital, she was greeted by her brothers told her that their dad was not doing too good and was hooked up to machines to help him breathe.

They wanted to warn her so that she would not be shocked because they knew how she felt when Paul died, and knew that when dad died she would be very upset. When she entered the room, she started crying because it was hard for her to see the man who had once been so strong and loving laying there dying.

She went to his bedside and sat there holding his hand telling him she was there for him, when he opened his eyes she could see that he did not want to be hooked up to the machines any longer. She told him that she loves him and that she understands that he no longer wished to kept alive by the machines any longer, then she told him that she would talk to the boys about taking him off the machines.

She also told him that she was with child and was going to have a hard time deciding what to do depending on how far along she was. Her dad looked at her with tears in his eyes knowing that if she did have the child that he would not be there to watch him or her grow up.

When dad had fallen asleep again Kimberly gave him a kiss on his forehead and went to talk to the boys about taking him off the machines, telling them that she could see in his eyes that he no longer wished to be kept alive by artificial means. They asked if she was sure that she wanted to take him off the machines, but she told them it was not what they wanted that mattered any more because dad was always the strong one.

It was now time for them to be the strong, brave ones and do what dad wanted, they told her to go sit with dad while they went to find the doctor and explain this to him and see what he says about taking dad off the machines. Kimberly went back and curled up by her dad with her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat, knowing it would not be long before it would stop beating and that she would be crying like a baby.

When the boys returned with the doctor, Kimberly was asleep with her head still on dad's chest and the boys decided to have the doctor wait til she was awake to take dad off the machines. Kimberly woke up to find the doctor and the boys in the room with her, when she had woken up a bit more the doctor asked her if she was serious about taking her dad off the machines and she told him that she was.

Just then her dad woke up and she looked at him, told him that she had told the boys and the doctor that she wanted to take him off the machines. The doctor could see in her dad's eyes that he no longer wanted to be on the machines, told Kimberly and the boys that it would be a hard time for them all but that they needed to know if it was what they truly wanted.

Kimberly told the doctor that it is not what they wanted to do but that it was not fair to keep dad alive and suffering in pain any more. She also told the doctor that it was dad who had always been the strong one and it was now time for the kids to be the brave, strong ones that dad had raised.

The doctor asked Kimberly and the boys if they had given thought to donating their dad's organs, and Kimberly thought it would be a good idea, so the boys agreed to do just that. The doctor turned off the machines and Kimberly curled up again with her head on dad's chest, crying, telling him that she loves him and that everyone will miss him very much.

She also told him that she would tell the boys what was happening with her and the difficult choices she had to make, that she would be sure to keep the good times she had with him in her heart. It was only a few short moments after the doctor removed her dad from the machines before he passed away, and Kimberly started crying again.

It took the boys a few minutes to get her to leave and when she did, she turned to go back in and curl up with her dad. Only to have John and Mark grab her, hold her and tell her that they knew it was hard for her to let their dad go. She glared at them and told them that they did not know how she was feeling, what she was going through or the tough decisions she had to make before returning to duty.

Just as she was about to curl up with her dad again, the boys grabbed her, held her, telling her that they would get through this together. Kimberly finally collapsed in Johns arms, he carried her to the car, put her in the back seat, climbed in beside her and told Mark to drive them home so he could put Kimberly to bed and let her rest for a bit.

When they got home, John carried Kimberly upstairs and put her in Paul's old room, covered her up, kissed her forehead, and left the room shutting the door quietly letting Kimberly rest for a bit. When she woke up, she looked around the room, found a t-shirt of Paul's that she liked to wear on occasion, some shorts and a pair of her runners, got dressed, stretched and went downstairs.

When she got downstairs John asked her where she thought she was going and she told him that she was going for a run, but when she got back that she needed to talk to him about something very important. John told her that the doctor from the SS Seahawk had just called to let her know about an appointment she had, and that he wanted to talk to her before she went for her run, but Kimberly was already gone by the time he mentioned the doctor calling.

Kimberly had her cell phone, discman and a couple of her favorite work out cd's with her so that she could enjoy her run, yet not have to worry about missing any important calls. She had been gone for about forty-five minutes when her phone rang, it was John asking her when she was going to be home, she told him that she was just on her way back and should be there in fifteen minutes.

He told her that she had an appointment with the hospital in an hour and that he wanted to go with her but she told him that it was something she must do alone. John was just as stubborn as Kimberly was, but Kimberly would not budge on this matter, telling John it was a personal matter and that she did not want anyone to be there with her, but instead would tell him what was going on when she returned from her appointment.

When Kimberly arrived at home, she ran up the stairs, jumped in the shower, got dressed and went to the hospital for her appointment. When she got there she was told to change for her ultrasound, once she was changed into the hospital gown, she was taken into the exam room, and the ultrasound was done.

Once the ultrasound was finished, Kimberly asked how far along she was and when she was told that she was two and a half months along, she knew that Billy was the father of the child she was carrying.

She also knew that she had to tell him right away and make a decision about whether or not she was going to keep the baby, give it up for adoption or have an abortion. She remembered how she felt when she was eighteen and had to have the abortion she had then due to having cancer of the cervix and not wanting to die or lose the baby either.

She thanked the technician that did the ultrasound for telling her how far along she was, and got changed back to her own clothes, went outside had a cigarette, and then called Billy to let him know what was happening. When she was able to reach Billy, she told him that he is the father of the baby, and that they needed to talk before she went back to the SS Seahawk so that she could decide what she wanted to do.

She told him about her dad passing away, that she had to plan the funeral, pick out the songs to sing, sing at the funeral, and decide what to do about being pregnant. He told her that he would see her at the funeral, that they would talk more after the funeral about the baby and that no matter her decision he would be there to support her.

When Kimberly arrived home John was waiting at the door for her knowing that she would be upset when she had heard that there was an accident on the SS Seahawk. Kimberly saw John standing there, with a look like he had lost his best friend, and when she asked what happened she knew that she would not like his answer.

He took her in his arms when she figured out that something had happened to yet another that she loved so dearly because she started crying. She asked who had died this time and John told her that Billy had been hurt in an accident on the SS Seahawk during a routine training mission.

Kimberly asked John what had happened and when he told her that during what was to be a routine landing. Billy lost control of his jet and landed in the ocean but that he was alive, giving the doctor a hard time and telling the Colonel that he wanted to come for dad's funeral. Kimberly asked if Billy was really okay, John told her that he had a broken arm.

He told her that Billy would still be able to give her a swat on the ass if she did not listen to what the doctor had told her earlier that day before she left to come home. Kimberly told John to sit down that she had something to tell him and that she was not sure he would be too happy about what it was she had to tell him.

John sat in one of the wooden kitchen chairs that dad had said he would sand and repaint one day, then Kimberly sat across from him, told him she was two and a half months pregnant with Billy's child. Well, if you could have seen the look on John's face, you would have thought someone had killed his best friend because he was worried that Kimberly may not be able to carry the child full term if she decided to go through with having the child.

He told her that he was concerned about her carrying the child to term with her having had anorexia and bulimia when she was a child. She told him that she had been doing good with that, that she has been writing in her journal daily, if not every other day, told Billy when she was not feeling well and when she thought she wanted to be sick after eating.

She promised to take it easy, follow the doctor's orders to a "T" and rest when she felt tired if she decided to go through with the pregnancy. John asked her what she wanted to do, and to be honest because he would be there to support her no matter what she decided to do. She told him that she has to speak with Billy, see what he wanted to do, tell him what she wanted, and go from there.

Kimberly told John that she needed to go have a shower, get dressed, start making the funeral arrangements and then pick out songs to sing at dad's funeral. John told her that Mark was up in dad's room going through things to give away, Kimberly jumped up, ran up the stairs and started yelling at Mark, telling him that he had no right to go through dad's things without talking to her and John first.

Mark told her he was sorry if he had upset her, but that he did not think she would be up to the task of going through dad's things and did not want her to have to do things alone. She told Mark that she was more than up to the task at hand, and would like to go through dad's things, pick out a suit for him to wear, then find something dad had told her she was to get for her birthday that year.

John and Mark left Kimberly to go through their dad's things after telling her that if she needed them all she had to do was shout and they would come running back upstairs to help her. She told them that she would be fine, went to the storage closet, pulled out some boxes and started packing dad's things in them after checking the pockets of his pants, suit jackets and dress shirts.

She found a piece of paper with an address on it, put it aside, continued to check pockets, placing each item of clothing in the box, when she found one of her dad's favorite dress shirts she put it on and buttoned it up to feel closer to him. She found another suit that she thought would look good on dad for the funeral, checked the pockets, pulled out an envelope with her name on it, tucked it away to look at later and found another envelope with her name on it once again.

She was wondering why her dad had these envelopes with her name on them in his suits, and decided to sit on the bed, open them and read the letters. When she opened the one envelope, she was shocked to see a large sum of money enclosed with a letter to her, she opened the letter and started crying. She curled up on dad's bed, reading the letter and fell asleep for a bit, when she woke up John and Mark were in the room worried because they had not heard from her in a while.

She told them that she was reading a letter that dad had written to her about her biological mother, telling her that she would have been proud of what a beautiful young lady Kimberly had grown up to be. Both Mark and John agreed that her biological mom would be proud of what beautiful young lady she had grown up to be.

They also told her that her mom would also be proud of her for getting help when she needed it, and most of all that she was serving her country as best she could. She told them that she needed to talk to them about something that had happened while she was in Iraq, and that they may not like what she had to say.

Mark and John suggested they order some Chinese food for supper and talk while they were eating, Kimberly agreed that would be a good idea. She told them that she needed to have a shower, get changed because she had not yet had a shower since returning home from her run earlier that day. They told her to go have her shower, get dressed, that they would meet her downstairs, and asked her what she wanted to order. She told them that she wanted ginger chicken, curried beef, curried chicken, fried rice, lobster and cream corn soup, some stir fried vegetables and some sweet and sour pork.

Just as she was about to jump in the shower Billy called and asked to speak with her, she picked up the phone in her dad's room, told John that he could hang up the phone downstairs. Kimberly talked to Billy for about a half-hour, telling him that she had just read a letter her dad wrote to her about her biological mother, and the money he had enclosed with the letter.

Billy told her that he would be in town the following day to spend some time with her and the boys, that when he got there they would talk about the baby and what she wanted to do. He told her that he wanted to keep the baby, but would understand if she did not want to keep it or if she wanted to have an abortion.

Kimberly told him that she did not want to have an abortion because she remembers how she felt when she had the one she had to have when she was only eighteen due to having cancer of the cervix, and he told her that he understood. He asked if she was okay, when Kimberly told him that she was doing okay, he told her that he did not believe her because she sounded upset.

Kimberly told him that she misses him and her father, but other than that she was fine, that she could not wait to see him. Billy asked her what she was wearing and when she told him that she was wearing shorts, a t-shirt and her dad's shirt, Billy told her that when he got there that she was to be wearing nothing and in bed or she would be punished.

He then asked if he had made himself clear, and she told him that she understood and would do as she had been told because she did not wish to upset her Master. Billy asked if she really wanted to be his slave, she told him that was what she wanted and that she could not wait to have him there to tan her ass if she did not do as the doctor's had told her.

He said, "Who is your Master?"

She said "You are Snake Eyes Sir."

He then asked her again, "Who is Your Master?"

Again she said, "Snake Eyes is a girl's Master."

Billy told her that he was proud of his slave girl for resting when she knew she was tired and that he loves her but that he had to get going so that he could get some rest.

Before hanging up he said, "I love you My havoc."

She said, "a girl loves You too Master Snake Eyes."

They hung up and Kimberly jumped in the shower, put on her dad's shirt which hung down to her knees, went downstairs and scared Mark when the floor creaked under her feet.

He spun around and yelled " DAMNIT KIMBERLY, that was not funny at all."

She said, "Sorry Mark but all I did was come downstairs and the floor creaked under my feet."

She also told him that dad had promised to fix that before he got sick, but that she would make arrangements to have it fixed before she went back to the US. When their dinner arrived, John paid for it and Kimberly pulled down the plates while Mark got the milk from the fridge, and then grabbed some glasses for them.

Kimberly dished out what she wanted, passed the rest to the boys, and poured herself a tall glass of milk even though she hated milk she knew she needed to be drinking more of it now that she was pregnant. Once they all had their dinner dished out, she told them that while she was in Iraq that she had been taken prisoner and abused severely which included being raped.

Well, if you could have seen the look on John's face, you would have thought someone had killed his baby sister and rightfully so, he asked if she was sure that Billy was the baby's dad and she said she was sure.

John asked how she could be so sure that Billy was the dad, and she told him that she had an ultrasound done earlier that day, and that she was two and half months pregnant which means Billy is the only one who could be the father. John asked her if that was the appointment she had earlier and she told him that it was, but that she did not want anyone to be there with her because she wanted to do something by herself for a change.

John asked her what she meant by that, and she told him that since having had anorexia and bulimia that no one would let her do anything without being right there to check to make sure she was not getting sick after eating and that she was resting. John told her that it was because they are concerned that she may relapse and end up in the hospital with tubes down her throat to feed her and keep her alive.

She told John that so far she had done good, especially when she was a prisoner while in Iraq. Mark asked her how she got free and was able to return to the SS Seahawk, when she told him that a friend who was undercover kept an eye on her but turned his back and she made her escape then. They finished their dinner, Kimberly cleared the dishes and put the leftovers in the fridge in case anyone wanted a snack later.

Then she went upstairs to finish going through her dad's things, and put them in the boxes for charity, read the rest of the letter she had started reading before she fell asleep on her dad's bed, and get some rest before Billy showed up the next day. When she had gone through half of the closet, put the clothes in the boxes, she curled up on dad's bed to read the rest of the letter he had written to her.
John came up to check on her before going to the grocery store, and pulled the blankets up over her, kissed her cheek then shut the door quietly letting her get the sleep he knew she needed. John had been gone no more than a half-hour when Kimberly woke up screaming in pain and grabbing her right arm, Mark ran up the stairs, into their dad's room to see what she was screaming for.

When Mark saw the bite mark on her arm, he knew that he had to call an ambulance and quickly, then he called John to tell him what had happened.

What they did not know was if the snake was still there or not and how it got in the house, let alone in their dad's room, so Mark called animal control to have them come see if it was still there. Once the room had been cleared the medics came in, started an iv on Kimberly, put her on the stretcher and took her to the hospital.

When they arrived at the hospital, Kimberly had lapsed into a coma and the doctors were worried about it because they were not sure if she had said what kind of snake it was that bit her or not. The medics told the doctor that Kimberly had said it was a rattlesnake that had bitten her and that she was not sure how it got there, let alone how long it had been in the house.

Animal control continued to search the house and set up traps to catch the snake just in case it was still in the house, then told the boys to be careful and call them if they saw it again. Mark and John then went to the hospital to check on Kimberly and see if there was anything they could do for her, but the doctors told them that all they could do was wait and pray that she would be fine.

They knew that Billy should be informed immediately of what had happened, yet when they called they were told that he had left already to come see them and Kimberly. When they finally reached Billy on his cell phone, they told him what had happened and that Kimberly was still in a coma, but that they were sure with her being as stubborn as she is that she would be fine.

Billy told them that he was on his way to the hospital and that he would bring some flowers to try and cheer Kimberly up when she wakes from her coma. He then asked how the baby was, when the boys said that they were not sure as of yet and would not know until the doctors had done another ultrasound to see how the baby was doing. Billy told them that he would be there as soon as he could, and to give Kimberly a kiss on her cheek for him.

They told him that they would give her a kiss on the cheek until he got there and could give her one for himself, and tell her that he loves her. Mark stayed with Kimberly while John went to get something to eat and a coffee, then when John came back Mark went for a coffee and a snack.

When Mark returned to the room, Billy was there holding Kimberly in his arms, rocking her, telling her that she was well loved and that he needed her to come back to him because she filled his life with love and happiness. He told her that she was the best slave he had in a long time and Mark was caught off guard because he could not picture his baby sister being a slave to anyone except the military.

Billy told Mark and John that Kimberly was a good soldier and an even better slave because she did not question his orders when he gave them to her, but that he was worried about her and their unborn baby. The doctors came in and told Billy that they were going to take Kimberly for an ultrasound, when they came back they would let everyone know how Kimberly and the baby were doing.

They were gone for just over an hour when the doctors brought Kimberly back, told Mark, John and Billy that the baby appeared to be fine but that Kimberly would have to get lots of bed rest if she wanted to continue with the pregnancy. Billy told the doctors that he would make sure that she got plenty of bed rest even if it meant cuffing her to the bed.

To which the doctors laughed because they knew that Kimberly had a strong, rambunctious nature and was not one to stay in bed no matter what. Kimberly was in a coma at the hospital for almost three days, when she woke up she had no memory of what had happened and was scared that she had lost the baby. When she was told the baby was fine she calmed down long enough to ask why she was in the hospital, and when she was told why she could not believe that she had been bitten by a snake.

She asked if they had any idea on how it got in the house, how long it had been there and why it bit her, but was met with the same questions which really got her upset. She had no idea how it got in the house let alone how long it had been there or why she was the one that got bit by this stupid snake.

Billy asked her if there is anything she wanted, she told him that she wanted to go home and finish cleaning out her dad's closet, then read the other letter that her dad had written to her.

Billy told her that the doctors wanted her to stay at least a few more days, but that when she did go home he would make it the best homecoming she had in a long time. She begged him to bring her some ice cream and a chicken burger with extra mayonnaise on it, and Billy told her that he would see what he could do about the ice cream but that until the doctors said she could have solids she would have to wait.

She grumbled about it but told Billy that she would do what the doctor said because she did not want to lose the baby and knows that if anything happened to her and/or the baby that he would not be very happy. He told her that she was a good slave and that he was glad she was okay and willing to listen to what the doctors had to say for a change, to which she laughed saying that she had been thinking a lot since she got home.

Mark and John came back and were happy to see that Kimberly was awake and being her typical bitchy self about having to stay in bed, but told her that it would not be long before she was home again. She told them that she hates being in the hospital and wants to go home but would listen to what the doctors had to say just this once.

The boys smiled at her telling her that they were happy to hear that she would listen to them even if it was just this once. Billy told her that he would be back later to see, but that he had something he had to do before he came back and that he loves her very much. He also told her that it was good to see her getting her color back, and to know that their baby was going to be fine.

Then he told her that he wanted to ask her something very important but it would have to wait until she was at home again. Kimberly told him that she could not wait until she was home again so that they could spend some quality time together and talk about the baby, but that she was scared to go home until they knew what had become of the snake that bit her.

Mark and John promised to find out who had put the snake in the house, why they put it there and why it bit her, but Kimberly did not say anything. Instead of saying something she turned her back to them and started to cry because she thought she knew who had put it in the house and why, but did not want to say anything in case she was wrong.

John asked her if she was okay and all she could do was nod her head and between sobs tell him that she would be fine, especially after they found out who had put the snake there and why. Mark came over to the bed, told Kimberly that he loves her, would be back the next day to check on her and that he could not wait until she was home again to help put some order back into the house.

To which she laughed saying she was not good at giving orders but was great at taking them and that Billy could even attest to that fact. Billy smiled at her and told the boys that she was in fact great at taking orders but that she was also very good at giving them according to her fellow soldiers. Kimberly asked how everyone was on the SS Seahawk and Billy promised to tell her about everyone just as soon as she was out of the hospital and feeling better.

She made him swear on a bible that he would tell her about them when she was back at home and feeling better, but Billy laughed and asked her if his word was good enough or not. She told him that she trusts him with all that she is not because he is her commanding officer, but because she loves him so much and also because he is her Master.

Mark was confused by that statement and asked Kimberly why she kept calling Billy her Master and she told him that it was because he had her heart, soul and spirit, but Mark still did not understand that at all. Billy told Mark once she was up to answering questions, that would be one of the questions she answered for them, but that for now she needed her rest and Mark agreed to let her rest.

They had been gone maybe an hour and Kimberly had lapsed back into a coma, this time from an allergic reaction to some medication that was injected into the iv that was in her arm. No one saw or heard anything, at least not that they were saying, but Kimberly had seen the person who injected her iv with the medication that she was allergic to and until they knew who it was there was nothing they could do. The doctor knew what the medication was and gave Kimberly something to combat the effects it was having on her body, then he called John, Mark and Billy to let them know what was going on.

When they had learned of what happened to Kimberly, they called the local police and told them that this was the second attempt on her life that they wanted to know what they are going to do about it. They were assured that the police were working on it, but that did not ease Mark and John's minds one bit instead it created more questions.

They asked if they would put a guard outside her hospital room, and were told that they did not have the manpower to do such things and to ask the doctors if they could put a security guard outside her door. The doctors told Billy, Mark and John that they would post a guard immediately and that they would tell the guards that they are not to leave their posts unless a nurse was notified or one of them was there to make sure this did not happen again.

Billy, Mark and John thanked the doctor and told him that one of them would be there shortly to sit with her for a bit, in hopes that she would wake from this coma and tell them who had done this to her. The doctor told them that it was unlikely that she would wake so soon after having just come out of a coma because her body was not used to having so much going on at once.

That he was hopeful this coma would not last as long nor that it would be as rough on her as the last one. Billy was the one who showed up and sat with her, rocking her, singing to her, telling her that she was special and well loved by everyone who knew her and that he wanted her to come back to him because without her his life meant nothing. He felt her fingers move to grasp his and pushed the button to get the nurse in the room, she went and grabbed the doctor, who was shocked that Kimberly was awake so soon after lapsing into the coma.

Billy saw a lone tear running down her cheek, wiped it away and told her that he was glad she was once again back with them, but that he was worried about leaving her alone in the hospital. She told him that she was scared to be at the hospital and just wanted to go home or somewhere that she could feel safe once again. Billy agreed to see if the doctor would release her to his care and take her to the base where she would be safe. The doctor agreed to release Kimberly to Billy's care as long as he promised to make sure she remained in bed for at least the next two months to ensure the safety of continuing with the pregnancy.

Billy promised to do just that, telling Kimberly that she would not be allowed out of bed other than to use the washroom. He also told her that they would go for a walk to stop her joints from becoming stiff, but that she would have to make sure she ate several small meals in order to keep the food down. She promised to do whatever he wanted as long as he promised to make sure that she was safe and that no further harm would come to her or their baby, Billy promised her that he would do what he had to in order to keep them both safe.

Upon arriving at the base, the guard at the gate was told why she was back on the base, and that the only people that were allowed to see her were her brothers Mark and John. That anyone else that asked about her was to be told if she were there that it would be classified information but they could leave a message for her. Once they were physically on the base, Billy told her that they needed to go see the Colonel to let him know what was going on and why she was to be kept under twenty-four/seven protection.

She told him that she was scared that whoever was trying to kill her and their unborn child would be able to get on the base if they were not already there. Billy did his best to reassure her that would not happen and if they were on the base that they would be stupid to try anything there on the base. Kimberly still did not feel very safe, but did her best to push the negative thoughts from her mind by concentrating on finding something to keep her from going crazy whilst she was bedridden.

She asked Billy to give her some paperwork or something she could do on a laptop at least so that she would not go crazy waiting for whoever was trying to kill her to make their next move. Billy promised to mention it to the Colonel while they were in his office, but for her to remain quiet unless she was spoken to, and Kimberly promised to do just that. They knocked on Colonel Metcalf's door and were told to enter, Kimberly and Billy went in, introduced themselves and after that Kimberly kept quiet until the Colonel spoke to her.

He asked her if she felt safe, if there was anything that he could get her, and if she knew Sports Man, to which Kimberly replied that she did not feel very safe but was in fact scared.

She told him that she wanted to do some form of paperwork even if it was done on a laptop and emailed into the office, and that she did in fact know Sports Man. When he learned that she knew Sports Man, he felt obligated to tell her that he was involved in an accident there on the base and was asking to speak with her if the Colonel could find her.

Billy promised to take her to the infirmary later so she could speak to Sports Man and let them catch up on what had been going on since Kimberly last saw him, which made her feel a bit better and put a smile on her face.

Billy was happy to see her smiling again, and told her that she looked very pretty when she smiled, which made Kimberly blush a deep crimson red. Billy then turned to the Colonel and thanked him for his time. The Colonel dismissed them after giving Kimberly a laptop to work from at their quarters where she was to get plenty of rest. Kimberly promised to get plenty of rest, do what she could from the laptop and anything else that could not be sent via the laptop she would get Billy to bring over to the office.

The Colonel was glad to hear that she was finally settling down and listening to the doctors for a change. She told him that she had to be more careful now that she was pregnant with Billy's child and did not want to lose this baby under any circumstances. Both Billy and the Colonel told her they were very proud of her for knowing her limits and accepting that if she did not rest when needed she would lose the baby. Kimberly asked Billy to take her to the infirmary because she was not feeling very well, also so she could see Sports Man before she got any worse than she was already.

Billy agreed to take her to the infirmary, where she could not only see the doctor but so she could also talk to Sports Man and tell him what was going on with her. Once they arrived at the infirmary, Kimberly passed out due to low blood sugar, was given glucose drip, kept over night to make sure her and the baby were both doing well. When she woke up, she was scared, confused and did not know what was going on because she found herself restrained to the bed, which upset her more. Billy told her to take it easy or she would hurt herself and the baby, then he told her what had happened and why she was restrained.


Kimberly told Billy that she had promised to stay in bed as the doctors had told her before they released her into his care, and was upset that he had not trusted her to do so. He promised that from now on he would take her at her word until she proved that she could not be trusted to keep her word. She told him that he would not have to worry about that because she would prove to him that she could be trusted to not only do what the doctors told her but also that she could be trusted to follow his orders as well.

Billy was glad to hear that because as her commanding officer it was important for her to follow his orders to the letter, but as her Master it was very important for her to follow them knowing that if she did not she would be severely punished. Billy told her that he had to leave the base for a couple hours, but that she would be safe in the infirmary where there were guards and Sports Man would be there for her to speak with as well. Kimberly felt better knowing that Sports Man was there to speak with and keep her company whilst Billy was off doing what he had to do.

Billy gave her a kiss that left her feeling like she was floating on air and it was then that she knew she was truly, honestly, deeply in love with Billy. Kimberly doubled over in pain, and tears, because she had cramps that she thought were going to kill her, and when she looked down the bed was soaked with blood. It was then that she knew she had lost the baby, and was in need of the doctor, so she asked Sports Man to get the doctor and told him why she needed the doctor.

When the doctor got there Kimberly had lost lots of blood, and the doctor was concerned because of the amount of blood she had lost. He called Billy to let him know what had happened after rushing Kimberly into emergency surgery to do a d and c, to clean her out hoping that she would not need a transfusion. When Kimberly woke up she was so devastated that the doctors had to keep her sedated other than a few short periods of time where she was told she needed to eat, to which her response was that she would rather die than to eat.

Billy came over and leaned down telling her she would eat or he would give her such a spanking that she would not soon forget. To which she replied, "yes Master, but a girl is not really hungry right now," and he told her that she had to eat something small.

Kimberly told him once she was hungry, she would eat something but that she was not hungry right now, and he made her promise to tell him when she was hungry. She promised that if and when she became hungry she would tell him and the turned over, curled up and cried herself to sleep.

Billy was worried about Kimberly because she was refusing to eat, take her medications, go for a walk, talk to anyone, so he asked the doctor for some advice on how he could best help Kimberly. The doctor told him that all he could do was to let her know that he was there when she was ready to talk, and let her come to him when she is ready because to push her to talk will just make her close down more.

Billy told the doctor that he was concerned because Kimberly had suffered from anorexia and bulimia when she was younger and he did not want to see her get sick like that again. Kimberly got up, made a call, worked for a bit on the laptop, emailed the finished work to Colonel Metcalf, went for a walk and worked out, then went to the mess hall to see if the cook would make her a chicken burger with extra mayonnaise and a salad.

The cook asked if Billy knew she was walking around the base unescorted, Kimberly told the cook it did not matter what he knew or did not know because she was not in the mood to speak to him nor did she want to see him right then and there.
The cook made Kimberly her salad, chicken burger and gave her a rootbeer to wash it down with, knowing that she had not eaten in a few days he suggested that she take it easy eating. He also told her that he had an obligation to Billy to let him know she was there and was alone because of the threats on her life, when Kimberly asked how he knew all he said was Billy told him.

Kimberly got up without eating her lunch, when the cook grabbed her, sat her down and practically ordered her to eat, when she refused to eat he grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to his quarters where he took her to the basement.

Once in the basement, he chained her to the wall facing it, gagged her, blindfolded her and told her that she was his bitch now.

Kimberly was scared and knew that in order to live she must do whatever this person wanted, even if it meant having sex with him. She knew that Billy would go looking for her and when he found her that this person would sorry that he had hurt her when he was done with him.

The cook decided he wanted to see how well she could handle being beaten with a belt, so he took his off, backed up a bit, raised the belt, and let it hit her ass hard waiting to hear her whimper or moan at least.

When she didn't he got mad, he released her from the chains, told her to strip and put her clothes beside her on the floor, she did as she was told only because she was scared that he would kill her if she did not.

Once she was stripped he made her lay down on the floor where he chained her up, leaned down and told her that she would be sorry she had not eaten let alone that she did not cry when he had struck her with a belt.

Kimberly was a fighter and knew that to get out of this alive she had to give him what he wanted or she could die a very slow painful death, which is not how she wanted her family to remember her when she died.

The cook grabbed a dildo, vibrator, and a tens unit, shoved the dildo in her ass, vibrator in her cunt and attached the tens unit to them, turned on the tens unit, cranked the level of electricity to full and waited for her to cry out in pain.

Kimberly cried out in pain not because it hurt, but because she was scared that if she did not the cook would be more upset and do something that would hurt her. He was pleased to hear her cry out in pain, told her that she was a good bitch, that she would be rewarded for doing what he wanted.

That when she was rewarded she had better say thank you Master or she would be severely punished for not doing as he said. Due to still having the ball gag in place all Kimberly could do was nod her head in agreement, the cook leaned down released her from the chains.

Stood her up facing the wall, chained her to the wall and beat her ass with his belt, then grabbed the cat-o-nine tails, and beat her with that til her back started to bleed. She was crying because her back was sore and she had never been bled before, she hoped it would never happen again because it was not something that she wanted to experience ever again.

Kimberly secretly hoped that Billy was out looking for her as well as half the base because she was not sure how long she could stand being there chained up like that. It was not the fact that she was chained up like that, but the fact that she was not sure how much more pain she could take even though she was a pain slut.

She did not mind being beaten with belts, whips, floggers or the cat-o-nines, but she was not used to being bled this way. She knew that when Billy did find her that he would be very angry that the cook had hurt her this way.

She also knew that he would be furious with her for going off by herself, not telling anyO/one where she was going or how long she planned on being gone. She felt the pain of a whip come down across her back, thighs and ass, but did not move, however she did whimper because her back and ass were sore from the cat-o-nine tails.

She was not sure how long he would keep at her but hoped that he would soon stop so that she could get some rest and also to get something to eat because she was getting very hungry.

She could feel her knees getting weak, and hoped that he would see that she was not able to stand up much longer, release her from the chains even if he did handcuff her to a chair while he made something for her to eat and a drink. He saw that she could no longer stand up, released her from the chains, removed the ball gag, wrapped her in a blanket and sat her on the bed, then laid her back and told her to stay put.

Kimberly looked at him, thanked him for releasing her from the chains and promised to stay put, asked him if she could please have something to eat and a drink, to which he replied that he would make her a chicken burger, salad and bring her a cup of tea.

She thanked him, told him that she was cold, and wanted a smoke if that was possible, he brought her another warm blanket, gave her some smokes a lighter and an ashtray, told her he would not be long in bringing her the chicken burger, salad and tea.

Kimberly had a smoke, pulled the blankets round her tight, curled up on the bed and fell asleep, when she woke she found the cook standing there with her lunch, the tea he had promised to make and something to rub on her back to prevent an infection from starting.

He put the tray down, helped Kimberly sit up, gave her the salad, while she ate it he rubbed the lotion on her back to prevent infection. When she was done the salad he told her to go ahead and grab the burger because his hands had the lotion on them, that he did not want her getting sick and not being able to perform for him.

He also told her that he may have a party later that night and that she had better do as she was told if she did not want to spend the night in one of the smallest cages he had set up in another part of the basement.

He told her that if she did spend the night in it, that she would be gagged, blindfolded and would have to spend the night on her knees with her hands chained by her sides and would not be allowed out until the morning to use the washroom.

She did not like the sounds of that and promised that she would do as he and his friends told her, unless it was something that she did not agree with. He asked her what she would not do, Kimberly told him that she would not do piss, shit, animal or needle play, but that all other things were open to discussion as long as there were safe words in place.

He agreed to the safe words, but told her that if they wanted to gag her they would tell her how she could stop the play if she could not handle it any more.

She was a bit nervous about not being able to use safe words and told him as much, he told her that he would allow her to shake her head if she could not take any more of what was being done to her.

Kimberly told him that may not be a good idea because if asked a question to which her answer was no that no One would know she could not take any more of what was being done.

He thought about it for a moment and had to agree with her on that particular point, then he told her that they would figure something out and would let her know how she could stop things if she could go no further.

He chained her to the bed, gagged her, beat her cunt with his flogger, then his whip, and finally his belt, with each strike on her tender cunt she would whimper, hoping, praying that he would soon stop this assault on her tender cunt.

When he did stop, he leaned down and kissed her tender cunt, then he bit it, moved up to her breasts, sucked them, nipped them, applied clover clamps to her nipples and pulled on the chain making her cry out in pain.

He then took the ball gag off, stuck his cock in her mouth, fucking her mouth until he was hard, put the ball gag back and fucked her tender cunt until she started to cry from being in so much pain from the beating her cunt had taken earlier.

He told her that she was a good bitch and that she would make a good slut at the party he was going to have later that night. Then he told her that if she did not do as she was told she would pay dearly for not listening to him or his friends. He left her there to rest, gather up her energy for the party later that night, knowing she would do whatever he told her because she did not want to spend the night in one of the cages he had set up in the basement.

She looked at him, begging with her eyes to let her go so she could use the washroom, he released her from the chains, took hold of the leash that was attached to her collar and led her to the washroom.

Once they were in the washroom, he chained her leash to the wall where the toilet was, told her when she was done all she had to do was flush the toilet and he would come get her.

He told her once he had come to get her, that he would take her to the bed where she would be chained for a couple of hours to get some rest.

That he would allow her a shower just before the party started, give her an outfit to wear and that she best not argue about it or she would be put in a cage with nothing on for the Dom/mes to do with as they will.

When she was done, she flushed the toilet, the cook came and got her, took her back to the bed, chained back up, told her to get some rest and that he would be back in a few hours to let her have that shower.

Kimberly fell asleep almost immediately, but it was a restless sleep, when she woke the cook was standing there with a skimpy outfit, unchained her, led her to the washroom.

She was told to have a hot shower, wash her hair and when she was done before she got dressed that he would shave her cunt because he liked smooth cunts. He removed the ball gag, allowing Kimberly to speak freely and sing if she wished because he had heard her sing once before on the base when the boys were coming back from Iraq earlier that year.

Kimberly climbed into the shower, let the hot water hit her back, she lowered the shower head so that it was aimed at her tender cunt, allowing the hot water to ease the pain from the beating she had taken earlier that day. She then washed her hair, grabbed a towel, got out and waited at the door on her knees for the cook to come get her so that he could shave her cunt before the party started.

The cook grabbed her leash, told her to stand, took her to the bed, chained her to it again spread eagle, applied the shaving cream to her cunt, shaved it and took a warm cloth to clean up the remaining shaving cream that was on her cunt.

He leaned down, released her from the chains, told her to put the outfit on, once she was dressed, he led her to the area of the basement where the party was to take place and chained her to the wall so that she was leaning backwards.

He placed the ball gag back in her mouth, told her not to pull on the chains because she could hurt herself and if she did that he would not be to happy about it. Kimberly was scared but nodded her head in agreement to his comment about pulling on the chains.

He applied the clover clamps to her nipples and attached a spreader bar to her ankles. Once that was in place, he applied gator clips to her cunt lips, stuck a fourteen inch dildo in her cunt, and a vibrator in her ass, turned the vibrator up all the way, and went to answer the door because his friends were arriving for the party.

Once everyone had arrived, the music was turned up, and all the Dom/mes inspected Kimberly, one of them told the cook that he wanted her for himself and asked how much he would be willing to sell her for.

Kimberly eyes got wide because she knew that if she were sold to another, that Billy may not find her ever and it was he that her heart belonged to. They asked what had her so riled up, the cook told them that she did not want to be sold but that for the right price she would be sold. He assured them that she would do as her new Master asked of her knowing that if she did not she would be punished severely for it.

Billy had an insider at the party though that offered the most money for her, Kimberly was relieved that it was he that would be her new master because she knew him and knew how he disciplined his slaves.

She was released from the wall, told to kneel in front of her new Master, once she had knelt in front of her new Master the ball gag was removed, her chin lifted gently and he kissed her with such passion that Kimberly was left speechless.

He told her to get him a doctor jack, Kimberly having had worked in the bar once before knew what a doctor jack was, and asked, "Master, would You like ice and some coke or just the doctor jack?"

He replied that he would like the doctor jack on ice and to bring him a glass of coke to chase it with, she smiled up at him and said, "Yes Master."

She rose with grace, tugged on the hem of the skirt she was wearing, padded to the bar, reached down, grabbed the silver serving tray, wiped it clean, turned and opened the cupboard.

She knew she could not reach the glasses, so she jumped up on the counter, knelt on the counter, reached up and grabbed a glass, sat on the counter holding the glass up, watching as the light shone through like diamonds.

She then ran the glass over her left nipple checking for nicks that could harm her new Master, finding none she jumped down from the counter, washed, dried and placed the glass on the tray. She then turned and opened the icebox feeling the cold air hardening her nipples, grabbed two ice cubes, placed them in the glass, reached down and grabbed the Jack Daniels Whiskey.

She slowly poured it slowly over the ice, listening to it crackle as she did so, put the stopper back on the bottle, put the bottle away, turned and grabbed the coke, reached up and grabbed another glass, checking it as she had done before. She winced slightly at having found a nick in this glass, threw it out and grabbed another, checked it and having found no nicks washed, dried and placed it on the tray, poured some coke in it, put the coke away.

She then grabbed the tray, padded to her Master, knelt before Him, with a soft smile she said, "May this drink warm Your heart, soul and spirit Master as You have a girls. She hopes this drink and her serve both have pleased You tonight Master."

He smiled down at her took the doctor jack from the tray, downed it, chased it with the coke and told her to take the glasses back and put them in the dishwasher. She rose gracefully, padded to the bar, emptied the one glass, placed both glasses in the dishwasher, shut the dishwasher with her foot, wiped the tray down and placed it back for later, padded to her Master.

Kimberly knelt before her Master, head held high, back straight, shoulders back, knees parted slightly, bottom touching the cool floor, eyes lowered, hands on her thighs palms down and a soft smile on her pretty face.

He lifted her up into his lap and told her that she had done very well, that both the drink as well as her serve had pleased him very much. Then told her that he wanted her to suck his cock and let him fuck her ass right there in front of the other Dom/mes.

She smiled at him, said "Yes Master."

She slipped down from his lap carefully, knelt in front of him, waited for permission to undo his jeans and take his ten-inch cock into her mouth. Upon receiving permission to do so, she took the top of his jeans in her mouth, pulled the button so that it was open, unzipped his jeans with her teeth.

Then she reached in gently taking his cock in her hand, placed it in her mouth, sucking gently, slowly, he grabbed her hair and pushed her head down so that the head of his cock was touching the back of her throat.

She continued to suck his cock placing her hands behind her back, which made it harder for her to have any control in what was happening and she was glad to have given up control to the one that had bought her.

He told her to stop, turn and face the Others, when she was on all fours, he pushed her so that her ass was up in the air and her chest was touching the cool floor. He grabbed her hips and pulled her onto his hard cock, she did not make a sound even though at first it hurt when his cock went into her tight ass.

Ice Cube Boy (the one who had bought her) fucked her ass, telling her she was not allowed to cum until he told her she could, Kimberly between gasping for breaths said, "Yes Master."

He smiled hearing her say that, and told her that he was proud of her for doing as she was told and that she was to be rewarded later for doing as he had told her that night.

She told him that the only reward she wanted was to be with him, serve him, make him happy, and that she hoped to be with him for quite sometime to come.

He told her that he had a surprise for her later that night, but that she was not to ask what it was or she would be made to wait until he felt she was ready to handle this surprise.

She promised to not ask what it was, when he thrust into her tight ass one last time she let out a soft moan, and then bit her lip making it bleed.

When Ice Cube Boy saw this, he growled and gave her such a hard swat on the ass that she bit her lip even harder, then said "thank You Master."

He told her that she was not to bite her lips any more because she was very beautiful and he did not want her doing anything that would hurt herself.

She promised to try not to bite her lips any more, but told him that it was all she could do to stop herself from cumming before permission was given to her and that she did not wish to do anything that would upset him.

He picked her up, sat back in his chair, held her on his lap and whispered in her ear that she had done very good and that he would give her the reward he spoke of earlier when they went home later that night. Again, Kimberly told him the only reward she wanted was to be with him, to please him, and make him happy.

He asked her if she knew what her gift was.

She looked up at him, smiled, gave him a soft kiss on his cheek and said, "yes Master, a girl knows what her gift is."

He said, "Tell Me My girl, what is your gift?"

She said, "a girls gift is her complete and total submission to You, serving You, pleasing You, making sure You want for nothing, making You happy before she is happy Master."

He smiled at her and said, "Very good My girl, but do you not wish to be happy?"

She looked up at him, quickly lowered her eyes and said, "Master as long as You are happy a girl is happy, and when she disappoints You she will also be disappointed for letting You down."

Ice Cube Boy smiled at her, told her that he was very proud of his baby ice cube, she smiled and tried to hold back the chuckle she could feel rising from deep within.

He asked her what was so funny, she apologized and told him that she did not mean to be disrespectful but that she thought it was cute that he called her his baby ice cube, he smiled down at her and held her close to him.

She snuggled into her new Master, knowing something was up because she knows that he knew Billy, but was content to go along with the scheme of things.

She smiled up to him, and whispered, "Master, a girl hopes she has pleased You tonight."

He replied, "My girl, you have pleased me more than once tonight."

She smiled, leaned up and kissed him with more passion than she had before, when he returned her kiss she was in heaven from feeling his passion for her. When Kimberly thought all was going well, Ice Cube Boy told her to stand, once they were both standing he led her over to the chains, chained her to the wall, grabbed the cat-o-nine tails and ball gag.

He buckled the ball gag in place, told Kimberly that this was going to hurt him more than it would her, she thought "yeah right, a girl is the one taking the beating not You."

He raised the cat-o-nine tails and brought it down across her back and ass several times, Kimberly tried not to cry out in pain, but could not hold back the tears. She secretly hoped that he would not be disappointed when he saw the tears, he leaned over and told her that it was okay to cry that he liked to know she was a slave that was able to show her feelings.
One of the other Dom's that were there said that he wanted a go at Kimberly, Ice Cube Boy told him that was fine but that she had safe words she would use if she could not take any more and the Dom agreed to his terms.

Kimberly was released from the chains, only to be turned to face the group, the gag was removed, and she was told that when she could not take any more all she had to do was use the safe words that Ice Cube Boy and her had agreed on before. She thanked him for removing the gag, said that she would use the safe words if she felt the need to do so, and smiled to her Master.

The Dom raised the flogger, brought it down on Kimberly's breasts, nipples, stomach, thighs and her cunny several times before she cried out in pain, the Dom was surprised at how much pain she could take and smiled at her.

He then applied the clover clamps, placed the chain in her mouth, telling her that when she felt the pain she was to pull on the chain, and if need be to use her safe words.

With the chain in her mouth, she smiled at the Dom, and agreed to do as he said, bit down on the chain and pulled up on it when she felt the stinging of the whip coming down on her tender breasts, stomach and cunny. She did not care about her thighs because she knew that they could take the brunt of the abuse that she was getting from the whip.

The Dom was pleased to see that she was pulling on the chain and continued his assault on her breasts, stomach, cunny and thighs wondering how much more she could take.

Finally, after about a half-hour of taking the pain from the whip and flogger Kimberly said, "Red light Sir," and the session was stopped, the clover clamps taken off her tender nipples. She was then released from the chains, a blanket wrapped around her, and taken to her Master, where she was pulled onto his lap, and snuggled to help her relax.

Kimberly finally realized that she was in what is best known as sub space once again, and was so quiet that Ice Cube Boy was concerned, picked her up and carried her out to take her home. Once they were at his quarters, he ran a hot bath; put in some lavender oil to soothe her wounds and help her to relax.

He sat with her, told her that he was proud of her for taking such a beating and not giving up her fight to get away from the cook. He told her that when she was in bed he had a call to make and that her surprise would be there in the morning when she woke, she smiled at him and said, "thank You Master."

He told her she did not need to call him Master any more because he was not her true Master, and that she would see what he meant in the morning. When she was done in the tub he wrapped a warm towel around her, helped into the spare bedroom, gave her one of his shirts which was in itself a nightie on her, she put it on and curled up on the bed. Ice Cube Boy pulled the covers over her, sat with her until she fell asleep, kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear.

"Havoc, Billy will be pleased to hear how well you did tonight, as I am proud of you as well."

He then left her, turned off the light and closed the door slightly, called Billy to let him know that Kimberly was asleep in his spare bedroom. He also told him that she would be very sore in the morning, but that he would explain it all to him when he arrived shortly to talk to him.

When Billy arrived, Ice Cube Boy told him what had happened, which really set Billy off on a rampage, saying that he wanted to kill the cook for hurting His havoc. Ice Cube Boy told Billy that the MP's would be taking care of the cook shortly, but that they would need Kimberly's statement, and that she would need all the love and support she could get to help her get through this.

Billy agreed that she would need all the help she could get, promised to be there for her not just as her commanding officer/Master, but also as her friend and knows that she may not want to speak of what had happened to her that night.

Kimberly woke up crying because she had a bad dream and was in pain from the beating she had taken that night, both Billy and Ice Cube Boy went running to see what she was crying for. She was so happy to see Billy that she almost forgot what she was crying for, until he asked her what she was crying for.

She told them that she had a bad dream and that she was so sore she did not think she could sleep if her life depended on it, Billy told her that was not funny, and she apologized.

Billy told her that it was okay because he knew what she meant, and that she did good by fighting as hard as she did to keep herself alive and as well as could be expected under the circumstances. Billy told her that he was furious that the cook had done this to her and that she went off without telling anyO/one where she was going, but was happy to have her back safe and sound where she belonged.

Kimberly told Billy and Ice Cube Boy that she was sorry that she had not told anyO/one where she was going or how long she would be gone for but that she just needed some alone time.

She promised it would not happen again, and asked if she could have something to ease the pain, Billy told her that Ice Cube Boy had gone to call the doctor about giving her something for pain.

She told Billy that she did not want any needles because she was sick of being used as a pin cushion, he laughed at her and said that, "If that was what the doctor gives you My havoc, then that is what you will get."

Kimberly hoped that she would not be used as a pin cushion yet again, but was not to happy when the doctor came over, looked at her wounds, applied lotion to prevent infection and told her to roll over.

She knew right then and there that the doctor would have to give her a shot in the ass to relieve the pain she was in, but at that point in time she did not care any more. When the doctor had given her the shot to help ease the pain, he told Billy and Ice Cube Boy that he wanted to speak with them in the living room.

Kimberly begged Billy to stay at least until she had fallen asleep and he agreed to stay with her until she had fallen asleep as she asked. The doctor told Billy that he would talk to him later, because Kimberly needed him more now than ever before, Billy looked at the doctor and asked him to wait for a bit until Kimberly had fallen asleep.

The doctor agreed to wait until she had fallen asleep to speak to both him and Ice Cube boy, but told Billy that it was important for Billy not to blame Kimberly for what had happened to her.

Billy promised not to blame her, asked what the doctor wanted to talk about, kissed Kimberly's cheek and whispered, "I am proud of you My havoc, and love you very much."

He then walked out, turned off the light, shut the door a bit, went to the living room, sat down and listened to what the doctor had to say about Kimberly's condition. The doctor told them that she would need a lot of love, care, compassion, understanding, but most of all she would need time to come to terms with what had happened to her.

He told them not to push her to speak about what had happened, but to let her know they were there for her when she was ready to speak of what had happened to her that night. He also told them that she may try to push it out of her mind, get on with some semblance of normalcy in her life, and may try to overcome it by becoming a workaholic.

The doctor also told them that he was worried she may regress back to being anorexic or bulimic and if that happened that they were in for a long hard road to getting her back because she would go into denial about it.

Billy knew she had been anorexic and bulimic before but did not know the extent of her condition when she was younger because Kimberly did not like talking about her childhood for some unknown reason.

The doctor told him that it was because her childhood had not been a good one, that she had been physically abused, raped and emotionally abused, that she was embarrassed by it, therefore, she did not wish to speak of it.

Billy asked if the doctor could tell him more about Kimberly's experience with the bulimia and anorexia, or if he would have to get her permission to do so. The doctor told him that he would have to ask Kimberly if she would be willing to let him tell Billy about her condition back then, but that he did not see a problem with it because he knew that she loves Billy very much.

Kimberly slept through the rest of the night, which made Billy and Ice Cube Boy happy, they said good night to each other and went to bed for the remainder of the night. When she woke up the next day, Kimberly was in so much pain that she thought she would die if she moved even an inch. She called out for Billy and when he came into the bedroom she told him how she felt and asked him to help her out of bed.

He told her to stay put, that he was going to call the doctor, have him come and look at her, then they could go from there because he did not want to hurt her more than she was already and gave her a soft kiss on her right cheek. She did not like the idea of the doctor coming over again but agreed to it because she loved him, and did not want to argue for hours on end bout it.

She also knew that to argue was to disobey Master, which could bring about punishment when she was fully healed and she did not like the feeling she got in the pit of her stomach when she disappointed Master. When Billy returned, he told her that the doctor was going to come over, check her over, possibly give her something for the pain, she told him no more needles.

He told her that if the doctor wanted to give her another shot to help ease her pain that she would let him or suffer with the pain. She agreed to do what the doctor said only because she did not want to suffer with the pain any longer than she had to, but did not like the idea of more needles.

When the doctor got there, he told Billy that he wanted to speak to Kimberly by himself, when he was done speaking with her he would let Billy know and then he could come back into the bedroom.

The doctor asked Kimberly if she would mind him speaking with Billy about her experience with the anorexia and bulimia, to which she replied that it would be fine if he did so. Then the doctor had a look at her wounds, put more lotion on them, gave her some percocet for the pain, told her to take two every four to six hours or as needed, but to remember that they would make her drowsy.

She told him that she was just glad it meant no more needles, the doctor told her that he would leave some morphine with Billy and a few syringes in case they needed to give her something stronger for pain. He also told her that having a bath with some lavender oil would help ease her pain as well as help her to relax a bit more, that she also needed to remember to eat something even if it was only something small.

She promised to have the lavender oil bath, try to eat something small when she was hungry but most of all she promised to rest for the remainder of the day.

When the doctor heard her say that, he called Billy back into the bedroom, told him what Kimberly had said, he also told Billy that she had given permission for the doctor to speak with him about her experience with the bulimia and anorexia.

Billy thanked Kimberly for allowing the doctor to speak with him about her experience with them, kissed her cheek, told her that he was going to run her a bath with the lavender oil, come back, help her out of bed and into the bath. He also told her that he would make her some toast and tea, so that she could at least eat something small, she thanked him, told him that she loves him dearly and did not know what she would do without him.

He told her that he hoped she would never have to find out what she would do without him because he loved her and could not stand it if something happened to her as well.

The doctor told Billy that he wanted to leave him some morphine and a few syringes in case they needed to give Kimberly something stronger than the percocet, and watched her cringe at the mere mention of needles again.

Billy told her that he was proud of her for agreeing to have the bath, eat something small and rest for the remainder of the day because he wanted only what was best for her.

She reached up, kissed his cheek, told him that she loved him and that was why she was agreeing to do what she knew was best for her because she did not want to get sick. When she had her bath and had eaten she told Billy that she wanted to do some work from the laptop and could he please get it for her so she could finish up some of the paperwork she had started before she wondered off by herself.

He went and got the laptop, brought it back, turned it on for her, handed it to her, told her not to work too long and she promised not to work too hard or too long. She finished up the paperwork she started the day before, emailed it to the Colonel, asked him to send her some more things to do so she did not go stir crazy waiting for her wounds to heal and he agreed to send her more later that day.

Kimberly turned the laptop off, set it on the floor by the bed, curled up, pulled the blankets up over her and fell asleep for six hours. When she woke up she screamed out in pain, Billy came in, gave her some percocet and told her to lay there for a bit, so that the percocet had a chance to kick in.

Kimberly was not one to argue these days because of all she had been through and knew that to even attempt to argue with Billy or Ice Cube Boy was useless because she knew it was an argument that would not be won by her.

She also knew that Master was right, that if she did not give the percocet a chance to kick in that she would be in pain for the rest of the day and she did not want that to be the case that day. She knew that the Colonel should have sent some more work to her email, asked Billy if he would hand her the laptop, once she had the laptop on the bed, she turned it on and began working on what was in her email.

The Colonel had sent her, what he thought was a week's worth of work, only to find out from Kimberly that she had done it in four hours. The Colonel was happy that she had it done sooner, but had to find work for her to do because he did not want her to be restless and finding herself in trouble once again.

Kimberly asked Billy and Ice Cube Boy if she could get up and go for a walk before her legs got stiff, they told her that as long as she agreed to have one or both of them go with her that she could go for a short walk.

Kimberly agreed to let them both go with her because she wanted to get out and enjoy some fresh air, let alone see Sports Man again now that he was back at his quarters resting. Billy helped Kimberly get dressed, put on some runners, and a light jacket, then got his shoes and coat on, they both met Ice Cube Boy at the door.

They went to see Sports Man because Kimberly wanted to make sure he was okay and to let him know she was sorry for running out that fateful day that she was hurt.

When they got there the M.P.'s were there also, well that set Kimberly into a panic, she went rushing in to see if Sports Man was okay, gave him a big hug and asked what the MP's were doing there. He told her that because of what had happened to her that they were questioning everyO/one that knows her in order to help press charges against the cook.

Kimberly was even more confused than she had been when she got to Sports Man's quarters and asked him to explain what he meant by his comment.

Everyone knew that she may not remember all the details of what happened, but they expected her to at least remember some of what happened to her the day she ran out of the infirmary. Billy suggested they go see the doctor to find out if she was healing okay or if she needed antibiotics, but she did not want to leave Sports Man until he had explained it all to her.

Billy promised her that he would explain it all to her later, but that he really wanted her to go get checked out by the doctor because he was concerned she may be getting an infection in her wounds.

Kimberly knew that he really wanted the doctor to check her out and see if she had amnesia because she could not remember what had happened to her. Kimberly agreed to go see the doctor, but told Billy that she knew the real reason he wanted her to go see him, and that she was fine other than being in a bit of pain. He told her that if she wanted they could go back to Ice Cube Boy's quarters and she could take some more percocet.

Kimberly told him that it had not been long enough for her to take any more percocet, but that she would go to the doctor and see what he said about her not being able to remember what happened that day she ran out of the infirmary. When they got to the infirmary Kimberly was told to sit in the waiting area while the doctor spoke to Billy about why she could not remember what happened that day.

Kimberly paced back and forth in the waiting area, waiting to speak with the doctor about her memory of what happened the day she ran out of the infirmary and what had happened to her later that day. When the doctor came out and told her that he needed to run some tests on her, she became nervous and asked him what kind of tests, why, when he would have the results and if he had told Billy.

The doctor answered her questions, but Kimberly still felt uneasy about having all these tests done and decided she needed to speak with Billy first.

She told Billy that she was nervous about having all these tests done and why she was nervous, he told her that no matter the outcome he would always be there for her. The doctor had ordered a bunch of blood tests, an ultrasound, x-rays, and finally told her she needed to see the base psychologist to see if there was a psychological reason that she was not remembering what had happened.

She met with the psychologist for over two hours only to find out she was fine, but did need to learn to reduce her stress level, and learn to talk about her feelings more openly with Billy. She agreed to try to speak more openly and honestly with Billy about her feelings but told the psychologist that she was scared to tell him how she was feeling and why she was feeling that way.

When the doctor got all the test results he had Kimberly and Billy come to the infirmary to meet with him so that he could give them the results and explain what they meant to Kimberly. He also told her that if she had any questions after he had explained what they meant to her that he would answer them as best he could, and also told Billy that all she needed was time to remember the fateful events of that day.

He reminded Billy not to push her into remembering what happened or how long she had been tortured for, that when she remembered that she would need him more than she had in the past.

Billy told the doctor that he had to get back to work and asked if he could find someO/one to come get her, take her back to Ice Cube Boy's quarters to rest for the remainder of the day and work from home.

The doctor told him to go back to work, not to worry about her getting back to Ice Cube Boy's quarters because he would have two MP's take her back to the quarters and remain there until Billy or Ice Cube Boy were done for the day. Billy thanked him, kissed Kimberly, told her that he loves her and that he would call and check up on her later that day.

The doctor told Kimberly that she needed to be eating smaller meals more often throughout the day because she was hypoglycemic and needed to be taking in smaller meals to help keep her healthy.

He then called the MP's and had them escort her to Ice Cube Boy's quarters where they were told to stay with her until either him or Billy arrived home for the day. They took her back to Ice Cube Boy's quarters, made sure Kimberly was comfortable and stayed with her for the remainder of the day, making sure to check on her every couple of hours.
Kimberly worked on some more of the paperwork that the Colonel had sent her earlier that day, emailed what she had done, curled up and fell asleep for a couple of hours.

When she woke up, she found Billy standing there, almost jumped out of her skin and said, "Dang it Master, that is not funny scaring a girl like that."

He apologized to her for scaring her, told her that he was only there for a few minutes but wanted to see how she was doing and to see if she needed anything. She told him that she wanted a chicken burger with extra mayonnaise, a salad and a chocolate milkshake, but other than that all she really wanted was to have him home with her.

He told her that he would see what he could do about her snack, as for being home with her that he had to work for another three hours but that when he was done he was all hers for the rest of the day. She smiled up at him, thanked him, curled up and fell asleep again because she was so tired from the day's events.

When she woke up about a half-hour later, she found her snack there on a tray, ate the burger first, then the salad, and finally finished with the milkshake when she heard a strange noise coming from the kitchen. She got up slowly, walked to the kitchen, dropped the tray, and tried to run back to the bedroom only to be caught by the cook's twin brother.

He took her to the bedroom, tied her to the bed, gagged her, raped her, beat her and told her that she would be sorry for having his brother charged for kidnapping, unlawful confinement and rape, then he took the gag off. She told him that her Master would hunt him down and make sure he pays for what he had done to her.

He smacked her so hard that she passed out, he left her tied up, with a note pinned to the blankets saying that she was a good slut. He also said that he had enjoyed his time with her, but that the next time she would not be so lucky to get away from him. He left another note on the front door saying that he would be back again to finish what he had started with Kimberly, and that she would be his slut by the time he was done with her.

When Billy came back from work that day and found her tied to the bed after reading the first note, saw the second note, called the M.P.'s and asked what had happened to the guards that were supposed to be there to protect Kimberly. He was told that he had called to cancel the protection for Kimberly, and that they were told not to come back under any circumstances.

He told the head MP that he had not called them that day, could prove that he had not called, was told that they would investigate the incident and that they would get back to him as soon as they were done their investigation.

He told them that they had better get it straightened out or he would have the J.A.G team investigate and court martial who ever was responsible for this mix up. They promised to try and get it done before the end of the week, Billy told them that they had better see to it that it was investigated to their full capability.

They sent out a couple of MP's to take pictures of the crime scene and take her to the infirmary where she would be examined and a rape kit done to collect evidence for when they found the person responsible and charged him.

Kimberly told them that she did not want to be poked, prodded and used as a pincushion again like the last time she was there. The doctor gave Kimberly something to help her calm down so that he could examine her without her getting too upset, did the rape kit, sealed all the evidence, marked it and gave it to the M.P.'s for when they found the person responsible for hurting Kimberly.

Once the rape kit was complete, Kimberly was taken to a private part of the base that only the doctor, the MP's, Billy, Ice Cube Boy, Sports Man, and the Colonel knew about to rest for the remainder of the night.

The doctor made sure that Billy had enough medication to ease any pain she may have some sedatives to help her sleep if she had a hard time resting. He also told Kimberly to make sure she rested for a few hours, not to call anyO/one, to eat smaller meals throughout the night so she did not get sick.

Kimberly promised to rest, eat when she was hungry, but said that she had to call her brothers to let them know what was going on and to see how they were coping after their dad's funeral which she had to miss because of all that happened.

The doctor told her that she must not disclose where she was in case someone had tapped her home phone, this way she could eliminate who was and was not involved in what was happening to her. She agreed to keep her location a secret, but that if they asked she would say that she was still on the base.

She also said that she would tell them that she could not give the number out to where she was staying and the doctor agreed that was the best way to handle things for now. Billy did not like the idea of leaving Kimberly alone again while he went to work, but promised to check on her as much as he could. She told him that he did not have to worry about her because she did not think anyO/one would be able to find her.

They found the cooks twin brother, charged him with rape, unlawful confinement, and assault causing bodily harm, breaking and entering, then asked him how he found out where Kimberly was being kept.

He told them that if he said who it was that told him where she was being kept, that the person who told him would kill him when he found out and that he did not feel like dying just so they could protect a little slut like Kimberly.

Billy lost it, told him that she was his slave, that no O/one calls her a slut but him, that if he did not give up the name of the person that told him where Kimberly was his life would be a living hell from that day on.

He told Billy and the M.P.'s that it was Sports Man who told him where he could find Kimberly, the M.P.'s immediately dispatched a unit to where she was being kept, and another unit to find Sports Man, arrest him for conspiracy to commit attempted murder in the first degree.

When they found Sports Man, he was working on his jet getting ready to leave for Iraq again, they arrested him, took him to the office where he was fingerprinted, processed and put in a cell to await a preliminary hearing.

When Kimberly learned who had told the cook's twin brother, she could not believe that Sports Man would do such a thing and asked to go see him at the jail. She was told that she was not allowed to go anywhere until they were sure the threat to her life was over.

She told them that if she did not get to see him she would have the MP's court-martialed for failing to do their jobs to the best of their abilities and she was taken to see Sports Man.

She looked at Sports Man and told him that she could not believe he had lied to her telling her that he was glad she was okay, that she was a good friend, that he was glad Billy had her back safe and sound.

He told her that he was just doing what he was told to by another person but refused to give up the name of that person, which made Kimberly wonder if he was lying once again. She told the MP's that she wanted a few minutes alone in the cell with Sports Man and they said she was not supposed to be left alone with him due to the attempt most recently made on her life.

She reminded them that she outranked them, could have them court-martialed, and they said they would be outside the door if she needed them. Once alone with Sports Man, she asked again who had told him to let the cook's twin brother where she was and again he told her that he could not tell her this information because he did not want to die.

She promised to do what she could to protect him, but told him that he had to give up the person who told him to do this to her, and that once she had that information she would make sure he was put in protective custody.

He agreed to tell her only because she had a right to know, made her swear that she would do what she could to have him put in protective custody, once she did that he told her that it was her ex boyfriend John. She could not believe that John would set her up like this because he claimed to have loved her so much that if anything had happened to her he would die without her in his life.

When she had all the information on where he was, why he wanted her dead, how much he was to pay Sports Man for doing this, Kimberly called the MP's into the room again. She told them that she was going to walk to the Colonel's office, speak with him, and get permission to take a jet to the base in San Diego.

She also said she was going to speak with the Colonel on the base in San Diego, and have John arrested for his part in all that had happened to her. The Colonel was informed she was on her way to his office, when she got there, she was seen into his office immediately, asked what was going on and she told the Colonel that she had learned who was out to kill her.

The Colonel granted her permission to go to San Diego, but also told her that she was to take Billy with her. She told the Colonel that was not a good idea because Billy may be liable to kill John but agreed that if Ice Cube Boy was up to making the trip with her that she would take him instead.

The Colonel after some serious thought agreed to let her take Ice Cube Boy with her to San Diego, but told her that she had to speak with Billy to let him know what was happening and she agreed to do so immediately. Kimberly found Billy working on her jet, grumbling about parts not being available when he needs them, and when she called out his name he growled at her, "Damnit havoc, not when I am under a jet."

She told him that it was important, that she had found out who was responsible for the attempts on her life and that she was taking Ice Cube Boy with her to San Diego to have this person charged.

Billy asked why she was not taking him, when she said, "Master, a girl is worried that You may try to kill him and she does not wish to see anything happen to You."

Billy said, "My havoc, then you made a wise choice because I may try to kill him," she smiled at him, and told him that she loves him dearly.

Kimberly told Billy that it was John who had tried to have her killed because he did not want anyOne to have her if he could not have her, she told Billy that John was jealous because she was happy with someOne that loves her very much. Billy told her to be careful, make sure she was wearing her bullet proof vest, had her weapon, that it was clean and ready to use.

She promised to wear her vest, do the other things he mentioned and make sure Ice Cube Boy did the same thing, that she would call him when she got there and when she was on her way home. Billy told her that would be great, to make sure that Ice Cube Boy knew what she had just told him, that he loves her dearly and wants her home safe and sound when all this was done.

She promised to take all precautions necessary to make sure she was safe, came home in one piece and gave him a hug, kissed him with such passion that he did not want to let her go just yet.

She had to tickle him in order to leave, go to see if Ice Cube Boy was up to travelling with her to San Diego, grab her vest, gun and ammunition, and make sure that Ice Cube Boy had everything he needed if he were to go with her. When she found Ice Cube Boy, he told her that he was honored she had thought of him but asked why she did not take Billy, when she told him why he agreed with her. He grabbed his vest, gun and ammunition just in case they needed it, but Kimberly told him she had also brought her own ammunition in case she needed it.

Ice Cube Boy and Kimberly went to the jets, checked them over, got in, shut the canopy, started their jets, and took off for San Diego. When they were within in a twenty-mile radius they radioed the tower to let them know they were coming in and requesting permission to land.

When permission was granted Kimberly landed first, then Ice Cube Boy landed, they shut the jets off, secured them and went to find the Colonel to explain why they were there.

They were taken into the Colonel's office immediately, spoke with him about why they were there and asked if they could speak with John but were told he was off the base at the moment but should return shortly.

When John returned, he was surprised to say the least to see Kimberly standing there before him, alive and well, because he had expected her to be dead or at least in the hospital for quite some time.

When she told him that she was there to ask him some questions he demanded to have a J.A.G. lawyer present because he knew why she wanted to question him, she went and told the Colonel they need a J.A.G. investigation done and why.

When Kimberly told the Colonel that John had tried on several different occasions to have her killed, he could not believe what he was hearing and immediately ordered a J.A.G. investigation be done.

Kimberly was ordered to stay in San Diego until the investigation was complete, was granted permission to work on the base there as she had in Miramar, California, that she would have round the clock protection just in case another attempt was made on her life while she was there.

Kimberly asked permission to use the Colonel's office for a moment while she called Billy in Miramar to let him know what was going on, why she was ordered to stay in San Diego and that she was being given twenty-four/seven protection. He granted her permission to use his office, when he left she called Billy, told him what was happening, and he told her to be careful that John did not try again.

Kimberly promised to email him daily, write her journal entries, send them to him, keep him up to date on how the investigation was going and how much longer she may have to stay in San Diego.

Billy chuckled at her promising to do her journal entries daily, sending them to him daily because he knew she hated writing in her journal, especially when he wanted the entries emailed to him or posted on the internet.

She proved to him though that she could and would do the entries daily because when she opened her email over the next few days, she saw his responses to her entries and got an email saying that he was proud of his havoc for following through on a promise.

Kimberly was questioned to great lengths about what she remembered in regards to the attempts made on her life, she told them what she could remember without the help of hypnosis. When she was done they told her they wanted her to see the base psychologist but she told them she could get her psychologist to fax her report to them instead if they wanted.

They told her that would be fine but that they really wanted her to see their psychologist because they wanted to see if she could remember more under hypnosis.

Kimberly told them she was not sure she could be hypnotized and even if she could would she be guaranteed to remember what had happened to her without any lasting side effects. They told her that they were not sure, that the best person to ask these questions of was their psychologist when she met with him.

When she heard that it was a male psychologist she had a fit because she was now scared of strange men when left alone in a room with them.

She was told that there would be two M.P.'s outside the door at all times, should she have any problems all she had to do was scream and they would come running into the room. Kimberly felt a bit safer knowing this and promised to go see the psychologist right away, then told them she was going to be working on some paperwork for the Colonel, and doing some emails.

They told her that was fine, that the M.P.'s would be with her at all times, should she need anything all she had to do was let them know and they would get it for her.

She then went and met with the psychologist, was put under hypnosis, and remembered everything that had happened to her since her return to California from Iraq.

The psychologist told her that she would be able to remember everything but that she was safe, had nothing to worry about and if she needed to she could ask the base doctor to give her something to help her sleep.

She promised that if she needed anything to help her sleep she would go see the base doctor for medication to help her sleep through the night, got up and headed for the main office to do the paperwork she had promised the Colonel she would do.

She finished the paperwork in record time, emailed Master her journal entry for the day and included her meeting with the base psychologist telling him that she remembered everything that had happened to her since her return from Iraq.

He emailed her back and told her that he was proud of her for doing as another Colonel told her considering she did not know him, and that he could not wait to hold her in his arms again. She called her brothers, told them everything, expected John to say he was going to come to San Diego to see her and make sure she was really okay, but he said that she was in good hands on this base because he knew the doctor there.

She told John that she had to go because the Colonel wanted to speak with her about something, but promised to email them later that week, and he told her to get going as well as to behave herself.

Kimberly went to meet with the Colonel to see what he wanted to see her about, only to find out she had been transferred there, she asked why she was transferred there and was told it was because she was a fast worker.

Kimberly asked the Colonel if there was any way that Billy could be transferred to the base as well because they were more than just friends, the Colonel said he would see what could be done and told her he was not promising anything.

She told him that if Billy was not transferred that she did not wish to stay at the base because she knew that long distance relationships did not always work out.

He promised her that if Billy could not be transferred to the base there, that he would cancel her transfer and would site a valid reason that would not give her a bad mark in her file.

Kimberly thanked him for helping her, allowing her a chance to work for someone new, and asked if he would give some more work to do because she was done ahead of schedule and needed something to keep her from going stir crazy. He told her that he would give her more paperwork and even some accounting to do if she was up for a change of pace when it came to paperwork, she told him that would be fine.

Kimberly had never done any kind of accounting before but was willing to learn how to use quick books, simply accounting and acpac to do the accounting the Colonel had asked her to do that day.

She also asked the Colonel if she could do what she had not finished at the office back at the quarters she was staying in and he agreed to let her do so. He reminded her that if there was anything she needed all she had to do was ask the M.P.'s for it and they would get it for her no matter how big or small the item she needed.

She asked for a laptop, some paper, a pen, pencil, red highlighter, and a red pen to mark the areas where they were in trouble financially, and the Colonel made sure she had all the things she was asking for that day.

Once Kimberly had everything that she needed she started the accounting the old fashioned way, then put it into the computer. She found out that they were ahead financially for the first month she did which made her question the accounting abilities of the person who was maintaining the books before her.

She brought it to the Colonel's attention immediately because she did not want him being surprised by anything that she had reported in her accounting records and what he had seen before.

When she brought it to his attention, he thanked her, had the person who was doing the books originally brought to his office where he and Kimberly mentioned what she had found when she was doing the accounting just moments earlier.
When the former bookkeeper was confronted with this evidence she could only say that she was going by the receipts she was given by the Master Gunnery Sergeant when he got the receipts. When asked how much she knew about the receipts he gave her she told the Colonel and Kimberly that she knew they were from the beginning of the year up to and including the day before she took her maternity leave.

She was told that the receipts did not match the records she had done to date, and asked Kimberly to show her what they meant. Kimberly agreed, walked to her computer where she showed the former bookkeeper where things did not match up.

The young lady whom Kimberly thought was very pretty started crying and Kimberly put her arms around the young lady telling her that things would be okay. The young lady asked Kimberly if she was able to take a break, go for coffee with her to talk about a few things other than work.

Kimberly told her that she would just let the Colonel know that she was taking a half-hour break to go for coffee with the bookkeeper, and would let him know when she was back so that he did not worry too much about her.

He smiled at her and told her that he would only worry if she did not come back, did not call to let him know she was okay and that if she did not call or come back he would have the whole base looking for her.

Kimberly told him that she would be back shortly to finish the work she had started, check the computers for viruses and set up the security on the computers as she had promised to do earlier in the day.

He dismissed her, she saluted him, walked out and went for coffee with the bookkeeper, talked with her a bit and when she was asked if she had ever been with a woman Kimberly blushed a deep crimson red.

Kimberly told her that she had thought about it but had as of yet not been with a woman, and was curious to know what it was like. The bookkeeper told her that it was the best thing she had experienced in a long time and that she hoped Kimberly did not mind her talking about it.

Kimberly told her that she did not mind at all because she was curious to know what it was like to be with another woman but yet was scared to try it in case she was awkward.

The bookkeeper told her that at first she was awkward at first, but soon overcame her awkwardness and started enjoying herself once she was relaxed. Kimberly asked her what it was like to be with another woman, was told that there was no other feeling like that of another woman touching her because women know what other women want and that she had enjoyed her time with the woman she spent the night with.

Kimberly told her that she was curious to know what it felt like to be with another woman and asked if she knew of any women that were looking for a slave, because she wanted to know what it was like to serve a woman.

The bookkeeper told her that she knew of at least three that were looking for a female slave, she also told Kimberly that she would set up a time to meet these Dommes and would let her know when and where they would meet.

Kimberly thanked her, told her that she had best get back to the base so she can get some work done before the Colonel had half the base looking for her, if not the whole base, then they both laughed and said their good bye's.

Kimberly climbed on her Harley Davidson, took off for the base, got a flat once on military property, got off the bike and started walking towards the base, grumbling about flat tires and how Harley Davidson's don't come with spare tires.

She was not even half way there when she thought she heard gun shots coming from the bushes, set the kickstand on the bike down. She then grabbed her hand gun, and riffle, ammunition and started heading towards the bushes when a shot rang out and she fell to the ground.

She realized she had been hit by a bullet, was glad she was wearing her bullet proof vest, got up, and headed back to find out who had shot at her and why.

She remembered that in her lock box on the bike she had a two way radio, grabbed it, turned it on, radioed the base and told them what had just happened, they told her they were sending someone to help her bring the bike back to the base. She told them that she was not at the bike, but was in the woods looking for the person who took a shot at her, and why they took that shot at her.

They told her to stay by the bike, but she was already in the woods, looking for the person that took a shot at her, and evidence that a shot had been taken at her. She was told that if she got hurt the Colonel, Billy and Ice Cube Boy would be upset that they had not gone with her to make sure nothing happened, and she told them that she would explain it all to them later when she called Billy.

She promised to tell the Colonel and Ice Cube Boy what had happened, why she did not take an escort, and why she did not stay by the bike instead of wondering off to find the person who shot at her.

When they did not hear from Kimberly for more than five minutes, they got worried and decided to send out a search party with the dogs to look for her to make sure that nothing had happened to her.

When she finally did say something it was a bit fuzzy because she had gone so far into the woods that the radio was not working to its normal capacity, and they told her to stay put that they were coming to get her.

She was in a feisty mood though and told them that she was fine, that she was going to continue tracking the person who had taken a shot at her, then they grew even more concerned because they heard a shot ring out over the radio.

She radioed them, telling them that she had been hit and this time the vest did not catch the bullet but that she was going to continue tracking this person because she had a vendetta with this person. They told her to stay put or she would find herself on the other side of a court martial, she told them that she did not care.

She said that she had to find this person, then find out why this person took a shot at her and then drag them to the office to charge them for attempted murder on an officer of the United States Military.

They sent a unit into the woods with dogs to find her and the person that had now taken two shots at her, take Kimberly to the infirmary to have the bullet removed. They also wanted to take the person who shot at her in to have him or her charged with the attempted murder of a United States Military Officer.

When they found Kimberly, she was leaning against a tree, heard them coming and held up her fist telling them to stay put. This way they would not alert the person who was trying to kill her, so that she could go in and grab him or her to take them back to the base.

She snuck around back of the cabin, had the others surround the cabin, kicked the door open, held her gun on the person she found sitting in the chair and told him to stand up placing his hands where she could see them. He stood up, kept his hands on top of his head, walked towards her, turned around and placed his hands on the wall allowing Kimberly a chance to search him for weapons.

She searched him well, finding no weapons on him, she placed the handcuffs on him, took him out the front door, and passed out from having lost so much blood from the bullet wound.

The MP's picked Kimberly up, carried her back to the jeep, rushed her to the infirmary where the bullet was removed, she was also given a transfusion and kept sedated so she would not pull the stitches out trying to get up.

The doctor kept her there for three days sedated, another three days after taking her off the medication to sedate her, told her that if she insisted on going into the woods again that she make sure she has someO/one with her the next time she does so.

She told the doctor that she needed to find Ice Cube Boy, call her C/O in Miramar, let the Colonel know what was going on and finish the accounting she had started before she was shot.

She asked if they found out why John (her ex)was trying to kill her, but was told she did not need to know things like that just yet.

She insisted knowing why he had tried several times to kill her and finally got to speak to the Colonel about it. He told her that John was trying to kill her because she was with another man and he was jealous that she was happy being with Billy.

The Colonel told her that he had called Billy, told him what had happened and that Billy was now on the base wanting to see her if she was up to having visitors, she told the Colonel that she really wanted to see Billy as soon as was possible.

Billy came to the infirmary, gave Kimberly a kiss that left her feeling like she was on cloud nine, then he gave her shit for not taking an escort when she went for coffee with the bookkeeper. He then asked her if she was really okay and when she told him she was better now that he was there he smiled at her.

He told her the next time she did not follow orders that she would find herself placed under arrest and held in a cell until she was willing to listen to the orders she was given. She looked at him and said, "Sir, yes Sir a girl understands Sir."

To which he replied, "good girl, now tell me how things really are with you."

She told him that she was better now that she knew who was trying to kill her, why he was trying to kill her and that he would no longer be able to hurt anyO/one ever again.

He asked her who was trying to kill her, she told him again that it was John and that the reason he was trying to kill her was because she was very happy being with Billy.

Billy told her that he was just happy to have her safe, sound and in once piece because he could not stand it if she were to have died looking for John to find out why he was trying to kill her. She told Billy that she was too damned stubborn to die that she planned on being around for quite some time, and that she hoped he also planned on being around for quite some time.

He told her that he had planned on it but would not promise anything because he knew that he could be killed in an accident, during a mission or at any given time.

Kimberly was happy just hearing that he planned on being around for quite some time and agreed that anything could happen to either of them at any given time, but assured him that she was going to fight to stay alive.

He told her that he wanted to take her for a walk so they could talk, she told him that the doctor would not let her out of bed because he wanted to make sure she got enough rest in order to heal properly. Billy told her that he would speak with the doctor about her going for a walk with him, and for her to stay put until he came back to get her, she promised to stay put until he came back for her.

When he came back for her she was glad to be getting out for some fresh air after being stuck in the infirmary for almost a week straight and told Billy that she was happy to have him there with her.

He told her that he had been transferred to San Diego, and when he found out that it was because Kimberly had requested it he was happy to hear that he was to be transferred to the base there.

She told him the reason she had him transferred there was because she had been transferred there at the request of Colonel Mitcham due to her being a good worker and her willingness to learn new things.

Billy told her that he was pleased to hear that she was doing so well learning new things, but reminded her that she needed to learn to follow orders. He told her this because the next time she may not be so lucky to been found as fast as she had almost a week ago, she promised to try and do better in the future which made Billy smile.

He reminded her that he was her C/O and her Master, she smiled at him and told him she knows this. He gave her a swat on the ass, telling her that it was for not following orders that were given to her almost costing her, her life and that the next time she may not be so lucky to live through something like that again.

When they stopped in front of a beautiful house, Kimberly looked at him and asked Billy why they stopped in front of the house, he told her that is where they will be living from now on, and she looked to him smiling like a giddy school girl.

He warned her that the basement was off limits for the next two weeks though because there was construction going on down there. He told her it was so he could use it as his personal dungeon and she smiled at him, told him that she can't wait until it was done so they could use it.

He told her that there was going to be cages built into the wall, chains mounted on the walls, a suspension device to hang her from the ceiling, and many different other toys including gravity boots just for her. He picked her up, carried her into the house, up the stairs to the bedroom, stood her up, told her to strip slowly for him and when she had completely stripped for him, he took her to the wall across from the bed.

He then chained her to the wall so she was facing it, gagged her and blindfolded her telling her that he would be back shortly. She wriggled a bit trying to get to the blindfold so she could see what was going on but he came back in, gave her such a swat on the ass that she whimpered and a single tear ran down her right cheek.

He told her that if she continued to do that she would spend the night in the cage that was by his side of the bed, she stopped trying to get free and jumped slightly when Billy kissed her cheek.

When he came back she heard lots of voices, some men, some women, and wondered what was going on.

Billy kissed her cheek, touched her tender breasts, applying the clover clamps to her nipples, slid a hand down to her cunny, slid a finger in and watched to see what her reaction would be. When she did not move or whimper, he gave her a kiss on the cheek again, telling her that he was proud of His havoc.

Then she felt another person sneak up behind her, stick their hand in her cunny, start fisting her, she held back the whimpers she felt building deep within her, knowing that to cum without permission would bring about a punishment.

Dom/me after Dom/me fisted her, fucked her ass, whipped her, flogged her, pulled on her hair and kissed the back of her neck watching to see her reaction, finally Billy told her she may cum and cum she did.

Kimberly felt her body shaking with each orgasm she had due to having held back for so long, and let out a soft moan here and there. She also let out a low growl here and there only to feel the sting of a whip each time she would growl knowing that she was not to growl at a Dom/me.

Billy saw Everyone out, came back to Kimberly, removed the gag, leaned over, whispered in her ear, "My havoc, I am very proud of you for holding back as long as you did, you did very well tonight."

She leaned her head back keeping her eyes lowered, whispered to him, "thank You Master Snake Eyes, a girl is glad she was able to please You Master."

He told her that she not only pleased him, but also had pleased the other Dom/mes that had been there that night, she told him that she was glad to hear that she had pleased them also.

He told her that there was one Domme in particular that wanted to use her on weekends if he and Kimberly were in agreement to that happening. She told him that the bookkeeper from the base had promised to introduce her to a few Dommes that were looking for female slaves.

Billy told her to go ahead, meet with the bookkeeper and any Dommes she finds that are interested in meeting with her so that she can get used to the idea of being used by a Domme as their personal slave.

Kimberly was pleased to hear that Billy had no problem with her meeting other Dommes to be used as Their personal female slave, and asked him if it was normal to feel the way she was at that moment.

He asked her how she was feeling, when she told him she was happy, scared, excited, and nervous and was not sure it was normal to feel that way. He told her that is what is known as subspace, and that it is normal to feel that way after a session such as the one she had just been through.

She told him that she did not feel like she could stand any longer, he released her from the chains, wrapped a blanket around her and took her to the bed. He then laid her down, told her that he would be right back, that he was going to get some lotion for the marks left on her back by the whip.

She smiled up at him, whispered, "Master Snake Eyes, a girl loves You with all that she is and hopes to continue pleasing You." He looked at her laying there and said, "My havoc, I love you also and yes you will continue to please Me unless I decide to release you or you ask to be released from serving Me."

Kimberly said, "Master, a girl is too happy being Your slave to ask to be released."

Billy said, "My havoc, I am pleased to hear that you are happy being My slave because I love having you as My slave and don't know what I would do without you."

She said, "Master, a girl has a feeling without her in Your life, You would be a lost and lonely person."

He chuckled and said, "My havoc, you are probably correct there, and I hope W/we never have to find out what W/we would do without each O/other."

She smiled to him, curled up and snuggled into him for the night, hoping she would be able to get some sleep, but was not sure she would due to her back and ass being so sore from the beating she had taken earlier that night.

Kimberly tossed and turned making it hard for Billy to get any sleep, finally He told her that she should go have a hot bath with some lavender oil to help ease her pain and help her relax a bit so she could get some sleep.

She had a hot lavender bath to ease her pains and hopefully help her relax enough that she could get a good nights sleep, but she doubted she would be able to sleep because she was in such a great mood from having pleased her Master earlier in the day.

When she got out she wrapped herself up in her fuzzy jacket, went to the kitchen, made herself some tea, had a couple pieces of toast and went back to bed. She curled up close to Billy, happy to be back at home with him and she was starting to feel safe when the phone rang.

It was the MP's telling her that John had managed to escape while on his way to the infirmary to have his shoulder checked out.

She asked what was wrong with his shoulder, and they told her that he had gotten into a fight with Ice Cube Boy, to which Kimberly replied that she hoped Ice Cube Boy had won the fight.

They chuckled and said that he had not only won the fight but had also been given three hundred dollars for winning it by one of the other MP's that was there. Kimberly woke Billy to tell him what had happened, when she heard a strange noise out in the back yard, she grabbed her guns, got dressed. Billy told her to stay put but she told him that this time the son of a bitch would be lucky if he lived if she had to shoot him.

Billy was worried that if she went out there and it was John, that he would be the one doing the shooting but Kimberly had on her vest. She promised Billy that if she needed help she would call out his name and he agreed to that even though he was nervous about her going out there without him.

When Kimberly got outside she noticed that Ice Cube Boy was there, she asked what He was doing there and when he told her, Kimberly told Him to go in one direction while she went in the other checking the grounds around the house.

When they met back at the front door Kimberly told him what she saw, took him to where she saw the foot prints and told Him that they looked like John's.

Snake Eyes came out to see what was going on, when Kimberly told Him what had happened, showed Him the foot prints and explained that she thought them to be John's, he told her to get in the house, lock all the doors and windows. As usual Kimberly bitched about having to go in and do all this because she felt it was not fair for her to not be allowed to help look for the one who was trying to kill her.
Let alone that it was not fair to be locked up in the house like a caged animal, which made Snake Eyes smile and whisper in her ear, "If you feel that way, there is always a cage waiting for you."

Kimberly blushed as she lowered her eyes, whispered back to him, "No Master, that's fine thank You. This one will do as You ask because she knows You are only looking out for her safety and well being."

Billy looked at her and smiled, then gave her a gentle swat on the ass as he told her to get inside and do as she was told. Kimberly jumped slightly at the swat to her tender bottom, whispered to him, "Thank You Master."

Kimberly hated being locked in the house like a caged animal instead of being outside helping her master and friend look for the person who wanted to kill her if he couldn't have her for himself.

Kimberly was the kind of girl who wasn't one for sitting back idly when things went wrong in her life, instead she was a fighter who did what she had to in order to survive. She hated it when she was locked up in the house, and when she had to stay in the hospital after being shot when looking for John but she knew that it's for her own safety.

Kimberly decided if she had to stay locked up in the house like a caged animal she'd do her work out, clean house and jump in the shower then go to bed and try to get some much needed sleep.

Chapter Four

Just as she was about to start her work out she heard what she thought was the sound of glass breaking by the front door. When she saw that the glass on the door had been broken she ran to the bedroom, locked the door and called the MP's, told them what had happened, they sent someone over to search the house and the grounds around it.

They told her the house was clear, but Kimberly didn't feel safe and asked them to check the attic, the cellar and any other nook and cranny they thought one could hide while she called her master.

They agreed to do so, but kept one MP with her to make sure she remained safe while she called Billy to let him know what had happened and he told her that he'd be home shortly but to make sure the MP's stayed there til he got back. Kimberly agreed to do just that and mentioned it to the MP who was with her while the others searched the house once again.

The MP's stayed with Kimberly until Billy arrived back at the house and told him that although the window had been broken from the outside that there was no one in the house, Billy thanked them for coming over and staying with Kimberly until he got home.

Kimberly thanked them for searching the house twice and staying with her while she waited for Billy to get there, they told her that any time she felt she needed them to call. Kimberly went to start her workout, but just as she had gotten into the gravity boots and settled in to do her sit ups, Billy came down, cuffed her hands to the bars, then told her that she was going to get her ass tanned for talking back earlier.

She apologized for talking back, but he told her that was not good enough that she needed to learn her place and that he was going to make sure she didn't talk back the way she had. He raised the flogger, brought it down hard and fast against her tender bottom, she wriggled as she cried out in pain begging Him for forgiveness. He asked her if she thought it was right for her to talk back in front of their friend, she whimpered softly, "no Master Snake Eyes."

He raised the flogger bringing it down hard and fast against her shoulders, back and ass several times before she begged him to stop once again. He looked at her ass, back and shoulders told her that she had tough skin and she had to bite her lower lip to keep from laughing. He knew she was trying not to laugh, gave her a swat on the ass and released her, holding her to him tight letting her know her punishment was over and that he loves her very much.

He also told her that he was proud of her for taking her punishment like a good slave with as much dignity and courage as she could muster at the time. She wrapped her arms around him, her body quivering from the punishment combined with being cold, whispered in his ear, "this one loves her Master Snake Eyes."

"Thank You Master Snake Eyes for correcting this one's behavior and her attitude, knowing she was wrong to have talked back when Ice Cube Boy was there."

He told her that she would have to do an essay on why it is important to obey her Masters orders, she whispered to him, "yes Master Snake Eyes."

He then told her to go soak in the tub, try to relax then go lay down for a bit, she looked up at him with chocolate brown eyes smiling softly as she scampered off to do as he told her waggling her ass teasingly at Him.

He growled softly, telling her not to tease him like that or she may just find herself on the end of his belt once again, she turned smiling up at him, winked and went off to have her bath.

After her bath Kimberly snuck up on her Master, setting her cold hands on his back making Him jump, He spun around slapped her across the cheek and said "Damnit Kimberly, are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

She looked up at Him a moment then quickly lowered her eyes once again before answering Him, her voice shaky yet remaining soft, "no Master, one was only trying to let You know she was behind You."

He grabbed her hair pulling back on it swiftly, making her whimper, leaned down and kissed her warning her that if she did it again the slap to her face would be the least of her concerns.

She looked up at Him chocolate brown eyes sparkling, a soft smile on her face, voice remaining ever so soft, "this one apologizes Master Snake Eyes for scaring You and promises she won't do it again."

He said "make sure you don't girl or you will get a punishment I know you don't like."

She looked up at Him momentarily saying, "yes Master Snake Eyes."

Kimberly started her essay on why it is important to obey her Masters orders, which surprised Snake Eyes because he was used to her arguing about essays.

She told him that it would not be right for her to argue about having to do it because arguing makes both of them look bad and that she didn't want to do anything that makes him look bad because she loves him with all she is.

He smiled, leaned down kissing the back of her neck, reaching forward to play with her nipples, raking his nails down her sides sending a chill through her body like a winding river.

Her hunger rising like the flames of a wildfire spurred by the winds, her need to please growing like a rose tended to by the gardener who waters it, feeds it and trims back its tangled vines letting it grow while he nurtures it.

She whimpered softly as his nails raked down her sides, twisting her nipples between his thumb and fingers, his free hand yanking back on her hair swiftly kissing her deeply, their tongues dancing.

He told her to stop writing her essay, crawl to the bed and present herself, she slipped to the floor, fingers barely touching the floor, hair spilling around her face hiding chocolate brown eyes, hips swaying softly a she crawled to the bed.

She crawled up onto the bed, knelt head held high, back straight, eyes lowered, shoulders back, thighs wide, breasts thrust forward, hands on her thighs palms down. Snake Eyes (Billy) walked to the bed with a wicked smile on his face, crawled up behind her on the bed, blindfolding her with a soft scarf, she whimpered softly leaning back against him.

Her body bending and molding to his will as he teased her nipples, raked his nails down her sides, gently lowering her to the bed, leaning over kissing down her chest. He took her wrists one at a time placing them in his leather cuffs, tied them to the bed posts, snuggling with her, kissing her neck, chest and raking his nails down her sides.

He teased her clit, rubbing it, pulling on it, twisting it, biting it, sliding his tongue deep in her warm wet wanton cunt. He then took her ankles wrapping the leather cuffs around them securing them to the bedposts at the bottom of the bed watching her carefully with loving yet dark eyes.

He opened his knife running the cold steel along her tender skin watching her writhe against it bucking her hips against his hand as he cupped her cunt smacking it swiftly. He smiled watching her running the cold blade across her breasts, down her sides and stomach, her hunger rising faster like the flames of a wild fire spurred by the winds.

He told her to stay still as he dripped wax over her chest, breasts, stomach and thighs watching her carefully telling her to let her mind go and focus on Him.

Her nails digging into her palms as he strokes the knife along her body peeling the wax from her tender skin watching her writhe against him. He growls softly leaning down setting the knife on the bedside table picking up his flogger, letting the lashes caress her skin.

Smacks her thighs twice watching her wriggle pulling against her bonds whimpering softly as the sweet stinging kisses send a river of pain yet pleasure through her body like a winding river. He smiled leaning down kissing her deeply, their tongues dancing, her heart pounding loudly in her ears.

He then put the flogger down cutting the ropes that held her in place, turning her on her stomach, pulling her ass up telling her "I'm going to take you hard, my slave."

She whimpered softly as he hiked her ass up, the cool air caressing her cunt, her slut juices flowing freely coating her thighs pooling under her on the bed whispering "yes Master Snake Eyes."

He then teased her clit, rubbing it, puling on it, twisting it, sucking it, and biting it watching her grind her hips against him. A soft growl deep in her throat as she claws at the bed trying to pull away from him, he grabs her hips roughly pulling her back against him growling at her, saying "where do you think you're going slut?"

She swallowed a whimper, as his strong hands pulled her back against him growling, with a soft spoken voice, "Master please?"

He slipped two fingers into her cunt asking her, "please what slut?"

She cried out, "Please Master please may Your slut cum?"

He chuckled and said, "Not yet whore" sliding two more fingers into her cunt telling her that he wanted to fist her cunt.

She begged him not to saying that it would hurt too much and that although she was a pain slut she didn't think she was ready for that. He asked if she would try it and that if it hurt too much T/they would stop, she agreed to try it as long as she was able to stop if it hurt too much which made him smile.

He slipped his thumb into her wet wanton fuck hole, sliding his fist in and out several times watching her writhe smiling wickedly, she begged him again to let her cum.

He told her, "Soon My pet soon."

She felt her heart pounding in her ears, her skin covered in goosebumps, hips arching rocking against his fist. He leaned down licking and biting, her clit as his free hand reached up to squeeze her nipples, pulling them, twisting them and pinching them between his thumb and forefinger.

She cried out as the pain yet pleasure coursed through her body like a winding river, slut juices flowing freely coating his fist and her thighs. He looked up at her smiling wickedly, sending a chill down her spine, she looked at him, "please Master please may this slut cum please?"

He looked at her, seeing she couldn't hold back any longer, he told her "Cum My sweet lil slut cum now."

Her body quivering heart racing, cunt aching she cried out. "Gods Master fuck yes gawds Master."

He looked up at her smiling, slowly pulling his fist from her wet wanton cunt, his cock hard, telling her that he was going to fuck her and that she was not allowed to cum.

He pressed his body against hers ramming his hard throbbing cock into her wet wanton cunt, digging his nails into tender tit flesh. Her back arched slightly, hips arched to meet his, nails digging into the bed, as she tried to pull away from him.

He pulled her back against him, ramming his cock deeper into her cunt, making her beg him to take her harder, and faster. He pulled out just so the head of his throbbing cock was in her warm wet wanton cunt rammed it in harder, faster and deeper making her claw at the bed.

She was trying to pull away knowing she couldn't fight him any longer she submitted to him fully allowing him to fuck her hard, blinking back tears as she begged him to allow her to cum. He growled as he slapped her ass hard telling her that she was not allowed to cum, that she should consider herself lucky that he had let her cum once that night.

Whimpering softly, heart racing, skin covered in a sheen of sweat, nails digging into her palms, voice shaky yet soft spoken, "yes Master."

He continued to fuck her harder, faster, deeper, bruising her cervix until she could no longer hold back the tears. She begged him to stop because she didn't think she could handle him fucking her as hard as he was.

When he pulled out of her he lay beside her on the bed holding her telling her he was sorry for having hurt her as much as he did. He held her head to his chest, rocking her in his strong loving arms telling her that he was proud of her for knowing her limits and being able to ask him to stop.

She looked up at him wiping the tears from her cheeks, whispering that she didn't really want him to stop but to take her hard and fast, to send her into subspace as he had before.

They talked about what had happened for a bit, then he turned her on her side, so her back was to him, his hips pressed against her ass rocking his hips into her, she turned and whispered to him "please Master fuck Your asswhore hard and fast."

He smiled, leaned over kissing her forehead, turning her on her stomach, hiking her ass up, telling her to reach back and pull apart her cheeks. She reached behind her, head resting on the pillow, pulling her ass cheeks apart as he slid his throbbing cock into her tight hole making her whimper softly.

Once the head of his cock was in her tight hole, he told her to let go of her cheeks, rammed into her tight hole making her cry out, "Please Master, fuck Your slut harder, faster, deeper so she may submit to You fully."

He smiled, smacked her ass and drove his cock into her harder, deeper faster making her body jerk forward with each thrust he made into her tight dark fuckhole.

She cried out, "please Master please fuck Your slut harder."

He chuckled, leaned down bit her neck as he rammed his throbbing cock deeper, harder, faster into her tight hole sending his lovely little slut into subspace as he raked his nails over her ribs.

He pulled out of her ass slowly after shooting a load of hot sweet cum deep in her hole, holding her tight in his arms, rocking her gently telling her he was very proud of his little slut.

She smiled softly, snuggling into him, telling him, "this one is glad she has pleased You Master, thank You for taking Your lil slut hard and fast Master."

He looked at her, smiling softly whispering in her ear, "you're welcome My little fucktoy."

They lay in each other's arms for the rest of the night snuggling, kissing and falling asleep together when Kimberly woke up with nasty stomach cramps, a fever and throwing up in the middle of the night.

Billy took her to the hospital where they learned she needed to have her appendix removed as it had burst sometime in the night, Kimberly was very scared. Billy told her that he would be there for her when she woke up and would make sure she was comfortable and that she had everything she needed.

She was rushed into emergency surgery, after which she spent an hour in the recovery room where she was monitored for any complications from the surgery.

When she woke up she was in tears because of the discomfort from the surgery, when the nurse looked at Kimberly's chart she misread the name of the painkiller giving Kimberly a near fatal dose of morphine which sent her into cardiac arrest.

When the doctor learned that the nurse had been in a hurry because it was the end of her shift which caused her to make the fatal mistake she was immediately fired, while they worked to keep Kimberly alive.

Kimberly came to and suffered no ill effects from the near fatal dose of morphine other than she complained her chest was sore, to which the doctor replied, "it will be sore for a few days Kimberly because we had to use the paddles to shock your heart."

She got scared and asked what had happened, when she was told the nurse had been in a hurry to leave because her shift was over and didn't read the chart properly. She asked what happened to the nurse in question and told Billy that she wanted to file a lawsuit against the nurse.

The doctor was scared that in her lawsuit the hospital would be named but Kimberly and Billy both reassured him that was not going to be the case. The doctor told Billy that Kimberly needed to get some rest in order to get well enough to go home in the next few days, she looked up at the doctor and said that if she rested at the hospital she wouldn't be able to do so at home.

Billy told her to mind her manners and do as she was told, that he would be back in the morning after he had gotten some much needed sleep to see how she was doing and to bring her anything she wanted. She told him the only things she wanted were her own bed, him and the dog that she knew he had gotten for her that was over at Ice Cube Boy's house.

Kimberly's brothers John and Mark came to the hospital as soon as Billy called them to let them know she had been taken to the hospital and what had happened. John being the doctor in the family had access to Kimberly's chart, after reading the notes made in it he asked the doctor to release her to his care so he could take her home where she'd be more comfortable and could rest easier.

Kimberly smiled up at him hoping the doctor would agree to John's terms so she could sleep in her own bed, snuggle with her Master, and yet still be able to do her daily routine as long as she was feeling up to it.

John warned her though that she would be resting and not running around like a chicken with her head cut off if he had to restrain her and/or keep her sedated. Billy walked in and laughed hearing John's words to her, telling him that between the two of them she wouldn't need to be sedated.

But instead, that he intended to make sure she stayed in bed other than to use the washroom or get up for a bit and watch a bit of tv. She looked up at Billy and John whimpering softly then seeing that did no good, she growled at having to stay in bed unless they permitted her to get up and watch tv or use the washroom.

Billy looked at her and warned her to keep her growling to a minimum unless she wanted to be spanked right there in the hospital, which made her grin wickedly. Billy told her to turn over and lay on her stomach so that he could give her a proper spanking, like the little brat she was being, she carefully turned onto her stomach burying her face into the pillow to muffle her cries as he spanked her.

When he was done spanking her, he carefully turned her onto her back sitting on the edge of the bed telling her that he loves her very much. Later that day, the doctor signed the paperwork allowing Kimberly to go home with Billy and John, which made her a very happy little slave girl. She knew that they would not let her up unless she was going to watch tv or use the washroom, but she also knew that meant getting spoiled rotten by John and her master.

She also knew that she had better not push them too far or she may find herself being punished, which she didn't like the thought of. Upon arriving at home, she was told to go straight to the bedroom and crawl under the covers but instead she asked Billy if she could curl up on the couch for a bit and watch tv.
He told her that as long as she was only going to watch tv, not get up and try to clean house like she normally did that he had no problem with her curling up on the couch to watch tv for a bit.

She smiled at him, thanking him for allowing her to lay on the couch and watch tv for a bit, promising him that she wouldn't try to get up and clean house like she normally would. Once she had laid on the couch, Billy covered her with her favorite fluffy tiger blanket, kissing her cheek softly telling her that he was very proud of her and that if she needed anything he would be in the kitchen getting lunch ready for them.

She lay on the couch watching "Days of Our lives," ate her lunch when it was ready, then curled up and fell asleep for a few hours. When she woke up she found herself in the bedroom, cuffed to the bed and ached from head to toe not knowing what had happened she started crying, which sent Billy and John running into the bedroom to see what she was crying about.

She told them that she ached from head to toe, and didn't understand how she got from the couch to the bedroom, let alone why she was cuffed to the bed. Billy told her that it was because she had gotten up out of bed and fell flat on her face trying to get to the washroom.

Therefore, they decided it was best to keep her cuffed to the bed and if she needed to use the washroom or wanted to get up to watch tv all she had to do was ask one of them.

She begged Billy to release her from the cuffs and promised that she wouldn't try to get up again without help from either him or John, Billy looked at her telling that if she did that she would not like the consequences of doing so.

John on the other hand was a bit leery when Billy removed the cuffs, and later when they were alone told him that he was leery of it because he was scared that Kimberly either wouldn't keep her word or would roll off the bed.

Kimberly called for John to come to the bedroom quickly because she was scared when she saw blood leaking from the stitches where her appendix was taken. She was in pain and tears not allowing him to get close enough to examine it but he quickly went and got Billy asking him to hold Kimberly well he (John) looked at her stitches.

Kimberly wouldn't even let her master near her, finally Billy was able to hold her and John gave her a sedative to help her sleep.

When Kimberly woke she was in pain and crying when she realized she had been locked in the cage, not knowing why she was there. Billy and John told her that she had kicked, screamed, bit, and even growled at them when they had tried to help her repair the stitches in her stomach.

She apologized to both of them, telling them she was scared and didn't know what was happening to her, that she didn't even remember them being in the room but that she did remember calling for John. She told them that everything after that was a blur until she woke up in the cage in pain, and asked John to give her something for pain.

Two weeks went by without any more complications from her surgery and recovery, so the doctor told her she could return to work if she chose to do so.

Kimberly was glad to hear that because she was so bored at home not being allowed to do anything, and asked her master if she was allowed to go to the office right away.

He told her that she could if she didn't try to do too much at once, she promised him that she would take it easy but that she wanted to walk home to which he replied, "Take the cell phone and if you feel ill call Me."

Kimberly promised to do just that if she felt ill, then kissed His cheek and thanked him for allowing her to go back to work. He smiled, smacked her ass hard making her jump and whimper softly, turning to Him thanking him once again.

Once Kimberly had arrived at the base, she was shocked to see the General there as she had been told He was in Washington, DC at the Pentagon doing some research. He told her to take a seat, she declined and he told her to stand at ease, which was a difficult task for Kimberly given that she is a slave and finds it hard to stand at ease when standing.

The General told Kimberly that if she didn't stand at ease he'd have to punish her, she looked up at Him something she rarely did was to look at a man of His stature and rank.

She told him that she found it hard to stand at ease and when he asked her why, she replied quite frankly, "Sir, this one is a slave Sir."

He smiled at her and told her that she should know that an order was an order, be it that her master gave it or her commanding officer. Which in this case was him and that the punishment for defying an order could be anything from a good lashing all the way to a court marshal and she didn't want that.

She continued to defy his order to stand at ease or sit, so he called in the MP's ordering them to take her to the brig and not let her out til he told them to. She looked up at him, knowing that if she tried to get out of punishment and her master found out he'd punish her but good for doing so.

General Metcalf looked at her, asking her if she had something to say, when she shook her head no he nodded and told the MP's take her away. Kimberly was scared, and ashamed of herself for behaving the way she did in his office, knowing that her master will be upset with her and probably punish her for her inappropriate behavior.

When the MP's took her to the brig, she told them she wanted to make a phone call, they told her she wasn't allowed to make any calls. She then reminded them who she was and that the General hadn't said she's not allowed to make a call, and that if they didn't let her make the call that she would see they were court marshaled.

They told her she would have to wait for the General to come and talk to her before making any calls, then told her to step into her cell. When she looked up she saw a tall, dark, handsome man that they told her was there for hitting his sister's husband and was still in a bad mood, therefore not to test him but to do as he said.

She looked at the MP's and laughed, telling them there are only a select few she obeys, one being her master and the others were any officers that had a higher rank than her such as the General. The MP's left and that's when things started getting nasty between Kimberly and this strange man whom she was sharing a cell with.

He started barking orders at her and she told him that unless he was his rank was higher than that of a Colonel that she was not going to listen to his orders. That's when he told her that he was a Dom and that he knew she is a slave therefore she has to obey him.

He took his belt off, grabbed her by the hair, pushing her to her knees, telling her to raise her ass, with him gripping her hair she thought it best to do as he said. She bent at the waist, raising her ass, her short skirt rising, the cool air in the cell brushing against tender skin sending chills down her back as her heart started racing faster.

He told her that she was a miserable excuse for a slave, she snapped her head around growling at him that her master would disagree with him, and he laughed saying, "Well now, he's not here right now, now is he?"

She said, "He may not be here but he is always watching, and has many ears listening to her and eyes watching her at all times, and they report back to him several times a day."

Her head was burning, as she had forgotten he still had a hold of her hair, her hand came up to grip just below his hand. When he saw her hand coming up, he growled at her that if she so much as even tried to pull his hand away she was going to get a worse beating.

She told him that no matter what he did to her, that she would never submit to him because she knew that although she is a slave she did not have to submit to just anyone. He smiled, pulled her up, turning her to face him, setting his belt on the bench in the cell, cupping her face, lifting her chin so she was looking up at him, and told her that her master had taught her well.

Kimberly whimpered softly as he pulled her up, his strong hands gripping her shoulders as he turned her to face him making her heart beat faster against her chest threatening to jump from her chest. Her skin covered in goosebumps, nipples taut, body tensing with fear, she nuzzled his hand as he cupped her face.

She was not sure why she was feeling the way she did when this man was not her master, but knew she didn't like that another man could make her feel this way. Kimberly quickly tried to pull away from Him, but His strong hands pulled her back towards Him. She saw His hand raise quickly bringing hers up to defend herself against His blow when she heard her Masters voice.

She smiled up to him saying, "see, this slave told You that Master is always watching, and has many ears listening to her and eyes watching her at all times, and they report back to him several times a day."

He looked at her, grumbling under His breath, "just wait lil girl one day I'll have you to Myself and then you will pay dearly for your mistake."

Kimberly turned on her heels, looked at her master and said, "may this slave have permission to challenge this man please Master?"

SnakeEyes looked up at her, smiled then turned and looked at the man whom she was referring to and said, "My Havoc, if you wish to challenge him then by all means do so, but remember he is taller, stronger and could be faster as well."

Kimberly looked up at her master, then to the man she wanted to challenge, turned back to her master asking him what she should wager if she were to challenge this man who had a desire to have her to himself one day.

He smiled, looking at her then the man whom she had been forced to share a cell with, saying to the man, "If and I mean if You win, You may have My Havoc for one day and one day only to do with as You wish."

Kimberly bit her lip hearing her master's words, yet when he turned to see her biting them and asked her if she had a problem with that wager, she looked up at him, her chocolate brown eyes sparkling, her heart racing and said, "no Master SnakeEyes."

Billy looked at her and told her to explain her challenge to the man in question. Kimberly smiled wickedly knowing that the man had strong hands and they were fast as well. She then looked up at him with her wicked smile and said, "this slave challenges You to a 60 mile hike with a full pack, then a boxing match right after."

The man whose name was not told to her until after the challenge would be won or lost by her looked up at her, smiling softly. Then said, "I accept your challenge little girl and hope that you are in as good a shape as your mouth, because you will need to be to keep up with Me."

Kimberly looked to him saying, "what does this slaves mouth have to do with the challenge?"

He told her she seems to always be running at the mouth and therefore she should be good at a 60mile hike with a fully loaded pack. She looked at him and said, "this slave has done a 60 mile hike, weight training, boxing, sit-ups, chin-ups, and then another 60 mile hike."

All he could do was smile and ask when the challenge was to take place, she looked at him and said, "the challenge takes place 3 weeks today Sir."

Kimberly then spun around on her heels again, facing her master, kneeled thighs wide, back straight, head held high, eyes lowered, shoulders back, breasts thrust forward and hands palms down on her thighs as he had told her to do from now on.

He looked at her and smiled seeing her submission to him in it's truest form, asking her if she was ready to go home, she looked up for a brief moment telling him that she was ready to go home.

He opened the cell door, lifting her chin then attached the leash to her collar, telling her to rise. When she heard his words, she rose with such grace and poise that Billy leaned over to her, whispering in her ears "My Havoc, you have made Me very proud of you tonight."

When Kimberly heard his words, she smiled softly whispering to him, "this slave is proud she has pleased You Master SnakeEyes."

He smiled, leading her out of the cell shutting and locking the door telling Kimberly to go wait outside in the corridor for him. Once she was out of ear shot, he looked at his friend and told him that Kimberly was very adamant about her training and would not back down from the challenge, then he thanked him for his participation in the punishment of his slave.

His friend smiled and told him that he should be very proud of her as she stood her ground even though he could sense that she was almost on the verge of caving in and giving her submission to him.

Billy told his friend that although she may have done so, she would eventually have rebelled against him making him punish her if he caught her trying to run from him like she had done with himself.

His friend asked what he had done to her when she tried to run, Billy looked at Him and smiled saying, "I grabbed her, pushed her to her knees. I then tied her hands behind her and threw her over My shoulder telling her that she was gonna get a good spanking and she laughed."

His friend told him, that he hopes she got a right good spanking and that she apologized afterwards for trying to run from him.

Billy laughed saying, "she got a right good spanking with My belt, the riding crop I have by the bed, and the paddle I made when I had a few spare moments at work. To top it off she not only apologized for it, but promised that when she was scared she'd not run from but to Me and ask for help."

Billy then left throwing Kimberly over His shoulder again, telling her that she should be glad he had shown up and saved her ass from a good beating. She asked him what he meant and he told her that the guy had said he would have given her a reason to curl up and cry at night.

Kimberly being a brave girl told him that she was glad he had shown up because she got a strange feeling and didn't like it.

He asked her what the feeling was and why she didn't like it, Kimberly told him that she felt her need to submit to this person whom she was sharing the cell with growing, and that she didn't like it because he is her master.

She then told him that he was and is the only person she wishes to submit to and that she knows that just because she is a slave that doesn't mean she has to give her gift to just anyOne that comes along.

By the time they were done their chat, they had arrived back at the house and He set her down on her feet, lifted her chin and smiled at her. He then told her that he was proud to have such a beautiful slave and that he was very proud of her for standing up for herself against someone whom she didn't know.

Kimberly looked up at Him, smiled softly telling him that she was only speaking the truth as he had taught her to do and that she wouldn't want any other man to be her master because it's him she truly loves, desires to be with and serve.

When they got inside Billy told Kimberly to go get undressed, and wait by the stairs leading to the dungeon with her hands behind her neck and fingers interlocked. Kimberly went to the washroom knowing she was to be punished for her behavior, quickly undressing, folding her clothes and putting them on top of the laundry hamper.

When she was done in the bathroom, she went and knelt by the stairs with her hands behind her back, fingers interlocked, head held high, eyes lowered, back straight, thighs parted slightly waiting for her master.

When Billy returned to where she was kneeling, He smiled and took off her collar, putting on a new one he had made for her telling her that she was now his property and all who saw the collar would know it.

She smiled softly thanking him and begged him to brand her that very night, he smiled and told her that he had intended to and that is why he wanted her by the stairs to the dungeon.

He then attached a new leash to her collar, telling her to stand and follow him downstairs where she would be branded letting all who saw it know that she was his property and not to touch her without his permission. She rose with such grace and poise that Billy smiled, lifting her chin slightly kissing her so deeply that Kimberly felt like she was floating on air.

Once down in the dungeon Billy asked her if he needed to strap her down while he branded her, she didn't like that idea but told him that she thought it to be a good idea that he did because she wasn't sure she could stay still. He smiled at her and told her she was a good slave, and that he was proud of her for telling the truth, let alone being so brave as to be willing to be branded that night.

She smiled, laid on the massage table that he used for needle play, tattoos and brandings, reached up kissing his cheek softly then laying back down on her stomach. Placing her hands over the edge, legs parted slightly head turned to the left so she didn't see the branding iron coming towards her right shoulder.

Billy smiled and proceeded to tie her to the table, making sure the bonds were tight but not tight enough to cut off circulation and whispered in her ears just how much he loves her. She begged him not to gag her, he smiled and told her that he had no intentions of gagging her because he wanted to hear her scream and cry should she choose to do so.

Kimberly told him that she would probably cry but wasn't sure she would scream, but that if she did the whole base would hear her and probably come running. Billy laughed and told her that if she did scream and anyone came running he would then gag her and run up telling them that she'd had a bad dream.

Kimberly laughed at that comment, which got her a good hard swat on the ass making her whimper and whisper, "this slave apologizes for laughing Master SnakeEyes but she thought it was a cute idea."

Billy smiled, then leaned down and whispered to her, "I hope My Havoc that you are ready for this as it will burn and when done it will sting. I will put some polysporin on it when you've had a cool bath and I MEAN bath not shower."

She looked up at Him briefly, whispering to him, "this slave is ready Master SnakeEyes. Why a bath and not a shower though?"

He told her that a bath is better because the water is not beating down on her shoulder and wouldn't sting as much as a shower would. She smiled softly putting her head back down and closed her eyes as he went to get the branding iron from the flames of the fireplace he had put in while she was away for a few weeks.

When he returned he cleansed her shoulder thoroughly and then placed the branding iron on her shoulder making her cry out in pain. When he was done he untied her, wrapping her in a warm blanket leaving her right shoulder exposed so as not to have it stick to the blanket causing her any more pain than was necessary.

He held her telling her that he was very proud of her and that she had done good, then he took a cool cloth and mopped her forehead as he carried her upstairs laying her on the bed. He then went and ran a cool bath for her, went to the bedroom picking her up and carried her to the bathroom, gently laying her in the tub so her shoulder was in the cool water.

She jumped as the water stung her shoulder making her cry out again, her tears were streaming down her cheeks, and her master kept telling her it was okay to cry.

Kimberly looked up at him, then quickly lowered her eyes telling him that she felt bad for crying because she was happy, yet the water had stung her shoulder making her cry out in pain. He looked at her and smiled, telling her that He was very proud of her and that she had done very well, then told her to soak for a few minutes while he went and got her other surprise ready.

She sighed softly as she sank lower into the tub, soaking her hair so that she could relax, in hopes that her shoulder would soon stop stinging. When her master came back into the bathroom, she jumped hearing his voice and he smiled seeing her jump. He then told her that her surprise was laying on the bed, and that he wanted her to put it on, then come out and show him what she looked like in it.
He had bought her a red leather halter top, black leather mini skirt, knee high socks and black leather boots that came to just below her knees. Kimberly then went and got dressed grumbling about how tight the boots felt around her calves yet liked the way she looked in the skirt, top and boots. When Billy saw what she looked like he whistled at her, making her cheeks flush, she started to feel warm as she realized she was blushing at a compliment given by her master.

Billy told her to get the brush and some hair bands from the bathroom and to make it quick. She returned with the items he requested and knelt before him, raising her hands palms flat and open. He took the brush and hair bands from her, telling her to kneel with her back to him so that he could brush her hair. She turned around, kneeling before him, placing her hands on her thighs palms down, pulling back her shoulders knowing he was going to not only brush her hair but put it in pig tails after braiding it.

Kimberly really hated having her hair braided into pigtails because it made her look like a little schoolgirl, which was Billy's objective that night. Once he had her hair braided in pigtails, he told her to go put the brush away and return to kneel in front of him. She did so quickly yet gracefully, hating the schoolgirl look, yet knowing it pleases him to see her that way. Kimberly sat squirming slightly on her heels knelt before Master SnakeEyes, chewing on her lower lip softly and when he looked down at her she peeked up at him smiling softly. He told her to stand and put her hands on her knees bent at the waist, she knew what was coming but did so quickly and quietly. She knew that because he had caught her chewing on her lower lip she was to be punished, she hung her head low and he told her to keep her head up, count each stroke then ask for the next.

The first of the swats to her ass, whimpered softly, her voice was soft spoken as she said, "one Master, please may this slave have another?"

Kimberly did this for each swat she felt to her ass, whimpering, nails digging into her palms, blinking back the tears finally after the twentieth swat she let the tears roll. She received a total of thirty swats with his paddle to her bare ass, after which she apologized for chewing on her lip when she knew better than to do so. He told her that he was proud of her for taking her punishment like a good slave should and that he was even more impressed that he didn't have to remind her to apologize this time.

She looked up at him, wiping her tears, her voice very soft spoken as she said, "thank You Master SnakeEyes for punishing this slave and she knows she was wrong to have chewed on her lip when she knows better."

He smiled at her and told her not to rub her ass, lead her to the corner, telling her to put her hands on her head fingers locked with her nose in the corner. She didn't understand, as she thought her punishment was over, and she respectfully said as much to him. He smiled, leaned in and kissed her cheek softly then said, "your punishment is over when I say. you are to stand here like this for twenty minutes, no talking, no rubbing your ass, no moving until I come to get you."

He slapped her ass, making her jump slightly, she thanked him for the slap to her ass. She then said, "this slave is sorry for her actions and will do as You say Master SnakeEyes."

He smiled at her, told her he was proud of her for taking her punishment and left her there to finish out her punishment.

He heard her start to whimper knowing she hated not being able to see or talk to him, but did not go against what he had decided to be a fit punishment for her behavior. He knew she needed to learn not to bite her lower lip and that he would probably need to punish her a few more times so that she would understand why he didn't wish her to bite her lip.

After twenty minutes had passed he went in, told her she could put her hands down, turned her to face him, asking her if she knew why he had punished her so harshly. She looked up at him, wiping her tears away once again then said, "this slave was punished because she had chewed on her lip Master SnakeEyes and knows she was wrong to do so. She begs forgiveness for doing so when she knows better Master and will work on not doing it any more."

He looked at her, pulled her closer to him holding her tightly in his strong loving arms then whispered to her, "go get cleaned up pet, We have somewhere to be shortly and it's a very special surprise for you."

She smiled softly, went to the washroom, splashing cold water on her face then applied her makeup as he liked it quickly returning to him. She then knelt before him, thighs wide, back straight, head held high and proud, eyes lowered, raising her wrist to him, palms open so that he may take her leash in his left hand, placing her hands back on her thighs palms down.

Billy looked at Kimberly so cute in her schoolgirl uniform with her pigtails braided nicely, holding her leash in his hand, he told her to rise and stand by his left hand. She rose with such grace, dignity and poise that he smiled at her, pulling her closer, kissing her deeply and passionately that she felt like she was floating on air. When he broke the kiss, Kimberly looked up at him smiling softly as her mind wondered what he had in store for her that very night.

When it was time to go, he tugged gently on her leash indicating for her to follow him, Kimberly eagerly followed behind him her skin covered in goosebumps when she felt the cool night air upon tender skin. Once in the car, Billy blindfolded Kimberly so that she could not see where they were going, telling her she was not to touch it and that if she did she would be severely punished when they got there.

She didn't dare touch it knowing that any punishment he would give her when they got there would be worse than what she had already received earlier that night. Once they got there, He helped her from the car taking her inside the fancy restaurant where their friends were waiting for them, as this was a very special night, he wanted them all there. Once seated at their table, he removed the blindfold sat across from her telling her that he would order for both of them that night.

She smiled softly, not caring that he was ordering that night as she was happy to be with him and their friends, although she was wondering what he had planned for her that night. He could see the curiosity building within her and smiled at her, whispering "what is it kitten? What is going through that pretty little mind of yours?"

She looked up at him, chocolate brown eyes sparkling, voice soft spoke as she said, "this slave was wondering why You wouldn't let her see where we were going and what it is that You have in mind for her Master SnakeEyes."

Billy smiled at Kimberly and told her, "tonight is a very special night for you my sweet havoc, and I wanted where we were going to be a surprise because I have something very important to ask you later."

She smiled, feeling a tear roll down her cheek, quickly wiping it away she peeked up at him whispering, "Master SnakeEyes, this slave wants nothing more than to be with You and our friends. To enjoy this night as she has so many others with You and them because You are all very special to her."

Billy had ordered a roast lamb dinner with salad for Kimberly and a steak dinner for himself, and some white wine. Kimberly wondered how he knew that she liked lamb, and then remembered her talk with him when they had first met at a dance on the base.

He looked at her and smiled, saying "When we met you were young, scared and didn't know what you wanted other than to be able to walk again. You have come a long way since those days and I am very proud of you my havoc."

She smiled up at him, unsure of what it was he was trying to say to her, saying "thank You Master SnakeEyes."

When they had finished eating He took her out on the porch, pointing to a beautiful area that had trees all around it, telling her that it was his cabin and that one-day he would like to take her there. She peeked up at him, smiling softly telling him that she would love to go there with him and that she was happy being with him.
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